Subtotal 22 13 11 46

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This chapter presents the data gathered that were used

as source of answers to the problems raised in this study.

The data are further analyzed and interpreted. The results

after working with the data are as follows.

Index Crime Situation in Candon City in terms of:

a. Nature of crime

b. Status of the case

c. Gender of offenders

d. Residence of offenders, and

e. Year of the crime committed

Table 1.a Presents the Index Crime Situation in Candon

City in terms of Nature of Crime

Table 1.a
Index Crime Situation in Candon City in terms of Nature of
Nature of Crime(Index) Total Rank
2016 2017 2018
Crime Against Person
a. Homicide 3 2 0 5 5
b. Murder 4 3 3 10 4
c. Serious Physical
15 7 8 30 2
d. Parricide 0 1 0 1 6
Subtotal 22 13 11 46
Crime against Property
a. Theft 18 30 11 59 1
b. Robbery 6 8 6 20 3
Subtotal 24 38 17 79
Overall total 46 51 28 126

The table shows that, in the year 2016, twenty two

(22) Crimes against Person were committed and twenty four

(24) Crimes against Property were committed.

In the year 2017, thirteen (13) Crimes against Person

were committed and thirty eight (38) Crimes against

Property were committed.

In the year 2018, eleven (11) Crimes against Person

were committed and seventeen (17) Crimes against Property

were committed.

As a whole, there are forty six (46) crimes committed

in the year 2016, fifty one (51) crimes in 2017, and twenty

eight (28) crimes in 2018. It can be observed that the

trend of crimes increased in 2017, and it was decreased on

the year 2018. Theft was the most committed crime with

fifty nine (59) cases.

Table 1.b Presents the Index Crime Situation in Candon

City in terms of Status of the Case

Table 1.b
Index Crime Situation in Candon City in terms of Status of the Case
Case Status
Nature of Crime Total
Solved Unsolved Cleared
Crime Against Person
a. Homicide 5 1 4
b. Murder 10 3 6 1
c. Serious Physical Injury 30 26 2 2
d. Parricide 1 1
Subtotal 46 31 12 3
Crime against Property
a. Theft 59 21 35 3
b. Robbery 20 5 12 3
Subtotal 79 26 48 6
Overall total 126 57 60 9

The table shows that, there are thirty one (31) solved

cases under Crime against Person, one (1) on Homicide,

three (3) on murders, twenty six (26) on Serious Physical

injury, and one (1) on Parricide. There are twenty six (26)

solved cases under Crime against Property, twenty one (21)

on Theft and five (5) on Robbery.

There are twelve (12) unsolved cases under Crime

against Person, four (4) on Homicide, six (6) on murders,

and 2 (2) on Serious Physical injury. There are forty eight

(48) unsolved cases under Crime against Property, thirty

five (35) on Theft and twelve (12) on Robbery.

There are three (3) cleared cases under Crime

against Person, one (1) on murder, and 2 (2) on Serious

Physical injury. There are six (6) cleared cases under

Crime against Property, three (3) on Theft and three (3) on


As a whole, there are fifty seven (57) solved cases,

thirty one (31) on Crime against Person and twenty six (26)

on Crime against Property, sixty (60) unsolved cases,

twelve (12) on Crime against Person and forty eight (48))

on Crime against Property, nine (9) cleared cases, three(3)

on Crime against Person and six (6) on Crime against


As observed in the table, there are greater number of

unsolved cases than the number of solved cases.

Table 1.c Presents the Index Crime Situation in Candon

City in terms of Gender of the offenders

Table 1.c
Index Crime Situation in Candon City in terms of Gender of
the offenders
Crime Category Total
Male Female
Index 116 10 126

As shown in table, there is greater number of Male

offenders with 116 cases than Female offenders with 10

cases. There are 126 cases under crime index.

Table 1.d Presents the Index Crime Situation in Candon

City in terms of year of the Residence of the offenders


Table 1.d
Index Crime Situation in Candon City in terms of year of the Residence
of the offenders
Barangay Total Rank
2016 2017 2018
Allangigan 1 0 1 0 1 20
Allangigan 2nd 0 1 0 1 20
Amguid 0 0 0 0 35
Ayudante 2 3 2 7 7
Bagani Campo 1 1 1 3 15
Bagani Bagar 0 1 0 1 20
Bagani Tocgo 1 0 0 1 20
Bagani Ubbog 0 0 0 0 35
Bagar 1 0 0 1 20
Balingaoan 1 0 0 1 20
Bugnay 0 0 0 0 35
Calaoa-an 3 2 1 6 11
Calongbuyan 1 0 0 1 20
Caterman 0 0 1 1 20
Cubcubboot 0 0 0 0 35
Darapidap 2 3 3 8 3
Langlangca 1st 1 0 0 1 20
Langlangca 2nd 3 3 1 7 7
Oaig Daya 4 3 2 9 1
Palacapac 0 1 0 1 20
Paras 0 3 1 4 14
Parioc 1st 6 0 0 6 11
Parioc 2nd 0 1 0 1 20
Patpata 1st 0 2 0 2 17
Patpata 2nd 1 2 0 3 15
Paypayad 0 0 0 0 35
Salvador 1st 0 1 1 2 17
Salvador 2nd 0 1 0 1 20
San Agustin 0 8 1 9 1
San Andres 0 0 2 2 17
San Antonio 5 0 2 7 7
San Isidro 3 0 5 8 3
San Jose 3 3 1 7 7
San Juan 2 1 2 5 13
San Nicolas 2 6 0 8 3
San Pedro 0 0 0 0 35
Santo Tomas 1 0 0 1 20
Tablac 2 4 2 8 3
Talogtog 0 1 0 1 20
Tamurong 1st 1 0 0 1 20
Tamurong 2nd 0 0 0 0 35
Villarica 0 0 0 0 35
Total 46 52 28 126

As shown in the table, Barangay San Agustin and Oaig

Daya got the most committed crimes out of 42 Barangays with

a 9 total cases.

It can also observed in the table that Barangays,

Bugnay, Cubcubboot, Paypayad, San Pedro, Tamurong 2nd and

Villarica have zero (0) crime rates for the year 2016-2018.

Table 1.e Presents the Index Crime Situation in Candon

City in terms of year of the Crime committed.

Table 1.e
Index Crime Situation in Candon City in terms of year of the Crime
Crime Category Total
2016 2017 2018
Index 46 51 28 126

The table shows that there are forty six (46) crimes

committed in the year 2016, fifty one (51) crimes in 2017,

and twenty eight (28) crimes in 2018. It can be observed

that the trend of crimes increased in 2017, and it was

decreased on the year 2018.

Non-Index Crime Situation in Candon City in terms of:

a. Nature of crime

b. Status of the case

c. Gender of offenders

d. Residence of offenders, and

e. Year of the crime committed

Table 2.a Presents the Non-Index Crime Situation in

Candon City in terms of Nature of Crime


Table 2.a
Non-Index Crime Situation in Candon City in terms of Nature of Crime
Nature of Crime Total Rank
2016 2017 2018
Batas Pambansa 2 1 0 3 8
Crime against Chastity 3 0 1 4 6
Crime against Honor 3 1 0 4 6
Crime against liberty and Security 1 1 0 2 10
Crime against person 137 111 60 308 2
Crime against Property 224 239 160 623 1
Crime against Fundamental Laws of
2 1 0 3 8
Final Provisions 32 29 65 126 3
Quasi offenses 2 6 3 11 4
Republic Act 2 2 1 5 5
Crime against Popular
0 1 0 1 11
Total 408 392 290 1090
The table shows that, 408 crimes were committed in the

year 2016, 392 crimes were committed in the year 2017 and

290 crimes committed in the year 2018. Crime against

property is the most committed crime with a total number of

623 cases, 224 for the year 2016, 239 for the year 2017 and

160 for the year 2018, out of 1090 categorized cases.

Table 2.b Presents the Non-Index Crime Situation in

Candon City in terms of Status of the Case

Table 2.b
Non-Index Crime Situation in Candon City in terms of Status of the Case
Case Status
Nature of Crime Total
Solved Unsolved Cleared
Batas Pambansa 3 2 1
Crime against Chastity 4 3 1
Crime against Honor 4 4
Crime against liberty and Security 2 2
Crime against person 308 297 10 1
Crime against Property 623 520 97 6
Crime against Fundamental Laws of
3 3
Final Provisions 126 111 12 3
Quasi offenses 11 9 1 1
Republic Act 5 5
Crime against Popular
1 1
Total 1090 955 122 13

As a whole, the table reveals that there are 955

solved cases, 122 unsolved cases, and 13 cleared cases. As

seen in the table, Crime against Property has the most

number of cases with 623 with 520 solved cases, 97 unsolved

cases and 6 cleared cases.

As observed in the table, there is greater number of

solved cases than the number of unsolved cases.

Table 2.c Presents the Non-Index Crime Situation in

Candon City in terms of Gender of the offenders

Table 2.c
Non-Index Crime Situation in Candon City in terms of Gender
of the offenders
Crime Category Total
Male Female
Non-index 1032 55 1087

Out of 1090 cases for non-index crimes, majority of

the offenders are Male with 1032 cases while 55 are


Males are more observed to commit crimes than females.

Table 2.d Presents the Non-Index Crime Situation in

Candon City in terms of year of the Residence of the


Table 2.d
Non-Index Crime Situation in Candon City in terms of year of the
Residence of the offenders
Barangay Total Rank
2016 2017 2018
Allangigan 1 1 2 0 3 26
Allangigan 2nd 0 2 1 3 26
Amguid 1 1 0 2 31
Ayudante 23 20 18 61 10
Bagani Campo 29 26 7 62 9
Bagani Bagar 7 8 4 19 15
Bagani Tocgo 1 1 1 3 26
Bagani Ubbog 2 2 4 8 20
Bagar 0 1 4 5 23
Balingaoan 3 6 3 12 16
Bugnay 0 1 0 1 34
Calaoa-an 35 26 22 83 4
Calongbuyan 4 5 1 10 17
Caterman 2 3 1 6 21
Cubcubboot 0 0 0 0 37
Darapidap 9 10 14 33 14
Langlangca 1 2 1 1 4 24
Langlangca 2nd 23 11 14 48 11
Oaig Daya 17 29 20 66 8
Palacapac 0 0 0 0 37
Paras 32 27 13 72 5
Parioc 1st 1 2 0 3 26
Parioc 2nd 1 3 2 6 21
Patpata 1st 1 1 2 4 24
Patpata 2nd 0 1 1 2 31
Paypayad 0 1 0 1 34
Salvador 1st 0 0 0 0 37
Salvador 2nd 0 0 0 0 37
San Agustin 10 16 13 39 13
San Andres 0 0 0 0 37
San Antonio 26 24 17 67 7
San Isidro 27 20 22 69 6
San Jose 48 34 40 122 1
San Juan 40 43 19 102 3
San Nicolas 30 42 36 108 2
San Pedro 0 0 2 2 31
Santo Tomas 3 0 0 3 26
Tablac 13 17 11 41 12
Talogtog 4 4 1 9 19
Tamurong 1 3 2 5 10 17
Tamurong 2nd 0 0 0 0 37
Villarica 0 1 0 1 34
Total 398 393 299 1090

As shown in the table, Barangay San Jose got the most

committed crimes out of 42 Barangays with a 122 total


It can also observed in the table that Barangays,

Palacapac, Salvador 1st, Salvador 2nd, San Andres, and

Tamurong 2nd have zero (0) crime rates for the year 2016-


Table 2.e Presents the Non-Index Crime Situation in

Candon City in terms of year of the Crime committed

Table 2.e
Non-Index Crime Situation in Candon City in terms of year
of the Crime committed
Crime Category Total
2016 2017 2018
Non-Index 408 392 290 1090

The table shows that there are 1090 non-index crimes,

four hundred eight (408) crimes committed in the year 2016,

three hundred ninety two (392) crimes in 2017, and two

hundred ninety (290) crimes in 2018. It can be observed

that the trend of crimes decreased in 2017, and it also

decreased on the year 2018.

Crime Situation in Candon City

Table 3 Presents the Crime Situation in Candon City in

terms of year of the Crime committed as a whole.


Table 3.c
Crime Situation in Candon City in terms of year of the
Crime committed as a whole
Crime Year Case Status
2016 2017 2018 Solved Unsolved Cleared
Crime Index 46 51 28 126 57 60 9
Crime Non-
408 392 290 1090 955 122 13
Total 454 443 318 1216 1012 182 22

The table shows that there are a total of 1216

commited crimes in candon City on the years 2016, 2017 and

2018, 126 Crime index and 1090 Crime Non-index.

Out of 1216 total crimes commited in Candon City, 1012

are solved cases, 182 are Unsolved Cases and 22 cleared


It shows that there is greater number of solved cases.

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