4 Principle of Mathematical Induction: Solutions

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Chapter 4

Principle of Mathematical Induction



Objective Type Questions (One option is correct)

1. Let P(n) be a statement and let P(n)  P(n + 1) for all natural numbers n, then P(n) is trure

(1) for all n  N . (2) for all n > m, m being a fixed positive integer

(3) for all n > 1 (4) nothing can be said.

Sol. Answer (4)

2. The statement (n + 3)2 > 2n+3 is true.

(1) for all n (2) for all n  3

(3) for all n  2 (4) no n  N

Sol. Answer (4)

3. A student was asked to prove a statement P(n) by using the principal of mathematical induction. He proved
that P(n)  P(n + 1) for all n  N and also that P(4) is true:

On the basis of the above he can conclude that P(n) is true

(1) for all n  N (2) for all n > 4

(3) for all n  4 (4) for all n < 4

Sol. Answer (3)

4. Let P(n): n2 – n + 41 is a prime number, then

(1) P(1) is not true (2) P(5) is not true

(3) P(9) is not true (4) P(41) is not true

Sol. Answer (4)

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294 Principle of Mathematical Induction Solution of Assignment (Set-2)

5. Let P(n) be a statement such that P(n)  P(n + 1) for all n  N . Also, if P(k) is true, k  N , then we can
conclude that -

(1) P(n) is true for all n (2) P(n) is true for all n  k

(3) P(n) true for any n < k (4) None of these

Sol. Answer (2)

6. Let P(n) : n2 + n is odd, then P(n)  P(n + 1) for all n. and P(1) is not true.

From here, we can conclude that

(1) P(n) is true for all n  N (2) P(n) is true for all n  2

(3) P(n) is false for all n  N (4) P(n) is true for all n  3

Sol. Answer (3)

7. Consider the statement P(n) : n2  100. Here.

P(n)  P(n + 1) for all n. Does it mean that

(1) P(n) is true for all n (2) P(n) is true for all n  2

(3) P(n) is true for all n  3 (4) None of these

Sol. Answer (4)

8. The statement xn – yn is divisible by (x – y) where n is a positive integer is

(1) always true (2) only true for n < 10

(3) always false (4) only true for n > 10

Sol. Answer (1)

9. 9n – 8n – 1 is divisible by 64 is

(1) always true (2) always false

(3) always true for rational values of n (4) always true for irrational values of n

Sol. Answer (1)

10. 2n > 2n + 1 for all natural numbers n is

(1) true (2) false

(3) cannot be determined (4) depends on n

Sol. Answer (2)

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Solution of Assignment (Set-2) Principle of Mathematical Induction 295

11. For all natural number n, 32n – 1 is divisible by

(1) 3 (2) 5 (3) 6 (4) 8

Sol. Answer (4)

12. Let P(n) = 10n + 3 is a prime number. P(n) is true nN, such that

(1) n > 2 (2) n > 3 (3) n < 4 (4) n  2

Sol. Answer (4)

13. “xn – yn is divisible by (x + y)” is true when n( N) is of the form (k  N)

(1) 4k + 1 (2) 4k + 3 (3) 4k + 7 (4) 2k

Sol. Answer (4)

14. The statement 2n > n2 (where n  N) is true for

(1) All n (2) n  3 (3) n < 4 (4) n > 4

Sol. Answer (4)

15. Choose the statement which is correct for all n  N

(1) 2n > 2n + 1 (2) xn – yn is divisible by (x + y)

1 1 1 1 1
(3) xn – yn is divisible by (x – y) (4) 1     2  2 
4 9 16 n n

Sol. Answer (3)

16. n(n + 1) (n + 2) is divisible by k for n  N. The largest k is

(1) 2 (2) 3 (3) 6 (4) 12

Sol. Answer (3)

17. Mathematical induction is a tool or technique which is used to prove a proposition about all

(1) Number (2) Integers (3) Whole number (4) None of these

Sol. Answer (4)

18. For each n  N, 32n – 1 is divisible by

(1) 8 (2) 16 (3) 32 (4) 10

Sol. Answer (1)

19. For each n  N, n(n + 1) (2n + 1) is divisible by

(1) 15 (2) 8 (3) 7 (4) 6

Sol. Answer (4)

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296 Principle of Mathematical Induction Solution of Assignment (Set-2)

20. The statement n! > 2n – 1, n  N is true for

(1) n > 1 (2) n > 2 (3) All n (4) No n
Sol. Answer (2)

21. For each n  N, 3·(52n + 1) + 23n + 1 is divisible by

(1) 17 (2) 19 (3) 21 (4) 23
Sol. Answer (1)

22. If b and c  N and b < c then values of b and c in terms of n  N such that the statement
“3.6 + 6.9 + 9.12 + … + 3n.(3n + 3) = 3nbc” is true for all n
(1) b = n, c = n (2) b = n + 1, c = n + 2
(3) b = n, c = n + 1 (4) b = n + 1, c = n + 1
Sol. Answer (2)

23. The proposition among the following that is not true for all n  N, is
(1) 2n > n (2) 2n > n2
(3) 1 + 2 + 3 + … + n < (2n + 1)2 (4) (2n + 7) < (n + 3)2
Sol. Answer (2)

24. If 7 + 77 + 777 + … upto nth term

 [a.10 n 1  bn  c ] is true n  N, then

(1) a = 1, b = 9, c = 9 (2) a = 1, b = 9, c = 10
(3) a = 1, b = –9, c = –9 (4) a = 1, b = –9, c = –10
Sol. Answer (2)

25. The proposition that is not true for n > 1 (n  N), is

1 1 1 1 1 1 1
(1) 1    ....  2  2  (2) 1    .....   n
4 9 n n 2 3 n

1 1 1 13 1 3 5 2n  1 1
(3)   ....   (4)   ........ 
n 1 n  2 2n 24 2 4 6 2n 3n  1

Sol. Answer (4)

26. Which of the following is true for n  N ?

1 1 1 1 1 1 1
(1)    .....  n  1 (2)   ......  1
2 4 8 2 n 1 n  2 3n  1

2n 4n
(3) n4 > 10n (4) Cn 
n 1

Sol. Answer (1)

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Solution of Assignment (Set-2) Principle of Mathematical Induction 297

1 1 1
27. For all n(> 1)  N, by using mathematical induction or otherwise 1    in its lowest form is
2 3 n

(1) Odd integer (2) Even integer

Odd integer Even integer

(3) (4)
Even integer Odd integer

Sol. Answer (3)

28. The sum of the squares of three consecutive odd numbers increased by 1 is divisible by (use mathematical

(1) 12 as well as 24 (2) 12 but not 24

(3) Neither by 12 nor by 24 (4) By all multiples of 12

Sol. Answer (2)


Linked Comprehension Type Questions

If n  N and any statement P(n) is such that
(i) It is true for n = 1
(ii) It is true for n = K + 1, assuming that it is true for n = K, then P(n) is true for all n  N. Now on the
basis of this concept answer the following questions.

1. 2n  n! holds for
(1) All n (2) n > 1 (3) n > 3 (4) n > 4
Sol. Answer (4)

2. 5n – 1, is always divisible by (n  N)
(1) 3 (2) 4 (3) 5 (4) 6
Sol. Answer (2)

Most of the formulae are verified on the basis of induction method by putting n = 1, 2, .....,

1. Which of the following is correct?

(1) 2n > n! (2) 1 !  2.2 !  3.3 !  .......  n.n !  (n  1) !  1

n(n  1) n(n  1)(2n  1)

(3) 1  2  3  .....  n  (4) 12  2 2  .....  n 2 
2 3

Sol. Answer (2)

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298 Principle of Mathematical Induction Solution of Assignment (Set-2)

2. Which of the following is true?

1 1 1 2n 1 1 1 3n
(1)   ......   (2)   ......  
1.2 2.3 n(n  1) n  1 1.2 2.3 n(n  1) n  1

1 1 1 4n 1 1 1 n
(3)   ......   (4)   ......  
1.2 2.3 n(n  1) n  1 1.2 2.3 n(n  1) n  1

Sol. Answer (4)

3. 27n – 8n is divisible by (for n  N)

(1) 3n – 2n (2) 3n + 2n (3) 4n – 3n (4) 4n + 3n

Sol. Answer (1)

Assertion-Reason Type Questions

1. STATEMENT-1 : The sum of n terms of the series

a  (a  d )  (a  2d )  .......( a  (n  1)d )  [2a  (n  1)d ] .

STATEMENT-2 : Mathematical induction is valid only for natural numbers.
Sol. Answer (1)

⎛ 8 ⎞
cos⎜ ⎟
⎛  ⎞ ⎛ 2 ⎞ ⎛ 4 ⎞ ⎝ 10 ⎠ .
2. STATEMENT-1 : cos⎜ ⎟ cos⎜ ⎟ cos⎜ ⎟
⎝ 10 ⎠ ⎝ 10 ⎠ ⎝ 10 ⎠ 23 sin⎛  ⎞
⎜ ⎟
⎝ 10 ⎠


2 n 1 sin( 2 n A)
STATEMENT-2 : cos A. cos 2 A. cos 2 A .......... . cos( 2 A)  .
2 n sin A

Sol. Answer (3)

1 1 1
3. STATEMENT-1 : For every natural number n  2,   ........  n
1 2 n

STATEMENT-2 : For every natural number n  2, n( n  1)  n  1

Sol. Answer (1)

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Solution of Assignment (Set-2) Principle of Mathematical Induction 299
4. STATEMENT-1 : 7n – 3n is divisible by 4.
STATEMENT-2 : 7n = (4 + 3)n.

Sol. Answer (1)

5. STATEMENT-1 : cos10° + cos20° + .......+ cos170° = 0.


⎛ (n  1) ⎞ ⎛ n ⎞
cos⎜   ⎟. sin⎜ ⎟
⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎝ 2 ⎠,
STATEMENT-2 : cos + cos( + ) + ....... cos( + (n – 1)) =  2n.
sin⎜ ⎟

Sol. Answer (1)

6. STATEMENT-1 : sin10° + sin20° + .......+ sin350° = 0.

⎛ (n  1) ⎞ ⎛ n ⎞
sin⎜   ⎟. sin⎜ ⎟
⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎝ 2 ⎠,
STATEMENT-2 : sin + sin( + ) + .......+ sin( + (n – 1)) =  2n.
sin⎜ ⎟
Sol. Answer (1)

7. STATEMENT-1 : 233 – 1 is divisible by 7.

STATEMENT-2 : xn – an is divisible by x – a, for all n  N and x  a.
Sol. Answer (1)

8. STATEMENT-1 : 1 is natural number.


n 5 n 3 6n
STATEMENT-2 :   is a natural number for n  N.
5 3 15
Sol. Answer (3)

9. STATEMENT-1 : sin( + ) = –sin.

STATEMENT-2 : sin(n + ) = (–1)n sin, n  N.
Sol. Answer (1)

10. STATEMENT-1 : n(n + 1) (n + 2) is always divisible by 6 for all n  N.

STATEMENT-2 : The product of any two consecutive natural numbers is divisible by 2.
Sol. Answer (2)

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300 Principle of Mathematical Induction Solution of Assignment (Set-2)

n(n  1)(2n  1)
11. STATEMENT-1 : 12 + 22 + .......+ n2 = , for all n  N.

n(n  1)
STATEMENT-2 : 1 + 2 + 3 + .......+ n = , for all n  N.
Sol. Answer (1)

n(n  1)
12. STATEMENT-1 : 1 + 2 + 3 + ......+ n = , for all n  N.
STATEMENT-2 : a + (a + d) + (a + 2d) + ....... + (a + (n – 1)d) = [2a + (n – 1)d].
Sol. Answer (1)

Aakash Educational Services Pvt. Ltd. Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-75 Ph.011-47623456

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