Recording Delivery Guidelines
Recording Delivery Guidelines
Recording Delivery Guidelines
Delivering Speeches
• Plan an effec)ve introduc)on (open with impact, focus on your purpose, connect with
the audience) and an effec)ve conclusion.
• Plan ways to make the audience feel that your topic relates to them personally and work
to keep them involved in the speech. Connec)ng with the audience is important
throughout your speech (star)ng with your introduc)on)
• Preview your main points before going into the body of your speech so that your
audience can easily follow you.
• Use brief notes to extemporaneously deliver your speech. The goal is not to memorize,
but to achieve a prac)ced and organized conversa)onal tone.
• Prac)ce so that you meet the )me requirements of each speech. This )me does not
include the )me that you show your audience before or aEer the speech.
• You are expected to dress appropriately for each of your presenta)ons. While you are
not required to dress up, you must present yourself in appropriate aHre. Please do not
wear hats or sunglasses or any other aHre that might make it difficult for your instructor
to see or hear you (if you are wearing a mask due to Covid-19, that is acceptable).
• You are expected to stand and face your audience, while delivering your speech.
• Present your speech in a professional seHng. While you may present your speech in
your home, it is your responsibility to ensure that the audience is set to pay aMen)on to
you—this means that you eliminate all distrac)ons (turn televisions and electronic
devices off, ect,). A penalty may be deducted from your grade for a distrac)ng
• You are required to have 5 adult audience members for your 3 major speeches
(introduc)on, informa)ve, persuasive). If your friends/family/colleagues are unavailable,
plan ahead and reach out to your classmates. Perhaps a group of you can meet and be
each other’s audiences.
✴ A penalty of 20 % will be deducted for each adult audience member missing
from your audience.)
▪ Contact your instructor right away with poten)al concerns about this
• You are expected to submit high quality videos of your speeches. Check the sound and
picture quality produced by your recording device. Your speech will not be graded if you
are not easily seen/heard. If you are recording your speech in a dark room, light needs to
be in front of you, not behind you (think of a spotlight on a person on stage). A light
behind (or even next to) you creates a shadow, making you very difficult to be seen.
✴ Test your audio/video quality before you record your speech
• You are expected to submit your speech in one, unedited take. You may not edit your
speech for any reason. Any videos uploaded in mul)ple parts will not be considered for a
Con<nued below
• You must have a minimum of 5 adult audience members for all speeches. To
demonstrate this requirement, you must show the en)re audience throughout your
• You may NOT edit any part of your speech video for any reason.
• Record your speech at an angle wide enough so I may see you facing the audience (as in
the example) and so the visual aids are also shown on the video (if applicable).
• Have your audience turn to wave at the camera before star)ng your speech
• Ask your camera operator NOT to move the camera throughout the speech. I need to
see you and your audience throughout the en)re speech. The camera operator will
count as one of your audience members; this person should present himself or herself in
front of the camera at the beginning of the speech.
• Do not zoom in on your visual aid (if applicable). In your speech presenta)on, I want to
grade how you use the visual aid.
SubmiHng Speeches
• Speeches should first be uploaded to Vimeo or YouTube, and made available for
• Do not make your video private; if using YouTube, choose the "unlisted" op)on
for maximum privacy. If using Vimeo, you may password protect your speech
(be sure to send me the password).
• Please copy and paste the link for your speech submission in Webcourses (make
sure that it is a working link).