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The Druid

13th Age

Overview Ability Scores: Wisdom is the most important

Druids are the sentinels of nature. They watch attribute of the druid, for spell casting. After
over nature and harness the power of the earth wisdom, most druids rely on dexterity in their
to protect all living things. attempts to become one with nature, an ever
Most druids claim home to a particular type of changing chaotic system.
land such as the Forest, Desert, Tiaga, Ocean, Races: Druidic culture is one of reverence to
Caverns, and others. Many druids have different nature, as such it comes more naturally to those
methods they practice to protect their who’s culture already revere’s nature. Many
homelands. Some druids become veritable druids are of elven kind. Trees and forests are
defenders of the land, shifting into large trees, not the only type of nature though. A sect of
while others take to the shadows and quickly dwarven druids can usually be found around
hunt their pray down in forms of large cats or mountains and caverns. Of course there are
wolves. Regardless of the shape of the druid, those that may use the power of nature for
most druids draw on the power of nature to nefarious purposes such as the drow.
harness spells of the world to heal others and Backgrounds: Forest warden, island defender,
defend itself. tribal shaman, herbal lore master, wasteland
Some druids have become so zealous in this wanderer, wood crafter, lake caretaker,
endeavor that they over use nature’s power to astronomer, astrologist, sky master, mesa
destroy all which is unnatural. These druids herder.
have become known as blight druids. Theses Icons: Most if not all druids are connected to
druids are usually brought to justice by cabals of the High Druid in some way. The High Druid
good. dictates edicts which are then carried out by the
Playstyle: Druids have many different play druids of the world. Many druids also have
styles which make them appealing. Druids are a connections with the Elf Queen simply due to
dynamic class that can be used to reinforce the culture overlap.
party in different situations. Druid may function Some of the rogue druids whom use nature
as secondary healers, damage dealers, or for their own purposes have ties with the Lich
defenders. The ability to change and react to the King and the Crusader.
events at hand makes the druid a complex class
similar to the wizard. Gear
However that doesn’t mean you can’t just pick Druids can employ any kind of gear IF it has
a particular style of druid and dedicate yourself been made naturally. Druids tend to stay away
to that play type. In this case the druid can be from heavy objects that wear them down. Most
much easier to use. druids begin play with a wooden staff crafted
<<Begin GM sidebar>> when they made the decision to become a
Spell casting druids rely on many spells that are Druid, as well as having robes and several
areas of effect, such as mists, entangle, storm earthen components in pouches for spells.
summoning and more. If the targets chosen by Most druids refuse to use money, and instead
the player have player characters in the same start with 5 herbal potions (that function as
area, the players should become affected too. standard healing potions) to help restore life to
This won’t count against your enemy selection, weary travelers. If for some reason your druid
but you should make a note of it. needs money you begin with 25gp or you can
<<end GM sidebar>> leave it up to the natural order and roll 1d6x10
Armor Druid Weapons
Druids wear light armor usually with little to no Druids normally refrain from using any
metal favoring light linens, leather and furs to weapons they cannot find in nature or craft
other types of equipment. themselves. Interestingly enough, druids who
forgo the art of spell casting for a more martial
Druid Armor and AC oriented type tend to be drawn to the use of the
Type Base AC Atk Penalty curve bladed scimitar.
None 10 - Regardless of the type of weapon, most
Light 11 - weapons wielded by druids are made from a
Heavy 12 -2 dense wood. Many druids who wield staves
Shield +1 -2 make them from a wood known as livewood,
this wood keeps its life after it is separated from
its tree, as a result the staves of druids are
grown rather than carved.

Druid Melee Weapons

One-Handed Two-Handed
Small 1d4 Dagger 1d6 Spear
Light or Simple 1d6 Scimitar 1d8 Quarterstaff
Heavy or Martial 1d8(-2 atk) Longsword* 1d10(-2 atk) Greatsword*

Druid Ranged Weapons

Thrown Crossbow Bow
Small 1d4 Hand sling 1d4 Slingshot -
Light or Simple 1d6 Javelin 1d6(-1 atk) Light Crossbow* 1d6(-2 atk) Shortbow*
Heavy Martial - 1d8(-3 atk) Heavy Crossbow* 1d8(-4 atk) Longbow*

* A Druid usually needs at least one free hand to cast spells. It’s easy to get a hand free from a weapon
you’re good with like a staff or a spear for the time it takes to cast a spell, but if you take a penalty for
using a two-handed weapon, the penalty applies to your spells also.
Druid Level Progression

Level- bonus
Total 1st 3rd 5th 7th 9th up from
Druid Hit Total # of level level level level level Ability ability
Level Points feats spell spell spell spell spell Bonuses score
(6 +con
Level mod) 4 - - - - -
1 x3 1 adventurer
(6 +con
Level mod) 5 - - - - -
2 x4 2 adventurer
(6 +con
Level mod) 2 3 - - - -
3 x5 3 adventurer
(6 +con
+1 to 3 Ability
Level mod) 1 5 - - -
abilities Modifier
4 x6 4 adventurer

(6 +con 2x
Level mod) 4 adventurer - 2 4 - - - Ability
5 x8 1 champion modifier

(6 +con 2x
Level mod) 4 adventurer - 1 6 - - - Ability
6 x10 2 champion modifier

(6 +con 2x
+1 to 3
Level mod) 4 adventurer - - 2 5 - Ability
7 x12 3 champion modifier
(6 +con 4 adventurer 3x
Level mod) 3 champion - - 1 7 - - Ability
8 x16 1 epic modifier

(6 +con 4 adventurer 3x
Level mod) 3 champion - - - 2 6 - Ability
9 x20 2 epic modifier

(6 +con 4 adventurer 3x
+1 to 3
Level mod) 3 champion - - - 1 8 Ability
10 x24 3 epic modifier
Druid 1 Level Stats
Level modifiers are already added in to the stats in this table.
Ability Bonus +2 Wisdom or Dexterity (different from racial bonus)
Initiative +1 + Dex mod
Armor Class (Light Armor) 12+ middle mod of Con/Dex/Wis
Physical Defense 11 + middle mod of Str/Con/Dex
Mental Defense 11 + middle mod of Int/Wis/Cha
Hit Points 3 x (6 + Con mod)
Recoveries (probably) 8
Recovery Dice d8
Backgrounds 8
Icon Relationships 3 points
Adventurer-tier Talents 3

Druid Basic Attacks

At-will melee attack

Attack: Strength OR Dexterity + Level vs AC
Hit: WEAPON + Strength damage
Miss: Damage equal to level

At-will ranged attack

Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. AC
Hit: WEAPON + Dexterity Damage
Miss: -
Druid Class Features Tundra: Cold damage and the target is
All Druids have some class features that are vulnerable until the end of your next
common to their choice of lifestyle. Druids have turn.
access to Shapeshifting, Favored Terrain, Ritual Adventurer Feat: You can use this bonus 2
Magic and Herbal Mastery. These give the druid times per day.
mastery over their natural homes. Champion Feat: You can use this bonus 4
times per day.
Herbal Master Epic Feat: You can use this bonus 6
Gain the use of Herbal Healing power. times per day.
Herbal Healing
Close-quarters spell Ritual Magic
Daily Druids can cast their spells as rituals (see page
Target: You or one ally you are next to. xx).
Effect: The Target can use a recovery. Instead of
using his con mod, use your wisdom mod. Shapeshifting
Adventurer Feat: You can use this power Choose one of the Following forms to shapeshift
twice a day. into. You can shapeshift once per day for the
Champion Feat: the target uses a d12 as his duration of an encounter or around 10 minutes.
recovery dice. During a short rest you can roll (a 16+) to regain
Epic Feat: The target may reroll, you must your use of shapeshifting for the day. When
use the next result. shapeshifting into or out of a form, any magical
enhancements or “buffs” are shed and do not
Favored Terrain apply to you anymore. You cannot cast spells
When you create your druid choose one of the while in your shapeshifted form.
following terrain types. If you are adventuring Adventurer Feat: During a short rest the roll
on the terrain of your choice your spells may be to regain your shapeshifting form is
augmented in a variety of ways. Once per day now an 11+.
when you make a melee, ranged or spell attack Champion Feat: You can now shape shift 2
with the terrain keyword a bonus is applied. times a day with no need to reroll. After
Each dice bonus stacks with tier. Additionally if that you must reroll to regain your use.
a spell has the terrain keyword, it confers that Epic Feat: You can remain in your
TYPE of damage regardless. shapeshifting form until choose to
Terrain Bonus: change back again.
Plains: +1d4 Lightning damage and the
target is Dazed until your next turn. Animal Form
Mountains/Cavern: +1d6 Thunder Damage. When you shapeshift you choose a form that is
Forest/Jungle: Poison Damage and the target in the shape of a medium sized animal. There
is stuck until the end of your next turn. are no restrictions, so use your imagination.
Swamp: Acid damage and the target is Most people prefer forms such as panthers,
hampered until the end of your next wolves, foxes and other such animals. While in
turn. the form you cannot cast any spells. This allows
Lakes/Oceans: Psychic damage and the target you access to specific talents with the “Animal
is confused until the beginning of your Form” descriptor. This form grants you a +1
next turn. bonus on attacks, as well as increases your
Desert: Fire damage and the target becomes damage die to 2d4 .
weakened until the end of your next Adventurer Feat: Increase your damage die
turn. to 1d10.
Champion Feat: Increase your damage die body. There are several ways you may empower
to 1d12 your spell as described below.
Epic Feat: You may take the shape of a bird Unnatural Terrain: You may choose to
such as an eagle or falcon. enhance your spell with the terrain
descriptor even if the terrain is not
Nature Form present at the time of casting the spell or
When you take the nature form shapeshift, you part of your favored terrain. This does
choose a form of nature to take. In this form you not count against your favored terrain
keep your humanoid shape, but you lose the uses.
ability to cast spells. This form lets you be a bit Wrath: Any spell with a recharge, is
more creative, some sample forms can include automatically recharged after the battle.
the form of a tree, allowing your skin to turn to Maximize spell: Any non-Daily spell
bark and your arms and legs to become automatically hits and does the
branches, some people take the form of a dark maximum effect. (Any die rolls are
storm cloud with eyes of lightning; others maximized)
become hulking mountainous forms skin like Prolong Spell: When you cast a daily spell it
stone. Whatever you choose be creative! This is not expended.
form grants you an additional +2 AC. When you use blight your body suffers
Additionally when an enemy disengages you it backlash, your body becomes wracked with
takes a penalty equal to your wisdom modifier power flowing through you. You must spend a
to disengage. recovery, and roll that recovery as you would
Adventurer Feat: Gain an additional normally, but instead take that much damage.
recovery. Also as a result, the ground around you in a 10ft
Champion Feat: Your recoveries are now radius becomes unnatural and twisted. (perhaps
d10s instead of d8s. death and decay take over, perhaps something
Adventurer Feat: Take only half the damage
Druid Class Talents backlash when using blight.
Choose three Druid talents. Champion Feat: Blight can be cast 3 times
per day
Balance of Nature Epic Feat: Choose any two.
You may not take Balance of Nature if you have
selected Nature’s Litany Nature’s Litany
You gain the ability to shapeshift in BOTH You may not take Nature’s Litany if you have
forms of shapeshifting. However, in doing so selected Balance of Nature.
you have chosen to neglect the time taken to With nature’s litany you gain several minor
study spells, as a result you know 2 fewer spells akin to the Wizard’s cantrips. Any druid
highest levels spells. serious about spell casting knows a set of
Adventurer Feat: Add strength OR dexterity to litanies that are central to the tenant of druidic
your damage. knowledge.
Champion Feat: This penalty is reduced by 1 Each litany takes a standard action to cast.
Epic Feat: There are no spell penalties Most litanies provide short descriptions about
anymore. what happens. Feel free to embellish upon these.
Most druids can cast a number of litanies equal
Blight to their Wisdom modifier + level a day.
Twice per day, when casting a spell you may Create Water (Standard Action): This litany
choose to empower the spell at the cost of allows you to summon water sprites to create
preserving the nature around you and your drinking water for you and your party. They can
only make about a gallon of water at a time. This elaborate messages into ivy and other vines for
water shouldn’t be used for nefarious purposes those who know the language of nature. This
such as drowning, but perhaps a blight druid litany allows you to write messages for others to
wouldn’t think twice about using nature against read as well.
those who are unnatural. Spark: This is a minor fire creation spell,
Goodberry: This litany allows you to gather a enough to light a pipe, or a campfire, or even a
goodberry from the secret places in nature only page or two of an unprotected spell book. It
the druids know of. These berries are about the doesn’t work against living beings or against
size of a cherry and heal 1d4 HP and take a things that couldn’t easily be set on fire with a
standard action to eat one. You only can carry 10 few seconds of steady application of a candle.
good berries at a time at the adventurer tier. It’s a show-off spell—druids don’t have to light
At the Champion tier you can hold 15 fires like ordinary people.
goodberries. Speak With Animals: You can speak and
At epic tier you can hold 25 goodberries. learn knowledge about the surrounding area
Mend This Litany summons a variety of tiny with animals. Most animals can only relate
magical sprites who swarm over a chosen simple messages, and some of the more wily
broken object attempting to mend it (over the animals may mislead the druid.
course of 1–6 rounds). Small-scale repairs like
torn wineskins, muddy clothing, a broken Natural Lore
handgrip on a sword, and similar repairs that Gain a +3 on background skill checks when in
anyone could fix with two to four hours of your favored terrain. This bonus applies to any
devoted work gets handled in seconds. More skill related to the terrain such as weather
elaborate repairs to complicated objects might patterns, tracking, gathering food, and building
require a wisdom check, or at the GM’s shelter. In addition to this you also gain a +1 on
discretion. all saves.
Light (standard duration): This litany creates a Adventurer Feat: You gain an additional +1 on
fairly wide and consistent field of light, up to 30 death saves when in your favored Terrain.
feet in diameter. Usually the druid gathers
strands of sunlight or moonlight and wrap it Nature’s Lure
around a stick or other object. The created light Requires Nature Form
isn’t bright enough to dazzle anyone. While in Nature Form you may choose to
Purify Food and Drunk (standard action): engage a creature with Nature’s Lure. For the
This litany removes any small poison from food duration of the battle, the creature engaged with
and drink. The GM determines if the poison can you received an additional -1 penalty to any roll
be removed, but most standard poisons can be in which you are not the target. If possible the
dispelled without harm. The druid can use this target of nature’s lure attempts to engage you.
litany once more to verify if the poison has or Adventurer Feat: The creature takes a
has not been removed successfully. penalty to any roll equal to your
Know Direction (standard action): Druids are wisdom modifier.
very keen on knowing a particular direction in Champion Feat: You gain a +1 Bonus to AC
the world they live in. A quick look to the sky’s against the creature in nature’s Lure.
stars or sun will reveal this unless the sky is Epic Feat: You gain a +1 bonus to PD and
obscured in some form. If they sky is blocked MD against the creature in nature’s
the druid could commune with nature, but the Lure.
results are much less accurate .
Read/Write Nature (standard action): This One with Nature
litany allows you to read any marking that You may choose an additional favored terrain
others have left behind. Many druids weave from the favored terrain list.
Champion Feat: You may choose an Champion Feat: Gain +1 to MD when
additional favored terrain from the shapeshifted into Nature Form.
favored terrain list. Epic Feat: Gain an additional +2 to AC when
Epic Feat: While in your favored terrain you shifting into nature form .
gain +1 to all defenses.
Primal Fury 1 Level Spells
Cure Wounds
Requires Animal Form
Ranged spell
You have learned to be aggressive during your
time in animal form. You can now wield any
Quick action to cast
type of weapon you wish and no longer take the
Effect: You or a nearby ally can heal using a free
penalties. The restrictions of having one hand
open for casting spells still applies.
3rd level spell The target can also roll a save
Adventurer Feat: If an enemy attempts to
against each save ends effect.
disengage you and fails he takes
5th level spell This spell is now recharge 16+
damage equal to your level.
after battle instead of daily.
Champion Feat: If the escalation die is 2+
7th level spell The target can heal using two
add both your wisdom and dexterity to
free recoveries instead of one.
your damage on melee attacks.
9th level spell This spell is now Recharge
11+ instead.
Requires Animal Form
When in Animal Form ,once per round when the
escalation die reads 2+, if you are attacking a
Ranged Spell
target engaged with one or more allies you can
deal an additional +1d4 damage, if your attack
Targets: 1d4 enemies in a group.
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs PD
2nd level Druid: +1d6 Damage
Hit: Each of the enemies becomes Stuck until
4 level Druid:
th +2d6 Damage
they make a save which also deals 5
6th level Druid: +3d6 Damage
ongoing damage until they get free.
8th level Druid: +4d6 Damage
Miss: 5 ongoing damage, and you regain the
10 level Druid:
th +6d6 Damage
spell during your next quick rest.
Adventurer Feat: The first time you attack
Level 3: This spell now affects 1d6 enemies
during a battle add +2 to your attack if
and deals 10 ongoing damage, deals 5
you are in animal form.
ongoing damage on a miss.
Epic Feat: Once per battle you may reroll
Level 5: This spell now affects 1d8 enemies
any attack roll while in Animal Form,
and deals 15 ongoing damage, deals 10
you must use the new result.
ongoing damage on a miss.
Level 7: This spell now affects 1d10 enemies
and deals 30 ongoing damage, deals 25
Requires Nature Form
ongoing damage on a miss.
You now can wear heavy armor and a shield
Level 9: This spell now affects 2d6 enemies
with no penalty to attack. The heavy armor is
and deals 40 ongoing damage, deals 30
usually not be made out of metal, but of dense
ongoing damage on a miss.
wood and animal scales.
Adventurer Feat: This spell is now a
Adventurer Feat: Gain +1 to PD when
recharge spell 16+
shapeshifted into Nature Form.
Champion Feat: The required save is now a 5th level spell The bonus increases by +1
16+. while the target is staggered.
Epic Feat: This spell now deals 30 ongoing 7th level spell The bonus also applies to MD.
damage. 9th level spell The bonus increases to +2.
Adventurer Feat: You may cast this on a nearby
Flame ally.
Close Quarters Champion Feat: This spell recharges on 11+
Recharge 16+
Target: Yourself / One target Nature Missile
Effect: A flame springs to life in the palm of Ranged spell
your hand radiating and providing light around At-Will
you in a 30ft aura. The spell survives for 1d6 Terrain
rounds or until extinguished. Target: One nearby enemy OR one far away
This flame does not harm you or your enemy with a –2 attack penalty
equipment. However, you can make an attack at Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD
close quarters with the flame. Hit: 2d4 + Wisdom
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs PD Miss: Damage equal to your level.
Hit: the Flame does 1d6 fire damage with 5 3rd level spell 2d8 damage.
ongoing fire damage. 5th level spell 4d6 damage.
Miss: deal your level in damage. 7th level spell 6d6 damage.
Level 3 The flame become brighter, 9th level spell 10d6 damage.
illuminating 60 ft around you , deal 2d6 Adventurer Feat: You can choose two targets;
damage to 10 ongoing fire damage. roll half the damage dice for one missile and
Level 5 The flame becomes even brighter half the damage dice for the other, then
illuminating a whole room ,anyone who assign one set of damage dice to each of the
looks at it is dazed until the end of your two targets.
next round. It deals 2d8 damage being Champion Feat: At levels 5 and 7 you can add
attacked with 15 ongoing fire damage. 2x your wisdom modifier to damage, at level 9
Level 7 The flame is now a shining beacon, you can add 3x your wisdom modifier to
all creatures looking at it become damage.
stunned and deals 4d8 damage to the Epic Feat: The 7th and 9th level versions of the
target along with 20 ongoing fire spell now use d8s as damage dice.
Level 9 As level 8 except the thrown flame Summon Nature’s Ally
6d8 damage and 25 ongoing fire Close Quarters
damage. Daily
Adventurer Feat: You may throw your flame Effect: You summon a creature to you that helps
instead of using it at close quarters you for the duration of the battle. This spell is
Champion Feat: 1d6 enemies can see your Flame similar to the Ranger’s Animal Companion but
only helps for the duration of the battle. Feel
Harden Skin free to choose whatever creature you like, the
Ranged spell stats are listed below.
Recharge 16+
Target: Self
Effect: You gain a +1 bonus to AC this battle.
3rd level spell The bonus also applies to Spell Level 1 Nature’s Ally
PD. Attack +5 vs. AC
Damage d8
AC 16 Bull’s Strength
PD (or MD) 14 Ranged spell
MD (or PD) 10 Daily
HP 20 (10) Quick action to cast
One nearby ally deals +1d8 damage with melee
Spell Level 3 Nature’s Ally attacks this battle.
Attack +7 vs. AC 5th level spell: +2d6.
Damage 2d6 7th level spell: +2d10.
AC 18 9th level spell: +3d10.
PD (or MD) 16 Champion Feat: This spell is now rechargeable
MD (or PD) 12 on a 16+.
HP 36 (18) Epic Feat: This spell now recharges on an 11+.

Hold Monster
Spell Level 5 Nature’s Ally
Ranged spell
Attack +10 vs. AC
Damage 4d6
AC 21
Target: One nearby enemy with 60 hp or fewer
PD (or MD) 19
Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. MD
MD (or PD) 15
Hit: The target cannot move or use move actions
HP 54 (27)
(hard save ends, 16+).
Miss: The target is dazed until the end of your
Spell Level 7 Nature’s Ally
next turn.
Attack +13 vs. AC (or PD/MD)
5th level spell: Target with 100 hp or fewer.
Damage 6d6
7th level spell: Target with 160 hp or fewer.
AC 23
9th level spell: Target with 250 hp or fewer.
PD (or MD) 21
Adventurer Feat: If the spell misses all targets,
MD (or PD) 17
you regain the spell during your next quick
HP 90 (45)
Champion Feat: The spell can target up to 2
Spell Level 9 Nature’s Ally
nearby enemies whose total hit points don’t
Attack +15 vs. AC (or PD/MD)
exceed the limit.
Damage 8d6
Epic Feat: Increase the limit by +50 hp.
AC 26
PD (or MD) 24
MD (or PD) 20
Ranged Spell
HP 144 (72)
Targets: 1d6 creatures in a group.
Adventurer Feat: You can choose to use your
Effect: For 1d4 rounds all creatures in the group
favored terrain powers to the creature and
take a -2 to attacks.
his attacks.
Level 5: Additionally, all creatures take a -2
Champion Feat: You this spell can be used twice
to AC.
daily, never in the same combat though.
Level 7: Additionally, all creatures take a -1
Epic Feat: You may choose to either to increase
to PD and MD.
the creature’s AC by +1, or damage by 1
Level 9: Additionally, all creatures become
larger die (for example from d6 to d8, or d8
to d10) upon summoning the creature.
Adventurer Feat: Additionally the creatures gain
3 Level Spells an ongoing 5 damage.
Champion Feat: Creatures are affected for 1d6 7th level spell The spell now affects two targets.
rounds instead of 1d4. 9th level spell Recharge roll is now 11+.
Epic Feat: Additionally all creatures gain an Champion Feat: The target also gains resistance
ongoing 20 damage. to your favored type of terrain energy type.
Epic Feat: You can target an additional
Shield creature with the spell.
Close-quarters spell
Recharge 11+ after battle Gaia’s pulse
Free action to cast, when an attack hits your AC. Terrain
Effect: Gain a +2 to AC, the attacker must reroll Ranged spell
the attack. You must accept the new result. Daily
5th level spell You can also use the spell Targets: All nearby staggered enemies
against attacks that target your Physical Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. MD
Defense; replace references to AC with Hit: 8d10 + Wisdom damage.
PD. Miss: Damage equal to your level.
7th level spell The bonus to AC/PD on the 7th level spell 2d6 x 10 damage.
rerolled attack increases to +4. 9th level spell 2d10 x 10 damage.
9th level spell The bonus to AC/PD on the Champion Feat: The spell now deals half
rerolled attack increases to +6. damage on a miss.
Adventurer Feat: You can now choose either of Epic Feat: The spell is now recharge 16+ after
the attack rolls, in case the second one crits battle instead of daily.
or is otherwise bad for you.
Champion Feat: Recharge roll after battle is now Sleep
6+. Ranged spell
Epic Feat: Hit or miss, you take only half Daily
damage from any attack you use shield Target: Before making the attack, roll 5d20 +50
against. to determine the maximum number of hit points
of enemies you can target with the spell. The
5 Level Spells spell can affect multiple enemies. You must
Nature’s Blessing target nearby enemies with the current lowest
Close quarter’s spell hit points first, and you don’t get to choose the
Daily exact targets (except in the case of ties). If
Quick action to cast adding a creature would exceed the spell’s hit
Effect: You double the escalation die added to point maximum, that enemy can’t be a target.
the attacks until the end of your next turn. Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. MD
Level 7: Triple the escalation die. Hit: The target falls unconscious (hard save
Level 9: Quadruple the escalation die . ends, 16+; it also ends if the target takes 10+
Champion Feat: This spell becomes a recharge damage).
16+ Miss: The target is dazed until the end of your
Epic Feat: This spell becomes recharge 11+ next turn.
7th level spell Targets 7d20 + 100 max hp.
Resist Energy
9th level spell Targets 9d20 + 200 max hp.
Ranged spell
Recharge 16+ after battle th
7 Level Spells
Target: You or one nearby ally
Effect: Until the end of the battle, the target Flight
gains resist damage 16+ to the relevant terrain Ranged spell
energy type you are in . Daily
Target: You or one nearby ally Daily
Effect: The target can fly until the end of the Special: You summon a storm to the area for
battle (or for five minutes). Your speed doesn’t about an hour. The nature of the storm depends
increase appreciably but you can move in three- on the terrain upon which it had been
dimensions. summoned. Nothing more happens this round,
9th level spell When you cast the spell, you but roll 1d6 rounds to determine the length of
can choose one: the effect lasts for an time the storm will be active.
hour OR you can target 1d4 + 1 If a storm is already in effect, the effects
creatures for the normal duration. happen instantly, you do not need to wait a
Champion Feat: 1d3 allies can be targeted now. round. You may use this action as a swift action
Epic Feat: 1d6 allies can be targeted now if it is still active.
Targets: 2d6 targets in a group.
Meld into the World Attack: Wisdom + level vs PD
Terrain Hit: 4d4 x 10 damage of the terrain type
Ranged spell damage.
Daily Miss: The Spell is not spent, and the storm still
Target: One ally or yourself remains.
Effect: Until the end of the battle (or for five 9th Level: 4d6x10 damage.
minutes out of combat), the target becomes part Champion Feat: The Storm is active for 1d10
of the landscape around him until it attacks or rounds.
uses some ridiculously flashy action. Epic Feat: The Storm is now recharges on a 16+.
You are restricted to movement that shares
your terrain type. For instance if you meld into <<Begin GM sidebar>>
stone, you may only move on the surface of Due to the nature of the storm spell, we highly
stone areas. suggest you use an average damage instead of
9th level spell Creatures made invisible by rolling the dice. It is also important to note that
the spell have a 25% chance of storm is still present even if it is not “Active” so
remaining invisible the first time they be creative and describe the weather type
attack or get flashy. Twice? You’re regardless if it is damaging or not.
visible. <<End GM sidebar>>
Epic Feat: 1d3 allies can be targeted now
9 Level Spells
Close-quarters spell Overworld Traveller
Daily Close-quarters spell
Effect: Choose yourself or a nearby ally. Daily
Enemies with 160 hp or fewer cannot attack the Special: You must cast this spell outdoors. It
chosen target until that creature attacks or the enables you and a group of nearby allies to
escalation die reaches +4. travel up to and through the overworld to most
9th level spell 250 hp or fewer. any location in the world that you can name.
Champion Feat: creatures cannot attack until the The method of travel may depend upon your
escalation die reaches 5+ god, your icon, or your will. Some overworld
Epic Feat: creatures cannot attack until the travel spells summon a flying land, while others
escalation die reaches 6+ harness an elder sky being or simply turn all the
travelers into swiftly moving wind.
Summon Storm The trip through the overworld is magically
Ranged Spell warded by the spell. Travel takes between an
Terrain hour and a day, depending on distance and the
amount of effort the spell must exert to maintain recover well enough to qualify as an adventurer
the warding. Party members who go off-plot or combatant.
and skip off into the overworld for a side The fourth time you cast the spell it nearly
adventure are on their own. kills you. Or maybe it does. The resurrection
The destination can be in the overworld or in succeeds but the person you’ve resurrected is
the land. It can’t be in the underworld—this is going to be a mess for a month or more,
the wrong spell for destinations there. regardless of any other magic tricks ya’ll got
In a pinch, the versions of this spell cast by going.
icons have been known to move invading The fifth onward time you resurrect someone,
armies and refugees from doomed cities. It’s the affront to nature cannot be unnoticed.
possible that the player characters could manage There’s only a 50/50 chance that the resurrection
something similar but not guaranteed. spell works on the target. If the spell works the
target rises, but life isn’t the exact word for it.
Revive The target becomes undead and all nature of
Ranged spell healing magic harms the target
Special: You’ll have to keep track of how many Surprise, that was the good news. The bad
times you cast the spell in your life. You must news is that if the target of your resurrection
have most of the corpse available to cast the spell has been resurrected more times than you
spell. There’s no time limit on resurrecting a have cast the spell, there is a nasty 50/50 chance
dead PC, so long as you have the corpse (unless that the experience will play out using their
that becomes a silly exercise in resurrecting higher number of resurrections instead of the
adventurer-tier characters into an epic-tier number of times you have cast the spell.
game!). NPCs should probably be a lot easier to <<begin sidebar>>
resurrect if they haven’t been dead long.
Effect: You can bring a creature back to life in Resurrection in the World
more or less normal condition. By more or less The icons don’t live forever because there is
normal, we mean that you could cast your first always a limit to magic that can bring you back
resurrection in the middle of combat or during from the dead. What’s true for icons is equally
an adventure and we would advise something true for heroes. Even if you’ve become
like the following drawbacks: expending half invaluable to an icon, it’s unlikely that the icon
the resurrected character’s recoveries, start them will be able to resurrect you personally if things
dazed (save ends), and flip a coin for each of go horribly awry. It’s safe to assume that most of
their daily abilities—tails it’s expended. the icons are well on their way to using up their
Limited Casting: The first time in your life resurrection quotas, particularly long-lived icons
that you use the spell you can cast it quickly, like the Archmage. The current Emperor? The
with a single standard action. Using the spell Priestess? They might have a resurrection to
removes one of your spell slots until you gain a give, but will your PC be able to prove that they
level (you get one less spell per full heal-up). are the being most deserving of a second chance
The second time in your life you cast the spell, in the 13th age?
it takes longer, at least three or four rounds, and There may be a few NPCs capable of
costs you something like half your hit points performing resurrections. They would be wise
and daily powers/spells. The person you are not to advertise their power. Beings capable of
resurrecting comes back at something like one- performing resurrections are sometimes the
quarter strength. victims of hostile takeover attempts, as powerful
The third time you cast the spell it has to be as beings seek to assure themselves of a resurrection
a ritual. The spell chews you up and leaves you in reserve.
with only a few hit points, then gnaws at the <<End sidebar>>
person you have resurrected, who takes days to

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