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PREVIEW ACTIVITY (I) Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2020. For use only with license.

Breakfast Around the World (B2 - C1)

Work with a partner or group. Do the activities together about breakfast, food, & culture.

PART I Discuss the questions below on the topic of breakfast:

1 Some people say breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
Do you know why? Is breakfast an important part of your day?

2 Discuss your typical breakfast. Do you usually eat the same thing
every day, or does it vary? Is your breakfast different on weekends?

Describe your ...a really ...a really

idea of... healthy breakfast unhealthy breakfast

PART II Write the type of food you think is associated with the following adjective groups.

EX cheese feta kashkaval provolone

1 egg poached scrambled sunny-side up
2 potato mashed boiled baked
3 fruits frozen canned pickled

PART III Fill in the blank spaces with the adjectives in the box below.

a. mashed b. grated c. minced d. pickled e. garnished f. whisked

1 The vegetables are 2 The eggs are getting 3 The fish is garnished
pickled in jars. whisked . with parsley and lemon.

4 The cheese is grated . 5 The beef is minced . 6 The peas are mashed .
PREVIEW ACTIVITY (II) Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2020. For use only with license.
Breakfast Around the World (B2 - C1)

PART I Fill in the missing letters for the foods below and answer the questions about them.

1 2 3

c h i c k p e a s s c a l l i o n s p l a n t a i n e

Do you know in which countries / Do you know a synonym for this Do you know the difference be-
cultures this food is often eaten? word in English? tween this food and a banana?

PART II Choose the correct definitions of the adjectives / adverbs below the context examples.

1 I prefer a savory breakfast without sugar, like eggs and potatoes.

2 I love cooking a hearty meal on a cold winter day.
3 The bread was stale and I couldn’t use it for my sandwich so I threw it away.
4 Pastries and croissants are very flaky - pieces fall everywhere when you eat them!
5 I prefer simple and plain pizza made only with cheese and tomato sauce.
6 Starchy foods, like rice and pasta, are a good source of carbohydrates and energy.

1 e savory a. not fresh anymore

2 c hearty b. breaking or separating easily into small thin pieces

3 a stale c. describes a filling, warm, and/or heavy meal

4 b flaky d. describes a a white, tasteless powder found in some foods

(like in potatoes, bread, corn, etc.)
5 plain
e. describes a salty food or spiced (opposite of sweet)

6 d starchy f. without toppings, decoration, or added flavor

PART III Discuss the questions below about the highlighted vocabulary words.

1 What do you think it means to have a sweet tooth?

2 What do you think it means if you have a go-to dish that you make for
breakfast, lunch, dinner, etc.?
3 What do you think it means to chow something down, like a meal, snack, etc.?
4 What do you think it means if a hotel breakfast bar has an array of different
foods to choose from?
WHAT BREAKFAST LOOKS Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2020. For use only with license.
LIKE AROUND THE WORLD Breakfast Around the World (B2 - C1)

Preview Discussion Questions

Are there any unique styles of break-

fasts that you’ve tried while traveling?

Describe the typical breakfast in the

country / culture you live in.

PART I Stop the video at 2:01. Match the places in the world with the breakasts.

0:13 d 1 Morocco a. Known for “shakshuka” which is a dish made with poached,
scrambled, or baked eggs cooked in a tomato-base sauce
0:29 a 2 Middle East /
Mediterranen b. Known for miso soup, fish, and steamed rice with eggs.

0:48 f 3 England c. Known for “tapsilog”, which includes thin slices of beef tapa,
served with a fried egg and garlic fried rice.
1:12 b 4 Japan
d. Known for “Sfenj” which is similar to a donut and soaked in
1:31 c 5 The Phillipines honey.
1:48 e 6 The USA e. Known for eggs, bacon, and starchy sides like pancakes.

f. Known for sunny-side up eggs, sausage, bacon, beans, and


PART II Resume at 2:01 and play until the end. Choose the correct country / region.

2:22 1 In Myanmar , “Mohinga” soup is made of rice, noodle, and fish soup with lemon-
grass, garlic, and catfish.

a. Guyana b. India c. Myanmar

3:06 2 In Bulgaria , “Banitsa” is a layered mixture of whisked eggs and pieces of
cheese inside a flaky pastry. It’s eaten hot or cold.

a. Bulgaria b. Guyana c. the Dominican Republic

3:37 3 In México , “Chilaquiles” is made up of fried corn tortillas, soaked in salsa.

a. Turkey b. Mexico c. Columbia

3:48 4 In the Dominican , “Mangu” is made up of boiled plantains that are mashed with
butter and served with fried eggs, salami, and pickled onions.

a. India / Pakistan b. Columbia c. the Dominican Republic

POST-VIEWING ACTIVITY (I) Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2020. For use only with license.
Breakfast Around the World (B2 - C1)

PART I Read each sentence aloud. Your teacher will correct your pronunciation.

1 “Banitsa is a traditional flaky pastry eaten for breakfast. It is prepared by layering

a mixture of whisked eggs and pieces of cheese between phyllo pastry.”

2 “Breakfast in Turkey is an elaborate spread, known as Khavalti. It consists of fresh

cheeses, like feta and kashkaval, black and green olives, fresh baked white bread,
fruit preserves, honey, sweet butter, and plenty of brewed black tea served in
Turkish tea glasses.”
PART II Fill in the preposition that was used in each sentence from the video. One isn’t used!

a. of b. down c. about d. to e. on f. throughout g. in

1 Breakfast in Morocco is all about simplicity.

2 “Sfenj”, a type of donut in Morocco, is eaten plain or soaked on honey.

3 “Shakshuka” is a dish eaten in the Mediterranean and Middle East.

4 English breakfast is sometimes referred to as a “fry-up”.

5 Japanese breakfast consists of miso soup, fish, and steamed rice.

6 Americans chow down on eggs, bacon, sausage, and starchy sides.

PART III Study the passive voice usage and examples from the video.

We often use the passive voice when it’s not necessary to indicate the subject of the action. We
may already know the subject of the action, or it’s not important to mention the subject in the
context, which means the focus of the sentence is on the object of the action.

The examples below refer to the breakfast in the Philippines, called “tapsilog”.

1 Thin slices of beef are served with a fried egg and garlic fried rice.
“ object of active voice

2 The beef is marinated in soy sauce, “calamansi” juice, vinegar, sugar, and garlic.
object of active voice

If we used the active voice in the sentences above, what would be the most logical subject?

a. Filipinos (the people) b. Filipino breakfast c. Beef

Use the subject you chose above to reform the two sentences above in the active voice.

Filipinos serve thin slices of beef with a fried egg and garlic fried rice.

Filipinos marinate the beef in soy sauce, “calamansi” juice, vinegar, sugar, and garlic.
Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2020. For use only with license.
Breakfast Around the World (B2 - C1)

PART I Mark if the sentences below from the video are in the active (A) or passive (P) voice.
(A) (P)
1 ‘Sfenj”, the donut in Morocco, is eaten plain or soaked in honey.
2 The dish is made of eggs — poached, baked or scrambled.
3 The plate features a sunny-side up egg, sausage, bacon, beans, and tomatoes.
4 Some locals might even add on mushrooms, black pudding, and potatoes.
5 A traditional Japanese breakfast includes an array of savory bites.
6 Japanese breakfast often consists of miso soup, fish, and steamed rice.
7 “Nattō” — fermented soy beans, mixed with mustard and soy sauce — is also
eaten in the breakfast set.
8 A Filipino breakfast starts with sour, sweet, and savory flavors of “tapsilog”.
9 Breakfast in the United States tends to include a few regular go-tos.
10 “Mohinga” soup is considered to be the national dish of Myanmar.

11 “Banitsa” is prepared by layering a mixture of whisked eggs and pieces of

cheese between phyllo pastry.
12 Breakfast in Mexico is not to be missed.

PART II Rewrite each sentence below in the tenses listed below using the passive voice.

1 PRESENT SIMPLE ACTIVE The Japanese eat miso soup for breakfast.
PRESENT SIMPLE PASSIVE In Japan, miso soup is eaten for breakfast.

2 PRESENT CONTINUOUS ACTIVE The chefs are preparing miso soup right now.
PRESENT CONTINUOUS PASSIVE Miso soup is being prepared right now.

3 PRESENT PERFECT ACTIVE The chef has already spread the butter on the bread.
PRESENT PERFECT PASSIVE The butter has already been spread on the bread.

PART III Write the passive or active form of the verb depending on the context of the sentence.

1 My mom is writing (write) the recipe on her web page right now.
2 The recipe is written (write) on the web page right now.
3 The homemade bread rose (rise) very quickly in the oven right now.
4 The homemade bread has risen (take) out of the oven already.
5 I think the timer has been set (set) on the oven already.
6 I think someone has set (set) the timer on the oven already.
7 Free breakfast was given (give) to all of the hotel guests this morning.
8 A very nice woman served (serve) us breakfast earlier this morning.
QUIZ & REVIEW ACTIVITY Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2020. For use only with license.
Breakfast Around the World (B2 - C1)

Work with a partner. Complete the quiz and review activities below.

PART I Questions. Choose three places from the list below and describe their breakfast.

1. Morocco 6. The USA 11. India / Pakistan

2. Middle East / Mediterranean 7. Guyana 12. Columbia
3. England 8. The Dominican Republic 13. Turkey
4. Japan 9. Mexico 14. Bulgaria
5. The Philippines 10. Myanmar 15. The Maldives

PART II Vocabulary: Discuss what each term means. Write how it was used in the video.

containing a relatively high amount of starch. (almidón).

1. starchy
a round yellowish seed, used widely as food.
2. chickpeas
no longer fresh and pleasant to eat.
3. stale
to eat, especially in an informal situation
4. chow down
not decorated or elaborated.
5. plain
Grammar: Explain what the difference is between the active and passive voice. When
do we use each? Write a few examples of each that were used in the video.

ACTIVE Mohinga people make soup of rice, noodle, and fish soup with lemongrass,
1. garlic, and catfish.
A traditional Japanese breakfast includes an array of savory bites.

PASSIVE Mohinga soup is made of rice, noodle, and fish soup with lemongrass,
1. garlic, and catfish.
An array of savory bites is included in traditional Japanese breakfast.

PART IV Bonus: Match the types of eggs with the images. Are you able to explain the
differences between each style of preparation?

a. poached b. sunny-side up c. scrambled d. hard-boiled

1 b. sunny-side up 2 d. hard-boiled 3 a. poached 4 c. scrambled

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