Enzymatic (R) - Phenylacetylcarbinol Production in A Benzaldehyde Emulsion System With Candida Utilis Cells

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Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2006) 70: 170–175

DOI 10.1007/s00253-005-0063-1


Gernalia Satianegara . Michael Breuer .

Bernhard Hauer . Peter L. Rogers . Bettina Rosche

Enzymatic (R )-phenylacetylcarbinol production in a benzaldehyde

emulsion system with Candida utilis cells

Received: 11 April 2005 / Revised: 8 June 2005 / Accepted: 12 June 2005 / Published online: 13 September 2005
# Springer-Verlag 2005

Abstract Recent progress in enzymatic (R)-phenylacetyl- Values of 10–12 g PAC l−1 have been reported for fer-
carbinol (PAC) production has established the need for low mentative biotransformations with bakers’ yeast (Rogers
cost and efficient biocatalyst preparation. Pyruvate decar- et al. 1997) and up to 50 g l−1 for enzymatic processes with
boxylase (PDC) added in the form of Candida utilis cells partially purified PDC from Candida utilis or Rhizopus
showed higher stability towards benzaldehyde and tem- javanicus based on added pyruvate and a benzaldehyde
perature in comparison with partially purified preparations. emulsion (Rosche et al. 2002a,b, 2003). Such enzymatic
In the presence of 50 mM benzaldehyde and at 4°C, a half- processes overcome the problems in the traditional yeast-
life of 228 h was estimated for PDC added as C. utilis cells, based fermentations of limited availability of substrate py-
in comparison with 24 h for the partially purified prep- ruvate and the substantial loss of benzaldehyde to benzyl
aration. Increasing the temperature from 4 to 21°C for PAC alcohol due to yeast oxidoreductases (Rosche et al. 2002a,b;
production with C. utilis cells resulted in similar final PAC Shin and Rogers 1996). However, the enzyme processes
levels of 39 and 43 g l−1 (258 and 289 mM), respective- based on cell-free PDC can result in appreciable PDC de-
ly, from initial 300 mM benzaldehyde and 364 mM pyru- activation by substrate benzaldehyde (Leksawasdi et al.
vate. The overall volumetric productivity was enhanced 2003), although deactivation is less severe when the sub-
2.8-fold, which reflected the 60% shorter reaction time strate pyruvate is present (Rosche et al. 2005).
at the higher temperature. Enantiomeric excess values of The use of whole cells as the biocatalyst in an enzymatic
98 and 94% for R-PAC were obtained at 4 and 21°C, process has the advantage of simple and economical prep-
respectively, and benzyl alcohol (a potential by-product aration as expenses for cell lysis and/or purification are
from benzaldehyde) was not formed. saved. A further reported advantage is greater biocatalyst
stability and protection within the intracellular environ-
ment especially in organic media, although some limita-
Introduction tions in mass transfer of substrates and products may be
associated with whole cell biocatalysis (León et al. 1998).
The enzyme pyruvate decarboxylase (PDC) is a thiamine Previous enzymatic processes with whole cells of Saccha-
diphosphate-dependent ketolase with considerable poten- romyces cerevisiae resulted in by-product benzyl alcohol
tial for use in industrial biotransformations. (R)-phenyl- formation (0.1–0.5 g l−1) with only 1–3 g PAC l−1 produced
acetylcarbinol (PAC), a pharmaceutical intermediate for (Nikolova and Ward 1991, 1994). In a further study with
ephedrine and pseudoephedrine, is synthesized by PDC cells of S. cerevisiae, 5 g benzyl alcohol l−1 and 15 g
through the non-oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate fol- PAC l−1 were reported (Mochizuki et al. 1995). The latter
lowed by carboligation with benzaldehyde (Fig. 1). authors maintained the biotransformation at pH 6 and 30°C
with progressive addition of low concentrations of benz-
aldehyde. Benzyl alcohol formation has been reported also
G. Satianegara . P. L. Rogers . B. Rosche (*) for PAC production by whole cells immobilized on poly-
School of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences, mer matrices, alginates or cyclodextrin (Mahmoud et al.
University of New South Wales,
Sydney, NSW, 2052, Australia 1990; Nikolova and Ward 1994; Rogers et al. 1997).
e-mail: [email protected] In former studies of enzymatic PAC production in benz-
Tel.: +61-2-93851598 aldehyde emulsion systems, C. utilis PDC has been added
Fax: +61-2-93136710 as a cell free preparation (Shin and Rogers 1996; Rosche
M. Breuer . B. Hauer et al. 2002b, 2003, 2005). In the present study, PDC is
BASF-AG Fine Chemicals and Biocatalysis Research, initially added in the form of C. utilis cells (whole cell
67056 Ludwigshafen, Germany PDC), and the enzymatic production of PAC is evaluated
Fig. 1 PDC-catalyzed non-oxi- O OH
dative decarboxylation and car-
boligation. R-PAC production
and its associated by-products
(acetaldehyde and acetoin) O
from pyruvate Benzaldehyde
O O -CO2
+ H+ O
Acetaldehyde OH
Pyruvate Pyruvate
+ H+ CO2 O

( Non oxidative decarboxylation ) ( Carboligation )

in a benzaldehyde emulsion at 4 and 21°C. The results Experimental system for biotransformation
are compared with those for crude extract and partially
purified PDC preparations to determine whether or not a Prior to the start of reaction by PDC addition, the reaction
whole cell PDC process offers any potential advantages. mixture was magnetically stirred as a benzaldehyde emul-
sion for 1 h. For the study comparing different PDC prep-
arations, 1.8-ml biotransformation mixtures were stirred in
Materials and methods 4-ml teflon screw cap glass vials. The reaction volume was
increased to 15 ml in 20-ml glass vials for the kinetic study
Chemicals and analytical methods of whole cell biotransformation. All reactions were ini-
tiated at pH 6.5 with 2.5 M MOPS (pKa 7.3) as buffer, and
All chemicals used were analytical grade. Benzaldehyde of the pH rose to a maximum of pH 7.2–7.6 during bio-
98% purity was used in this study. Details of the analytical transformation. The reactions were stopped by adding a
method to determine the concentrations of benzaldehyde, trichloroacetic acid solution to the samples to a final con-
pyruvate, PAC (R- and/or S-), acetaldehyde, acetoin and centration of 10% (w/v). Precipitated protein was removed
benzyl alcohol are specified in Rosche et al. (2001, 2002a). by cold centrifugation at 14,000 rpm for 5 min for sub-
Samples were analysed in duplicate. sequent analysis.

PDC preparation Determination of residual PDC activity

The yeast C. utilis UNSW 70940 was obtained from PDC as partially purified enzyme, crude extract and whole
the University of New South Wales Culture Collection, cell preparation was exposed to 50 mM benzaldehyde in
Sydney, Australia; World Federation of Culture Collec- stirred 4-ml teflon screw cap glass vials (1.8 ml reaction
tions, No. 248. The PDC enzyme was produced from a 3-l volume) at 4°C and 21°C. Residual carboligase activities
fermentation in a 5-l bioreactor (B. Braun) using defined for each condition and their control (without benzaldehyde)
minimal medium at 30°C (per litre: 100 g glucose, 10 g were determined over time by withdrawing and diluting
(NH4)2SO4, 1 g KH2PO4, 0.5 g MgSO4·7H2O, 20 mg samples for the subsequent analysis. From these data, the
CaCl2·2H2O, 20 mg FeSO4·7H2O, 10.6 mg ZnSO4·7H2O, half-life values of the various PDC preparations were
2 mg MnCl2·4H2O and 0.5 mg CuSO4·5H2O). The yeast estimated.
cells were harvested after 44 h, reaching 7.8 g dry cell
mass (DCM) l−1 and a specific PDC carboligase activity of
380 U g−1 DCM. The wet cell paste was stored at −20°C Results
prior to use as a whole cell PDC preparation. The prep-
aration of crude extract by attrition with glass beads, par- In Fig. 2 the profiles of residual PDC activities in the
tial purification of PDC by acetone precipitation, as well presence of 50 mM benzaldehyde are compared for a
as analysis of carboligase activity, were adapted from partially purified, a crude extract and a whole cell prep-
Rosche et al. (2002a). One unit (U) carboligase activity is aration at 4 and 21°C. From the data it is evident that
defined as the amount of enzyme that produces 1 μmol PDC activity was maintained better in the whole cell prep-
PAC from pyruvate and benzaldehyde per minute at pH aration and that deactivation occurred more rapidly at the
6.4 and 25°C. higher temperature. The deactivation kinetics revealed not

4 C
Residual PDC activity


0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Time (d)

21 C
Residual PDC activity


0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Time (d)

Fig. 2 Profile of residual activity of partially purified ( ,○), crude •

▴▵ ▪
extract ( , ) and whole cell ( ,□) PDC at a 4°, closed symbols
and b 21°C, open symbols, respectively, in the presence of 50 mM
benzaldehyde (initial activity 1.5 U ml−1, 2.5 M MOPS, pH 6.5,
0.5 mM MgSO4, 0.5 mM TPP). Error bars show lowest and highest
values of duplicates from each of two vials

only differences in stability but also in the curve shapes,

as not all deactivation profiles followed an exponential
decay model. Therefore, half-life values were estimated
graphically from Fig. 2. They are compared with half-life
values derived in the absence of benzaldehyde (profiles not
shown) in Table 1.
Exposure to benzaldehyde and increasing the tempera-
ture from 4 to 21°C reduced PDC stability in all cases, with
the greatest impact on the more purified PDC. A half-life of
228 h was estimated for whole cell PDC, compared with
24 h for the partially purified preparation at 4°C in the
Fig. 3 Comparison of a PAC 1 h, b PAC 24 h and c acetoin 24 h
Table 1 The estimated half-lives of different preparations of C. concentrations in the benzaldehyde emulsion system at 4±2 (blank
utilis PDC in 50 mM benzaldehyde at 4 and 21°C bars) and 21±2°C (shaded bars) with partially purified, crude
extract and whole cell PDC (3 U ml−1, 2.5 M MOPS/KOH, initial
Benzaldehyde concentration Half-life (h) Half-life (h) pH 6.5, 0.5 mM MgSO4, 0.5 mM TPP, 300 mM benzaldehyde,
(mM) at 4°C at 21°C 360 mM pyruvate). Error bars show lowest and highest values of
triplicates from two biotransformations
0 50 0 50

Partially purified 168 24 14.4 3.6

Crude extract 480 60 132 48 presence of 50 mM benzaldehyde. When the temperature
Cells 600 228 324 132 was increased to 21°C, the half-life for whole cell PDC
The values for residual PDC activity in 50 mM benzaldehyde are decreased by 42%, compared with an 85% decrease for the
detailed in Fig. 2 partially purified preparation.

In Fig. 3, the effects of PDC preparation (3 U ml−1) on Table 2 Kinetic analysis of biotransformations with PDC added in
PAC and by-product acetoin formation at 4 and 21°C are the form of whole cells (see Fig. 4)
shown. Whole cell PDC at 21°C resulted in increased PAC 7.9 g DCM l−1 (3.0 U ml−1)
formation over the initial hour and higher level of acetoin 4°C, 30 h 21°C, 12 h
after 24 h than the partially purified PDC preparation. It
is also apparent that similar PAC concentrations were Initial production rate (g l−1 h−1)a 4.7 15.5
achieved after 24 h by all PDC preparations regardless of PAC concentration (g l−1) 38.7 43.3
the temperature (Fig. 3b). The addition of 2 M ethanol or Specific PAC production per unit 12.9 14.4
repeated freeze thaw of whole cells to increase cell per- enzyme activity (mg U−1)b
meability and/or release intracellular PDC did not result Specific PAC production per biomass 4.9 5.5
in a higher PAC level (data not shown). (g g−1 DCM)c
Detailed kinetics for whole cell biotransformations at 4 Overall volumetric productivity 1.3 3.6
and 21°C with initial concentrations of 300 mM benzal- (g l−1 h−1)
dehyde and 364 mM pyruvate are shown in Fig. 4a and b, Acetoin (g l−1) 0.4 1.6
respectively. The profiles demonstrate faster initial PAC Acetaldehyde (g l−1) 0.3 0.6
production at 21°C than at 4°C as would be expected. At YPAC per pyruvate (%)d 91 84
21°C, a maximum PAC concentration of 43 g l−1 (289 mM, YPAC per benzaldehyde (%)d 98 99
ee 94%) was achieved after 12 h, in comparison with a
Based on PAC production in 1 h
Based on initial PDC carboligase activity
Based on the initial amount of biomass added
Molar yield (mol mol−1) based on consumed substrate
400 80
Acetaldehyde, Acetoin (mM)

4 C
PAC, Benzaldehyde,

300 60
39 g l−1 (258 mM, ee 98%) after 30 h at 4°C. However, a
Pyruvate (mM)

4-fold higher acetoin level (1.6 g l−1, 18 mM) was evident

200 40 at 21°C when compared with the results at 4°C (0.4 g l−1,
4.4 mM) at these times. The remaining time-courses up to
48 h showed a small increase in PAC concentration at 4°C,
100 20
whereas a gradual PAC loss was noted at 21°C. In the latter
case, approximately 13% PAC was lost between 20 h and
0 0 48 h with the ee value for R-PAC decreasing from 94 to
0 10 20 30 40 50 79%. By comparison, the incubation of a PAC standard
Time (h) at pH 7.5 for 28 h at 21°C showed that the ee value for
R-PAC decreased from 98 to 82% in the presence of C.
b 400 80 utilis cells, whereas the ee values with the partially puri-
fied PDC or in the absence of PDC under similar condi-
Acetaldehyde, Acetoin (mM)

21 C
tions remained high at 95 and 97%, respectively.
PAC, Benzaldehyde,

300 60 A comparison of the whole cell biotransformations at 4

Pyruvate (mM)

and 21°C is given in Table 2. The results show a 12%

higher maximum PAC concentration at 21 than at 4°C and
200 40
a 2.8-fold increase in overall volumetric productivity at the
higher temperature. However, increased formation of the
100 20 by-product acetoin at 21°C lowered the product yield by
7% (based on consumed substrate pyruvate). The molar
balances for benzaldehyde and pyruvate were determined
0 0 for the time points given in Table 2. They closed within 1
0 10 20 30 40 50 and 2%, respectively, based on determination of PAC,
Time (h) acetaldehyde and acetoin together with residual substrate
PAC Benzaldehyde Pyruvate Acetaldehyde Acetoin

Fig. 4 Profiles of PAC production with PDC added in the form of Discussion
whole cells in the benzaldehyde emulsion system at a 4° and b 21°C
(initial PDC carboligase activity of 3 U ml−1 equivalent to 7.9 g In the present study, it was found that the use of PDC in the
DCM l−1, 2.5 M MOPS/KOH, initial pH 6.5, 0.5 mM MgSO4, form of C. utilis cells was preferable to cell-free (crude
0.5 mM TPP, 300 mM benzaldehyde, 364 mM pyruvate). Error bars
show lowest and highest values of triplicates from two biotrans- extract or partially purified) PDC preparations for PAC
formations with closely similar values being determined for PAC production, as the former preparation achieved similar PAC
concentrations levels and is a less expensive catalyst.

Comparison of deactivation profiles and half-lives formed within the first hour (Fig. 4a,b) may have inhibited
(Fig. 2, Table 1) in the presence of benzaldehyde demon- the formation of benzyl alcohol. Mochizuki et al. (1995)
strated that PDC stability decreased with the greater degree indicated that PAC can act as an inhibitor of alcohol
of enzyme purification, especially when the temperature dehydrogenase activity and that the formation of benzyl
was increased from 4 to 21°C. It appears that the biomass alcohol ceased at approximately 33 mM PAC (5 g l−1) in
matrix may have provided some support for improved sta- their study.
bility or that the cell-free PDCs may have been altered In conclusion, the potential of using C. utilis cells for
during cell attrition, acetone precipitation or freeze-drying, PAC production is evident from the present data. PDC
thereby resulting in a less stable enzyme. Higher stability of added in the form of whole cells showed higher stability
trehalosyl-dextrin-forming and trehalose-forming enzymes particularly at 21°C when compared with the crude extract
in whole cell Escherichia coli (t1/2=30 days) have been or partially purified PDC preparations. With no apparent
reported also in comparison with the purified preparations mass transfer limitations, a PAC concentration of 43 g
(t1/2=4 days) (di Lernia et al. 2002). PAC l−1 was achieved in 12 h, with 1.6 g by-product ace-
A possible disadvantage of using whole cells in bio- toin l−1 but no benzyl alcohol formation. Having estab-
transformation is the putative mass transfer limitation of lished the potential of the less expensive whole cell PDC
substrates and products across the cell envelope. Howev- preparation, further improvement could be achieved by
er, data for PAC production over the initial hour (Fig. 3a) replacing 2.5 M MOPS with pH control by acid addition
demonstrated higher levels for whole cells than for cell- for a more economical process. Our results also indicate
free preparations, and there was evidence of some PDC that, in order to achieve maximum enantiopurity with high
activity in the reaction mixture (data not shown) indicat- productivity at the higher temperature (21°C), the time of
ing partial cell permeabilization during biotransformation. PAC harvest is an important parameter.
The highest published PAC productivity achieved for
enzymatic whole cell biotransformation using bakers’ yeast
was 2.5 g l−1 h−1 (15 g l−1 in 6 h at 30°C, Mochizuki et al. Acknowledgements This work was funded by BASF-AG Fine
Chemicals and Biocatalysis Research, 67056 Ludwigshafen,
1995). In this study, the overall productivity of C. utilis Germany.
cells was 3.6 g PAC l−1 h−1 (43 g l−1 in 12 h at 21°C), which
was 3-fold higher than at 4°C (Fig. 4, Table 2). In contrast,
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