AK-350 Calibration Procedure

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The document describes the installation and calibration procedures for an altitude encoder model AK-350.

The altitude encoder must be calibrated to ensure it reports the correct altitude to air traffic control. This involves adjusting it to correctly detect transition points between altitude ranges on the primary altimeter.

The steps to calibrate the altitude encoder involve connecting test equipment, allowing warmup time, adjusting the encoder to correctly detect transition points at various altitudes while decreasing or increasing pressure, and verifying the calibration.



2.5.1 alibration Procedure

See Figure 2.21 for Test Set Up.

Step 1: Connect a static pressure system tester to the

airplane. The AK-350 Altitude Reporter must be
connected to the aircraft static line near the flight
the two aftitude adjustment screws must
altimeter and
be accessible.

Step2: Apply power to the AK-350 Altitude Reporter, and the

ATC Transponder Test Set. Set primary flight
altimeter to 29.92 in hg.
Step 3: Allow a minimum of 15 minutes warm up time.

Sten 4: Apply static pressure system tester to obtain a flight

altimeter reading of 29,900 ft. Slowly decrease
pressure and read the flight altimeter at transition
point (29,900 30,000 feet). Transition point is
indicated on the Transponder Test Set.
f necessary, adjust the "HI" pot of the AK-350, until
the transition point at decreasing pressure is 29.950
+20 feet, as read on the primary flight altimeter.

Note 1: The Transponder Test Set reading should

match with flight altimeter reading, not with the static
pressure system tester.

Note 2: Because mechanical primary flight altimeter

pointers are not totally frictionless, therefore tap
lightly on the primary flight altimeter with a
screwdriver handle to eliminate friction before taking
any reading.
Note 3: A leaky static system will make calibration
difficult if not possible.
f the aircraft ceiling altitude is less than 30,000 feet,
perform the same above procedure for its ceiling
altitude, i.e. for a maximum aircraft operating altitude
of 20,000 feet, the flight altimeter shall indicate
19,950+- 20 feet, at the transition point (19,900
20,000 feet).

Step 5: Apply static pressure system tester to obtain a flight

altimeter reading of +100 feet. Slowly increase
pressure and read the flight altimeter at transition
point(+100-0feet). Transition point is indicated on
the Transponder Test Set).

If necessary, adjust the "LO" pot of the AK-350, until

the transition point at increasing pressure is +50
+/10 feet, as read on the primary flight altimeter.

Sten 6: Check the transition points, at flight altitude reading

of 30,000 feet, for both decreasing and increasing

The transition point for decreasing pressure should be

29,950 + /- 50 feet.

The transition point for increasing pressure should be

30,050 / - 50 feet.

Step 7: Check the transition points, at flight altitude reading

of 0 feet, for both decreasing and increasing

The transition point for increasing pressure should be

+50 +/ 50 feet.
The transition point for decreasing pressure should be
- 50 + / 50 feet.

Repeat the above procedures until interaction is eliminated.


Reference: FAR 91.36, Appendix E, FAR 43 and Advisory

Circular 43-6A.

Set the primary flight altimeter barometric to 29.92 in Hg.

Select several of the following Correspondence test points

chosen by the Calibrating Technician), from 1,000 feet to the
maximum operating altitude of the aircraft or 30,000 feet, for
both increasing pressure and decreasing pressure:


Correspondence Transition for Transition for

Test Point Decreasing Pressure Increasing Pressure

- 1,000 ft
-1.050 +/ 125 ft -
950 +/ 125 ft

50 +/- 125 ft 50 +/- 125 t

2,000 ft 1,950+/ 125 ft 2,050- 125 ft
6,000 ft 5,950 +/. 125 ft 6,050 +l 125 ft
10,000 ft 9,950 +- 125 ft 10,050+| 125 ft
14.000 ft 13,950 +1 125 ft 14,050+l 125 ft
20,000 ft 19,950 +/- 125 ft 20,050 +l 125 ft
25,000 f 24,950 +/- 125 ft 25,050 +| 125 ft
30,000 ft 29.950 +/ 125 ft 30,050 +1 125 f

Maximum Correspondence Error shall be +/- 125 feet, as read on the

primary flight altimeter.

NOTE 1: If the aircraft ceiling altitude is less than 30,000 feet.

perform the same above procedure for its ceiling altitude,
i.e. from -1,000 feet to maximum aircraft ceiling

NOTE 2: Because mechanical primary flight altimeter pointers are

not totally frictionless, therefore tap lightly on the primary
flight altimeter with a screwdriver handle to eliminate
friction before taking any reading.

NOTE3 A leaky static system will make calibration and data

correspondence test difficult if not possible.

NOTE 4: If the altimeter correspondence error exceeds +/ 125 ft

flight altimeter calibration should be suspected.


Correspondence Trensition for Transition for

Test Poinm Decreasing Pressure Increasing Pressure

- 1.000 ft 1,050 +/ 125 ft 950 +/. 125 ft

ft 50 +/ 125 ft +50 +/ 125 ft
2,000 t 1.950+ 125 ft 2,050 +/ 125 ft
6,000 ft 5,950 +: 125 t 6,050/. 125 ft
10,000 ft 9,950 +: 125 ft 10,050 +/ 125 ft
14,000 ft 13,950+/ 125 ft 14,050 +/- 125 ft
20,000 ft 19,950 +/ 125 ft 20,050 +: 125 ft
25,000 ft 24,950+/- 125 ft 25,050+/- 125 ft
30,000 ft 29,950 +/ 125 ft 30,050 +/ 125 ft
35,000 t 34,950 +: 125 ft 35,050 +: 125 t
40,000 ft 39,950 +/ 125 ft 40,050 +/- 125 ft
50,000 ft 49,950 +/ 125 ft 50,050 +/- 125 ft
60,000 ft 59.950+/ 125 ft 60,050+/ 125 ft
70,000 ft 69.950+/ 125 ft 70,050 + 125 ft
80,000 ft 79,950 +/ 125 ft 80.050 +/: 125 ft

Maximum Correspondence Error shell be +/125 feet, as read on the

primery flight eltimeter.

NOTE1: If the aircraft ceiling altitude is less than 80,000 feet,

perform the same above procedure for its ceiling altitude,
i.e. from1.000 feet to maximum aircraft ceiling

NOTE 2: Because mechanical primary flight altimeter pointers are

not totally frictionless, therefore tap lightiy on the primary
flight altimeter with a screwdriver handle to eliminate
friction before taking any reading.

NOTE 3: A leaky static system will make calibration and data

correspondence test difficut if not possible.

NOTE4: If the altimeter correspondence error exceeds +/ 125 ft.

flight altimeter calibration should be suspected.
