Wipro Coding

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Write C/CPP/Java/Python program to perform

1. Addition of 2 matrices.
2. Check 2 matrices for similarity.
3. Implement operation on doubly linked list, singly linked list, circular linked list
4. Topological sorting.
5. Find average of n<10 using array.
6. Implement all forms of stack, queue.
7. Find length of array
8. Find length of circular linked list.
9. Implement all string manipulation operations like to find strlen, strcpy,strrev,struppercase.
10. Linear and binary search.
11. Bubble sort; merge sort, quick sort, heap sort, insertion sort, selection sort.
12. Dynamic knapsack
13. Dijkstra, primes, kruskal
14. DFS, BFS
15. Computational geometry
16. GCD, tower of Hanoi
17. Strassens multiplication
18. Print reverse pyramid pattern, square, rectangle patterns
19. Dynamic implementation of array, stack and queue.
20. Find prime number.
21. Find perfect cube
22. Perfect square
23. Check continental number
24. Solve polynomial evaluation using structure
25. Implement Binary search tree
26. Recursive program for addition, division, multiplication etc
27. In a matrix containing 0’s and 1’s find the row with more 0’s and more 1’s
28. Check whether array is unique or not.
29. Sort first half in ascending and 2nd half in descending order.
30. Print following patterns like

123 11111 ******
12 111111 ********

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