SAGCOT Brochure Poultry Strategic Approach

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Poultry Strategic partnership

The Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of

Tanzania (SAGCOT)
Tanzania’s poultry sub-sector is comprised of traditional and
commercial production systems. Traditional poultry kept are mainly Is a public-private partnership that seeks to catalyse responsible agribusiness
chicken (90%) with the remaining small proportion being ducks, investments in the country’s southern corridor. The SAGCOT Centre Ltd serves as
ostriches, pigeons and geese. According to the Tanzania Poultry a partnership broker and information hub among SAGCOT partners to facilitate
Breeders Association (TPBA), traditional chicken shows a high socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable value chain investments. The
potential to improve food security, household income of rural people, SAGCOT Centre actively promotes and facilitates strategic partnerships in order
particularly disadvantaged groups such as women and children. to promote a harmonized approach and to improve synergies among key
Commercial poultry production in Tanzania is still on a low scale due stakeholders within and across priority value chains.
to lack of skills and technical knowhow, lack of capital for investment,
unorganized market for poultry and poultry products, unreliable How important is the poultry value chain?
supply of day-old chicks, lack of reliable supply of quality poultry
feeds, high veterinary medicine costs, poultry feed costs and lack of Poultry Value chain represents one of the most promising pathways for poverty
poultry processing industries. Tanzania’s per capita consumption of alleviation through provision of employment to women and the youth.
poultry meat is estimated at 15 kg per annum (FAO 2015). Through the Furthermore, the value chain continues to make a critical contribution to
Poultry Strategic Partnership, SAGCOT is working with its partners to improved nutrition and food security. The ongoing transformation of the poultry
address challenges and opportunities in the sub-sector. industry, particularly among smallholders continues to improve standards of
living through increased incomes and improved nutrition.
Key Stakeholders in the Poultry According to FAOSTAT, in 2017, Tanzania processed approximately 104,000 metric
tons of Chicken meat with a 5-year Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 4%.
Partnership In addition to producing meat and eggs, poultry manure is a great source of
fertilizer and is a potential revenue stream for farmers. In most local
Public Sector communities poultry is also used as a repository of wealth and used as medium
Private sector of exchange.
Development Partners
Farmers Oganisations
Civil Society Organisations Transforms farmers’ food security and improves
Poultry holds high potential for rapid modernization with growing demand in
urban, peri-urban and rural areas. In Tanzanian, 96% of livestock farmers keep
indigenous chickens, usually in small flocks of up to 20 birds, which supply 94% of
the poultry meat and eggs in rural areas. There is differentiated demand for
chicken type and breed in urban and rural areas. Consumption is skewed on
medium- to high-income populations in urban areas, but demand is high
throughout the country.
Seeks end-to-end value chain solutions Inclusive and sustainable impact
The indigenous chicken can however reach the consumer directly while the
exotic breeds predominantly goes through a distributor for meat and or Ownership and division of benefits: As opposed to cattle, sheep and
eggs, the latter is as a result of large quantities being produced by a goats, small scale poultry is a source of employment to a diverse range
commercial farmer at a given time when compared with small number of of people in the local communities. Poultry producers are
indigenous chickens kept by households. predominantly women and most of the financial benefits accrued from
The indigenous chicken breed are kept as small flocks in free-ranging low the sale of live poultry and eggs are usually utilized by women. Youths
input production system. They provide vital nutrition and are a source of engage in buying and selling of eggs and live chicken and some are
income to most households in rural areas while exotic breeds are produced engaged in rendering value addition activities like roasting of chicken
in large quantities through a well-structured commercial system. and frying of eggs. Orphans and people with disabilities have been
organized in entrepreneurship groups that produce chicken for eggs
and meat through different initiatives in the cluster such as the Africa
Epitome of public-private partnership Bridge project. Most of commercial chicken producers employ full time
An assessment of Poultry value chain in the corridor indicates that poultry is workforce particularly youth males and females with average of one
private sector driven but it is regulated by the public sector hence the need person per chicken producer.
for public-private partnership. The Poultry strategic partnership brings
diverse stakeholders together particularly the public and private partners Support to small scale investments: As a business strategy, medium
and it is a platform for these stakeholders to align their interests and and large-scale producers and processors are building capacity of the
leverage their influence in developing and strengthening the poultry value local communities through corporate shared value investments and
chain. provision of extension services. Support is also provided to small scale
producer groups in order to create reliable market channels; as well as
The Poultry strategic partnership is comprised of 22 partners including provision of technical support for smallholder producers to enhance
Smallholder poultry keepers, Private Sector players such as Silverlands, AKM quality of the agro-produce in the value chain. Silverlands and AKM
Glitters, Tanfeed (Moragg), NMB, CRDB, Agrovets; public sector including Glitters are the main suppliers of day-old chicks and poultry feeds, in
Regional Secretariats, President’s Office – Regional Administration and Local collaboration with other partners such as Tanzania Livestock Research
Government (PO-RALG), Local Government Authorities (LGAs), Tanzania Institute (TALIRI) and the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)
Investment Centre (TIC), Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries, TALIRI, Tanzania have supported the African Chicken Genetic Gain project which aimed at
Bureau of Standards, Apex organization like Tanzania Animal Feed scaling up improved dual purpose Kuroiler and Sasso chicken breeds.
Manufacturer Association, Tanzania Poultry Breeders Association, Poultry
Layers Association.
Key Challenges
Offers linkages to other value chains • Production of improved day-old chicks and chicken - Low production
Due to the high demand of feeds in the commercial poultry farming, the and supply of day-old chicks, inadequate disease surveillance system,
sub-sector has the ability to provide linkages to other value chains that limited provision of timely Vaccination and treatment and limited use of
provide intermediate goods and services particularly the commodities such improved technologies for hatchery and poultry feeds production
as maize which is a major ingredient in the poultry feed as well as sunflower • Increased value on poultry and its by-products - Lack of accredited
and soya seed cakes which are key protein ingredients in the poultry feeds. poultry abattoirs that ensure safe meat in the market, Unstable
electricity supply, issues related to quality control and lack of
awareness on local poultry processing and packaging.
Helps to improve soil fertility • Access to finance for poultry value chain actors - Lack of culture for
Poultry manure is used as an organic fertilizer to enrich soils with nutrients self-financing to invest on poultry value chain, and limited support to
for production of horticultural crops, mostly in small fields around women and youth groups to secure funds from LGAs to invest on poultry
households. Poultry manure is rich in Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium business.
and is considered a key fertilization component for soils low in Nitrogen. • Unstructured market systems - Unpredictable and unstructured
Most of the manure is obtained from improved poultry breeds (broilers, market for poultry sub-sector, few poultry keepers who are using
layers, Kuroiler and Sasso), which are usually managed under confinement. Business Development Services, inadequate awareness to the society to
consider consumption of quality poultry products as a source of
nutrition and limited awareness of the consumers on the availability of
one-month old chicks.
• Policy and business enabling environment - There is no zonal level
For more information please contact us laboratories to test for animal feeds quality, poor enforcement of the
check list for sellers of poultry feeds ingredients provided by the MLF,
SAGCOT Centre Limited Tel: +255 22 260 1024 lack of feed inspectors at the LGAs to ensure standardization of policy
+255 22 260 0146 at national level.
5th Floor, Ikon Building Fax: +255 22 260 2368
Bains Avenue, Masaki
P.O. Box 80945 Email: [email protected]
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Web:

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