Applying The Thinking Aloud Pair Problem

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Asian Journal of Management Sciences & Education Vol.

4(2) April 2015


Applying the Thinking Aloud Pair Problem Solving Strategy in

Mathematics Lessons
Nekmahtul Hafizah Abdul Kani1, Masitah Shahrill2
Katok Secondary School, Ministry of Education,
Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah Institute of Education, Universiti Brunei Darussalam,
[email protected], 2 [email protected]

In ‘Thinking Aloud Pair Problem Solving’ (TAPPS), students work in pairs to solve
the mathematics problems. One student (the problem solver) is required to read the
problem and think aloud during the problem solving process. Another student (the
listener) attends to the problem solver’s thinking and reminds him/her to keep saying
aloud what he/she is thinking or doing, while also asking for clarifications and
pointing out errors being made. This study explored the effectiveness of applying
TAPPS on students’ mathematics performance in Brunei Darussalam. A Year 9 class
from one of the secondary schools participated in this research study. The students’
problem solving behaviour and mathematics achievement were investigated to see
any significant differences after learning using the TAPPS method. Data reported
were mainly collected through mathematics achievement tests, questionnaire surveys
and classroom observations. The study revealed that there was a significant
improvement in students’ problem solving behaviour especially in understanding the
problem. Although TAPPS did not help in improving students’ conceptual knowledge
in mathematics rather, it required the students to have a strong grasp of the
conceptual knowledge beforehand in order to be able to devise a plan to solve the
Keywords: Problem solving strategy, secondary, students’ mathematics
performance, Brunei Darussalam

Learning mathematics is often linked to using one’s problem solving skill. While strong
conceptual understanding is important in learning mathematics, it is also essential for the
students to learn how to use their knowledge effectively in solving mathematics problems.
Different problem solving strategies have been described in literatures but some suggest that
students tend not to use strategies with too many stages (Jeon et al., 2005). In this study, we
mainly used a well-known example of problem solving strategy proposed by Polya (1945),
which consists of the following four stages: (i) understanding the problem, (ii) devising a
plan, (iii) carrying out the plan, and (iv) looking back over the process.
Thinking aloud pair problem solving, which was first developed by Arthur Whimbey, aims to
better understand thinking among the students (Whimbey & Lochhead, 1999) and to develop
students’ cognitive processes associated with problem solving (Kotsopoulus, 2010). Thinking
aloud pair problem solving is mainly based on thinking aloud and listening (Jeon et al.,
2005). As the name suggests, this involves students working in pairs. One student (the
problem solver) is required to read the problem aloud and think aloud during the problem
solving process, which includes verbalizing everything they are thinking and doing. Another
student (the listener) attends to the problem solver’s thinking and reminds him/ her to keep

ISSN: 2186-845X ISSN: 2186-8441 Print Leena and Luna International, Oyama, Japan. Copyright © 2015
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Asian Journal of Management Sciences & Education Vol. 4(2) April 2015

saying aloud what he or she is thinking or doing, while also asking for clarifications and
pointing out errors being made. It is important to highlight that listeners are not allowed to
attempt to solve the problems or give correct answers. Instead of merely imitating worked
examples, this instructional method focuses on helping the students learn by being aware of
their thinking process in tackling mathematics problems. Students are not always able to
express their mathematical understanding in detail. Often, answers from the students were
given in the form of one word or sometimes, keywords. Thinking aloud during problem
solving may reveal much more about the students’ personally constructed understanding
compared to assessing them from their written works (Watson, 2002). However this may also
be restricted to how well the students are able to express their thinking process verbally.
In this study, we investigated the effects of conducting Thinking Aloud Pair Problem Solving
(hereafter, referred to as TAPPS) in a mathematics classroom on students’ mathematics
achievement in Brunei Darussalam. We also explored whether thinking aloud has any
significant effects on students’ problem solving performance.

Whimbey and Lochhead (1999) mentioned that thinking aloud during problem solving aims
to ensure that students “do not skip steps in their reasoning, nor miss facts in drawing
conclusions” (p. 23). This procedure may also help in identifying different kinds of students’
weaknesses, errors and strategies in problem solving (Montague et al., 2011). It is able to
provide more information inaccessible through examining students’ written work for
example, through students’ explanations.
Jeon et al. (2005) observed in their investigation on the effectiveness of TAPPS in improving
problem solving performance of high school chemistry students that students in both the
individual and TAPPS groups performed better in problem solving compared to the control
group. They found that students in the individual and TAPPS groups performed better in
recalling the related law and mathematics execution. The students in TAPPS group also
performed better than the others on conceptual knowledge. Jeon and colleagues (2005) also
stated that the verbal interactions between the solvers and listeners could help the students be
“more cognizant of both their own thinking and the thinking of other students” (p. 1564).
However, they discovered that listeners seemed to gain more benefits from TAPPS than the
problem solvers. They found that listeners’ ‘pointing out’ behaviour showed the greatest
correlation with their own problem solving performance; listeners’ ‘agreeing’ behaviour to
the solvers’ statements was also positively correlated to the listeners’ problem solving
performance. They also discovered that there was a negative correlation between the
listeners’ ‘pointing out’ and the solvers’ problem solving performance.
In addition, Kotsopoulus (2010) highlighted in her study on examining instances of talking
aloud during peer collaborations in mathematics that it is important to teach the students both
on how to express their thinking and their learning needs and how to attend to each other’s
thinking and learning needs in such settings. She mentioned TAPPS as a possible suggestion
to achieve this. Ericsson and Simon (1980) argued that thinking out loud does not affect the
cognitive processes or performance speed, but instead, it does help students to identify and
monitor their own thinking process.


TAPPS is used with the intention to reduce the chance of students attempting mathematics
problems impulsively as well as to strengthen and clarify students’ understanding of the
concepts. At the same time it also aimed to promote a student-centred learning environment
Copyright © 2015 Leena and Luna International, Oyama, Japan. ISSN: 2186-845X ISSN: 2186-8441 Print
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Asian Journal of Management Sciences & Education Vol. 4(2) April 2015

in the classroom as stated in the new education reform system in Brunei known as Sistem
Pendidikan Negara Abad ke-21 or translated to English Language as the National Education
System for the 21st Century (and better known as SPN21) (Botty & Shahrill, 2014; Kani et
al., 2014; Mahadi & Shahrill, 2014; Ministry of Education, 2013; Matzin et al., 2013;
Mundia, 2010, 2012; Salam & Shahrill, 2014; Shahrill & Clarke, 2014; Yatab & Shahrill,
2014). Incorporating TAPPS in mathematics learning is expected to improve the
effectiveness of the classroom learning activity.
This study aimed to critically assess the effectiveness of having TAPPS in a mathematics
classroom in Brunei on students’ learning and problem solving skills. In order to actualise
this aim, we investigated the impact of TAPPS on students’ mathematics problem solving
behaviour as well as mathematics achievement. This study was guided by the following
research questions:
1. Are there any differences in students’ mathematics problem solving behaviour
before and after learning using TAPPS?
2. Are there any differences in students’ mathematics achievement before and after
learning using TAPPS?

The participants for this study were the Year 9 students (mean age of 14 years old) in one of
the schools in the Brunei-Muara District. The students participating in this study were
amongst the students with intermediate ability doing Mathematics at the International
General Certificate for Secondary Education level (or IGCSE Mathematics). There were 21
students (12 boys and 9 girls) in this class. However, since there were some absentees during
the data collection period only data from 16 students were taken into account for the Problem
Solving Behaviour questionnaire.
Recordings of the Lessons
There were three different focus groups chosen throughout the data collection period and
their interactions were audio recorded for follow-up analyses. In addition, field notes were
also written during each lesson where the first author entered her observations that may be
useful for further analyses.
Mathematics Achievement Tests
Scores from the pre-test and post-test were collected to assess the students’ mathematics
problem solving achievement. These tests required students to answer three items on problem
solving under the topic Rate, Ratio and Proportions for 15 minutes.
A problem solving behaviour questionnaire was used in this study. This questionnaire was
given to the students before and after TAPPS was introduced. This questionnaire used a 5-
point Likert-type scale, ranging from 1 (never) to 5 (always), obtained and modified from
Desoete (2007). It consisted of 25 items that aimed to identify the students’ problem solving
strategy before and after the study. Each student would receive scores on each item in this
questionnaire, ranging from 1 to 5, and a total score from 25 to 125. Each item in this
questionnaire represents one of the stages in Polya’s problem solving strategy. The first stage,

ISSN: 2186-845X ISSN: 2186-8441 Print Leena and Luna International, Oyama, Japan. Copyright © 2015
www.ajmse. (株) リナアンドルナインターナショナル, 小山市、日本 P a g e | 22
Asian Journal of Management Sciences & Education Vol. 4(2) April 2015

which ‘understands the question’, was represented by 8 items; ‘devising a plan’ was
represented by 4 items, 6 items represented the ‘carrying out plan’ stage, and 6 items for the
‘reflecting’ stage.
Data Collection
The pre-test and problem solving behaviour pre-questionnaire were first administered to the
participants at the beginning of the lesson. Then, they were introduced to and practised with
the problem solving strategy and TAPPS strategy for the remainder of the lesson. They were
first assigned partners based on their pre-test mathematics performances and then trained with
their roles as the problem solver and the listener during TAPPS. The students were taught and
asked to practise on solving some problems using the four-step problem solving strategy,
which consisted of i) understanding the problem, ii) devising a plan, iii) carrying out the plan,
and iv) looking back over the process.
Once the students were ready, they were given two worksheets to be done for the rest of the
week. In each of the lessons, the first author had chosen different focus groups and recorded
their conversations as part of the research data. The worksheets were also submitted at the
end of every lesson to be assessed as part of the research data. The problem solving
behaviour post-questionnaire was administered to the participants immediately after the
students completed their worksheets. Finally, a delayed post-test was also given to the
students a week after the intervention lessons.
Data Analysis
In order to answer the first research question, the pre-questionnaire and post-questionnaires
were analysed quantitatively using the paired t-test and descriptive statistics to measure any
significant difference in their problem solving behaviour before and after TAPPS. For the
second research question, results from the pre-test and the post-test were analysed
quantitatively using the paired t-test and descriptive statistics to measure any significant
difference in students’ mathematics achievement before and after TAPPS.


Problem Solving Behaviour
In order to investigate the differences in students’ problem solving behaviour before and after
learning using TAPPS, the mean scores for the pre-questionnaire and post-questionnaire were
analysed using the paired t-test. Table 1 below shows the mean scores of students’ problem
solving behaviour questionnaire before and after TAPPS. The results indicated that there
were significant improvements in students’ problem solving behaviour after learning using
the TAPPS method for a week (t = 4.06, p < 0.01).
Table 1. The mean scores before and after TAPPS (N = 16)

Before After t

85.5 91.8
Problem Solving
(14.9) (15.1)
Note. *p < 0.01. Standard deviations appear I parenthesis below the mean scores.
Mathematics Achievement
To investigate the differences in students’ mathematics achievement before and after learning
using TAPPS, the overall mean scores of the pre-test (2.125) and post-test (1.188) were
Copyright © 2015 Leena and Luna International, Oyama, Japan. ISSN: 2186-845X ISSN: 2186-8441 Print
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Asian Journal of Management Sciences & Education Vol. 4(2) April 2015

compared and the difference was -0.937. A paired t-test was computed to find out whether
the difference of -0.937 is significant. Table 2 presents the mean scores, the standard
deviations of the pre- and post- tests and t-value. The result of the t-test showed that there
was no significant difference in the overall mean scores of the pre- and post-test (t = 1.70, p >
Table 2. Mean scores and standard deviations of pre- and post-
achievement test and t-value (N = 16)

Pre-test Post-test t

Mathematics 1.188 2.125

Achievement 1.70
Test (1.721) (2.604)
Note. p > 0.05. Standard deviations appear in parenthesis
below the mean scores.
The results of this study indicated that the TAPPS method could help improve students’
problem solving behaviour. However, it should be noted that this study did not show that
using this method alone could help students improve their mathematics achievement. During
the intervention lessons, a pair of students who were chosen as one of the focus groups
showed that they spent most of their time re-reading all the questions in the worksheet and
drawing diagrams in an attempt to understand the questions better. However, no further
progress in problem solving was observed in their worksheet. In order to investigate deeper
into their problem solving behaviour, the t-test analyses on students’ problem solving
behaviour were done separately according to the four stages in Polya’s problem solving
It was found that the students improved most significantly in understanding the questions,
which is the first stage of the problem solving strategy (t = 4.30, p < 0.01). However, the
students did not show that they have significantly improved at a 5% level in devising a plan
to solve the problems (t = 0.26, p > 0.05). Table 3 below shows the means for students’
questionnaire scores on each stage of Polya’s problem solving strategy before and after the
TAPPS lessons.
Table 3. Mean scores and standard deviations for the four stages in Polya’s problem solving
strategy (N = 16)

Before After t

Understanding the problem a 26.375 (4.787) 29.625 (4.209) 4.30*

Planning b 13.688 (2.496) 13.813 (2.834) 0.26
Carrying Out c 23.938 (4.464) 25.500 (4.789) 2.78
Reflecting d 21.500 (4.604) 22.875 (4.617) 1.75

Note: a Understanding the problem stage was represented by items 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 in the
Problem solving behaviour questionnaire. b Planning stage was represented by items 4, 12, 13 and 16
in the questionnaire. c Carrying out plan stage was represented by items 5, 11, 14, 15, 17 and 18. d
Reflecting stage was represented by items 19, 20, 22, 23, 24 and 25.
* p < 0.01. Standard Deviations appear in parentheses below the mean scores.

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Asian Journal of Management Sciences & Education Vol. 4(2) April 2015


The findings of this study showed that the use of TAPPS method helped students in being
aware of their thinking process and improve their problem solving skills, especially in
understanding the problem solving questions prepared in this study. However, it did not help
improve students’ conceptual knowledge. If students’ conceptual understanding were weak to
start with, the problem solving strategy would not help much during the exercise. This is
consistent with the findings by Jeon et al. (2005) which reported that “the problem solving
strategy did not improve students’ conceptual knowledge more than conventional methods”
(p. 1563). They also reported that the TAPPS method was “..more effective than individual
use of the problem solving strategy at helping students become aware of their knowledge,
process, or skill and those of their fellow students” (p. 1563). Due to lack of planning
strategies, students then tend to stop halfway through their problem solving as was reported
by Jeon et al. (2005). Therefore, it may still not be enough in helping to improve students’
mathematics achievement in problem solving. It is essential that the students have a strong
conceptual knowledge (that is required to tackle the particular mathematics problems)
beforehand to work with during the learning activity using TAPPS. Subsequently, TAPPS
could then help them be better in applying their knowledge to devise a plan for solving the
problems at hand.
Another reasonable explanation might be that students were finding it hard to understand
some of the questions due to their weak command of the English language. When the
students found the exercise questions difficult, they tended to give up and get distracted
easily. As reported by Fan and Yeo (2007), “students’ ability in their command of the
language (English) was a crucial factor in determining their ability to perform well in oral
presentation tasks” (p. 94). This may be the case for the participants in this study. Although
students have to practice speaking about mathematics in English with the correct use of
terminologies, it is important for the students to be able to express their own understanding in
the language they are comfortable with first. As the students get more comfortable with this
process, the teacher may then introduce some rules with using the appropriate language and
Students generally showed positive perceptions and attitudes towards learning mathematics
using the TAPPS method. However, during the TAPPS activity, the first author came across
some students who were shy and reluctant to think aloud even though they were able to write
and use mathematical notations. Students were also reluctant to ask what they were struggling
with as a group unless they were approached and asked directly if they were having any
problem. Similarly, Henjes (2007) in her study on the use of the think-aloud strategy to solve
word problems with her sixth-grade students. She reported that students would not use the
think aloud strategy as they were not familiar with the process and “had not yet taken
ownership of the think aloud strategy” (Henjes, 2007, p. 16).
Apart from the challenge of getting used to expressing themselves verbally, students did not
have a problem with accepting TAPPS in their mathematics learning. Students agreed that the
TAPPS method could help with their mathematics learning. This was consistent with the
results in the study by Gan and Hong (2010) where the students in the peer-tutoring group
had a more positive perception of the interactive activity compared to the control group.
Students’ preferences of learning techniques could contribute into how effective it is. Apart
from that, encouragement from the teacher is also a key factor “to better give confidence to
students who were engaging in something that was not previously the focus in their learning”
(Fan & Yeo, 2006, p. 94).

Copyright © 2015 Leena and Luna International, Oyama, Japan. ISSN: 2186-845X ISSN: 2186-8441 Print
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Asian Journal of Management Sciences & Education Vol. 4(2) April 2015

The results in this study contradicted the results found by Jeon et al. (2005). Since the number
of participants and time were limited during the data collection period, this study suggests
more research to be done in the future in investigating the effects of TAPPS on students’
mathematics achievement for a longer period of time or with a sample that is representative
of the Brunei secondary level students. In addition, without any extensive revision lessons
done on the Rate, Ratio and Proportions topic before the TAPPS lessons, students found it
hard to remember the concepts in order to solve the problems given. This has resulted in the
students not knowing which information from the questions that should be considered as
important or relevant. Therefore a suggestion for future research would be to carry out the
TAPPS lessons on a certain topic immediately after they have learnt it and to investigate the
improvement in their mathematics achievement and problem solving behaviour.
In this study, we investigated on how well students were able to use TAPPS in their
mathematics classroom by examining whether there were any significant differences both in
their problem solving behaviour and their mathematics achievement before and after TAPPS.
Future research on other disciplines in the Brunei context should also be done, as it may be a
better learning method in other subjects that involve problem solving besides mathematics.
Jeon et al. (2005) did their study on the effectiveness of TAPPS method in the context of
chemistry lessons and have found that TAPPS “improved students’ conceptual knowledge
and increased success rates on solving problems” (p. 1564). The students in their study were
better at recalling related laws and executing meaningful mathematical expressions with the
help of TAPPS. This could also be the case for other subjects, especially in science. It is also
important for any teacher or researcher to gradually introduce TAPPS to their students. The
teacher or researcher may begin by firstly providing an environment that the students are
comfortable with. After a familiarisation period, a more challenging task may then be given
to the students.

ISSN: 2186-845X ISSN: 2186-8441 Print Leena and Luna International, Oyama, Japan. Copyright © 2015
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Asian Journal of Management Sciences & Education Vol. 4(2) April 2015

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ISSN: 2186-845X ISSN: 2186-8441 Print Leena and Luna International, Oyama, Japan. Copyright © 2015
www.ajmse. (株) リナアンドルナインターナショナル, 小山市、日本 P a g e | 28

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