ElectronicManual Nintendo3DS SpiritCamera EN PDF
ElectronicManual Nintendo3DS SpiritCamera EN PDF
ElectronicManual Nintendo3DS SpiritCamera EN PDF
4 Before Playing
5 Getting Started
Story Mode
10 Battling Spirits
Spirit Camera
13 Copyright Notices
Support Information
14 How to Contact Us
1 Health & Safety
Language Selection
The in-game language depends on
the one that is set on the system.
This title supports five different
languages: English, German, French,
Spanish and Italian.
If your Nintendo 3DS system
language is set to one of these, the
same language will be displayed in
the game.
If your Nintendo 3DS system is set
to another language, the in-game
default language will be English. For
instructions about how to change the
system language, please refer to the
Operations Manual, "System
Please note that the title on the
Game Card is in English, as the same
label design is used for all European
Basic Co ntrols
Select item
OK/Skip messag e
Cancel /Back
Turn pag e
S w it c h l o w e r s c r e e n
Tal k
Switch l enses
Displ ay menu
S l eep M o d e
Close your Nintendo 3DS system
during play to activate Sleep Mode,
greatly reducing battery
consumption. Reopen the system to
resume play.
4 Before Playing
As you progress through the story, it
will save automatically (autosave)
when you reach certain points. The
words "Saving" will appear during an
autosave. When photographing
spirits (p. 11) you can save the
photos you've taken on an SD Card.
The SD Card must be inserted into
the Nintendo 3DS before playing.
Note: If there is not enough space
on the SD Card, your photos will not
be saved.
● Do not u s e ex t e rnal
ac c es so ries o r s o ft ware t o
mod ify y ou r sav e dat a, as th is
ca n l ead t o an i nabil it y t o
pro g re ss or l o ss o f save da t a.
Any modification is p ermanent ,
so be careful.
7 Starting the Game
The Beginning
Start the story from
the beginning.
When starting, you
will need to save a
photo of your face,
taken by the inner camera, for use
Resetting the save data will delete
the saved photo of your face.
Continue from your last save point.
Sce ne Se lection
Replay scenes from PROJECT ZERO:
THE PURPLE DIARY that you have
cleared in the game.
??? ????
This content will be unlocked once
you have cleared PROJECT ZERO:
8 The Camera Screen
❺ ❻
❶ Lamp
This glows when it detects a spirit.
❷ I cons
There are 4 kinds of icons.
Ap pears w hen yo u ne ed
t o l oo k at a pag e of t he
AR Book.
Ap pears w hen yo u ne ed
t o l o ok aro un d b y
m o v in g t h e
Nintendo 3DS.
Ap pears w hen yo u ne ed
to tal k to someone.
Ap pe ars whe n a pu z zl e
req ui re s ad dit io nal
act io ns in o rde r t o b e
❸ C urrent Lens
❹ Hint Window
Hints on how to progress in the
game are displayed here.
❺ Talk Button
Press this button when you see
someone you can talk to.
❻ Menu Button
Displays information and options.
The Me nu Screen
Access any text items
and voices you have
found, and view
Change your settings.
P ause Game
Pres s or to display
the Pause Menu.
9 Using the Purple Diary
Hidden Puzzl es
I f t he circ l e s c on t inu e t o g l o w,
t h is means anot h er act i on i s
requ ire d. Us e t h e h int s pro vi de d
t o hel p you.
Looking Around
When appears, look around you
by moving the Nintendo 3DS.
When you find
someone, you can
talk to them.
Press or touch
the lower screen
when appears.
Switching Lenses
W h en inv e st ig at i ng t h e A R Bo ok
or you r surro und ing s , so met imes
t he camera wil l react strang ely. I n
t h es e case s, y ou can s wit c h
lenses using .
Y o u wil l u nl oc k more l e ns es as
you prog ress throug h the sto ry.
10 Battling Spirits
Battle Scree n
❷ ❹
❶ HP Gaug e
This gauge will deplete when a spirit
takes damage. You win the battle
when the gauge is empty.
❷ Detect ion Guide
When the spirit is outside your field
of vision, its location is indicated by
an arrow.
❸ C apt ure Circl e
Once the spirit is centred within this
circle, it can be photographed and
❹ Reload Meter
The Reload Meter depletes when
you take a photo. Only when it is full
again will you be able to take
another photo. The meter takes time
to replenish.
❺ Stamina Gaug e
This gauge depletes when you take
damage from a spirit's attack. When
the gauge is empty, it's Game Over.
Photographing S pirits
You will mostly be fighting with the
Zero Lens, though there are special
circumstances in the game which
require other lenses.
Centre the spirit in the Capture Circle
and take a photo when the circle
changes colour in order to inflict
The Charge Meter will begin to glow
with Spirit Power when you have
centred a spirit in the circle. The
more Spirit Power you have charged
up, the more damage you will deal.
Note: Only the Zero Lens can charge
up Spirit Power.
Charg e
Shutter Chance
If you take a photo
when the circle is
red, you will parry a
spirit's attack. You
won't defend
against the attack if you don't pay
attention to this timing.
Finding Spirits
You can consult the Detection Guide
to determine the direction of a spirit.
However, some spirits can hide
themselves, and cannot be seen
using the Detection Guide. Find
these spirits with the Lamp (p. 8).
Mo de Sel ection
Once SPIRIT CAMERA is selected
from the mode selection screen,
three playable options will be
displayed in the menu.
Note: When photographing faces,
you can switch between the inner
and outer cameras.
● Spirit Photography
Take photos of spirits.
● Spirit Check
See what's haunting you and
those around you.
● Spirit Challenge
Fight the spirits which emerge
from photos of people's faces.
Taking Phot os
Take pictures of
people and your
surroundings with
the / buttons.
Photos you've taken
in Spirit Photography mode can be
saved onto an SD Card and viewed
using Nintendo 3DS Camera from the
HOME Menu.
12 How to Play Cursed Pages
Choose a Game
PAGES from the Mode
Selection Screen and
select a game from the
menu which appears.
As you progress through the games,
more will become available.
● Four Strange Masks
Follow the restless gazes of the
four masks and answer the
questions put to you.
● The Haunted Doll
Memorise the doll that rises from
the AR Book, and use the camera
to search your surroundings for
the right one.
Note: Additional difficulty levels will
become available as you progress
through this mode.
13 Copyright Notices
License Agreement
For Open Source Computer Vision
Software License Agreement (BSD
Copyright © 1992-2008 The
University of Tennessee. All rights
[Mersenne twister]
Copyright © 1997 - 2002, Makoto
Matsumoto and Takuji Nishimura,
All rights reserved.