Introduction To The Physical Principles of Ultrasound Imaging and Doppler Peter N Burns PHD

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MBP1007/1008, Fundamentals in Medical Biophysics

November 2005



Peter N Burns PhD

Professor of Radiology and Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto
Senior Scientist, Sunnybrook &Women’s College HSC

Sunnybrook Health Science Centre

2075 Bayview Avenue S660,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4N 3M5
[email protected]

Left: Real time ultrasound image of the four chambers of the heart, with colour Doppler showing regurgitation of
the mitral valve. Right: 3D Power Doppler image of the arterial circulation of the kidney.

Introduction many. The purpose of these notes is to describe the

The spectacular progress in image quality that has common basis for ultrasound imaging and Doppler
marked the development of diagnostic ultrasound instrumentation, so laying a foundation for its
in the last three decades has given way to a period clinical application.
in which the focus of development has been in
new technical capabilities, such as colour Doppler,
intra-cavity transducers and high bandwidth I: IMAGING
transducer arrays, and in new clinical applications,
such as intravascular imaging, transcranial Ultrasound imaging is based on the 'pulse-echo'
Doppler and venous imaging. While many of principle in which a short burst of ultrasound is
these technical developments have marked emitted from a transducer and directed into tissue.
exciting new applications for the ultrasound Echoes are produced as a result of the interaction
diagnostian, they have also resulted in a rather of sound with tissue, and some of these travel back
bewildering array of new instruments, some to the transducer. By timing the period elapsed
employing techniques which are still unfamiliar to between the emission of the pulse and the

Peter N Burns 1
reception of the echo, the distance between the alternating voltage of the appropriate frequency
transducer and the echo-producing structure can be (say 3MHz) corresponding mechanical oscillations
calculated and an image formed (Figure 1). In and hence ultrasound waves (in this case
diagnostic imaging, frequencies vary from about consisting of 3 million compressions/second) are
2MHz for some cardiac, transcranial and deep produced. From the point of view of ultrasound
abdominal applications, through 10MHz for the imaging instrumentation, it is equally significant
imaging of superficial structures such as blood that the piezoelectric effect works in the opposite
vessels, to 20MHz or higher for intravascular sense, that is, varying mechanical pressure on the
imaging. At these frequencies, ultrasound has a face of the transducer will be converted into a
wavelength of between 1.5 and 0.08 mm, a corresponding variation in electrical potential
dimension which sets a fundamental limit on the across two faces. It is this voltage which results
potential spatial resolution of the resulting image. when the reflected portion of a pulse of ultrasound
Better resolution is associated with a higher findings its way back to the transducer and which
ultrasound frequency, but absorption of the sound is referred to as the echo signal.
energy by tissue also increases with frequency.
Optimum imaging is thus obtained by choosing Echoes arise when a burst of ultrasound (which
the highest frequency transducer which will permit travels through tissue at about 1500 metres/
adequate acoustic penetration to identify the
region of interest. To this end considerable effort medium 1 medium 2
has been expended to develop technologies which
will allow the transducer to be positioned nearer to
the structure of interest and hence achieve higher

Sound consists of longitudinal vibrations which
propagate through a medium such as water or soft
tissue in much the same way as a compression can
be seen to travel along the length of a spring.
Sound consists of the repetitive (or periodic)
production of such compressions which travel in
regular succession. The number of compressions
produced each second is known as the frequency
(measured in Hertz, Hz, where 1MHz =
1,000,000Hz) and the distance between successive
compressions (which depends on the speed at
which the sound travels in the medium) is known
as the wavelength.

Ultrasound for use in diagnostic imaging

instruments is generated using some form of transducer
acousto-electric transducer. Piezoelectric crystals
exhibit the extraordinary physical property that
when an electrical voltage is applied across two Figure 1 The pulse-echo principle is used to produce
faces, a mechanical deformation takes place. The an ultrasound A-scan. A pulse is emitted from the
effect is rather small, but if the voltage is reversed transducer at the same time as a dot is set in motion
in polarity (that is the positive and negative wires from left to right on the A-scan screen. When an echo
to the crystal are transposed), the material deforms reaches the transducer, the received signal causes a
in the opposite direction. Thus by applying an vertical deflection of the trace. The distance between
deflections on the A-scan corresponds to the depth of
the interface from the transducer.

Peter N Burns 2
second, or 3500 mph) encounters an interface such as this with echo amplitude on the vertical
between structures of differing acoustic axis and depth on the horizontal axis is known as
impedance. Acoustic impedance is a mechanical an A-mode scan (Figure 1).
property which for bulk tissue is defined as the
product of its density and the speed at which The echoes can also be displayed as dots in a
sound propagates through it. The speed of sound is straight line, with brightness proportional to echo
itself influenced by, amongst other factors, the amplitude (Figure 2c). If the transducer is then
stiffness of tissue. Thus ultrasound imaging is mounted on a position sensing arm, the line of
fundamentally a modality which maps the changes view of the acoustic beam can be made to
in a mechanical (rather than nuclear or atomic) correspond with the orientation of the brightness
property of tissue. As the scale over which these modulated A-scan line on the display screen.
mechanical properties affect ultrasound are Moving the arm across the skin's surface will then
comparable or greater than the wavelength of produce a series of dots corresponding to the
sound used, it turns out that many modifications to cross-section of the interface within tissue (Figure
the structure of tissue at the cellular level also 2e). Thus, an image of this interface is formed,
result in changes of its acoustic properties, known as a B-mode image. This cross-sectional
including acoustic impedance. Thus ultrasound is image forms the basis for almost all those of
an excellent method for the imaging of soft tissue modern ultrasound instruments. Figure 3 shows
structures. the major components of an ultrasound imaging
Ultrasound instrumentation system. The clock initiates the sequence which
If the difference in acoustic impedance between results in a single image being constructed on the
two structures is small (as it is in most soft tissue screen: A pulse is created by the pulse generator
interfaces), only a tiny proportion of the and emitted by the transducer. The direction in
ultrasound pulse will be reflected back toward the which the transducer is oriented is registered by
transducer; most of it will be transmitted and the coordinate computer, which feeds this
continue on to the next interface. Echoes arrive information to the scan converter. As the echoes
back at the transducer separated in time by a are received, they are amplified and demodulated
period proportional to the distance between to determine their strength. The stream of echoes
interfaces. The simplest (and in fact the most is then presented to the scan converter, which is a
accurate) way to measure this time is by memory capable of storing the echoes along with
displaying the echoes as deflections on a cathode their time of arrival and direction. These data are
ray tube. A spot is made to traverse the screen of then read from the memory in a television raster
the cathode ray tube rapidly from left to right and format and fed as a video signal to the imaging
the electrical signal from the transducer arranged monitor. As soon as all the echoes are received, the
to cause a vertical deflection. Thus in figure 1, the clock initiates another, identical sequence. As the
first deflection occurs as the electrical pulse is transducer is scanned over the patient, so an image
applied to the transducer. The acoustic pulse which is formed. If the scanning process is automated at
results from this travels into tissue until it a sufficiently rapid rate, enough images can be
encounters an interface which the acoustic produced every second for motion of tissue
impedance changes, from where the reflection structures to be followed in “real time”.
gives rise to an echo which travels back to the
transducer. When the echo reaches the transducer Variations in acoustic impedance may take the
an electrical signal is produced which causes a form of a smooth surface (such as the bladder
second deflection of the spot on the cathode ray wall), in which case the reflection of ultrasound
tube screen. If we assume sound to have traveled will be specular (Figure 4a) in analogy with light
at a steady speed in the tissue, the distance striking a glass interface. Echoes will only be seen
between the transducer and the interface can be if the beam is near perpendicular to the surface
measured from the distance between the two (Figure 4b). Older "bi-stable" ultrasound
deflections on the screen. A one-dimensional trace equipment was able to demonstrate only these

Peter N Burns 3

compensation CLOCK

Medium 1 i r
Radiofrequency Demod- Video
amplifier ulator amplifier

Medium 2
z2 t
Coordinate Image memory
computer (Scan converter)

a. Specular relection

Image Monitor

Figure 3 The major components of an ultrasound

imaging system. A pulse is issued by the pulse Medium 1
generator and emitted by the transducer. The z1
direction of orientation of the transducer is
registered by the coordinate computer and fed to the
Medium 2
scan converter. As the echoes are received from
tissue, they are amplitude and demodulated to
determine their strength. Individual streams of
echoes are then represented as lines in the
appropriate direction, brightness modulated on the
image monitor. As the transducer is moved, an image b. Specular reflection - normal incidence
is produced on the monitor.
Figure 4 An ultrasound pulse encounters an interface
strong, specular echoes. They are seen at interfaces between soft tissues of differing acoustic impedance. a.
of organs as well as from brightly reflecting Specular reflection. A small portion of the ultrasound
smooth areas such as the walls of major vessels. beam is reflected but most passes across the interface
Other interfaces may be irregular, in which case undeviated. The angle of incidence (i), the angle of
reflection will take place over many angles within reflection (r), and the angle of transmission (t) are all
the ultrasound beam (which is of the order of equal.
millimetres in width) and echoes are produced in b. Normal incidence. In this special case of specular
many directions. Such scattering gives rise to reflection the angle of incidence is zero and the echo is
echoes, some of which travel back to the received by the transmitting transducer.
transducer if the angle of incidence is one of a
range of values(Figure 5a). Because the geometry received by the transducer. If these weak echoes
of the imaging process allows only relatively few are displayed by the gray scale of the ultrasound
structures to give rise to specular reflections which imaging system, the parenchyma of an organ is
are directed toward the transducer, scattering from characterized by a distinct shade of gray. The
uneven interfaces is the principal mechanism for structure and intensity of backscattered
the visualisation of tissue margins using parenchymal echoes form the basis of gray scale
ultrasound. The diaphragm is an example of such a ultrasonography. In fact, such backscattered
structure in the body. Finally, small variations in echoes are coherent in phase and interfere with
acoustic impedance are present within the tissue each other in just the same way as ripples on water
parenchyma itself, and these give rise to low-level, caused by many small disturbances will combine
isotropic scattering (Figure 5b). The small to form a pattern of crests and troughs. In
proportion of this echo which is backscattered is

Peter N Burns 4
thus allowing the diagnosis of abnormality. The
normal cortex of the kidney, for example, is
characterized by less intense parenchymal echoes
Medium 1 than that of the contiguous liver, spleen and
z1 pancreas. The parenchymal texture of these organs
is also different. In addition, specular echoes from
Medium 2 the renal sinus in the adult are more intense than
z2 t
those from within the cortex.

Attenuation of the ultrasound beam in normal

tissue is a result primarily of the absorption of the
acoustic wave motion by tissue, converting its
a. Rough Interface
energy to what is generally an immeasurably small
quantity of heat. In practice, scattering is thought
to contribute a negligible amount of attenuation.
Attenuation is strongly dependent on frequency
and reduces the intensity of the beam
logarithmically as it travels through tissue. For
example, the intensity of a 5MHz beam is reduced
to half its initial value by 6mm of liver, 2mm of
muscle or 0.3mm of bone. Gas and bone attenuate
ultrasound rapidly: in addition, their acoustic
impedance results in almost total reflection from
interfaces with soft tissue. The effect of
attenuation on returning echoes is seen as a
b. Inhomogeneous medium
dramatic reduction in intensity of echoes from
deeper structures. To compensate for this, the gain
Figure 5 Scattering of ultrasound. a. Specular of the receiver is increased logarithmically as
reflections from a multiplicity of irregularly oriented echoes arrive from progressively deeper structures.
interfaces gives rise to echoes over a range of angles. When the last echo has arrived the next pulse of
b. As sound propagates through the parenchyma of ultrasound is emitted from the transducer and the
an organ which contains microscopic fluctuations in gain reset to its lowest level for reception of the
acoustic impedance, small quantities of ultrasound first echo. The gain is automatically increased
are scattered in all directions, including back toward throughout the subsequent period in which echoes
the transducer. This is responsible for the gray-scale from deeper structures arrive. In this way, equal
appearance of the organ. strength echoes from different depths are
displayed with the same intensity on the screen.
The control of this time gain compensation (TGC)
ultrasound this stationary interference pattern
is at the operator's disposal, and must be set
gives rise to the speckle of a gray scale image, a
properly if the relative echogenicity of organs at
factor which determines the apparent texture of an
differing depths is to be assessed. Inappropriate
organ imaged with ultrasound. Different organs
setting of the TGC curves can lead to the
have characteristic textures. Although the absolute
appearance of artifactual lesions; conversely, real
intensity (or echogenicity) and texture from a
lesions may be obscured by incorrect TGC settings
given region cannot be used to obtain tissue
in the area of the abnormality.
characterizing information since texture is
determined primarily by a combination of the
Since the difference in echo intensity between the
acoustic characteristics of the ultrasound beam and
bright specular reflector and weakest parenchymal
the mechanical structure of tissue, the relative
scatter might be as much as 60dB and a television
appearance of different organs will be constant,

Peter N Burns 5
screen capable of displaying no more than about respiration can identify it as arising from the
30dB, some compression of the range of echo peritoneal or retroperitoneal space. For example,
amplitudes is necessary. This is achieved by fluid-filled structures which pulsate may be
amplifying the low level echoes linearly, but the identified as arteries and ureteric jets may be
high level echoes in a manner which compresses visualized directly with real-time ultrasound as
them into a narrow dynamic range (Figure 6). This they empty into the bladder. Dynamic information
characteristic (known as the display compression may be recorded on videotape or "frozen" by an
or post-processing curve) may be adjusted to operator control and stored in an image memory.
enhance the contrast between a lesion and Review of a real-time ultrasound examination of
surrounding tissue of almost similar echo intensity. the abdomen can, however, be difficult as the
Thus, in Figure 6, the intensity ratio between hand-eye coordination of the scanning process is
echoes A and B, and between echoes C and D are impossible to record, and an appreciation of the
similar, but on the display the contrast between precise plane of visualization is often difficult to
echoes A and B is greater than that between echoes gather in retrospect. Multiple views in standard
C and D. Employing a different post-processing planes, however, although lending predictability to
characteristic, such as that of curve 1 in Figure 6, the images produced, result in the sacrifice of
will cause the display contrast to vary. In many many of the qualities unique to real-time
instruments, post-processing characteristics may ultrasound imaging.
be adjusted after the image has been acquired and
held in the scan-converter. Additional A variety of techniques may be used to move the
enhancement of edges may be provided by ultrasound beam in a real-time scanner. In the
electronic differentiation of the demodulated mechanical sector scanner (Figure 7a), the beam
signal, a processing facility built into many from a single transducer is moved by the rotation
modern abdominal scanners. In selecting post- of the ceramic element itself or of acoustic mirrors
processing characteristics, one should attempt to
optimize the contrast between structures of interest 3
without sacrificing the dynamic range (that is, the C' 2
range of gray shades) in the display.
Display Brightness (dB)

Real time ultrasound imaging
The process of moving a transducer attached to an A'
arm has been largely replaced in modern real-time
scanners by the movement of a transducer using a
mechanical rotator or translator, driven under
servo control such that the display of scan line is
moved in exact correspondence with the position
of the beam (Figure 7). The beam is swept with
sufficient speed that an entire image can be A B C D
produced in a fraction of a second, so that Echo Amplitude (dB)
independent images may be acquired at a rapid Figure 6 The compression amplification (or post-
rate. The display of these images in quick processing) curve demonstrates the relationship
succession and the elimination of flicker by between the echo amplitude returning to the transducer
switching between image memories, creates a and the display brightness. Note that there is a constant
device capable of visualizing structures which are difference in echo amplitude between echoes A and B
moving a real time. The assessment of the move and echoes C and D. With post processing curve 1 these
movement of tissue in the abdomen yields would result in an equal difference between the display
additional diagnostic information unique to brightness of these two sets of echoes. With the post
ultrasound imaging. Movement of a lesion during processing curve 3 however, the contrast between
echoes A and B is greater than the contrast between
echoes C and D.

Peter N Burns 6
Mechanical Sector
Electronic Sector


Linear Array Curvilinear Arrray

Electronic Array
delays elements
Figure 8 The principle of the phased array. A similar
transmit pulse is fed to each of the array elements but
after a delay which increases progressively from one
end of the array to the other. The result is an ultrasound
wavefront whose direction of motion is at an angle to
the axis of the probe. Such "steering" of the ultrasound
beam can be achieved very rapidly by the phased array

rapidly from one end of the transducer array to the

other, so forming an image. The frame rate of such
an image is determined by a combination of the
number of lines within the field of view (this is
related to the image resolution), and the time taken
for the last echo to return to the transducer once
the pulse has been transmitted (this is related to
the maximum depth of the field of view). Thus, the
Figure 7 Above: Real time scanners. Four size of the field of view, the frame-rate and the
configurations of an ultrasound transducer assembly resolution of the image are all related in a real-
which permit the echoes to be collected as a sufficient time scanner. The optimum choice of those
speed to produce real-time images. parameters is inevitably a matter of compromise.
Below: Curvilinear array image of fetal face Electronic switching precludes the need for
moving parts in the linear array scanner. One of
the limitations of this configuration is that is
within the beam. In the linear array a large
requires a relatively large transducer and therefore
number of small, discrete transducer elements are
cannot be applied to intercostal scanning or
arranged in a line (Figure 7c) and a small number
scanning through other small acoustic windows (a
excited together to form a beam. When all the
window refers to a superficial area through which
echoes have been received along the resulting line
deeper structures can be visualized and which is
of sight, the next pulse is issued from the adjacent
not comprised of structures such as gas or bone
series of elements, and so on. The beam is swept
which attenuate the ultrasound beam). On the

Peter N Burns 7
other hand the linear array has proved to be ideal
for scanning areas with large windows and a
smooth abdominal surface such as the pregnant
uterus. The curvilinear array (Figure 7d) creates a
trapezoidal field of view with a somewhat smaller
acoustic footprint than the linear array, but shares
many of its advantages.

Finally, in the electronically steered or phased

array scanner (Figure 7b the sector format is
produced by precise control of the instant at which Ultrasound
each element in a small rectangular array of
transducers is excited. Here all the elements
(typically there may be 48, 64, 96 or 128) are
excited together but with a small, progressive time
(or phase) difference from one side to the other.
The size and direction of this difference
determines the direction in which the main lobe of
the ultrasound beam will emerge. By controlling
this phase between successive bursts, the beam Electronic Array
may be 'steered' electronically (Figure 8). Control delays elements
is achieved by the implementation of small, Figure 9 The electronically focused "steered" phased
independent electronic delay circuits in the path of array. Precise control of the individual delays of the
each transducer element, which are controlled by transmitted pulse applied to each of the array elements
common high-speed computer logic. Applying results in a wave front that is oriented in the desired
delays to the signal received by each element in direction, and also has a radius of curvature creating a
the array enables the beam to also be manipulated focus at the desired axial distance from the array
so as to receive in the same direction as it phase. The array may be thought of as having
transmits. synthesized the effect of a single curved disk transducer
oriented in the desired direction.
The advantage of the electronically steered arrays
are their lack of moving parts, the relatively small
size of the transducer footprint (perhaps 2cm
square) and their particular ability to produce
beams whose focus may be controlled
electronically. Figure 9 illustrates the method used
to achieve this. As will be seen presently, the
lateral resolution of an ultrasound image depends
mainly on the width of the ultrasound beam.
Although it is easy to focus the ultrasound beam
so that it is narrow at a particular depth (for
example by the use of an acoustic lens attached to
the surface of the probe), the resulting
improvement in resolution at the focal depth is at
the expense of image quality of shallower and
deeper structures. Swept focusing exploits the
ability of a phased array to emulate a lens. A lens Figure 9a Phased array realtime image of the heart,
focuses a beam simply by delaying the passage of produced at 60 images per second
sound at its center relative to that at its edge. The

Peter N Burns 8

Echo A hybrid of the mechanical sector scanner and the

∑ target
phased array, the annular array system, allows the
electronic focusing of mechanically manipulated
transducer elements. Here the ultrasound beam is
array A
moved mechanically, but the focal depth is
a. Near targets determined by electronic delays (Figure 11). An
annular array might typically be composed of five
rings. Note that the effect of this configuration is
to control the focus in two dimensions (that
signal defined by the image plane and that of the scan
∑ thickness), as compared to the phased array,
which controls the focus in the image plane only.
b. Far targets array
Annular arrays may be used at higher ultrasound
Figure 10 The principle of the swept focus array. The frequencies, where it may be difficult to create
echo received by each of the array elements is delayed so multi-small element phased array systems which
as to emulate the time of arrival of the echo at different performs so well. High frequencies are usually
points on a curved surface. The delayed received signals chosen where high resolution imaging of
are then summed together and fed to the ultrasound superficial structures is required, such as in the
receiver. testes, and here the annular array mechanical
a. When echoes are being received from a distance A from sector or the high frequency, swept focus linear
the array phase, large delays are imposed which emulate array scanner may be particularly advantageous.
a single transducer focused at the axial distance A.
b. A short time later, echoes are being received from the
greater distance B within tissue. Delays are imposed on Imaging transducers
the array elements which create a focus at the further

delays used to steer the beam can also impose Echo ∑

programmed delays which specify a focal distance target

for the beam. This creates a desired focal depth for delays

the transmitted pulse (Figure 9). However, the

main benefit from swept focusing is during a. Near targets annular A
reception. Because echoes from each depth arrive
at a different time, the period elapsed after the
transmission of the pulse can be used to determine
the depth from which the received echoes are Echo ∑
originating at any one time. The array may then be signal

instructed to focus at that depth. A moment later, delays


the array will be focused at a slightly greater

depth, and so on (Figure 10). Control (at quite b. Far targets annular B
high speed) of elements in either a linear or phased array

array when receiving allows an electronic focus to Figure 11 The annular array. The annular array, like
be formed whose position sweeps downwards as the phased array, is capable of synthesizing a focus at
echoes arrive from progressively deeper structures. the desired distance from the transducer, whose axial
Use of electronically focused beams improves the location can then be swept during the reception of each
uniformity of image quality at different depths, train of echoes. The annular array, unlike the linear
especially enhancing visualization of structures phased array, focuses the ultrasound beam in two
near the transducer face. dimensions.

Peter N Burns 9
radial scan, whose plane lies at right angles to that
of the probe. Figure 12b shows a mechanical
sector scanner whose plane contains the axis of
the probe (an axial plane). In Figure 12c the 115°






Figure 12 Some configurations of mechanical real time
scanners used for transrectal scanning. a. The 360
degree radial scanner. b. The axial sector scanner. c. An
axial sector scanner with adjustable scan plane. d. A
mechanical sector scanner whose scan plane may be
adjusted between axial and radial planes.

Ultrasound transducers, based on the mechanical Figure 13 Some configurations of electronic array
sector, the phased sector, linear and curvilinear scanners used for transrectal scanning. a. The
array, have been produced in a wide variety of axial phased array sector scanner. b. Axial linear
sizes and shapes. Transducers designed for array scanner with a rectangular field of view; c.
transrectal scanning have been built using linear Two phased array sector scanners, giving an axial and
array or rotating mechanical sector designs. These a radial orientation. d. A phased/linear array
are used routinely for prostate and bladder hybrid, the linear array providing the axial scan
imaging. Transurethral transducers are available plane.
for the examination of, for example, the walls of
the bladder. Finally, small electronically steered
sectors and high frequency linear array systems sector can be adjusted so that, while lying in an
have been designed for intra-operative use. axial plane, it can be oriented to face angles from
Transducers of all types are also available with forward to perpendicular to the probe. Figure 12d
attachments to guide a biopsy needle under shows a similar arrangement, but in which the
ultrasound imaging control. plane of the sector, while fixed at 90° to the probe
axis, can be rotated from an axial to a radial
Figure 12 shows a sample of intracvity probe direction. In all of these systems, the motor driving
configurations which employ mechanically the transducer motion is housed within the probe
translated ultrasound beams. In Figure 12a, a handle. Electronic arrays have the advantage for
single transducer rotates so as to produce a 360° intracavity imaging that they require no moving

Peter N Burns 10
Transducer Transducer
parts, so can be made smaller, Also, linear or
curvilinear arrays offer a larger field of view

which may make anatomic orientation of the

Low velocity

operator less difficult. Figure 13a shows an axial


phased array sector, Figure 13b an axial linear Target

array with a rectangular field of view.

Image Image

In Figure 13c two phased sector arrays are

providing images in the axial and radial directions
and Figure 13d typifies the many hybrids
available, in this case of an axial linear array with
a radial sector phased array. The mounting of Image Correct
Distorted linear structure
separate transducer assemblies on the same probe of target location
of target
allows visualization of different anatomic planes
without exchanging the probe itself during the
examination. In most machines, simultaneous Figure 15 Two effects of varying velocity within the
imaging of the two fields of view is not possible. imaging field.
Mechanical / array hybrids are becoming more a. Normal incidence of the ultrasound beam on the
common, and might comprise, for example, a velocity interface. Different transit time of the
linear array axial scanner and a 360° mechanical ultrasound pulse through the low velocity region
radial scanner. causes axial distortion of the registration of structures
distal to the region.
Artifacts in Ultrasound Imaging b. Non-normal incidence on the region of different
Ultrasound images are prone to several sources of velocity. Here, refraction causes lateral misregistration
artifact. When recognized and properly of targets distal to the low velocity area.
understood, many artifacts are useful in diagnosis.
Thus the "shadowing" distal to a stone identifies it a watery fluid. A foaming fluid gas mixture, such
as a highly attenuating (and thus usually calcified) as that found in the bowel, contains many highly
lesion. Conversely, the enhancement of the reflecting interfaces (Figure 14). The pulse of
ultrasound image distal the a cystic region, for sound traveling from the transducer will be
example, identifies the contents of the cyst as reflected many times back and forth within the
having a lower attenuation than that of foam before all its energy has been lost. The result
surrounding tissue, suggesting that it is filled with is a series of reflections which, because of the
varying lengths of the ultrasound path, take
pulse differing amounts of time to reach the transducer.
As the scanner assumes that echoes arriving after a
longer interval originate from deeper in tissue, the
Reflections image shows a "comet tail" of bright echoes distal
to the foam, extending deep into the image. This
"comet tail" artifact can be used to distinguish
bowel containing gas from, for example, a solid

Another artifact can result from the assumption

made in the imaging process that sound travels at
Figure 14 The reverberation artifact. Multiple path the same speed through all tissue. Virtually all
lengths of echoes reflected many times within a ultrasound instruments are calibrated to an average
foaming air-fluid mixture results in a high intensity speed of ultrasound in human soft tissue (usually
vertical streak in the image. 1540 metres/second). There is, however a

Peter N Burns 11
renal cortex and sinus, but can be significant
between fat and collagen. As the scanner assumes
ultrasound to travel in a straight line, and as the
echoes return along the same path as the
Medium 1 i r transmitted pulse, all structures distal to the
c1 refracting interface will be shown in the wrong
location, and their spatial relationship to nearby
Medium 2 structures which were imaged without refraction,
c2 t will be distorted (Figure 15b).

Making Measurements from Ultrasound

a. Short Pulse
Figure 16 Refraction. If the velocity of sound c is Image
different between two media, and the beam is incident at
a non-perpendicular angle, the angle of transmission Short
will be different to the angle of incidence.

significant variation between velocities in different

Image of
soft tissues. The more dense and rigid tissues have Point
a higher velocity, while fluids have a lower
velocity than the average. The largest difference
encountered clinically is that between fat and
collagen, which can be as much as 12 percent. The
effects of a region of tissue which has a different
b. Long Pulse
velocity all influence measurement: first, the axial
extent of the region itself will be misrepresented Transducer
because of the incorrect velocity. Thus a fatty
tumour with a velocity of 5 percent below the Long
calibration velocity will be overestimated in axial
length by 5 percent. Second, any tissue interfaces
distal to the tumour will be depicted in the wrong
location, because of the transit time of the pulse Point
Image of
having been lengthened by the region (Figure target

Figure 17 Axial resolution. The axial length of the
Finally, the assumption implicit in instrument
image of a point target depends on the length of the
design that the ultrasound travels in a straight line
pulse imaged from the ultrasound transducer. This
may be breached by the phenomenon of refraction
varies with transducer construction and size, as well as
(Figure 16). Among the factors which influences
the acoustic impedance of a given tissue is the
velocity at which sound travels in it. Thus, an
interface between two tissues of differing velocity Images
will give rise to an echo by reflection. However, as In many instances, ultrasound is used to make
the transmitted portion of the pulse continues into anatomic measurements of an organ or a lesion.
the deeper tissue, its path is deviated at the Certain limitations to the precision of such
interface. The degree of deviation from a straight measurements are a fundamental consequence of
line depends on the difference in velocities across the physics of the image itself: no amount of care
the interface: this may be negligible between, say, on the part of the operator will alleviate these

Peter N Burns 12
constraints. In particular, the resolution of the direction perpendicular to the ultrasound beam,
image determines the best precision of any which results in their being imaged as two distinct
measurement made from it. In ultrasound images, structures. Figure 18 shows that the principal
the resolution varies within each image, and determinant of lateral resolution is the width of the
between the three directions defined by the scan ultrasound beam. In general, the lateral resolution
plane. is inferior to, or at best comparable to, the axial
resolution. Highly focused beams, such as the one
Axial resolution shown here, achieve good lateral resolution in the
Axial resolution is defined as the minimum
separation of two targets in tissue in a direction
parallel to the beam which results in their being Direction of scan

imaged as two distinct structures. Figure 17 shows

Transducer Image
that the main factor which determines axial
resolution is the length of the ultrasound pulse.
Transducers have a tendency to "ring" after being
excited by an electrical impulse, creating an Point Image of
acoustic pulse which has an extended length in targets
space. The result is that even a point target
produces an echo which is sustained in time. This
is interpreted by the ultrasound scanner as a
structure which is extended in axial length, and the beam
result is an image which is smeared in the
direction of the ultrasound beam. Highly
dampened transducers are capable of producing Figure 18 Lateral resolution. Lateral resolution of the
pulses with a shorter spatial length, but require a
ultrasound image is dependent on the width of the
more powerful impulse to achieve the same level ultrasound beam. This is not usually uniform over the
of average acoustical energy in tissue. Moreover,
depth of the image. Swept focusing is one way of
shortening the length of an ultrasound pulse while minimizing the inhomogeneous lateral resolution that
keeping the total energy of the pulse constant,
results from such beam geometry.
results in a higher peak acoustic intensity. Thus a
compromise is reached between the peak pressure focal zone but poor lateral resolution in the near
to which tissue is exposed and the effective axial and far field regions. Thus the precision of a
resolution of the ultrasound image. distance measurement made in the lateral direction
varies according to depth, the size of the
Looking at Figure 17, it is clear that if the shortest transducer and the degree of focusing achieved.
pulse achievable was one solitary cycle, the length With array transducer systems, neither the focus
of this pulse, and hence the axial resolution, would nor the effective size of the transducer remains
be equal to the wavelength. In fact, the wavelength fixed. As echoes from different depths are received
specifies the best resolution with which a pulse at different times, the focus of the beam created by
echo system is capable of defining an echo- the transducer array can be arranged to coincide
producing structure, in axial, lateral and slice with the precise depth from which the echoes at
thickness directions. The wavelength of ultrasound that particular time are originating. This is known
at 3 MHz (typical of that used in abdominal Pas swept focusing. Thus, an image is created at
imaging) is about 0.5mm; at 10 MHz it is 0.15mm. which the echoes from every depth are detected
with an optimally focused beam. The result is an
image with more uniform lateral resolution than
Lateral resolution that illustrated in Figure 18. In general, narrower
Lateral resolution is defined as the minimum beams are obtained from using higher frequency
separation of two targets in tissue aligned along a transducers, so that lateral resolution improves

Peter N Burns 13
with increasing transducer frequency. Even if will be corrupted by randomly distributed signals
swept focusing is employed, the high bandwidth of that have the appearance of 'snow' but are in fact
the pulse emitted from the transducer and the artifactual consequences of a low signal-to-noise
tendency of tissue to absorb high ultrasound ratio. Second, the ultrasound beam does not have a
frequencies more rapidly results in a lowering of uniform sensitivity pattern: at greater sensitivities,
the center frequency of the pulse as it traverses the beam is effectively wider. If the gain is
tissue. The result is that there is always some increased enough to detect a weak echo, stronger
degradation of both axial and lateral resolution echoes from the same depth will be 'smeared' so as
with increasing depth. to reduce lateral resolution. Thus the contrast
resolution is affected by echo amplitude and tissue
Slice thickness attenuation. This provokes an inevitable conflict
The ultrasound instrument assumes that all echoes between raising the ultrasound frequency, which
arise from the central axis of the beam. In reality results in higher spatial resolution, and lowering it,
echoes are produced by the full cross-section of which improves signal amplitude and hence often
the beam. This leads to an inevitable uncertainty contrast resolution. The optimum frequency with
over the actual location from which an echo arises, which to carry out a specific measurement is thus
causing what may be described as a always a compromise.
"superimposition" effect. Echoes arising from
tissues located near the edge of the beam are
presented in the image as if they are located on the
central axis of the beam. Therefore, any given
point in the ultrasound image represents a
summation of changes in tissue construction
across a slice of tissue. When viewing the image,
the observer is “looking through” a slice whose
thickness is equivalent to the width of the beam
which produced the image. This 'slice-thickness' is
one source of the characteristic "fuzzy" edges of
imaged spherical structures. Since most of the
surfaces in the body are curved, the ultrasound
image superimposes echoes from these curving
surfaces, producing less well defined margins to

The effective resolution with which a structure can
be delineated, and thus measured, from an
ultrasound image is also affected by the strength of Introduction
the echo itself. Several factors are involved. First, The rapid expansion of the Doppler method in
even a strong echo may arise from tissue ultrasound diagnosis reflects the breadth of
sufficiently deep for attenuation to render it weak application that data from the noninvasive
by the time it returns to the transducer: it only examination of blood flow offers. This expansion
takes about 4mm of muscle, for example, to has been marked both by technical developments,
reduce a 2.5MHz echo to one-half of its amplitude. such as colour Doppler imaging, and new clinical
A weak echo requires more amplification from the applications, such as transcranial Doppler
receiver, but increasing the receiver gain also imaging. For the sonographer and ultrasound
increases noise. If the echo is comparable in diagnostician, however, it has also resulted in a
amplitude to the noise, it will be difficult or rather bewildering array of new instruments, some
impossible to detect it on the image, and edges employing techniques, such as time domain colour
imaging, which are unfamiliar to many.

Peter N Burns 14
Sound waves, comprising a series of
Doppler methods are unique among clinical compressions, travel toward the receiver at a
techniques in ultrasound in that they have the steady speed determined by the medium. The
potential to offer information related to the frequency received is simply the number of these
function of an organ rather than its morphology. compressions detected per second by the receiver.
However, they have in common with all In the example in which both the source and
ultrasound techniques that the information is receiver are stationary (Figure 19a), this is
derived from the interaction of a beam of sound obviously equal to the frequency that is
with a volume of tissue and therefore represents a transmitted. If, however, the receiver moves
combination of these two influences. Much of the toward the source (Figure 19b), it will detect more
interpretation of Doppler signals in clinical compressions per second and so register a higher
practice entails the extraction of information about frequency. Conversely, if the receiver moves away
the underlying blood flow from confounding from the source, fewer compressions reach the
factors related to the Doppler technique. This transducer per second and a lower frequency is
process has been made progressively more detected (Figure 19c). A precisely analogous effect
straightforward with the refinement of instruments occurs if the source moves away from a stationary
for the acquisition and analysis of Doppler signals. receiver (Figure 20). The motion of the source
However, the mere fact that the data cannot be towards the receiver causes the distance between
presented as a conventional image can challenge compressions - the wavelength - being reduced.
the sonographer who relies on an intuitive The result is that more compressions reach the
interpretation of an ultrasound study. An receiver per second and a higher frequency is
appreciation of the physical principles of the detected (Figure 20b). In the case of the source
Doppler effect not only help extend such an moving away from the receiver (Figure 20c), the
intuition into blood flow studies, but is an essential wavelength is reduced so that a lower frequency is
prerequisite for the quantitative interpretation of detected. It is easy to see from figures 1 and 2 that
Doppler signals. the greater the speed of the relative motion
between source and receiver, the greater the
The Doppler Effect Doppler shift in frequency. To a first
When a wave is reflected from a moving target, approximation, the effect of a moving receiver is
the frequency of the wave received differs from equal to that of a moving source.
that which is transmitted. This difference in
frequency is known as the Doppler shift and In the case of ultrasound being scattered from
depends on, among other things, the speed at moving red blood cells, two successive Doppler
which the target is moving and whether the motion shifts are involved (Figure 21). First, the sound
is toward or away from the receiver. Examples of from the stationary transmitting transducer is
the Doppler effect abound. For example, a listener received by the moving red blood cells. Second,
perceives the pitch of a moving source of sound to the cells act as a moving source as they reradiate
change according to whether the source is the ultrasound back toward the transducer, which
approaching or receding; an astronomer can is now a stationary receiver. To a first
determine the speed of rotation of the sun by approximation, these two Doppler shifts are equal
measuring the difference in frequency (that is, and simply add to each other. They account for the
colour) of light between the advancing and factor 2 appearing in the Doppler equation,
receding edges; the frequency of radio waves fD = 2 f v cosθ / c
received from a moving aircraft is shifted due to This equation relates the Doppler shift frequency
the Doppler effect. The acoustical Doppler effect fD (measured in Hz) to the velocity of the moving
occurs whenever there is relative motion between
blood v (in m/s), the frequency of the ultrasound f
the source and the receiver of sound. Consider the
(in Hz), the velocity of sound c in the medium (in
case in which the source is stationary and the
m/s), and the cosine of the angle θ between the
receiver is moving toward the source (Figure 19).
direction of motion and the axis of the ultrasound

Peter N Burns 15
/µψπσβ Software  ⊇
/πσε /µψπσε
{} στορε
δεφ φαλσε δεφ}ιφελσε

beam. This angle θ enters the equation because it

is seldom that a target, such as blood within a
vessel, is moving directly toward or away from the
transducer. More generally, it will be moving in a
direction at some angle θ to the line between it and
the transducer. The Doppler effect is a
consequence only of motion along this line. It is
therefore necessary to calculate the component of
the velocity v along the direction of the ultrasound Figure 21 An incident ultrasound beam of frequency f
beam: this is given by v cosθ. In the extreme case
is scattered by moving red blood cells in a vessel. As a
in which the motion is aligned precisely with the result of the Doppler effect, the backscattered echo has
beam, the angle θ is equal to 0, and cos 0 is equal a center frequency which is higher by an amount fD.
to 1, so that the component of velocity responsible
for the Doppler shift is simply v. Conversely, if the
motion is perpendicular to the beam, θ is equal to ultrasound by blood. The mean diameter of an
90° and cos 90° is equal to 0, so that there is no erythrocyte is 7 µm, much less than the
component of velocity along the beam and hence wavelength of the ultrasound, which is about 0.2
no Doppler shift. In physical terms, it is easy to mm-0.5 mm. Therefore, individual erythrocytes
see that the target is neither approaching nor act as point scatterers, whose combined effect is
receding from the transducer in this case. referred to as Rayleigh-Tyndall scattering. The
size of the echo from blood is small compared to
It is a purely fortuitous coincidence that, for the that produced by specular reflection from solid
range of ultrasound frequencies used clinically (2 tissue interfaces, as is apparent from the echo-free
MHz to 10 MHz), the range of tissue velocities appearance of blood-filled structures on ultrasound
encountered physiologically (0 m/s-5 m/s), and the images. One consequence of the Rayleigh-Tyndall
velocity of sound in blood, the range of Doppler process is that the intensity of the scattered wave
shift frequencies fD happens to lie within the
increases with the fourth power of frequency (I ~ f
audible range of frequencies up to about 15 kHz. It 4). Thus, doubling the ultrasonic frequency results
is both convenient and customary, then, for a
in an echo from blood that is 16 times stronger.
Doppler flowmeter to convert the shift frequency
This is partly responsible for a dramatic difference
into an audible signal that can be monitored by the
in performance between Doppler instruments
operator through a loudspeaker or a pair of
detecting blood flow using different ultrasonic
headphones. In spite of the fact that quantitation of
frequencies. Of course, attenuation in soft tissue
the Doppler signal is not possible without further
also rises with frequency, tending to offset the
processing of this signal, it should be noted that
advantage of the increased efficiency of scattering
the ear is capable of quite subtle discrimination of
at higher frequencies. The choice of the optimum
such noises and that the seasoned Doppler
ultrasonic frequency with which to perform a
practitioner still derives benefit from listening
Doppler examination is thus an inevitable
carefully to the sounds themselves.
compromise based on the frequency employed and
the depth of the structure of interest. In general,
The Scattering of Ultrasound by Blood
the optimum frequency for a Doppler examination
The composition of blood is responsible for some
lies below that which is likely to be chosen for
important aspects of the Doppler signal. Blood
imaging the same structure; this places an
consists of a suspension of erythrocytes (red blood
additional demand on the design of duplex
cells), leukocytes (white blood cells), and platelets
scanners and their transducer assemblies (see
in a liquid plasma. Because of the relatively low
numbers of leukocytes and the small size of
platelets, it is generally assumed that the
erythrocytes are responsible for the scattering of

Peter N Burns 16
Another important effect that the composition of backing, which has the effect of increasing the
blood has on the nature of the Doppler signal overall sensitivity of the system). A continuous
arises from the combination of many individual stream of echoes arrives at the receiving
scattered waves produced by the erythrocytes. As transducer, whose output is amplified and fed to
long as the erythrocytes are not too close together, the demodulator. The function of the demodulator
each behaves as though it were an independent is to compare the frequency of the received echoes
receiver and scatterer of the sound. The waves to that of the oscillator and to derive a signal
resulting from these interactions spread out from whose frequency is equal to their difference- this
their many sources much as ripples do from small is the Doppler shift signal. Stationary interfaces
stones falling onto the surface of a pond. As these give rise to echoes whose frequency is identical to
waves meet each other, they combine according to that of the oscillator: these are rejected by the
their phase at the point of interception with, for demodulator. Most demodulators employ a
example, two maxima combining to form a technique known as phase quadrature detection,
maximum, a maximum and a minimum combining which is capable of distinguishing between signals
to form zero, and so on. The resulting interference whose frequency is higher and those whose
pattern extends back to the receiving transducer frequency is lower than that of the transmitted
face and moves along with the moving blood. This signal, corresponding to Doppler shifts toward or
gives rise to fluctuations in the strength of the away from the transducer. Such a directional
Doppler signal both in space and with time, and demodulator produces two outputs that, after
accounts for the distinctive noise like character of filtering, have a phase relationship determined by
Doppler blood flow signals. It also allows a the direction of flow. Further, minor processing
prediction to be made about the average strength can be used to produce a stereo audio signal to
of the signal: theory predicts that the intensity of feed to the headphones, where the sounds in one
the Doppler signal is related to the quantity of
blood lying within the sensitive volume of the
Doppler beam. This forms the basis of the most amplifier
common method for volume flow estimation
using Doppler ultrasound. Finally, these spatial
fluctuations give rise to a speckle pattern in the sin wt cos wt
blood echo, analogous to, but of a much lower
strength than, the speckle pattern seen in the Receiver Demodulator
parenchymal echoes from a heterogeneous organ amplifier

such as the liver. This pattern moves at the same Transmitting

velocity as the blood itself and provides the basis transducer
Receiving To spectrum
for a non-Doppler method of measuring blood transducer analyzer
flow velocity.
Instrumentation Figure 22 The continuous wave Doppler system. Signals
The simplest Doppler instrument is the continuous from the receiving transducers are compared in frequency
wave (CW) Doppler shift detector. Figure 22 to those transmitted, using a scheme known as coherent
shows a schematic diagram. The transducer demodulation. The output of the demodulator is the
assembly houses two elements, one to transmit, audible Doppler shift signal.
the other to receive. Their beams are arranged to
overlap so as to form a sensitive volume defined ear are the Doppler shifts corresponding to motion
by their spatial product. The oscillator produces an toward the transducer and the sounds in the other
electrical voltage varying at the resonant corresponding to shifts away from the transducer.
frequency of the transducer (because the
transmitter is operating continuously, a narrow The overlapping volume of the two ultrasound
band transducer is used, perhaps with only air beams used in a typical CW system begins a short

Peter N Burns 17
distance from the transducer face and extends to intervals and the echoes are demodulated as they
the limit of the beams due to attenuation. The return (Figure 23). If the pulses are received in
detector will be sensitive to any moving target sufficiently rapid succession, the output of the
within this volume that produces an echo. Should demodulator (which compares the phase of the
there be moving solid structures as well as blood received pulse with that of the oscillator) consists
(for example, from the pulsation of an arterial of a sequence of samples from which the Doppler
wall), low-frequency Doppler shifts are obtained signal can be synthesized. The same transducer is
whose strength is much greater than that of the generally used for transmitting and receiving. The
blood flow itself. This may be more than an range in tissue at which Doppler signals are
inconvenience: if the dynamic range of the detected can be controlled simply by changing the
receiver is limited, overloading of the demodulator length of time the system waits after sending a
can occur, with the result that part of the blood pulse before opening the gate that allows it to
flow signal itself is lost. For this reason most receive. The axial length of the sensitive volume
instruments incorporate high-pass filters that help thus produced is determined by the length of time
eliminate Doppler signals below a certain for which the gate is open. Figure 24 shows that
predetermined frequency (typically 25-250 Hz). the electronic gate is generally placed after the
Even where clutter is not a problem, the presence demodulator and is governed by these two delays,
of several vessels within the sensitive volume which are under the control of the operator. A
gives rise to a superposition of several Doppler master clock ensures synchrony between the
signals. If these are simply an artery-vein pair (say emission of pulses and the operation of the delays
the carotid artery and jugular vein), the directional and gates. Quadrature detection, as before,
resolution of the spectral display and the distinct produces a directional Doppler signal as the output
characteristics of arterial and venous flow allow of the system. In practice, although the range of
their identification. the sample volume from the transducer is under
the control of the operator, the form of the
In the upper abdomen, however, there are usually sensitive volume itself is influenced by a variety of
too many vessels present to allow continuous factors. The length of time for which the received
wave systems to be very helpful. The usual
solution is to confine continuous wave techniques 1. Transmit
to the examination of superficial structures, and to
employ a sufficiently high ultrasound frequency so
that attenuation limits the penetration of the beam
and hence the extent of the sensitive volume.
Thus, 7 MHz-10 MHz systems are often used
without imaging for the examination of the carotid 2. Wait 3. Receive
and superficial vessels of the limbs. Many
configurations of the continuous wave transducer
assembly have been made, allowing, for example,
probes to be clipped onto vessels at surgery. The
continuous wave method is also capable of very
high sensitivity to weak signals, so that it is Figure 23 The principle of the pulsed Doppler method. The
preferred for the examination of smaller vessels range of the flow-sensitive volume is determined by the
such as those found in the extremities. transit time of the pulse in tissue.

The Pulsed Doppler

Pulsed Doppler ultrasound combines the velocity gate is open determines its axial extent, which may
detection of a CW Doppler with the range be varied between about 1.5 mm and 15 mm. The
discrimination of a pulse-echo system. Short lateral dimensions, however, depend on the
bursts of ultrasound are transmitted at regular ultrasound beam width, and are consequently

Peter N Burns 18
affected by the position of the sample volume in pulse to the target and back. This may remedy the
the beam as well as the transducer frequency and aliasing of the Doppler signal but creates a new
design. Some scanners using electronic beam ambiguity as to the location of echoes received
focusing adjust the focus of the beam to coincide when the gate is open. In effect, a second sensitive
with the location of the sample volume, thus volume is created, located somewhere along the
influencing its lateral extent. ultrasound beam. Signals are obtained
simultaneously from both locations. Judicious
One fundamental shortcoming of the pulsed operation can manipulate this second sensitive
Doppler system arises from the way in which the volume into a region from which no Doppler
audible Doppler shift is in fact made from a large signals are anticipated to arise. Other, more
number of discrete samples, one of which is straightforward, solutions to the problem of
created each time an ultrasound pulse is received aliasing are to lower the ultrasound frequency
by the transducer. Samples that are created rapidly
when compared with the rate of variation of the T/R Transmit CLOCK
Doppler shift signal itself have no problems: a switch gate

perfectly good representation, for example of a 1-

kHz Doppler shift signal can be made with the Oscillator

5000 samples per second obtained using a 5-kHz

pulse repetition frequency. In fact, sampling theory RF
shows that a signal can be reconstructed
unambiguously from a sequence of samples as Transducer
long as the frequency of the signal is no greater
Receive Length Range
than half the sampling rate (this is known as the gate delay delay

Nyquist limit) (Figure 25). However, the depth of Sample

the target being interrogated for motion imposes a range
limit on the pulse repetition frequency: an & hold
ultrasound pulse cannot normally be emitted
before the last echo caused by the preceding pulse Filter
has been received. Thus, occasions arise when the To spectrum
Doppler shift frequency of the moving blood is analyzer

above the Nyquist limit for the depth. The result is

that the system produces an incorrect, or aliased,
Figure 24 The single gate pulsed Doppler system. The
Doppler shift frequency, seen as a "folding over"
clock determines the pulse repetition frequency, which
of the spectral display, which now shows an
might typically be 10 kHz. The clock initiates a the
ambiguous relationship
release of a burst of ultrasound produced by the
between velocity of motion and the displayed
oscillator as the transmit gate is opened. Echoes
Doppler shift frequency. The aliasing artifact
received by the transducer are amplified and
defines a set of absolute maximum velocities that
demodulated to detect change in phase due to the
it is possible to detect unambiguously using pulsed
Doppler effect. As they emerge from the demodulator,
Doppler, which depend on the ultrasound
the receive gate opens so as to accept only those echoes
frequency, the angle of insonation and the depth
from the range of depths of interest. The output of
(Figure 26). This fundamental limitation of the
successive pulses is deposited in a sample and hold
pulsed Doppler method imposes restrictions which
circuit, thus forming the Doppler signal.
are most severe when interrogating fast moving
blood deep in tissue, such as in the diagnosis of
valvular stenosis in the heart. Various methods are (hence lowering the Doppler shift frequencies
available for circumventing the problem. One is to themselves) or to resort to continuous wave
simply increase the pulse repetition rate above the Doppler, which does not suffer from the aliasing
limit imposed by the transit time of the ultrasonic limitation.

Peter N Burns 19
of real-time ultrasound imaging for such guidance;
the combination of real-time imaging and Doppler
techniques is referred to as duplex scanning. Most
commonly, duplex scanners consist of a
combination of real-time sector imaging and a
pulsed Doppler.

Whereas the ultrasound beam moves rapidly in

order to create a real-time image, it must dwell for
a much longer period in one orientation in order to
Correct signal
obtain Doppler information: a duplex scanner
Aliased signal Samples at rate above nyquist frequency (no aliasing)

Samples at rate below nyquist frequency (aliasing)

rarely performs imaging and Doppler
Figure 25 Aliasing. The smaller dots illustrate an simultaneously, in spite of the implication of its
adequately sampled analog signal. The larger dots name. Generally, the real-time image is used to
represent sampling at too low a rate to allow accurate select the location for interrogation with the
reproduction of the analog signal. As these dots are Doppler system and the scanner is switched to
joined together, a signal of the incorrect, or aliased, operate in Doppler mode, during which the
frequency is produced. machine aligns the beam in the appropriate
direction and sets the range delays accordingly.
Figure 27 shows some typical configurations of
real-time scanners with which Doppler methods
Less obviously, pulsed Doppler instruments tend
have been combined. Because of rotational inertia
to emit pulses of a higher average intensity than
of mechanically steered systems such as that of
their continuous wave counterparts. The signal-to-
Figure 27a, it is not possible to switch between
noise ratio of a pulsed system is inherently poorer
imaging and Doppler modes very rapidly: the
than that of a continuous wave system because of
image is usually "frozen" on the screen while the
its higher bandwidth, that is, the pulses transmitted
contain a wider range of ultrasound frequencies.
Narrowing this range improves signal-to-noise
performance but degrades spatial resolution. At 5 Beam-flow angle

comparable intensities, then, pulsed Doppler

systems generally offer a poorer signal-to-noise 60°
Range-velocity limit: 5MHz
ratio. Manufacturers often address this problem by
Max velocity m/sec

increasing the power of the transmitted pulse. The 45°

practical implication of this is that the highest 3

SPTA (spatial peak temporal average) exposure 30°

intensities used in diagnostic ultrasound are 2

generally associated with pulsed Doppler systems.

These levels can be as great as 1 W/cm2. It is the
general experience, however, that virtually all
Doppler examinations, including those of small
deep-lying vessels in the abdomen, can be 0
2 4 6 8 10 12 14
performed successfully with modern instruments
Depth cm
at considerably lower exposure intensities.
Figure 26 Aliasing and the range velocity limit. Shown in
The Duplex Scanner this graph are the maximum velocities that it is possible to
Control of the location of the sensitive volume in detect unambiguously using a 5 MHz pulsed Doppler
tissue is of little use without some form of system at a given depth. Note that this velocity is
guidance to the structures in the region of the dependent on both the beam flow velocity angle and the
sample volume. It is natural to contemplate the use operating frequency of the transducer.

Peter N Burns 20
Doppler signal is acquired. Because many
mechanical scanners employ more than one
transducer for imaging, some of them are able to
use different transducers, and possibly different
frequencies, for the two functions of Doppler
interrogation and imaging. These might exploit the
superior performance of a swept focus annular
array for imaging and a single disk or dual element
(for continuous wave) transducer for Doppler.
Typical combinations might be 7 MHz-10 MHz
for imaging and 4-6 MHz for Doppler in the
carotid, or 5 MHz imaging together with 3 MHz
Doppler in the abdomen. Electronic sector
scanners (Figure 27b) are capable of switching
Figure 27a Duplex scan of ophthalmic artery
between imaging and Doppler modes at a
sufficiently high rate to permit real-time "duplex"
imaging at a somewhat reduced frame rate. make the positioning of the Doppler volume
Although this is sometimes at the expense of difficult.
signal-to-noise performance of the Doppler
system, the facility of simultaneous imaging and The linear array configuration with an offset
/pse /mypsb
/md newHeight
true def
def def
def false def}ifelse
Doppler is particularly useful when low angles of
insonation are desired for vessels lying parallel to
the transducer face. One ingenious approach to the
implementation of such a method is to employ a
number of elements within the linear array as a
"phased" system, delivering the transmit pulse to
each of the elements in the group with very small
successive delays, which have the effect of
steering the Doppler beam in a direction that
differs from that of the beams used for imaging
(Figure 27c). Such systems may be used in the
examination of the carotid and other superficial
vessels lying parallel to the skin surface.
Electronic arrays may also address the problem of
the different optimum imaging and Doppler
frequencies by employing sufficiently broadband
transducers so that the two functions can be served
by the same array operating at different
frequencies. The agility of the beam produced by
Figure 27 Four common configurations of the duplex such arrays is capable of providing imaging,
scanner. Doppler, and M-mode functions at such rapid
a: The mechanical sector scanner. alternations as to allow real-time examination of
b: The electronically steered sector scanner. the heart. The curvilinear array of Figure 27d is a
c: The linear array with electronically steered Doppler useful compromise between the relative
beam. advantages of the of the electronic sector and
d: The curvilinear array. linear array duplex scanner. Using an array for the
pulsed Doppler system allows electronic control
of the lateral extent of the beam in the direction of
Doppler is useful where there are slow movements
the array elements, but places quite heavy
(such as those of respiration or of a fetus) that can

Peter N Burns 21
may be measured directly from the ultrasound
T/R Transmit
switch gate CLOCK image. Inevitably, errors are associated with the
measurement: the vessel axis may not lie exactly
within the scanned plane, the vessel may be
curved, or the flow may not be aligned with the
RF Demod-
n range
& length
axis of the vessel. As discussed below, the error in
amp ulator delays velocity estimation resulting from such an
inaccuracy is strongly dependent on the beam-
vessel angle itself. Velocity should not be
estimated when this angle is above 60°. In
Rx Rx Rx Rx correcting for the operating frequency of the
gate gate gate
n sample
gate .... Doppler system, velocity estimates eliminate one
factor that may vary between individual duplex
instruments. Thus, even if a constant value of
Sample Sample .... Sample
& hold & hold & hold & hold insonation is used in the examination, the
estimated velocity is a better parameter to report
Filter Filter Filter .... Filter than Doppler shift frequency.

The Multigate Pulsed System

Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 3 ......
... Channel n
The single range-gate system of Figure 24 is only
Figure 28 The multigate Doppler system. The basic capable of detecting Doppler signals from one
configuration of the pulsed Doppler is supplemented by sample volume at a time. If, however, several
a number of parallel channels, each with an parallel channels are connected to the output of the
independent control of the sample range and length, demodulator, each with its own receive gate
providing a number of parallel Doppler outputs controlled by a different range delay, it is possible
corresponding to a series of discrete depths. to produce a large number of Doppler signals
simultaneously from different selected points
along the ultrasound beam. In a typical
demands on aspects of the performance (such as
configuration for such a multigate system (Figure
the dynamic range) of the beam-forming
28), the range cells are arranged to be close to
electronics. High-performance Doppler systems
each other within the lumen of a single, large
using such arrays have only become available
blood vessel. The Doppler signal from each gate is
relatively recently.
then fed into some form of velocity estimator- a
device that, for example, gives the instantaneous
A powerful advantage of the duplex system is that
average Doppler shift frequency- whose output
it allows estimation of the velocity of flow from
consists of a single number, varying with that
the Doppler shift frequency. As has already been
sample volume. The outputs from all the channels
explained, the Doppler shift frequency depends
may be combined to yield an instantaneous
not only on the velocity of flow, but also on the
estimate of the variation of flow velocity across
ultrasound frequency, the velocity of sound and
the diameter of the vessel lumen- the velocity
the angle between the ultrasound beam and the
profile. A typical system for measuring the
direction of flow. Many duplex systems are
velocity profile in a carotid artery might operate at
equipped to calculate velocity from Doppler shift
5 MHz and contain 16 or 32 gates, each
frequency and hence allow for these factors. The
approximately 1 mm in axial length.
velocity of sound and the frequency of the scanner
are known and may be programmed into the
Colour Flow Imaging
machine. The Doppler angle, however, must be
Looking at Figure 28, it is easy to see how the
measured. Assuming that flow is parallel to the
information from a multigate system could be used
wall of the vessel (that there are not, for example,
in another way: to map the extent of Doppler
substantial helical components to flow), this angle

Peter N Burns 22
signals obtained over an entire cross-sectional from each of its range gates in the same period of
image. All that would be required is a scanning time. However, in order to obtain Doppler
arrangement capable of steering the Doppler beam information along a large number of scan lines so
and registering its direction, and a sufficient as to form an image rapidly enough to be part of a
number of range gates to map a single Doppler real-time system, a very large number of parallel
parameter (for example, the average Doppler shift channels must be used. It is prohibitively
frequency) from near the transducer face to the expensive in hardware and software to
deepest point in each scan line. If a duplex system manufacture the, say, 128 channels required to
were to be used, the Doppler information could be obtain Doppler signals from the entire length of
superimposed on the real-time image, with the the scan line simultaneously. Even if this were
different velocities encoded using a colour scale. possible, a simple calculation shows that the beam
This is the principle of colour flow mapping, but could not dwell for 10 ms on each line and still
produce a real-time Doppler image. What is
Scan Converter
required is a method for obtaining not necessarily
Digital the Doppler signal itself, but an estimate of a
Image Formatter Doppler parameter such as the instantaneous
average Doppler shift frequency, from the entire
Display length of the scan line quickly and simultaneously
Doppler Pulse-echo
Autocorrelation Duplex without the use of parallel channels. The
Flow detector System autocorrelation detector serves precisely this

Electronic The autocorrelation processor is a form of Doppler

Beam detector that is capable of processing an entire line
of echo data derived from the quadrature
demodulator echoes of one pulse with that derived
from the previous pulse, where the latter has been
Array delayed by a length of time equal to the interval
Transducer between the two pulses. The result is that the two
Figure 29 The major components of a colour flow streams of echoes are "compared" for changes in
mapping system. The array imaging system produces a phase due to the Doppler shift. If there are not
gray scale real-time display by manipulating the beam moving structures giving rise to the echoes, the
electronically over the field of view. At the same time, the output from the autocorrelation detector is zero.
autocorrelation detector produces Doppler information
with which to encode the image in colour. In a typical
display, flow towards the probe is represented in hues of
red and flow away from the probe in hues of blue.

its implementation using such a system, although

possible, would not be practical.

The problem is time. As has been stated, the

ultrasound beam must remain stationary for an
appreciable length of time (typically about 10 ms)
while Doppler information is collected and the
signal constituted from the series of sample phase
measurements made by the demodulator. A
number of parallel channels in a multigate system Figure 30 Colour Doppler image of the common
is, of course, capable of obtaining this information carotid artery and jugular vein

Peter N Burns 23
For this reason, the method is sometimes referred conventional duplex scanning and spectral
to as a "moving target indicator." Although such a analysis.
device is capable in principle of yielding the
instantaneous Doppler shift along a whole scan
line after only three pulses (i.e., less than 1 ms at a SAFETY AND BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF
pulse repetition frequency of 4 kHz), generally ULTRASOUND EXPOSURE
between four and eight pulses might be used. An
important aspect of the performance of a moving American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine
target indicator is its ability to detect the tiny (AIUM) Statement on clinical safety:
changes in phase between the Doppler samples
from successive pulses which correspond to "Diagnostic ultrasound has been in use for more
slowly moving targets. The longer the length of than 40 years. Given its known benefits and
time over which the Doppler signals are sampled recognized efficacy for medical diagnosis,
per line, the smaller the Doppler shift that can be including use during human pregnancy, the
detected. However, longer scanning times per line American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine
of colour data leave less time to create each frame herein addresses the clinical safety of such use:
of the colour image. The problem of clutter is
crucial in such a system because the very large No confirmed biological effects on patients or
echoes from solid structures moving slowly can instrument operators caused by exposures at
inhibit the detection of the weaker Doppler shifted intensities typical of present diagnostic
echoes from moving blood. Colour flow mapping instruments have ever been reported. Although the
systems employ digitally controlled filters possibility exists that such biological effects may
designed to eliminate the effect of clutter (Figure be identified in the future, current data indicate
29). One requirement of a colour flow mapping that the benefits to patients of the prudent use of
system is that the beam remains stationary for a ultrasound outweigh the risks, if any, that may be
brief time, moves to the next scan line and present"

remains stationary there, and so on. In addition, Although over one million pregnant women now
the flow mapping function must be alternated with receive at least one diagnostic ultrasound imaging
conventional imaging. The agility of the examination each year, and several hundred
electronically switched beam of a linear array (or a investigations of bioeffects on plant and animal
hybrid of the two) is therefore ideally suited to tissue have been undertaken, there is still some
colour flow mapping. The superposition of flow uncertainty as to the nature of potential risk to
information as colours on a gray scale real-time living tissue during a clinical ultrasound
image presents the Doppler information in a novel examination. This uncertainty has become more
and appealing way. These systems are clearly pronounced with the advent of pulsed Doppler
well-suited to identifying the location of high- methods, including colour. There are several
velocity flow (such as in a stenosis) or of mapping possible reasons for this. First, the acoustic
the extent of flow in a certain region. However, the intensity averaged over time (the Spatial Peak
Doppler information presented is that of a single Temporal Average intensity, SPTA) is considerably
parameter encoded in colour, a parameter whose higher in pulsed Doppler mode with many duplex
value is changing rapidly and is derived from, but scanners than in most imaging instruments. One
does not describe, the full Doppler frequency survey reports values up to 750 mW/cm2 ISPTA,
spectrum. Therefore, it seems likely that spectral but some pulsed Doppler systems are known to
analysis should remain an essential component of deliver SPTA intensities as high as 1,000 to 2,000
most Doppler examinations, whether or not colour
flow mapping is included. Indeed, present colour mW/cm2. Second, the beam must be stationary
instruments offer the flow mapping facility as an during a Doppler examination will 'dwell' on a
addition to, rather than a replacement of, target area for a longer period than for imaging,
sometimes for a period of minutes. Finally, it is

Peter N Burns 24
widely felt that of all tissues, those of the fetus are centers on the possibility of temperature rise in
likely to be among the most sensitive to biological tissue. By reducing both SPTA intensity and
effects of ultrasound, and Doppler has begun to exposure time, the likelihood of such an effect
play a part in the ultrasound examination of the taking place can be minimized. As long as there is
fetus. Only recently has the U.S.Food and Drug the possibility of subtle effects on tissue from
Administration approved the marketing of a ultrasound exposure, however, it remains prudent
single-gate pulsed Doppler duplex system for fetal to employ as low an ultrasound intensity and as
use, bringing questions to many users’ minds as to short an examination time as are consistent with
whether this modality is indeed safe for clinical obtaining clinically useful data. At present, there
use. have been no independently confirmed significant
biological effects noted in mammalian tissues
There are two classes of interaction of ultrasound exposed to ultrasound SPTA intensities below 100
with tissue that it is relevant to consider. Heating mW/cm2 At this and many other institutions, the
is a consequence of the progressive absorption of exposure level of all examinations is limited to
ultrasound energy as it travels through tissue. Heat below this value.
production is affected by the tissue type as well as Calibration of machine intensity is not a trivial
the form and frequency of the ultrasound beam, procedure. Fortunately, the FDA requires
with higher frequencies associated with more rapid calibration of all ultrasound instruments before
absorption. Although fetal tissue is sensitive to they are marketed in the United States, so these
heat, it is generally assumed that induced data are known by the manufacturer and should be
temperature changes that are less than those of made available to the user. With the help of these,
normal diurnal variation (about 1°C) are of no it is a simple matter to reduce the output of the
consequence. Local temperature rise will increase Doppler system to the desired level, Using modern
with the SPTA intensity but will also be affected machines, it is our experience that all obstetrical
by physiological factors such as local blood flow. Doppler examinations can be performed easily at
SPTA exposure levels of less than 100 mW/cm2
Nonthermal effects in tissue can be caused by the
without noticeable loss of signal quality. Sensitive
growth of oscillating microbubbles in tissue fluids,
pulsed Doppler systems are able to function well
stimulated by the presence of the ultrasound field.
at exposure levels below those of ultrasonic fetal
Such stable cavitation can modify cell function or
heart monitors now in routine use.
destroy cells. However, stable cavitation requires
relatively long "on" times of the ultrasonic field.
In summary, concern over the use of Doppler in
These are found in continuous-wave but not
some clinical applications has been a consequence
pulsed Doppler systems. Finally, the potentially
of the relatively high acoustic output of some
more dangerous phenomenon of transient
duplex scanners designed for peripheral vascular
cavitation is certainly capable of destroying tissue
use rather than of any known risk of hazard. By
but can only occur at high instantaneous (that is,
adjusting the output of such systems to as low a
spatial peak temporal peak, SPTP) intensities.
value as possible and reducing Doppler
Transient cavitation is not known to take place in
examination time, such potential risk may be
tissue at diagnostic intensities. Furthermore,
minimized without prejudice to diagnostic quality.
conventional imaging employs higher SPTP
Precisely how such levels can be minimized is the
intensities than pulsed Doppler, so that if there is a
subject of the 'output labeling' standard currently
risk it will be greater for ultrasound imaging than
proposed by the AIUM and the FDA.
for pulsed Doppler.

It would be fair to conclude, then, that concern

over the use of pulsed Doppler systems in the fetus

Peter N Burns 25

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Peter N Burns 26

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