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Faculty of Science and Technology OPENBOOK EXAM: COM 121 Linear Programming

This document provides instructions for an open book exam on linear programming involving a case study on wine production. [1] The case study presents information on the production requirements and profits of two types of wines. [2] It asks students to formulate the production problem as a linear programming model to maximize the vintner's profits given constraints on resources. [3] Students are to solve the linear programming problem graphically and using the simplex method to determine the optimal production amounts of each wine type.
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Faculty of Science and Technology OPENBOOK EXAM: COM 121 Linear Programming

This document provides instructions for an open book exam on linear programming involving a case study on wine production. [1] The case study presents information on the production requirements and profits of two types of wines. [2] It asks students to formulate the production problem as a linear programming model to maximize the vintner's profits given constraints on resources. [3] Students are to solve the linear programming problem graphically and using the simplex method to determine the optimal production amounts of each wine type.
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Faculty of Science and Technology

OPENBOOK EXAM: COM 121 Linear Programming


AVAILABLE FROM: Date: Monday, 4th January 2021 Time: 09.00 a.m.

(UPLOAD DEADLINE): Date: Monday, 16th January 2021 Time: 16.00 p.m.

This paper consists of a Case Study which you are expected to read carefully and
understand before attempting to answer the accompanying questions.

Read the following before answering the examination questions.

1. Clearly indicate the following on the Answer Booklet: Course Code and Course
Name, e.g., COM121 Linear Programming.
2. Write/Type your Name and Student ID (Registration Number) on each and every
page of the Answer Booklet, preferably as a Header.
3. Read each question carefully before you answer.
4. Answer the questions in the downloaded Answer Booklet (offline) as a typed
Microsoft Word document.
5. If the paper is a mathematics paper, and you cannot type your answers using the
Microsoft Word Equation Editor:
(i) Hand-write your answers using the downloaded Answer Booklet. Please
write as neatly as possible as illegible handwriting cannot be marked.
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(ii) After, scan/photocopy each and every page of your Answer Booklet using a
photocopier scanner or your phone camera.
(iii)Combine all the scanned pages into a single document (format: pdf, image
(JPEG, PNG, TIFF, etc.)) that can be uploaded on the CULP System.
6. Upload your Answer Booklet on/before the stated date and time.
7. Firstly answer the questions that you feel can obtain the most marks for you but, if
there are any compulsory questions, you must ensure that you attempt these.
8. Number the answers to the questions clearly before answering.



One of the most important tools of optimization is "linear programming" (L.P.). A

linear programming problem is specified by a linear, multi-variable function which
is to be optimized (maximized or minimized) subject to a number of linear
constraints. The mathematician, G. B. Dantzig [1] developed an algorithm called the
"simplex method" to solve problems of this type. The original simplex method has
been modified into an efficient algorithm to solve large L.P. problems by computer.

Problems from a wide variety of fields can be formulated and solved by means of
L.P. This includes resource allocation problems in government planning, network
analysis for urban and regional planning, production planning problems in industry
and the management of transportation distributive systems. Hence L.P. is one of the
successes of modern optimization theory. The mathematical structure of L.P. also
allows important questions to be answered concerning the sensitivity of the optimum
solution to data changes.

This case study involves the production of two types of wine by a local vintner (wine

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grower, wine producer, wine merchant) based in the Southern District of Uganda -
Kabale District. The purpose is to sell it to local shops, hotels and bars. He knows
the profit (Ug. Shs./gal) for both types, i.e., medium white (M) and dry white (D).
Production of the wine requires a combination of grapes, sugar and extract. The exact
requirements are known for both M and D.
The constraints for this problem are given by the limitations for grapes, sugar and
extract. Obviously, the objective here is that the vintner should maximize his profit
in selling to the local shop. Clearly, there is sufficient information to formulate in
mathematical form a linear programming problem. This L.P. problem is solved using
the graphical method and the simplex method. Also, sensitivity analysis can be
employed to examine the effects of changes in the parameters on the optimal
solution. The solution can be validated by using LINDO and MAPLE.

The Problem

The local wine producer makes two types of wine, medium white ( M ) and dry white
(D), to sell to the local shops, hotels and bars within Kabale Town. He makes Ug.
Shs.5 profit per gallon from M and Ug. Shs. 4 a gallon from D. Now M requires 3
boxes of grapes, 4 lb of sugar and 2 pints of extract per gallon. Also, D requires 4
boxes of grapes, 2 lb of sugar and 1 pint of extract per gallon. The vintner has 14
boxes of grapes, 8 lb of sugar and 6 pints of extract left before selling his business.
He wishes to decide how to use these resources to maximize his profit.

 1 gallon = 3.785411784 litres (l)
 1 kilogram (kg) is equal to 2.20462262185 pounds (lbs)
 A pint is a unit of liquid or dry capacity equal to one eighth of a gallon, or it
is equal to 0.568 litre
 Ug. Shs. = Uganda Shillings. All figures are given in Ug. Shs (x 1000)

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Answer Both Questions

(a) The vintner has hired you as an expert in mathematical programming/linear programming.
During the discussion with him, he noticed that you used certain terms not familiar to him. Some
of the terms include those given below. Explain to him what you mean by these terms.

i. sense of optimization.(2 marks)

ii. objective function. (2 marks)
iii. constraints. (4 marks)
iv. non-negativity conditions. (2 marks)
v. graphical method. (2 marks)
vi. simplex method. (3 marks)

(b) You have told the vintner that before the mathematical model is set up that can be used to
determine his profit, there is need to determine the mathematical expressions and or
equations of the terms mentioned in (a) (ii) – (iv). Using the case study, walk him through the
process of how these can be determined and write them in their mathematical forms.

i. objective function. (2 marks)

ii. constraints. (6 marks)
iii. non-negativity conditions. (2 marks)
Total 25 marks.

(a) As an expert you have told the vintner that for him to have an idea about how much profit he
can get from the production of the two types of wines, there is need to set up a mathematical
model which will be solved. Discuss with him how this mathematical model is set up and set
it up. (5 marks).

(b) By solving the above mathematical model (LP) problem given in (a)
i. graphically. (10 marks)
ii. using the simplex method. (10 marks).
determine how much of each of the amount of medium white wine (M) and dry white
wine (D) the vintner should produce in order to get as much profit as possible.
Total 25 marks.
[1] Dantzig, G.B., Linear Programming and Extensions, Princeton University Press,
Princeton, N.J., 1963.

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