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Labor Law & Compliance in RMG



Assignment Instructed By
Farhana Jannat
Assistant Professor
Department of Apparel Merchandising & Management
Assignment Developed By

Rezvi Ahmed Rafi (181-019-111)

Rezwan Ul-Haque (181-026-111)
Syed Mahir Ali (181-027-111)
A.H.M Golam Dastigir (181-028-111)
Farhad Hossain (181-039-111)
Abrar Fuad Shakil (181-040-111)
Mahbub Hasan (181-050-111)

Garment factory is a place where bunch of departments
work together. And activities of those departments go
sequentially. Because of sequential work every industry
or factory need a sequential factory layout.

Here in this assignment, we will discuss about a

garment factory layout.

This layout contains all the department of a garment

factory sequentially along with HR department,
finance and merchandise department, maintenance
department and security department.

The main and basic department of a factory like Store

department, cutting department, Pattern and sampling
department, sewing department, finishing department,
quality control department and are discussed below.

A Small Garment Factory Layout

Store Department
The store department will set up at the first place of the factory area.
Because it will be easier to store incoming goods.

The fabric store is handled by Fabric in-charge and the in-charge is

assisted by a team of helpers for loading and unloading fabrics and
issuing fabric to cutting department. Fabric department receives and
stores all kind of fabrics. Fabric rolls are kept in the rack or on
wooden pallets.
Fabric inspection department is situated at the corner of
store department as a sub department of store department.
Fabric will be stored according to order. Then fabric inspection
department will
examine stored

Trims and
accessories will be
stored in the rack for
After inspection
trims and accessories
will be shifted to
Trims and
Trims and
department is
situated by the side of
the sewing
department for easy

Following are the major Activities of the fabric store
Sourcing of Fabrics
Receive Raw Materials
Checking of Finished fabric
Prepare shade band for dyed and printed fabrics
Basic Testing of Physical properties of fabrics
Maintain inventory record for fabrics
Fabric Issue
Fabric Reconciliation
Communication with Fabric supplier

Small size factories, fabric and trim store are headed by the
same person. And the functions of this department include
Sourcing trims like sewing thread and packing
Checking of Trims and accessories in term of quality
and quantity
Storing trims and inventory maintenance
Trim and accessory issue
Dying of trims like twill tape
Arranging trims in racks or bin to get trims easily when
the request received from someone.

Cutting Department
Cutting department is
situated right after the
store department
because of maintaining
sequence and obviously
for easy communication.

This department is responsible for cutting

of fabrics and feeding sewing department
with cuttings. Cutting department’s
capacity is planned as per daily feeding
requirement to the sewing lines. Cutting
department set up with cutting
department head, cutters, spreaders,
quality checkers, and helpers for sorting,
ply numbering and bundling.

List of activities of the cutting department is as follows
Fabric receiving from the fabric store
Fabric relaxation
Cut planning
Fabric spreading
Marker Planning
Marker making
Cutting of fabrics
Sorting, Bundling and numbering of garment plies
Inspection of cut components
Sorting of printed and embroidery panels
Re-cutting of panels
Fusing Garment Components
Pattern making department is stays with the cutting
department for easy communication purpose. Pattern making
department makes garment patterns and digitize patterns to
CAD. Pattern making department is headed by Pattern
Following are the major Activities of Pattern Making
Pattern Making
Pattern Grading
Sample Development
Garment FIT checking and correction of patterns
Incorporate buyer’s comments on samples
Making production viable sample
Fabric Consumption Calculation

As mentioned in the above that in small size factories,
pattern making, and sampling is kept in one department.
They have common activities. Sampling department’s
activities are
Reading garment spec and understanding
workmanship of the garment.
Assisting merchants in preparing bill of material for
the sample
Calculating fabric consumption
Making garment samples by following complete
processes of cutting, sewing, finishing and checking.
Measurement all samples and check the quality of the
garment samples. Prepare quality inspection report
for measurement and visuals.
Fabric shrinkage test is done in garment form.
Coordinate with production team about communicate
about critical points for stitching and handling of a

Sewing Department
Sewing department is
situated right after the
cutting department. So that
cut part distribution to the
sewing operator will be easy
and less time consuming.
Main jobs of the sewing
department are stitching of
garment. In the sewing
floor, various types of
production systems and line
layout are used. Factories
either work in an assembly
line or group system.

Major tasks of this department are as follows but not limited

to these only.
Line setting
Garment stitching
Marking parts
Ironing garment
Checking of stitched
Stitching Alteration.

Washing Department
Garments need to be washing after stitching to remove dust,
tracing mark and to give a washed look to the garment. This
department washes the garments, cut panels, wash garment
samples as required.
That’s why washing department is situated after the sewing
department to supply the stitched garments easily.

Finishing Department
This is the last stage of
manufacturing a garment.
After washing a garment, it
need ironing, folding, packing
etc. so that it stays after
washing department.
Stitched garments are finished
prior to packing into poly bag.
Major activities of a finishing
department include thread
trimming, checking of
garments and ironing. Packing
department in a factory works
side by side of the finishing
department. Folding, tagging and packing of garments are
done in the finishing department. Based on product
categories finishing room activities may vary.

Activities of the finishing department are listed below

Thread trimming
Attach button and button holing in case these jobs are
done in the stitching section
Checking of garments
Stain removing
Garment Pressing / Ironing
Folding and Tagging
Communicate with internal department

Quality Control Department
Before dispatch the order quality assurance group examine
the final quality check. And if the product passes the check it
will be ready for shipment.
Responsibilities of the quality control department may vary
organization to organization but main activities almost
remain the same. Activities of the Quality control department
are as follows.
Setting up Quality Standards
Quality Assurance
Quality Control activities at the Pre-production stage:
Auditing inward fabric and trims and ensuring only
quality goods are accepted.
Involvement in product development and sampling
stage and take care of quality aspects of samples.
Ensure that no faulty
fabric is sent for cutting.
If a minor fault is
present in the fabric,
defects should be
marked on the fabric
and the same thing must
be communicated to the
cutting department.
Preparing the audit
report of the fabric and
trims quality.
Conducting pre-
production meeting
before production start.
Machine Maintenance
This department
repair machines
and look after
maintenance of
sewing machines.

Major activities of the machine maintenance department are

Machine set up
Repairing sewing machines
Maintaining inventory of machine parts
Doing preventive maintenance for machines and

Merchandising Department
Merchandising department works as a mediator in between
factory and buyers. This department is considered as the
heart and soul of the company. They coordinate with buyers
for orders, send garment samples for buyer approval and
receive comments on samples and other approvals.
Merchandiser prepares the bill of materials, prepares
garment costing sheet and follows up of production activities.

Merchandising department is formed with a team of senior

merchants and junior merchants. Where factories work with
many buyers, each merchant is allocated specific accounts
with a couple of buyers.
Merchandising department activities
Communicate with buyers
Review the garment sample
Develop garment sample
Product costing
Develop good relationship with customers
Scheduling of pre-production and production activities
Preparing Bill of Material (BOM) and fabric indent
Source raw materials
Provide quality approval
Prepare Production File
Conduct Pre-Production Meeting
Execute orders
Providing after sales services

Supporting departments and their activities
Departments if a garment factory those are no directly
involved in garment production but support garment
production team to perform their work smoothly. Necessary
supporting departments are Accounting, EDP, Shipping and
documentation, Human resource and Administration.

Finance department
Accounting department prepare payroll for employees, give
payments to workers and write checks for staffs. They manage
accounts of the company.
Maintain records of supplier payment and follow up with
buyers for pending payment. This department is involved in
all kind payment and cash management.

HR & Administration
This department is concern about the social issue of the
employee. They look after recruiting and employee welfare.
This department maintains employee attendance and absent
Handle labor issues
Factory compliance and social compliance
New employee orientation

Shipping and documentation

Shipping and documentation department prepare shipment
related documents. They communicate with buyers for
shipment dispatch and send the shipment to buyers.

Note: The list of garment factory departments shown in this
article are commonly found in the average factories. It not
necessary that all garment manufacturing companies will have
all these departments. In small-scale factories activities of
multiple departments are given to a department to reduce

Thank you


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