European Vertical Reference System (EVRS) 2007 - A Combination of UELN and ECGN

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European Vertical Reference System

(EVRS) 2007
– a Combination of UELN and ECGN

Johannes Ihde, Martina Sacher, Jaakko Mäkinen

EUREF Symposium 2006

Riga, June 2006

EUREF Symposium 2006 1

I. Objectives
II. IVRS Conventions – Status
III. EVRS Realization – Principles and
IV. Role of ECGN
V. Outlook - The Next Steps

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IAG Inter-commission Project (ICP) 1.2
Vertical Reference Frames (2003 – 2007)

Provide the fundamentals for the installation of a unified

global vertical reference frame.


To elaborate a proposal for the definition and realization of a

global vertical reference system (World Height System – WHS)

To derive transformation parameters between regional vertical

reference frames

To establish an information system describing the various

regional vertical reference frames and their relation to a world
height frame (WHF).

EUREF Symposium 2006 3

I. Objectives of EVRS 2007

• Request of EC, Consideration of user

requirements in Europe
• Realization of an up-to-date European Height
Reference Frame
• Continuation of the previous development of
European Vertical Reference System
• Guarantee of a 1 cm accuracy level for datum
and network realization
• Alignment to IVRS/WHS

EUREF Symposium 2006 4

II. International Vertical Reference
System (IVRS) Conventions
Concepts and Terminoloy

Relationship between gravity field, geopotential field and

the spatial reference. Between the geopotential scalar
field W(X) and the outer Earth gravity vector field g (x ) the
following relationship is valid:

 cos Φ cos Λ 

g = grad W = − g  cos Φ sin Λ  , gP = g(X) = | grad WP |,
 
 sin Φ 

with natural coordinates

astronomical latitudeΦ
astronomical longitudeΛ
potential of Earth gravity field W.
EUREF Symposium 2006 5
In a very general notation we can express the relationship
• P(X, W, g) = P(X, W, –∂W/∂H) or
• W(X) = WP collocated with g(X) = gP = –∂WP/∂H .

The two fields are functions of time in a Euclidian affine

space. Therefore we have to consider the time
dependence t:

W p (t ) = W p0 + W p0 (t − t 0 )
g P (t ) = g P0 + g P0 (t − t 0 ) and

X P (t ) = X P0 + X P0 (t − t 0 )

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EVRS 2000 definition (Tromsø)
The European Vertical Reference System (EVRS) is a gravity-
related height reference system. It is defined by the following
a) The vertical datum is the zero level of which the Earth datum
gravity field potential W0 is equal to the normal
potential of the mean Earth ellipsoid U0: geocentric, including
oceans and atmosphere

W0 = U0. W0 independent from the

tidal system (Bursa)
b) The height components are the differences ∆ WP coordinate system
between the potential WP of the Earth gravity field
through the considered points P and the potential of SI units
the EVRS zero level W0. The potential difference - ∆ WP m2 · s-2
is also designated as geopotential number cP:
Wp = Up + Tp (BVP)
– ∆WP = W0 – WP = cP.
Wp = W0 – cp (levelling)
Normal heights are equivalent to geopotential cp
numbers. Hn =

c) The EVRS is a zero tidal system1, conforming to the frame

IAG Resolutions No 16 adopted in Hamburg in 1983

1) In a) and b) the potential of the Earth includes the potential of the permanent tidal deformation
but excludes the permanent tidal potential itself.
EUREF Symposium 2006 7
IVRS Conventions

The International Vertical Reference System (IVRS) definition

fulfils the following cnventions:

1. The vertical datum is defined as the equipotential surface for

which the Earth gravity field potential is constant:
W0 = const.

Earth gravity field potential W0 shall be conventional.

Comments: Epoch, procedure of processing

EUREF Symposium 2006 8

2. The unit of length is the meter (SI). The unit of time is
second (SI). This scale is consistent with the TCG time
coordinate for a geocentric local frame, in agreement with
IAU and IUGG (1991) resolutions. This is obtained by
appropriate relativistic modelling;

3. The height components are the differences ∆WP between

the potential WP of the Earth gravity field through the
considered points P and the potential of the CVRS
conventional zero level W0. The potential difference ∆WP is
also designated as geopotential number cP:

–∆WP = cP = W0 – WP .

4. The CVRS is a zero tidal system, in agreement with the

IAG Resolution No 16 adopted in Hamburg in 1983.

EUREF Symposium 2006 9

Realization of IVRS (IVRF)
Two possible procedures:

Wp = W0 – cp (levelling) from an adjustment of a levelling

Hn =

Wp = Up + Tp (BVP) from a new GGM (IAG2005, or a

combined CHAMP/GRACE model
(CG01C) or the new EGM
Tp WP − U P
ζ = =
γQ γQ

and GPS heights hp

H n = hP − ζ
EUREF Symposium 2006 10
III. EVRS Realization – Principles and

(1) New adjustment of the UELN

(2) Keeping the European vertical datum -
NAP level - of UELN95/98 at Epoch 2000
(3) Determination of a W0E at Epoch 2000,
fixing it and observe the relationship to a
W0 of a IVRS
(4) Observation of vertical movements of
UELN points against the conventional
value W0E
(5) Reduction of data - Tidal system

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EVRS Realization - Network

(1) New adjustment of the UELN

using all current available levelling and
gravity observations reducing to the epoch
cP = –∆WP = W0 – WP

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EVRS Realization - Datum
(2) Keeping the vertical datum European NAP
level of UELN95/98 at Epoch 2000
Fitting the UELN07 (free) adjustment to the
UELN95/98 solution by identical points.
Selection of a couple (3 – 15) of identical
points for which it can assumed, that they
are stable marked and located in the stable
part of the European part plate and
connected by precise measurements

∑ (c
i =1
P 2007 − cP 95 / 98 ) = 0

EUREF Symposium 2006 13

EVRS Realization – IVRS Alignment
(3) Determination of a W0E at Epoch 2000,
fixing it and observe the relationship to a
W0 of a IVRS
GPS/levelling points of EUVN and ECGN
and a European geoid bases on IVRS
conventional GGM
WP = W0E – cP
with UP = U0 + ∂U0/∂h . h
WP = U0 + ∂U0/∂h . h + TP GGM

W0E = U0 + ∂U0/∂h . h + TP GGM + cP

W0E = mean W0Ei

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EVRS Realization- Time Evolution (i)

(4) Observation of vertical movements of

UELN against a conventional value W0E
Time series observations of the ECGN as
carrier network of the European Vertical
Reference Frame and its datum

X P (t ) = X P0 + XD P0 (t − t 0 )
g P (t ) = g P0 + gD P0 (t − t 0 )
W p (t ) = W p0 + WD p0 (t − t 0 )
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EVRS Realization - Time Evolution (ii)

Under the condition,

vhi = vHi

the velocities of the physical heights H can be

derived from time series of the the ITRFxx heights

H P (t ) = H P0 + hDP0 (t − t 0 )

EUREF Symposium 2006 16

EVRS Realization – Data Harmonisation
(5) Reduction of data – Tidal System
gravity geoid levelling altimetry mean position
height sea level
g/∆g W/N ∆H h msl X/h

Mean tidal system ∆gm Nm ∆Hm Relation to Nm for

Mean/zero crust oceanographic
(Stokes is not valid if masses studies hmsl
outsite the Earth surface)

Zero tidal system ∆gz StokesNz ∆Hz

Mean/zero crust (EGG97) cp
(Recommended by IAG
Res. No. 16, 1983)

Tide-free system ∆gn StokesNn Xn

Tide-free crust (EGM96) ITRFxx,
(unobservable, far away from ETRS89
the real earth shape – there is
no reason for the non tidal/tide
free concept)
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IV. Role of ECGN
Integrated Geodetic Network = 4D Networks

Needs combination of various geodetic methods

– levelling / repeated (UELN)
∆hij (t k ) + ε ∆Hijt = H j ,ref + ∆t k ⋅ v j − (H i ,ref + ∆t k ⋅ v Hi )

– GPS / permanent (EPN)

v hi + εvhi = v hi with the convention v hi = v Hi

– gravity / permanent and repeated

g i (t k ) + ε git = g i ,ref + ∆t k ⋅ v gi = g i ,ref + ∆t k ⋅ k ⋅ v Hi

– tide gauge / permanent

vTGi + εvTGi = vTGi with the convention vTGi = v hi = v Hi
EUREF Symposium 2006 18
Developments of the ECGN since March 2005
• April-2005
Bologona BOLG (Italy), Trafelberg TRFB (Austria) and Bad
Homburg BADH (Germany) get EPN status
• September 2005
The website is new structured and divided in two separate topics
and correspondent websites to have a better understanding and
access to the information.
Meta Data Form is additionally as Word-Document
(ECGN_meta_data.doc) available.
• Gravity measurements at several sites: Bologna, Graz, Pfänder,
Wettzell, Zimmerwald, Bad Homburg, GOPE, Saßnitz, …

(or direct:

EUREF Symposium 2006 19

In preparation: Proposal for absolute gravity
standardisation and a combined network in an
improved reference system (IGFS2006 in Istanbul)

• The present gravity standard is still defined by IGSN71 reference

• Although IAG special study group 3.87 proposed an International
Absolute Gravity Basestation Network
• Precise absolute gravity observations are carried out by several
international institutions but the cooperation usually remains
limited to regional applications
• A proposal for the unification of the global absolute gravity
network sites on the basis of already existing projects.
• The standardisation is seen in connection with the requirements
of the precise height reference system
• An absolute gravity data base is in construction and will be
available end of this year: MySQL, FG5 project data files,
selection of meta data informations. A prototype is available and
will be introduced at IGFS2006

EUREF Symposium 2006 20

Selected ECGN
stations for
EVRS2007 time
evolution control

Stations with GNSS, levelling, AG

Desirable additional stations
ECGN stations with missing elements

EUREF Symposium 2006 21

Parameters of level ellipsoids
ellipsoid Semi-major flattening Geocentric
axis gravitational
a f -1 constant GM U0/W0
in m in 108m3s-2 in m2 · s-2
Int. Ell. 1930
6 378 388 297 3 986 329
GRS 67 6 378 160 298.247 3 986 030
GRS 80 6 378 137 298.257222101 3 986 005 6 263 6860.850
WGS 84 6 378 137 298.25722356
6 378 136.3 3 986 004.41
0.5 0.01
IERS 2003
6 378 136.6 298.25642 3 986 004.418 6 263 6856.0
0.1 0.00001 0.008 0.5
(zero tide)
EGM96 6 378 136.3 3 986 004.415
CG01C 6 378 136.46 3 986 004.415
(tide free)

velocity of the 7 292 115 10-11 rad s-1
Earth rotation

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GPS/levelling heights compered with GGM´s
No of Reference bias*
Area GGM RMS bias* IERS
points ellipsoid 2003

EUVN 96 GRS 80 EGM96 0.43 - 0.51 - 0.11

a = 6378136.3
EUVN 96 EGM 96 0.43 + 0.19
EUVN 96 GRS 80 EGG97 0.19 + 0.02

EUVN 96 GRS 80 CG01C 0.28 - 0.61 - 0.21

96 GRS 80 0.12 0.40 - 0.13
(H. Denker) (GRS 80)

Germany 680 GRS 80 EGM 96 0.29 - 0.62 - 0.22

Germany 680 GRS 80 EGG 97 0.10 + 0.07

Germany 680 GRS 80 GCG05 0.02 + 0.01

*bias = hETRS – HNAP - NGGM

W0E = 6 263 6857.28 m2 s-2

EUREF Symposium 2006 23
V. Summary and Outlook, Next Steps

• New UELN adjustment 2007, all participating

countries are asked to contribute up-to-date
• Fixing the EVRS2000 datum (NAP)
• Using the ECGN for EVRS time evolution
• Using IAG EGG 2007 solution (on basis of a
• Alignment to IVRS

EUREF Symposium 2006 24

V. Summary and Outlook, Next Steps
(1) Selection of identical levelling points
(UELN-DC together with participating countries) Sept. 2006
(2) Selection of ECGN/EVRS datum points and
determination of all measure elements
(Responsible agencies) Dec. 2006
(3) New adjustment of the UELN
(UELN-DC) Feb. 2007
(4) Time series analysis of ECGN stations
Beginning Jan. 2007
(5) Full parameter determination with EGG07 and IVRS
Sep. 2007

EUREF Symposium 2006 25

bias = hETRS – HNAP – NCG01C = U0 – U0E

GRAZ -0.913 Statistic

PFAN -1.072 number points: 12 (96 ECGN)
GOPE -0.805 bias: - 0.79 (- 0.61)
FR04 -0.987 rms: 0.20 ( 0.28)
WTZR -0.389 min: - 1.10
LT02 -0.623 max: - 0.39
WSRT -0.585 Parameters
ES05 -0.649 ETRS89: a = 6378 137 m
ZIMM -1.096 CG01C: a = 6378 136.46 m
SODA -0.801 8
GM = 3 986 004.415 10 m s
3 -2

JOEN -0.736 (W0 = 6 263 6856.0 m2 s-2 )

GB08 -0.855

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