Guidance of Nebosh Partner

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NEBOSH Learning

Partner Programme

Version 2 C021 – January 2021

Introduction 01
How do I apply? 03
Benefits for Learning Partners 05
Commitment to learning excellence 07
NEBOSH recognises that great learning experiences equip learners to make a difference to health, safety and
the environment in the workplace. We are therefore committed to ensuring that our qualifications and courses
offer the best learner experience by putting the needs of the learner first.

What is the NEBOSH Learning Partner Programme? Aims of the Learning Partner Programme
Our learners value the career benefit our qualifications The Learning Partner Programme will formally recognise our
bring and we need to ensure that the learning experience partners and provide a platform to develop our relationship
they receive helps them to gain the skills they need to fulfil to further enhance the learner’s journey. The scheme
their career aspirations. A great learning experience must specifically aims to:
add value to the learner by helping them understand and
do something they couldn’t do before. - Encourage and support Learning Partners to commit
to continuous improvement against a set of learning
We rely on our global network of Learning Partners to excellence principles;
provide excellent learning and support to our learners and - Recognise the value of excellent learning by only
to help them prepare for their assessments. Our Learning accrediting Learning Partners who can demonstrate
Partner Programme is a quality assurance programme that performance against the learning excellence principles;
aims to recognise those Learning Partners who can prove - Award Silver and Gold Learning Partner status to those
that they meet the principles that represent global best partners who exceed against the learning excellence
practice in the provision of course tuition and support. We principles.
are committed to working in partnership with our Learning
Partners to continually improve the learning experience. The Learning Partner Programme introduces a standard that
must be met by all Learning Partners and we also ask our
Learning Partners to commit to continuously improving the
learner experience. Learning Partners can meet the required
standard by different modes of study, including face to
face, distance and blended learning. This will allow us to
recognise our leading Learner Partners for their quality
tuition, innovative delivery and excellent learner support.

What are the Learning Excellence Principles?

Ensure all learners
understand what is
expected of them and
what they can expect
from their Learning 2
Provider. Create a learning
6 environment that is
Review course delivery engaging and encourages
and learner feedback and interaction that is
action as necessary. appropriate for the
course and type of

The Learner

5 3
Give learners feedback Provide accurate course
on their progress and materials and continually
provide appropriate update and improve
support. them.
Ensure tutors are
qualified, knowledgeable,
competent and

What are the Learning Partner Programme Statuses?

All Learning Partners must commit to meeting these 6 learning excellence principles. NEBOSH will award Silver and Gold
Learning Partner status to Learning Partners who can demonstrate they exceed these principles.

Accreditation Status Learning Excellence Principles

Bronze Meets

Silver Exceeds

Gold Greatly exceeds

This status is only available to organisations who
Corporate* deliver NEBOSH qualifications and courses to
their own staff.

This document provides further guidance about the information and the documentation we require for each status.

How do I apply for Accreditation?
New Applicants Existing Learning Partners

To become a NEBOSH accredited Learning Partner you must To apply for a higher status you must be able to
be able to demonstrate how you meet our principles and demonstrate performance against the principles*.
apply to teach at least one NEBOSH qualification.
Step 1 – Review the learning excellence principles.
Step 1 – Review the learning excellence principles Understand the learning excellence principles and evidence
Understand the learning excellence principles and evidence required. (These are outlined from page 7 of this document).
required. (These are outlined from page 7 of this document).
Gather evidence to demonstrate how your performance
Gather evidence to demonstrate how your performance against these principles is good or outstanding.
against these principles
Step 2 – Submit your application
Step 2 – Enquiry form Submit your evidence using the Learning Partner Status
Complete the online Learning Partner enquiry form Change form specifying which status (Silver or Gold) that you are applying for.

Step 3 – Initial screening and payment You will receive an e-mail from [email protected]. The
An initial screening of your application will be undertaken. e-mail provides you with log-on details to gain access to our
If this is successful we will contact you to take payment of Learning Partner accreditation system. The Learning Partner
your accreditation fee Status Change form can be accessed from this system.

Step 4 - Submit application Our Learning Partner accreditation system guidance

You will receive an e-mail from [email protected]. provides details on the system.
The e-mail will provide you with login details to gain access
to our Learning Partner Accreditation System. You will need Step 3 – Application review
to complete: We will review your application to determine your eligibility
- Section 1 – the essential information for a validation visit. We will be in touch with our decision
- Section 2 – to explain how you meet the learning and to take payment for the validation visit (£750) if this
excellence principles for the status applied for (Bronze/ can go ahead.
Step 4 – Validation visit
Our Learning Partner Accreditation System guidance We will conduct a validation visit to verify your supporting
provides details on the system. evidence.

Step 5 – Application review Step 5 - Outcome

We will review your application to determine your eligibility We will confirm the final outcome of your application.
for a validation visit. We will be in touch with our decision
and to take payment for the validation visit (£750) if this Step 6 – Successful applicants
can go ahead. If your application to upgrade your status has been
successful we will send you an updated Learning Partner
Step 6 – Validation visit Agreement, certificate and provide access to your dedicated
We will conduct a validation visit to verify your supporting Learning Partner logo.
*This applies to Bronze and Silver Learning Partners only.
Step 7 - Outcome
We will confirm the final outcome of your application.

Step 8 – Successful applicants

We will send you your Learning Partner Agreement,
certificate and provide access to your dedicated Learning
Partner logo.

How many qualifications can I apply for? How long will the process take?
New Learning Partners are invited to apply for a maximum The application review will be completed within 10 working
of two qualifications. If an applicant wants to be considered days of receipt of all documentation.
for additional qualifications, please contact the Learning
Partner Quality Team on [email protected] or A validation visit will be scheduled within 20 working days.
+44 (0) 116 482 0700.
The outcome of the validation visit will be provided within
Once the accreditation process has been successfully 5 working days.
completed Learning Partners will be able to add new
qualifications, through the Learning Partner accreditation Who can help you with your application?
system. Please contact the Learning Partner Quality Team:
e [email protected]
What is the application review? t +44 (0) 116 482 0700
We will check that the accreditation documentation is
complete and that a sufficient level of information has been Unsuccessful applications
submitted for each learning excellence principle. We reserve the right to decline accreditation applications
if the required performance against the principles has not
The principles are explained in this document and on our been demonstrated. It is your responsibility to show you
Learning Partner accreditation system. Please ensure you have met the principles both in your application and at the
have read and understood each principle before submitting validation visit.
your application.
If your application is unsuccessful you will receive
If your documentation is complete and sufficient, a recommendations for improvement. There is no appeals
validation visit will be arranged. process and the decision is final. However, you are welcome
to re-apply when relevant improvements have been
If an insufficient level of documentation has been implemented.
submitted you will be informed. You can reapply, but no
appeals will be accepted. Renewal and monitoring
All Learning Partners must update their details on the
What is the purpose of a validation visit? Learning Partner accreditation system and inform us of any
The validation visit is to confirm if the status applied for changes with supporting documents when necessary.
can be awarded. It gives us the opportunity to gather
any additional evidence about the quality of tuition and The Learning Partner Quality Team will be implementing
learner support you provide. We can also be confident that a range of engagement visits to help Learning Partners
your policies are put into practice and we can check the maintain and improve performance against the learning
standard of your premises. In addition we can follow up on excellence principles.
any outstanding issues from our review.
What are the Fees?
Before the validation visit we will contact you to schedule Learning Partner accreditation fees are detailed in the fees
the visit and explain what will happen. We will tell you if schedule The accreditation
any documentation should be prepared in advance. fees cover your initial accreditation application.

Please note that you will not be provided with an outcome The validation fee (£750) is for the validation visit which
at the visit. This will be communicated within 5 working days takes place once the initial review of your application has
of the visit. During this time we will determine your eligibility been completed.
for the status applied for using our findings from the initial
review of your documentation and the validation visit. Accreditation and Validation fees are non-refundable. It
is therefore essential that you ensure that the evidence
If your application has been successful you will be notified provided demonstrates you meet NEBOSH’s learning
and sent the appropriate logo and certificate. excellence principles.

If your application has been unsuccessful we will provide

you with feedback to explain why the status could not
be awarded at this time. This will include suggested
reccommendations for improvement.

Benefits for Learning Partners
Our Learning Partners gain a range of benefits from Learners will know you have been assessed against our
their NEBOSH accreditation status including advertising global best practice criteria. They will have assurance that
opportunities, marketing support and brand enhancement tuition is high quality and that they will be supported on
that results from association with NEBOSH. their learning journey.

Bronze Silver Gold Corporate

Benefits for Learning Partners Learning Learning Learning Learning
Partner Partner Partner Partner

Advertise on NEBOSH website "where to study” ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

Use of assigned Learning Partner logo ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

Preferential Ranking on NEBOSH website "where to study" ✔ ✔ ✔

Free set of course materials for new Qualifications

(Please see page 6 for details)
✔ ✔ ✔

No initial accreditation fee for selected new

NEBOSH courses (Please see page 6 for details)
✔ ✔ ✔

Alternative invigilation overseas ✔ ✔ ✔

Enhanced access to new product development and piloting

✔ ✔

Assigned NEBOSH account management ✔ ✔

VIP status at selected NEBOSH events ✔ ✔

A full explanation for each benefit is supplied below.

Advertise on NEBOSH website “where to study” Preferential Ranking on NEBOSH website “where
A Learning Partner has the ability to upload their future to study”
course schedule on the ‘where to study’ section of the Silver and Gold Learning Partners will be given preferential
NEBOSH website. Prospective learners use this facility to ranking on the ‘where to study’ section of the website.
search for courses using a range of criteria including mode Reports will be presented initially by distance from the
of study, location and Learning Partner status. This is a requested location and then by a hierarchy of Learning
great lead generator for your organisation. Partner status.

Use of assigned Learning Partner logo Free course materials for new Qualifications
A unique logo will be available to download in various The cost of the initial licencing fee for newly launched
formats (EPS, JPEG, and PNG) from the NEBOSH website qualifications or courses will be waived. This pack includes
which contains the Learning Partner number. The revised one course book, slides and lesson plans. This will allow
logo will reflect the Learning Partner current status. The Learning Partners to offer new NEBOSH offerings at
logo must be used in accordance with the guidance minimal cost.
contained in the ‘NEBOSH Learning Partner Logo usage
document’. Free accreditation for new Qualifications
When a new qualification or course is launched, the
accreditation fee will be waived for the first 12 months.
Thereafter regular charges will apply.

Alternative invigilation overseas

NEBOSH has mandatory invigilation in certain territories
around the world to offer reassurance of the integrity of
the qualifications. Enhanced options maybe offered to
allow Learning Partners to use a wider variety of third party
invigilation organisations outside the British Council.

Enhanced access to new product development and

piloting process
Learning Partners would potentially be invited to participate
at the earliest stage of the qualification and course
development process, and at the pilot stage prior to formal

Assigned NEBOSH account management

Learning Partners will be allocated a dedicated point of
contact within the Relationship Management team to
assist with any queries, facilitate contact within NEBOSH
and offer support. There will be the opportunity to have
periodic individual meetings to enable an open two way

VIP status at NEBOSH events

Silver and Gold Learning Partners will be invited to attend
certain NEBOSH events as VIPs.

Commitment to Learning Excellence
NEBOSH Learning Partners are asked to commit to our learning excellence principles and provide evidence to
demonstrate how each principle is achieved. Together these principles create a rewarding and imaginative
learning experience that inspires learners.

Each principle is explained below and examples are provided of the type of evidence required. Learning
Partners must be able to evidence all of the principles to be accredited. We understand that our Learning
Partners will meet these principles in different ways but the more evidence that you provide the easier it will be
to show you meet the requirements for the status applied for. For Silver and Gold Partner status evidence must
demonstrate a higher level of achievement of learning excellence and examples are given below.

Principle 1
Ensure all learners understand what is expected of them and what
they can expect from their Learning Provider

We want our Learning Partners to commit to supporting The supporting evidence for this principle will include
every learner throughout their NEBOSH experience; from details of the information given to learners; including an
helping them to choose the right course, supporting them explanation of the courses offered; the choice of delivery;
with questions during their study, assisting them to book the timescales involved; the level of commitment needed
assessments and follow-up with any support needed from the learner; and the level of commitment from the
after the assessments. Learners must be clear about what Learning Partner. The learner information should clearly set
they can expect from their Learning Partner and what is out what is expected from the learner and what the learner
expected from them in return. We must be assured that the can expect from the Learning Partner. This information may
expectations of learners will be managed at all times. be included in a ‘Terms and Conditions document’.

Learner Introductory Information Terms and Conditions

Promotional materials should not make any misleading or We expect Learning Partners to produce Terms and
unsubstantiated claims and must be legal and honest. Conditions that are clearly written and transparent with
no hidden policies that learners should be aware of. Terms
At the point of initial enquiry, Learning Partners need to and Conditions should be issued to learners and include
guide learners by advising which qualification is right for information about:
them. This may involve assigning a Learning Advisor to the - Refunds – It should be clear under what circumstances
learner, utilising diagnostic testing to identify what support a learner can claim a refund for a course they have paid
the learner may require to be successful and an assessment for or if it is policy not to issue refunds.
of language ability if the learner does not speak English - Deferments – It should be clear under what
as a first language but will be studying and/or sitting circumstances a learner can defer a course they have
assessments in English. paid for to a later start date. If policy is not to allow any
deferment then this should be included in the Terms and
Learners must be given all the appropriate information Conditions.
about their chosen course before a commitment and
payment is made. We would also expect Learning Partners to obtain
confirmation from learners that they have read and
Learners should also be directed to relevant NEBOSH understood the Terms and Conditions.
resources, including the course syllabus and the NEBOSH
Learner Terms and Conditions.

Learner Support Course Details
Learning Partners need to provide clear guidance to Learners need full details on their programme of study,
learners on the support available to them and how to get including a detailed breakdown of the course into sessions.
in touch, including advice on how and when they can make Learners should be aware of the topics that will be covered
contact. Information must be current and there must be with reference to study materials. Where appropriate this
a transparent and efficient mechanism for answering any should include formative assessment points and summative
questions that learners have. Learners should also be given assessment to highlight when revision is needed. It is also
advice on how to access the NEBOSH website and the important that learners understand how the learning
support materials available. outcomes in the syllabus help them apply their knowledge
and skills to what is expected of them in the workplace.
Course Fees
Learning Partners need to provide fees that clearly state Learning Partner Expectations
what is included in the service. If access to services are time The Learning Partner will set out what commitment
limited, these timescales should be specified to learners. is required from the learner to complete the course
programme and achieve their qualification. As a minimum
Learning Partners must draw the learner’s attention to
NEBOSH’s recommended entry requirements. A learner
agreement may be provided.

Examples of supporting evidence

Bronze Learning Silver Learning Gold Learning

Partner Partner Partner
Learner introductory - clear promotional - clear promotional - clear promotional
information literature/brochures/ literature/brochures/ literature/brochures/media;
media media; learner learner handbook/pre-
handbook/pre-course course guidance; meeting/
guidance; meeting/ call with learners to help
call with learners ensure they are choosing
to help ensure they the most appropriate
are choosing the qualification; assignment
most appropriate of learning advisor;
qualification assessment of learner’s
current learning needs
made at point of enquiry

Terms and Conditions - that are clear and - that are clear and - that are clear and
transparent and transparent and transparent and include
include refund and include refund and refund and deferment; with
deferment deferment; with a a disclaimer line to confirm
disclaimer line to that the learner has read
confirm that the and understood; session
learner has read and held with learner to explain
understood terms and conditions

Examples of supporting evidence continued...

Bronze Learning Silver Learning Gold Learning

Partner Partner Partner
Learner support - evidence to show - evidence to show - evidence to show learners
learners are provided learners are provided are provided on contact
with contact details with contact details details and the NEBOSH
and the NEBOSH and the NEBOSH website; learner directed
website website; learner to syllabus guide and
- system in place directed to syllabus NEBOSH Learner Terms
for learners to ask guide and NEBOSH and Conditions; interactive
questions and receive Learner Terms and session (online platform
a response Conditions or face to face) covering
- for distance and - evidence that the learner support
blended learning, system for learners - evidence that the system
clear guidance on to ask questions and for learners to ask
how long the learner receive a response is questions and receive
has access to learning working efficiently a response is working
materials and tutor - for distance and efficiently; learners are
support blended learning, assigned a tutor/mentor for
clear guidance on ongoing support; process
how long the learner to monitor the quality and
has access to learning timescale of responses that
materials and tutor the tutor team provides to
support questions
- for distance and blended
learning, clear guidance on
how long the learner has
access to learning materials
and tutor support

Course fees - all fees are - all fees explained and - all fees explained and are
transparent are transparent transparent
Course details - course programme - course programme - course programme
with clear links to with clear links to study
study materials and materials and shows how
assessments; knowledge and skills link
to application; supporting
discussion on learner needs
including language

Examples of supporting evidence continued...

Bronze Learning Silver Learning Gold Learning

Partner Partner Partner
Learning Partner - clearly documented - clearly documented; - clearly documented; charter
expectations charter or learner or learner agreement in
agreement in place place which sets out clear
which sets out clear expectations for both
expectations for both parties; Learner agreement
parties issued and co-signed
with Learning Partner;
the learning provider can
demonstrate that they have
mechanisms to encourage
the learner to commit
to their studies; actively
monitor progress through;
analysis of e-learning
modules completed and

Principle 2
Create a learning environment that is engaging and encourages interaction
that is appropriate for the course and type of delivery

We want to know how you create an environment that is Distance and blended Learning (including Online
learner focused and appropriate for the mode of delivery, platforms)
course type and encourages interaction. Learning Partners For distance and blended learning we expect to see
need to demonstrate that their facilities reach a minimum a demonstration of the learning platform provided to
standard in order to provide a comfortable, safe and learners. We will require login details and access to view
healthy training environment that enables learners to the level of teaching and learning.
complete training and work towards the successful award
of a qualification. The course should not just contain subject matter
information but also resources designed to develop and
Training facilities (face to face courses) reinforce understanding and application. This may include
For face to face delivery secure premises are required and relevant industry examples, exercises and quizzes, online
the validation visit will include checking the premises are fit forums or discussions;
for purpose.
The tutor to learner ratio must be sufficient so that learners
Ideal standards include the following; an adequate size of can have access to a tutor and receive a personalised
building and rooms for the number of users; health, safety response within a reasonable timeframe.
and environment signage clearly displayed in relevant
areas; sufficient overhead lighting; heating; ventilation;
air conditioning equipment; first aid equipment in good
working order; appropriate areas for staff and tutors to work
in when not training; sufficient and safe equipment and
furniture; sufficient safe power supply to the room; adequate
seating appropriate to the length of time used; non slip
flooring in good working order and clean; secure premises,
secure entry to/from buildings; lockable rooms within the
building; CCTV camera coverage, externally; secure storage
for learners personal information; appropriate equipment
required for training; appropriate welfare facilities kept clean
and in good working order; appropriate facilities for prayer/
reflection/rest areas and located in a safe area that enables
easy access to the training facilities.

Examples of supporting evidence

Bronze Learning Silver Learning Gold Learning

Partner Partner Partner
Training facilities - details on how a - details on how a - details on how a learning
learning environment learning environment environment is created to
is created to is created to encourage learning and
encourage learning encourage learning interaction
and interaction and interaction - photographs of training
- photographs of - photographs of premises (if applicable)
training premises (if training premises (if - comfortable training room
applicable) applicable) that exceeds minimum
- comfortable training - comfortable training standards and with facilities
room, meeting room that exceeds for collaborative learning
minimum standard for minimum standards - appropriate technologies
access arrangements, and with facilities for available in classroom and
welfare facilities, collaborative learning online e.g. to enhance
comfort and safety - appropriate lessons with effective use of
technologies available media
in classroom and
online e.g. to enhance
lessons with effective
use of media

Distance Learning - details on how a - details on how a - details on how a learning

learning environment learning environment environment is created to
is created to is created to encourage learning and
encourage learning encourage learning interaction
and interaction and interaction - link to demonstration of
- link to demonstration - link to demonstration online product
of online product of online product - distance learning minimum
standard as above
- tutor interaction – e.g.
available online for
question and answer
session, live lectures or pre-
recorded lecture
- interactive, mobile friendly
eLearning platform

Principle 3
Provide accurate course materials and continually update and improve them

Learning Partners must ensure that all course materials of learning materials; ensuring version control and that
(including lesson plans, presentation slides, workbooks, copyright is not infringed. Learning Partners should seek
course notes and timetables) are up-to-date and map to to actively improve course material. Hard copy materials
the latest syllabus. The Learning Partner must have a quality should be enhanced with videos, graphics, interaction and
management system that includes the regular review virtual reality.

Examples of supporting evidence

Bronze Learning Silver Learning Gold Learning

Partner Partner Partner
Accurate and up-to-date - course materials - course materials - course materials are up-to-
course materials are complete, up- are up-to-date and date and map to NEBOSH
to-date and map to map to NEBOSH qualification specifications
NEBOSH qualification qualification - evidence of internal
specifications specifications document approval,
- evidence of internal - evidence of internal scheduled updates and
document approval document approval, version control
- evidence of license scheduled updates - evidence of license
agreement if and version control agreement if appropriate
appropriate - evidence of license - maintenance and review
- maintenance and agreement if of all course materials
review of all course appropriate and timetables relating
materials and - maintenance to NEBOSH qualifications;
timetables relating to and review of all action plans resulting from
NEBOSH qualifications course materials reviews
and timetables - notes of tutor team
relating to NEBOSH meetings updating on
qualifications; action changes
plans resulting from - lesson plans allow for
reviews learners’ different abilities
- notes of tutor team and styles (differentiation)
meetings updating on - evidence of supplementary
changes resources that are current
(blogs, news articles)
to create curiosity and
encourage further reading

Principle 4
Ensure tutors are qualified, knowledgeable, competent and engaging

Tutors need to create an innovative learning experience Teaching and training delivery
using a range of methods and technology. They must Learning Partners need to demonstrate that tutors show
engage with learners to make the learning process effective authority and expertise in their subjects; plan and prepare
and enjoyable. delivery of well-structured training sessions; preparing all
the necessary resources in advance of the session; learners
The effectiveness and quality of teaching and learning of different abilities and learning styles are catered for;
includes how successful tutors are at delivering courses tutors are frequently checking on learners understanding
to the learners. To have maximum impact on the throughout lessons; tutors ensure theory and practice
learner relevant and current learning must be delivered are integrated and referred to where possible; learners
in a planned and structured way by knowledgeable, are encouraged to make appropriate use of modern
experienced and innovative tutors. technology, such as use of internet and Virtual Reality;
tutors manage the lessons with an appropriate pace
Quality of tutors keeping learners interested and challenged; lessons are
Learning Partners need to demonstrate that their tutors delivered consistently by a range of teaching methods,
have the necessary subject knowledge, experience and which might include; collaborative learning forums, case
qualifications appropriate to the subjects they teach. Tutors studies, the use of relevant technology, quizzes, formative
should not be teaching qualifications beyond their own assessment; there is evidence that individual lessons build
qualification level. Tutors should also have the necessary on learners’ prior knowledge where possible.
skills to deliver engaging training sessions; this may be
through a teaching qualification or through experience. Delivery should be consistent and Learning Partners need
Tutors should demonstrate awareness of and plan for also to evidence how they standardise delivery between
individual learner needs in teaching and training sessions tutors and share feedback/experiences.
and provide effective support, including making reasonable
adjustments for learners who have educational needs and/ Managing the learning process
or disabilities. There is good management and monitoring of attendance
and punctuality; evidence of late attendance management
Learning Partners will also be required to monitor tutor without disrupting lessons; there is evidence of an orderly,
performance to ensure quality and consistency and provide purposeful atmosphere with appropriate learner behaviour
the necessary support and development opportunities to established; there is evidence of good interaction between
develop tutors. Monitoring of tutors should include analysis learners and tutors; clearly stated objectives that are
of pass rates of all learners within their class. understood by learners throughout the training material;
it is clear that learners understand the link into the
specification and key dates for assessments.

Examples of supporting evidence

Bronze Learning Silver Learning Gold Learning

Partner Partner Partner
Quality of tutors - tutors CVs, summary - tutors CVs, summary - tutors CVs, summary of
of tutor qualifications of tutor qualifications tutor qualifications and
and experience and experience experience
- tutors will have - tutors will have - tutors will have workplace
workplace experience workplace experience experience and maintain
and maintain CPD and maintain CPD CPD
- evidence of - evidence of performance
performance monitoring of each tutor
monitoring of each including tutor pass rate
tutor performance and any
- details of internal actions taken to improve
monitoring, including performance
tutor pass rate

Teaching and training - evidence of planning, - evidence of planning, - evidence of preparing the
delivery preparation and preparation and learner for their assessment
learner interaction learner interaction - evidence of planning,
- evidence of preparing - evidence of preparing preparation and learner
the learner for their the learner for their interaction
assessment assessment - use of subject specialists
- evidence of a variety where appropriate
of different teaching - tutor team will include a
methods tutor with a qualification in
Adult learning
- the Learning Partner
will use/have established
processes to share both
subject knowledge and
the application of teaching
- bite-sized learning and
the use of relevant
- design to include options
for social and collaborative

Managing the learning - records of learner - records of learner - records of learner

process attendance; delivering attendance; delivering attendance; delivering
the specification and the specification and the specification and
assessments assessments assessments

Principle 5
Give learners feedback on their progress and provide appropriate support

Tutors must be able to provide feedback to learners on their We want Learning Partners to evidence individual learning
progress and support them as necessary. Tutors need to to demonstrate that learners understand the topics being
assess each learner’s progress and level of performance and taught; for example the learner questions the tutor to
ensure that assessments and reviews are timely, frequent, extend the subject; learners are sufficiently challenged and
fair, informative and reliable. Learners must receive clear motivated; the quality of learner work produced during
and constructive feedback through formative assessment, the lessons throughout the program is of a good standard;
mock examinations, peer reviews and/or during personal learners contribute appropriately to the lesson and ask
tutorials so that they know what they have to do to relevant questions; learners understand how theory is
improve their skills, knowledge and understanding to linked to practical, current practice and/or issues; there
achieve their full potential. is evidence that individual learners know how well they
are progressing and what they need to do to continue to
develop knowledge and skills.

Examples of supporting evidence

Bronze Learning Silver Learning Gold Learning

Partner Partner Partner
Learners Feedback - mechanism to ask - mechanism to ask - mechanism to ask questions
questions and receive questions and receive and receive a response from
a response from a a response from a a tutor
tutor tutor - mock examinations to
- mock examinations to - mock examinations to provide the learners with
provide the learners provide the learners the experience of writing
with the experience with the experience answers under examination
of writing answers of writing answers conditions and develop
under examination under examination examination technique
conditions and conditions and - use of formative assessment
develop examination develop examination as part of delivery, set,
technique technique reviewed and returned
- use of formative with constructive feedback
assessment as part of with a specified timeframe
delivery, set, reviewed - actively monitor progress
and returned with though: analysis of modules
constructive feedback completed
with a specified - formative assessment
timeframe designed to empower the
learner to identify their
own knowledge gaps
- detailed comments and
feedback provided on
formative assessment
and mock examinations –
samples of marked answers
- evidence of turnaround
times, summaries of
performance in mock

Principle 6
Review course delivery and learner feedback and action as necessary

We want to see a commitment to continuous improvement Learner feedback questionnaires should include questions
in learning excellence. This includes the regular review of on the learning environment, tutor performance, course
course delivery and analysis of learner feedback. materials, course content and delivery.

Course review Learning Partners should proactively identify trends and

Learning Partners need to evidence how they review the analyse learner feedback, implement improvements and
quality of course delivery. Review should include course evaluate the impact of improvements.
structure and delivery mechanisms, course completion
rates, learner performance and pass rates. Reviews should Complaints procedure
be documented and we expect that you will investigate Learning Partners are required to have a formal, transparent
issues and trends with a view to creating an action plan for complaints procedure in place for learners. Evidence is
improving your tuition provision. required to demonstrate that complaints are investigated
thoroughly and promptly within a specified timeframe. We
Tutor review understand your policy will be unique to your organisation
Learning Partners need to evidence how they review tutors, but we expect that there is clear information on how to
this can include peer review. raise a complaint, how long the complainant can expect
to wait for acknowledgement of their complaint and to
Learner feedback receive a response and how complaints will be treated.
Learning Partners are required not only to respond to Complainants should also know who will be involved in the
complaints, but to also actively seek feedback from learners review, that the review will be treated confidentially, and if
and use this information to improve their tuition and there is a right to appeal.

We require Learning Partners to provide details of how

learner feedback is actively sought, reviewed and acted on
as appropriate.

Examples of supporting evidence

Bronze Learning Silver Learning Gold Learning

Partner Partner Partner
Course review - schedule - schedule with course - schedule with course
review meeting notes review meeting notes and
and actions actions; evidence of actions
completed and their impact
- course performance analysis
- course completion figures
are reviewed and the
reasons for learners not
completing qualifications
are investigated. The
findings of these
investigations are used as
a basis to improve policies
and procedures; details of
actions taken to improve
learner support
Tutor review - schedule - schedule with - schedule with meeting
meeting notes; notes and actions; a
A mechanism for mechanism for monitoring
monitoring the the performance of each
performance of each tutor and implementing
tutor development needs; Tutor
performance analysis
- support plans and / or a
commitment to relevant
- peer review

Learner feedback - feedback forms - form and analysis of - form and analysis of
completed completed learner completed learner
feedback forms; feedback forms; evidence
evidence of feedback of feedback being collated
being collated and acted upon

Examples of supporting evidence continued...

Bronze Learning Silver Learning Gold Learning

Partner Partner Partner
Complaints - evidence on how - evidence on how - evidence on how
complaints procedure complaints procedure complaints procedure is
is communicated to is communicated to communicated to learners
learners e.g. in learner learners e.g. in learner e.g. in learner handbook
handbook handbook - learner complaints log;
- learner complaints log - learner complaints log which shows how
- evidence that log; log which shows the complaint was dealt
learners are aware how the complaint with and lessons learnt
of how to make an was dealt with documented; Lessons
informal or formal - evidence that learnt from complaints
complaint about learners are aware and remedial actions
your organisation of how to make an implemented
or service (any informal or formal - evidence that learners are
learner that wants complaint about aware of how to make
to make a complaint your organisation an informal or formal
to NEBOSH will be or service (any complaint about your
advised to follow your learner that wants organisation or service (any
complaints procedure to make a complaint learner that wants to make
first) to NEBOSH will be a complaint to NEBOSH will
- records kept of advised to follow your be advised to follow your
number of learners complaints procedure complaints procedure first)
for each qualification first) - records kept of number
- records kept of of learners for each
number of learners qualification
for each qualification - reasons recorded when
- reasons recorded learners don’t complete a
when learners qualification
don’t complete a - evidence of measures
qualification taken to improve course

We believe that the Learning Partner Programme will help ensure that all learners’ have a positive NEBOSH experience.
Every learner matters and can make a difference to health, safety and the environment in the workplace.

If you have any queries or feedback on this document or the Learning Partner Accreditation System, please contact the
Learning Partner Quality Team:

e [email protected]
t +44 (0)116 482 0700

Dominus Way,
Meridian Business Park,

LE19 1QW

t +44 (0)116 263 4700

f +44 (0)116 282 4000
e [email protected] Version 2 C021 – January 2021

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