NCC Title V. Possession (Arts. 523-561) FINAL
NCC Title V. Possession (Arts. 523-561) FINAL
NCC Title V. Possession (Arts. 523-561) FINAL
POSSESSION Where the actual possessor has no valid right over the
property enforceable against the owner thereof, the
Chapter 1 surrender of the possession to the adjudged owner
POSSESSION AND THE KINDS THEREOF should be included in the judgment.
Art. 523. Possession Defined Art. 524. To Whom Possession May Be Exercised?
Possession is the holding of a thing or the enjoyment of a Possession may be exercised:
right. 1. in one’s own name; (possessor-owner)
2. in name of another (ex. agent)
Viewpoints of Possession
1. Right TO possession (jus possidendi) – a right incident of Q: Who is in actual possession of a rented parcel of land?
ownership (ex. ownership of a house) A: The lessor, through the tenant, is in the actual possession
2. Right OF possession (jus possessionis) – an independent of the land. Tenant is in actual possession in the concept of
right of itself, independent of ownership (ex. possession holder.
of house through rent)
Possession in Another’s Name
Degree of Possession 1. Voluntary – as when an agent possesses for the principal
1. Mere holding or having, without any right (by virtue of agreement)
2. Juridical possession – possession with a juridical title, 2. Necessary – as when a mother possesses for a child still
but not that of an owner (ex. lessee, pledgee, depositary) in the maternal womb
3. Real possessory right – possession with a just title, but 3. Unauthorized – this will become the principal’s
not from the true owner. possession only after there has been ratification without
4. Ownership – possession with a title of dominium (with a prejudice to the effects of negotiorum gestio.
just title from the owner)
Right of the Landlord to Bring Suit vs. Intruder
Requisites of Possession [HIR] Q: If a tenant is ousted by an intruder, the tenant is
1. Holding or control of a thing or a right. undoubtedly given the right to bring an action of forcible
2. Deliberate Intention to possess entry. Now then, suppose it is the landlord himself who
3. Possession must be by virtue of one’s own Right institutes the suit against the intruder, would the action
Holding or Detention
May either be actual or constructive occupation. A: YES, for after all, the landowner was really in actual
Possession in the eyes of the law does not mean that a possession, through the tenant. There is a danger he may
man has to have his feet on every square meter of eventually lose his possession over the same, and suffer
ground before it can be said that he is in possession. serious inconvenience.
Essential in constructive possession: property be not in
the adverse possession of another It should be noted also that the tenant is required to give
notice to the owner of any usurpation which a stranger may
Classes of Possession do. (Art. 1673, NCC)
1. In one’s own name or in that of another (Art. 524)
2. In the concept of owner (en concepto de dueno) and in Query Re Cursory Visits to Object
the concept of holder (Art. 525) The facts that one visits a certain parcel of land once in a
3. In Good Faith (bona fide) or in Bad Faith (mala fide) (Art. while and declares for taxation purposes the fact that the
526) land belongs to him, does NOT necessarily mean that he
is in POSSESSION of the land. These facts, by themselves,
Ownership do NOT show possession.
A thing pertaining to one person is completely subjected to However, the holding of possessory information is
his will in a manner not prohibited by law and inconsistent considered evidence of possession under Art. 394 of the
with the rights of others. Spanish Mortgage Law.
Awarding of the lost movable to the finder Q: In order to contest the title of the possessor in good faith,
If the owner or previous possessor did not appear after 6 what should the true owner do?
months from the publication, the thing found or its value or A: The true owner should present suffi cient proof of the
proceeds if there was a sale, shall be awarded to the finder. identity of the object AND that he had either lost it or has
The finder, however, shall pay for the expenses incurred for been illegally deprived of it. This proof is an indispensable
the publication (NCC, Art. 719). requisite a conditio sine qua non in order that the owner of
the chattel may contest the apparent title of its possessor.
Duty of the owner who appeared Without adequate proof of such loss or illegal deprivation,
1. Give a reward to the finder equivalent to one-tenth the present holder cannot be put on his defense, even if as
(1/10) of the sum or of the price of the thing found (NCC, possessor he has no actual proprietary title to the movable
Art. 720); property in question (Paras, 2008).
2. Reimburse to the finder for the latter’s expenses
incurred for the preservation of the thing (NCC, Art. 546) Rule when possessor has already become the owner
and expenses spent for the location of the owner; and Art. 559 in fact assumes that the possessor is as yet not the
3. Reimburse the expenses for publication if there was a owner, for it is obvious that where the possessor has come to
public auction sale (Pineda, 1999). acquire indefeasible title, let us say adverse possession for
the necessary period, no proof of loss, or illegal deprivation
could avail the former owner of the chattel. He would no
longer be entitled to recover it under any condition (Paras,
a) Possession was lost unlawfully or unjustly;
b) Possessor lawfully recovers possession; and
c) Uninterrupted possession is beneficial to him.