EDQM Webinar On Elemental Impurities 16 May 2017 Presentation

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EDQM Webinar

Elemental Impurities:
Implementation of ICH Q3D

16 May 2017

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Webinar on Elemental Impurities

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2017© EDQM, Council of Europe 16/05/2017

Implementation of the ICH

Q3D guideline in the Ph. Eur.

Webinar on Elemental Impurities

16 May 2017

Bruno Spieldenner, Ph. Eur. Department, EDQM

Elemental impurities
in the Ph. Eur.
A (r)evolution

EMA guideline on
specification limits for ICH Q3D development
No guideline for safety limits 2008 residues of metal catalysts or 2013 and implementation 2018
metal reagents

Non specific « heavy metals » test

Limit at 10 or 20 ppm Lead


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EMA timelines

Source: http://www.ema.europa.eu/docs/en_GB/document_library/Other/2015/03/WC500184920.pdf

Ph. Eur aligned to the extent possible with these implementation dates

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Press releases on Ph. Eur.

• 18th July 2014 : Ph. Eur. strategy regarding
elemental impurities and implementation of ICH
• 28th April 2015: Ph.Eur. policy on elemental
impurities and timelines for revision of general and
individual texts.
• 7th August 2015: clarification for products outside
of the scope of ICH Q3D.
• 11th January 2017: update on the Ph. Eur.
implementation strategy
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Content and structure of the

Ph. Eur.
Provide basic and very general information that
are valid for all texts. Help to understand S
aspects of wording, structure and requirements P
of the Ph. Eur. E
• General methods: general
recommendations for analytical procedures.
• General texts: informative texts, guidelines F
(e.g. microbiology, chemometrics) I
Become mandatory when cited in monograph C
• Dosage forms: applied during licensing T
• Group of products: defined by production Y
method, risk factors or intended use.
Summarises mandatory quality aspects
common to a given group.

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in general text 5.20 (1/2)

• Current text refers to the EMA guideline on metal catalysts and metal
• Replacement of the EMA guideline by the principles of the ICH Q3D
• No verbatim reproduction to avoid introducing a “Ph. Eur. Copy” of the
guideline. The enforceable text is the version as published by the ICH.
• Modules for implementation available from ICH website
• Publication: Ph. Eur. Suppl. 9.3 [impl. date 01/2018]

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in general text 5.20 (2/2)
• Only parts of the introduction and the scope of ICH Q3D are
reproduced together with information specific to Q3D in the Ph. Eur.
• Extracts of the new version of chapter 5.20:

[…] The European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.) applies this guideline to medicinal products except
products for veterinary use, unlicensed preparations and products excluded from the scope of the
guideline […]

[…] The PDEs established in the guideline are considered to be protective of public health for all
patient populations. In some cases, lower levels of elemental impurities may be warranted when
levels below toxicity thresholds have been shown to have an impact on other quality attributes of
the medicinal product or one of its ingredients (e.g., element catalysed degradation of a
substance for pharmaceutical use).[…]

To be published in Ph Eur suppl. 9.3 [impl. date 01/2018]

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Implementation in general
General method 2.4.20 Determination of elemental impurities:
1. Editorial revision to align the wording with the ICH Q3D guideline
Publication foreseen in Ph. Eur. Suppl. 9.3 (no public consultation)
“metal catalyst and metal reagent residues” to “elemental impurities”

2. International harmonisation (coordinating pharmacopoeia: USP)

Work ongoing with high priority within the PDG.

Other general methods : e.g. Heavy metals (2.4.8), Arsenic (2.4.2)

Not foreseen to delete yet (e.g. needed for products for veterinary use)

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2017© EDQM, Council of Europe 16/05/2017

Implementation in general
monographs 1/2
• Substances for pharmaceutical use (2034) :
• Elements intentionally added are controlled during production.

The identity of the elemental impurities derived from intentionally added catalysts and reagents is
known and strategies for controlling them should be established by using the principles of risk

• Clarification for the deletion of specifications for substances

Elemental impurities. Permitted daily exposures for elemental impurities (e.g. as included in the
ICH Q3D guideline, the principles of which are reproduced in general chapter 5.20 Elemental
impurities) apply to the medicinal product. Individual monographs on substances for pharmaceutical
use therefore do not contain specifications for elemental impurities unless otherwise prescribed.

To be published in Ph Eur suppl. 9.3 [impl. date 01/2018]

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Implementation in general
monographs 2/2
• Pharmaceutical Preparations (2619) :
• Addition of a cross reference to general text 5.20 (principles of ICH Q3D) to render
the text legally binding for medicinal products in scope of Q3D.

• Clarification for medicinal products outside of the scope of ICH Q3D guideline
 EIs at least considered in risk management strategy

Elemental impurities. General chapter 5.20 Elemental impurities applies to medicinal products
except products for veterinary use, unlicensed preparations and other products excluded from the
scope of general chapter 5.20.
For pharmaceutical preparations outside the scope of general chapter 5.20, manufacturers of these
products remain responsible for controlling the levels of elemental impurities using the principles of
risk management.
If appropriate, testing is performed using suitable analytical procedures according to general chapter
2.4.20 Determination of elemental impurities.
To be published in Ph Eur suppl. 9.3 [impl. date 01/2018]

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2017© EDQM, Council of Europe 16/05/2017

Outcome of public consultation

Public consultation ended on 31st August 2016

For products out of scope of ICH Q3D GL: Some concern

expressed that additional requirements might be introduced

 No extension of the scope of ICH Q3D GL
 Q3D sets human toxicological limits (PDE)
 Control = comprehensive approach using risk management
EIs are an important quality attribute of substances and products; just as
any other type of impurity
In the absence of specifications for EIs  Should be covered by a risk
management strategy in line also with good manufacturing practices

Bruno Spieldenner ©2017 EDQM, Council of Europe. All rights reserved.


Implementation in individual
monographs – HM tests
• Suppression of heavy metals tests (2.4.8) from individual monographs (except those for
vet. use only). Published in the 9th Edition.

• Total number of texts: 754 monographs (43%)  combined with a new edition for
practical reasons

• No anticipated entry into force expected for already marketed products: from a
regulatory point of view manufacturers are expected to comply with ICH Q3D by
december 2017 at latest.

• See press release from April 2015:

”The absence of the heavy metals test from an individual monograph does not preclude substance manufacturers from
controlling the levels of elemental impurities in their products. Control of heavy metals according to method 2.4.8 is still
acceptable until ICH Q3D comes into force for a given finished product.”

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2017© EDQM, Council of Europe 16/05/2017

Other monographs
• Individual monographs on finished products: no
additional requirement for EI (covered by general
monograph on pharmaceutical preparations 2619)
• Water, purified (0008) : public consultation ended;
comments under consideration by the relevant group
Elemental impurities. If purified water in bulk does not meet the requirement for conductivity
prescribed for Water for injections (0169) in bulk, a risk assessment according to general chapter
5.20. […] is carried out, taking into consideration the role of water in the manufacturing process, in
particular when water is used in a process but is no longer present in the final product.

• Materials/containers : discussion ongoing in group of


Bruno Spieldenner ©2017 EDQM, Council of Europe. All rights reserved.


Implementation in individual
monographs - specific metal tests
• In Ph. Eur. approx. 300 monographs describe more than 450 specific metal
• Discussions started in 2015 in groups of experts (ICH Q3D classes 1, 2a, 2b and 3)

• Concerns :
• Historical reason for the presence of the test in the monograph
• No change control for updating production pathways (intentionally added
• Substances of natural origin (e.g. mined excipients) => EI potentially present
but not intentionally added
 See example

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2017© EDQM, Council of Europe 16/05/2017

Example monograph

In the test section :

9 tests

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Example monograph

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2017© EDQM, Council of Europe 16/05/2017

Specific metal tests

 EIs without a PDE (“other elements”, e. g. Fe, Ca, Al): Tests remain
 EIs having a PDE in ICH Q3D: No systematic deletion of individual
tests from monographs

 Residues from elements intentionally added Covered by general monograph*

 Not intentionally added but potentially present Keep test in monograph

 Potentially introduced from manufacturing equipment  GMP*

 Potentially leached from container closure system  CCS compatibility studies*

*: Not covered in individual monographs

Bruno Spieldenner ©2017 EDQM, Council of Europe. All rights reserved.

Specific metal tests – next steps

First phase
• Each group of experts involved to assess case by case whether the specific
tests can be suppressed (case ,  and ) or maintained (case )
• Focus: Substances of natural origin (mainly mined excipients)

Second phase
• Obtain batch data and revise these tests / or add new ones, if necessary,
based on batch data

Need for more expertise and support (especially from manufacturers)

to revise/maintain these tests

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2017© EDQM, Council of Europe 16/05/2017


EDQM Special thanks

Dr S. Keitel Dr M. Tuerck, chair of the
Group 9 (inorganics)
Ms C. Vielle
Dr JL Robert, former chair of
Dr U. Rose the EPC
Ms I. Mercier Dr T Gosdschan present chair
Dr E. Pel of the EPC

Ms B. Jacquel

Bruno Spieldenner ©2017 EDQM, Council of Europe. All rights reserved.


Thank you for your attention!

Bruno Spieldenner ©2017 EDQM, Council of Europe. All rights reserved.


2017 © EDQM, Council of Europe 16/05/2017

Implementation of ICH Q3D in

the Certification Procedure

PA/PH/CEP (16) 23

Webinar for industry

16 May 2017

Dégardin, Feeney, Seidler, Thouvenel ©2017 EDQM, Council of Europe. All rights reserved.

- Policy document
- Scenario 1: Risk Management Summary provided
- Scenario 2: no RMS provided
- Specification
- Analytical methods
- Limits
- Assessment
- Revision/Renewal

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EU policy for component approach

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Policy document
PA/PH/CEP (16) 23
published 04/08/2016
in force for all CEPs granted from 01/09/2016

only applicable to substances used in products

within the scope of Q3D
(e.g. not implemented for vet. only, herbals, etc.)

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2017 © EDQM, Council of Europe 16/05/2017

Applicant has the choice between two possible
1. Provide a Risk Management Summary (RMS)
performed at the level of the drug substance
(component approach as per ICH Q3D). This is
the preferred scenario.
2. No Risk Management is done on elemental
impurities (EI).
The approach taken is independent of the use or
non-use of EI in the manufacturing process.
Dégardin, Feeney, Seidler, Thouvenel ©2017 EDQM, Council of Europe. All rights reserved.

Scenario 1: RMS provided

It should be apparent that the component approach is
The route of administration should be indicated.
oral, parenteral or inhalation
ICH Q3D option 1 (10 g drug product/d) should be used.
A RMS should be provided:
+ Why are impurities considered?
+ Justification of control strategy
- Screening alone is not a RMS
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2017 © EDQM, Council of Europe 16/05/2017

Scenario 1: RMS provided

Possible way to present RMS:
Source used in known/likely EI Risk assessment Risk of Action
step X of 4 carry-over

Catalyst 4 Pd Homogeneous catalyst (Ph3P)4Pd used in last step. Specification in final


Process aids 4 Pb, Cu Activated charcoal used in last step. Pot. impurities No further action
limited in raw material specification. required.

Reagents 1-4 Cd, Pb, As, Hg, HCl, NaOH, H2SO4. Based on data on raw materials and Verify risk assessment
Ni, Se, Sb, Cu, the used quantities limited carry-over is expected. for class 1 EI by
Cr screening.
Solvents 1-4 Ni Cyclohexane used in last step. Purified by distillation. No further action
For other solvents no catalyst is used. required.

Water 4 Cd, Pb, As, Hg, Purified water is used. No further action
Ni, Sb, Cu required.

Equipment 1-4 Ni, Mo, Cr Glass-lined steel and steel 1.4435 is used. Harsh Perform screening for
conditions (pH < 5.0) and high mechanical forces during these EI to check carry-
particle size reduction. over.
Container closure - Sb Used as catalyst in PET synthesis. Low concentration of No further action
system EI in packaging material. Solid substance and thus required.
limited interaction.

(does not replace the summary table for the CEP)

Dégardin, Feeney, Seidler, Thouvenel ©2017 EDQM, Council of Europe. All rights reserved.

Scenario 1: RMS provided

Which EI should be included in the screening?
Impurities which might reach the control threshold. This could be
for example EI:
- introduced close to the final substance,
- originated from multiple sources,
- with low PDE and/or
- introduced as contaminants of raw materials at highly variable
- present in packaging material for non-solid APIs/excipients
(leaching study).

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2017 © EDQM, Council of Europe 16/05/2017

Scenario 1: RMS provided

Analytical methods:
For screening
Analytical methodology (ICP-MS/AES / AAS; no
method description) + specificity and sensitivity

In final specification
Detailed method description + full validation

Dégardin, Feeney, Seidler, Thouvenel ©2017 EDQM, Council of Europe. All rights reserved.

Scenario 1: RMS provided

A risk management summary for elemental impurities has been provided. (Annex 2)

if applicable
− Test for elemental impurities by ICP-MS (Annex 3)
Palladium not more than 10 ppm

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2017 © EDQM, Council of Europe 16/05/2017

Scenario 1: RMS provided

 will be annexed to the CEP Does not restrict the
use of the CEP!

“Yes” for all which have been discussed

< 30% option

1 limit

Dégardin, Feeney, Seidler, Thouvenel ©2017 EDQM, Council of Europe. All rights reserved.

Scenario 1: RMS provided

How should EI residues be reported in the table
when they are not considered as absent?
An upper level should be indicated.
Batch results for an EI To be reported in the table as

0.2 ppm / 0.1 ppm / 0.4 ppm < 0.5 ppm or < 1 ppm or < 5 ppm
1.5 ppm / 0.9 ppm / 1.8 ppm < 2 ppm or < 5 ppm or < 10 ppm

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2017 © EDQM, Council of Europe 16/05/2017

Scenario 2: no RMS provided

All intentionally introduced EI should be declared
(catalysts, reagents).

Carry-over data should be provided.

Dégardin, Feeney, Seidler, Thouvenel ©2017 EDQM, Council of Europe. All rights reserved.

Scenario 2: no RMS provided

Analytical methods (in final specification):
Detailed method description + full validation

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2017 © EDQM, Council of Europe 16/05/2017

Scenario 2: no RMS provided

The following elemental impurity classified in ICH Q3D is intentionally introduced in the
manufacture of the substance: Palladium

No elemental impurity classified in ICH Q3D is intentionally introduced in the
manufacture of the substance.

No information about absence of EI on CEP.

Dégardin, Feeney, Seidler, Thouvenel ©2017 EDQM, Council of Europe. All rights reserved.

For both scenarios:
EI intentionally introduced prior to the last step
 Specification in the active substance as
proposed by applicant to be mentioned on CEP
(absent or not)
 No specification proposed by applicant:
no question

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2017 © EDQM, Council of Europe 16/05/2017

For both scenarios:
EI intentionally introduced in last synthetic step
 specification for final substance is normally
expected unless levels below 30% of option 1

EI intentionally introduced (absent or not)

 Specification as proposed by applicant on CEP

Dégardin, Feeney, Seidler, Thouvenel ©2017 EDQM, Council of Europe. All rights reserved.


V Cr Co Ni Cu As Se
Mo Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd Sn Sb
Ba Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb


Routine screening by e.g. ICP-MS: only relevant EI to be mentioned on CEP (not

24 EI on each CEP)
RMS  ≥ 30% or intentionally added
No RMS  no test for contaminants

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2017 © EDQM, Council of Europe 16/05/2017

Analytical methods
Ph. Eur. General Method 2.4.8. Heavy metals

Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn As Se
Mo Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd Sn Sb
W Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi

Pharmeuropa Sep.-Dec. 1989 Vol. I

(rare metals not verified in this study)
not detectable
colour not comparable to lead
 Specific methods should be used.

Dégardin, Feeney, Seidler, Thouvenel ©2017 EDQM, Council of Europe. All rights reserved.

Limits will be accepted as proposed.

“short term” use.

reproduced from Arzneibuch-Kommentar

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Unless other quality attributes affected (sulfated

ash, element catalysed degradation).

Dégardin, Feeney, Seidler, Thouvenel ©2017 EDQM, Council of Europe. All rights reserved.

Limit unrealistic?

mdd 75 mg; API probably only Pd source in DP  1333 ppm toxicologically


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2017 © EDQM, Council of Europe 16/05/2017

Catalyst in SM
considered as contaminant and not intentionally
introduced  use of cat. not mentioned on CEP

starting material

modified from Arzneibuch-Kommentar

Dégardin, Feeney, Seidler, Thouvenel ©2017 EDQM, Council of Europe. All rights reserved.

Process alternatives

reproduced from Arzneibuch-Kommentar

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2017 © EDQM, Council of Europe 16/05/2017

Applicant does not apply option 1 limits but absence can be

mdd 200 µg; inhalation  excipients likewise << 10 g

reproduced from Arzneibuch-Kommentar

Dégardin, Feeney, Seidler, Thouvenel ©2017 EDQM, Council of Europe. All rights reserved.

Use of a CEP to describe a material used in an application
for another CEP.

Se to be mentioned on both CEPs

modified from Arzneibuch-Kommentar

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2017 © EDQM, Council of Europe 16/05/2017

Ophthalmic (or dermal,...) use only

No PDE in ICH Q3D (oral PDE can provide the basis of a route-specific safety
assessment). No safety assessment at the stage of component possible.
Applicant can propose oral route or parenteral route (higher safety factor, more
EI covered). Suitability has to be assessed at the stage of DP.

reproduced from Arzneibuch-Kommentar

Dégardin, Feeney, Seidler, Thouvenel ©2017 EDQM, Council of Europe. All rights reserved.

maximum daily dose > 10 g
Colestyramine 36 g/d
Sodium phenylbutyrate 20 g/d (lifetime)
Contrast agents
Iohexol, gadobutrol monohydrate,… >> 10 g (single administration)
Lactulose 120 g

No conclusion on absence (based on option 1) possible.
Applicants should report levels as described on slide 12 for all

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2017 © EDQM, Council of Europe 16/05/2017

What to do for existing CEP’s?
- Renewal: Dossiers are systematically reviewed
against the principles of the Gdl.

- Revisions: The Gdl is only considered when

the changes relate to controls for EI, changes
in the mfg process involving addition/removal
of EI, or when an RMS has been provided.

Dégardin, Feeney, Seidler, Thouvenel ©2017 EDQM, Council of Europe. All rights reserved.

Deletion of reference to General Method 2.4.8
- CEP holders/applicants have not been contacted.
- Update of specification under responsibility of
holder’s QA system.
- If no analytical control is necessary, deletion of
heavy metals test should be included in next
submission for revision (for filing; no assessment).

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Deletion of reference to General Method 2.4.8
- Addition of alternative tests should be done
according to EDQM “Guideline on Requirements
for Revision/renewal” (PA/PH/CEP (04) 2)

Dégardin, Feeney, Seidler, Thouvenel ©2017 EDQM, Council of Europe. All rights reserved.

No plan to revise all existing CEPs.

Only a small number of CEPs which refer to

“option 2a of Chapter 5.20 of Ph. Eur.” (EMA
guideline) to be revised.

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2017 © EDQM, Council of Europe 16/05/2017

Several applications
with RMS received
CEPs granted with
RMS as annex.

Dégardin, Feeney, Seidler, Thouvenel ©2017 EDQM, Council of Europe. All rights reserved.

This is still a new policy for everybody.
Sufficient experience has to be gained on how to
handle ALL scenarios.

The policy will be reviewed in 2017 when more

applications have been received and adopted if

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EDQM Helpdesk

[email protected]

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EDQM Webinar on Elemental Impurities:

Implementation of ICH Q3D

Question & Answers

©2017 EDQM, Council of Europe. All rights reserved.

Thank you for participating in

EDQM Webinar

Elemental Impurities:
Implementation of ICH Q3D

16 May 2017

©2017 EDQM, Council of Europe. All rights reserved.

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