Chakra Chart
Chakra Chart
Chakra Chart
Name! Positive
Location Color Bija sound Element Gland Body parts Themes Malfunctions
(translation) affirmation
silence;! depression,
Sahasrara awareness of
the trailing off of skull, cerebral alienation, “I am connected
(dwelling place iridescent white; higher self,
crown of head the sound of none pineal gland cortex, central mental illness, to Source. All is
without support; gold; violet connection to
OM into the nervous system neuralgia, well.”
thousand petals) Source
ALL-THAT-IS confusion
ulcers, diabetes,
digestive tract, personal power, hepatitis,
Manipura (mani liver, stomach, will, optimism, hypoglycemia, “I stand in my
= gem or jewel; solar plexus yellow RAM fire pancreas diaphragm, self control, constipation, personal
pura = city) nervous system, feelings about timidity, power.”
metabolism authority parasites,
toxicity, jaundice
Svadhisthana intimacy, feelings,
womb, kidneys, uterine
(sva = self or sexuality,
gonads & urinary tract, problems, eating “I flow with the
prana; pelvic bowl orange VAM water procreation,
ovaries spleen, disorders, gout, rhythms of life.”
adhisthana = sensuality,
gallbladder discomfort with
dwelling place) freedom
gender roles
inability to take
survival, vitality,
Muladhara! legs, feet, bones, care of oneself, “I am always
(mul = root or large intestines, ungrounded, not safe at the
base of spine red LAM earth adrenals security,
base; adhara = coccygeal nerve wanting to be center of my
support, stability,
support) plexus, prostate on the planet, being.”