Joshua Ike (Free Product)
Joshua Ike (Free Product)
Joshua Ike (Free Product)
Under the Rose is a story set within a possible future rulebook. Yet, access to other supplements can greatly enrich
of Creation in which the Scarlet Empress has reclaimed her the play experience with more ideas for terrifying guardians,
throne and ended the brutal Realm Civil War as told in wondrous traps and further setting elements to make the jour-
the Return of the Scarlet Empress saga. This supplement ney through the manse even more memorable and exciting.
is intended for play as a one-shot story with pre-generated Readers who plan to enjoy Under the Rose as players rather
protagonists or inserted into an ongoing series as a major than Storytellers, however, are warned that reading past this
plot point. By default, the story features the signature Solar point will spoil the Imperial Manse’s surprises.
circle of Dace, Panther, Arianna, Harmonious Jade and Swan PRELUDE
as they attempt to break into the Imperial Manse, extract Years after the disappearance of the Empress, the
the Roseblack and stop the resurgent Scarlet Empress from Scarlet Dynasty at last exploded into brutal civil war. Many
destroying another city with the Realm Defense Grid. These candidates initially vied for the ultimate prize, but as the
events take place at a critical juncture in history, the turning conflict raged on, factions dissolved and merged until only
point at which the Second Age becomes the Third and the those of Tepet Ejava (better known as the Roseblack) and
end of days truly begins. Mnemon remained. Over time, it became clear that Mne-
Storytellers who want a more detailed look at the events mon’s forces could not prevail in battle, so she reorganized
leading up to Under the Rose or who are curious where the them into a guerilla insurgency. In the end, this move
story can go following its conclusion can find these answers proved insufficient. Although Mnemon never surrendered
in Return of the Scarlet Empress. It is possible to play or conceded to her rival, her insurgents could not stem
through the epic break-in with nothing but the Exalted core
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CCP hf. All rights reserved. Under the Rose, Return of the Scarlet Empress, the Compass of Celestial
Directions, the Blessed Isle, Malfeas, the Books of Sorcery, the Roll of Glorious Divinity I, the Roll
of Glorious Divinity II, Scroll of Exalts and the Second Age of Man are trademarks of CCP hf. All
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This book uses the supernatural for settings, characters and themes. All mystical and su-
pernatural elements are fiction and intended for entertainment purposes only. This book contains
mature content. Reader discretion is advised.
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