Modeling A Cantilever Beam Using 1D, 2D and 3D Elements

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 a  Cantilever  Beam  using  1D,    2D  and  3D  Elements    

The  learning  goals  of  this  exercise  are  to:  
• Study  the  relative  efficiency  and  accuracy  of  1D,  2D  and  3D  elements  in  modeling  a  
cantilever  beam    
• Study  the  effect  of  the  stress  singularity  at  the  fixed  end  of  the  beam  
Consider  the  cantilever  beam  shown  below.  This  beam  is  modeled  using  1D  elements  in  the  
tutorial   at­‐Bw.   The   beam   is   clamped   at   the   left   end  
and   has   a   force   of   8kN   acting   downward   at   the   right   end.   This   8   kN   force   acts   over   the  
entire   cross-­‐section   at   the   right   end.   The   beam   has   a   length   of   4   meters,   width   of   0.346  
meters  and  height  of  0.346  meters  (the  cross-­‐section  is  a  square).  Additionally,  the  beam  is  
composed  of  a  material  which  has  a  Young's  Modulus  of  28  GPa  and  a  Poisson’s  ratio  of  0.3.      

Model  this  beam  using  1D,  2D  and  3D  elements  in  ANSYS.    
Use   the   following   meshes:   2x2x2,   4x4x4,   8x8x8,   16x16x8,   64x64x8.   For   instance,   in   the  
case  of  the  mesh  denoted  as  4x4x4,  you’ll  have:  
• 4  divisions  for  the  line  in  the  1D  model  (4  line  elements)  
• 4  divisions  in  each  direction  for  the  area  in  the  2D  model  (4x4=16  area  elements)  
• 4   divisions   in   each   direction   for   the   volume   in   the   3D   model   (4x4x4   =   64   volume  
Note   that   for   the   3D   model,   the   number   of   divisions   in   the   z-­‐direction   is   not   increased  
beyond  8  to  keep  the  mesh  size  reasonable.    
For  each  model  and  mesh,  determine:  
• Displacement   in   the   y   direction   at   the   right   end   of   the   beam   in   the   middle   of   the  
cross-­‐section  (x  =  4  m,  y  =  0.346/2  m,  z  =  0.346/2  m).  Let’s  denote  this  displacement  
as  𝑣! .  
• Stress  𝜎!!  distribution  at  the  left  end  (𝑥 = 0)  and  in  the  middle  (𝑥 = 2  𝑚).  Note  the  
maximum  value  of  𝜎!!  over  the  cross-­‐section  at  each  location.  
Summarize   the   total   number   of   degrees   of   freedom   (DOF)   and   the   displacement  𝑣!  in   the  
form  of  the  following  table:  
Mesh   DOF  (1D)   𝑣!  (1D)   DOF  (2D)   𝑣!  (2D)   DOF  (3D)   𝑣!  (3D)  
For   1D   elements,   while   calculating   the   total   degrees   of   freedom,   you   can   ignore   the   z-­‐
displacement  DOF  and  the  rotational  DOF  about  x  and  y  axes  that  ANSYS  puts  in.  These  are  
identically  zero  for  this  case.  
Summarize  the  results  for  the  maximum  value  of  𝜎!!  at  x=2m  and  x=0m  in  the  form  of  the  
following  table:  
Mesh   Max.  𝜎!!  at   Max.  𝜎!!  at   Max.  𝜎!!  at   Max.  𝜎!!  at   Max.  𝜎!!  at   Max.  𝜎!!  at  
x=2m  (1D)   x=2m  (2D)   x=2m  (3D)   x=0m  (1D)   x=0m  (2D)   x=0m  (3D)  
Report  the  displacements  and  stresses  to  four  significant  digits.    For  units,  use  meters  for  
displacement  and  MPa  for  stresses.  
Using  the  filled-­‐in  tables,  respond  to  the  following  questions:  
• How  many  degrees  of  freedom  do  you  need  to  use  with  1D,  2D  and  3D  elements  to  
get   the   above   displacement   and   stress   values   at   x   =   2m   to   an   accuracy   of   three  
significant  digits?      
• How   well   do   the   above   displacement   and   stress   values   agree   between   the   1D,   2D  
and  3D  models?  
• Which  converges  faster  on  refining  the  mesh:  displacement  or  stress?  Why?  
• What  is  the  effect  of  the  stress  singularity  at  the  fixed  end  (x=0m)  on  the  above  
displacement  and  stress  values  as  the  mesh  is  refined?  What  is  the  difference  in  
results  at  the  fixed  end  between  the  1D,  2D  and  3D  models?  
• What   are   your   conclusions   about   the   relative   efficiency   and   accuracy   of   the   3  
different  modeling  approaches?  
For   tips   on   how   to   plot   the   stress   distribution   in   any   beam   cross-­‐section   and   how   to  
determine   the   displacements   at   any   location,   see   the   video   at  

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