Topic 12 Entropy-Energetics Chemistry Ial Edexcel

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The document discusses entropy and how it relates to the spontaneity of chemical reactions. Entropy is a measure of disorder and increases with temperature and changes in physical state from solid to liquid to gas.

The entropy of a substance increases as it changes from a solid to a liquid to a gas, as the particles become less ordered in each state change. The entropy of a solid is less than that of a liquid, which is less than that of a gas.

The entropy of a substance increases as the temperature increases. There are also jumps in entropy during phase changes as the ordering of particles changes.


1. State with examples why feasibility of a chemical reaction cannot be determined only by
enthalpy changes

In exothermic reactions the enthalpy of the reactants are higher than the
products. Therefore the reaction is feasible at room temperature. Often assumed
that endothermic reactions will not take place at room temperature due to energy
of the products are greater than the reactants thus reactants are more stable
also due to the activation energy barrier.
By the study of solubilities & the enthalpy of solution of many salts it can be shown
that endothermic reactions also occur at room temperature & some exothermic
reactions do not.

Eg:- I) Enthalpy of solution of NH4NO3 is endothermic, yet it is highly soluble in water.

II) Enthalpy of solution of CaCO3 is exothermic, yet it is insoluble in water.

Therefore other than the enthalpies there is another factor, which influences the
relative stability of a system.

When a highly ordered solid dissolves in H2O the solid disperse throughout the
liquid. The same happens with energy. The answer for the above lies in the simple
concept that energy & matter tend to spread out or disperse. When the solid
disperse in a liquid the solid particles get disordered. The greater the degree of
disorder or randomness of a system the greater the stability.

2. Explain the term ‘entropy’ (S)

Entropy is a measure of the disorder or randomness of a system. It is also the

scientific term for disorder. When the molecules are ordered then the entropy is
low & when the molecules are disordered the entropy is high.

The grater the disorder (entropy) the greater the stability. Thus the total free
energy of a system is the sum of the enthalpy & the entropy. Hence spontaneous
changes result in increase entropy. (Second law of Thermodynamics)

(A spontaneous process is a process which takes place without continuous

intervention by us)

Entropy refers not only to the distribution of molecules but also to the ways of
distributing the energy of the system.

3. Explain how entropy of a substance change with the change in the physical state.

Particles in a solid are more ordered (or less disordered) than liquid or gas.
Where as particles in a liquid is more ordered than a gas. Therefore the entropy
of gas is greater than liquid, which is greater than solid.

S solid <S liquid <S gas

4. State & explain the effect of temperature on entropy.

Entropy of a perfect crystalline substance at zero Kelvin / -2730C (absolute

zero) is zero. As the temperature increases the entropy of a substance
increases. During the phase change as the solid is heated there is a large jump in

As the solid is heated entropy increases until its melting point. At this point
there is a large jump in entropy. Then followed by steady increase as the liquid is
heated until it is reached to the boiling point. At this point there is another large
jump in entropy. Thus followed by a gradual increase in entropy as the gas is



The third law of thermodynamics states that the entropy of a perfect crystal at
absolute zero (0K) is zero. A perfect crystal is one in which lattice structure
remain same always. The particles are in fixed positions.

5. Explain the dependence on standard entropy of a substance on complexity of the substance.

Standard entropy is the entropy at 298K (250C) & 1atm pressure & is symbolized by Sθ
The standard entropy increases as the complexity of a substance increase.

Eg: Entropy of CaCO3 is greater than CaO as CaCO3 is more complex molecule than CaO
The entropy of P4O10 is greater than P4
The entropy of C2H6 is greater than CH4

6. Discuss how the total entropy change ( S total ) of a reaction is found.

In an exothermic reaction the reactants gives out energy to the surroundings as a

result the energy of the surroundings increases by exactly the same amount. In an
endothermic reaction the reactants gain energy from the surroundings thus
surroundings lose an equal amount of energy.

The total energy change therefore should include the entropy change of the chemicals
( Ssystem) & also the entropy change of the surroundings ( Ssurr)Therefore the total
entropy change is expressed as :-

S total = S system + S surroundings

7. Modify the above relationship to calculate the entropy change for a reaction.

The entropy change of the system can be calculated from the below formula. The ‘n’
represents the Stoichiometric numbers in the chemical equation.

Sθ system = Σ nSθ(products) - Σ nSθ(reactants)

The above equation is similar to the equation which is used to calculate the enthalpy
change of reactions ( H)
H = Σ nH(products) - Σ nH(reactants)

The units of S is JK-1 mol-1

(Note that S has joules in its units where as H has kJ)

 If the disorder increases then the S will be positive. If the disorder decrease
then the S will be negative.
This explains why standard entropy of diamond is lower than graphite. Atoms in diamond
are ordered in fixed positions in 3D structure where as carbon atoms in graphite are
ordered in 2D structure with greater movement between the layers.

8. Describe how a reaction, which has a negative entropy change, can be feasible thus how to
predict whether the entropy of the system is positive or negative by looking at the equation.

If the disorder of the reactants is replaced by the order of the products then the
reaction has negative entropy.

Eg:- P4(s) + 5O2(g) P4O10 (S)

(solid) + (gas) (solid)

As the disorder of the gas is replaced by the order of the solid the extent of the
disorder decreases. Therefore S system is negative.

If the disorder increases then Ssys is positive.

Eg :- CaCO3(S) + 2HCl(aq) CaCl2 (aq) + H2O(l) + CO2(g)

(solid) (solution) (solution) (gas)

Also if the total number of the moles of the products is greater than the total number of moles
of the reactants the Ssys increases making it positive.

However the feasibility of a reaction cannot be predicted only by the entropy of the
system. The entropy of the surroundings also must be taken into account. Therefore a
reaction with negative Ssys can also be feasible when Ssurr is considered. The
reaction will only be feasible when the total entropy change ( S total) is positive.

9. State & explain the sign for the entropy of the surroundings for exothermic & endothermic

Heat energy is transferred to the surroundings in an exothermic reaction. Therefore

the entropy change of the surrounding increases (positive). Likewise heat energy is
absorbed from the surroundings in an endothermic reaction. Therefore the entropy
change of the surroundings decrease (negative).

 Sθsurr is positive for all exothermic reactions.

 Sθsurr is negative for all endothermic reactions.

10. State the equation, which demonstrate the relationship between the enthalpy change,
Temperature & the entropy of the surroundings.

The entropy change of the surroundings is the negative of the enthalpy change of
the system & is also inversely proportional to the temperature of the surroundings.

Sθsurr = - H

The H is given in kJ mol-1 where as T is given in Kelvin (K). The unit of Sθsurr should
be given in J K-1 mol-1 not kJ K-1 mol-1. Therefore the answer has to be multiplied by
1000. You should always indicate the sign whether positive / negative for S.

If the surrounding is already hot (higher temperature) then the molecules already has a
higher entropy thus the entropy change will be less. Also if the surrounding is cold the
entropy change is greater.

11. Outline how to predict the feasibility of a reaction from the total entropy change.

If the total entropy change is positive the reaction is thermodynamically feasible.

This is another way to express the second law of thermodynamics.
(Thermodynamics is the study of the energy changes that occur in bulk matter)

Sθ total = Sθ system + Sθ surroundings

This means even the entropy change of the system is negative & if the entropy
change of the surroundings is more positive the overall reaction is feasible as total
entropy change is positive.

Sθ system Sθ surroundings Feasible

Positive Positive (exothermic) Always feasible

Negative Negative (endothermic) Never feasible
Negative Positive (exothermic) If H /T is > Sθ system feasible
Positive Negative (endothermic) If Sθ system > H/T feasible

Therefore the reaction can occur as long as S θ total is positive even if one of the
other entropy change is negative. Hence the feasibility of a reaction depends on the
balance between Sθsys & Sθsurr & at higher temperatures the magnitude of Sθsurr
decreases & its contribution to S total is less.

 If Stotal is positive the change is said to be Thermodynamically spontaneous.

Thus the change will take place. Suppose if S total is negative the forward
reaction will not be feasible but the reverse reaction will be
Thermodynamically spontaneous.

 Altering the temperature can alter the value of the total entropy change. As
for exothermic reactions an increase temperature will cause S surr to become
less positive hence will make Stotal less positive. Thus a negative Ssurr
becomes less negative.

 Also increasing the temperature of a hotter object will not cause the entropy
to increase as much as increasing the temperature of a cold object. This is
due to the molecules of the hotter object is already moving faster compared
to the cold object. Therefore increasing entropy due to the increase in heat
energy depends on the temperature of the system.

12. Discuss the difference between the concepts of thermodynamic stability & kinetic inertness
in terms of total enthalpy change.

In an exothermic reaction the reactants are higher in energy than the products.
Therefore reactants are thermodynamically unstable with respect to products.
Thus Stotal is positive means that the reactants are thermodynamically unstable
relative to products.

Likewise negative Stotal means that the reactants are thermodynamically stable
with respect to products. As the reactants are low in enthalpy & it absorb heat
from the surroundings.

Kinetic Stability is based on the activation energy. A large activation energy means
that the reactants are stable with respect to products & a small activation energy
means that the reactants are kinetically unstable with respect to products.

An exothermic reaction with a higher activation energy will not take place under
standard conditions thus said to be thermodynamically unstable but kinetically
13. Explain why water freezes even though the entropy of the system decrease.

Entropy of solid ice is less than liquid water. The process of water turning to ice is
exothermic hence the surrounding entropy is positive. As the S surr is greater than
Ssys water freezes. If the entropy and enthalpy values are known it can be proven
why water freezes at -50C and not at 50C. (at -50C total entropy is positive
whereas at 50C its negative) So when water is put inside the freezer the entropy
change in the surroundings is large enough compensate for the decrease in entropy
of the system. (as the temperature is lowered the positive value of S surr increases)

14. Use the below data table to answer the questions that follow.*
(*The contents of this question are not copyright by Chembase, copyright owner George Facer- A2 Chemistry)

a) Calculate the standard entropy change of the sysytem for the reaction between
Phosphorous & Oxygen to produce P4O10

P4 + 5O2 P4O10 Hθ -2984kJmol-1

b) Calculate the entropy change of the surroundings when 1mol of Phosphorus burns in

c) Calculate the total entropy change for the combustion of Phosphorus. The entropy
change of the system is –960 JK-1 mol-1 & the entropy change of the surroundings is
+10,000 JK-1mol-1

d) Calculate the value of Ssurr at 250C & at 1000C for a reaction with H = -123kJ

e) Comment on the feasibility of the following reactions occurring at a temperature

of 298K

i) C2H5OH(l) + PCl5(s) C2H5Cl(g) + HCl(g) + POCl3(l)

H = -107kJmol-1 ; Ssystem = +368JK-1 mol-1

ii) 2C(s) + 2H2(g) CH2=CH2(g)

H = +52.2kJmol-1 ; Ssystem = -184 JK-1 mol-1

iii) H2(g) + ½ O2(g) H2O(l)

H = -286 kJmol-1 ; Ssystem = -45 JK-1 mol-1

iv) CaCO3(s) CaO(s) + CO2(g)

H = +178 kJmol-1 , Ssystem = +164 JK-1 mol-1

15. Relate the results of below feasible reactions to entropy & enthalpy changes.

i. Dissolving of NH4NO3 crystals in water (dissolving a solid)

NH4NO3(S) + aq NH4+ + NO3-

The reactants are thermodynamically stable with respect to the products as the above
process is endothermic. As all ammonium salts dissolve at room temperature due to low
activation energy, the Stotal is positive. The positive value of Ssys outweigh the negative
value of Ssurr the reaction is feasible.

ii. Reaction of ethanoic acid with (NH 4)2CO3 (gas evolution)

2CH3COOH(l) + (NH4)2CO3(s) 2CH3CONH4(s) + H2O(l) + CO2(g)

The above endothermic reaction is feasible at room temperature. Which means S total is
positive. The Ssys is positive as number of molecules at the products is greater than the
reactants. The positive value of Ssys outweighs the negative value of the Ssurr making the
reaction feasible.

iii. Burning of Magnesium ribbon in air (exothermic reaction producing a solid)

2Mg(s) + O2(g) 2MgO(s)

The reaction is highly exothermic thus S surr will be positive. As solid & gas turns to solid
and number of moles decrease the Ssys will be negative. However the magnitude of Ssurr
is greater than Ssys making Stotal positive, thus the reaction is thermodynamically

iv. Mixing solid Ba(OH)2.8H2O with solid NH4Cl (endothermic reaction of two solids)

Ba(OH)2.8H2O(s) +2NH4Cl(s) BaCl2(s) +10H2O(l) + 2NH3(g)

As the reaction is endothermic the Ssurr is negative. The reaction gains disorder as
products include liquid & gases also greater number molecules at the products compared
to reactants. Hence Ssys is positive, this positive Ssys outweighs the negative Ssurr which
makes the reaction feasible.


1. Explain the entropy change that occurs when a gas is dissolved.

Dissolving a gas results in the system to be more ordered. Hence dissolving a gas always
results in a negative Ssystem. This means heat is given out thus gas dissolves
exothermically & surroundings becomes more disordered.

X(g) X(aq)

When temperature is increased the above Equilibria will be shifted to left. Therefore
gases are less soluble in hot water than in cold water.

2. Similarly explain the entropy change when a solid is dissolved.

When solid is dissolved the particles of solid moves in to the solvent to form a solution.
Thus the system becomes more disordered, but dissolving solids does not always result
in positive Ssystem.

The entropy of the solute becomes more positive as it turns from highly ordered solid
to a more random solution. Simultaneously the solvent may turn to be more ordered due
to the forces of attraction between the solute & the solvent. This usually happens when
compounds with high charge density dissolve in water.

The enthalpy of solution ( Hsol) can be either negative or positive. If it is negative then
the heat is given out thus the entropy of the surroundings become more positive. If it is
positive the entropy decreases.

X(s) X(g)

If the Hsol is exothermic the above Equilibria is driven to left thus the substance
becomes less soluble. If the Hsol is endothermic the Equilibria will shift to right thus
the solute will be more soluble.

3. Explain the concept of solubility in terms of forces between solvent & solute particles.

Inorder for a substance to be soluble, the solute particles should be separated & each
particle should be surrounded by the solvent particles.
Therefore the forces between the solute & solvent must be stronger inorder to
overcome the solvent-solvent & solute-solute forces.

4. Define the term hydration & hydration energy.

When an ionic substance is dissolved in water the cation will be surrounded by the
partial negative ‘O’ atom of water & the anions will be surrounded by the partial positive
‘H’ of water. This process is called as hydration & the energy released during this
process is known as hydration energy.

5. State the two factors which affects the solubility of an ionic substance? And explain how
these influence the solubility.

i) Lattice Energy
ii) Hydration energy

A salt in order to dissolve in water hydration energy must overcome the lattice energy
of the substance. The energy released by hydration helps the substance to dissociate
into ions.

6. Define enthalpy of solution & enthalpy of hydration.

The Enthalpy of solution Hsol is the enthalpy change when 1 mole of the solid is
dissolved in excess solvent resulting an infinitely diluted solution. (Infinitely dilute
solution is a solution where further dilution does not cause any heat change)

NaCl(s) + aq Na+(aq) + Cl-(aq)

The enthalpy of Hydration Hhyd of an ion is the enthalpy change when 1 mol of gaseous
ions are dissolved in excess solvent resulting an infinitely diluted solution.

Na+(g) + Cl-(g) + aq Na+(aq) + Cl-(aq)

7. With the help of a Hess law cycle derive the relationship between lattice enthalpy, enthalpy of
solution & hydration.

From the above equation it can be said that:-

 When the lattice energy become more exothermic, the enthalpy of solution
becomes more endothermic.
 Also when either hydration enthalpy become more exothermic the enthalpy of
solution become more exothermic.
 Therefore the sign of the enthalpy of solution depends on the difference on
magnitude between lattice energy & the sum of the hydration energy.

8. Comment on the magnitude of lattice energy & hydration energy for exothermic &
endothermic solvation.

For exothermic solvation the magnitude of the sum of the hydration energy will be
greater than the lattice energy. Similarly for endothermic solvation the magnitude of
the lattice energy will be greater than the sum of the hydration enthalpies.

a) Use the given data to calculate the enthalpy of solution of KI (Lattice enthalpy of KI –629kJmol-1,
Enthalpy of hydration of K+ -322 kJmol-1, Enthalpy of hydration of l- -308 kJmol-1)

b) Use the given data to calculate the enthalpy of solution of MgCl 2(Lattice enthalpy of MgCl2
-2500 kJmol-1, Enthalpy of hydration of Mg2+ -1920 kJmol-1 , Enthalpy of hydration of Cl- -364
kJmol-1) By drawing energy level diagram or Hess’s cycle.

10. State & explain the factors that affect the values of enthalpy of hydration & the lattice
energy of an ionic compound.

 The magnitude of the lattice energy;

a) Is directly proportional to the product of the charges on the ions. Larger

the product of the charges on the cation & anion greater the lattice

b) Is inversely proportional to the sum of the radii of the cation & the anion.
Greater the sum smaller the magnitude of the lattice energy.

c) The extent of co-valency. The greater the extent of covalency the grater
the magnitude of the lattice energy.

 The magnitude of the lattice energy decreases down the group as the size of
the cation & anion increase.

 Also the magnitude of the lattice energy increases as the charge on either or
both the cation & the anion increases.

 Factors which affect the magnitude of hydration enthalpy;

a) The hydration energy is directly proportional to the magnitude of the

charge on the ion. The grater the charge the greater the hydration energy.

b) The hydration energy is inversely proportional to the radius of the

variable ion. Smaller the radius greater the hydration energy.

If the radius of the ions increases the hydration energy become less exothermic.
Thus greater the charge density of the cation, the more negative the hydration
energy will be.

i. Explain why lattice energy of LiF is more exothermic than the lattice energy of KCl

ii. Explain why lattice energy of MgO is approximately four times larger than that of NaCl

12. State & explain the factors, which determines the extent of solubility of an ionic compound.

Solubility of a solid is determined by the total entropy change for 1 mol of the solid. An
ionic solid to dissolve the total entropy change should be a positive value. The total
entropy change depends on the entropy change of the system & the enthalpy change.

Sθtotal = Sθsys + Sθsurr

Sθtotal = Sθsys + (- H θsol /T)

Therefore solubility of an ionic compound is determined by the entropy change of the

system & the enthalpy change of the reaction. It is difficult to work out Ssys accurately
for many ionic compounds as the solvent becomes more ordered as discussed earlier.
Therefore we should use standard entropy values of the ions as a guide when explaining
13. Explain trend in solubility of group 2 metal sulfates based on entropy & enthalpy of solution

The sufate is a large anion compared to hydroxide and the group II cations. As the
anion is large, increase in the size of the cation will not show a significant change in the
sum of the ionic radii. Therefore the lattice energies of the sulfates of group II will be
very similar.

But the hydration energy of group II sulfates decrease down the group as the size of
the cation increase. (Unlike lattice energy hydration energy does not depend on the sum
of the ionic radii but the ionic radii of the variable ion.)

The relative solubility of sulfate which is the net effect of lattice energy & the
hydration energy will therefore be largely depended on the hydration energy of the
cation. Being on the same group the charges of ions are identical. Therefore hydration
energy of group II sulfates depends on size of the cation.

The hydration energies decrease in the order: Mg 2+ > Ca2+ > Sr2+ > Ba2+

Therefore solubility of sulfates of group II decreases in the order:

MgSO4 > CaSO4 > SrSO4 > BaSO4

Hence enthalpy of solution will be less exothermic down group 2 sulfates, Thus solubility
decreases. Hsol = -L.E + Hhyd(cat) This also causes Ssurr to be less positive (Ssurr= -Hsol/T)

Also if the values of entropy of the hydrated cations (values will be provided) are
considered it become less negative / more positive.

The overall decrease in Ssurr is greater than the overall increase in Ssys. Resulting Stotal
to be negative down the group.

Therefore both in terms of enthalpy and entropy the solubility of sulfates of group 2
decrease down the group.

14. Similarly, Explain trend in solubility of group 2 metal hydroxides based on entropy &
enthalpy of solution values.

As the size of the cation increases down the group the standard enthalpy of solution
become more negative down the group. The enthalpy and entropy of hydroxide is left
out here as the ion is common to all metal hydroxide. The decrease in lattice energy will
be significant down the group as hydroxide is a smaller anion compared to sulfate.

H θsol = -L.E + H hyd(cat)

The positive value of L.E decreases as the sum of the ionic radius increase also the
negative value of Hhyd decreases down the group. But the decrease in Hhyd is less than
decrease in lattice. This results in increase negative value of enthalpy of solution. This
favours solubility in terms of enthalpy.

Entropy of the surroundings also become more positive due to increase in negative value
of Hsol down the group. The values of the entropy of the hydrated cations becomes less
negative (more positive) thus favours solubility. Hence both entropy & enthalpy favours
increase in solubility down the group.


1. Define the following terms: -

a. First ionization energy:-

The first ionization energy is the heat energy required to remove 1 mole of
electrons from a mole of gaseous atoms to form a mole of uni positive gaseous
M(g) – e M+(g) ∆ H(+ve)

b. Second ionization energy:-

The heat energy required removing 1 mole of electrons from a mole of uni
positive gaseous ions to form a mole of di positive gaseous ions.
M+(g) – e M+2(g) ∆ H(+ve)

c. Third ionization energy:-

The heat energy required removing 1 mole of electrons from a mole of di positive gaseous
ion to form a mole of tri positive gaseous ions.
M2+(g) – e M+3(g) ∆ H(+ve)

d. First electron affinity:-

The energy released when 1 mole of gaseous atoms gains one mole of
electrons to form a mole of uni-negative gaseous ions. Always exothermic.

X(g) + e X- (g) ∆ H(-ve)

e. Second electron affinity:-

The energy absorbed when 1 mole of uni negative gaseous ions gains 1 mole of
electrons to form 1 mole of di negative anions. Always endothermic.

X-(g) + e X-2(g) ∆ H(+ve)

Repulsion from the electron of the negative ion and the incoming electron
makes it necessary for the incoming electron to have enough energy to
overcome the repulsion. Therefore the 2nd electron affinity is endothermic.

f. Lattice enthalpy H latt

Lattice energy is the heat energy given out when one mole of an ionic solid is
formed from its gaseous ions. The enthalpy change is always exothermic. (As
it is defined for the formation) Therefore it’s also referred to as lattice
energy of formation. (Lattice energy of dissociation will be opposite)

Na+(g) + Cl- (g) NaCl(s)

Mg2+(g) + 2Cl- MgCl2(s)

If standard conditions of 100 KPa pressure and 298K temperature are

applied (θ) then the above energy change is defined as standard lattice
f. Standard enthalpy change of atomization Hθat

The heat energy required when 1 mole of gaseous atoms are formed from the
element in its standard state of 250C temperature & 100kPa pressure. The
enthalpy change is always endothermic.

2. Explain why Calcium Oxide is Ca2+ & O2- and Not Ca+ & O-

The stability Ca2+ & O2- over Ca+ & O- can be explained by the lattice energy &
enthalpy of formation values and not by stability of noble gas configurations. (not all
stable compounds possess noble gas configuration, also acquiring noble gas
configuration is not a reason for electronic changes to take place when atoms react)

The enthalpy of formation of Ca+ O- is +226kJmol-1, whereas the enthalpy of

formation of Ca2+ O2- is -635kJmol-1. From these values it is evident that formation
of Ca2+ O2- is energetically more favorable than the formation of Ca+ O-

3. Describe the stages involved in the formation of a solid ionic crystal from its elements,
hence the calculation of lattice energy

atomization ionization

Solid metal element gaseous atoms gaseous metal cation

atomization electron affinity +
Non-metal element gaseous element gaseous non metal

Solid ionic lattice

The Born-Haber cycle

4. Explain what is Born-Haber cycle & its importance

The enthalpy cycle, which is used to determine the experimental lattice enthalpy
of a compound, is called the born-Haber cycle.

It is important because the experimental lattice energy of a compound cannot be

determined by a direct single step. Instead it is found by an indirect route based
on Hess’s law.

5. Construct a Born-Haber cycle for Sodium Chloride, hence calculate the lattice enthalpy using
Hess’s law
Given that:

Standard enthalpy of atomization of Na +108.4 kJ mol-1

First ionization energy of Na +500 kJ mol-1
Standard enthalpy of atomization of Cl +121 kJ mol-1
First electron affinity of Cl - 364 kJ mol-1
Standard enthalpy of formation of NaCl - 411 kJ mol-1

6. Construct a Born-Haber cycle for MgCl2; hence use the data below to calculate the First
electron affinity of Chlorine.

kJ mol-1
Enthalpy Change
Atomization of Mg +150
First ionization energy of Mg +736
Second ionization energy of Mg +1450
Formation of MgCl2 -642
Atomization of Chlorine +121
Lattice enthalpy of MgCl2 -2493

7. Construct a Born-Haber cycle for MgO.

8. Draw the Born-Haber cycle and calculate the lattice energy of alumina. The equation for the
heat of formation of Alumina is given as:

2Al(s) + 3/2O2(g) Al2O3(s)

kJ mol-1
Enthalpy Change
Formation of Al2O3 -1675.7
Atomization of Al +324.3
First ionization energy of Al +578
Second ionization energy of Al +1817
Third ionization energy of Al +2745
Atomization of Oxygen +249.2

First electron affinity of Oxygen -141.1
Second electron affinity Oxygen +790.8

a) What does the values of lattice energies tells us? Thus what can we conclude from these

The greater negative the value, the greater is the energetic stability of the lattice with
respect to being broken up in to separate ions. Also the degree of ionic character can
be checked by the calculation.

b) Explain why the values of lattice energies calculated from Born-Haber cycle may differ from
those calculated from purely ionic model. (Theoretical Lattice energy)

Theoretical lattice energy is calculated using the principles of electrostatics. A

calculation based on purely ionic model assumes that crystal is made up of perfectly
spherical ions & when the geometry is determined from x-ray diffraction method. The
distance between the ions will be known thus the lattice energy is calculated using an
equation. (Born-Lande equation)

But in the calculation of more co-valent & less ionic molecules (AgI). The equation gives
a lesser value than the Born-Haber cycle because the molecule is more co-valent (highly
polarizable) therefore the lattice energy is less.

c) Explain why the experimental & theoretical lattice enthalpies differ?

The lattice enthalpy of a compound obtained using Born-Haber cycle is the actual
experimental lattice energy of a compound.

When the degree of co-valency of crystal is greater, the difference between

experimental & theoretical values will be grater. Such large difference occur when the
cation has higher polarizing power & the anion has high polarizability resulting more
covalent character.

E.g.: Experimental L.E Theoretical L.E

The difference
AgF -943 -925 is greater as
Ag Cl -890 -833 the covalent
Ag Br -877 -808 character
Ag I -867 -774 increases.

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