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Designation: D6730 − 01 (Reapproved 2016)

Standard Test Method for

Determination of Individual Components in Spark Ignition
Engine Fuels by 100–Metre Capillary (with Precolumn) High-
Resolution Gas Chromatography1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D6730; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope (for example, virgin naphthas) constituents above n-octane

1.1 This test method covers the determination of individual may reflect significant errors in PONA-type groupings. Based
hydrocarbon components of spark-ignition engine fuels and on the gasoline samples in the interlaboratory cooperative
their mixtures containing oxygenate blends (MTBE, ETBE, study, this test method is applicable to samples containing less
ethanol, and so forth) with boiling ranges up to 225 °C. Other than 25 % by mass of olefins. However, some interfering
light liquid hydrocarbon mixtures typically encountered in co-elution with the olefins above C7 is possible, particularly if
petroleum refining operations, such as blending stocks blending components or their higher boiling cuts such as those
(naphthas, reformates, alkylates, and so forth) may also be derived from fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) are analyzed, and
analyzed; however, statistical data was obtained only with the total olefin content may not be accurate. Annex A1 of this
blended spark-ignition engine fuels. test method compares results of the test method with other test
methods for selected components, including olefins, and sev-
1.2 Based on the cooperative study results, individual com- eral group types for several interlaboratory cooperative study
ponent concentrations and precision are determined in the samples. Although benzene, toulene, and several oxygenates
range from 0.01 % to approximately 30 % by mass. The test are determined, when doubtful as to the analytical results of
method may be applicable to higher and lower concentrations these components, confirmatory analyses can be obtained by
for the individual components; however, the user must verify using the specific test methods listed in the reference section.
the accuracy if the test method is used for components with
1.4.1 Total olefins in the samples may be obtained or
concentrations outside the specified ranges.
confirmed, or both, if necessary, by Test Method D1319
1.3 This test method also determines methanol, ethanol, (percent by volume) or other test methods, such as those based
t-butanol, methyl t-butyl ether (MTBE), ethyl t-butyl ether on multidimentional PONA-type of instruments.
(ETBE), and t-amyl methyl ether (TAME) in spark ignition
engine fuels in the concentration range from 1 % to 30 % by 1.5 If water is or is suspected of being present, its concen-
mass. However, the cooperative study data provided insuffi- tration may be determined, if desired, by the use of Test
cient statistical data for obtaining a precision statement for Method D1744 or equivalent. Other compounds containing
these compounds. oxygen, sulfur, nitrogen, and so forth, may also be present, and
may co-elute with the hydrocarbons. If determination of these
1.4 Although a majority of the individual hydrocarbons specific compounds is required, it is recommended that test
present are determined, some co-elution of compounds is methods for these specific materials be used, such as Test
encountered. If this test method is utilized to estimate bulk Methods D4815 and D5599 for oxygenates, and Test Method
hydrocarbon group-type composition (PONA), the user of such D5623 for sulfur compounds, or equivalent.
data should be cautioned that some error will be encountered
due to co-elution and a lack of identification of all components 1.6 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as
present. Samples containing significant amounts of naphthenic standard. No other units of measurement are included in this
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D02 on 1.7 This standard does not purport to address all of the
Petroleum Products, Liquid Fuels, and Lubricantsand is the direct responsibility of safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
Subcommittee D02.04.0L on Gas Chromatography Methods.
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
Current edition approved April 1, 2016. Published May 2016. Originally
approved in 2001. Last previous edition approved in 2011 as D6730 – 01 (2011). priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
DOI: 10.1520/D6730-01R16. bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States

D6730 − 01 (2016)
2. Referenced Documents integrating computer. Each eluting component is identified by
2.1 ASTM Standards: 2 comparing its retention time to that established by analyzing
D1319 Test Method for Hydrocarbon Types in Liquid Petro- reference standards or samples under identical conditions. The
leum Products by Fluorescent Indicator Adsorption concentration of each component in percent by mass is
D1744 Test Method for Determination of Water in Liquid determined by normalization of the peak areas after correction
Petroleum Products by Karl Fischer Reagent (Withdrawn with detector response factors. Unknown components are
2016)3 reported as a total unknown percent by mass.
D3700 Practice for Obtaining LPG Samples Using a Float-
ing Piston Cylinder 5. Significance and Use
D4057 Practice for Manual Sampling of Petroleum and 5.1 Knowledge of the individual component composition
Petroleum Products (speciation) of gasoline fuels and blending stocks is useful for
D4177 Practice for Automatic Sampling of Petroleum and refinery quality control and product specification. Process
Petroleum Products control and product specification compliance for many indi-
D4307 Practice for Preparation of Liquid Blends for Use as vidual hydrocarbons can be determined through the use of this
Analytical Standards test method.
D4626 Practice for Calculation of Gas Chromatographic
Response Factors 5.2 This test method is adopted from earlier development
D4815 Test Method for Determination of MTBE, ETBE, and enhancement.4,5,6,7 The chromatographic operating condi-
TAME, DIPE, tertiary-Amyl Alcohol and C1 to C4 Alco- tions and column tuning process, included in this test method,
hols in Gasoline by Gas Chromatography were developed to provide and enhance the separation and
D5580 Test Method for Determination of Benzene, Toluene, subsequent determination of many individual components not
Ethylbenzene, p/m-Xylene, o-Xylene, C9 and Heavier obtained with previous single-column analyses. The column
Aromatics, and Total Aromatics in Finished Gasoline by temperature program profile is selected to afford the maximum
Gas Chromatography resolution of possible co-eluting components, especially where
D5599 Test Method for Determination of Oxygenates in these are of two different compound types (for example, a
Gasoline by Gas Chromatography and Oxygen Selective paraffin and a naphthene).
Flame Ionization Detection 5.3 Although a majority of the individual hydrocarbons
D5623 Test Method for Sulfur Compounds in Light Petro- present in petroleum distillates are determined, some co-
leum Liquids by Gas Chromatography and Sulfur Selec- elution of compounds is encountered. If this test method is
tive Detection utilized to determine bulk hydrocarbon group-type composi-
E355 Practice for Gas Chromatography Terms and Relation- tion (PONA), the user of such data should be cautioned that
ships some error will be encountered due to co-elution and a lack of
E594 Practice for Testing Flame Ionization Detectors Used identification of all components present. Samples containing
in Gas or Supercritical Fluid Chromatography significant amounts of olefinic or naphthenic, or both, constitu-
E1510 Practice for Installing Fused Silica Open Tubular ents above octane may reflect significant errors in PONA-type
Capillary Columns in Gas Chromatographs groupings.
3. Terminology 5.4 If water is or is suspected of being present, its concen-
tration is determined by the use of Test Method D1744. Other
3.1 Definitions—This test method makes reference to many compounds containing oxygen, sulfur, nitrogen, and so forth
common gas chromatographic procedures, terms, and relation- may also be present, and may co-elute with the hydrocarbons.
ships. Detailed definitions can be found in Practice E355. When known co-elution exists, these are noted in the test
4. Summary of Test Method method data tables. If determination of these specific com-
pounds is required, it is recommended that test methods for
4.1 A representative sample of the petroleum liquid is these specific materials be used, such as Test Method D4815
introduced into a gas chromatograph equipped with an open and D5599 for oxygenates, Test Method D5580 for aromatics,
tubular (capillary) column coated with a methyl silicone liquid and Test Method D5623 for sulfur compounds.
phase, modified with a capillary precolumn. Helium carrier gas
transports the vaporized sample through the column, in which
it is partitioned into individual components which are sensed
with a flame ionization detector as they elute from the end of Johansen, N.G., and Ettre, L.S., “Retention Index Values of Hydrocarbons on
Open Tubular Columns Coated with Methyl Silicone Liquid Phases,”
the column. The detector signal is presented on a strip chart Chromatographia, Vol 5, No. 10, October 1982.
recorder or digitally, or both, by way of an integrator or 5
Johansen, N.G., Ettre, L.S., and Miller, R.L., “Quantitative Analysis of
Hydrocarbons by Structural Group Type in Gasolines and Distillates. Part 1,”
Journal of Chromatography, Vol 256, 1983, pp. 393–417.
2 6
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or Kopp, V.R., Bones, C.J., Doerr, D.G., Ho, S.P., and Schubert, A.J., “Heavy
contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM Hydrocarbon/Volatility Study: Fuel Blending and Analysis for the Auto/Oil Air
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on Quality Improvement Research Program,” SAE Paper No. 930143, March 1993.
the ASTM website. Schubert, A.J. and Johansen, N.J., “Cooperative Study to Evaluate a Standard
The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced on Test Method for the Speciation of Gasolines by Capillary Gas Chromatography,”
www.astm.org. SAE Paper No. 930144, March 1993.

D6730 − 01 (2016)
6. Apparatus Material fused silica
Length 100 m
6.1 Gas Chromatograph—Instrumentation capable of col- Internal diameter 0.25 mm
umn oven temperature programming, from subambient (5 °C) Liquid phase methyl silicone
Film thickness 0.50 µm
to at least 200 °C, in 0.1 °C ⁄ min or less rate increments, is
Theoretical plates, n, pentane at 35 °C ; 400 000 to 500 000
required. Multi-step column oven temperature programming is Retention factor, k, pentane at 35 °C 0.45 to 0.50
required, consisting of an initial hold time, an initial tempera- Resolution, R, t-butanol and 2-methylbutene-2 at 3.25 to 5.25
35 °C
ture program followed by an isothermal temperature hold and Peak symmetry, t-butanol at 35 °C > 1.0 to < 5.0
another programmed temperature rise. A heated flash vaporiz-
ing injector designed to provide a linear sample split injection 6.4.2 Precolumn—A variable length (1 m to 4 m) of 5 %
(that is, 200:1) is required for proper sample introduction. The phenyl/95 % dimethylpolysiloxane fused silica open tubular
associated carrier gas controls must be of sufficient precision to column (0.25 mm inside diameter) is added to the front
provide reproducible column flows and split ratios in order to (injector) end of the 100 m column, as described in Annex A1.
maintain analytical integrity. A hydrogen flame ionization 7. Reagents and Materials
detector, with associated gas controls and electronics, designed
for optimum response with open tubular columns, shall con- 7.1 Carrier Gas—Helium, 99.999 % pure. (Warning—
form to the specifications as described in Practice E594, as well Helium, air, nitrogen, compressed gas under pressure.)
as having an operating temperature range of up to at least 7.2 Oxidant—Air, 99.999 % pure. (Warning—see 7.1.)
250 °C. 7.3 Detector Makeup Gas—Nitrogen, 99.999 % pure.
6.2 Sample Introduction—Manual or automatic liquid (Warning—see 7.1.)
sample injection to the splitting injector may be employed. 7.4 Fuel Gas—Hydrogen, 99.999 % pure. (Warning—
Automated injections are highly recommended. Micro- Hydrogen, flammable gas under high pressure.)
syringes, auto-syringe samplers, or valves capable of 0.1 µL to
0.5 µL. injections are suitable. It should be noted that some 7.5 Reference Standards:
syringes and improper injection techniques as well as inad- 7.5.1 Purity of Reagents—Reagent grade chemicals shall be
equate splitter design could result in sample fractionation. This used in all tests. Unless otherwise indicated, it is intended that
must be determined in accordance with Section 10. all reagents conform to the specifications of the Committee on
Analytical Reagents of the American Chemical Society8 where
6.3 Electronic Integrator—Any electronic integration de- such specifications are available. Other grades may be used,
vice used for quantitating these analyses shall meet or exceed provided it is first ascertained that the reagent is of sufficiently
these minimum requirements: high purity to permit its use without lessening the accuracy of
6.3.1 Capacity to handle 400 or more peaks per analysis. the determination.
6.3.2 Normalized area percent calculation with response 7.5.2 Methanol—(Warning—These materials are flam-
factors. mable and may be harmful or fatal, if ingested or inhaled.).
6.3.3 Noise and spike rejection. 7.5.3 Ethanol—Only absolute ethanol of 99.5 minimum
6.3.4 Accurate area determination of fast (1 s to 2 s) peaks percent meets the requirements of this test method.
(10 Hz or greater sampling rate). (Warning—see 7.5.2.)
6.3.5 Maintain peak detection sensitivity for narrow and 7.5.4 Hydrocarbon and Other Component References—
broad peaks. Individual and mixed component reference materials are com-
6.3.6 Positive and negative sloping baseline correction. mercially available and may be used to establish qualitative
6.3.7 Perpendicular drop and tangent skimming as needed. and quantitative calibration. (Warning—see 7.5.2.)
6.3.8 Display of baseline used to ensure correct peak area 7.5.5 System and Column Evaluation Mixture—A quantita-
determination. tively prepared mixture, complying with Practice D4307, of
6.4 Open Tubular Column—The column used for this test individual hydrocarbons and oxygenates of interest is used for
method consists of a primary (100 m) analytical column and a system and column evaluation (see Table 1). (Warning—see
precolumn. The ability to provide the required component 7.5.2.) Fig. 1 is a chromatogram of the recommended mixture
separations is dependent on the precise control of the column in Table 1.
selectivity, which is typically slightly more than that exhibited 8. Sampling
by current commercially available columns. Some older
columns, and columns that have a sample residue from 8.1 Hydrocarbon liquids with Reid vapor pressures of
repeated use without conditioning, may exhibit the required 110 kPa (16 psi) or less may be sampled either into a floating
polarity. Until adequate columns are commercially available, piston cylinder or into an open container (Practices D4057 and
the currently used methyl silicone columns can be modified or D4177). If the sample as received does not meet the upper
tuned to meet the method column specifications. See Section
11 for a description of the column performance specifications 8
Reagent Chemicals, American Chemical Society Specifications, American
and Annex A1 for a description of the column modification Chemical Society, Washington, DC. For suggestions on the testing of reagents not
procedure. listed by the American Chemical Society, see Analar Standards for Laboratory
Chemicals, BDH Ltd., Poole, Dorset, U.K., and the United States Pharmacopeia and
6.4.1 The primary gas chromatographic column used for National Formulary, U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc. (USPC), Rockville, MD.
this test method will meet the following specifications.

D6730 − 01 (2016)
TABLE 1 System and Column Evaluation Mixture 9.3 During setup and, when not performing analyses, it is
% advisable to turn off the cryogenic operation and set the column
Ethanol 8.00 oven temperature at 35 °C. Attach the column outlet to the
n-pentane 2.00
t-butanol 0.50 flame ionization detector inlet and check for leaks throughout
2-methylbutene-2 2.50 the system. If leaks are found, tighten or replace fittings before
2,3-dimethylbutane 0.50 proceeding.
Methyl-t-butyl ether 10.00
n-hexane 2.00 9.4 Confirm or adjust, or both, the column carrier gas flow
1-methylcyclopentene 0.50
Benzene 1.00
rate by making injections of methane or natural gas. The
Cyclohexane 28.90 methane retention time shall be 7.00 min 6 0.02 min with the
3-ethylpentane 0.20 column oven temperature at 35 °C, which results in an average
1,2t-dimethylcyclopentane 0.50
n-heptane 2.00
linear velocity of 24 cm ⁄s, as determined using Eq 1. This will
2,3,3-trimethylpentane 0.50 result in a methane retention time of 6.53 min at 5 °C. Raising
Toluene 7.00 or lowering the carrier gas pressure to the injector makes flow
n-octane 2.00
Ethylbenzene 25.00
rate adjustment. A starting point of 277 kPa (40 psig) helium
p-xylene 1.00 pressure is recommended, although columns requiring as high
2,3-dimethylheptane 0.20 as 332 kPa (48 psig) helium have been encountered.
n-nonane 2.00
5-methylnonane 0.20 average linear gas velocity:u ave ~ cm/s ! 5 column length ~ cm! /t M ~ s !
1-methyl-2-ethylbenzene 0.50
n-decane 1.00 (1)
n-undecane 0.50 9.5 After final adjustment of the carrier gas flow rate, note
1,2,3,5-tetramethylbenzene 0.25
Naphthalene 0.50 the carrier gas inlet pressure. Measure and, if necessary,
n-dodecane 0.25 readjust the injector split flow rate to give the specified or
1-methylnaphthalene 0.25
n-tridecane 0.25
desired split ratio. Calculate the column outlet flow rate using
9.5.1 and the split ratio using 9.5.2.
9.5.1 Column Carrier Gas Flow Rate (at outlet): P = (head pressure (psig) + ambient pressure)/
ambient pressure.
boiling range requirements of 1.1, it may be necessary to j = compressibility factor = 3/2((P2−1)/(P3−1)).
extend the analysis time and raise the upper column tempera- uo = uave/j = column outlet velocity.
ture of this test method to ensure complete elution of higher Ac = pi(r)2 = column cross-sectional area (cm2).
boiling range sample material from the column. where r = column internal radius (cm).
8.1.1 Piston Cylinder Sampling—Refer to Practice D3700 Flow rate (cm3/min) = u0 × Ac × 60.
for instructions on transferring a representative sample of a 9.5.2 Injection Split Ratio—(Split flow rate + column flow
hydrocarbon fluid from a source into a floating piston cylinder. rate)/column flow rate.
Add inert gas to the ballast side of the floating piston cylinder 9.5.3 Example—Using a 100 m × 0.25 mm capillary col-
to achieve a pressure of 350 kPa (45 psi) above the vapor umn:
pressure of the sample. Uave = 100 × 100/6.98 × 60 = 23.88 cm/s.
8.1.2 Open Container Sampling—Refer to Practice D4057 P = 40 psig + 12.0/12.0 = 4.33.
for instructions on manual sampling from bulk storage into j = 3/2((18.778-1)/(81.370-1)) = 0.33
open containers. Stopper the container immediately after tak- uo = 23.88/0.33 = 71.96 cm/s.
ing a sample. Ac = pi(0.025/2)2 = 4.9 × 10−4 cm2.
8.2 Preserve the sample by cooling to approximately 4 °C Flow rate = 71.96 × 4.9 × 10−4 × 60 = 2.12 cm3/min.
and maintaining that temperature prior to analysis. Split Ratio = (192 + 2.12)/2.12 = 91.6:1.
8.3 Transfer an aliquot of the cooled sample to a precooled 9.6 Make a blank analysis (no sample injection) run to
septum vial and seal immediately. ensure proper instrument operation and further condition the
column and instrumentation. If stray peaks or a rising baseline
8.4 Obtain the test specimen for analysis directly from the signal is observed, the column oven shall be kept at the upper
sealed septum vial, for either manual or automatic injection. temperature until the baseline becomes steady and returns to
within approximately 5 % of the starting temperature detector
9. Preparation of Apparatus signal.
9.1 Install the 100 m column and, if required, a precolumn 9.7 After any extended conditioning period, or if the instru-
according to the manufacturer’s or supplier’s instructions and ment has been shut down, it is advisable to repeat 9.4, 9.5, and
Annex A1. See Practice E1510/8 for recommended installation 9.6 to ensure proper carrier gas flows are being used and the
procedures. column is clean.
9.2 Determine the required length of the precolumn in
accordance with Annex A1. Adjust the operating conditions of 10. Split Injection Linearity
the gas chromatograph to those listed in Table 2 or as 10.1 Splitting injector linearity must be established to de-
determined by Section 12 and Annex A1. termine proper quantitative parameters and limits. The split

D6730 − 01 (2016)

FIG. 1 DHA Speciation Analysis—System and Column Evaluation Mixture (7.5.5)

ratio used is dependent upon the split linearity characteristics column. The retention factor of a particular column for a
of the particular injector and the sample retention factor of the sample component is proportional to the amount of liquid

D6730 − 01 (2016)
TABLE 2 GC Operating Conditions tions can be made with or without a precolumn, since the
Column Temperature Program precolumn will have little effect on their values. See Annex A1,
Initial temperature 5 °C Fig. A1.1, for examples of these determinations. After perform-
Initial time 10 min.
First program rate 5.0 ° ⁄ min ing the steps in Sections 9 and 10, analyze the column
First hold temperature 50 °C performance mixture (7.5.5) at 35 °C isothermal, at least
First hold time to the elution of ethylbenzene (;50 min) through heptane. The remainder of the analysis may be
Second program rate 1.5 ° ⁄ min
Final temperature 200 °C ignored, but the remaining components must be eluted from the
Final hold time 5 min column prior to performing another analysis. Setting the
Injector column temperature to 220 °C for an additional 20 min will be
Temperature 250 °C
Split ratio 150:1 sufficient.
Sample size 0.1 µL – 0.2 µL
11.2 Calculate the retention factor (k) for pentane at 35 °C:
Type flame Ionization k 5 ~ t R 2 t M ! /t M (3)
Temperature 250 °C
Use manufacturers recommended detector gas flows or: where:
Fuel gas hydrogen at 30 mL/min
Oxidant air at 300 mL/min tM = gas holdup time (methane), and
Make-up gas, where required nitrogen at 20 mL/min tR = retention time for pentane, min.
Carrier Gas
Type helium 11.2.1 The retention factor must be between 0.45 and 0.50
Pressure ; 277 kPa (40 psig) for proper application of this test method.
Average linear velocity 24 cm/s at 35 °C
11.3 Calculate the column efficiency using the pentane
phase (loading or film thickness) and the ratio of the column n 5 5.545 ~ t R /w 1/2h ! 2 (4)
temperature to the component boiling point (vapor pressure). where:
Overloading of the column may cause loss of resolution for
some components and, since overloaded peaks are skewed, n = column efficiency (theoretical plates),
tR = retention time of pentane, and
variance in retention times. This can lead to erroneous com-
w1/2h = peak width at half height.
ponent identification. During column evaluations and split
linearity studies, be aware of any peaks that may appear front 11.3.1 The column efficiency must be at least 400 000 plates
skewed, indicating column overload. Note the component size for proper application of this test method.
and avoid conditions leading to this problem during actual 11.4 The selectivity of apparently identical columns toward
analyses. hydrocarbons may vary regarding oxygenated compounds;
10.2 Set the injector temperature and split ratio to the either due to extraneous materials in the liquid phase, or due to
following values and, for each set of conditions inject the listed activity of the column wall surface. The addition of a precol-
quantities of the system and column evaluation mixture (7.5.5), umn has little if any affect on the selectivity toward oxygenates
using the operating conditions listed in Table 2 or as deter- (see Annex A1, Fig. A1.4). The relative resolution of oxygen-
mined in Section 12. ates is inherent to the quality of the primary 100 m column, and
split: 100:1
is specified by the resolution of t-butanol from
injector temperature: 250 °C< > sample: 0.2 µL, 0.5 µL, 1.0 µL
split: 200:1 2-methylbutene-2 at 35 °C. Calculate the resolution:
split: 100:1 R 5 2 ~ t R22M2Butene22 2 t RTBA! /1.699~ w 1/2h22M2Butene22 1w 1/2hTBA!
injector temperature: 300 °C< > sample: 0.2 µL, 0.5 µL, 1.0 µL
split: 200:1
10.3 Compare the calculated concentrations to the known
standard concentrations after calculating the corrected area 11.4.1 The resolution for this pair at 35 °C must be between
normalization using the response factors from 13.2 and Table 3.25 and 5.25.
A1.1. 11.5 Extraneous column effects, or instrumental effects such
% relative error5 (2) as an active injector liner, may cause adsorption of oxygenated
compounds, commonly seen and referred to as tailing, and may
100 3 ~ concentration determined increase their retention. If this effect is caused by instrumental
2concentration known)/concentration known
activity, the problem should be corrected. If the column is
inherently active, a new column should be obtained. A measure
10.4 Report and use only those combinations of conditions of the tailing can be made and specified by applying a skewness
from 10.2 that result in 3 % or less relative error. This is the calculation, which determines a ratio of the distances from the
splitter linearity range. peak apex perpendicular to the front and back of the peak at
5 % of the peak height. See Annex A1, Fig. A1.3 for an
11. Column Evaluation
example of this calculation.
11.1 In order to establish that a column will perform as
skewness 5 B/A (6)
required, the following specifications shall be determined for
new column acceptability and are useful for periodic evalua- 11.5.1 This test method shall be made using the t-butanol
tion of column deterioration. These specification determina- peak (0.5 %) in the analysis of the column performance

D6730 − 01 (2016)
mixture (7.5.5) at 35 °C isothermal. The skewness ratio must
be greater than 1.0 and not more than 5.0.

12. Optimization of Instrument Operating Conditions

12.1 The column temperature programming profile is de-
pendent upon the individual column characteristics. Table 2
lists the programming profile determined for a 100 m methyl
silicone column with a precolumn as determined in Annex A1.
The profile is determined by establishing satisfactory separa-
tions for the sets of sample components listed in 12.3. It is not
practical to expect complete separation of all components, so
the optimum for each column may contain some compromises, FIG. 2 i-butane/methanol and ethanol/3-methyl-butene-1
also dependent upon any particular other separations deemed
12.2 The use of retention indices to numerically express the
relative location of components among themselves and to
surrounding normal paraffins is a convenient convention. The
indices are also useful in providing a system of component
identification with complex analyses such as this. There are
several schemes for calculating retention indices, the first of
which is the Kovats method, developed to express the loga-
rithmic relationship of retention times of a homologous series
of compounds when chromatographed isothermally. While this
test method is not an isothermal column temperature
procedure, it does contain isothermal steps and the longer
FIG. 3 i propanol/2-methyl/butene-1 and t butanol/2-
temperature program step is a slow rate. The use of the Kovats methylbutene-2
indices provides a closer relationship to previous work in this
field than using the linear index format.
12.2.1 The formula for the calculation of Kovats retention and 574.0 for 2,3-dimethylbutane, MTBE, and
indices is: 2-methylpentane, respectively. If the MTBE is too close to the
RI i 5 100 3 ~ n1 ~ log~ t i ! 2 log~ t n !! / ~ log~ t n11 ! 2 log~ t n !!! (7) 2,3-DMC4, use a 9 min initial hold. If too close to the 2-MC5
use an 11 min hold (Fig. 4).
where: 12.3.4 1-methylcyclopentene/benzene—This is a key sepa-
RI = retention index, ration that is used to specify the column selectivity. Changing
n = carbon number of n-paraffin, column temperature produces only slight differences in this
ti = retention time of component, resolution (Fig. 5).
tn = retention time of preceding n-paraffin, and The 50 °C column temperature is held isothermal
tn+1 = retention time of next n-paraffin.
until the elution of ethylbenzene. This is variable due to slight
12.3 The following examples show the key or critical differences in the column retention factor.
separations required for this analysis. Typical retention indices
are given, and a description of the effect of instrumental
conditions on the separation is provided.
12.3.1 i-butane/methanol and ethanol/3-methylbutene-1—
The initial starting temperature of 5 °C is dictated by these
separations. A lower starting temperature is not necessary and
a higher temperature would effect the next set. The retention
indices should be about 380 for methanol and 456.5 for ethanol
(Fig. 2).
12.3.2 i-propanol/2-methylbutene-1 and t-butanol/2-
methylbutene-2—i-propanol will appear resolved between
pentene-1 and 2-methyl-butene-1, t-butanol will appear re-
solved between c-pentene-2 and 2-methylbutene-2. Higher temperatures will move the alcohols into
the peaks ahead of them. At 35 °C the alcohols will be located
ahead of the pentene-1 and c-pentene-2, respectively (Fig. 3).
12.3.3 2,3-dimethylbutane/methyl-t-butylether—This sepa-
ration is critical and the 5 °C hold for 10 min determines its
success. The retention indices should be about 569.5, 571.5, FIG. 4 2,3-dimethylbutane/methyl-t butylether

D6730 − 01 (2016)

FIG. 7 p-xylene/2,3-dimethylheptane

FIG. 5 1-methylcyclopentene/benzene

12.3.5 2,3,3-trimethylpentane/toluene—This is a key sepa-

ration that is used to specify the column selectivity. Column
temperature has very little effect on this resolution, which is
controlled by the column selectivity for aromatics (Fig. 6).
12.3.6 p-xylene/2,3-dimethylheptane —This is a key sepa-
ration which limits the maximum length of the precolumn. If
the column selectivity is too great the aromatics are retained
and this separation is not achieved. If this resolution is FIG. 8 l17 (unknown)/1,2-methylethylbenzene
excessive and the separation in 12.3.5 is insufficient, the
precolumn should be lengthened slightly. Lowering the 50 °C
separation. Lower the rate in 0.1 ° ⁄min. increments to increase
hold temperature to 48 °C will increase this separation (Fig. 7).
the resolution (Fig. 9).
12.3.7 l17 (Unknown)/1,2-methylethylbenzene —The un-
known isoparaffin (l17) appears to be a component of alkylate 13. Calibration
and must be resolved from the aromatic. If the resolution is
13.1 Qualitative—Determine the retention times of compo-
incomplete the final column temperature program rate of
nents by analyzing known reference mixtures or samples under
1.5 ° ⁄min. is adjusted to provide sufficient separation. Increase
identical conditions. Calculate retention indices from these
the rate in 0.1 ° ⁄min increments to increase the resolution. This
data using 12.2. Table A1.1 provides a listing of typical values
rate is also dictated by the separation requirements in 12.3.8.
for this test method.
The proper rate will provide for both separations (Fig. 8).
12.3.8 1-methylnaphthalene/tridecane —The recommended 13.2 Quantitative, Hydrocarbons—Use theoretical response
final column temperature program rate of 1.5 ° ⁄ min. should factors for correction of the detector response of hydrocarbons
also provide this separation. If the 1-MeNaph/n-C13 resolution determined by this test method, unless response factors have
is incomplete this rate may be adjusted to provide sufficient been determined experimentally. The response of an FID to
hydrocarbons is determined by the ratio of the molecular
weight of the carbon in the analyte to the total molecular
weight of the analyte. If experimentally determined response

FIG. 6 2,3,3-trimethylpentane/toluene FIG. 9 1-methylnaphthalene/tridecane

D6730 − 01 (2016)
factors are to be used, they must be determined using known 15. Calculation
purity individual standards and calculated using Practice 15.1 Identify each peak by matching retention indices (or
D4626. The response factors, as listed in Table 3, are relative retention times) with those for known reference standards or
to that calculated for heptane. Calculations are based on the sample components. If a computing integrator is used, examine
following equation: the chromatographic data for proper peak integration. Examine
F i 5 ~~~~~ C aw 3 C n ! 1 ~ H aw 3 H n !! / C n ! 3 0.83905! / C aw! (8) the report to ensure peaks are properly identified.
where: 15.1.1 Proper component identification using retention in-
dices requires the use of windows surrounding each RI value in
Fi = relative response factor for a hydrocarbon type group
order to account for the analysis to analysis variations. The
of a particular carbon number.
following windows have been found to provide satisfactory
Caw = atomic weight of carbon 12.011,
Cn = number of carbon molecules in the group, identification for this test method.
Haw = atomic weight of hydrogen, 1.008, Indices Window
100 – 300 ± 15
Hn = number of hydrogen molecules in the group, 300 – 400 ± 2.6
0.83905 is the correction factor with heptane as unity 400 – 500 ± 1.5
(1.0000), and 500 – 885 ± 0.6
885 – 900 ± 0.5
0.7487 is used with methane as unity. > 900 ± 0.6
13.3 Quantitative, Oxygenates—Determine response factors 15.2 Obtain the area for each peak. Multiply each peak area
for methanol, ethanol, and other oxygenated compounds ex- by its appropriate response factor, taken from Table 2 or
perimentally. The principles in Practice D4626 should be determined separately with standards, to obtain corrected peak
applied when determining these response factors. The response areas. Use a response factor of 1.000 for unknown peaks.
of the flame ionization detector for oxygenated compounds is
not directly (theoretically) related to mass concentration. A 15.3 If required, determine the concentration of water in the
study has indicated that the FID response is linear for the sample using Test Method D1744, or an equivalent method.
conditions of this test method (see Figs. 10 and 11). Each The total concentration of any other materials not determined
individual apparatus must be calibrated using gravimetrically by this test method should also be obtained.
prepared standards, covering the sample concentration ranges 15.4 The corrected peak areas are normalized to 100 % or to
expected and the scope of this test method. Standards used 100 % minus the concentrations determined in 15.3.
must comply with the requirements in Section 7. Figs. 10 and component % ~ m/m ! 5 corrected peak area (9)
11 present calibration data for six oxygenates as determined in
a preliminary cooperative study report for calibration of this 3 ~ 100 2 % undetected! /total corrected peak area
test method. Precision data will be prepared when more data
becomes available. 16. Report
14. Sample Analysis Procedure 16.1 Report the concentration of each component as mass
%, % (m/m), to the nearest 0.001 % (m/m).
14.1 Adjust the instrument operating variables to the values
specified in Table 1 or as determined in Section 12. 16.2 These individual component data may be grouped by
summing the concentration of compounds in each particular
14.2 Set the recorder or integration device, or both, for group type such as paraffin, isoparaffin, olefin, aromatic,
accurate presentation and collection of the data. naphthene, oxygenates, and unknowns. Commercially avail-
14.3 Inject an appropriate size sample (as determined in able software may be used to provide this function, as well as
Section 10) into the injection port and start the analysis. Obtain calculation of other properties of petroleum liquids. See the
a chromatogram and a peak integration report. caution in 5.3.

TABLE 3 Theoretical FID Relative Response Factors

Carbon No. Saturated Paraffins Unsaturated Paraffins Saturated Naphthenes Unsaturated Naphthenes Aromatics
1 1.1207 - - - -
2 1.0503 - - - -
3 1.0268 0.9799 - - -
4 1.0151 0.9799 - - -
5 1.0080 0.9799 0.9799 0.9517 -
6 1.0034 0.9799 0.9799 0.9564 0.9095
7 1.0000 0.9799 0.9799 0.9598 0.9195
8 0.9975 0.9799 0.9799 0.9623 0.9271
9 0.9955 0.9799 0.9799 0.9642 0.9329
10 0.9940 0.9799 0.9799 0.9658 0.9376
11 0.9927 0.9799 0.9799 0.9671 0.9415
12 0.9916 0.9799 0.9799 0.9681 0.9447
13 0.9907 0.9799 0.9799 0.9690 0.9474
14 0.9899 0.9799 0.9799 0.9698 0.9497
15 0.9893 0.9799 0.9799 0.9705 0.9517

D6730 − 01 (2016)

FIG. 10 Determination of Oxygenate Response—DHA Speciation Analysis

D6730 − 01 (2016)

FIG. 11 Graphical Representation Determination of Oxygenate Response—DHA Speciation Analysis

17. Precision and Bias9 in the normal and correct operation of the test method not
17.1 Repeatability—The difference in two test results ob- exceed the values given in Table 4 and Table A1.3 for the
tained by the same operator with the same apparatus in a given gasoline components.
laboratory under constant operating conditions on test samples 17.2 Reproducibility—The difference between two single
taken from the same laboratory sample should, in the long run, and independent measurements on test samples taken from the
same bulk sample should, in the long run, in the normal and
Supporting data is available from ASTM International Headquarters in the form correct operation of the test method, not exceed the values
of a research report. Request RR:D02-1518. given in Table 4 and Table A1.3 for the gasoline components.

D6730 − 01 (2016)
TABLE 4 Repeatability and Reproducibility of DHA Determinations
NOTE 1—The following is a partial list of precision data that has been prepared by statisticians of CS94 in accordance with RR:D2-1007, and represents
their best estimate of the cooperative study data. The complete precision data set appears in Annex A1., Table A1.3.
NOTE 2—For each analyte to qualify for a precision statement, it must be present in at least six samples, and detected by at least six laboratories, at
least once. The (repeatability standard deviation)/mean value for each analyte/sample combination must be less than or equal to 0.1, as per LOQ
requirements which, while not a standard, is what CS94 is recommending.
rmin = lower 95 % confidence limit of rest,
rest = repeatability estimate in percent of concentration,
rmax = upper 95 % confidence limit of rest,
Rmin, Rest, = for reproducibility,
Cmin = lower concentration limit that rest, Rest is applicable, and
Cmax = upper concentration limit that rest, Rest is applicable.
Component Average RI rmin rest rmax Rmin Rest Rmax Cmin Cmax
n-butane 400.00 6.8 9.9 13.9 15.3 32.4 59.1 1.02 3.75
i-pentane 477.45 5.9 7.2 8.7 8.5 14.8 23.8 2.48 13.38
Pentene-1 490.83 5.2 7.5 10.5 9.7 13.8 19 0.06 0.43
n-pentane 500.00 5.2 6.5 8.1 7.1 10.4 14.8 1.06 3.49
Cyclopentane 566.84 3.8 4.9 6.2 7 10.1 14 0.07 0.59
2,3-dimethylbutane 569.24 2.9 3.2 3.5 5.1 8.5 13.1 0.7 1.91
n-hexane 600.00 2 2.4 2.9 3.6 5.1 6.9 0.33 2.52
Methylcyclopentane 625.86 2.2 2.6 3.1 4.5 6.4 8.7 0.37 2.35
1-methylcyclopentene 648.71 1.9 2.7 3.7 7.9 8.7 9.6 0.17 0.82
Benzene 649.92 2.6 3.6 4.8 5.5 9 13.7 0.17 1.58
Cyclohexane 657.81 2.7 3.7 4.9 8.2 14.8 24.3 0.07 0.9
2-methylhexane 667.61 1.6 2.2 2.9 5.1 6.1 7.2 0.39 1.09
2,2,4-trimethylpentane 688.48 2.4 3.2 4.1 7.4 11.4 16.7 0.1 11.26
n-heptane 700.00 2.5 3.4 4.5 7.7 10.8 14.7 0.21 1.06
Methylcyclohexane 717.89 2.8 3.4 4 4.1 5.9 8.2 0.11 1.2
2,3,4-trimethylpentane 746.83 2.3 3.8 6 5.8 7.8 10.3 0.08 4.26
Toluene 751.77 1.9 2.7 3.8 10.8 13.5 16.5 1.99 10.34
2-methylheptane 764.14 3.5 4.9 6.6 4.8 6.1 7.5 0.15 0.63
n-octane 800.00 2.2 3.6 5.5 6.5 15.7 30.9 0.14 0.75
Ethylbenzene 854.65 2.2 3.2 4.4 7.2 10.6 14.9 0.62 2.62
1,3-dimethylbenzene 864.22 2.6 3.3 4.2 9.7 12.5 15.7 1.55 6.66
3-methyloctane 880.24 5.1 8.5 13 8.7 15.5 24.9 0.07 0.29
n-nonane 900.20 3.9 6.4 9.8 8.6 10.3 12.2 0.06 0.34
n-propylbenzene 946.33 2.8 5 8.1 7.6 11.9 17.7 0.21 0.77
1,4-methylethylbenzene 956.22 3.5 5.3 7.7 5.1 7.7 11.1 0.32 1.19
1,3,5-trimethylbenzene 961.92 3.7 5.5 7.7 5.4 8.3 12.1 0.39 1.21
2-methylnonane 971.77 6.5 10.6 16.2 17.5 25.9 36.6 0.03 0.19
1,2,4-trimethylbenzene 983.40 4.2 5.7 7.5 7.8 10.6 13.9 1.19 4.32
n-decane 1000.20 7.5 9.2 11.1 12.1 17.9 25.3 0.03 0.25
1,2,3-trimethylbenzene 1006.88 3.8 5.8 8.5 7.2 8.5 10 0.28 0.96
n-undecane 1100.00 8.6 13.9 21 24.4 40 61.2 0.03 0.18
1,2,3,5-tetramethylbenzene 1108.79 6.4 7.8 9.3 10.2 13.9 18.3 0.21 0.51
Naphthalene 1168.01 6.1 8.5 11.3 12.9 16.9 21.5 0.13 0.4
n-dodecane 1200.00 12.2 16.7 22.1 20.2 32.9 50 0.01 0.11
2-methylnaphthalene 1282.57 7.6 11.1 15.4 17.5 22.3 28 0.05 0.5

17.3 Bias—No information can be presented on the bias of

the procedure in this test method for measuring hydrocarbon
concentrations because no material having an accepted refer-
ence value is available.
18. Keywords
18.1 detailed hydrocarbon analysis; DHA; gas chromotog-
raphy; hydrocarbons; open tubular column; oxygenates;

D6730 − 01 (2016)

(Mandatory Information)


A1.1 The successful application of this test method is highly silicone column used. One metre of 1.0 µm precolumn is
dependent upon the selectivity of the column used. New 100 m equivalent to a 100 m column with 0.5 µm of 0.1 % phenyl
× 0.25 mm 0.5 µm methyl silicone open tubular fused silica methyl silicone liquid phase.
columns will likely not have sufficient selectivity for aromatics
to function properly. Critical to the successful analysis of A1.4 Figs. A1.5-A1.8 illustrate the resolution of the
reformulated and oxygenated spark engine motor fuels is methylcyclopentene-1 and benzene pair with a new column
column inertness and component selectivity. Inertness of the and one, two, and three metres of precolumn. The key segment
primary 100 m column affects the retention and adsorption of of the chromatogram is expanded to better illustrate the
the oxygenates such as alcohols and ethers, while selectivity resolution of this component pair.
for the aromatic compounds is controlled by the liquid phase.
A1.5 The preliminary evaluation of the 100 m column will
Until adequate commercial columns are available, it will be
provide the user with information regarding the initial length of
necessary to slightly increase the column selectivity, which is
precolumn with which to start the tuning process. Dependent
accomplished by the addition of a short precolumn containing
a moderately selective liquid phase. upon the methylcyclopentene-1 and benzene resolution, an
initial precolumn of between 1 and 4 m is selected; which ever
A1.2 Prior to making any precolumn additions to the 100-m provides a resolution greater than 1.2.
methyl silicone capillary column, determine that the main
column meets the column specifications outlined in 6.4.1 and A1.6 The final tuning will consist of reducing the precol-
determined in Section 9. Section 9 describes the preliminary umn length, probably in increments of 0.25 m, until the proper
evaluation of the 100 m methyl silicone capillary column, resolution is achieved between 2,3,3-trimethylpentane and
using a 35 °C isothermal analysis to determine the basic toluene, and 1,4-dimethylbenzene and 2,3-dimethylheptane;
column characteristics of efficiency, retention factor, inertness, using the actual analysis temperature conditions.
and selectivity. Figs. A1.1-A1.3 provide examples of the A1.7 Fig. A1.9 illustrates graphically the effect of different
column quality specification determinations. These determina- lengths of precolumn, attached to the same 100 m column. The
tions may also be made with a precolumn attached, since the
key component separations are shown. These analyses were
precolumn has little if any affect on the results. Fig. A1.4
made using the conditions given in Table 2. In this case, the use
illustrates that the addition of different lengths of precolumn
of the 1.25 m precolumn provides the best compromise for the
has negligible influence on the retention characteristics of
three key separations.
oxygenated compounds. Poor peak shape and resolution of
these oxygenates cannot be corrected by the addition of the A1.8 Fig. A1.10 illustrates the use of different lengths of
precolumn. Tailing peaks may also be the result of an active precolumn to achieve the specified selectivity for three differ-
injector liner or packing material, or both, in the injector liner. ent 100 m columns. The final precolumn length will provide
An increase in retention of the oxygenates is likely due to adequate resolution of all three of the key separations.
column activity. The relative position of the oxygenates to the
hydrocarbons is dependent upon column temperature, thus a A1.9 Figs. A1.11-A1.17 illustrate DHA analyses.
faulty column oven temperature control could also result in
shifted peaks. A1.10 Tables A1.4-A1.9 show comparisons between this
test method and other methods for several compound types.
A1.3 When necessary, a precolumn is added to the primary Multidimensional PIONA is included since it tends to give
100 m column to adjust the column selectivity for aromatic reasonable peak compound type groupings for total olefins,
compounds. Precolumns that have been used successfully are total paraffins, and total naphthenes. The differences for ben-
variable lengths of 0.25 mm internal diameter fused silica open zene and toluene among the indicated methods are well within
tubular column containing a 1.0 µm film thickness of 5 % the reproducibilities of the methods. The sample numbers refer
phenyl methyl silicone. The film thickness is likely not critical, to the interlaboratory cooperative study samples. It should be
only the total amount of phase. Lengths ranging from 1 mto noted that the interlaboratory cooperative study samples in-
more than 3 m have been necessary to provide sufficient cluded only spark ignition fuels and different results may be
selectivity, depending on the initial selectivity of the methyl obtained with pure blending components.

D6730 − 01 (2016)
TABLE A1.1 DHA Component Data

NOTE 1—These data consist of the current physical constants used in the cooperative study. The average RI are those accumulated in a ruggedness test
of the tuning process. The RFA and CCF gasoline data are the averages determined in the cooperative study. RFA is an industry average regular gasoline
and CCF is a California Certification Fuel (reformulated gasoline).
RFA Gasoline CCF Gasoline
Component Average RI RRF MW Density Min. Index Mass % Min. Index Mass %
Methane 100.00 1.121 16.043 0.2600
Ethylene 178.10 1.050 28.054 0.3000
Ethane 200.00 1.051 30.070 0.3399
Propylene 284.00 1.030 42.081 0.5053 7.173 293.43 0.000
Propane 300.00 1.027 44.097 0.5005 7.270 300.32 0.003 7.266 299.79 0.003
i-Butane 366.15 1.015 58.124 0.5572 8.266 365.46 0.088 8.262 365.29 0.078
Methanol 378.82 3.148 32.040 0.7914 8.506 0.021
Butene-1 390.72 0.980 56.108 0.5951 8.893 390.31 0.019
Isobutylene 391.51 0.980 56.108 0.5951
1,3-Butadiene 394.93 0.980 54.092 0.6211
n-Butane 400.00 1.015 58.124 0.5788 9.195 400.00 4.637 9.193 400.00 1.201
Vinyl acetylene 409.00 1.100 54.090 0.6500
t-Butene-2 412.09 0.980 56.108 0.6042 9.441 411.72 0.002 9.567 412.10 0.013
2,2-Dimethylpropane 415.10 1.008 72.151 0.5910 9.670 415.09 0.036 9.666 415.05 0.017
c-Butene-2 427.74 0.980 56.108 0.6213 9.983 427.70 0.004 10.128 427.73 0.018
1,2-Butadiene 450.00 0.945 54.092 0.6520
Ethanol 455.33 2.193 46.070 0.7890 11.063 452.52 0.006
3-Methylbutene-1 460.84 0.980 70.135 0.6272 11.670 460.81 0.010 11.665 460.76 0.020
O1 469.00 0.980 70.135 0.6300 12.030 470.03 0.005
O2 474.00 0.980 70.135 0.6300
i-Pentane 477.45 1.008 72.151 0.6196 12.653 477.15 4.773 12.650 477.13 7.163
AcetoneA 477.55 1.850 58.080 0.7899 12.649 0.134
1,4-Pentadiene 481.18 0.952 68.119 0.6607 13.464 482.77 0.005
? 483.00 13.122 486.32 0.014 12.675 482.80 0.003
Butyne-2 488.00 0.945 54.092 0.6910
Pentene-1 490.83 0.980 70.135 0.6405 13.616 490.86 0.152 13.613 490.85 0.091
i-Propanol 493.38 1.400 60.110 0.8000
2-Methylbutene-1 496.66 0.980 70.135 0.6504 14.074 496.73 0.334 14.071 496.72 0.185
n-Pentane 500.00 1.008 72.151 0.6262 14.341 500.00 3.627 14.339 500.00 1.094
Isoprene 506.02 0.952 68.119 0.6809 14.666 506.00 0.013 14.664 505.98 0.009
? 508.00 14.644 508.07 0.003
t-Pentene-2 510.56 0.980 70.135 0.6482 14.917 510.41 0.653 14.916 510.41 0.285
3,3-dimethylbutene-1 516.79 1.050 70.135 0.6500 15.277 516.60 0.011 15.141 516.58 0.004
c-Pentene-2 519.53 0.980 70.135 0.6556 15.439 519.25 0.378 15.438 519.28 0.160
t-Butanol 521.64 1.154 74.120 0.7887 15.468 522.58 0.065
? 522.40 16.198 522.66 0.038
2-Methylbutene-2 524.92 0.980 70.135 0.6623 15.765 524.49 1.100 15.763 524.51 0.461
1t,3-Pentadiene 527.97 0.952 68.119 0.6760 15.960 527.59 0.022 15.956 527.56 0.015
3-Methylbutadiene-1,2 535.00 0.952 68.120 0.6500
Cyclopentadiene 538.05 0.938 67.100 0.6500 16.478 537.58 0.004 16.475 537.57 0.003
2,2-Dimethylbutane 540.54 1.004 86.178 0.6491 16.779 539.78 1.102 16.776 539.75 1.106
1c,3-Pentadiene 541.90 0.952 68.119 0.6910
? 543.00 16.895 543.44 0.006
O5 547.70 1.020 70.135 0.6500
O6 549.70 1.020 70.135 0.6500
Cyclopentene 557.21 0.952 68.119 0.7720 18.026 556.65 0.160 18.025 556.67 0.070
n-Propanol 560.00 1.400 60.110 0.8035
4-Methylpentene-1 562.02 0.980 84.162 0.6673 18.411 561.26 0.050 18.402 561.42 0.021
3-Methylpentene-1 562.81 0.980 84.162 0.6637 18.468 562.21 0.083 18.469 562.26 0.032
Cyclopentane 566.84 0.980 70.135 0.7454 18.811 566.40 0.216 18.813 566.45 0.052
2,3-Dimethylbutane 569.24 1.004 86.178 0.6616 19.003 568.67 1.723 19.001 568.69 1.655
Methyl-t-butylether 570.65 1.417 88.150 0.7405 19.110 570.03 11.282
4-Methyl-c-pentene-2 571.00 0.980 84.162 0.6741 19.154 570.47 0.113
2,3-Dimethylbutene-1 572.67 0.980 84.162 0.6830 19.306 572.01 0.048 19.520 572.52 0.028
2-Methylpentane 573.70 1.004 86.178 0.6531 19.388 573.19 5.145 19.389 573.23 3.967
4-Methyl-t-pentene-2 575.47 0.980 84.162 0.6736 19.542 574.94 0.167 19.546 575.03 0.083
O8 578.00 0.980 84.162 0.6736 20.042 0.002 19.893 0.002
2-Methyl-1,4-pentadiene 579.00 0.980 82.146 0.6940 20.078 0.002
? 581.00 20.002 0.002
1,5-Hexadiene 581.90 0.980 82.146 0.6923 20.123 581.47 0.002 20.210 0.011
? 583.90 20.250 583.99 0.002
3-Methylpentane 585.52 1.004 86.178 0.6643 20.477 585.25 2.589 20.476 585.25 2.189
2-Methylpentene-1 590.19 0.980 84.162 0.6848 20.933 590.01 0.241 20.934 590.05 0.103
Hexene-1 591.06 0.980 84.162 0.6780 21.021 590.91 0.127 21.021 590.94 0.059
O11 592.00 0.980 84.162 0.6780
i-Butanol 593.50 1.337 74.120 0.8030
? 596.00 21.474 596.35 0.007
1c/t,4-Hexadiene 597.14 0.980 84.146 0.7000 21.571 597.22 0.004
2-Ethylbutene-1 598.95 0.980 84.162 0.6944

D6730 − 01 (2016)
TABLE A1.1 Continued
RFA Gasoline CCF Gasoline
Component Average RI RRF MW Density Min. Index Mass % Min. Index Mass %
n-Hexane 600.00 1.004 86.178 0.6594 21.937 600.00 2.598 21.935 600.00 1.057
Diisopropylether 601.90 1.100 102.180 0.7241
t-Hexene-3 602.83 0.980 84.162 0.6821 22.169 602.83 0.191 22.170 602.86 0.080
c-Hexene-3 603.56 0.980 84.162 0.6847 22.258 603.60 0.063 22.234 603.65 0.028
t-Hexene-2 605.44 0.980 84.162 0.6827 22.382 605.40 0.347 22.383 605.43 0.157
2-Methylpentene-2 607.86 0.980 84.162 0.6912 22.583 607.77 0.462 22.584 607.80 0.193
4-Methylcyclopentene 609.00 21.685 608.90 0.113 22.589 608.65 0.047
3-Methyl-c-pentene-2 610.54 0.980 84.162 0.6980 22.816 610.51 0.240 22.817 610.54 0.102
3-Methylcyclopentene 611.61 0.980 82.146 0.7622 22.920 611.74 0.055 22.921 611.77 0.025
O13 613.08 0.980 84.162 0.6920
c-Hexene-2 614.67 0.980 84.162 0.6920 23.171 614.60 0.194 23.172 614.63 0.088
O14 617.06 0.980 84.162 0.6920 23.007 617.10 0.004 23.088 617.08 0.002
Ethyl-t-butylether 619.00 1.342 102.180 0.7519
3,3-Dimethylpentene-1 620.91 0.980 98.189 0.7019 23.722 620.77 0.371 23.723 620.80 0.158
3-Methyl-t-pentene-2 622.11 0.980 84.162 0.7023 23.603 622.17 0.006 23.480 622.19 0.003
2-Butanol 622.40 0.980 74.120 0.8080
4-4-Dimethyl-t-pentene-2 623.10 0.980 98.189 0.6936
2,2-Dimethylpentane 624.17 1.000 100.205 0.6738 24.025 624.11 0.084 24.024 624.12 0.128
Methylcyclopentane 625.86 0.980 84.162 0.7486 24.189 625.88 0.963 24.190 625.91 0.355
Cyclic diolefin or triolefin 627.00 0.957 82.140 0.7092
2,4-Dimethylpentane 630.60 1.000 100.205 0.6727 24.622 630.47 1.036 24.623 630.48 2.437
2,3,3-Tirmethylbutene-1 631.00 0.980 98.189 0.7092
Cyclic diolefin or triolefin 632.90 0.957 82.140 0.7092 24.846 632.82 0.010 24.844 632.80 0.008
? 634.20 25.835 634.14 0.009
2,2,3-Trimethylbutane 634.86 1.000 100.205 0.6901 25.049 634.91 0.031 25.050 634.93 0.038
? 636.30 25.186 636.30 0.007 25.091 636.33 0.004
Cyclic diolefin or triolefin 638.30 0.957 82.140 0.7092 25.380 639.26 0.008 25.378 638.27 0.005
O17 641.97 0.980 84.160 0.7039 25.745 641.92 0.005 25.622 642.14 0.002
3,4-Dimethylpentene-1 642.87 0.980 98.189 0.7022 25.846 642.92 0.014 25.845 642.92 0.008
4,4-Dimethyl-c-pentene-2 646.65 0.980 98.189 0.7039 26.223 646.57 0.024 26.224 646.61 0.011
2,4-Dimethylpentene-1 647.67 0.980 98.189 0.6988 26.332 647.63 0.021 26.334 647.65 0.011
Diolefin 647.70 0.957 82.140 0.6988
1-Methylcyclopentene 648.71 0.957 82.146 0.7795 26.443 648.69 0.374 26.444 648.72 0.180
Benzene 649.92 0.910 78.114 0.8789 26.580 649.98 1.969 26.579 649.99 1.242
3-Ethylpentene-1 650.00 0.980 98.189 0.7005
n-ButanolA 650.02 1.295 74.120 0.8000
3-Methylhexene-1 650.95 0.980 98.189 0.6959 26.420 651.56 0.029 26.434 651.55 0.015
2-Methyl-c-hexene-3 652.60 0.980 98.189 0.6980 27.081 652.56 0.018 27.059 652.59 0.009
3,3-dimethylpentane 654.43 1.000 100.205 0.6932 27.057 654.47 0.094 27.055 654.46 0.139
5-Methylhexene-1 655.56 0.980 98.189 0.6965 27.198 655.83 0.031 26.985 656.10 0.016
? 656.93 28.233 656.74 0.014 27.752 656.78 0.007
Cyclohexane 657.81 0.980 84.162 0.7785 27.440 657.97 0.225 27.445 658.05 0.050
2-Methyl-t-hexene-3 661.03 0.980 98.189 0.6941 27.763 660.87 0.057 27.766 660.91 0.027
Diolefin (hexadiene) 661.30 0.980 98.189 0.6941 27.946 661.74 0.007 27.794 0.003
2-Ethyl-3-methylbutene-1 662.60 0.980 98.189 0.7135 27.941 662.47 0.018 27.944 662.51 0.009
4-Methylhexene-1 663.81 0.980 98.189 0.7030 28.087 663.77 0.040 28.089 663.80 0.019
4-Methyl-t/c-hexene-2 666.23 0.980 98.189 0.7040 28.357 666.13 0.107 28.361 666.18 0.051
2-methylhexane 667.61 1.000 100.205 0.6786 28.510 667.45 1.342 28.518 667.54 1.236
2,3-Dimethylpentane 668.84 1.000 100.205 0.6951 28.663 668.79 1.635 28.673 668.88 4.375
5-Methyl-t-hexene-2 669.80 0.980 98.189 0.6971
1,1-Dimethylcyclopentane 671.25 0.980 98.189 0.7545 28.958 671.32 0.045 28.961 671.35 0.042
t-Amylmethylether 672.48 1.318 102.180 0.7517 28.973 0.002
Cyclohexene 673.69 0.980 82.146 0.8110 29.254 673.82 0.058 29.255 673.84 0.032
3-Methylhexane 675.89 1.000 100.205 0.6871 29.496 675.82 1.449 29.497 675.83 1.450
1.6-Heptadiene 677.40 0.980 98.190 0.7500
3,4-Dimethyl-c-pentene-2 679.46 0.980 98.189 0.7180 29.935 679.42 0.043 29.938 679.46 0.021
5-Methyl-c-hexene-2 680.00 0.980 98.189 0.7060
1c,3-Dimethylcyclopentane 681.68 0.980 98.189 0.7448 30.225 681.78 0.261 30.228 681.82 0.114
1t,3-Dimethylcyclopentane 684.37 0.980 98.189 0.7488 30.567 684.51 0.228 30.572 684.54 0.104
3-Ethylpentane 685.98 1.000 100.205 0.6981 30.751 685.96 0.202 30.757 686.01 0.169
1t,2-Dimethylcyclopentane 687.07 0.980 98.189 0.7514 30.911 687.21 0.185 30.921 687.30 0.085
2,2,4-Trimethylpentane 688.48 0.998 114.232 0.6919 31.086 688.57 3.273 31.115 688.81 9.481
Heptene-1 688.60 0.980 98.189 0.6970
2-Ethylpentene-1 689.58 0.980 98.189 0.6970 31.231 689.58 0.059
1,5-Heptadiene 691.60 0.980 93.168 0.7500
O25 692.89 0.980 98.189 0.6900 31.502 692.93 0.007 31.422 692.95 0.004
3-Methyl-c-hexene-3 694.82 0.980 98.189 0.7181 31.912 694.87 0.070 31.913 694.88 0.034
? 696.80 31.826 696.87 0.004
t-Heptene-3 698.39 0.980 98.189 0.7026 32.392 698.43 0.250 32.393 698.44 0.126
n-Heptane 700.00 1.000 100.205 0.6837 32.605 700.00 1.164 32.604 700.00 0.996
c-Heptene-3 701.00 0.980 98.189 0.7028
2-Methyl-2-hexene 701.30 0.980 98.189 0.7126
3-Methyl-c-hexene-2 702.30 0.980 98.189 0.7126 32.916 702.07 0.283 32.917 702.08 0.139

D6730 − 01 (2016)
TABLE A1.1 Continued
RFA Gasoline CCF Gasoline
Component Average RI RRF MW Density Min. Index Mass % Min. Index Mass %
3-Methyl-t-hexene-3 702.99 0.980 98.189 0.6941 33.064 703.05 0.103 33.065 703.06 0.049
t-Heptene-2 704.58 0.980 98.189 0.7057 33.306 704.63 0.124 33.307 704.64 0.063
3-Ethylpentene-2 705.96 0.980 98.189 0.7249 33.526 706.06 0.065 33.527 706.07 0.030
c-Heptene-2 708.82 0.980 98.189 0.7116 33.974 708.92 0.221 33.990 709.04 0.129
3-Methyl-t-hexene-2 709.50 0.980 98.189 0.7188
O28 710.53 0.980 98.189 0.7188
2,3-Dimethylpentene-2 712.07 0.980 98.189 0.7322 34.488 712.18 0.123 34.488 712.17 0.059
3-Ethylcyclopentene 713.22 0.980 96.173 0.7830 34.789 713.45 0.010 34.562 713.41 0.004
O29 715.67 0.980 98.189 0.7190 35.083 715.85 0.018 35.084 715.86 0.009
1c,2-Dimethylcyclopentane 717.13 0.980 98.189 0.7322 35.329 717.35 0.138 35.331 717.36 0.060
Methylcyclohexane 717.89 0.980 98.189 0.7694 35.451 718.09 0.380 35.452 718.09 0.139
O30 719.00 0.980 98.189 0.7322 35.359 720.75 0.079
2,2-Dimethylhexane 720.70 0.998 114.232 0.6953 35.884 720.70 0.117 35.854 720.51 0.099
1,1,3-TrimethylcyclopentaneA 720.72 0.980 112.216 0.7482
O32 721.00 0.980 98.189 0.7322
O33 722.00 0.980 112.216 0.7322
O34 723.00 0.980 112.216 0.7322
O35 724.35 0.980 98.189 0.7322 36.531 724.50 0.013 36.398 724.50 0.005
O36 726.26 0.980 98.189 0.7322 36.872 726.47 0.010 36.652 725.97 0.010
? 727.00 36.637 726.09 0.003
Ethylcyclopentane 728.90 0.980 98.189 0.7664 37.342 729.16 0.146 37.381 729.09 0.072
2,5-Dimethylhexane 730.05 0.998 114.232 0.6935 37.522 730.17 0.422 37.523 730.17 0.693
2,2,3-Trimethylpentane 730.90 0.998 114.232 0.7160 37.775 730.96 0.064 37.682 731.06 0.188
2.4-Dimethylhexane 731.84 0.998 114.232 0.7003 37.846 731.99 0.697 37.848 731.98 1.056
? 733.53 38.081 733.63 0.011 37.823 0.007
O37 735.18 0.980 98.189 0.7322 38.047 735.41 0.004 38.027 735.34 0.003
1c,2t,4-Trimethylcyclopentane 737.11 0.980 112.216 0.7634 38.824 737.36 0.102 38.825 737.35 0.046
3,3-Dimethylhexane 738.39 0.998 114.232 0.7100 39.052 738.59 0.077 39.053 738.59 0.075
O38 740.43 0.980 98.189 0.7322 39.432 740.61 0.005 38.887 740.62 0.004
? 742.18 39.825 742.27 0.007 39.387 742.53 0.003
? 743.20 40.364 743.28 0.024 40.227 743.50 0.015
? 743.80 39.701 744.00 0.033 39.868 743.90 0.014
1t,2c,3-Trimethylcyclopentane 744.21 0.980 112.216 0.7704 40.162 744.46 0.077 40.163 744.44 0.033
O39 745.34 0.980 98.189 0.7322 40.019 744.72 0.005
2,3,4-Trimethylpentane 746.83 0.998 114.232 0.7190 40.667 747.06 0.862 40.678 747.11 2.585
l1 747.91 0.998 114.232 0.7190 40.874 748.12 0.195 40.876 748.11 0.093
O40 749.37 0.980 98.189 0.7322 41.157 749.56 0.058 41.160 749.54 0.032
2,3,3-Trimethylpentane 750.84 0.998 114.232 0.7262 41.539 751.10 0.525 41.470 751.10 1.716
Toluene 751.77 0.920 92.143 0.8670 41.666 752.08 6.421 41.688 752.18 8.999
O41 752.20 0.980 112.220 0.7322
O42 753.63 0.980 112.220 0.7322 42.037 753.73 0.030 42.362 753.75 0.014
? 754.63 42.054 754.65 0.009 42.183 754.77 0.020
O43 755.33 0.980 112.220 0.7322 42.351 755.48 0.049 42.334 755.36 0.031
2,3-Dimethylhexane 757.87 0.998 114.232 0.7121 42.890 758.08 0.508 42.898 758.11 0.812
2-Methyl-3-ethylpentane 759.04 0.998 114.232 0.7121 43.139 759.28 0.060 43.149 759.31 0.062
1,1,2-Trimethylcyclopentane 760.33 0.980 112.216 0.7725 43.380 760.44 0.045 43.379 760.42 0.025
O44 761.73 0.980 112.220 0.7322 43.709 761.99 0.076 43.712 761.97 0.041
O45 762.20 0.980 112.220 0.7322
O46 763.00 0.980 112.220 0.7322
2-Methylheptane 764.14 0.998 114.232 0.6979 44.199 764.29 0.831 44.198 764.26 0.571
2-ethylhexene-1A 764.20 0.980 112.220 0.7650
4-Methylheptane 765.62 0.998 114.232 0.7046 44.521 765.78 0.362 44.521 765.75 0.266
3-Methyl-3-ethylpentane 766.62 0.980 114.232 0.7121 44.753 766.83 0.084 44.750 766.80 0.104
3,4-Dimethylhexane 767.18 0.998 114.232 0.7192 44.865 767.35 0.086 44.867 767.33 0.114
1c,2c,4-Trimethylcyclopentane 768.95 0.980 112.216 0.7620 45.430 769.91 0.090 45.427 769.88 0.041
1c,3-Dimethylcyclohexane 769.80 0.980 112.216 0.7625
3-Methylheptane 771.78 0.998 114.232 0.7058 45.880 771.92 0.911 45.877 771.88 0.651
1c,2t,3-Trimethylcyclopentane 772.98 0.980 112.216 0.7704 56.135 773.05 0.291 46.127 772.98 0.185
3-Ethylhexane 773.76 0.998 114.232 0.7136 46.360 774.03 0.055 46.362 774.01 0.022
1t,4-Dimethylcyclohexane 774.89 0.980 112.216 0.7625 46.689 775.16 0.059 46.621 775.15 0.024
? 775.65 46.439 775.62 0.009
1,3-Octadiene 777.16 0.980 110.200 0.7650 47.117 777.33 0.011 46.298 777.29 0.006
O48 778.50 0.980 112.220 0.7322 46.756 779.08 0.004 46.542 779.02 0.003
1,1-Dimethylcyclohexane 780.48 0.980 112.216 0.7809 47.922 780.76 0.009 47.413 780.75 0.005
2,2,5-Trimethylhexane 782.93 0.996 128.259 0.7072 48.473 783.08 0.470 48.473 783.04 0.740
3c-Ethylmethylcyclopentane 784.35 0.980 112.216 0.7670 48.831 784.57 0.130 48.833 784.53 0.060
2,6-Dimethylheptene-1 785.55 0.980 126.240 0.7196 49.152 785.64 0.018 49.046 785.66 0.010
3t-Ethylmethylcyclopentane 786.55 0.980 112.216 0.7670 49.366 786.75 0.081 49.369 786.74 0.036
2t-Ethylmethylcyclopentane 787.86 0.980 112.216 0.7690 49.679 788.03 0.071 49.682 788.00 0.036
Octene-1A 787.87 0.980 112.220 0.7650
1,1-Methylethylcyclopentane 788.78 0.980 112.216 0.7809 49.894 788.90 0.028 49.896 788.89 0.013
? 789.88 49.436 789.88 0.013 50.166 789.96 0.013
2,2,4-Trimethylhexane 790.75 0.996 128.259 0.7392 50.384 790.88 0.046 50.386 790.86 0.020

D6730 − 01 (2016)
TABLE A1.1 Continued
RFA Gasoline CCF Gasoline
Component Average RI RRF MW Density Min. Index Mass % Min. Index Mass %
1t,2-Dimethylcyclohexane 792.77 0.980 112.216 0.7760 50.911 792.96 0.096 50.915 792.94 0.045
t-Octene-4 794.21 0.980 112.216 0.7185 51.252 794.31 0.052 51.259 794.31 0.029
3,5,5-Trimethylhexene-1 795.00 0.980 126.240 0.7196 50.669 0.002
t-Octene-3 796.00 0.980 112.216 0.7196
1c,2c,3-Trimethylcyclopentane 797.25 0.980 112.216 0.7792 52.033 797.34 0.151 52.042 797.34 0.080
1t,3-Dimethylcyclohexane 798.80 0.980 112.216 0.7760 52.443 798.90 0.033 52.450 798.89 0.017
n-Octane 800.00 0.998 114.232 0.7025 52.733 800.00 0.811 52.740 800.00 0.502
1c,4-Dimethylcyclohexane 801.05 0.980 112.216 0.7828
3,3-Dimethylheptene-1 802.50 0.980 126.240 0.7196
Octene-2 804.40 0.980 112.216 0.7196 53.872 804.52 0.065 53.885 804.54 0.035
O50 805.50 0.980 112.216 0.7196
l2 806.39 0.996 128.259 0.7300 54.389 806.51 0.112 54.406 806.56 0.052
? 807.00 54.600 807.29 0.020
i-Propylcyclopentane 808.06 0.980 112.216 0.7765 54.822 808.20 0.074 54.840 808.23 0.035
2,4,4-Trimethylhexane 808.50 0.996 128.259 0.7392
O52 810.62 0.980 126.240 0.7196 55.508 810.81 0.011 55.545 810.84 0.006
O53 813.47 0.980 126.240 0.7196 56.268 813.67 0.035 56.295 813.72 0.016
N1 815.02 0.980 112.216 0.7800 56.655 815.09 0.012 55.395 814.95 0.007
? 815.60 56.673 0.006
2,2,3,4-Tetramethylpentane 816.45 0.996 128.259 0.7389 57.221 816.59 0.009 56.554 816.50 0.005
2,3,4-Trimethylhexane 818.10 0.996 128.259 0.7392 57.536 818.33 0.081 57.567 818.38 0.127
N2 819.93 0.980 112.216 0.7800 58.170 820.20 0.034 58.093 820.25 0.014
? 820.85 58.049 821.28 0.014 57.612 821.13 0.007
? 821.10 59.376 820.70 0.014 59.939 821.10 0.009
N3 822.29 0.980 112.216 0.7800 58.668 822.41 0.039 58.725 822.55 0.022
2,3,3-Trimethylhexene-1 824.74 0.980 126.240 0.6826 59.404 824.98 0.017 59.582 825.08 0.010
? 825.00
1c,2-Dimethylcyclohexane 826.48 0.980 112.216 0.7962 59.179 826.84 0.023
1,3,5-Trimethylhexane 827.51 0.996 128.259 0.7219 60.088 827.38 0.122 60.141 827.50 0.084
? 828.95 60.649 828.50 0.006
? 829.20 59.422 0.002
2,2-Dimethylheptane 829.76 0.996 128.259 0.7105 59.233 829.20 0.012 59.294 829.15 0.005
? 831.80 60.231 0.004
1,1,4-Trimethylcyclohexane 832.56 0.980 126.243 0.7722 61.689 832.81 0.104 61.744 832.94 0.049
N4 834.07 0.980 112.216 0.7800 62.028 833.97 0.021 62.098 834.13 0.014
? 834.40 60.862 0.013 60.851 0.008
2,2,3-Trimethylhexane 834.96 0.996 128.259 0.7153 62.399 835.22 0.074 62.472 835.37 0.043
2,4-Dimethylheptane 836.47 0.996 128.259 0.7153 62.878 836.79 0.011 61.246 836.60 0.005
4,4-Dimethylheptane 838.68 0.996 128.259 0.7153 63.454 838.68 0.048 63.530 838.83 0.024
Ethylcyclohexane 840.20 0.980 112.216 0.7839 62.675 0.004 62.624 0.003
n-Propylcyclopentane 841.38 0.980 112.216 0.7763 64.307 842.00 0.008 62.897 841.45 0.004
1c,3c,5-trimethylcyclohexaneA 841.40 0.980 126.243 0.7697
2,5-Dimethylheptane 842.63 0.996 128.259 0.7167 64.762 842.88 0.208 64.855 843.09 0.132
3,3-Dimethylheptane 843.96 0.996 128.259 0.7256 65.189 844.25 0.059 65.283 844.44 0.032
3,5-Dimethylheptane 845.02 0.996 128.259 0.7225 65.042 844.55 0.015 64.178 0.002
? 845.60 64.526 0.002
2,6-Dimethylheptane 846.47 0.996 128.259 0.7089 65.987 846.73 0.023 64.434 846.51 0.007
? 847.00 64.667 0.002
1,1,3-Trimethylcyclohexane 848.43 0.980 126.243 0.7870 66.612 848.67 0.024 66.718 848.90 0.011
2,4-Dimethylheptene-1 849.43 0.980 126.240 0.6826 66.462 848.89 0.006 65.309 849.56 0.005
N7 850.89 0.980 112.216 0.7800 66.993 850.52 0.008 65.931 851.33 0.005
N8 852.36 0.980 112.216 0.7800 68.017 852.57 0.017 67.247 852.64 0.010
N10 853.04 0.980 126.240 0.7800
Ethylbenzene 854.65 0.927 106.168 0.8670 68.687 854.92 3.131 68.809 855.18 2.395
N11 854.70 0.980 126.240 0.7800 67.693 0.015
1c,2t,4t-Trimethylcyclohexane 856.34 0.980 126.243 0.7800 69.261 856.61 0.060 69.377 857.03 0.037
l3 858.51 0.996 128.259 0.7300 70.138 858.77 0.016 68.290 858.74 0.011
? 859.00 68.711 0.002
2-Methyloctene-1 859.80 0.980 126.240 0.6826 70.172 859.99 0.021 70.169 859.87 0.015
? 860.50 69.131 0.002
l4 860.89 0.996 128.259 0.7300 70.240 860.78 0.011 69.125 861.19 0.008
? 861.40 69.536 0.005 69.853 0.002
2-Methyloctene-2 862.14 0.980 126.240 0.6826 71.310 862.00 0.014 69.565 862.44 0.009
N12 863.00 0.980 126.243 0.7800 72.374 863.22 0.017 70.111 0.005
N13 863.77 0.980 126.243 0.7800
1,3-Dimethylbenzene 864.22 0.927 106.168 0.8642 72.171 864.48 5.181 72.190 864.82 3.649
1,4-Dimethylbenzene 865.20 0.927 106.168 0.8610 72.389 865.45 2.299 72.556 865.82 1.698
2,3-Dimethylheptane 866.02 0.996 128.259 0.7260 71.154 866.59 0.111 72.052 866.55 0.088
3,4-Dimethylheptane 867.94 0.996 128.259 0.7314 73.307 868.00 0.040 73.490 868.38 0.025
? 868.00 72.160 0.002
3.4-Dimethylheptane 868.78 0.996 128.259 0.7314 73.584 868.75 0.041 73.782 869.18 0.023
N14 869.70 0.980 126.243 0.7800 74.035 869.96 0.018 72.336 870.12 0.009
l5 870.95 0.996 128.259 0.7300 74.478 871.15 0.073 74.658 871.53 0.036

D6730 − 01 (2016)
TABLE A1.1 Continued
RFA Gasoline CCF Gasoline
Component Average RI RRF MW Density Min. Index Mass % Min. Index Mass %
4-Ethylheptane 872.73 0.996 128.259 0.7202 75.147 872.96 0.016 75.560 873.30 0.010
4-Methyloctane 873.81 0.996 128.259 0.7202 75.557 874.05 0.237 75.727 874.35 0.104
2-Methyloctane 874.76 0.996 128.259 0.7134 75.918 874.99 0.298 76.089 875.30 0.128
? 875.00 75.116 0.002
N15 876.00 0.980 126.243 0.7800 76.402 876.26 0.023 74.595 876.35 0.010
1c,2t,3-Trimethylcyclohexane 877.98 0.980 126.243 0.7580 76.601 878.00 0.016 76.726 878.30 0.007
? 878.00 77.313 878.27 0.040 75.982 0.005
3-Ethylheptane 879.11 0.996 128.259 0.7265 77.373 879.55 0.075 77.742 879.58 0.031
3-Methyloctane 880.24 0.996 128.259 0.7205 78.034 880.47 0.336 78.185 880.70 0.144
? 881.04 80.286 881.32 0.016 76.824 881.25 0.004
1c,2t,4c-Trimethylcyclohexane 881.67 0.980 126.243 0.7722 78.628 881.99 0.019 78.869 882.43 0.020
1,1,2-Trimethylcyclohexane 882.78 0.980 126.243 0.8000 78.917 882.72 0.015
1,2,-Dimethylbenzene 883.47 0.927 106.168 0.8802 79.328 883.76 2.652 79.453 883.89 1.784
? 884.87 77.949 884.74 0.015 77.734 884.66 0.004
l6 885.34 0.996 128.259 0.7300 80.135 885.49 0.022 80.257 885.89 0.023
? 885.88 79.109 0.008
l7 886.38 0.996 128.259 0.7300 80.474 886.61 0.062 80.608 886.75 0.139
N18 887.87 0.980 126.243 0.7800 81.060 888.07 0.038 81.621 888.18 0.017
N19 888.36 0.980 126.243 0.7800 81.279 888.60 0.030 81.398 888.69 0.011
Nonene-1 889.00 0.980 126.240 0.7684
? 889.40 81.509 889.16 0.040 80.759 889.21 0.016
l8 889.78 0.996 128.259 0.7300 81.888 890.09 0.024 81.476 889.94 0.011
N20 890.51 0.980 126.243 0.7800 85.070 890.70 0.111 86.286 890.45 0.010
l9 891.29 0.996 128.259 0.7300 82.375 891.28 0.102 82.454 891.24 0.235
i-Butylcyclopentane 892.11 0.980 126.243 0.7809 82.743 892.17 0.017 82.390 892.18 0.008
N21 892.96 0.980 126.243 0.7800 83.054 892.92 0.030 82.938 892.86 0.015
? 893.20 83.607 893.23 0.030 83.590 893.22 0.009
? 894.00 80.659 893.15 0.033 81.076 893.14 0.015
t-7-Methyloctene-3 895.10 0.980 126.241 0.6826
N22 895.99 0.980 126.243 0.7800 84.408 896.11 0.057 84.519 896.14 0.029
? 896.76 84.742 896.88 0.014 84.855 896.93 0.007
N23/c-nonene-2 897.24 0.980 126.243 0.7800 84.967 897.41 0.035 85.075 897.44 0.018
t-Nonene-3 897.94 0.980 126.241 0.6826
? 898.44 84.255 898.49 0.034
l10 898.70 0.996 128.259 0.7300 85.566 898.78 0.051 85.709 898.90 0.147
? 899.19 87.478 898.94 0.046
n-Nonane 900.20 0.996 128.259 0.7176 86.082 900.00 0.214 86.186 900.01 0.086
1,1-Methylethylcyclohexane 901.39 0.980 126.243 0.8062 86.378 901.62 0.035 86.476 901.59 0.016
3,7-Dimethyloctene-1 903.40 0.980 140.270 0.7013
? 904.38 86.929 904.59 0.023 87.029 904.57 0.012
N25 905.50 0.980 126.243 0.7900 87.138 905.71 0.026 87.239 905.70 0.010
t-2,2,5,5-Tetramethylhexene-3 906.68 0.980 140.270 0.7013 87.352 906.86 0.012 85.841 906.79 0.006
i-Propylbenzene 912.28 0.933 120.195 0.8618 88.419 912.54 0.112 88.510 912.51 0.082
N26 913.43 0.980 126.243 0.7900
N27 914.45 0.980 126.243 0.7900 88.839 914.76 0.045 88.957 914.88 0.029
c-Nonene-3 915.00 0.980 126.240 0.6826 88.198 0.004
l11 916.40 0.994 142.286 0.7300 89.216 916.24 0.010
i-Propylcyclohexane 917.51 0.980 126.243 0.8022 89.365 917.50 0.020 88.849 917.53 0.009
? 918.60 90.523 918.03 0.006
l12 921.30 0.994 142.286 0.7300 90.138 921.53 0.042 90.227 921.50 0.082
2,2-Dimethyloctane 922.59 0.994 142.286 0.7245 89.707 0.018 90.591 923.41 0.025
2,4-Dimethyloctane 924.39 0.994 142.286 0.7264 90.743 924.65 0.061 90.829 924.62 0.026
N28 926.32 0.980 126.243 0.7900 89.078 926.37 0.005 90.227 0.003
N29 927.99 0.980 126.243 0.7900 91.453 928.31 0.008 88.997 928.03 0.005
2,6-Dimethyloctane 930.83 0.994 142.286 0.7276 91.999 931.09 0.038 92.075 931.02 0.018
2,5-Dimethyloctane 932.66 0.994 142.286 0.7302 92.361 932.90 0.065 92.438 932.86 0.034
? 934.00 92.042 0.002
? 934.50 92.053 0.004
n-Butylcyclopentane 936.13 0.980 126.243 0.7846 93.070 936.48 0.022
l13 937.41 0.994 142.286 0.7300 93.309 937.65 0.033 93.261 937.01 0.045
? 937.60 92.567 0.002
N30 938.04 0.980 140.270 0.8000 92.877 938.25 0.025 93.516 938.28 0.011
l14 940.39 0.994 142.286 0.7300 93.378 940.53 0.009 91.869 940.47 0.005
? 941.00 93.027 0.005
3,3-Dimethyloctane 942.30 0.994 142.286 0.7390 94.291 942.54 0.064 94.358 942.50 0.028
N31 943.42 0.980 140.270 0.8000 92.409 943.48 0.006 92.497 943.66 0.004
? 944.55 98.078 945.10 0.018 97.967 945.45 0.006
? 944.95 92.576 944.76 0.019 92.740 944.90 0.009
n-Propylbenzene 946.33 0.933 120.195 0.8620 95.116 946.61 0.627 95.182 946.55 0.401
? 947.54 93.127 947.53 0.020 93.521 947.53 0.008
3,6-Dimethyloctane 948.31 0.994 142.286 0.7363 95.496 948.44 0.023 95.564 948.39 0.011
3-Methyl-5-ethylheptane 949.41 0.994 142.286 0.7264 95.692 949.41 0.022 95.536 949.35 0.010
? 950.00 95.233 0.002 95.262 0.002

D6730 − 01 (2016)
TABLE A1.1 Continued
RFA Gasoline CCF Gasoline
Component Average RI RRF MW Density Min. Index Mass % Min. Index Mass %
N32 951.22 0.980 140.270 0.8000 96.296 951.32 0.018 95.351 0.002
? 951.50 95.460 0.004 95.442 0.002
? 953.00 95.589 0.003 95.580 0.002
1.3-Methylethylbenzene 954.42 0.933 120.195 0.8645 96.789 954.72 2.027 96.840 954.63 1.276
1,4-Methylethylbenzene 956.22 0.933 120.195 0.8612 97.157 956.49 0.878 97.212 956.42 0.571
? 957.40 94.626 957.43 0.011 96.594 0.005
N33 958.16 0.980 140.270 0.800
? 958.90 95.762 958.89 0.008 96.900 0.003
? 960.80 96.911 0.006
1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 961.92 0.933 120.195 0.8652 98.348 962.16 0.996 98.400 962.09 0.638
2,3-Dimethyloctane 961.99 0.994 142.286 0.7379
l15 963.67 0.994 142.286 0.7400 98.713 963.86 0.043 98.765 963.81 0.019
N34 964.76 0.980 140.270 0.8000
? 965.40 98.438 0.003
l16 966.53 0.994 142.286 0.7400 97.299 966.78 0.011 97.660 966.93 0.007
? 967.10 103.953 967.90 0.018 98.644 0.004
5-Methylnonane 967.89 0.994 142.286 0.7326 99.600 968.02 0.051 99.652 967.98 0.023
l17 969.41 0.994 142.286 0.7400 99.944 969.61 0.116 100.383 969.77 0.216
1,2-Methylethylbenzene 970.33 0.933 120.195 0.8807 100.146 970.57 0.605 100.194 970.52 0.447
2-Methylnonane 971.77 0.994 142.286 0.7264 100.431 971.87 0.115 100.479 971.83 0.048
? 973.00 100.210 973.37 0.017 99.457 973.29 0.011
3-Ethyloctane 974.47 0.994 142.286 0.7399 101.009 974.55 0.022 100.826 974.53 0.010
? 975.05 100.504 0.003
N35 975.89 0.980 140.270 0.8000 101.669 976.12 0.018 99.640 976.08 0.006
3-Methylnonane 977.26 0.994 142.286 0.7334 101.629 977.38 0.119 101.675 977.35 0.046
? 978.30 101.271 978.34 0.011 100.504 978.16 0.007
N36 979.33 0.980 140.270 0.8000 100.066 979.21 0.008 99.919 979.30 0.005
3-Ethyl-2-methylheptene-2 979.35 0.980 140.270 0.7013
l18 980.12 0.994 142.286 0.7400 102.306 980.46 0.029 102.362 980.49 0.065
l19 981.56 0.994 142.286 0.7400 101.282 981.67 0.007 99.704 981.50 0.007
1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 983.40 0.933 120.195 0.8758 103.003 983.63 2.813 103.032 983.55 1.829
t-butylbenzeneA 983.42 0.933 120.200 0.8665
l20 985.82 0.994 142.286 0.7400 103.376 985.29 0.014 102.881 985.32 0.011
i-Butylcyclohexane 986.27 0.980 140.270 0.7960 103.606 986.32 0.023 103.402 986.29 0.010
l21 987.40 0.994 142.286 0.7400 103.819 987.26 0.044 103.845 987.19 0.025
? 987.60 104.866 987.79 0.026
l22 988.00 0.994 142.286 0.7400 105.334 988.43 0.018 102.938 987.84 0.019
? 988.60 102.239 988.63 0.009 102.157 988.55 0.005
l23 989.12 0.994 142.286 0.7400 103.648 989.04 0.011 103.593 0.002
N37 990.53 0.980 140.270 0.8000 104.581 990.68 0.015 104.365 990.61 0.006
? 991.24 104.174 991.37 0.010 103.370 991.29 0.005
Decene-1 992.81 0.990 140.270 0.7408 103.762 992.78 0.009 103.952 992.90 0.004
1t-Methyl-2-n-propylcyclohexane 993.55 0.980 140.270 0.8000
2,3-Dimethyloctene-2 993.56 0.990 140.270 0.7400
l24 993.70 0.994 142.286 0.7400 105.255 993.65 0.053 105.375 993.99 0.041
? 994.20 107.662 994.18 0.029
i-Butylbenzene 995.95 0.938 134.222 0.8532 105.781 995.97 0.063 105.813 995.95 0.046
l25 996.84 0.994 142.286 0.7400 105.356 996.81 0.021 105.398 996.72 0.024
Sec-Butylbenzene 997.79 0.938 134.222 0.8620 106.237 997.97 0.054 106.270 997.95 0.040
? 998.70 105.784 0.005 105.732 0.002
? 999.30 105.862 0.004
n-Decane 1000.20 0.994 142.286 0.7300 106.708 999.99 0.080 106.737 999.97 0.038
l26 1001.71 0.993 156.313 0.7400 106.952 1001.70 0.011 106.990 1001.72 0.016
N38 1003.39 0.980 140.260 0.8000 107.189 1003.32 0.028 107.218 1003.28 0.017
1,2,3-Trimethylbenzene 1006.88 0.933 120.195 0.8944 107.705 1006.91 0.539 107.732 1006.87 0.323
1,3-Methyl-i-propylbenzene 1009.84 0.938 134.222 0.8610 108.117 1009.73 0.058 108.144 1009.70 0.048
N39 1011.33 0.980 154.290 0.8000
1,4-Methyl-i-propylbenzene 1013.24 0.938 134.222 0.8573 108.602 1013.08 0.034 108.638 1013.12 0.025
l27 1014.33 0.993 156.313 0.7400 106.759 1014.42 0.005 105.253 1014.26 0.002
l28 1015.86 0.993 156.313 0.7400 112.126 1016.63 0.012 113.222 1016.31 0.010
l29 1017.87 0.993 156.313 0.7400 107.874 1017.86 0.012 106.471 1017.20 0.009
2-3-Dihydroindene 1019.44 0.918 118.179 0.9640 109.504 1019.21 0.341 109.532 1019.21 0.163
? 1022.40 109.027 0.006 109.056 0.002
Sec-butylcyclohexane 1023.07 0.980 140.270 0.8140 107.271 1022.40 0.008 108.837 1022.14 0.007
l30 1024.82 0.993 156.313 0.7400 110.213 1023.97 0.028 110.225 1023.86 0.013
? 1026.50 108.990 1026.17 0.022 107.795 1026.59 0.011
1,2-Methyl-i-propylbenzene 1027.73 0.938 134.222 0.8766 110.677 1027.07 0.031 110.675 1026.86 0.017
? 1028.40 110.218 0.002
3-Ethylnonane 1029.40 0.993 156.313 0.7440 110.240 0.003 110.276 0.002
? 1031.13 111.214 1030.68 0.011 111.238 1030.69 0.015
N40 1032.29 0.980 154.290 0.8000
l31 1033.20 0.993 156.313 0.7400 111.495 1032.55 0.048 111.515 1032.54 0.020
l32 1036.92 0.993 154.290 0.8000 112.055 1036.34 0.021 111.809 1036.22 0.008

D6730 − 01 (2016)
TABLE A1.1 Continued
RFA Gasoline CCF Gasoline
Component Average RI RRF MW Density Min. Index Mass % Min. Index Mass %
? 1038.53 112.295 1037.88 0.012 112.295 1037.71 0.008
1,3-Diethylbenzene 1039.97 0.938 134.222 0.8639 112.538 1039.49 0.205 112.563 1039.49 0.112
1,3-Methyl-n-propylbenzene 1042.60 0.938 134.222 0.8609 112.944 1042.17 0.400 112.967 1042.18 0.232
l33 1044.35 0.993 156.313 0.7400 112.500 1044.04 0.020 112.163 1043.97 0.008
1,4-Diethylbenzene 1045.25 0.938 134.222 0.8620
1,4-Methyl-n-propylbenzene 1046.40 0.938 134.222 0.8584 113.528 1046.00 0.237 113.550 1046.00 0.135
n-Butylbenzene 1047.48 0.938 134.222 0.8610 113.688 1047.04 0.121 113.710 1047.05 0.063
1,3-Dimethyl-5-ethylbenzene 1049.78 0.938 134.222 0.8800 114.044 1049.36 0.392 114.064 1049.35 0.218
1,2-Diethylbenzene 1051.72 0.938 134.222 0.8799 114.349 1051.35 0.043 114.372 1051.36 0.024
l34 1051.80 0.993 156.313 0.7400 113.736 0.003
t-Decahydronaphthalene 1053.12 0.980 154.290 0.8000 110.769 1052.71 0.004 110.626 1052.67 0.002
N41 1054.60 0.980 154.290 0.8000 114.769 1054.07 0.017 111.829 1054.53 0.008
? 1055.80 114.310 0.007
? 1056.50 115.938 1056.62 0.013 114.197 1056.55 0.007
1,2-Methyl-n-propylbenzene 1057.87 0.938 134.222 0.8736 115.304 1057.54 0.150 115.324 1057.56 0.078
l35 1058.87 0.993 156.313 0.7400 114.740 0.004 114.800 0.003
? 1059.00 114.838 0.002
? 1059.50 114.918 0.003
l36 1060.15 0.993 156.313 0.7400 115.058 0.008 115.622 1061.18 0.013
l37 1062.62 0.993 156.313 0.7400 116.030 1062.17 0.045 116.044 1062.16 0.020
? 1063.96 113.810 1063.86 0.006 115.398 0.005
l38 1065.53 0.993 156.313 0.7400 116.492 1065.12 0.038 116.508 1065.12 0.015
1,4,Dimethyl-2-ethylbenzene 1068.05 0.938 134.222 0.8772 116.905 1067.76 0.264 116.920 1067.77 0.140
A3 1068.90 0.938 134.222 0.8594
1,3-Dimethyl-4-ethylbenzene 1069.53 0.938 134.222 0.8594 117.158 1069.36 0.307 117.173 1069.38 0.158
l39 1071.12 0.993 156.313 0.7400 114.335 1071.04 0.015 114.937 1071.08 0.005
? 1072.49 113.681 1072.50 0.003 116.744 0.006
? 1073.00 116.736 0.005
l40 1074.39 0.993 156.313 0.7400 117.933 1074.24 0.178 118.598 1073.91 0.068
1,2-Dimethyl-4-ethylbenzene 1075.25 0.938 134.222 0.8745 118.068 1075.08 0.426 118.079 1075.09 0.250
? 1076.00 117.400 0.002
? 1077.00 117.638 0.003
? 1078.00 115.592 1078.25 0.007 114.048 1078.31 0.005
l41 1079.65 0.993 156.313 0.7400 118.759 1079.41 0.012 117.600 1079.52 0.006
1,3-Dimethyl-2-ethylbenzene 1080.68 0.938 134.222 0.8904 118.945 1080.60 0.031 118.958 1080.62 0.017
l42 1081.60 0.993 156.313 0.7400 114.969 1081.44 0.003 114.988 1081.58 0.003
? 1083.35 118.280 0.002
? 1083.60 118.402 0.003
l43 1084.18 0.993 156.313 0.7400 119.495 1084.00 0.016 118.753 1084.00 0.008
? 1085.30 118.946 1085.34 0.009 116.463 1085.44 0.004
? 1086.54 119.122 1086.45 0.009 118.927 0.006
? 1087.50 117.379 1088.22 0.004
? 1088.80 120.278 1088.86 0.011 117.484 1088.96 0.004
Undecene-1 1090.45 0.980 154.300 0.7503 120.533 1090.42 0.022 120.544 1090.44 0.012
1,4-Methyl-t-butylbenzene 1092.00 0.942 148.240 0.8500 120.778 1091.92 0.038 120.788 1091.96 0.018
1,2-Dimethyl-3-ethylbenzene 1093.12 0.938 134.222 0.8921 120.985 1093.18 0.113 120.993 1093.22 0.058
? 1094.89 117.966 1094.87 0.008 117.921 1094.88 0.004
? 1095.78 118.105 1095.78 0.013 118.273 1095.78 0.007
1,2-Ethyl-i-propylbenzene 1097.22 0.942 148.240 0.8900 121.661 1097.33 0.011 119.139 1097.36 0.005
? 1098.54 118.119 1098.85 0.009 119.095 1098.88 0.003
? 1099.00 120.899 0.005 125.366 1099.10 0.004
n-Undecane 1100.00 0.993 156.313 0.7440 122.105 1100.03 0.053 122.106 1100.03 0.020
1,4-Ethyl-i-propylbenzene 1102.50 0.942 148.240 0.8900 122.417 1102.56 0.012 121.163 1102.56 0.006
1,2,4,5-Tetramethylbenzene 1104.83 0.938 134.222 0.8875 122.718 1104.99 0.234 122.720 1105.00 0.116
1,2-Methyl-n-butylbenzene 1107.30 0.942 148.240 0.8900
1,2,3,5-Tetramethylbenzene 1108.79 0.938 134.222 0.8903 123.207 1108.93 0.319 123.208 1108.94 0.158
? 1110.82 119.539 1110.82 0.006 122.376 0.005
? 1112.39 122.367 0.002
? 1113.53 123.033 1112.50 0.047 123.661 1112.56 0.007
? 1115.92 126.210 1113.03 0.045 122.689 0.003
? 1117.49 124.100 1116.08 0.023 123.509 1115.99 0.008
? 1119.00 120.791 1117.53 0.007 124.824 1116.58 0.011
? 1119.50 123.251 0.001
? 1120.13 124.606 1120.12 0.017 124.435 1120.07 0.006
? 1121.30 124.756 1121.30 0.015 123.419 1121.29 0.005
1,2-Methyl-t-butylbenzene 1122.80 0.942 148.240 0.8900
? 1124.62 123.227 1124.59 0.006 124.027 0.006
? 1126.18 127.869 1126.31 0.007
5-Methylindan 1127.35 0.938 132.200 0.8900 125.539 1127.50 0.300 125.538 1127.50 0.122
? 1127.30 124.651 0.002
l43 1131.42 0.992 170.340 0.7530 126.032 1131.37 0.020 125.747 1131.30 0.008
4-Methylindan 1133.70 0.938 132.200 0.8900 126.337 1133.74 0.072 126.333 1133.72 0.031
? 1134.90 134.919 1134.95 0.032 135.048 1134.95 0.013

D6730 − 01 (2016)
TABLE A1.1 Continued
RFA Gasoline CCF Gasoline
Component Average RI RRF MW Density Min. Index Mass % Min. Index Mass %
1,2-Ethyl-n-propylbenzene 1136.52 0.942 148.240 0.8900 126.698 1136.56 0.105 126.692 1136.53 0.043
2-Methylindan 1138.11 0.938 132.200 0.9034 126.908 1138.22 0.289 126.903 1138.20 0.121
1,3-Methyl-n-butylbenzene 1140.67 0.942 148.240 0.8900 127.238 1140.79 0.029 127.233 1140.74 0.012
1,3-Di-i-propylbenzene 1142.70 0.945 162.272 0.8900 127.496 1142.79 0.103 127.490 1142.77 0.050
s-Pentylbenzene 1144.27 0.942 148.240 0.8900 127.697 1144.35 0.084 127.692 1144.33 0.033
? 1146.90 129.097 1146.97 0.008 126.758 0.004
n-Pentylbenzene 1149.04 0.942 148.240 0.8900 128.303 1149.00 0.123 128.297 1148.99 0.053
? 1149.83 127.775 1149.87 0.039 129.737 1149.75 0.015
1t-M-2-(4-MP)cyclopentane 1151.80 0.980 168.320 0.8000
1,2-Di-propylbenzene 1153.16 0.945 162.272 0.8900 128.847 1153.19 0.045 128.839 1153.17 0.019
? 1154.09 128.970 1154.13 0.046 128.961 1154.11 0.019
? 1155.98 127.861 0.005 127.862 0.004
? 1157.64 129.427 1157.63 0.051 128.886 1157.45 0.021
? 1158.00 130.655 1158.06 0.023
1,4-Di-i-propylbenzene 1159.52 0.945 162.272 0.8900 129.675 1159.53 0.079 129.666 1159.51 0.033
Tetrahydronaphthalene 1163.30 0.924 132.206 0.9695 130.166 1163.27 0.034 130.156 1163.24 0.013
? 1165.13 128.975 0.004 128.924 0.002
? 1166.34 129.516 1166.43 0.076 130.568 1166.34 0.030
Naphthalene 1168.01 0.896 128.174 1.0253 130.803 1168.08 0.438 130.792 1168.05 0.190
? 1168.50 129.780 0.004 129.802 0.006
1-t-Butyl-3,5-dimethylbenzene 1169.25 0.945 162.272 0.8900 140.612 1169.00 0.013
1,4-Ethyl-t-butylbenzene 1173.72 0.945 162.272 0.8900 131.554 1173.75 0.083 131.544 1173.73 0.030
l45 1177.88 0.942 170.300 0.7530 132.112 1177.91 0.124 132.101 1177.89 0.047
l46 1179.46 0.942 170.300 0.7530 132.325 1179.51 0.062 132.313 1179.48 0.022
? 1181.20 131.043 0.003 131.107 0.003
l47 1183.44 0.942 170.300 0.7530 132.864 1183.52 0.083 132.850 1183.47 0.032
l48 1187.14 0.942 170.300 0.7530 133.358 1187.20 0.071 133.347 1187.17 0.027
1,3-Di-n-propylbenzene 1188.64 0.945 162.272 0.8900 133.560 1188.67 0.077 133.547 1188.66 0.032
A5 1190.24 0.945 162.272 0.8900 133.778 1190.29 0.052 133.765 1190.26 0.023
? 1191.00 132.431 0.009 132.415 0.005
Dodecene-1 1192.19 0.980 168.330 0.7584 129.949 1192.19 0.012 132.673 0.005
? 1193.83 130.211 1193.93 0.012 130.350 1193.95 0.004
? 1194.60 132.870 1194.59 0.011
? 1196.00 129.167 1196.71 0.006 133.044 0.003
A6 1198.52 0.945 162.272 0.8900 134.904 1198.56 0.040 134.888 1198.53 0.016
n-Dodecane 1200.00 0.992 170.340 0.7530 135.106 1200.07 0.046 135.089 1200.03 0.016
? 1202.51 135.377 1202.51 0.013 135.454 1202.41 0.007
? 1204.12 132.955 1204.05 0.025 132.926 1204.09 0.009
? 1205.70 132.109 1205.60 0.002 134.038 0.004
? 1208.41 136.041 1208.47 0.029 136.025 1208.45 0.010
1,3,5-Triethylbenzene 1211.79 0.945 162.272 0.8897 136.427 1211.94 0.015 135.785 1211.76 0.005
? 1212.90 132.913 1213.33 0.015 132.196 1213.37 0.007
? 1213.71 135.006 1213.74 0.017 139.107 1214.01 0.006
? 1215.50 147.556 1215.90 0.028 141.394 1215.65 0.014
? 1216.27 137.053 1217.68 0.059 137.053 1217.63 0.020
? 1217.50 135.296 0.036
? 1220.12 133.673 1220.92 0.007 135.640 0.005
? 1220.90 135.780 1220.94 0.009 131.628 1220.92 0.002
? 1222.36 137.009 1222.52 0.057 136.986 1222.46 0.021
? 1223.70 144.395 1223.59 0.051 144.409 1223.50 0.020
? 1225.08 137.897 1225.05 0.061 137.878 1224.99 0.023
? 1228.60 138.310 1228.69 0.031 138.291 1228.66 0.011
? 1230.00 136.676 0.020 136.675 0.008
1,2,4-Triethylbenzene 1230.83 0.945 162.272 0.8897 138.551 1230.60 0.019 137.335 1230.73 0.008
? 1232.23 139.172 1232.17 0.027 136.248 1232.12 0.009
? 1235.00 149.881 1235.00 0.008 137.282 0.013
? 1236.42 140.655 1236.40 0.030 141.732 1236.33 0.013
? 1237.42 136.485 1237.39 0.038 136.151 1237.46 0.014
? 1238.00 150.631 1238.00 0.009 137.580 0.002
1,4-Methyl-n-pentylbenzene 1241.71 0.945 162.272 0.8897 139.782 1241.65 0.111 139.761 1241.62 0.041
? 1242.50 151.463 1243.85 0.047
? 1244.15 140.120 1244.60 0.040 140.045 1244.10 0.018
? 1245.00 142.998 1246.66 0.013 136.979 1245.15 0.005
? 1246.48 140.387 1246.86 0.016 140.890 1246.61 0.006
? 1248.73 140.651 1249.22 0.015 139.999 1248.99 0.006
? 1251.16 140.918 1251.54 0.033 140.895 1251.51 0.012
n-Hexylbenzene 1252.85 0.945 162.272 0.8897 141.130 1253.37 0.048 141.107 1253.34 0.019
? 1254.25 137.178 1254.09 0.006 139.194 0.003
? 1255.61 138.479 1255.85 0.108 136.643 1255.74 0.042
? 1257.39 144.513 1257.88 0.040 146.044 1257.31 0.030
? 1259.54 138.912 1259.82 0.053 138.882 1259.85 0.020
? 1262.15 142.153 1262.20 0.020 142.129 1262.17 0.007
? 1262.55 139.337 1263.68 0.017 137.487 1263.60 0.006

D6730 − 01 (2016)
TABLE A1.1 Continued
RFA Gasoline CCF Gasoline
Component Average RI RRF MW Density Min. Index Mass % Min. Index Mass %
? 1264.03 144.425 1265.33 0.014 149.847 1265.65 0.008
? 1265.92 142.689 1266.78 0.043 142.663 1266.76 0.016
? 1266.71 155.002 1268.55 0.025 154.983 1268.25 0.010
? 1269.02 139.934 1269.13 0.031 139.907 1269.18 0.011
l49 1270.79 0.991 184.370 0.7560 143.152 1270.72 0.016 138.284 1270.93 0.005
? 1271.58 140.243 1271.91 0.011 138.379 1271.81 0.004
? 1273.13 143.553 1273.26 0.020 143.558 1273.31 0.009
1,2,3,4,5-Pentamethylbenzene 1274.04 0.942 148.240 1.0000 143.534 1273.98 0.094 143.510 1273.98 0.035
? 1276.70 141.702 0.004
? 1277.23 143.318 1277.27 0.007
? 1279.96 144.231 1279.89 0.023 144.205 1279.88 0.008
2-Methylnaphthalene 1282.57 0.903 143.170 1.0200 144.522 1282.34 0.431 144.494 1282.33 0.171
? 1286.59 144.932 1285.80 0.034 142.460 1285.86 0.014
? 1287.50 157.493 1285.55 0.036 152.473 1286.23 0.013
? 1288.77 145.273 1288.67 0.032 144.965 1288.52 0.013
Tridecene-1 1290.10 0.980 182.350 0.7658 143.309 0.002
? 1292.41 150.934 1292.15 0.015 143.429 0.002
? 1293.81 145.906 1293.96 0.020 144.668 1293.93 0.007
? 1295.08 142.847 1295.31 0.019 142.817 1295.36 0.008
1-Methylnaphthalene 1297.72 0.903 143.170 1.0200 146.330 1297.50 0.175 146.303 1297.49 0.074
n-Tridecane 1300.00 0.991 184.370 0.7564 146.635 1300.11 0.040 146.604 1300.09 0.013
C14+ 1300.50 0.361 0.127
Components known to co-elute. Unknown components whose group type are known are named with a letter (that is, O for olefin) and a consecutive number. If
consecutive numbers are missing, they have been identified by name.

TABLE A1.2 Analyses of Naphtha, Reformate, Alkylate, and Other Refinery Streams

NOTE 1—These data consist of analyses of various refinery samples and the purpose for this table is to illustrate that the DHA test method is equally applicable to other refinery samples as well
as to the analysis of spark-ignition engine gasolines. This table presents the retention times and retention indices of the components covering a range of different concentrations as well as the actual
File: DHA94098.D File: DHA94099.D File: DHA94101.D File: DHA94105.D File: DHA94108.D
Coopera- Sample: PONA-Va Sample: HFLA C-Matrix Sample: Platformate Sample: No. 1 Ref Naphtha Sample: ASTM Indolene Standard
Component tive Study *NJ* Reference Mixture Auto/Oil C-Matrix Alkylate Auto/Oil C-Matrix Reformate ASTM No. 1 Reference Sample ASTM D02 Reference Standard
Average RI Min. Index Mass % Min. Index Mass % Min. Index Mass % Min. Index Mass% Min. Index Mass %
Methane 100.00
Ethylene 178.10
Ethane 200.00 6.70 201.5 0.033
Propylene 284.00
Propane 300.00 7.20 300.0 0.166
i-Butane 366.15 8.13 366.0 0.099 8.15 366.1 0.036 8.15 366.0 0.350
Methanol 378.82 8.42 378.6 0.362
Butene-1 390.72 8.74 390.6 0.087 8.75 390.6 0.007
Isobutylene 391.51 8.76 391.5 0.090
1,3-Butadiene 394.93 8.87 395.1 0.005
n-Butane 400.00 9.02 400.0 0.315 9.02 400.0 0.155 9.04 400.0 0.596 9.04 400.0 1.844
Vinyl acetylene 409.00
t-Butene-2 412.09 9.38 412.0 0.353 9.40 412.0 0.003 9.40 412.1 0.005
2,2-Dimethylpropane 415.10 9.46 414.6 0.005 9.49 414.7 0.024
c-Butene-2 427.74 9.92 427.5 0.438 9.94 427.6 0.004 9.95 427.6 0.012
1,2-Butadiene 450.00
Ethanol 455.33 11.13 454.8 6.914
3-Methylbutene-1 460.84 11.43 460.5 0.418 11.46 460.6 0.005 11.47 460.6 0.021
O1 469.00
O2 474.00
i-Pentane 477.45 12.43 477.2 9.757 12.43 477.2 11.716 12.45 477.1 3.248 12.45 477.1 0.158 12.46 477.1 5.163

*Acetone 477.55
1,4-Pentadiene 481.18 12.70 481.1 0.004
Butyne-2 488.00
Pentene-1 490.83 13.40 490.8 0.951 13.43 490.9 0.007 13.44 490.9 0.041
i-Propanol 493.38 13.58 493.1 0.310
2-Methylbutene-1 496.66 13.87 496.7 1.811 13.90 496.8 0.029 13.91 496.8 0.099
n-Pentane 500.00 14.14 500.0 1.850 14.14 500.0 0.599 14.17 500.0 2.693 14.17 500.0 0.428 14.18 500.0 2.875
D6730 − 01 (2016)

Isoprene 506.02 14.47 506.0 0.072

t-Pentene-2 510.56 14.74 510.7 1.641 14.77 510.9 0.022 14.78 510.8 0.090
3,3-Dimethylbutene-1 516.79 15.09 516.8 0.016
c-Pentene-2 519.53 15.27 519.7 0.888 15.30 519.9 0.012 15.31 519.8 0.055
t-Butanol 521.64 15.37 521.4 0.250
2-Methylbutene-2 524.92 15.61 525.2 1.980 15.61 525.3 0.005 15.64 525.3 0.060 15.65 525.2 0.165
1t,3-Pentadiene 527.97 15.81 528.3 0.042
3-Methylbutadiene-1,2 535.00
Cyclopentadiene 538.05 16.48 538.3 0.015
2,2-Dimethylbutane 540.54 16.64 540.7 0.087 16.64 540.6 0.005 16.67 540.6 0.185 16.67 540.6 0.067 16.68 540.6 0.330
1c,3-Pentadiene 541.90
O5 547.70
O6 549.70
Cyclopentene 557.21 17.91 557.5 0.157 17.94 557.5 0.020
n-Propanol 560.00
4-Methylpentene-1 562.02 18.31 562.5 0.062 18.35 562.5 0.011
3-Methylpentene-1 562.81 18.37 563.2 0.097 18.41 563.2 0.013
Cyclopentane 566.84 18.70 567.1 0.140 18.70 567.1 0.007 18.72 567.1 0.094 18.72 567.0 0.190 18.73 567.1 0.232
2,3-Dimethylbutane 569.24 18.91 569.6 0.611 18.90 569.5 2.601 18.93 569.6 0.346 18.94 569.6 0.228 18.95 569.6 1.522
Methyl-t-butylether 570.65 19.01 570.8 0.731
4-Methyl-c-pentene-2 571.00 19.09 571.4 0.008 19.10 571.4 0.018
2,3-Dimethylbutene-1 572.67 19.21 573.1 0.061 19.25 573.0 0.009
2-Methylpentane 573.70 19.30 574.1 2.213 19.29 573.9 0.754 19.32 574.1 1.878 19.33 574.0 1.857 19.34 574.0 2.536
TABLE A1.2 Continued
File: DHA94098.D File: DHA94099.D File: DHA94101.D File: DHA94105.D File: DHA94108.D
Coopera- Sample: PONA-Va Sample: HFLA C-Matrix Sample: Platformate Sample: No. 1 Ref Naphtha Sample: ASTM Indolene Standard
Component tive Study *NJ* Reference Mixture Auto/Oil C-Matrix Alkylate Auto/Oil C-Matrix Reformate ASTM No. 1 Reference Sample ASTM D02 Reference Standard
Average RI Min. Index Mass % Min. Index Mass % Min. Index Mass % Min. Index Mass% Min. Index Mass %
4-Methyl-t-pentene-2 575.47 19.46 575.9 0.175 19.49 575.9 0.012 19.50 575.9 0.027
O8 578.00
2-Methyl-1,4- 579.00
1.5-Hexadiene 581.90
3-Methylpentane 585.52 20.38 585.7 1.450 20.37 585.6 0.356 20.40 585.7 1.441 20.41 585.7 1.332 20.42 585.7 1.831
2-Methylpentene-1 590.19 29.83 590.4 0.288 20.86 590.4 0.015 20.88 590.4 0.041
Hexene-1 591.06 20.92 591.2 0.157 20.95 591.3 0.005 20.97 591.2 0.020
O11 592.00
i-Butanol 593.50
1c/t,4-Hexadiene 597.14
2-Ethylbutene-1 598.95
n-Hexane 600.00 21.83 600.0 1.754 21.85 600.0 1.735 21.86 600.0 3.609 21.87 600.0 2.573
Diisopropylether 601.90
t-Hexene-3 602.83 22.06 602.9 0.323 22.09 603.0 0.010 22.11 603.0 0.035
c-Hexene-3 603.56 22.11 603.6 0.076 22.15 603.8 0.002
r-Hexene-2 605.44 22.27 605.5 0.436 22.30 605.6 0.014 22.32 605.5 0.049
2-Methylpentene-2 607.86 22.47 608.0 0.547 22.50 608.0 0.028 22.52 608.0 0.073
3-Methyl-c-pentene-2 610.54 22.68 610.6 0.308 22.71 610.7 0.018 22.73 610.6 0.041
3-Methylcyclopentene 611.61 22.76 611.5 0.040 22.81 611.5 0.007
O13 613.08 22.90 613.2 0.003
c-Hexene-2 614.67 23.04 614.8 0.250 23.07 614.8 0.008 23.08 614.8 0.028
O14 617.06 23.23 617.1 0.005
Ethyl-t-butylether 619.00

3,3-Dimethylpentene-1 620.91 23.58 621.1 0.602 23.60 621.1 0.026 23.63 621.1 0.053
3-Methyl-t-pentene-2 622.11 23.70 622.4 0.009
2-Butanol 622.40
4,4-Dimethyl-t- 623.10
2,2-Dimethylpentane 624.17 23.86 624.3 0.053 23.86 624.0 0.006 23.88 624.2 0.118 23.89 624.2 0.104 23.91 624.2 0.174
Methylcyclopentane 625.86 23.99 625.7 1.057 24.02 625.7 0.310 24.03 625.7 2.226 24.04 625.7 0.982
D6730 − 01 (2016)

Cyclic Diolefin or tri- 627.00

2,4-Dimethylpentane 630.60 24.45 630.8 0.768 24.47 630.8 8.169 24.47 630.7 0.243 24.48 630.7 0.192 24.50 630.7 1.039
2,3,3- 631.00
Cyclic Diolefin or tri- 632.90 24.67 633.1 0.013
2,2,3-Trimethylbutane 634.86 24.83 634.9 0.046 24.83 634.7 0.057 24.86 634.9 0.010 24.87 634.8 0.027 24.88 634.8 0.091
636.38 25.00 636.6 0.010
Cyclic diolefin or tri- 638.30 25.16 638.4 0.011
O17 641.97 25.52 642.0 0.006
3,4-Dimethylpentene-1 642.87 25.60 642.9 0.017
4,4-Dimethyl-c- 646.65 25.99 646.8 0.029 26.00 646.6 0.005 26.04 646.8 0.006
2,4-Dimethylpentene-1 647.67 26.06 647.6 0.021
Diolefin 647.70
1-Methylcyclopentene 648.71 26.18 648.7 0.328 26.24 648.7 0.042
Benzene 649.92 26.29 649.8 0.541 26.32 649.8 1.786 26.33 649.7 0.445 26.35 649.8 1.506
3-Ethylpentene-1 650.00
*n-Butanol 650.02
3-Methylhexene-1 650.95 26.42 651.0 0.038
2-Methyl-c-hexene-3 652.60 26.60 652.8 0.020 26.61 652.7 0.003
TABLE A1.2 Continued
File: DHA94098.D File: DHA94099.D File: DHA94101.D File: DHA94105.D File: DHA94108.D
Coopera- Sample: PONA-Va Sample: HFLA C-Matrix Sample: Platformate Sample: No. 1 Ref Naphtha Sample: ASTM Indolene Standard
Component tive Study *NJ* Reference Mixture Auto/Oil C-Matrix Alkylate Auto/Oil C-Matrix Reformate ASTM No. 1 Reference Sample ASTM D02 Reference Standard
Average RI Min. Index Mass % Min. Index Mass % Min. Index Mass % Min. Index Mass% Min. Index Mass %
3,3-Dimethylpentane 654.43 26.77 654.4 0.049 26.77 654.2 0.009 26.80 654.5 0.109 26.81 654.4 0.073 26.82 654.4 0.161
5-Methylhexene-1 655.56 26.91 655.8 0.038 26.95 656.0 0.007 26.97 655.8 0.007
Cyclohexane 657.81 27.10 657.6 0.513 27.13 657.7 0.040 27.14 657.5 1.886 27.16 657.6 0.717
2-Methyl-t-hexene-3 661.03 27.49 661.2 0.078 27.51 661.2 0.006 27.54 661.2 0.011
Diolefin (hexadiene) 661.30
2-Ethyl-3- 662.60 27.65 662.7 0.014
4-Methylhexene-1 663.81 27.77 663.9 0.049 27.84 663.9 0.008
4-Methyl-t/c-hexene-2 666.23 28.05 666.4 0.138 28.08 666.4 0.012 28.09 666.2 0.020
2-Methylhexane 667.61 28.19 667.7 1.337 28.23 667.8 0.310 28.22 667.7 1.382 28.23 667.6 1.464 28.25 667.7 1.452
2,3-Dimethylpentane 668.84 28.32 668.8 1.179 28.37 669.0 13.267 28.35 668.8 0.484 28.37 668.8 0.539 28.38 668.8 1.229
5-Methyl-t-hexene-2 669.80
1,1-Dimethylcyclo- 671.25 28.58 671.1 0.085 28.61 671.1 0.048 28.62 671.0 0.508 28.64 671.1 0.130
t-Amylmethylether 672.48 28.71 672.3 0.200
Cyclohexene 673.69 28.85 673.5 0.050 28.91 673.4 0.009
3-Methylhexane 675.89 29.13 675.9 1.351 29.13 675.7 0.310 29.17 676.0 1.743 29.17 675.8 1.775 29.20 675.9 1.771
1,6-Heptadiene 677.40
3,4-Dimethyl-c- 679.46 29.55 679.5 0.049 29.59 679.6 0.005 29.61 679.5 0.012
5-Methyl-c-hexene-2 680.00
1c,3-Dimethylcyclo- 681.68 29.79 681.5 0.376 29.83 681.6 0.076 29.84 681.4 1.014 29.86 681.6 0.279
1t,3-Dimethylcyclo- 684.37 30.12 684.2 0.331 30.15 684.3 0.081 30.16 684.1 0.950 30.18 684.2 0.255

3-Ethylpentane 685.98 30.34 686.0 0.189 30.36 686.0 0.009 30.34 685.8 0.175 30.36 685.7 0.169 30.38 685.9 0.183
1t,2-Dimethylcyclo- 687.07 30.44 686.9 0.359 30.48 686.9 0.097 30.49 686.8 1.785 30.51 686.9 0.446
2,2,4-Trimethylpentane 688.48 30.63 688.4 1.852 30.75 689.1 30.506 30.66 688.2 0.006 30.71 688.6 5.212
Heptene-1 688.60
2-Ethylpentene-1 689.58 30.78 689.6 0.071
1,5-Heptadiene 691.60 30.97 691.2 0.002 31.05 691.3 0.003
D6730 − 01 (2016)

O25 692.89
3-Methyl-c-hexene-3 694.82 31.45 694.9 0.087 31.48 694.9 0.009 31.51 694.9 0.013
t-heptene-3 698.39 31.90 698.4 0.289 31.94 698.5 0.017 31.97 698.5 0.035
n-Heptane 700.00 32.11 700.0 1.810 32.14 700.0 1.304 32.17 700.0 4.808 32.18 700.0 1.914
c-Heptene-3 701.00
2-Methyl-2-hexene 701.30
3-Methyl-c-hexene-2 702.30 32.41 702.1 0.355 32.45 702.2 0.032 32.48 702.1 0.043
3-Methyl-t-hexene-3 702.99 32.55 703.1 0.130 32.59 703.1 0.012 32.62 703.1 0.016
t-Heptene-2 704.58 32.78 704.7 0.170 32.82 704.7 0.009 32.85 704.7 0.017
3-Ethylpentene-2 705.96 32.99 706.1 0.074 33.03 706.1 0.005 33.06 706.1 0.010
c-Heptene-2 708.82 33.40 708.8 0.252 33.44 708.9 0.020 33.48 708.9 0.041
3-Methyl-t-hexene-2 709.50
O28 710.53
2,3-Dimehylpentene-2 712.07 33.90 742.1 0.160 33.98 712.5 0.014 33.97 712.1 0.014
3-Ethylcyclopentene 713.22
O29 715.67 34.43 715.5 0.015
1c,2-Dimethylcyclo- 717.13 34.75 717.6 1.667 34.68 717.0 0.028
Methylcyclohexane 717.89 34.74 717.4 0.005 34.78 717.6 0.094 34.82 717.6 5.093 34.82 717.6 1.113
O30 719.00
2,2-Dimethylhexane 720.70 35.21 720.5 0.174 35.19 720.1 0.008 35.23 720.4 0.126 35.27 720.4 0.748 35.28 720.5 0.199
*1,1,3-Trimethyl- 720.72
TABLE A1.2 Continued
File: DHA94098.D File: DHA94099.D File: DHA94101.D File: DHA94105.D File: DHA94108.D
Coopera- Sample: PONA-Va Sample: HFLA C-Matrix Sample: Platformate Sample: No. 1 Ref Naphtha Sample: ASTM Indolene Standard
Component tive Study *NJ* Reference Mixture Auto/Oil C-Matrix Alkylate Auto/Oil C-Matrix Reformate ASTM No. 1 Reference Sample ASTM D02 Reference Standard
Average RI Min. Index Mass % Min. Index Mass % Min. Index Mass % Min. Index Mass% Min. Index Mass %
O32 721.00
O33 722.00
O34 723.00
O35 724.35 35.82 724.3 0.019
O36 726.26 36.14 726.2 0.014
Ethylcyclopentane 728.90 36.56 728.7 0.254 36.59 728.7 0.066 36.61 728.6 0.373 36.64 728.7 0.112
2,5-Dimethylhexane 730.05 36.78 730.0 0.386 36.80 729.9 2.941 36.82 730.1 0.211 36.84 729.9 0.258 36.87 730.1 1.326
2,2,3-Trimethylpentane 730.90
2,4-Dimethylhexane 731.84 37.08 731.8 0.480 37.10 731.7 3.098 37.12 731.9 0.387 37.14 731.7 0.295 37.17 731.9 0.849
733.53 37.37 733.5 0.015
O37 735.18
1c,2t,4-Trimethyl- 737.11 37.97 737.0 0.208 38.01 737.0 0.052 38.03 736.8 0.703 38.06 737.0 0.137
3,3-Dimethylhexane 738.39 38.20 738.3 0.045 38.24 738.3 0.084 38.26 738.1 0.098 38.29 738.3 0.088
O38 740.43 38.60 740.5 0.008
742.18 38.91 742.2 0.015
743.20 39.07 743.1 0.019
1t,2c,3-Trimethyl- 744.21 39.24 744.0 0.196 39.28 744.1 0.035 39.30 743.9 0.871 39.33 744.1 0.156
O39 745.34
2,3,4-Trimethylpentane 746.83 39.73 746.7 0.497 39.79 746.8 8.132 39.77 746.8 0.016 39.79 746.6 0.052 39.84 746.8 2.781
l1 747.91 39.95 747.9 0.198 40.01 748.0 0.009 40.02 747.8 0.004
O40 749.37 40.21 749.3 0.060
2,3,3-Trimethylpentane 750.84 40.47 750.6 0.302 40.52 750.7 6.021 40.58 750.8 2.818
Toluene 751.77 40.64 751.5 2.306 40.78 752.1 12.895 40.70 751.4 1.930 40.77 751.8 7.664

O41 752.20
O42 753.63 41.03 753.6 0.031
O43 755.33 41.35 755.3 0.060
2,3-Dimethylhexane 757.87 41.86 757.8 0.417 41.86 757.6 2.284 41.92 758.0 0.263 41.94 757.8 0.472 41.96 757.9 0.856
2-Methyl-3- 759.04 42.08 759.0 0.065 42.09 758.8 0.099 42.14 759.1 0.045 42.15 758.8 0.136 42.19 759.1 0.062
1,1,2-Trimethyl- 760.33 42.36 760.4 0.055
D6730 − 01 (2016)

O44 761.73 42.59 761.5 0.074
O45 762.20
O46 763.00
2-Methylheptane 764.14 43.12 764.1 1.092 43.10 763.8 0.075 43.17 764.2 0.836 43.20 764.0 2.228 43.22 764.1 0.785
*2-Ethylhexene-1 764.20
4-Methylheptane 765.62 43.42 765.6 0.359 43.41 765.3 0.022 43.47 765.7 0.433 43.50 765.5 0.524 43.52 765.6 0.305
3-Methyl-3- 766.62 43.64 766.7 0.056 43.60 766.2 0.229 43.67 766.6 0.070 43.69 766.4 0.064 43.71 766.6 0.100
3,4-Dimethylhexane 767.18 43.71 767.0 0.061 43.72 766.8 0.267 43.78 767.2 0.073 43.80 766.9 0.096 43.83 767.1 0.107
1c,2c,4-Trimethyl- 768.95 44.23 769.3 0.024 44.27 769.2 0.100 44.28 769.3 0.028
1c,3- 769.80 44.27 769.7 0.128
3-Methylheptane 771.78 44.71 771.7 0.873 44.70 771.5 0.064 44.76 771.8 1.057 44.79 771.6 1.166 44.81 771.8 0.718
1c,2t,3-Trimethyl- 772.98 44.92 772.7 0.734 44.92 772.5 0.009 44.98 772.9 0.299 45.00 772.6 1.845 45.02 772.8 0.412
3-Ethylhexane 773.76 45.17 773.4 0.192
1t,4- 774.89 45.33 774.6 0.241 45.39 774.7 0.013 45.41 774.5 0.662 45.44 774.7 0.107
1,3-Octadiene 777.16 45.89 777.2 0.016
O48 778.50 46.16 777.9 0.002
TABLE A1.2 Continued
File: DHA94098.D File: DHA94099.D File: DHA94101.D File: DHA94105.D File: DHA94108.D
Coopera- Sample: PONA-Va Sample: HFLA C-Matrix Sample: Platformate Sample: No. 1 Ref Naphtha Sample: ASTM Indolene Standard
Component tive Study *NJ* Reference Mixture Auto/Oil C-Matrix Alkylate Auto/Oil C-Matrix Reformate ASTM No. 1 Reference Sample ASTM D02 Reference Standard
Average RI Min. Index Mass % Min. Index Mass % Min. Index Mass % Min. Index Mass% Min. Index Mass %
1,1- 780.48 46.55 780.2 0.099 46.62 780.0 0.291 46.67 780.3 0.047
2,2,5-Trimethylhexane 782.93 47.16 782.9 0.274 47.19 782.8 3.951 47.22 783.0 0.010 47.25 782.8 0.030 47.28 783.0 1.175
3c-Ethylmethylcyclo- 784.35 47.44 784.1 0.199 47.50 784.2 0.037 47.52 784.0 0.216 47.56 784.2 0.054
2,6-Dimethylheptene-1 785.55 47.64 785.0 0.034
3t-Ethylmethylcyclo- 786.55 47.95 786.4 0.154 48.01 786.4 0.034 48.03 786.2 0.192 48.07 786.4 0.049
2t-Ethylmethylcyclo- 787.86 48.26 787.7 0.172 48.32 787.8 0.037 48.34 787.5 0.484 48.38 787.7 0.094
*Octene-1 787.87
1,1-Methylethylcyclo- 788.78 48.54 788.9 0.039 48.70 789.3 0.050 48.79 789.8 0.012 48.82 789.5 0.065 48.83 789.7 0.026
789.88 48.73 789.7 0.023
2,2,4-Trimethylhexane 790.75 49.00 790.8 0.053
1t,2- 792.77 49.41 792.6 0.314 49.47 792.7 0.021 49.49 792.4 0.902 49.52 792.6 0.141
t-Octene-4 794.21 49.83 794.3 0.075
3,5,5- 795.00
t-Octene-3 796.00
1c,2c,3-Trimethyl- 797.25 50.57 797.3 0.200 50.61 797.3 0.018 50.68 797.3 0.014
1t,3- 798.80 50.91 798.7 0.051 50.94 798.3 0.031 50.97 798.5 0.006

n-Octane 800.00 51.23 800.0 1.978 51.27 800.0 0.837 51.36 800.0 5.227 51.34 800.0 1.159
1c,4- 801.05
3,3-Dimethylheptene-1 802.50
Octene-2 804.40 52.33 804.5 0.082
O50 805.50
l2 806.39 52.79 806.3 0.109 52.92 806.6 0.119 53.06 806.9 0.041
D6730 − 01 (2016)

i-Propylcyclopentane 808.06 53.21 808.0 0.123 53.28 808.1 0.019 53.36 808.0 0.125 53.25 807.7 0.028
2,4,4-Trimethylhexane 808.50
O52 810.62 53.85 810.5 0.013
812.50 54.39 812.1 0.013
O53 813.47 54.60 813.4 0.044
N1 815.02 54.93 814.6 0.031 55.04 814.5 0.073 55.08 814.8 0.013
2,2,3,4- 816.45 55.35 816.2 0.014
2,3,4-Trimethylhexane 818.10 55.77 817.8 0.057 55.75 817.5 0.585 55.83 817.8 0.022 55.87 817.7 0.049 55.90 817.9 0.207
N2 819.93 56.21 819.4 0.063 56.25 819.4 0.014 56.30 819.3 0.067 56.33 819.4 0.017
820.85 56.45 820.3 0.016
N3 822.29 56.89 821.9 0.069 56.96 822.0 0.028 57.00 821.8 0.107 57.02 822.0 0.038
2,3,3- 824.74 57.55 824.3 0.024 57.58 824.0 0.003
1c,2- 826.48 57.95 825.7 0.084 58.04 825.6 0.174 58.10 825.9 0.030
2,3,5-Trimethylhexane 827.51 58.23 826.8 0.172 58.20 826.4 0.116 58.28 826.8 0.094 58.35 826.7 0.304 58.37 826.8 0.095
2,2-Dimethylheptane 829.76 59.00 829.0 0.059
1,1,4-Trimethyl- 832.56 59.66 831.8 0.530 59.60 831.4 0.006 59.71 831.8 0.030 59.79 831.7 1.549 59.81 831.9 0.264
N4 834.07 60.06 833.1 0.031 60.05 832.9 0.012 60.12 833.2 0.022 60.17 833.1 0.033 60.19 833.2 0.020
2,2,3-Trimethylhexane 834.96 60.42 834.4 0.263 60.40 834.1 0.056 60.49 834.5 0.059 60.55 834.3 0.862 60.57 834.5 0.183
2,4-Dimethylheptane 836.47 60.80 835.6 0.030 60.91 835.6 0.061
TABLE A1.2 Continued
File: DHA94098.D File: DHA94099.D File: DHA94101.D File: DHA94105.D File: DHA94108.D
Coopera- Sample: PONA-Va Sample: HFLA C-Matrix Sample: Platformate Sample: No. 1 Ref Naphtha Sample: ASTM Indolene Standard
Component tive Study *NJ* Reference Mixture Auto/Oil C-Matrix Alkylate Auto/Oil C-Matrix Reformate ASTM No. 1 Reference Sample ASTM D02 Reference Standard
Average RI Min. Index Mass % Min. Index Mass % Min. Index Mass % Min. Index Mass% Min. Index Mass %
4,4-Dimethylheptane 838.68 61.43 837.8 0.323 61.41 837.5 0.020 61.55 837.7 1.205 61.58 837.9 0.175
Ethylcyclohexane 840.20
n-Propylcyclopentane 841.38 62.20 840.4 0.076 62.20 840.2 0.011 62.33 840.3 0.156 62.35 840.5 0.027
*1c,3c,5-Trimethyl- 841.40
2,5-Dimethylheptane 842.63 62.68 841.9 0.326 62.66 841.7 0.192 62.74 842.0 0.179 62.80 841.9 0.421 62.84 842.1 0.212
3,3-Dimethylheptane 843.96 63.09 843.3 0.086 63.04 842.9 0.020 63.16 843.4 0.062 63.23 843.3 0.101 63.27 843.5 0.069
3,5-Dimethylheptane 845.02 63.30 843.9 0.038 63.46 844.0 0.100
2,6-Dimethylheptane 846.47 63.79 845.5 0.083 63.93 845.5 0.188 63.95 845.7 0.033
1,1,3-Trimethyl- 848.43 64.40 847.5 0.070 64.51 847.4 0.095 64.55 847.6 0.022
2,4-Dimethylheptene-1 849.43
N7 850.89
N8 852.36 65.77 851.8 0.046 65.98 852.0 0.103 66.03 852.2 0.020
N10 853.04
Ethylbenzene 854.65 66.41 853.7 0.728 66.43 853.7 0.032 66.64 854.3 7.364 66.54 853.7 0.797 66.61 854.0 2.653
N11 854.70
1c,2t,4t-Trimethyl- 856.34 66.91 855.3 0.222 66.90 855.1 0.049 67.04 855.3 0.580 67.08 855.5 0.106
l3 858.51 67.63 857.5 0.032 67.75 857.4 0.042
2-Methyloctene-1 859.80 68.01 858.6 0.030
l4 860.89 68.51 860.1 0.033 68.61 859.9 0.030
2-Methyloctene-2 862.14 69.05 861.7 0.021
N12 863.00 69.25 862.3 0.016
N13 863.77

1,3-Dimethylbenzene 864.22 69.69 836.6 1.828 69.98 864.3 10.485 69.81 863.5 1.833 69.94 863.9 5.660
1,4-Dimethylbenzene 865.20 70.06 864.6 0.693 70.31 865.2 4.479 70.18 864.6 0.558 70.28 864.9 2.475
2,3-Dimethylheptane 866.02 70.36 865.5 0.261 70.32 865.3 0.127 70.47 865.4 0.560
3,4-Dimethylheptane 867.94 70.99 867.3 0.102 70.93 867.0 0.019 71.09 867.5 0.029 71.11 867.2 0.207 71.15 867.4 0.049
3,4-Dimethylheptane 868.78 71.30 868.2 0.042 71.23 867.9 0.021 71.38 868.3 0.029 71.36 868.0 0.065 71.48 868.4 0.032
N14 869.70 71.62 869.1 0.033 71.74 869.0 0.048 71.82 869.3 0.012
l5 870.95 72.11 870.5 0.106 72.23 870.7 0.053 72.21 870.3 0.131 72.28 870.6 0.051
D6730 − 01 (2016)

4-Ethylheptane 872.73 72.83 872.5 0.025

4-Methyloctane 873.81 73.19 873.5 0.393 73.27 873.6 0.217 73.30 873.4 0.557 73.34 873.6 0.187
2-Methyloctane 874.76 73.55 874.4 0.560 73.53 874.3 0.006 73.63 874.6 0.215 73.66 874.4 0.822 73.69 874.5 0.222
N15 876.00 73.95 875.5 0.045 74.05 875.4 0.072 74.10 875.7 0.018
1c,2t,3-Trimethyl- 877.98 74.66 877.5 0.073 74.76 877.4 0.208 74.86 877.7 0.033
3-Ethylheptane 879.11 75.19 878.9 0.135 75.24 878.9 0.063 75.29 878.8 0.206 75.32 878.9 0.066
3-Methyloctane 880.24 75.62 880.0 0.577 75.68 880.1 0.288 75.72 879.9 1.004 75.75 880.1 0.280
1c,2t,4c-Trimethyl- 881.67 76.05 881.2 0.061 76.23 881.6 0.042 76.17 881.1 0.090 76.40 881.8 0.124
1,1,2-Trimethyl- 882.78 76.49 882.3 0.065 76.49 882.3 0.007 76.60 882.3 0.158 76.64 882.5 0.014
1,2-Dimethylbenzene 883.47 76.83 883.2 1.011 76.86 883.2 0.062 76.98 883.5 5.364 76.92 883.1 0.970 76.99 883.4 3.212
884.87 77.43 884.8 0.022 77.56 884.8 0.021 77.48 884.6 0.003
l6 885.34 77.60 885.2 0.044 77.91 885.7 0.020 77.76 885.4 0.082
l7 886.38 77.99 886.2 0.054 77.97 886.1 0.296 78.08 886.1 0.022 78.13 886.3 0.141
N18 887.87
N19 888.36 78.70 888.1 0.323 78.62 887.8 0.011 78.80 888.0 0.990 78.83 888.1 0.172
Nonene-1 889.00 78.91 888.6 0.036 79.02 888.5 0.059
889.40 79.08 889.0 0.051 79.15 888.9 0.109
l8 889.78 79.32 889.6 0.112 79.41 889.5 0.332 79.45 889.7 0.047
N20 890.51 79.81 890.9 0.083 79.80 890.8 0.442 79.90 890.8 0.030 79.95 890.9 0.141
l9 891.29 80.20 891.8 0.033 80.26 891.6 0.057 80.30 891.8 0.011
TABLE A1.2 Continued
File: DHA94098.D File: DHA94099.D File: DHA94101.D File: DHA94105.D File: DHA94108.D
Coopera- Sample: PONA-Va Sample: HFLA C-Matrix Sample: Platformate Sample: No. 1 Ref Naphtha Sample: ASTM Indolene Standard
Component tive Study *NJ* Reference Mixture Auto/Oil C-Matrix Alkylate Auto/Oil C-Matrix Reformate ASTM No. 1 Reference Sample ASTM D02 Reference Standard
Average RI Min. Index Mass % Min. Index Mass % Min. Index Mass % Min. Index Mass% Min. Index Mass %
i-Butylcyclopentane 892.11 80.54 892.7 0.091 80.70 892.7 0.116 80.69 892.8 0.024
N21 892.96
894.00 81.25 894.2 0.003
t-7-Methyloctene-3 895.10
N22 895.99 81.89 896.0 0.113 81.81 895.5 0.068
896.76 82.22 896.8 0.019
82.22 896.5 0.010
N23/c-nonene-2 897.24 82.46 897.4 0.070 82.57 897.3 0.083 82.61 897.5 0.016
t-Nonene-3 897.94
898.44 83.04 898.5 0.029
l10 898.70 82.93 898.5 0.081 83.01 898.7 0.242 83.26 899.0 0.140 83.15 898.8 0.110
899.19 83.17 899.1 0.026 83.33 899.4 0.007
n-Nonane 900.20 83.55 900.0 1.495 83.57 900.0 0.224 83.68 900.0 4.771 83.64 900.0 0.691
1,1-Methylethylcyclo- 901.39
3,7-Dimethyloctene-1 903.40
N24 904.38 84.17 903.4 0.033 84.27 903.2 0.078
N25 905.50 84.43 904.9 0.108 85.54 904.7 0.056 84.58 905.1 0.013
t-2,2,5,5- 906.68
911.02 85.55 910.9 0.008 85.60 910.5 0.019
i-Propylbenzene 912.28 85.80 912.3 0.061 85.83 912.3 0.295 85.87 911.9 0.132 85.90 912.3 0.207
N26 913.43
N27 914.45 86.15 914.1 0.145 86.27 914.7 0.020 86.22 913.8 0.493 86.25 914.1 0.068
c-Nonene-3 915.00

l11 916.40 86.50 915.9 0.015
i-Propylcyclohexane 917.51 86.75 917.3 0.086 86.79 917.4 0.009 86.82 917.0 0.234 86.85 917.4 0.036
918.60 87.06 919.0 0.011 87.07 918.3 0.025
l12 921.30 87.53 921.4 0.098 87.51 921.2 0.130 87.57 921.4 0.013 87.60 921.1 0.228 87.64 921.5 0.093
2,2-Dimethyloctane 922.59 87.86 923.1 0.037 88.00 923.4 0.016
2,4-Dimethyloctane 924.39 88.13 924.6 0.135 88.11 924.4 0.017 88.16 924.5 0.029 88.20 924.2 0.274 88.21 924.5 0.042
N28 926.32 88.49 926.4 0.018 88.56 926.1 0.051
D6730 − 01 (2016)

N29 927.99 88.75 927.8 0.037 88.82 927.5 0.101 88.85 927.8 0.014
2,6-Dimethyloctane 930.83 89.33 930.7 0.221 89.36 930.8 0.006 89.39 930.8 0.014 89.40 930.5 0.800 89.43 930.8 0.107
2,5-Dimethyloctane 932.66 89.75 932.9 0.144 89.72 932.7 0.021 89.78 932.8 0.038 89.81 932.6 0.245 89.84 932.9 0.050
934.50 90.51 936.7 0.053
n-Butylcyclopentane 936.13 90.38 936.1 0.078 90.44 935.8 0.212 90.48 936.2 0.028
l13 937.41 90.68 937.7 0.078 90.71 937.6 0.015 90.76 937.4 0.179 90.66 937.1 0.031
90.78 937.7 0.028
N30 938.04 90.83 938.4 0.059 90.84 938.2 0.016 90.93 938.3 0.125
l14 940.39 91.21 940.3 0.042 91.26 939.9 0.121
3,3-Dimethyloctane 942.30 91.66 942.5 0.295 91.62 942.3 0.011 91.68 942.4 0.039 91.73 942.3 1.121 91.75 942.6 0.158
N31 943.42 92.15 944.4 0.241
944.55 92.07 944.6 0.077 92.18 944.7 0.015
944.95 92.27 945.2 0.011
n-Propylbenzene 946.33 92.43 946.4 0.242 92.46 946.3 1.417 92.49 946.1 0.203 92.52 946.4 0.863
947.54 92.70 947.7 0.056 92.73 947.6 0.009 92.76 947.4 0.190 92.80 947.8 0.024
3,6-Dimethyloctane 948.31 92.85 948.5 0.051 92.89 948.4 0.007 92.92 948.2 0.069
3-Methyl-5- 949.41 93.08 949.6 0.125 93.15 949.4 0.669 93.18 949.6 0.063
N32 951.22 93.39 951.1 0.058 93.48 951.0 0.158
1,3- 954.42 94.07 954.4 0.925 94.16 954.6 4.421 94.13 954.1 0.725 94.19 954.6 2.428
1,4- 956.22 94.44 956.2 0.359 94.51 956.2 1.972 94.50 955.9 0.300 94.55 956.3 1.063
TABLE A1.2 Continued
File: DHA94098.D File: DHA94099.D File: DHA94101.D File: DHA94105.D File: DHA94108.D
Coopera- Sample: PONA-Va Sample: HFLA C-Matrix Sample: Platformate Sample: No. 1 Ref Naphtha Sample: ASTM Indolene Standard
Component tive Study *NJ* Reference Mixture Auto/Oil C-Matrix Alkylate Auto/Oil C-Matrix Reformate ASTM No. 1 Reference Sample ASTM D02 Reference Standard
Average RI Min. Index Mass % Min. Index Mass % Min. Index Mass % Min. Index Mass% Min. Index Mass %
N33 958.16 94.79 957.9 0.066 94.86 957.7 0.383 94.89 957.9 0.037
1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 961.92 95.63 961.9 0.544 95.69 961.9 2.101 95.70 961.7 0.985 95.73 962.0 1.370
2,3-Dimethyloctane 961.99 95.72 962.2 0.019
l15 963.67 96.05 963.9 0.081 96.08 963.7 0.025 96.11 963.7 0.144 96.14 963.9 0.025
N34 964.76 96.20 964.6 0.024 96.27 964.4 0.158
l16 966.53
5-Methylnonane 967.89 96.93 968.1 0.159 96.96 967.9 0.023 97.00 967.9 0.262 97.03 968.1 0.033
l17 969.41 97.25 969.6 0.219 97.26 969.5 0.417 97.32 969.4 0.604
1,2- 970.33 97.39 970.2 0.306 97.43 970.1 1.356 97.45 970.0 0.218 97.49 970.3 1.308
2-Methylnonane 971.77 97.75 971.9 0.294 97.78 971.7 0.051 97.82 971.7 0.700 97.84 971.9 0.082
973.13 98.04 973.3 0.049 98.07 972.9 0.100
3-Ethyloctane 974.47 98.33 974.6 0.080 98.35 974.4 0.013 98.40 974.4 0.255 98.43 974.7 0.027
N35 975.89 98.57 975.7 0.059 98.65 975.6 0.120
3-Methylnonane 977.26 98.93 977.4 0.260 98.96 977.2 0.060 99.00 977.2 0.622 99.03 977.4 0.077
978.30 99.14 978.3 0.030
N36 979.33 99.55 979.8 0.028
3-Ethyl-2- 979.35
l18 980.12 99.51 980.0 0.048 99.57 980.2 0.116 99.78 980.8 0.069 99.67 980.4 0.111
l19 981.56 99.79 981.2 0.005 99.92 981.5 0.010 99.99 981.8 0.049
100.12 982.6 0.006
1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 983.40 100.22 983.2 1.286 100.33 983.6 0.042 100.32 983.3 5.960 100.28 983.1 1.477 100.34 983.4 3.921
*t-Butylbenzene 983.42
984.20 100.45 983.9 0.266

l20 985.82 100.72 985.5 0.035 100.63 985.0 0.007
i-Butylcyclohexane 986.27 100.87 986.2 0.081 100.93 986.0 0.445 100.96 986.2 0.026
l21 987.40 101.12 987.3 0.082 101.06 986.9 0.029 101.18 987.2 0.113 101.18 987.2 0.050
l22 988.60 101.38 988.5 0.059 101.19 987.8 0.038
l23 989.12 101.54 988.8 0.181
N37 990.53 101.80 990.4 0.035 101.86 990.2 0.091
991.24 102.02 991.4 0.019 102.13 991.4 0.022
D6730 − 01 (2016)

Decene-1 992.81
1t-Methyl-2-n- 993.55 102.53 993.6 0.078 102.51 993.1 0.122
2,3-Dimethyloctene-2 993.56
l24 994.53 102.70 994.3 0.052 102.60 993.7 0.051 102.75 994.2 0.173 102.72 994.1 0.098
i-Butylbenzene 995.95 103.00 995.7 0.027 103.00 995.3 0.127 103.05 995.5 0.065 103.07 995.6 0.049
996.20 103.17 996.2 0.023
l25 996.84 103.10 996.1 0.030 103.31 996.9 0.017 103.30 996.6 0.030
103.29 997.0 0.056
Sec-butylbenzene 997.79 103.44 997.6 0.051 103.46 997.3 0.129 103.49 997.4 0.327 103.52 997.6 0.086
998.70 103.80 999.0 0.008
n-Decane 1000.20 103.99 1000.0 0.739 104.00 999.6 0.048 104.08 1000.0 3.484 104.06 1000.0 0.211
l26 1001.71 104.18 1001.1 0.028 104.34 1001.9 0.051 104.29 1001.7 0.020
N38 1003.39 104.46 1003.4 0.049 104.56 1003.5 0.056
1,2,3-Trimethylbenzene 1006.88 104.87 1006.4 0.311 104.90 1005.9 1.075 104.94 1006.2 0.561 104.96 1006.5 0.751
1008.70 105.16 1008.5 0.018 105.16 1008.2 0.007 105.25 1008.4 0.087
1,3-Methyl-i- 1009.84 105.33 1009.7 0.057 105.34 1009.1 0.132 105.38 1009.4 0.170 105.40 1009.6 0.078
N39 1011.33
1,4-Methyl-i- 1013.24 105.81 1013.1 0.050 105.83 1012.6 0.039 105.86 1012.8 0.137 105.89 1013.1 0.026
l27 1014.33 105.97 1014.2 0.013 105.94 1013.7 0.006 106.02 1014.0 0.038
l28 1015.86 106.19 1015.8 0.013 106.33 1016.5 0.013 106.43 1017.0 0.052
TABLE A1.2 Continued
File: DHA94098.D File: DHA94099.D File: DHA94101.D File: DHA94105.D File: DHA94108.D
Coopera- Sample: PONA-Va Sample: HFLA C-Matrix Sample: Platformate Sample: No. 1 Ref Naphtha Sample: ASTM Indolene Standard
Component tive Study *NJ* Reference Mixture Auto/Oil C-Matrix Alkylate Auto/Oil C-Matrix Reformate ASTM No. 1 Reference Sample ASTM D02 Reference Standard
Average RI Min. Index Mass % Min. Index Mass % Min. Index Mass % Min. Index Mass% Min. Index Mass %
l29 1017.87 106.45 1017.7 0.028 106.52 1017.5 0.102
2-3-Dihydroindene 1019.44 106.62 1018.9 0.257 106.73 1019.4 0.011 106.64 1018.4 0.463 106.68 1018.7 0.146 106.71 1018.9 0.208
1022.40 107.15 1022.3 0.008 106.96 1020.6 0.101
Sec-butylcyclohexane 1023.07 107.23 1023.1 0.056 107.29 1023.0 0.230 107.28 1022.9 0.016
1024.50 107.45 1024.7 0.051 107.35 1023.7 0.009 107.50 1024.4 0.095 107.48 1024.4 0.018
107.63 1025.4 0.055
l30 1024.82 107.68 1026.3 0.034 107.68 1025.7 0.029 107.77 1026.3 0.044
1,2-Methyl-i- 1027.73 107.90 1027.8 0.109 107.91 1027.4 0.013 107.96 1027.7 0.747 107.98 1027.8 0.035
3-Ethylnonane 1029.40 108.48 1031.8 0.063 108.55 1031.7 0.376 108.49 1031.4 0.217
1031.13 108.38 1030.9 0.044
N40 1032.29
1032.60 108.71 1032.9 0.105
l31 1033.20 108.67 1033.2 0.089 108.85 1033.8 0.115 108.82 1033.7 0.012
l32 1036.92 109.17 1036.6 0.053 109.24 1036.5 0.242 109.27 1036.8 0.017
1038.53 109.45 1038.5 0.020 109.37 1037.7 0.014 109.50 1038.3 0.060 109.48 1038.2 0.101
1,3-Diethylbenzene 1039.97 109.63 1039.7 0.173 109.64 1039.4 0.477 109.73 1039.9 0.215 109.70 1039.7 0.143
1040.50 109.92 1041.5 0.030
1,3-Methyl-n- 1042.60 110.01 1042.4 0.257 110.04 1042.1 0.942 110.06 1042.2 0.260 110.06 1042.2 0.737
l33 1044.35 110.31 1044.4 0.064 110.36 1044.2 0.329
1,4-Diethylbenzene 1045.25

1,4-Methyl-n- 1046.40 110.57 1046.2 0.152 110.60 1046.1 0.008 110.59 1045.9 0.596 110.62 1046.0 0.110 110.65 1046.2 0.264
n-Butylbenzene 1047.48 110.72 1047.2 0.097 110.74 1046.9 0.224 110.77 1047.0 0.147 110.79 1047.2 0.080
1,3-Dimethyl-5- 1049.78 111.07 1049.6 0.249 111.10 1049.4 0.934 111.12 1049.4 0.184 111.15 1049.6 0.402
111.27 1050.4 0.042
1,2-Diethylbenzene 1051.72 111.32 1051.2 0.038 111.36 1051.1 0.070 111.42 1051.4 0.027
D6730 − 01 (2016)

l34 1051.80 111.49 1052.4 0.040 111.55 1052.3 0.246

t-Decahydronaphthalene 1053.12 111.68 1053.1 0.023
N41 1054.60 111.83 1054.7 0.032 111.88 1054.6 0.093
1055.80 111.95 1055.5 0.013 112.05 1055.7 0.062
1,2-Methyl-n- 1057.87 112.26 1057.5 0.123 112.28 1057.3 0.277 112.31 1057.4 0.176 112.34 1057.6 0.139
l35 1058.87 112.46 1058.9 0.018 112.50 1058.7 0.047
112.83 1061.1 0.038
l36 1060.15 112.59 1059.8 0.014 112.66 1059.8 0.036
l37 1062.62 113.03 1062.7 0.091 113.10 1062.9 0.007 113.05 1062.5 0.009 113.08 1062.6 0.199 112.93 1061.5 0.400
1063.96 113.20 1063.3 0.059
l38 1065.53 113.47 1065.6 0.090 113.47 1065.4 0.006 113.49 1065.4 0.009 113.52 1065.5 0.231 113.57 1065.8 0.037
113.67 1066.5 0.052
1,4,Dimethyl-2- 1068.05 113.80 1067.7 0.185 113.82 1067.6 0.502 113.85 1067.7 0.108 113.87 1067.8 0.229
A3 1068.90
1,3-Dimethyl-4- 1069.53 114.01 1069.2 0.316 114.05 1069.2 0.530 114.05 1069.0 0.380 114.11 1069.3 0.230
l39 1071.12 114.32 1071.2 0.033 114.36 1071.0 0.061 114.27 1070.4 0.202
1072.49 114.17 1070.0 0.025
l40 1074.39 114.72 1073.8 0.147 114.74 1073.7 0.050 114.80 1073.8 0.022
1,2-Dimethyl-4- 1075.25 114.89 1074.9 0.360 114.92 1074.9 0.886 114.93 1074.8 0.388 114.98 1075.0 0.419
TABLE A1.2 Continued
File: DHA94098.D File: DHA94099.D File: DHA94101.D File: DHA94105.D File: DHA94108.D
Coopera- Sample: PONA-Va Sample: HFLA C-Matrix Sample: Platformate Sample: No. 1 Ref Naphtha Sample: ASTM Indolene Standard
Component tive Study *NJ* Reference Mixture Auto/Oil C-Matrix Alkylate Auto/Oil C-Matrix Reformate ASTM No. 1 Reference Sample ASTM D02 Reference Standard
Average RI Min. Index Mass % Min. Index Mass % Min. Index Mass % Min. Index Mass% Min. Index Mass %
1076.00 115.06 1075.8 0.005
1077.91 115.28 1077.5 0.017 115.30 1077.2 0.080
l41 1079.65 116.65 1079.4 0.064
1,3-Dimethyl-2- 1080.68 115.72 1080.3 0.053 115.74 1080.2 0.045 115.77 1080.2 0.036 115.82 1080.5 0.040
l42 1081.60 115.94 1081.7 0.012 115.90 1081.3 0.015 116.07 1082.2 0.035 116.00 1081.7 0.168
l43 1084.18 116.32 1084.1 0.017 116.35 1084.0 0.044
1085.30 116.44 1084.9 0.016 116.49 1084.9 0.055
1086.54 116.71 1086.3 0.072 116.70 1086.2 0.013
1088.20 117.08 1088.7 0.059 117.00 1088.1 0.024
1088.88 117.04 1088.8 0.027
117.28 1090.0 0.041
Undecene-1 1090.45 117.30 1090.4 0.035 117.40 1090.7 0.029
1,4-Methyl-t- 1092.00 117.51 1091.8 0.032 117.50 1091.5 0.051 117.55 1091.7 0.063
1,2-Dimethyl-3- 1093.12 117.66 1092.7 0.115 117.68 1092.7 0.226 117.71 1092.7 0.118 117.74 1092.8 0.147
1094.89 118.05 1095.2 0.016
1095.78 118.15 1095.8 0.020 118.17 1095.6 0.052
1,2-Ethyl-i- 1097.22 118.34 1097.0 0.014 118.34 1097.0 0.015 118.37 1096.9 0.021 118.42 1097.1 0.025
1098.54 118.53 1098.3 0.018 118.61 1098.7 0.013 118.61 1098.4 0.034
n-Undecane 1100.00 118.81 1100.0 0.381 118.82 1100.0 0.009 118.86 1100.0 0.753 118.86 1099.9 0.058
1101.00 119.07 1101.6 0.021
1,4-Ethyl-i- 1102.50 119.13 1102.7 0.018

1,2,4,5- 1104.83 119.32 1104.4 0.147 119.33 1104.4 0.473 119.36 1104.3 0.073 119.39 1104.4 0.283
1,2-Methyl-n- 1107.30
1,2,3,5- 1108.79 119.77 1108.3 0.200 119.79 1108.3 0.621 119.82 1108.3 0.073 119.85 1108.3 0.393
D6730 − 01 (2016)

1110.82 120.14 1110.8 0.013

1112.39 120.16 1111.5 0.028
1115.92 120.65 1115.8 0.023 120.75 1116.4 0.007 120.62 1114.9 0.017
1120.13 121.18 1120.2 0.023 121.25 1120.2 0.012
1121.30 121.30 1121.2 0.025 121.36 1121.4 0.015
1,2-Methyl-t- 1122.80
1124.62 121.83 1125.1 0.013
5-Methylindan 1127.35 121.95 1126.7 0.283 121.97 1126.7 0.372 122.09 1127.5 0.019 122.02 1126.7 0.083
1129.83 122.42 1130.4 0.008
l43 1131.42 122.52 1131.5 0.026 122.57 1131.5 0.012 122.52 1130.9 0.041
4-Methylindan 1133.70 122.75 1133.4 0.072 122.76 1133.4 0.124 122.79 1133.4 0.011 122.82 1133.4 0.022
1134.90 122.90 1134.6 0.031 123.01 1135.0 0.011
1,2-Ethyl-n- 1136.52 123.09 1136.2 0.078 123.11 1136.2 0.161 123.13 1136.2 0.022 123.16 1136.3 0.021
2-Methylindan 1138.11 123.23 1137.4 0.266 123.25 1137.4 0.353 123.31 1137.5 0.084
1,3-Methyl-n- 1140.67 123.60 1140.4 0.036 123.56 1140.0 0.009
1,3-Di-i-propylbenzene 1142.70 123.81 1142.1 0.071 123.82 1142.2 0.172 123.85 1142.2 0.019 123.88 1142.2 0.113
s-Pentylbenzene 1144.27 124.03 1144.0 0.094 124.10 1144.0 0.013
1148.00 124.52 1148.0 0.047 124.54 1148.0 0.053 124.59 1148.0 0.017
n-Pentylbenzene 1149.04 124.62 1148.8 0.049
1149.83 124.71 1149.5 0.047 124.73 1149.6 0.034
TABLE A1.2 Continued
File: DHA94098.D File: DHA94099.D File: DHA94101.D File: DHA94105.D File: DHA94108.D
Coopera- Sample: PONA-Va Sample: HFLA C-Matrix Sample: Platformate Sample: No. 1 Ref Naphtha Sample: ASTM Indolene Standard
Component tive Study *NJ* Reference Mixture Auto/Oil C-Matrix Alkylate Auto/Oil C-Matrix Reformate ASTM No. 1 Reference Sample ASTM D02 Reference Standard
Average RI Min. Index Mass % Min. Index Mass % Min. Index Mass % Min. Index Mass% Min. Index Mass %
1t-M-2-(4- 1151.80
1,2-Di-i-propylbenzene 1153.16 125.11 1152.8 0.042 125.13 1152.8 0.071 125.18 1152.9 0.015
1154.09 125.23 1153.8 0.056 125.24 1153.8 0.066 125.29 1153.7 0.012
1157.64 125.65 1157.2 0.045 125.67 1157.3 0.068 125.72 1157.3 0.021
1,4-Di-i-propylbenzene 1159.52 125.91 1159.4 0.110 125.90 1159.2 0.085 125.95 1159.1 0.017
1161.30 126.29 1161.8 0.013
Tetrahydronaphthalene 1163.30 126.41 1163.3 0.051 126.37 1162.9 0.007
1165.13 126.61 1164.5 0.021
1166.34 126.73 1166.0 0.060 126.74 1165.9 0.117 126.80 1166.0 0.021
Naphthalene 1168.01 126.89 1167.3 0.285 126.91 1167.3 0.891 126.96 1167.3 0.148
1-t-Butyl-3,5- 1169.25 127.15 1169.3 0.015
l,4-Ethyl-t-butylbenzene 1173.72 127.68 1173.6 0.099 127.66 1173.3 0.010 127.81 1174.1 0.057
l45 1177.88 128.15 1177.3 0.114 128.18 1177.4 0.036 128.15 1176.8 0.043
l46 1179.46 128.34 1178.8 0.063 128.29 1178.3 0.010
1181.20 128.35 1178.8 0.010
l47 1183.44 128.85 1182.9 0.081 128.87 1182.9 0.031
l48 1187.14 129.31 1186.5 0.068 129.33 1186.6 0.011
1,3-Di-n-propylbenzene 1188.64 129.53 1188.2 0.075 129.55 1188.3 0.077 129.60 1188.3 0.026
A5 1190.24 129.73 1189.8 0.058 129.75 1189.8 0.050 129.80 1189.9 0.022
Dodecene-1 1192.19
A6 1198.52 130.79 1198.1 0.037 130.80 1198.1 0.045 130.86 1198.1 0.017
n-Dodecane 1200.00 131.03 1200.0 0.332 131.10 1200.0 0.014
1202.51 131.30 1202.6 0.025

1208.41 131.86 1208.0 0.027 131.84 1207.7 0.009
1,3,5-Triethylbenzene 1211.79
1216.27 132.68 1215.9 0.030 132.68 1215.8 0.009
1217.50 132.83 1217.3 0.061 132.86 1217.4 0.024 132.91 1217.6 0.009
1222.36 133.32 1222.0 0.060 133.33 1221.9 0.023
1223.70 133.52 1223.9 0.055 133.53 1223.9 0.022
1225.08 133.66 1225.2 0.025 133.65 1225.0 0.014 133.72 1225.3 0.006
D6730 − 01 (2016)

1228.64 133.97 1228.2 0.040 134.03 1228.6 0.010

1230.00 134.15 1229.8 0.004
1,2,4-Triethylbenzene 1230.83
1232.23 134.40 1232.2 0.052
1236.42 134.84 1236.4 0.058 134.87 1236.5 0.002
1237.42 134.98 1237.7 0.012
1,4-Methyl-n- 1241.71 135.34 1241.1 0.110 135.35 1241.0 0.083 135.39 1241.1 0.015
1244.15 135.63 1243.8 0.068
1246.48 135.86 1246.0 0.013 135.89 1246.1 0.007
1248.73 136.12 1248.4 0.013 136.12 1248.3 0.007
1251.16 136.38 1250.8 0.029
n-Hexylbenzene 1252.85 136.57 1252.5 0.052
1255.61 136.84 1255.1 0.101 136.84 1254.9 0.055
1257.39 137.11 1257.6 0.029
1259.54 137.25 1258.9 0.050 137.25 1258.7 0.021
1262.15 137.61 1262.2 0.041
1266.71 138.08 1266.5 0.062
1269.02 138.31 1268.6 0.030 138.30 1268.3 0.015
l49 1270.79 138.43 1269.8 0.015 138.59 1270.9 0.007
1,2,3,4,5- 1274.04 138.82 1273.3 0.107 138.85 1273.5 0.067 138.92 1273.9 0.027
1277.23 139.25 1277.0 0.010
TABLE A1.2 Continued
File: DHA94098.D File: DHA94099.D File: DHA94101.D File: DHA94105.D File: DHA94108.D
Coopera- Sample: PONA-Va Sample: HFLA C-Matrix Sample: Platformate Sample: No. 1 Ref Naphtha Sample: ASTM Indolene Standard
Component tive Study *NJ* Reference Mixture Auto/Oil C-Matrix Alkylate Auto/Oil C-Matrix Reformate ASTM No. 1 Reference Sample ASTM D02 Reference Standard
Average RI Min. Index Mass % Min. Index Mass % Min. Index Mass % Min. Index Mass% Min. Index Mass %
1279.96 139.49 1279.4 0.022
2-Methylnaphthalene 1282.57 139.75 1281.7 0.353 139.77 1281.8 0.786 139.82 1282.1 0.059
1286.59 140.11 1285.1 0.010
1287.50 140.22 1286.0 0.034 140.40 1287.4 0.019
1288.77 140.46 1288.2 0.029
Tridecene-1 1290.10
1292.41 140.84 1291.5 0.011
1295.08 141.16 1294.6 0.042
1-Methylnaphthalene 1297.72 141.42 1296.9 0.152 141.44 1296.8 0.377 141.49 1297.3 0.035
n-Tridecane 1300.00 141.77 1300.0 0.234 141.85 1300.6 0.007
C14+ 1300.50

TABLE A1.3 Repeatability and Reproducibility of DHA Determinations

NOTE 1—The following data has been prepared by statisticians of CS94 in accordance with RR:D02-1007, and represents their best estimate of the cooperative study data. Not all of the data
qualified for this evaluation since:
(a) For each analyte to qualify for a precision statement, it must be present in at least six samples, and detected by at least six laboratories, at least once.
(b) The (repeatability standard deviation)/mean value for each analyte/sample combination must be less than or equal to 0.1, in accordance with LOQ requirements which, while not a standard, is
what CS94 is recommending.
rmin = lower 95 % confidence limit of rest,

rest = repeatability estimate in percent of concentration,
rmax = upper 95 % confidence limit of rest,
Rmin, Rest, Rmax = for reproducibility,
Cmin = lower concentration limit that rest, Rest is applicable, and
Cmax = upper concentration limit that rest, Rest is applicable.
D6730 − 01 (2016)

Component Average RI rmin rest rmax Rmin Rest Rmax Cmin Cmax
i-Butane 366.15 5.6 10.1 16.4 22.8 46.1 81.5 0.06 0.38
Butene-1 390.72 6.4 11.1 17.6 31.2 64.5 115.8 0.01 0.14
n-Butane 400.00 6.8 9.9 13.9 15.3 32.4 59.1 1.02 3.75
2,2-Dimethylpropane 415.10 3.3 8.8 18.6 32.1 50.1 73.7 0.01 0.02
i-Pentane 477.45 5.9 7.2 8.7 8.5 14.8 23.8 2.48 13.38
Pentene-1 490.83 5.2 7.5 10.5 9.7 13.8 19.0 0.06 0.43
2-Methylbutene-1 496.66 4.9 6.9 9.4 8.3 12.9 19.0 0.14 0.86
n-Pentane 500.00 5.2 6.5 8.1 7.1 10.4 14.8 1.06 3.49
t-Pentene-2 510.56 4.5 6.5 9.0 7.2 10.3 14.4 0.28 1.16
c-Pentene-2 519.53 4.7 6.3 8.1 7.6 13.2 20.9 0.16 0.63
2-Methylbutene-2 524.92 4.3 6.0 8.1 7.8 11.4 15.9 0.50 1.85
1t,3-Pentadiene 527.97 6.7 14.0 25.3 17.0 25.3 35.9 0.01 0.06
2,2-Dimethylbutane 540.54 3.1 4.7 6.8 6.4 9.9 14.6 0.08 2.18
Cyclopentene 557.21 4.0 5.8 8.1 7.6 10.5 13.9 0.07 0.27
4-Methylpentene-1 562.02 2.7 4.2 6.1 8.9 11.3 14.0 0.02 0.09
3-Methylpentene-1 562.81 3.5 5.0 6.9 6.1 8.8 12.0 0.03 0.12
Cyclopentane 566.84 3.8 4.9 6.2 7.0 10.1 14.0 0.07 0.59
2,3-Dimethylbutane 569.24 2.9 3.2 3.5 5.1 8.5 13.1 0.70 1.91
2-Methylpentane 573.70 2.5 2.9 3.4 5.1 6.6 8.4 1.06 5.80
4-Methyl-t-pentene-2 575.47 6.5 8.7 11.3 18.1 28.0 41.1 0.08 0.28
3-Methylpentane 585.52 2.6 2.9 3.2 4.0 5.6 7.5 0.60 2.50
2-Methylpentene-1 590.19 2.3 2.7 3.2 3.8 5.4 7.4 0.11 0.45
TABLE A1.3 Continued
Component Average RI rmin rest rmax Rmin Rest Rmax Cmin Cmax
Hexene-1 591.06 3.1 4.2 5.5 5.9 8.2 10.9 0.06 0.26
n-Hexane 600.00 2.0 2.4 2.9 3.6 5.1 6.9 0.33 2.52
t-Hexene-3 602.83 1.9 3.2 4.9 7.4 11.8 17.7 0.08 0.35
t-Hexene-2 605.44 2.5 2.8 3.2 4.5 6.4 8.9 0.16 0.71
2-Methylpentene-2 607.86 2.4 3.0 3.8 6.1 13.1 24.1 0.22 0.97
3-Methyl-c-pentene-2 610.54 2.1 2.5 2.9 5.3 6.9 8.7 0.11 0.48
3-Methylcyclopentene 611.61 3.0 4.6 6.8 10.1 12.8 15.9 0.02 0.10
c-Hexene-2 614.67 2.6 3.3 4.1 4.8 5.4 6.1 0.09 0.40
3,3-Dimethylpentene-1 620.91 1.9 2.5 3.1 4.3 5.7 7.5 0.17 0.75
2,2-Dimethylpentane 624.17 3.3 4.3 5.5 4.4 8.2 13.7 0.01 0.09
Methylcyclopentane 625.86 2.2 2.6 3.1 4.5 6.4 8.7 0.37 2.35
2.4-Dimethylpentane 630.60 1.6 2.5 3.8 4.2 5.3 6.6 0.20 1.94
2,2,3-Trimethylbutane 634.86 3.2 7.1 13.1 12.5 20.4 31.1 0.02 0.08
3,4-Dimethylpentene-1 642.87 5.5 14.7 30.6 9.7 22.3 43.0 0.01 0.03
4,4-Dimethyl-c-pentene-2 646.65 3.8 5.6 8.0 6.1 11.0 17.9 0.01 0.11
2,4-Dimethylpentene-1 647.67 3.8 6.7 10.8 11.9 13.5 15.3 0.01 0.04
1-Methylcyclopentene 648.71 1.9 2.7 3.7 7.9 8.7 9.6 0.17 0.82
Benzene 649.92 2.6 3.6 4.8 5.5 9.0 13.7 0.17 1.58
5-Methylhexene-1 655.56 5.3 7.5 10.1 18.0 30.4 47.6 0.01 0.22
Cyclohexane 657.81 2.7 3.7 4.9 8.2 14.8 24.3 0.07 0.90
2-Methyl-t-hexene-3 661.03 3.2 6.3 11.0 16.8 23.4 31.6 0.03 0.14
2-Ethyl-3-Methylbutene-1 662.60 4.1 8.9 16.5 89.5 117.0 149.7 0.01 0.04
4-Methylhexene-1 663.81 2.5 4.5 7.2 11.7 14.7 18.3 0.02 0.09
4-Methyl-t/c-hexene-2 666.23 2.1 3.2 4.7 5.4 7.3 9.5 0.05 0.28
2-Methylhexane 667.61 1.6 2.2 2.9 5.1 6.1 7.2 0.39 1.09
2,3-Dimethylpentane 668.84 1.6 2.3 3.2 5.4 6.4 7.5 0.33 3.16
3-Methylhexane 675.89 1.9 2.8 4.0 4.7 5.6 6.7 0.37 1.08
3-4-Dimethyl-c-pentene-2 679.46 3.6 5.9 9.1 11.6 23.4 41.2 0.02 0.14

1c,3-dimethylcyclopentane 681.68 1.7 2.7 4.0 5.4 7.5 10.1 0.11 0.56
1t,3-Dimethylcyclopentane 684.37 1.7 2.8 4.4 5.4 7.7 10.5 0.08 0.48
3-Ethylpentane 685.98 3.1 3.7 4.3 5.6 8.3 11.9 0.08 0.26
2,2,4-Trimethylpentane 688.48 2.4 3.2 4.1 7.4 11.4 16.7 0.10 11.26
3-Methyl-c-hexene-3 694.82 3.2 6.5 11.6 7.3 12.9 20.8 0.03 0.17
t-Heptene-3 698.39 2.6 3.2 3.8 5.0 8.1 12.3 0.11 0.67
n-Heptane 700.00 2.5 3.4 4.5 7.7 10.8 14.7 0.21 1.06
D6730 − 01 (2016)

3-Methyl-c-hexene-2 702.30 1.5 2.5 4.0 4.6 7.2 10.6 0.13 0.75
3-Methyl-t-hexene-3 702.99 2.2 4.1 6.7 8.1 10.1 12.3 0.05 0.26
t-Heptene-2 704.58 2.6 4.2 6.4 5.9 7.1 8.4 0.06 0.34
3-Ethylpentene-2 705.96 4.7 8.3 13.4 14.5 17.9 21.8 0.03 0.16
c-Heptene-2 708.82 1.9 3.2 5.0 7.0 7.8 8.7 0.12 0.63
2,3-Dimethylpentene-2 712.07 2.4 3.7 5.5 7.8 9.1 10.5 0.06 0.57
O29 715.67 6.8 11.5 18.0 15.7 22.6 31.3 0.01 0.08
1c,2-Dimethylcyclopentane 717.13 2.4 3.7 5.3 9.5 11.6 13.9 0.05 0.20
Methylcyclohexane 717.89 2.8 3.4 4.0 4.1 5.9 8.2 0.11 1.20
2,2-Dimethylhexane 720.70 4.2 7.2 11.3 10.2 15.4 22.3 0.02 0.10
2,5-Dimethylhexane 730.05 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.9 6.2 7.7 0.16 1.12
2,4-Dimethylhexane 731.84 3.5 4.3 5.2 6.5 9.0 12.1 0.29 1.39
1c,2t,4-Trimethylcyclopentane 737.11 3.0 4.2 5.6 6.9 7.9 9.0 0.03 0.17
2,3,4-Trimethylpentane 746.83 2.3 3.8 6.0 5.8 7.8 10.3 0.08 4.26
l1 747.91 2.2 6.2 13.4 10.1 21.1 38.1 0.09 0.59
Toluene 751.77 1.9 2.7 3.8 10.8 13.5 16.5 1.99 10.34
2,3-Dimethylhexane 757.87 2.2 3.7 5.7 5.0 6.9 9.2 0.22 1.23
1,1,2-Trimethylcyclopentane 760.33 7.6 13.5 21.8 13.6 25.7 43.4 0.02 0.26
O44 761.73 4.2 9.4 17.7 12.7 20.5 30.8 0.03 0.24
2-Methylheptane 764.14 3.5 4.9 6.6 4.8 6.1 7.5 0.15 0.63
4-Methylheptane 765.62 4.1 6.2 9.1 7.1 9.1 11.5 0.05 0.29
3-Methyl-3-ethylpentane 766.62 5.4 7.1 9.3 11.0 15.8 21.8 0.05 0.10
3-Methylheptane 771.78 2.1 3.4 5.3 4.4 5.1 5.9 0.13 0.71
TABLE A1.3 Continued
Component Average RI rmin rest rmax Rmin Rest Rmax Cmin Cmax
1c,2t,3-Trimethylcyclopentane 772.98 3.4 4.4 5.7 5.9 7.4 9.1 0.06 0.29
3-Ethylhexane 773.76 6.9 10.8 15.9 13.1 23.8 39.1 0.01 0.07
1t,4-Dimethylcyclohexane 774.89 9.8 18.0 29.8 22.2 49.5 93.1 0.01 0.11
2,2,5-Trimethylhexane 782.93 3.1 4.3 5.7 5.7 8.0 10.8 0.14 2.21
3c-Ethylmethylcyclopentane 784.35 5.7 12.1 22.1 9.7 22.2 42.5 0.05 0.21
3t-Ethylmethylcyclopentane 786.55 7.4 9.7 12.4 8.4 22.1 46.0 0.02 0.11
2t-Ethylmethylcyclopentane 787.86 8.9 11.4 14.2 12.6 26.7 48.7 0.02 0.12
1t,2-Dimethylcyclohexane 792.77 3.7 6.7 11.0 7.0 10.1 14.0 0.04 0.29
t-Octene-4 794.21 12.7 14.5 16.6 16.7 21.9 28.1 0.02 0.18
1c,2c,3-Trimethylcyclopentane 797.25 3.5 6.0 9.4 6.3 9.2 12.9 0.07 0.51
1t,3-Dimethylcyclohexane 798.80 6.8 9.3 12.4 11.9 16.3 21.7 0.02 0.10
n-Octane 800.00 2.2 3.6 5.5 6.5 15.7 30.9 0.14 0.75
Octene-2 804.40 4.9 8.2 12.7 11.1 20.1 32.9 0.03 0.23
l2 806.39 4.7 10.9 20.9 8.7 19.7 37.4 0.05 0.36
i-Propylcyclopentane 808.06 4.1 10.7 22.0 8.4 19.8 38.4 0.03 0.18
2,3,4-Trimethylhexane 818.10 2.5 5.0 8.9 5.1 7.2 9.8 0.05 0.37
N2 819.93 7.7 11.5 16.4 6.8 17.4 35.7 0.01 0.06
N3 822.29 8.0 13.3 20.7 11.3 23.2 41.5 0.01 0.09
2,3,5-Trimethylhexane 827.51 3.9 5.4 7.1 7.5 31.4 82.4 0.07 0.12
1,1,4-Trimethylcyclohexane 832.56 8.6 17.1 29.9 21.7 36.0 55.6 0.03 0.26
2,2,3-Trimethylhexane 834.96 8.4 13.1 19.2 14.8 20.3 27.0 0.05 0.09
2,5-Dimethylheptane 842.63 6.8 8.8 11.1 7.8 12.3 18.2 0.11 0.18
Ethylbenzene 854.65 2.2 3.2 4.4 7.2 10.6 14.9 0.62 2.62
1,3-Dimethylbenzene 864.22 2.6 3.3 4.2 9.7 12.5 15.7 1.55 6.66
1,4-Dimethylbenzene 865.20 3.6 4.2 5.0 10.4 14.1 18.5 0.62 2.97
l5 870.95 6.6 11.5 18.3 13.8 28.4 50.9 0.02 0.13
4-Methyloctane 873.81 4.4 7.6 12.0 5.9 11.2 18.9 0.05 0.20
2-Methyloctane 874.76 4.6 8.2 13.3 6.0 10.4 16.6 0.07 0.35

3-Ethylheptane 879.11 8.5 13.4 20.1 27.7 38.7 52.5 0.02 0.09
3-Methyloctane 880.24 5.1 8.5 13.0 8.7 15.5 24.9 0.07 0.29
1,2-Dimethylbenzene 883.47 2.1 3.2 4.7 8.8 11.5 14.8 0.83 3.85
l6 885.34 10.2 17.0 26.4 23.3 44.5 75.8 0.02 0.06
l7 886.38 6.5 9.0 12.0 7.8 21.1 44.7 0.05 0.32
N22 895.99 7.9 16.5 29.6 16.7 29.4 47.2 0.03 0.22
N23/c-nonene-2 897.24 5.7 15.9 34.2 26.1 48.7 81.6 0.02 0.15
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l10 898.70 4.5 12.3 26.0 9.3 31.1 73.3 0.04 0.44
n-Nonane 900.20 3.9 6.4 9.8 8.6 10.3 12.2 0.06 0.34
i-Propylbenzene 912.28 3.2 5.0 7.3 8.3 15.1 24.9 0.04 0.33
N27 914.45 3.6 12.3 29.2 9.0 21.1 40.8 0.02 0.14
l12 921.30 4.4 11.0 22.2 8.7 21.2 42.2 0.03 0.34
2,4-Dimethyloctane 924.39 6.1 12.1 21.3 16.8 26.0 38.1 0.03 0.11
2,6-Dimethyloctane 930.83 7.0 14.6 26.4 15.4 27.7 45.3 0.02 0.10
2,5-Dimethyloctane 932.66 5.6 11.2 19.6 15.3 22.0 30.4 0.04 0.13
3,3-Dimethyloctane 942.30 4.3 10.4 20.6 7.5 17.5 34.0 0.03 0.11
n-Propylbenzene 946.33 2.8 5.0 8.1 7.6 11.9 17.7 0.21 0.77
3,6-Dimethyloctane 948.31 7.6 14.9 25.7 18.1 38.9 71.4 0.01 0.04
1,3-Methylethylbenzene 954.42 3.7 5.2 7.2 7.6 10.2 13.3 0.81 2.61
1,4-Methylethylbenzene 956.22 3.5 5.3 7.7 5.1 7.7 11.1 0.32 1.19
1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 961.92 3.7 5.5 7.7 5.4 8.3 12.1 0.39 1.21
2-Methylnonane 971.77 6.5 10.6 16.2 17.5 25.9 36.6 0.03 0.19
3-Methylnonane 977.26 7.5 13.5 22.1 23.5 41.0 65.5 0.03 0.16
l18 980.12 7.3 15.7 28.8 14.9 30.0 52.9 0.04 0.82
1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 983.40 4.2 5.7 7.5 7.8 10.6 13.9 1.19 4.32
l21 987.40 6.9 18.6 39.3 16.9 49.6 109.2 0.03 0.27
l24 994.53 6.9 12.2 19.6 18.9 31.1 47.7 0.04 0.36
n-Decane 1000.20 7.5 9.2 11.1 12.1 17.9 25.3 0.03 0.25
N38 1003.39 9.7 19.8 35.2 25.8 47.6 79.3 0.01 0.12
1,2,3-Trimethylbenzene 1006.88 3.8 5.8 8.5 7.2 8.5 10.0 0.28 0.96
TABLE A1.3 Continued
Component Average RI rmin rest rmax Rmin Rest Rmax Cmin Cmax
2,3-dihydroindene 1019.44 5.2 7.8 11.3 8.8 10.8 13.0 0.18 0.37
l30 1024.82 7.5 13.9 23.3 20.4 61.8 138.4 0.01 0.15
1,2-Methyl-i-propylbenzene 1027.73 17.3 19.5 22.0 66.4 99.4 141.9 0.02 0.08
? 1038.53 6.8 16.0 31.1 16.8 37.4 70.2 0.02 0.16
1,3-Diethylbenzene 1039.97 5.0 7.3 10.1 9.9 13.7 18.5 0.08 0.22
1,3-Methyl-n-propylbenzene 1042.60 4.0 6.4 9.5 6.7 13.5 23.6 0.30 0.68
1,4-Methyl-n-propylbenzene 1046.40 4.6 8.7 14.7 7.8 12.7 19.4 0.16 0.32
1,3-Dimethyl-5-ethylbenzene 1049.78 3.4 6.0 9.8 7.6 10.6 14.3 0.22 0.51
1,2-Methyl-n-propylbenzene 1057.87 6.3 9.3 13.2 20.9 30.3 42.1 0.11 0.20
4.5 11.4 23.2 14.4 36.1 73.1 0.06 0.56
l38 1065.53 7.9 16.6 30.0 28.4 37.4 48.2 0.02 0.09
1,4,Dimethyl-2-ethylbenzene 1068.05 4.1 6.7 10.3 15.3 27.8 45.7 0.15 0.38
1,2-Dimethyl-4-ethylbenzene 1075.25 5.1 7.0 9.3 13.8 18.7 24.6 0.29 0.71
Undecene-1 1090.45 8.2 17.8 32.9 20.5 35.4 56.1 0.01 0.09
1,2-Dimethyl-3-ethylbenzene 1093.12 6.8 10.3 14.8 15.2 18.4 22.1 0.09 0.19
1,2-Ethyl-i-propylbenzene 1097.22 14.3 31.3 58.2 51.7 74.6 103.4 0.02 0.06
n-Undecane 1100.00 8.6 13.9 21.0 24.4 40.0 61.2 0.03 0.18
1,2,4,5-Tetramethylbenzene 1104.83 6.1 8.3 11.1 12.5 16.0 20.1 0.15 0.36
1,2,3,5-Tetramethylbenzene 1108.79 6.4 7.8 9.3 10.2 13.9 18.3 0.21 0.51
5-Methylindan 1127.35 6.6 9.2 12.4 7.5 9.3 11.4 0.06 0.34
l43 1131.42 9.1 15.0 23.0 18.8 30.8 47.1 0.02 0.35
4-Methylindan 1133.70 8.0 13.8 21.9 15.3 20.9 27.6 0.02 0.10
1,2-Ethyl-n-propylbenzene 1136.52 7.4 12.0 18.3 25.3 39.6 58.4 0.02 0.11
2-Methylindan 1138.11 5.6 7.7 10.2 6.4 8.9 12.0 0.08 0.34
1,3-Di-i-propylbenzene 1142.70 7.9 9.5 11.2 16.2 17.9 19.7 0.06 0.18
1,2-Di-i-propylbenzene 1153.16 13.9 22.4 34.0 21.3 36.0 56.2 0.01 0.06
? 1157.64 12.8 20.7 31.4 24.5 44.1 71.9 0.02 0.06
1,4-Di-i-propylbenzene 1159.52 11.1 18.6 28.8 18.6 35.6 60.8 0.01 0.09

Napthalene 1168.01 6.1 8.5 11.3 12.9 16.9 21.5 0.13 0.40
1,4-Ethyl-t-butylbenzene 1173.72 9.8 12.0 14.5 18.0 28.1 41.3 0.04 0.30
l48 1187.14 9.1 14.3 21.1 16.8 30.7 50.8 0.01 0.09
1,3-Di-n-propylbenzene 1188.64 9.9 14.4 19.9 18.9 24.2 30.4 0.02 0.08
A5 1190.24 11.5 19.2 29.8 26.7 30.3 34.2 0.02 0.06
A6 1198.52 13.7 23.3 36.7 28.1 39.5 53.5 0.01 0.05
n-Dodecane 1200.00 12.2 16.7 22.1 20.2 32.9 50.0 0.01 0.11
D6730 − 01 (2016)

1,4-Methyl-n-pentylbenzene 1241.71 8.2 14.1 22.3 16.5 31.2 52.7 0.01 0.14
1,2,3,4,5-Pentamethylbenzene 1274.04 11.4 13.9 16.7 23.1 29.7 37.5 0.01 0.11
2-Methylnaphthalene 1282.57 7.6 11.1 15.4 17.5 22.3 28.0 0.05 0.50
1-Methylnaphthalene 1297.72 7.3 11.0 15.8 14.0 21.0 30.1 0.02 0.22
D6730 − 01 (2016)

FIG. A1.1 Column Retention Factor Calculation (9.1)

FIG. A1.2 Column Efficiency and Resolution Calculations (9.2 and 9.3)

FIG. A1.3 Column Inertness - Peak Skewness Calculation (11.5)

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FIG. A1.4 Oxygenates Separations - Effect of Different Precolumn Lengths

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FIG. A1.5 PONA-V Standard—Analysis through Benzene New DHA Column—Analyzed at 35 °C Isothermal (Conditions in Accordance
with Table 2)

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FIG. A1.6 PONA-V Standard—Analysis through Benzene New DHA Column plus 1 m × 0.25 mm 1 µm Precolumn Analyzed at 35 °C Iso-

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FIG. A1.7 PONA-V Standard—Analysis through Benzene New DHA Column plus 2 m × 0.25 mm 1 µm Precolumn Analyzed at 35 °C Iso-

D6730 − 01 (2016)

FIG. A1.8 DHA Calibration Standard—Analysis through Benzene New DHA Column plus 3 m × 0.25 mm 1 µm Precolumn Analyzed at 35
°C Isothermal

D6730 − 01 (2016)

FIG. A1.9 Key Separations—Effect of Different Precolumn Lengths Same Primary Column. Conditions in Accordance with Table 2 Top to
Bottom—1.00 m, 1.25 m, 1.50 m, and 2.00 m Precolumn

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FIG. A1.10 Key Separations—Tuning of Different Columns Conditions in Accordance with Table 2

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FIG. A1.11 DHA Analyses—Methane through Hexane

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FIG. A1.12 DHA Analyses—Hexane through Heptane

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FIG. A1.13 DHA Analyses—Heptane through Octane

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FIG. A1.14 DHA Analyses—Octane through Nonane

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FIG. A1.15 DHA Analyses—Nonane through Decane

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FIG. A1.16 DHA Analyses—Decane through Dodecane

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FIG. A1.17 DHA Analyses—Dodecane through Tetradecane

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TABLE A1.4 Benzene
Benzene (wt %)
Sample D5580 D6730
2 1.52 1.58
6 1.05 1.12
8 1.10 1.15
10 1.13 1.19
13 0.14 0.17
14 0.62 0.69

Average 0.93 0.98

TABLE A1.5 Toluene

Toluene (wt %)
Sample D5580 D6730
2 4.3 4.5
6 2.1 2.0
8 10.1 10.3
10 5.0 5.2
13 3.3 3.3
14 4.4 4.7

Average 4.9 5.0

TABLE A1.6 Total Aromatics

Total Aromatics (wt %)
Sample D5580 PIONAA D6730
2 30.3 28.2 30.2
6 18.9 18.7 18.3
8 49.1 49.0 47.6
10 23.9 24.5 23.1
13 19.7 19.8 19.3
14 23.8 24.6 24.2

Average 27.6 27.5 27.1

Multidimentional PIONA

TABLE A1.7 Total Olefins

Total Olefins (wt %)
Sample PIONAA D6730
2 7.1 4.5
6 9.8 8.7
8 6.6 6.1
10 15.1 12.9
13 11.1 10.6
14 24.6 19.5

Average 12.4 10.9

Multidimentional PIONA

D6730 − 01 (2016)
TABLE A1.8 Total Oxygenates
Total Oxygenates (wt %)
Sample PIONAA D6730
2B 15.3 15.1
6B 7.0 7.8
8B 4.2 4.3
10C >8 10.5
13B 20.5 20.2
14B 2.8 2.9

Average N/A 10.1

Multidimentional PIONA
Major oxygenate = MTBE
Major oxygenate = Ethanol

TABLE A1.9 Total Paraffins and Total Naphthenes

Total Paraffins (wt %) Total Naphthenes (wt %)
Sample PIONAA D6730 PIONAA D6730
8 35.6 38.0 2.2 2.7
10 41.1 45.5 5.6 6.5
13 42.6 46.0 1.3 2.1
14 34.1 41.3 5.9 9.3

Average 38.4 42.7 3.8 5.2

Multidimentional PIONA


(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 The following publications on DHA analyses may be X1.1.5 Di Sanzo, F. P., and Giarrocco, V. G., “Analysis of
useful as background and are recommended to the user of these Pressurized Gasoline-Range Liquid Hydrocarbon Samples by
test methods. Capillary Column and PIONA Analyzer Gas
X1.1.1 Johansen, N.G., and Ettre, L.S., “Retention Index Chromatography,” Journal of Chromatographic Science, Vol
Values of Hydrocarbons on Open Tubular Columns Coated 26, June 1988, pp. 258-266.
with Methyl Silicone Liquid Phases,” Chromatographia, Vol 5,
X1.1.6 Durand, J. P., Beboluene, J. J., and Ducrozet, A.,
No. 10, October 1982.
“Detailed Characterization of Petroleum Products with Capil-
X1.1.2 Johansen, N.G., Ettre, L.S., and Miller, R.L., “ lary GC Analyzers,” Analusis, 23, 1995, pp. 481-483.
Quantitative Analysis of Hydrocarbons by Structural Group
Type in Gasolines and Distillates. Part 1,” Journal of X1.1.7 Canadian General Standards Board: CAN/CGSB
Chromatography, 256, 1983, pp. 393-417. –3.0, No. 14.3-94, “Test Method for Individual Hydrocarbon
X1.1.3 Kopp, V.R., Bones, C.J., Doerr, D.G., Ho, S.P., and Component Analysis (IHA) in Spark Ignition Engine Fuels by
Schubert, A.J., “Heavy Hydrocarbon/Volatility Study: Fuel Gas Chromatography.”
Blending and Analysis for the Auto/Oil Air Quality Improve- X1.1.8 French Standard NF N07-086, December 1995,
ment Research Program,” SAE Paper No. 930143, March “Determination of Hydrocarbon Type Contents in Motor Gaso-
1993. lines from Detailed Analysis Capillary Gas Chromatography.”
X1.1.4 Schubert, A.J., and Johansen, N.J., “Cooperative
Study to Evaluate a Standard Test Method for the Speciation of
Gasolines by Capillary Gas Chromatography,” SAE Paper No.
930144, March 1993.

D6730 − 01 (2016)
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