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1.1 Background
Financial statements is a formal record of me financial activities and position of a
business, person or other entity. Financial statements for banks present a different
analytical problem than statement for manufacturing and service companies. As a
result, analysis of a bank's financial statement requires a distinct approach that
recognizes a banks unique risk. A bank financial statement can highlight the key
factor that should be considered before making a trading or investing decision.
Ratio analysis is a tool for evaluating financial statements but also relies on the
numbers. In the reported financial statements being put into order to be used as
ratios for comparison over time or across companies. Financial statements are
used as a way to discover ere the financial position and financial result of a
business. Ratios put this financial statement information in context. Ratio is
simple mathematical expression of the relationship of one item to another.
Nepal is an under develop Country. Large numbers of people are under poverty
line. To over comes this problem not only commercial bank but also any
financial Institutions re require regular performance cheek up to maintain the
confidence of sector Health of an individual financial institution is a function of
multiple such as quality of its assets, liquidity position, capital base, management
quality, market sensitivity and earnings. All these factors affect the different
types of risk to an individual financial institution. Different types of risks: credit
risk, liquidity risk, operational risks affect the health of an individual financial
institution adversely if they are not managed in sustainable manner (Sunders and
Cornett, 2004). A number of factors such as quality of assets, financial market
condition, foreign exchange market, composition of assets, financial health of its
clients, profitability, capital adequacy, affect the degree of these risks. Financial
performance check-up of an individual instruction should be made regularly to
detect the adverse effect of these risks on its health.
Many researchers have been made in the field of the performance evaluation of
the commercial banks among the financial institutions. However the comparative
performance analysis between Nabil Bank Limited has not yet been made.

So, it is felt to make a comparative study between the companies. In the view of
afore mentioned deposition about the performance of commercial bank and with
a view to assess their performance from year based on relatives,

The evolution of banking had started a long time back, during ancient times.
There was reference to activities of the money messengers in the temple of
Jerusalem in the New Testament. In ancient Greece the famous temples of Delphi
and Olympia serve as the great depositors for people's surplus funds and these
were the centers of the money lending transaction. The history of banking is
nearly as old as civilization. In the ancient Rome and Greeley, the practice of
storing precious metals and coins at safe places and loaning out money for public
and private purpose on interest was prevalent.
The term bank is either derived from old italian word 'banca' or from French
word 'banque' both mean a 'Bench' or money change table. Banks are among the
most important financial institution whose principle operation are concerned with
accumulation of the temporarily idle money with the general public for the
purpose of advancing it to others for expenditure. Thus, the world banking has
been used to denote a certain kind of trading in money. A bank is therefore a
corporation that deals in credit i.e. accepts deposits from the public, withdrawing
by cheques and advances loans of various sorts.

1.2 Profile of the organization /Place /Event etc.

Nabil Bank Limited is a commercial bank in Nepal. Nabil Bank Limited is the
nation's first private sector bank, commencing its business since July 1984. Nabil
provides full range of commercial banking services. Nabil, as a pioneer in
intradulting many innovative products and marketing concept in the domestic
banking sector, represents a milestone in the banking history of Nepal as it
started an era of modern banking with customer satisfaction measured as a focal
equipped with modern technology which includes international standard banking
software that supports the E-channels and E-translation. The bank licensed by
NRB as 'A' class commercial bank of the country.
1.3 Objectives of the Study
The main objectives of the study are to evaluate and analysis the financial
performance of these to joint venture banks i.e. Nabil bank ltd. to recommend the
suitable suggestion for improvement.
 To analysis the liquidity position of Nabil Bank Ltd.
 To analysis the Debt position and profitability ratio of Nabil Bank Ltd.

1.4 Rationale
This analysis is destined to provide financial information to different sectors of
business which is directly or indirectly influenced by financial performance.
Especially, this report will serve the management, shareholders, creditors an
employment of Nabil bank in implementing future project of creating corrective
action by status of the organization. In addition this report will also help the potential
interested in financial analysis and similar business.

1.5 Review
Conceptual Review
A bank is a financial institution that accepts deposits from the public and creates
credit. One to their importance in the financial stabling of a country, banks are a
financial institution which deals with money. Banks collect the money from the
surplus unit (Savers) and lend to deficit unit (users).
A bank is a financial institution licensed to receive deposit and make loans. Bank may
also provide financial services, such as wealth management, currency exchange and
safe deposit boxes. In most countries, banks are regulated by the national government
or central bank. Now-a-days- banking sectors acts as the backbones of modern
business. Development of any country mainly depends upon the banking system.
Financial statement is a formal record of the financial activities and position of a
business, person or other entity. Relevant financial information is presented in a
structured manner and in a form easy to understand. The three basic financials
statements are the
(1) Balance sheet, which shows firms assets, liabilities and net worth on a stated date;
(2) Income statement (also called P/L account), which shows how the net income of
me firm is arrived at over a stated period and (3) cash flow statement, which shows
the inflows and outflows of best caused by the firm's activities during a stilted period.
Financial statements are useful for making decisions regarding expansion and
Financial statements for banks present a different analytical problem then statement
for manufacturing and service companies. As a result, analysis of a bank's financial
statements requires a distinct approach that recognizes a bank’s unique risks. A bank's
financial statements can highlight the key forlorn , that should be considered before
making a trading or investing decision.
A commercial bank is an institution that provides services such as accepting deposits,
providing business loans, and offering basic investment products. Commercial bank
can also refer to a bank, or a division of a large bank, which more specifically deals
with deposit and loan services provided to corporation or large/middle-sized business
as opposed to individual members of the public small business.
Nabil Bank limited is a commercial bank in Nepal. Nabil Bank limited is the nation's
first private sector bank, commencing its business since July 1984. Nabil provides full
range of commercial banking services. Nabil, as pioneer in introduction many
innovative products and marketing concepts in the domestic banking sector,
represents a milestone in the banking history of Nepal as it started an era of modern
banking with customer satisfaction measured as a focal objective while doing
business. This bank is fully equipped with modern technology which includes
international standard banking software that support the E-channels and E-
Review of Related Studies
In this section, effort has been made to examine and review of some related articles in
different economic journals, World Bank discussion paper, magazines newspaper and
other related books.
Poudel, (2006 in his article" An overview on Financial Companies of Nepal" he had
written that at the time 2006, the ratio of capital funds to deposit has been increasing
over the time but on top of this, the ratio of capital funds to deposits has been
increasing over the time but on top of this is, it substantially below than the authorized
level of deposit mobilization, which is ten times of the capital base. Never the less,
some of the finance companies have even mobilized the deposits by more than ten
times of their capital base by violating the regulatory norms issued by NRB. The
credit/ deposit ratio has remained quite high leaving the room for doubt about the
quality of loan especially in the absence of repayment schedule. The loan
diversification has been improved however, during a short span of time. As such, the
hire purchase housing and term loans are the major sectors, which all together
received more than 95% of the total loan and advance is mid July 1996. Because of
the mushrooming growth of the number of finance companies, the average sources of
funds for each company are natural to decline. Since the varying factor, it is too early
to evaluate the performance of financial companies in Nepal but equally important
factor is that the regulatory and supervisory authority should keep close Eyes to
monitor their activities.

M.Y. Khan and P.K. Jain (1990) is considered to be a useful book in the financial
management. The modern approach of Khan and Jain view the term financial
management in broad sense and provides and conceptual and analytical framework
for financial decision making. According to them, "The finance function covers both
acquisitions of funds as well as their allocation; hence apart from the issues of
acquiring external funds, the main concern of financial management is the efficient
and wise allocation of funds to various uses." The major financial decisions according
to Khan and Jain are:-
 The investment decision
 The financial decision and
 The dividend policy decision
1.6 Methods
Types of data
Actual information that are measurable and can be performed statistical calculation
called data. Data are primary element of every research and provides basic for
reasoning, measurement and calculation. This measurement provides information for
decision making. Mainly data are classified on their nature.
 Secondary Data
Secondary Data

These data are information that was taken by another person or researcher for their
purpose is called secondary data. In another word, the data collected by someone for
their own purpose but used by some other person or organization is called secondary
data. Thus, the primary data for one person can be the secondary data for some others.
Data collection Procedures
This study is mainly based on secondary data. So, the major sources of secondary data
for this study are as follows:
a) Annual reports of the banks.
b) Published and unpublished bulletins, reports of the banks.
c) Published and unpublished bulletins, reports of the Nepal Stock Exchange.
d) Previous studies and reports.
e) Unpublished official records.

It is one of the procedures of data collection. Instruments plays great role in making
reports. It includes questionnaire, interview and observation. These collection
procedures are explained below;
 Interview
Interview is a method in which data is collected from respondents by face to face
interaction or conversation with the help of telephone or video conferences about the
subjects matter to study. It can be direct in which researcher and respondents sit
together face to face interaction. Nowadays, indirect methods of interviews are been
used with aid of information technology like telephonic interview, e-chat, internet
phone etc. Some virtually direct interviews are being more popular as video

 Questionnaire
In this list of questions, questionnaire is developed to acquire the expected
information for the research. Then it is posted to be targeted respondents. For
questions, space for the answer is provided in which respondents are necessary to fill
up their response. Respondents are expected to return filled questionnaire.

 Observation
It is the peculiar aspect of qualitative data generation in which researchers himself
for herself collects the data directly with the observation. The main feature of
observation is to keep attentive, curious and natural watch over intended objet or
event or phenomena. Observation is simply a purposeful and systematic way of
watching or listening over phenomena to generate non-verbal or visual data.

Technique of Analysis
Mainly financial methods are applied for the purpose of this study. Appropriate
statistical tools are also used. To make the study more specific and reliable
a) Financial tools
Financial Tools
Financial analysis/tools are one of the most efficient ways that can be used for
ensuring good profit from the investments. These financial analysis tools are highly
helpful in evaluating the market and investing in a way so, as to maximize the profit
from the investments made. These financial analysis/tools are useful for deciphering
both internal and external information related to a specific business organization. In
financial tolls it has used different ratios like:
 Current Ratio
This is a test of liquidity. It measures short run debt paying ability of the firm. It
measures the availability of current assets for meeting current liabilities. The current
ratio is calculated by:
Current ratio = Current assets/Current liabilities
Here, Current assets = Sundry debtors+ Cash in hand+ Cash at bank
Current liabilities = Interest payable+ Provision for income tax+ Sundry creditors

 Debt Equity Ratio

The debt equity ratio implies the debt equity proportion used by the institution. High
debt equity ratio indicates more used of money from creditor side and vice-versa. It
can be calculated on the basis of the following formula.
Debt Equity Ratio =
Total Equity

 Debt Assets Ratio

It measures proportion of the creditor's funds used by the firm to acquire the assets.
The increased proportion of debt indicates the risk to the firm. The debt is considered
riskier and cheaper source of financing riskier in the sense that the debt financing
needs regular payment of interest in any situation of economic. It can be calculated on
the basis of the following formula.
Debt Assets Ratio =
Total Assets
 Net Profit to Total Assets Ratio
Net profit to total assets ratio is a useful measurement of the profitability of all
financial resources invested in the banks' assets. A firm has to earn satisfactory return
on working funds for its survival. It can be calculated on the basis of the following
Net Income
Net Profit to Total Assets Ratio =
Total Assets

 Net profit to Net worth Ratio

Bank is wealth maximization or in other words to earn high profit and thereby,
maximizing return on its equity capital. Return on equity plays the measuring role of
profit Equity capital of any bank is its own capital. The prime objective of any ability
of a bank is it reflects the extent to which the bank has been successful to mobilize its
equity capital. It can be calculated on the basis of the following formula.
Net Income
Net Profit to Net worth Ratio =
Total Equity

1.7 Limitations
The following are the limitation of the present study:-
 This study is limited to the comparative study of financial performance of Nabil
Bank Ltd.
 This study is based on secondary data.
 This study as analyzed and evaluated of data to the latest five years period
 In this study, only selected financial and statistical tools and techniques are used.
 This research has been conducted on the requirement of partial fulfillment of
Degree of Bachelor of Business study.
2.1 Data Presentation
This chapter deals with the analysis and interpretation of data following the researcher
methodology dealt in the chapter. In the course of analysis, data gathered from the
various sources have been inserted in the tabular form according to 'heir' homogenous
nature. The various tables prepared for the analysis purpose have been shown in
annexes. Using financial and statistical tools, the data have been analyzed the result of
the analysis has been interpreted keeping in mind the conventional standard with
respect to ratio analysis, directives of NRB and other factors while using other tools.
Moreover, financial performance of the sampled banks has especially been analyzed
in cross-sectional manner. Specifically, the chapter includes analysis and
interpretation of the following.
 Ratios analysis

Ratio Analysis
Ratio analysis has been adapted to evaluate the financial health, operating result and
growth of the sampled banks. In order to analyze and interpret the tabled data the
following ratios have been used.
 Debt Management Ratio
 Profitability Ratio
Debt Management Ratio
A ratio of a company's debt is its total financing. The debt management ratio
measures how much of a company's operations come from financing, such as Personal
saving. The debt management ratio is one measure among many of a company's risk
and likelihood of default. See also: Debt ratio, Debt-to-equity Ratio.

Profitability Ratio

Profitability measures, such as return on equity, return on assets, return on investment,

net interest margin and net profit margin. Tend to summarize performance in all areas
of the company. If portfolio quality is poor or efficiency is low, this will be reflected
in profitability. Because they are an aggregate of so many factors, profitability
indicators can be difficult to interpret. It measures the overall performance of an
institution and efficiency in utilizing assets, liabilities, and equity.

Current Ratio
This ratio measures the liquidity position of banks to meet the current liquidity. The
following table shows the current ratio of Nabil Bank Ltd.

Table: 2.1
Current Ratio
In Million
Nabil Bank Limited
Year Current Assets Current liabilities Ratio (times)
2072/073 6969 7055 0.99
073/074 10358 10396 0.999
074/075 15361 16213 0.95
075/076 19760 20717 0.95
076/077 21173 21840 0.97

Fig. 2.1 Current Ratio

Above table and figure shows the current ratios of the selected banks during the study
period. The current ratio of Nabil Bank Ltd has increased from 0.99 to 1 from F/Y
2072/073 to F/Y 2073/074. But it has again decreased from 1 to 0.95 between
F/Y073/074 and 2074/075 and rose to 0.97 in F/Y 2076/077. The ratio is in
fluctuating nature thereafter. Since mean ratios being less than one, commercial banks
have failed to maintain the current obligation.
Leverage/Capital Structure Ratio
Like other ratios, leverage ratio is also very important tool in measuring financial
performance of any institution. This ratio reveals the proportion of funds used by the
institution either from the creditor's side or from owners' side. In order to maintain
healthy financial position any institution need to maintain proper proportion of debt
and equity. The following ratios have been used to measure the long term solvency
position of Nabil Bank Ltd with the help of financial data of past five years of.
Debt Equity Ratio
The debt equity ratio implies the debt equity proportion used by the institution. High
debt equity ratio indicates more used of money from creditor side and vice-versa.
High debt equity ratio considered good if the institution is able to have a higher return
than the cost paid on debt.

Table: 2.2
Debt Equity Ratio
Nabil Bank Limited
Year Total Debt Total Equity Ratio
2072/073 430 794 0.5416
073/074 205 1068 0.1920
074/075 228 1279 0.1783
075/076 228 1604 0.1422
076/077 228 1988 0.1147

Fig. 2.2
Debt Equity Ratio






2072/073 073/074 074/075 075/076 076/077

The given table reveals that ratios of Nabil Bank Ltd are in decreasing trend from F/Y
072/073. The ratio is ranged between 0.5416 (2074/075) and 0.1147 (2076/077). In
other words, Nabil Bank Ltd has used more debt investment than equity fund which
brings a higher cost to the bank.
Debt-Assets Ratio
It measures proportion of the creditor's funds used by the firm to acquire the
assets. The increased proportion of debt indicates the risk to the firm. The debt is
considered riskier and cheaper source of financing riskier in the sense that the debt
financing needs regular payment of interest in any situation of economic. So, the debt
asset ratios can be presented as following:

Table: 2.3
Debt-Asset Ratio
Nabil Bank Limited
Year Total Debt Total Assets Ratio
2072/073 430 7955 0.054
073/074 205 11669 0.0176
074/075 228 17882 0.0128
075/076 228 22802 0.01
076/077 228 24406 0.009
Fig. 2.3
Debt Assets Ratio






2072/073 073/074 074/075 075/076 076/077

The given table and figure reveals that debt assets ratio of Nabil Bank Ltd bank are
low. The ratio of Nabil Bank Ltd is 0.0540 in F/Y 2072/073 with mean ratio of
0.0207. This statement concludes that the debt asset of Nabil Bank Ltd is lesser.
Net Profit to Total Assets Ratio
Net profit to total assets ratio is a useful measurement of the profitability of all
financial resources invested in the banks' assets. A firm has to earn satisfactory return
on working funds for its survival. The following table shows the net profit to total
assets ratio of sample bank.

Table: 2.4
Net Profit to Total Assets Ratio

Nabil Bank Limited

Year Total Income Total Assets Ratio
2072/073 -31 7955 -0.0039
073/074 70 11669 0.0060
074/075 66 17882 0.0037
075/076 98 22802 0.0043
076/077 143 24406 0.0059
Figure 2.4
Net Profit to Total Asset Ratio




2072/073 073/074 074/075 075/076 076/0767



Table 2.4 and fig 2.4 reveals that the ratios of commercial banks are up sown nature.
The ratio of Nabil Bank Ltd has ranged from -0.0039 to 0.006 during study period.

Net profit to Net worth Ratio

Equity capital of any bank is its own capital. The prime objective of any bank is
wealth maximization or in other words to earn high profit and thereby, maximizing
return on its equity capital. Return on equity plays the measuring role of profitability
of a bank. It reflects the extent to which the bank has been successful to mobilize its
equity capital. A high ratio indicates higher successful to mobilize its owned capital
and vice versa. The following table explains more about net profit to net worth ratio
during the study period.

Table 2.5
Net Profit to Net worth Ratio
In Million
Nabil Bank Limited
Year Total Income Total Equity Ratio (times)
2072/073 -31 794 -0.039
073/074 70 1068 0.066
074/075 66 1279 0.052
075/076 98 1604 0.611
076/077 143 1988 0.07

Fig. 2.5
Net Profit to Net Worth Ratio
-0.1 2072/073 073/074 074/075 075/076 076/077

Table 2.5 indicates that the ratio of Nabil Bank Ltd has ranged from -0.039
(2072/073) to 0.072 (2076/077) with average ratio of 0.0422.

Earning Per Share (EPS)

Earnings per share measures the efficiency of a firming a relative term. It is a
widely used ratio which measures the profit available to ordinary shareholders on per
share basis. EPS calculation made over years indicates whether the banks' earning
power on per share basis has changed over that period or not but it does not reflect
how much is paid as dividend and how much is retained in the business. The EPS of
Nabil Bank Ltd has been as below:
Table 2.6
Earnings per share
Banks 2072/073 2073/074 2074/075 2075/076 2076/076
NBL 15.88 17.29 22.89 21.99 19.82
The given table reveals that the ratio of sample banks is some fluctuated
nature over the study period. The ratio of Nabil Bank Ltd has ranged from 15.88 (F/Y
2072/073) to 22.89 (F/Y 2074/075). This means the mean ratio of Nabil Bank Ltd is
higher. Similarly Nabil Bank Ltd has more consistency with C.V. of 13.67 p.c. It
shows that Nabil Bank Ltd has better signal from the viewpoint of investors.

2.2 Analysis of Results

Nepal Rastra Bank in its monetary policy 2015, directed the commercial banks to
meet minimum paid-up .Due to this Nabil Bank has increased its paid up capital. The
paid-up capital has grown in last five years. Nabil has increased its capital through
bonus share only. This shows the strength and profitability of the bank.

2.3 Major Findings of the Study

Finding is the important part of report writing and presentation during the time of
field activities in the Nabil Bank Ltd. It was found the following points:
 The current assets to current liabilities is 0.99 times in fiscal year 2072/073
whereas in 2076/2077 is 0.97 times.
 The Debt Equity Ratio of Nabil Bank Ltd is 0.5416 in fiscal year 2072/073
whereas in 2076/2077 is 0.1147.
 The Debt Assets Ratio of Nabil Bank Ltd is 0.054 in fiscal year 2072/073 whereas
in 2076/2077 is 0.009.
 The Net Profit to Total Assets Ratio of Nabil Bank Ltd is -0.0039 in fiscal year
2072/073 whereas in 2076/2077 is 0.0059.
 The Net Profit to Net worth Ratio of Nabil Bank Ltd is -0.039 in fiscal year
2072/073 whereas in 2076/2077 is 0.07.
 The Earning Per Share (EPS) of Nabil Bank Ltd is 15.88 in fiscal year 2072/073
whereas in 2076/2077 is 19.82.

This unit contains three sections. The first section provides the brief summary of the
study. The second demonstrates the conclusion of the study and third one includes
3.1 Summary
Economic development is essential for the development of the country. For
this it is required to transform savings into actual investment. Economic development
is supported by the financial infrastructure of the country. The financial institutions
transfer funds from surplus spending units to deficit units.
The fundamental function of financial institutions is to mobilize the saving of the
community and ensure efficient allocation of the savings to high yielding investment
projects of offering attractive and secured returns to different sectors of the economy
according to the planned priorities to the country. On the other hands, this process of
financial institutions gives rise to the money and other financial assets which therefore
have a central place in the development process of the economy. Banking sector plays
an important role in the economic development of the country. It provides an effective
payment and credit system, which facilitates the channeling of under from the surplus
units (savers) to the deficit units (investors) in the economy.
In most years, banks are the leading buyers of bonds and notes issued by the
government to finance public facilities, ranging from hospitals and football stadium to
airport and highways. Moreover, banks reserve the principal channel for government
economic policy to stabilize the economy. Banks are also the most important sources
of short-term working capital needed from the business. They have increasingly
become active in recent years in making long-term business loans for new plants and
machinery. When business and consumers must make payment for the purchase of
goods and services, more often they use bank provided cheques, debit or credit cards
or electronic accounts connected to a computer network. It is the banker, to whom
they turn most frequently for advice and counsel when they need financial
information and financial planning.

3.2 Conclusion
The major conclusions drawn from the study are
a) Generally a bank has to maintain more liquid assets but the current ratio of bank
below the standard of 1:1. The mean current ratio of Nabil Bank Ltd is 0.972.
b) The debt-equity ratio of Nabil Bank Ltd is in decreasing position i.e. the debt
equity ratio is 0.5416 in fiscal year 2072/073 and 0.1147 in fiscal year 2076/2077.
So, Nabil Bank Ltd has used fair combination of debt and equity which can
produce high return to its shareholders.
c) The debt assets ratio of Nabil Bank Ltd is in decreasing position. So, the Nabil
Bank Ltd seems safer with the view point of creditors' side. Similarly, the risk of
Nabil Bank Ltd is also consistent.
d) The net profit to total assets ratio of Nabil Bank Ltd is in increasing position that is
-0.0039 in fiscal year 2072/073 and 0.0059 in fiscal year 2076/077.
e) Net profit to net worth ratio of Nabil Bank Ltd is also increasing position. Nabil
Bank Ltd is efficiently using its resources to get more earning per share and it
seems quite successful by generating higher EPS in each year. There is also more
consistency in EPS.


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Pradhan,(2010), in his research paper "Role of Saving, Investment and Capital
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