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Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: Qulb e Abbas Mohammad Abid

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Taxonomy of Educational Objectives

Qulb e Abbas
Mohammad Abid
Taxonomy: Its meaning
Taxonomy –
A hierarchical
model that describes
1.classification and
Educational Taxonomy
• Educational objectives depict what students
should be able to do at the end of a learning
• As Educational objectives are more focused on the
learner’s performance, it is also called as “learning
Educational Objectives at Elementary Level

Develop two things:

• Scientific Literacy

• Positive Attitudes

About using science as a way of obtaining

Developing Science Skill
• Observation Hypothesizing
• Measuring Design Experiments
• Classifying Controlling Variables
• Interfering Interpreting Data
• Prediction Formulating Models
• Communication
The Educational taxonomy
is divided into three domains (3Hs)
• Cognitive (Head)

• Affective(Heart)

• Psychomotor(Hand)
The Taxonomy of Educational Objectives





Taxonomy of Educational Objectives
• a model that described the different levels of learning
outcomes that target what skills and competencies the
teachers aim to develop in the learners
• includes six levels of cognition ranging from recall or
knowledge to evaluation of knowledge
• progress from simple to more complex levels of thinking
• HOTS (higher order thinking skills) : analysis, synthesis,
• knowledge: Remembering material.

• comprehension: ability
to grasp the meaning of

• application: ability to use

learned material in new situation.
• analysis: ability to breakdown
material into its component parts

• synthesis: combines various parts

to form a new whole.

• evaluation: the ability to judge the

value of material for a given purpose
judgements are based on definite criteria.
List of Educational Objectives in Science At
Elementary Level
Carry out Distinguish Plan an Experiment
Classify Draw Predict
Compare Explain Recognize
Define Find out Relate
Demonstrate Illustrate Show
Describe Inquire State
Determine Interpret Suggest
Differentiate List Use
Discuss Measure Write
Construction of test Items
• Item should be clearly written.
• Each test item should be written on the understanding level of
• Test items should cover what learners have had opportunity to
Item Development class 5
Example 1 Subjective Type Questions

unit : Classification of living things

• SLO:
Classify vertebrates into mammals, reptiles, fish,
birds and amphibians on the basis of their
Knowledge Base Item
Q. Separate the following animals into amphibians and
mammals. (Frog, Cow, Salamander, Horse) (4)
• Rubric: Award one mark for placing each animal at correct
• Taxonomy : Knowledge
• Why ? The student can recall, define, recognize or identify
specific information presented during discussion.
Comprehension Base Item
Q. Give three differences between amphibians and mammals.
• Rubric: Award two marks for each correct difference.
• Taxonomy : Comprehension
• Why ? The student demonstrate understanding of information
by translating it into a different form or by recognizing it in
translated form.
Objective Type Questions
Q. 1. Frog belongs to: Knowledge
(a) amphibians (b) reptiles (c)mammals (d)birds
Q. 2. Shark breath: Knowledge
(a) lungs )b) fins (c) scales (d) gills
Q.3.The group which belongs to invertebrates is: Comprehension
(a) amphibians (b) insects (c) reptiles )d) birds
Q.4. Which of the following is a pair of vertebrates? Comprehension
(a) Earthworm, Snail )b) Octopus, Mosquito
(c) Sparrow, Snake (d) Jellyfish, Butterfly
Example 2

Identify key characteristics of micro-organism .
Knowledge Base Item
Q. Define microorganism and give its one example. (2+1)
• Rubric: Award two marks for correct definition and one mark
for correct example.
• Taxonomy : Knowledge
• Why ? the student can recall, define, recognize or identify
specific information presented during discussion.
• Possible Answer: The organism that we cannot see with the
naked eye, e.g. Bacteria.
Comprehension Base Item
Q. Give two advantages and two disadvantages of microorganisms. (4)
• Rubric: Award one mark for each correct advantage and one mark for each
correct disadvantage.
• Taxonomy : Comprehension
• Why ? the student demonstrate understanding of information by translating
it into a different form or by recognizing it in translated form.
• Possible Answer:
Advantages: - Making food like cheese, help in digestion, making medicines,
break down dead bodies etc.
Disadvantages: - Disease, spoilage of food etc. .
Application Base Item
Q. Give three ways to avoid microorganisms. (3).
Rubric: Award one mark for each correct way.
• Taxonomy : Application
• Why ? the student can apply the information in performing
concrete actions.
• Possible Answer:
Washing hands before eating, washing fruits before eating,
brushing teeth regularly, keeping homes clean etc
Objective Type Questions
Q.1. Female dengue mosquito lays eggs: Knowledge
(a( on wall )b) in soil (c) on wood )d) in water
Q.2.The group which belongs to microorganisms is:
(a) insects )b) birds (c) fungi )d) mammals Comprehension
Item Development class 8
• Unit : Excretory System
Define the role of kidney and investigate the malfunction of
kidney of human.
Subjective Type Questions
Q.1. What is renal failure? (2)
Ans. Renal failure is the complete or partial failure of kidneys to work.
Q.2. What are the main four causes of renal failure? (4)
Ans. Causes: Long term infections, Diabetes mellitus, hypertension,
sudden blockage of blood supply to the kidneys
Q.3. Describe the treatment of renal failure. (6)
Ans. First description of dialysis and
Then description of kidney transplant.
Objective Type Questions
Q.1.A tube which arises from kidney and enters the urinary
bladder is called: Knowledge
(a) urethra )b) cortex(c) ureter )d) medulla

Q.2.Which of the following can cause stone formation in kidneys?

(a) Salts )b) Sugar(c) Water )d) Fruits

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