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Founded 1918 ? Incorporated 1924

Membership Rules
for Titles and Grades

A guide to the requirements

to achieve the grades of membership available to Fire Engineers

Version 2006

Version 1.1
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A. Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 3
B. Classes of Membership....................................................................................................... 4
1. Titles and Grades ............................................................................................................ 4
2. Titles .............................................................................................................................. 4
3. Grades ........................................................................................................................... 4
C. Examinations ..................................................................................................................... 5
D. Entry requirements ............................................................................................................. 6
1. Student .......................................................................................................................... 6
2. Technician ...................................................................................................................... 7
3. Graduate ........................................................................................................................ 8
4. Associate ....................................................................................................................... 8
5. Member.......................................................................................................................... 9
6. Fellow .......................................................................................................................... 10
7. Life Fellow.................................................................................................................... 10
8. Companion ................................................................................................................... 10
E. Individual Case Procedure ................................................................................................ 11
F. Initial Professional Development (IPD) (incorporating training and experience) ..................... 11
G. Continuing Professional Development requirements (Member)............................................ 12
H. Mature Candidate Route ................................................................................................... 12
I. The Career Appraisal Route ............................................................................................... 13
J. The Engineering Council Division....................................................................................... 13
K. Rules of Membership ........................................................................................................ 14
1. Entrance fees and subscriptions .................................................................................... 14
2. Examinations ................................................................................................................ 14
3. Membership of a Branch of the Institution ....................................................................... 14
4. Code of Conduct........................................................................................................... 14
Annex A - Competence and Commitment of Technicians ........................................................ 15
Annex B - IPD Objectives for Technicians .............................................................................. 16
Annex C - Competence and Commitment of Members ............................................................ 20
Annex D - IPD Objectives for Members .................................................................................. 21
Annex E - Guidance for Candidates ....................................................................................... 26
1. Introduction .................................................................................................................. 26
2. Starting the Application Process..................................................................................... 26
3. Initial Professional Development (IPD) Objectives ........................................................... 26
4. Organising the Evidence (writing your Report) ................................................................ 27
5. A Final Word to Candidates ........................................................................................... 27
Your Professional Review Report........................................................................................... 28
Format and Submission .................................................................................................... 28
General Guidance on content ............................................................................................ 28
Sample of a Professional Review Report ............................................................................ 29

Version 1.1
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A. Introduction
The Institution of Fire Engineers was founded in 1918 by a group of Chief Officers of Fire
Brigades in the United Kingdom, with the objective:

"To promote, encourage and improve the science and practice of fire extinction, fire prevention
and fire engineering and all expedients connected therewith, and to give an impulse to ideas
likely to be useful in connection with or in relation to such science and practice to the members of
the Institution and to the community at large"

Since its establishment, the Institution has grown into an International organisation representing
fire engineers throughout the world.

A range of membership grades and titles have been developed, that provide professional
recognition of fire engineers across a broad spectrum of competence, from the youngest entrant
into the profession, to those operating at the highest level. The Institution has achieved
recognition for its grades of membership by a number of professional bodies, including the United
Kingdom’s Engineering Council.

The purpose of this booklet is to describe the entry requirements of the various grades of
membership, listed in the Institution’s bylaws, and how they can be achieved. The rules of
membership described in this booklet will be those rules used in the Institution’s internal
procedures for determining membership. The Institution’s Bylaws also contain rules in relation to
the maintenance of membership, and these are described in general terms, in Section K of this
booklet. A copy of the Institution’s Memorandum and Articles of Association By-Laws and
Standing Orders is available on request from the Membership Department.

The Institution is committed to fairness and equality of opportunity in all in its dealings with
members and applicants for membership.

Further information on all aspects of the Institution can be obtained on request from:

The Membership Department

Institution of Fire Engineers
London Road
Moreton in Marsh
Gloucestershire GL56 0RH

Telephone +44 (0) 1608 812580

Fax +44 (0) 1608 812581
E-mail [email protected]
Web Page

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B. Classes of Membership
1. Titles and Grades
The Institution draws a distinction between titles and grades of membership. Titles are awarded
to persons or members who have demonstrated support for the objectives of the Institution. The
grades of membership form the framework for recognition of professional development.

2. Titles
a. The title of Companion, is an award to members of the Institution, or other persons judged to
have made a significant contribution to the objective of the Institution. Refer to Section D8 for
further information.

b. The title of Affiliate is available for individual fire engineers or organisations with an interest in
fire engineering, who wish to take part in the Institution’s activities but have not, at this stage,
met the requirements of a membership grade. Affiliate members are entitled to such rights
and privileges as non-corporate members. Affiliate members may make reference to their
affiliation to the Institution.

3. Grades
The Institution has developed a progressive scheme of grades of membership to denote an
individual’s professional development. The grades are prescribed in the Institution’s Bylaws and
provide for both corporate (voting) and non-corporate membership. Figure 1 provides an overview
of the relationship between the different grades. Further details for each grade is provided in
section D of this booklet.

The Institution encourages all fire engineers to continually develop their membership status and
to take a full part in the Institution’s business.

a. Corporate Grades Designatory Letters

Life Fellow FIFireE (Life)
Fellow FIFireE
Member MIFireE
Associate AIFireE

b. Non-corporate Grades Designatory Letters

Graduate GIFireE
Technician TIFireE
Student None

NOTE: Members of the Institution who are also members of the Engineering Council Division may
use an appropriate combination of abbreviations and designatory letters. For full details, refer to
the "Rules of the Engineering Council Division", available from the Membership Department.

Designatory letters may only be used for as long as the holder remains a paid up member. The
Institution will take action to prevent unauthorised use.

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Figure 1.

C. Examinations
The Institution conducts examinations at centres around the world. The examinations provide one
method of meeting the required academic qualification for grades of membership.

The examinations are

? Preliminary
? Intermediate
? Graduateship
? Membership

The Institution also accredits external providers of courses and examinations, which can provide
an alternative means of acquiring some or all of the examinations. Details of currently accredited
courses are on the web site at

The relationship between the examinations and the grades of membership are described in
Section D of this booklet.

The Institution’s rules require examination candidates to be in a grade of membership of the

Institution. Applicants without recognised qualifications may enter as Students, in order to be
eligible to sit an examination.

Full details of the Institution’s examinations and accreditation are available in the Examination
Rules and Regulations and a list of examination centres are available from the Examinations
Officer, or from the IFE web site at

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D. Entry requirements
A pre requisite for membership of the Institution, is an involvement, by study or employment, in
fire engineering. Fire Engineering is a broad discipline, difficult to describe comprehensively in a
few words. Applicants for membership will be expected to demonstrate that their work has a clear
relationship with fire prevention, fire extinction or fire engineering (referred to collectively as “fire
engineering”). The Institution will assess an applicant’s suitability for a grade of membership
based on
? educational qualifications relevant to their involvement in fire engineering
? initial professional development (incorporating training and experience)

Candidates seeking election to, or transfer between grades, will be expected to provide
appropriate evidence of academic qualifications, training, and experience.

The educational requirements for grades may be satisfied by:

a. holding the appropriate examination set by the Institution or successfully completing an
accredited course or holding a recognised fire engineering qualification,
b. holding a qualification with relevance to the applicant’s current involvement in fire engineering
(Individual Case Procedure [ICP], see section E)
c. meeting the requirements of the Mature Candidate Procedure, (see Section H)

Applicants for Member will also be required to demonstrate they have undertaken Continuing
Professional Development for a specified period, in accordance with the Institution’s policy, which
is outlined in Section G of this booklet. Entry requirements for each grade are set out below in
terms of the required educational, training and experience requirements.

1. Student
Every person for election into the grade of Student shall be a person who has established, to the
satisfaction of an appropriate Peer Review Panel, they meet the requirements below.

Standard Route

I. Is engaged as a part time or full time student of fire engineering, (which may
include vocational work place based training), or are in part time or full time
employment in fire engineering.

Full Time Education (FTE) Route

I. Is engaged as a full time student of fire engineering.

Persons may remain in the Student grade for as long as they wish (subject to the rules of
membership), however the Institution would hope that students would progress through the
various grades of membership.

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2. Technician
Every person for election or transfer into the grade of Technician shall be a person who has
established, to the satisfaction of an appropriate Peer Review Panel, they meet the requirements

a. Standard Route

I. Hold the Institutions Intermediate Exam, OR is registered Engineering Technician

with the Engineering Council UK OR an international equivalent, and
II. Have met the relevant initial professional development criteria (see section F)

b. Individual Case Procedure (ICP) Route

I. Hold an equivalent qualification as approved for this purpose by the Board of

Directors, and
II. Have met the relevant initial professional development criteria (see section F)

c. Mature Candidate Route

I. Fire engineers without the formal academic qualifications necessary for the grade
of Technician may submit an application via the Mature Candidate Route. Such
applicants will be required to demonstrate 12 years of increasing responsibility in fire
engineering and, by submitting a technical paper, that they have achieved a
standard of competence comparable to contemporaries who have achieved the
Technician grade by academic achievement. (See Section H for details)

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3. Graduate
Every person for election or transfer into the grade of Graduate shall be a person who has
established, to the satisfaction of an appropriate Peer Review Panel, they meet the requirements
of a, b or c below.

a. Standard Route

I. Hold the Graduateship examination OR hold the UK Statutory Station Officers

examination OR have successfully completed a course (or courses) which
has/have been accredited and continuously validated by the Institution as having
equivalency with the Graduateship examination, and
II. Have 3 years of acceptable training and responsible experience in Fire

b. Individual Case Procedure (ICP) Route

I. Hold a Higher National Certificate or Diploma, or equivalent in relevant subjects –

or has qualified by examination for membership at an appropriate level, of a
professional body approved for this purpose by the Board of Directors, (ICP see
Section E) and
II. Have 3 years of acceptable training and responsible experience in Fire

c. Mature Candidate Route

I. Fire engineers without the formal academic qualifications necessary for the grade
of Graduate may submit an application via the Mature Candidate Route. Such
applicants will be required to demonstrate 12 years of increasing responsibility in
fire engineering and, by submitting a technical paper, that they have achieved a
standard of competence comparable to contemporaries who have achieved the
Graduate grade by academic achievement, (See Section H for details)

4. Associate
Every person for election or transfer into the grade of Associate shall be a person who has
established, to the satisfaction of an appropriate Peer Review Panel, they meet the requirements

a. Standard Route

I. Have a relevant qualification to satisfy the academic requirements for

membership in the grade of Member, and
II. The application has the support of 2 corporate members of the Institution.

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5. Member
Every person for election or transfer into the grade of Member shall be a person who has
established, to the satisfaction of an appropriate Peer Review Panel, they meet the requirements
of a, b, c or d below.

a. Standard Route

I. Hold the Membership examination or have successfully completed a course (or

courses) which has/have been accredited and continuously validated by the
Institution as having equivalency with the Membership examination, and
II. Have met the relevant initial professional development criteria (see section F) and
III. Can demonstrate two years of continuing professional development (See G), and
IV. The application has the support of 2 corporate members of the Institution.

b. Individual Case Procedure (ICP) Route

I. Hold a degree, or equivalent in relevant subjects, from a recognised university or

other equivalent academic institution or has qualified by examination for
membership at an appropriate level, of a professional body approved for this
purpose by the Board of Directors, (ICP see Section E) and
II. Have met the relevant initial professional development criteria (see section F) and
III. Can demonstrate two years of continuing professional development (See G), and
IV. The application has the support of 2 corporate members of the Institution.

c. Mature Candidate Route

I. Fire engineers without the formal academic qualifications necessary for the grade
of Member may submit an application via the Mature Candidate Route. Such
applicants will be required to demonstrate 15 years of increasing responsibility in
fire engineering, have met the relevant initial professional development criteria
(see section F) and, by submitting a technical paper, that they have achieved a
standard of competence comparable to contemporaries who have achieved the
Member grade by academic achievement, (see Section H), and
II. The application is supported by 2 corporate members of the Institution.

d. Career Appraisal Route

I. An invitation route for Graduate member fire engineers without the academic
qualifications for Member but who, prima facie, appear to have sufficient work
based experience to allow them to demonstrate that they are able to satisfy the
requirements for Member (see section I), and
II. The application is supported by 2 corporate members of the Institution.

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6. Fellow
Every person for election or transfer into the grade of Fellow shall establish, to the satisfaction of
an appropriate Peer Review Panel, that he/she meets the requirements below:

a. Standard Route

I. Be an existing Member of the Institution and

II. Have demonstrated significant individual responsibility, sustained achievement
and exceptional professionalism during his/her career. An applicant must
demonstrate successful leadership or outstanding service/contribution to the fire
engineering profession over an extended period, not normally less than 15 years
III. The application is supported by two Fellow members of the Institution.

b. Senior Candidate Route (by invitation of the Board of Directors only)

I. Have held a senior position for a minimum of seven years or have equivalent
demonstrable competence and responsibility. This position should have
necessitated an involvement with significant financial and personnel resources,
required input to their organisation's policy formation and responsibility for a major
contribution to its core activity and
II. Be able to demonstrate their competence to practise at a level which clearly meets
or exceeds the requirements for Member and also satisfies the criteria for Fellow
III. Have a minimum of 20 years involvement in a fire-related environment.

7. Life Fellow
Life Fellow is the premier membership grade of the Institution. Access to this grade is by invitation
of the Institution’s Board of Directors, who may elect, as a Life Fellow, a Fellow who has given
outstanding service to the Institution for many years. Life Fellows shall not normally be under the
age of 60 years and at any one time the number of Life Fellows shall not exceed 6. The class of
Life Fellow carries the same rights and privileges as that of the class of Fellow.

8. Companion
The Companion title is the Institution's only premier title that can only be made by a nomination. It
is a title that is awarded to members of any grade who have given outstanding service to the IFE
and/or the Branch and/or Fire Engineering. Please refer to page 13, and rule 25 b on page 15, of
the Memorandum and Articles of Association (available at for the official
statement on the Companion Grade. Members that have been awarded the Companion title will
retain their original IFE grade. For example: a Companion Graduate would become CGIFireE; a
Fellow Companion would become CFIFireE.

Branches that wish to nominate a member for the title of Companion should contact the
Membership Department for guidance.

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E. Individual Case Procedure
As an alternative to recognised and accredited qualifications in fire engineering, the Institution will
consider academic qualifications of an appropriate standard, of relevance to the applicant’s
involvement in fire engineering. The academic level of the qualification required is described in
the requirement for the grade. The subject matter is assessed individually, taking account of the
applicant’s current involvement in fire engineering and their training and experience. Accordingly,
it is not possible to "list" acceptable qualifications.

The applicant will need to demonstrate the relevance of the qualification by identifying how the
syllabus content is of relevance to their current professional activities.

F. Initial Professional Development (IPD) (incorporating training

and experience)
The entry requirements for some membership grades include reference to a period of "acceptable
training and responsible experience in fire engineering".

Applicants or members of the Institution who are pursuing registration with the Engineering
Council, via the Engineering Council Division, should consult the Division’s publication "Guide to
Membership of the Engineering Council Division" available from the Membership Department,
which describes the specific training and experience requirements necessary for registration.

Candidates for the mature candidate procedure will be required to describe their training and
experience on the application form supplied for the purpose.

All applicants must submit evidence of either training and experience or how they meet the
relevant IPD criteria (depending on which grade they applied for) with their application. The
applicant must satisfy the Institution that their qualification is at an appropriate level, is relevant to
their work as a fire engineer (see Section E), and that their record of training and experience or
IPD support their current professional activities.

For Graduate grade, the training and experience requirements have been expressed in terms of
years, The training and experience report (T&E) will not need to identify 156 weeks (i.e. 3 x 52
weeks) of continuous training. What will be expected is that the applicant can demonstrate that
they have followed a structured programme over that period. The actual length of time on formal
structured training courses is not specified and will be judged as a part of the overall application.
Significant weighting will be given to "on the job" training supervision and mentoring.

Applicants should identify in chronological order the date of completion of the relevant academic
study followed and any training courses attended, with a summary of the course objectives.
Where on the job training has been given, copies of training records, log books or other evidence
such as "industry approved schemes" to demonstrate the training has been structured would be
helpful. A record of experience can be set out in a format used for Curriculum Vitae (CV) or job
application. The evidence of experience should identify what was done by the applicant and how
it is relevant to their involvement in fire engineering.

For Technician and Member grade -, applicants are expected to demonstrate how they meet the
relevant Initial Professional Development (IPD) criteria in the following areas:
Knowledge and understanding
Application and practice
Leadership, management and supervision
Professional conduct

Details on these criteria can be found in the IPD fact sheets located in annex A & B for
Technicians and C & D for Member. Further Guidance for Candidates is available in Annex E.

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G. Continuing Professional Development requirements (Member)
The Institution supports the concept and practice of continuing professional development, (CPD)
believing it to be essential to effective performance as a professional fire engineer. The Institution
defines CPD as

"The systematic maintenance, improvement and broadening of knowledge and skills and the
development of personal qualities necessary for the execution of professional and technical
duties throughout the practitioner’s working life"

All members of the Institution are encouraged to undertake and record CPD. The entry
requirements to the Member grade includes a requirement that the applicant must demonstrate
that they have undertaken CPD for a specified period.

Full details of the Institution’s policy on CPD, together with useful guidance on how to identify
needs, plan and record CPD is in a booklet, entitled "Continuing Professional Development - A
Guide for Fire Engineers", available from the IFE website at

The Institution places most emphasis on the outcome of any CPD activity, rather than meeting
any fixed "quota". However, as a guide, an applicant would be expected to provide evidence that
they have undertaken and recorded at least 25 hours of CPD per year, in the 2 years preceding
their application.

It would be expected that a record would include a mix of formal (lectures, seminars, branch
events etc.) and informal (structured reading, personal development activities in voluntary work,
observation and analysis of events). Formal activities would be expected to form at least 12.5
hours of each year and informal activities a further 25 hours (informal CPD is credited on a "two
hours for one" basis).

It is not necessary to provide copies of CPD certificates; rather more value is placed on a
personal record of CPD, in which some analysis of the content value and future use of the
development activity has been carried out. The method of recording is a matter for individuals,
however, it should be structured around providing information which
identifies what has been done, including the time spent on the activity and
describes what was learned by the individual and
how the development can be used in the future

It is an obligation of membership that members maintain their standard of professionalism.

Planning, undertaking and recording CPD in accordance with the guidance issued by the
Institution, is a means of demonstrating that commitment to professionalism.

H. Mature Candidate Route

The purpose of the Mature Candidate Route (MCR), is to provide a direct route to membership as
a Technician, Graduate or Member, for those who do not have the appropriate academic
qualifications, but who are able to demonstrate that in later life they have achieved a standard of
competence comparable to their contemporaries who have achieved these grades by academic

The MCR is only available to applicants over the age of 35 years, with the appropriate period of
increasing responsibility. The MCR is not an easy option, the burden of proof is with the
applicant and it will be stringent.

The process comprises three phases, as follows

Phase one – An application form is completed, which includes full details of the individual, all
their professional training and experience, their responsibilities and employment record. This
application will form the basis of phase two. The applicant is also required to submit a proposal
for their technical paper.
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Phase two – A panel will assess the appropriateness of the proposed technical paper and the
applicant’s ability to successfully complete the work.
Phase three - The applicant completes a technical paper, which is then assessed by two
members of an appropriate grade and background. If required, the assessment is then followed
by a professional review and technical interview. The assessors will judge whether the candidate
has demonstrated an understanding of the principles of fire engineering comparable to what
could be expected of a normally qualified fire engineer, of average ability, of the same age, in that

Please request the Mature Candidate Route Guidance from the Membership Department
before commencing your application.

I. The Career Appraisal Route

The Career Appraisal Route is by invitation to Graduate member fire engineers without the
academic qualifications for Member but who, prima facie, appear to have sufficient work based
experience to allow them to demonstrate that they are able to satisfy the requirements for

Application Requirements
Current Graduate member of the Institution (GIFireE).
Although, there is no minimum age requirement for following this route, applicants must be
able to demonstrate that they fully meet the Initial Professional Development (IPD)
requirements for the grade of Member.
Applicants must have been invited to follow the Route having undergone assessment via an
individual Case Procedure.
Applicants should complete an application form for Member as an Individual Case Procedure.

Please request the Career Appraisal Route Guidance from the Membership
Department before commencing your application.

J. The Engineering Council Division

The Institution established an Engineering Council Division (ECD) to provide the means to
register members with the Engineering Council in the United Kingdom. The Division has six
grades of membership:
Chartered Engineer
Incorporated Engineer
Engineering Technician
Graduate Engineer

Full details of membership of the ECD are contained in the Division’s publication "Rules of the
Engineering Council Division", available from the Membership Department.

The broad nature of fire engineering is such that not all members of the Institution will meet all of
the requirements for registration with the Engineering Council and membership of the ECD.

A parity of esteem exists between the grades of membership of the Institution and grades of
registration with the Engineering Council. If you are applying for registration, the appropriate
membership grade will be automatically awarded, on successful completion of your application.

Chartered Engineer (CEng) Member (MIFireE)

Incorporated Engineer (IEng) Member (MIFireE)
Graduate Engineer Associate (AIFireE)
Engineering Technician (EngTech) Technician (TIFireE)

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K. Rules of Membership
The Bylaws of the Institution prescribe certain matters that are relevant to maintaining
membership. The Bylaws must be consulted for the detailed requirements, which are outlined

1. Entrance fees and subscriptions

There are no entrance fees to join the Institution, although there are in certain cases, to join the
Engineering Council Division. In the case of Mature Candidate applications, the cost of the
assessment process is borne by the applicant.

The annual membership fee is renewable in January of each year although new members, joining
in the last three months of a membership year, are entitled to the full rights of membership for the
following year.

Non payment of subscription fees results in the member being struck off the membership list and
losing the privileges of membership, including the right to use the distinctive titles. Members who
wish to rejoin will be charged an administrative fee.

Subscription fees are reviewed and adjusted annually. Where an International Branch exists, the
membership fee is payable to the local branch, which retains 50 percent to support local activity,
and remits the remainder to Head Office to fund central membership expenses such as the Fire
Engineers Journal and administration.

2. Examinations
Candidates for any of the examinations must be paid up members of the Institution.

3. Membership of a Branch of the Institution

The Institution has local branches and groups established across the world as well as the
Engineering Council Division and a small number of Special Interest Groups.

Membership of the Institution is not conditional on membership of a geographical branch, the

Engineering Council Division or a Special Interest Group.

Membership of a branch, the division or a group is, however, conditional on membership of the
main body of the Institution.

In some cases, additional fees are payable to be a member of a local branch of the Institution,
although these are usually minimal.

Members will find a great deal of benefit in joining one or more of these organisations. Branches,
Groups and Special Interest Groups offer access to CPD activities, useful networks, potential
mentors and social activities of advantage to fire engineers. Their activities are usually locally
based (further details are available from IFE headquarters).

4. Code of Conduct
Members of the Institution may be suspended, asked to resign or struck off the membership roll, if
in the opinion of the Board of Directors, the member is guilty of dishonourable or unprofessional
conduct. See Bylaw 20 for details.

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Annex A - Competence and Commitment of Technicians

Note: The 'task' can be t'o develop', 'to produce', 'to install', 'to maintain', 'to construct', 'to
commission', 'to operate', (etc).

Technicians must be competent, by virtue of their initial formation and throughout their working
life, to:

A. Use engineering knowledge and understanding to apply technology. This includes an

ability to:

A.1 review and select techniques, procedures and methods to undertake tasks.
A.2 use appropriate scientific and fire engineering principles.

B. Contribute to the design, development, manufacture, construction, commissioning,

operation and maintenance of products, equipment, processes, systems and services. In
this context, this includes the ability to:

B.1 identify problems and apply diagnostic methods to achieve satisfactory solution in
a fire engineering environment.
B.2 identify, organise and use resources effectively to complete tasks, with due
regard to cost, quality, safety and environmental impact.

C. Accept and exercise personal responsibility. This includes an ability to:

C.1 work reliably and effectively without close supervision, to the appropriate codes
of practice.
C.2 accept responsibility for work of self and others.
C.3 accept, allocate and supervise technological and other tasks.

D. Use effective communications and interpersonal skills. This includes the ability to:

D.1 use oral, written and electronic methods for the communication of technical and
other information.
D.2 function as an effective team member.

E. Make a personal commitment to live by the appropriate code of professional conduct,

recognising obligations to society, the profession and the environment. In order to satisfy
this commitment, they must:

E.1 comply with the Codes and Rules of Conduct.

E.2 manage and apply safe systems of work.
E.3 undertake their engineering work in compliance with relevant Codes of Practice
on Risk and the Environment.
E.4 carry out the continuing professional development necessary to ensure
competence in their areas of future intended practice.

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Annex B - IPD Objectives for Technicians

These IPD Objectives provide a framework for setting out the related skills and knowledge of the
discipline of fire engineering.

The scope of fire engineering is wide and is more fully described in the definitions forming part of
the Competencies & Commitments. This sets out all of the Competence and Commitment criteria
as contextualised by the Institution in relation to fire engineers.

You are NOT expected to be fully competent in ALL of these objectives. You must, however,
have broad based experience and responsibility in one or more aspects of fire engineering as
well as some knowledge of related aspects. More information on this, and guidance on how to
use these IPD Objectives in submitting your application is given in the Guidance for Candidates
on Preparing Applications and Professional Review Reports.


A Use engineering A1 Review and Demonstrate an ability to identify limits of
knowledge and select personal knowledge, understanding and
understanding to techniques, skills and a striving to maintain currency
apply technology. procedures and in Fire Engineering techniques,
methods to procedures and methods using
undertake tasks. appropriate resources.
Demonstrate a systematic extension of
limits of personal knowledge,
understanding and skills to reflect best
practice in relevant fields of work.
Demonstrate through use of evidence
from own experience and best practice
the ability to review current Fire
Engineering techniques, procedures and
methods to select those most appropriate
to undertake tasks.
A2 Use appropriate Be able to demonstrate an ability to
scientific and fire analyse the requirements of tasks, based
engineering on Fire Engineering principles and know-
principles. how.
Demonstrate an ability to plan, monitor
and evaluate tasks against expectations
of best practice, and based on
appropriate Fire Engineering principles
and scientific understanding.
Be able to demonstrate an ability to apply
scientific and Fire Engineering principles
to the provision of engineering advice and
professional opinion.

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B Contribute to the B1 Re Identify Demonstrate an ability to monitor
design, problems and performance and outcomes of Fire
development, apply diagnostic Engineering products, procedures,
manufacture, methods to processes and systems to identify
construction, achieve deviations from expectations and
commissioning, satisfactory standards.
operation and solution in a fire Determine causes of deviations, using
maintenance of engineering appropriate diagnostic tools and
products, environment. methods.
equipment, Demonstrate an ability to evaluate the
processes, potential consequences of a problem and
systems and make judgements about rectification
services. requirements, priorities and reporting.
Demonstrate an ability to rectify problems
and test solutions against appropriate
B2 Identify, organise Demonstrate an ability to identify how to
and use undertake a task and to identify the
resources resources required to satisfy specified
effectively to and agreed criteria.
complete tasks, Demonstrate an ability to schedule and
with due regard marshal the resources required and an
to cost, quality, ability to apply the resources effectively
safety and and correctly to complete the task.
environmental Demonstrate an ability to evaluate the
impact. outcome against the agreed criteria,
including quality, time and cost and
against specified safety and
environmental criteria.
C Accept and C1 Work reliably and Demonstrate an ability to contribute to
exercise personal effectively without planning by identifying effective methods
responsibility. close supervision, to undertake relevant tasks.
to the appropriate Demonstrate an ability to comply with
codes of practice. relevant regulatory and professional
codes of practice in the implementation of
Demonstrate an ability to apply best
practice to complete designated tasks.
C2 Accept Demonstrate an ability to identify and
responsibility for agree criteria for the completion of
work of self and designated tasks.
others. Define responsibility of self and others to
achieve criteria for designated tasks.
Demonstrate an ability to evaluate the
outcome of designated tasks.
C3 Accept, allocate Demonstrate an ability to accept
and supervise responsibility for the completion of
technological and designated tasks to time, resources and
other tasks. cost.
Demonstrate an ability to accept
responsibility for the quality of the
outcome of work in which self and team
are involved.

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D Use effective D1 Use oral, written Demonstrate an ability to clarify
communication and electronic objectives, identify main purpose and
and interpersonal methods for the select appropriate medium for
skills communication of communication.
technical and Be able to select appropriate methods of
other information. communication using words and images,
audio and visual as appropriate.
Be able to communicate competently in
written and oral expression.
D2 Function as an Establish and maintain effective
effective team relationships with colleagues, clients and
member. others.
Be able to identify and work towards
collective goals.
Develop effective team working
relationships to enhance performance.
Be able to give clear and accurate
instructions, as appropriate.
E Make a personal E1 Comply with the Demonstrate an ability to place
commitment to Codes and Rules responsibility for the welfare, health and
live by the of Conduct safety of the community at all times
appropriate code before the responsibility to the profession,
of professional to sectional interests, or to other
conduct, engineers.
recognising Comply with Codes of Conduct of the
obligations to profession and apply professional skill in
society, the the interests of employer and client for
profession and whom you act in professional matters.
the environment Give evidence, express opinions or make
statements in an objective and truthful
manner and on the basis of adequate
E2 Manage and Take account of potential professional
apply safe risks and liabilities and accept
systems of work responsibility for them.
Consider and implement as necessary
appropriate occupational health & safety
Investigate community safety
requirements, act to resolve any incipient
safety issues, take appropriate
precautions in relation to hazardous
operations and take account of disaster
prevention, mitigation and recovery

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E3 Undertake your Promote the actions required in
engineering work engineering practice to improve, sustain
in compliance and restore the environment.
with the Code of Be aware of the wise use of non-
Practice on Risk renewable resources through waste
and the minimisation, recycling and the
Environment development of alternatives where
Strive to achieve the beneficial objectives
of Fire Engineering tasks with the lowest
possible consumption of raw materials
and energy and the adoption of
sustainable management practices.
Take account of total life-cycle
implications with respect to how Fire
Engineering products and projects will
impact on the envi ronment.
E4 Carry out the Undertake continued professional
continuing development (CPD) to maintain and
professional enhance technical competence.
development Demonstrate an ability to set your own
necessary to goals to achieve personal and
ensure organisational objectives.
competence in Maintain a career action plan and records
your areas of of professional development activities.
future intended

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Annex C - Competence and Commitment of Members

Note: The 'task' can be 'to develop', 'to produce', 'to install', 'to maintain', 'to construct', 'to
commission', 'to operate', (etc).

Members must be competent, by virtue of their initial formation and throughout their working life,

A. Use a combination of general and specialist fire science and fire engineering knowledge
and understanding to optimise the application of existing and emerging technology. This
includes an ability to:
A.1 maintain a sound theoretical approach to the application of technology in fire
engineering practices.
A.2 use appropriate scientific and fire engineering principles.
A.3 use a sound evidence-based approach to problem solving and quality

B. Apply appropriate theoretical and practical methods to design, develop, manufacture,

construct, commission, operate and maintain products, equipment, processes, systems
and services. In this context, this includes an ability to:
B.1 develop, review and select techniques, procedures and methods to undertake fire
engineering tasks.
B.2 contribute to design and development.
B.3 identify problems, evaluate options and formulate solutions; taking cost, benefits,
safety quality, reliability, appearance and environment impact into account.
B.4 determine evaluation criteria and monitor and assess performance against these

C. Provide technical and managerial leadership. This includes the ability to:
C.1 plan, implement and co-ordinate activities against objectives.
C.2 assist in the preparation and control of budgets, and operate within the financial
and commercial constraints of an organisation and the overall statutory
C.3 use people management skills and provide leadership in the working
environment, supporting and developing team members and managing work
groups and projects.
C.4 manage continuous improvement processes.

D. Use effective communications and interpersonal skills. This includes an ability to:
D.1 work and communicate with others at all levels.
D.2 effectively present and discuss ideas and plans.
D.3 build terms and negotiate.

E. Make a personal commitment to live by the appropriate code of professional conduct,

recognising obligations to society, the profession and the environment. In order to satisfy
this commitment, they must:
E.1 comply with the Codes and Rules of Conduct.
E.2 manage and apply safe systems of work.
E.3 undertake their work in compliance with relevant Codes of Practice on Risk and
the Environment.
E.4 carry out the continuing professional development necessary to ensure
competence in their areas of future intended practice.

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Annex D - IPD Objectives for Members
These IPD Objectives provide a framework for setting out the related skills and knowledge of the
discipline of fire engineering.

The scope of fire engineering is wide and is more fully described in the definitions forming part of
the Competencies & Commitments (Annex D). This sets out all of the Competence and
Commitment criteria as contextualised by the Institution in relation to fire engineers.

You are NOT expected to be fully competent in ALL of these objectives. You must, however,
have broad based experience and responsibility in one or more aspects of fire engineering as
well as some knowledge of related aspects. More information on this, and guidance on how to
use these IPD Objectives in submitting your application is given in the Guidance for Candidates
on Preparing Applications and Professional Review Reports.


A Use a A1 Maintain a sound Demonstrate an ability to identify and
combination of theoretical accept limits of personal knowledge,
general and approach to the understanding and skills and a striving to
specialist fire application of maintain currency in the Fire Engineering
engineering technology in fire field by accessing and exploiting relevant
knowledge and engineering sources.
understanding to practices Be conversant with key information
optimise the resources such as the Internet, the
application of media, professional journals, attending
existing and professional seminars and networking
emerging with peers.
technology. Demonstrate a systematic deepening of
personal knowledge base in the Fire
Engineering field through research and
A2 Use appropriate Be able to demonstrate an ability to
scientific and fire interpret and analyse the requirements of
engineering clients, based on Fire Engineering
principles. principles and scientific understanding,
for the provision of products, systems and
Demonstrate an ability to plan, monitor
and evaluate the operation of projects,
against best practice indicators as well as
using appropriate Fire Engineering
principles and scientific understanding.
Be able to demonstrate an ability to apply
scientific and Fire Engineering principles
to the provision of engineering advice and
professional opinion.

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A3 Use a sound Demonstrate a willingness and ability to
evidence-based review current methods and operations,
approach to to arrive at a valid diagnosis of faults and
problem solving explanation of problems.
and quality Demonstrate the use of market
enhancement. intelligence and knowledge of
technological developments to improve
the effectiveness of Fire Engineering
products, services and systems.
Demonstrate the use of evidence from
best practice to improve the
effectiveness, reliability, maintainability
and economy of Fire Engineering
products, systems and services.
Demonstrate an ability to evaluate and
develop quality management systems.
B Apply an B1 Develop, review Using personal experience, an
appropriate and select understanding of the employer’s
theoretical and techniques, commercial position and available Fire
practical methods procedures and Engineering resources develop a review
to design, methods to methodology.
develop, undertake fire Review the potential for enhancement of
manufacture, engineering Fire Engineering products, processes,
construct, tasks. systems and services and establish an
commission, action plan to implement the results of
operate and any such review.
maintain B2 Contribute to Contribute to the determination of design
products, design and and development requirements for Fire
equipment, development. Engineering products, processes,
processes, systems and services.
systems and Contribute to the specification of
services. implementation methods and procedures
to achieve design requirements and
demonstrate an ability to obtain the
resources required for implementation.
Demonstrate an ability to schedule
activities to implement the production of
Fire Engineering products, processes,
systems and services.
B3 Identify problems, Demonstrate an ability to identify
evaluate options problems and evaluate possible Fire
and formulate Engineering solutions to meet clients’
solutions; taking needs.
cost, benefits, Demonstrate an ability to formulate
safety, quality, effective Fire Engineering solutions that
reliability, meet all relevant criteria.
appearance and Demonstrate an ability to review the
environmental effectiveness of the chosen Fire
impact into Engineering solution.
B4 Determine Be able to determine the task
evaluation criteria requirements of Fire Engineering
and monitor and solutions, processes, systems and
assess services.
performance Demonstrate an ability to monitor and
against these evaluate the task processes.
criteria. Demonstrate an ability to resolve task
problems with appropriate solutions.
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C Provide technical C1 Plan, implement Demonstrate an ability to identify and
and managerial and co-ordinate develop objectives for projects to meet
leadership activities against clients’ requirements.
objectives. Demonstrate an ability to plan for the
delivery of tasks to complete a project.
Demonstrate an ability to identify and
obtain the resources required to achieve
project objectives
Demonstrate an ability to specify and co-
ordinate the engineering resources and
activities required to achieve project
C2 Assist in the Using appropriate techniques, set and
preparation and implement work objectives and priorities,
control of including time, resource and cost
budgets, and estimates.
operate within the Demonstrate an ability to manage tasks
financial and within identified financial, commercial and
commercial regulatory constraints.
constraints of an Monitor, evaluate and adjust tasks as
organisation and appropriate to ensure that they are
the overall performed within financial, commercial
statutory and regulatory constraints.
C3 Use people Contribute to the development and
management improvement of individuals and teams
skills and provide through planning and activities including
leadership in the identification, review and improvement of
working activities for individuals, the setting and
environment, updating of work objectives for teams and
supporting and individuals.
developing team Plan activities and determine work
members and methods to achieve objectives.
managing work
groups and
C4 Manage Contribute to the promotion of quality
continuous throughout the organisation and its
improvement customer and supplier networks.
processes. Demonstrate an ability to develop and
maintain operations to meet quality
standards and to implement and evaluate
changes to Fire Engineering services,
products and systems.
Perform work to appropriate quality
standards and contribute to the
evaluation of proposed changes to Fire
Engineering services, products and
D Use effective D1 Work and Establish and maintain effective
communication communicate relationships with colleagues and clients
and interpersonal with others at all and advise and inform them as
skills levels appropriate.
Respond effectively and efficiently to all
received communication, howsoever it is

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D2 Effectively Be able to select the most appropriate
present and medium to clearly communicate
discuss ideas and objectives, proposals and designs using
plans words, images, audio and visual, as
Be able to communicate fluently in written
and oral expression and prepare reports
and published papers at a professional
D3 Build teams and Identify collective goals and
negotiate responsibilities and promote the creation
of teams to work towards these effective
Create, maintain and develop effective
working relationships to enhance
Undertake negotiation, conflict resolution
and counselling within the team.
E Make a personal E1 Comply with the Maintain the interests for the welfare,
commitment to Codes and Rules health & safety of community as a priority
live by the of Conduct above those of the profession, to
appropriate code sectional interests or to other engineers.
of professional Comply with the codes of conduct of the
conduct, profession and apply professional skill in
recognising the interests of the employer and client
obligations to for whom you act in professional matters.
society, the Give evidence, express opinions or make
profession and statements in an objective manner and
the environment on the basis of adequate knowledge.
E2 Manage and Take account of potential professional
apply safe risks and liabilities and accept
systems of work responsibility for them.
Consider and implement as necessary
appropriate occupational health & safety
Investigate community safety
requirements, act to resolve any incipient
safety issues, take appropriate
precautions in relation to hazardous
operations and take account of disaster
prevention, mitigation and recovery

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E3 Undertake your Promote the considerations and actions
engineering work required in engineering practice to
in compliance improve, sustain and restore the
with the Code of environment.
Practice on Risk Be aware of the wise use of non-
and the renewable resources through waste
Environment minimisation, recycling and the
development of alternatives where
Strive to achieve the beneficial objectives
of Fire Engineering design whilst striving
to minimise the consumption of raw
materials and energy, and by designing
sustainable management procedures.
Take account of life-cycle implications
with respect to how Fire Engineering
designs will impact on the environment.
E4 Carry out the Undertake continued professional
continuing development (CPD) to maintain and
professional enhance technical and management
development competence.
necessary to Set your own objectives in relation to
ensure personal and organisational objectives
competence in and maintain a career plan. Maintain
your areas of records of professional development
future intended activities.

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Annex E - Guidance for Candidates
Preparing Applications and Professional Review Reports

1. Introduction
At its meeting on 2 October 2003, the Board of the Institution of Fire Engineers approved
changes to the criteria by which applications for Technician and Member grades would be
considered. It was resolved that applications would take the form of a Professional Review,
similar to that undertaken by candidates applying for membership of the Institution's Engineering
Council Division.

Professional Review is the process by which the final judgement for institution membership is
made. Before a candidate is presented for review, administrative judgements will have been
made to ensure that there is a prima facie case (viz: that the candidate has achieved an
appropriate Educational Base and has satisfied the key criteria for the ‘Initial’ aspect of
Professional Development, whether via an accredited or approved route or by an individually
managed one). This prior clearance both reduces the work to be done by the Professional
Review Assessors and highlights the particular contribution they have to make. ‘Competence and
Commitment’ are the key words in preparation for the Professional Review and general
descriptors of Roles and Responsibilities have been classified within the following structure:

Competence A Knowledge and Understanding

B Application to Practice
C Leadership / Management / Supervision
D Interpersonal Skills
Commitment E Professional Conduct

Professional Review Guidance Documents (of which this is one) amplify these ‘Roles and
Responsibilities’ statements with more detailed ‘Competence and Commitment’ outcome
statements within the same structure. These statements have been adapted to reflect the
technology and usage of the fire engineering sector and are specified as ‘outcomes’ under each
heading. It is these adapted statements that form the basis of assessment criteria for Professional
Review and that candidates will need to use to develop their portfolios.

2. Starting the Application Process

By the time you are reading this document you will have made contact with the Membership
Department of the IFE and have received a package of information and application documents. In
principle, there is nothing that the Professional Review assessors can assess which candidates
cannot determine for themselves. The criteria are set down in objective statements which are
versed in a way which relates to the technology and culture of the candidate’s employment sector
within fire engineering.

3. Initial Professional Development (IPD) Objectives

Separate sets of IPD Objectives for each grade (Technician or Member) are available as Fact
Sheets and a careful study of those appropriate to the grade for which you are applying is needed
as you will need to show in your Professional Review that you have met these.
The Objectives are in 5 sections, A to E as follows:

a. Use a combination of general and specialist Fire Engineering knowledge and

understanding to optimise the application of existing and emerging technology.
b. Apply appropriate theoretical and practical methods to the analysis and solution
of Fire Engineering problems.
c. Provide technical, commercial and managerial leadership.
d. Use effective communication and interpersonal skills

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e. Make a personal commitment to live by the appropriate code of professional
conduct, recognising obligations to society, the profession and the environment.

Each section contains a sub-set of range statement to help you understand better where each
objective might be achieved and a further sub-set of evidence examples that suggest how to
show you have gained competence.

4. Organis ing the Evidence (writing your report)

The judgements made about a candidate, both within the Professional Review Process, are
based on evidence submitted by candidates in support of their case. In organising their evidence
for the Professional Review, candidates should refer to the appropriate Fact Sheet which sets out
the IPD objectives for the grade being applied for. To match the ‘Evidence Examples’ given,
candidates are advised to choose a small but significant number of projects or work activities in
which they have been engaged.
Ideally, these will be activities which:

Provide some ‘hard evidence’ for the reviewers, for example in the form of design
studies, data sets, calculations, drawings, defect investigations, project plans, artefacts,
photographs, computer programs.

Are the candidate’s own work or are larger pieces of work in which the candidate’s
personal contribution is identified and substantiated.

Are able to act as a ‘spine’ running through several of the A1 to E4 ‘Evidence Examples’.

An example of the use of such a ‘spine’ is in the ‘B1 to B4’ area, which deals with technical
practice. Each of the criteria could be met through a totally different project but it ought to be
simpler to organise and present if a consistent theme is used. This might then extend from the
technical ‘applications’ of the Bs into some of the C, D and E activities.

The Reviewers will be interested in what you have done, your role and responsibilities in a
particular project and what you know about the technical aspects related to it. If you have
completed Internal Training Reports, as part of a company scheme or just for your own guidance,
you should use these to help you decide which projects or career episodes you can write about.

You will be expected to demonstrate competency with respect to all objectives but not
necessarily all range statements or evidence examples.

5. A Final Word to Candidates

Professional Review is the final stage of assessment of competence and commitment prior to
achieving membership. It is up to the candidate to make the case that the criteria have been
satisfied. However, it is the final outcome - evidence of meeting the A1 to E4 ‘roles and
responsibilities’ in a sensible and balanced way - which is vital. That case must finally be proved
by the candidate, by virtue of the material presented to, the Professional Review Panel.

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Your Professional Review Report
Format and Submission
To assist in the assessment process we seek a basic standard format for presentation, namely:

I. The report must be typed, or printed, on A4 paper, one side only.

II. The report should be written in the first person singular. Failure to do this may result in
you not being given credit for something which is rightfully yours. In cases of doubt, the
Review Panel will assume that there was a third party involvement.
III. The report must be your own work and must be in English. It should be of sufficient
length to demonstrate that you meet the relevant criteria.
IV. Any drawings or other supporting papers submitted must be folded to ensure that they do
not exceed the dimensions of the report. Original drawings should not be sent as the
report will become the property of the Institution when received and may be destroyed
after assessment.
V. The report will be treated as confidential by the Professional Review Panel and any other
persons authorised to see it. However, it is the responsibility of the applicant to secure
any necessary clearance from employers or others to whom information contained in the
report may be considered confidential.

General Guidance on content

Compile your report, making reference to the relevant evidence examples given in the IPD
Objectives. Begin with a short introduction to give a general picture, in a few sentences, of the
type of work and professional development you have had to date.

An example is given, on the following pages, of how you may wish to format you report. However
you present it, it must be clear which competence you are claiming.

Section 4 of this Fact Sheet makes suggestions about the use of a single piece of evidence to
satisfy a number of objectives. You should appreciate, however, that there is a danger of putting
too much reliance on one project. Professional recognition is not narrow and job-specific; it
requires a breadth of experience and an ability to transfer capability from one area of work to
another. You thus also need to be able to show a reasonable range of work.

No matter how much original material is available, it will only be valuable if it is indexed, cross-
referenced and organised against the A1 to E4 criteria. To avoid burdening the submitted
document with a mass of supporting evidence, you should think initially in terms of an overview of
your experience, showing how the available evidence demonstrates how you meet the relevant

You must ensure that you have demonstrated an awareness of all of the IPD Objectives. Whilst
the full range of activities must be covered, the extent to which each one of the elements has to
be demonstrated by each candidate will vary with their job role. All of the elements must be
present to some extent; however, the balance between them is a key judgement to be made by
the Professional Review Panel.
Suggested Report Format.

The Introduction to your Report should give a general picture in a few sentences, of the type of
work and training you have done in your career to date. It should also list, in tabular form, the
different projects or career episodes you mention in the body of your Report. This will help the
reader when you refer back to the name of a project you have already used elsewhere. For

Jan - June 99 Porsche Lane Apartments, W1 Luxury apartments - timber frame

construction issues relating to fire safety.

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Oct - Dec 99 Green Storage PLC, Anytown Very large warehouse - compartmentation,
personnel safety and firefighting issues etc

The example on the following pages deals with the first project and covers a variety of Evidence
Examples across various IPD Objectives but does not cover everything. The second, and any
subsequent projects will thus need to cover the remaining Ranges of the principal objectives.

In this example, notice how the candidate separates the project in his layout, to help the reader
summarises the key features of the project before describing the details clearly states his own
role and responsibilities in the project DOES NOT describe every detail of what he did day by day
..... BUT DOES describe in detail the incidents which relate directly to the Evidence Examples he
is claiming: (in this case, activities in which he has identified and solved problems) repeatedly
uses the first person - I, me, my - to show the reader what his personal contribution was in every

Sample of a Professional Review Report

Career Episode IPD
Porsche Lane Apartments, W1
This project related to a six storey block of 24 luxury apartments with a Platform Timber
Frame structure and an architectural masonry rain screen cladding. The building was
planned with a single stair core serving each floor of the building via a protected lobby and
the stair was specified with a softwood main structure and oak balustrading. The local
authority rejected the plans on the grounds that the stair design did not comply, on fire
safety grounds, with current requirements. At this point the Architect contacted us for
professional fire engineering advice.
My first task was to establish the nature of the local authority’s concern and my first port of
call, not surprisingly, was the published guidance that the local authority would be
referencing. By virtue of the building size and geometry, statutory guidance published in B.3
Part B1 of the Approved Document B in support of the England & Wales Building
Regulations recommends that the building be provided with a stair constructed of Materials
of Limited Combustibility. This means that the materials used would have to satisfy the
appropriate criteria of the British Standard BS476: Part 11 fire test. A stair constructed from
timber cannot satisfy this requirement since timber materials, no matter how they are
treated, will not satisfy the test criteria.
This presented the Design Team with a dilemma. One of the major advantages of timber
frame construction is the speed at which the building can be erected and mixing trades in
terms of providing a concrete or steel stair would introduce delays into the programme that
could potentially effect the viability of the scheme, notwithstanding potential difficulties A.2
introduced by differential expansion of the different materials over the height of the medium
rise building.
At a Design team meeting, I agreed a scope of work with the client (Developer) that
involved confirming the concerns of the local authority; then working with the architect to
develop, where practicable, a technical specification for a timber stair that would satisfy the
client and the local authority. B.3
I informally confirmed with the local authority that their concern related to the C.1
recommended performance criteria of Limited Combustibility for the stair. I also established
with them the principle that, due to the functional nature of the Building Regulations, an
appropriately justified alternative approach to published recommendations could be
followed. D.2
Since the Limited Combustibility guidance of the Approved Document B relates to Reaction
To Fire performance, this implies a design fire scenario within the stair itself. The logic of
this is inescapable in that fires do occur in stair shafts, generally in association with
accumulated temporary storage of materials/goods and that are often ignited maliciously. It
is therefore extremely important that the stair itself does not contribute significantly to fire B.1
growth nor exhibits loss of load bearing capacity under fire exposure. In terms of
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accommodation involving a sleeping risk. I determined that this loadbearing capacity would
be important to enable fire fighters’ access to the building, initially to fight the fire and
remove persons immediately at risk whilst being available to evacuate other occupants
post-fire should this be deemed necessary.
A keyword search on the Internet yielded details of a government sponsored research
project carried out on a medium rise timber frame building[1]. As part of this research a
series of tests were carried out by project engineers and that involved fires in a timber
frame stair shaft incorporating a timber stair. The research tests, involving a fire scenario
based on a simultaneous accelerant, timber crib and double mattress fire scenario were
successful (i.e. loadbearing capacity of the stair was maintained) based on a wholly
softwood timber stair treated with an impregnated fire retardant treatment to give a notional A.1
Class 1 Reaction To Fire Performance (BS476: Part 7).
Career Episode IPD
Despite having discovered the potential solution, I was faced with the problem of applying
the specific results of the research to the situation in hand that involved the use of an A.1
alternative timber specification (oak) for the balustrading. A discussion with the stair B.1
manufacturers revealed that the timber balustrading has to be of a hardwood specification B.2
in order to comply with the structural safety recommendations of Approved Document K. I D.4
gathered additional information through contact with the research engineers that indicated D.1
that their choice of using Whitewood throughout their test was by virtue of Whitewood
representing an onerous timber specification in terms of its low permeability to the
treatment process. Hence any more permeable timber would take up a greater quantity of
the fire retardant thus maximising the field of application of the research test result.
Consultation with industry timber experts confirmed that oak has a slightly better
permeability than whitewood and I sourced benchmark test data from the manufacturers of
the treatment process that established treated oak as giving at least as good a test result in
terms of BS476: Part 7 as treated Whitewood.
I put together a report detailing a design fire scenario, the functional fire safety objectives,
an analysis drawing on the available research and standard test data and an executive
summary. This was submitted to the Local Authority by the Design Team and was
accepted by them as an appropriate solution allowing the client to proceed with a slightly E.1
modified timber and keeping the project on track.
Green Storage PLC, Anytown
This project …………………

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