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Nome: Priyonshu Yoirala - Rott no + ATROZO Subject + Sales Management: Gubledt no: FART 310 ~ ote BA Jon | 2071 Scanned with CamScanner Sales reniloy | 8 whe hical division orhed, in axder to ane pusposé —— ae [Geographical zone or cn owed to 0 Baleeman becomes thery galeg aalespry. 2. Product - “The epecific The major objectives oh tia ony comps or gq fomrslaing its Stectegi ee in Becard¢ Jo Eales 4 ey +Jo meal the competition a6! ~‘Io_Sepenige ond = over Yous use. +o held _Galaaman wesporei ble fe aales and Services . " = + Gaves Himes ond | Pe | arategios Te bo a bin innovation _| | to theis_prodect, dheix_hy Th context. to Culdetor, hod. deen ene of the mio Shoes com in the, post, With as prodvols, moakeri nt led ner ina psing polen-| - TT Wiet ariel Sndion Bre foe. ange Componies- 7 Groidelos row 10s veen pein 4o Jo_ovextoke Nepales market an, with vorovg Hew Regies, +ne, des _ olea Jernitox -TherxeJore, gome, ce = “fosters Ana Oka") Consider “Oe + [pet the ee os stese oPlbol © onal impor being sevicin: |Bhoes Arad ove dueable, 0 ond 9 fe derund in romel Gallon Gm Scanned with CamScanner 13 —— c , S Rot ore dusoble , econom) ow ond qoghionable + enable hort Uoou Ae fad ptabelade ipo ct ‘paler i ) eel ; suena etl Geer _fpode ond Gaquive 33) Demond os Grok auch Pend ae Are demond to cexiain @rodualg *8 [requived While” ollecoing sales Jeerétories - 2 the_neto Podvols Golasior Boulaaly | anetont and ‘eequent mond Men tre antes fed “con _be- expanded Lond vice verso: | latiscc) gueny qmup : Br lhorlet om rt ped 880 _25_tng, one High Ban — tye a fre frequengy between ha _eompon ond “85 corgum ey Stas 1 hig ond when ne se dd pads Sida alse Compeliior and Frequency gl Contact ; 4 | Goldelor 10S Numevove OmpebIoas both being | Nepalese bionde ond @ndor ponds with huge moskel in [presen Competition’ Ove the &2e0. of demiored and Incvens |She Frequercy of eortoct When thé 16 high aompebison tH = f mpes Bon 18 low dhe i= re gompory_con ee _ossgined lenges Gales lervtones. | — is) Popstaion 5 ee "The _Gi2e ol tenslay Gon be delet |_ —__[fopelation - Groldslow rene Sttermined yy dhe | —$§ Rae ae with Hhickly | u) oO wing Their sa) em q———} | eo nosing _Mneiv_polertialmovkel doy ane | _—~ — a Scanned with CamScanner_ pomotional ackivities , Liawin 9 dno demand dos 4 ie pe the gales ae con be expo nded or ee ~lenables galls ex Préively tn “dalotet alicted | “Vence, tose ove the foclxs Guldsiae 20 Gon eke ri in conedesation while vauiéing ~Ahe ale the Galas ewer “the ma\or Sx steps @n alco aa the opting pes Jenilory AunMee ; sane Cxgh Peformance ' | 17) Araly2! cal) Cat Op 8p eed | i) Jeaerrine Moker. Polenbal - __|___ it) Map “groa pags Ac TeMones —_|} ) Pacducr Tesrovieg | ui) Review ond Refine Tannin Aesignmente. Scanned with CamScanner Gvastion - am es oy Sales “pexgon Aoworde hve “Quelomes a fa Monagement 16 -4he opp soach of dae aL “Tin cide 20 creak eves laskrg —_ elahonship-| TES Ke Account Mangges | onginle fe ond | —acantcble jo managing Me mult ple 73 ‘reloronehi ps _| [tir the oislind nes eee ee \ major roles _ Ond responeibi U og ki “Fecanht -monagee o “on arenes old bey 1) Plon ond Lead aislines oholion “ | _ i) Provide occess, 40 guontive dota for ne sehichon wih dialin@s “ond “ dthes - Pavel oui ded S- iH) Boia “adlationghips Lith aivUine” oarinere - | te) Resa wh meaaseemen! A ef pea{osmances — [= indicakoss. 0) Pes |r cet ai gered analysia 4 pos) ond _frse im | Gacount moro: emer, wolag and sespondte Giras | Me, 3) Benbdy Key occourls: rn ity Underdond the key needs | in) dene key oacount daotegy _ an) Peeae Xi account ty) Meabures waguiig do improue. Bo ne | Trgse cre mojo 6 steps f= _ designing 4 dhe key | ne hey Scanned with CamScanner ae [ae 4 nel ae ae foe ove aM proce ene: A er ag cow ehulty > core efull ey e aggoun nid aoa 08 ene, | pouing ghention 40 the CS Who ore rao Likely to row with yoo 1 ie ov have bee cat Congiaher) and bal eb) PRoKt12E pow vo account ¢ once, Yoo have delesrined whith accounss | yoo Gould | ocaS On, Hor shou) d prov k2e Them we on poten ‘ol pro profs ‘Ond Ouigned _intaes} « 2) Become “on expan) on AGCOvR) Members; | Pow Saag’ -2ccount: soles Ee } Shol ghoold invdlug cone Bach jo decision makag who hold ales fesikon 1c ae ‘aoe enkes aom a a yhe Fao Nvenceag and ke asl 4 — ential boyeas |~ Aad telua 4 ag —" _ 4) Aad valve ‘ _ 1 SA_Velve Con he [ BuCh ag. Sain ny os vortous ways) in Moe tena ang + Kon, “ond | “ot ti ag an mikgabra_ | “PB_relabionchigs ——__SAE C01 § sence 26 the cers | - =. ee ah pee a Are concept a Scanned with CamScanner | The ‘THe presses of 3 ae me 1 eae The. Bracken io plon fe Preoakive. Sends deaired Ovlcome « | mae flon fr_growth ond develop ment In 2espec ond: 26 Ferex, can be cae with iri fo tau 8 | \ | 9 [Restosinabity Production af tenewoble energy , while i Aesprotig Boles ond _2vatiey he, Produal- L it) People. 4 Fcossing) Sh new comsumese ond loyat [a | Consumers ~ Ty) Gemovalion __,_ Benchmark the enkixe Avlomative indoday | ___Ubile_ tole legralson On road came Jechnol ; Malin Cox F aca M2adle_ : _Maintains — re Nos iHonal b Sotee with fein = Hnovokon techno! __ Te Brdee Plan \6 documerk by (trokion deri tha Bholayig a3 ts the odminie- ties fornl, Ane Preperation Oe oe em ON _AQANI20-| te process of development .™ fps owe ne Maes ] emer ay Gonied y = ‘The Becig economic ond | teria a a Scanned with CamScanner aroold be consider d- Analisis of osaumization's inoncial Coo and odminsteokon congleainte , Shoold be | i) Acton plon 5 : \ © The oction flon should be formed .accordin ito Ane wiesions, nacessihes, uahile banging bp the eae quideliness - Ls a ty “Beal gon ips devdlopment 5 a the _fosmvlaton of oe needs Jo be | les ond The research meen e@ rego ot token Ghall_ajeo be Wone- _ : —_| acken a ne, m Tris + espe) ne. Gaodegio pion can _\ ve ,derrmoladed _ baie ~ ee 2) Sdent faakon _ of vigion ee 9) Fowrnavion nice, _framercort 7 “a Deermivotor gf ackons aie. |. ay Analg dyer of *6Ul1s tend oe ear i a ee tl of Mende ; : 8) monte - dos Fessow +0 enhance ent. Scanned with CamScanner = ~ Question - 5 Wring Mocecs rafers 0 Jo he Precece of | range delecking ond hinng haw employees Ao the & at hig soak hag Tae raed ee P [ 2! 2 Briflayee. Slecton - rie. [ [ters sre voriove application 0 ty an, doa ring from|_ | yecwvmenle ea ond, giles to “eocial pldler ‘Wke Gnledin . | Employee e soeral con lb done Toad 8 ig the | hedges jo Gondidalas-~The 1de0. "revolve ofsov employees Shove, dheig jo “‘vaconcee | - in Jhers own ndlwosks ‘ond prove va) pa nenmentaneo je cond dake who -apply : The Glaqas a secailmend ave 5 i __') Prep v4 3 Job deacrpon and _peraonal | Sots ne al 2) Sdenkifoolsan & “e0ur6o. of “yecrurlmen), cond | | methods commonicakon: = =| [8 Desgring ‘on -oflechu! applicalon form Tie 1 ZY: Sex viaw' i — — | 8) vse = fee 2 aélechon oS: Scanned with CamScanner Qs ; meth #_|Gadeakboakon af sovnce ef acauiamant ond method of | mrCOhOnnvis oe . Lf The, “ebigible ond guitakle condi dole equire . es panel Saar available Prrewgh Varoue | BovrGege. he Aouvrcas ode divisible I? tuo be Caregen es : : : Demal _Govrsee_s Belernal Sources + Pyomokon © Press dues keemen + Rekvement: + Campus interview ie + Fosmex omployee + &- yeCeLment + Vronefers +| . + Employee exchange | | : | | The methods 2. Gommoniachon had» wong GE | esed for tint con be via ee — i} | Prscondl atte. — ——|____ | Hence, these ay eohes “ton Tdeovon “hi phile emai a oe ak ‘pach oppeash Jo? Scanned with CamScanner FF f apes Gon ‘be 3 a determined _ by ne Qoowir | demand q_dhe “gongumensy se, and a Tho sone BaloKorchip “i vital ole 1 enon rp 1 Berna Ui iq Ye re fee joxtonce 4 oui lana ‘pelarondhi oon be 7 ieee rae uslomes Relationship Memogeme’ [ake helps _bodina’s beild_a sceat with dhe” dvslo- mex Yhod, tn ALIN geeotas oye ohd_Ovelomex [selenkon: | The _Wmpovlonce - a cam m wsingag ore: y | ) 9 paaweaes Customer Fewenves ; A ropes ORM) enguses dongumeas le [ss “A eneusen ef\eokve o- os dination Moreh com paigne. The Gyslen@ Co-ovdinale” conévmes daddn | Syeoves Oy highes Cveomes tg : ren mee yoy 2) [fodiwales ebm cee now Seo tecomere a Oo _ovtoma io ally ei Scanned with CamScanner Vae\ Dome _otnes Importance -dovld be, i low advesoament com + Greadeg brand image a Quslomes _yetenion + Wigh @aokd behes price. q Th axe Aen impostor shape tn Guslome 2elahons- Wigs _Seling Proaeae Which are felowe « i) Proepe ding 3 ‘The (rocese axed an spewing 4 make 4 Bale ident ing, sigh? aient-_ _~ i) |Pre eoppscach 3 . Tre 2eg6AeCh Ghovld be _ done pa 30 Know | tho | sprccpocis of —fleneings : i) [Popsoadh y. GB mama medina the Prospecie- TS Companies [Bhool rain Aner Goff “about Approaching dheir ~~ | eters, ord wring ve saloon: 2 iS Pre Kon - ee SEE ara aff 8 Ghovid be Oble b qrovide the = acess ese} Jo, audloness While. donvineing them| sds_and servtoes | cop edks cae? prodvole 7 Scanned with CamScanner = vi) Jor ham do “hd tw fuleved- ORackons; 4% vwTre Ogeckon “chesid We doug to Aho off | i) Meek _OkjecKon } j— Q|_ chjeckong- Brofhe Ghovld be wained cbovd the ‘pes = vit) Mal Ue: We siaff should be oble 46 alee the Pr) “deal = ngnl_ ime gle mech dhe ob\eckons. Cese Uesing the Saleg mean Ougomes. 00% 'c_porckeaeN the moducl c “4 erg 3 | Follow- vp ond Servioe; Tire age “Ie eaenk bestomer Sokichckory’ ond alin asder > ened oreo puschaseg. PRO the customer SS ee |e SE ~ Scanned with CamScanner

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