Draft ZDP - Zone 4

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Zonal Development Plan- Zone 4 Draft Report

1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 6

1.1 Introduction:.................................................................................................................................. 6

1.2 Urban Centers: .............................................................................................................................. 7

1.3 Approach and Methodology.......................................................................................................... 7

1.4 Dehradun Master Plan-2025: ........................................................................................................ 8

1.5 Regional Setting ............................................................................................................................ 9

2. PROFILE OF MASTER PLAN AREA AND ZONES ....................................................... 11

2.1 Profile of Master Plan area: ........................................................................................................ 11

2.2 Population: .................................................................................................................................. 11

2.3 Population Growth ...................................................................................................................... 12

2.4 Profile of Zone-4 ......................................................................................................................... 13

2.4.1 Population ............................................................................................................................ 13

2.4.2 Sex Ratio .............................................................................................................................. 14

2.4.3 Density ................................................................................................................................. 15

2.4.4 Literacy Rate ........................................................................................................................ 15

2.4.5 Population projection (Zone-4): ........................................................................................... 15

3. INFRASTRUCTURE .......................................................................................................... 18

3.1 Water Supply .............................................................................................................................. 18

3.2 Sewerage and Sanitation ............................................................................................................. 18

3.3 Drainage ...................................................................................................................................... 19

3.4 Solid Waste Management ........................................................................................................... 20

3.5 Social Infrastructure: ................................................................................................................... 20

4. TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION ............................................................................... 21

4.1 Road Network ............................................................................................................................. 21

4.2 Public Transport System: ............................................................................................................ 22

4.2.1 Bus Terminals ...................................................................................................................... 23

4.2.2 Goods Terminals: ................................................................................................................. 23

4.2.3 Rail Network: ....................................................................................................................... 24

Zonal Development Plan- Zone 4 Draft Report

4.2.4 Air Network ......................................................................................................................... 24

5. LAND USE .......................................................................................................................... 25

5.1 Land Use Structure ..................................................................................................................... 25

5.2 Land use pattern- Master Plan 2025 and Zone-4 ........................................................................ 25

5.3 Zone-4 Existing Land use ........................................................................................................... 28

5.3.1 Distribution of Existing Land use scenario 2015 ................................................................. 29

5.4 Proposed Land use-Master Plan (2025) Vs ZDP-4 ..................................................................... 31

5.5 Proposed Land Use as per Master Plan 2025 Vs ZDP-4 ............................................................ 33

5.6 Proposed Land uses under ZDP (Zone 4) ................................................................................... 36

5.7 Deviations ................................................................................................................................... 43

6. ZONING REGULATIONS ................................................................................................ 44

6.1 Land Use Zoning Regulations..................................................................................................... 44

6.2 Suggestive Development Regulations ........................................................................................ 44

6.3 Land use Zone Categories ........................................................................................................... 45

6.3.1 Residential............................................................................................................................ 45

6.3.2 Commercial use ................................................................................................................... 47

6.3.3 Industrial area....................................................................................................................... 48

6.3.4 Public and semi-public areas................................................................................................ 49

6.3.5 Entertainment use................................................................................................................. 50

6.3.6 Transport and communication use ....................................................................................... 51

6.3.7Agriculture and green zone ................................................................................................... 52

6.3.8 Special Zone......................................................................................................................... 53

6.3.9 Other Zones.......................................................................................................................... 54

Zonal Development Plan- Zone 4 Draft Report

List of Tables

Table 1 : Distance from major cities ........................................................................................ 10

Table 2 : List of Urban areas and population in Master Plan area ........................................... 11

Table 3 : MDDA Master Plan Urban and Rural Population .................................................... 12

Table 4 : Population Growth Rate 1981 to 2011 ..................................................................... 12

Table 5 : Zone wise population 1981 to 2011.......................................................................... 12

Table 6: Population Density in MDDA Master Plan area ....................................................... 13

Table 7 : Zone wise Population Density .................................................................................. 13

Table 8 : Zone-4 population according to wards ..................................................................... 13

Table 9 : Table shows population projections of MDDA Master plan zones .......................... 16

Table 10 : Projected Population of all zones ........................................................................... 16

Table 11 : Existing roads by category wise ............................................................................. 22

Table 12 : Existing roads by surface wise ............................................................................... 22

Table 13 : Existing Land use as per 2025 Master Plan and Zone-4 ........................................ 25

Table 14 : Proposed Land use as per Master Plan 2025 & ZDP Zone-4 ................................. 31

Table 15 : Zone-4 Proposed Land use as per ZDP .................................................................. 36

Table 16 : Zone-4 Road Widening Proposals .......................................................................... 42

Table 17 : Table shows the land use deviations ....................................................................... 43

Zonal Development Plan- Zone 4 Draft Report

List of Figures

Figure 1 : Map showing the Zone-4 location in MDDA ........................................................... 6

Figure 2 : Map Showing the Growth Centers in MDDA ........................................................... 7

Figure 3 : Map showing the Planning Zones in MDDA ............................................................ 9

Figure 4 : Growth rate trend in Zone-4 .................................................................................... 17

Figure 5 : Map showing the drains location in Zone-4 ............................................................ 19

Figure 6 : Map showing the Transportation network in Zone-4 .............................................. 21

Figure 7 : Map showing the Existing Land use ....................................................................... 28

Figure 8 : Map showing the proposed land use ....................................................................... 37

Figure 9 : Map showing the road widening proposals ............................................................. 40

Figure 10 : Map showing the Traffic Junction Improved & Proposed .................................... 41


 Zonal Development plan is a broad land use document. Due to small scale of map
only important land use are proposed in the plan. The classification of land uses are in
details when compare to master plan.
 Proposal of reconsidered land use are based on policy, it is not based on individual
land ownership and “Sajra maps”.
 Classified land use are kept into important land use classes as per the guidelines of
UDPFI in accepted Dehradun Master plan -2025
 Proposed Zonal Development plan is prepared based on latest high resolution satellite
image and GIS maps retaining originality to the maximum possible extent.
 It is natural to exists difference in the diagram of different land uses, size of sites,
dimension of features; routes etc. between map and GIS based recent base maps in the
master plan 2025
 The boundaries have been modified for different sites of large size represented in the
GIS based map. Existing sites of small size whose clear drafting is not possible on the
level of zonal development plan has not been marked on the map. On the field site‟s
boundary will be assumed as per original ground position.

Zonal Development Plan- Zone 4 Draft Report

 Keeping in view those parameters of base maps and records of forest land obtained
from the forest department are of same type so forest boundary has been drawn
correctly to the possible extent.
 In any important land use class, in the case reserved forest are found on the ground
then related place will be considered under forest area. In the case boundary of any
forest area shared by the private land or vice versa land use will be fixed after the
confirmation of the forest department as per the need
 Because of unavailability of map related to the boundary of cantonment, the boundary
of cantonment has been shown as it is in the Master plan 2025.
 Proposed commercial region on important routes have been discussed along with their
considered average depth, route name and proposed route rights and have been listed
in the appendix of the report of the Master Plan.
 The alignments of the proposed routes /expressway have been kept as it is to the
possible extent but existing routes have been kept as per their alignment in the GIS
based maps.
 The described river-drainage in the Master plan report where both side 10-10 meter
land has to be kept aside for afforestation not been shown in the Master Plan map this
provision will be ensured through bylaws.
 If any error is found in the map as per above described provision then it will be
interpreted as drafting error and a modification in the Master Plan.
 All those episodes of land use change which has been depicted in the master plan map
in the expectation of issuance of notice will be assumed under corresponding use only
after the completion of the process of the act.

Zonal Development Plan- Zone 4 Draft Report

1.1 Introduction:
Mussoorie Dehradun Development Authority (MDDA) area includes Dehradun Urban
Agglomeration, Mussoorie Municipal area, Dehradun Cantonment, FRI, Census Towns and
surrounding 185 Revenue Villages in Dehradun District. The limits of this development area
coincide with the Dehradun District Boundary in the north, forest area in the south and west,
and river Song in the east.

Mussoorie Dehradun Development Authority (MDDA) has timely initiated the exercise for
the preparation of Zonal Development Plans for 9 Zones as defined in the approved Dehradun
Master Plan 2025 (amended). Master Plan area spread over an area of about 360 Sq.km.
having a population of 9.37 lakhs as per 2011 census and the Master Plan was prepared for
Dehradun City only.

Dehradun lies at 30.3180° N, 78.0290° E, foothills of the Himalayas which makes its climate
moderate i.e., neither too hot nor too cold. The scenic beauty all around makes Dehradun
location more attractive. This zone is situated between Lat Long values at-

NW- 30°23'35.85"N 78° 3'37.09"E & SE - 30°17'2.49"N 78° 9'36.83"E

Figure 1 : Map showing the Zone-4 location in MDDA

Zonal Development Plan- Zone 4 Draft Report

1.2 Urban Centers:

Figure 2 : Map Showing the Growth Centers in MDDA

The MDDA Master Plan region comprises major urban centers in it besides Dehradun
Municipal Corporation. Other important urban centers are Dehradun Cantonment Board,
Raipur, Clement town, Forest Research Institute, Balawala and Raipur etc. This entire region
developed as multi-functional as clusters of this region are around the institutions and along
the major state and national highways.

1.3 Approach and Methodology

Extensive primary survey starting with the reconnaissance survey to understand the physical,
social and economic structure of the study area has been taken up. This study also gives an
idea of history, heritage, the level of development, status of existing infrastructure both
physical and social and living environment of the region. Under this process, Recent High
Resolution Satellite Data from NRSC/ Master Plan and digital Revenue cadastral maps
(Sajra) will be collected from MDDA and other respective departments which will be further
carried out for inventory process. Field survey will be carried out for base map updating as
well as for land use data collection.

The attributes of each feature will be collected by maintaining a unique ID, where the
corresponding feature is represented by the same ID in the digital data. Finally, existing land
use map was prepared based on the UDPFI guidelines and data will be analyzed for report.

Zonal Development Plan- Zone 4 Draft Report

Detailed proposed land use map was prepared at the zonal level without changing the
approved Master Plan proposals. Comprehensive analysis of existing land use and Master
Plan proposal, identifying the deviation from the ground to be analyzed and the proposals
have been drawn up for the perspective period of 2025.

Proposals for conservation of forest and hill area, scenic spots have also been included.
Outlook of various uses encompassing residential, commercial, industrial, educational and
public and semi-public uses has been indicated in the form of a land use map both for
existing and proposed development scenarios.

1.4 Dehradun Master Plan-2025:

The MDDA, Dehradun has been divided the Master plan are into 9 Planning Zones
designated from „1‟ to „9‟ in the Master Plan for Dehradun-2025, The Master Plan covers the
City of Dehradun, a few more urban Centre‟s and the surrounding rural areas. Master plan
area spread over an area of about 360 Sq.km. having a population of 7.14 lakhs as per 2011
census. The planning zones as delineated by the MDDA in Master plan of the region
comprise urban areas, revenue villages, developmental activities and natural boundaries as
existed in Approved Master plan.

Dehradun is facing a many problems like housing shortage; tremendous pressure on the
existing urban infrastructure and, problem of traffic congestion. In the changed scenario,
MDDA has taken up various planning proposals-both short term and long term, to mitigate
the existing problems and to adequately cope with future requirements of the Master Plan
area. The Authority is entrusted with the responsibility of promoting and securing the
development of all of the areas included in the development area according to a plan and,
dispose of land and other properties to carry out development and other operations, to execute
work in services and amenities and, generally, to do anything necessary or expedient for the
purpose incidental thereto.

The specific objectives the Authority strives to accomplish are as follows:

 To carry out the civic survey and prepare a comprehensive development plan for the
development area under the jurisdiction of the Authority.
 To prepare zonal development plan for each of the zones into which the development
area is divided.
 To promote and secure the development of areas situated in this urban region
according to the Master Plans and zonal development plans.
Zonal Development Plan- Zone 4 Draft Report

 To control the use of land for various purposes by acquisition, development and
disposal of land.
 To carry out development works such as roads, buildings, water supply, sewerage and
other schemes within the development areas so as to provide infrastructure facilities
within it, and
 To co-ordinate and regulate the activities of various agencies of the State, Central and
Local authorities within its jurisdiction.

Figure 3 : Map showing the Planning Zones in MDDA

1.5 Regional Setting

Dehradun is very well connected to all the major urban centers in and outside the
region. It is very well connected by roads and rails and also airstrips. It is only 235 kms
away from the national capital Delhi. The nearest airport is situated 25km away from
Dehradun at the outskirts of the town. Distances from some of the major urban areas
are as in below table.

Zonal Development Plan- Zone 4 Draft Report

Table 1 : Distance from major cities

City Distance (in kms)
Delhi 235
Chandigarh 170
Haridwar 54
Mussoorie 34
Rishikesh 43
Agra 382
Shimla 221
Yamunotri 279
Nainital 297
Kedarnath 270
The city is very well connected by daily trains coming from Delhi, Calcutta, Mumbai,
Varanasi, Lucknow and other places.

Zonal Development Plan- Zone 4 Draft Report


2.1 Profile of Master Plan area:

As per data released by Govt. of India for Census 2011, Dehradun is an Urban
Agglomeration coming under category of Class I UAs/Towns. Dehradun city is governed by
Municipal Corporation and is situated in Dehradun Urban Region. MDDA established in
1984 with 185 villages and Dehradun Municipality and Other Census Towns. MDDA
includes part of 3 blocks namely Raipur, Sahaspur and Khandoiwala. MDDA has prepared
Master Plan for Dehradun area in 2005. Master Plan area divided into 9 zones on the basis of
physical attributes, and all these zones are incorporated as a part of MDDA Zonal
Development Plan preparations, which includes built up areas and non-built up areas.
Presently Master Plan area comprise of Dehradun city, Dehradun Cantonment Area, Forest
Research Institute (FRI), Clement Town, Raipur Town, other census towns and surrounding
villages. Presently about 133 villages exists in Master Plan area as villages and others are
converted or merged into urban areas.
2.2 Population:
As per 2011 census total population of the MDDA Master Plan area is 9, 37,597. Out of this
population 76% of the population i.e., 7, 15,766 live in urban areas, in that 61% comprises
Dehradun Municipal Corporation and another 16% in Census Towns and remaining lives in
rural areas i.e., villages.
Population 2011: The total population of Dehradun UA/Metropolitan region is 714,223. The
male population of which is 377,174 while female population is 337,049.

Table 2 : List of Urban areas and population in Master Plan area

Sl. No Level Name Population
1 Municipal Corporation Dehradun 574840
2 Census Town Raipur 32900
3 Census Town Cantonment Board 52716
4 Census Town Clement Town 22557
5 Census Town Mehu Wala Mafi 13475
6 Census Town Natthan Pur 13905
7 Census Town Natthuwa Wala 9206
8 Census Town FRI 5601
TOTAL 725200
Source: Census of India 2011

Zonal Development Plan- Zone 4 Draft Report

Table 3 : MDDA Master Plan Urban and Rural Population

Population 2011
Area 1981 1991 2001 2011 % GR
Census Towns 69995 94534 124292 150360 16 20.97
Dehradun M.Corp 211563 270562 426674 574840 61.30 34.72
Other Villages 72776 115327 140467 212397 22.70 51.2
MDDA TOTAL 354334 480423 691433 937597 100 35.6
Source: Census of India 2011

2.3 Population Growth

The total population growth of MDDA Master Plan area is about 37.2% from 2001 to 2011,
whereas Uttarakhand state growth is 18.8% only. It explains that after formation of state
capital in 2000, the city attracted the population for various employment opportunities to live
in. Whereas, other towns such as Raipur, Clement Town including FRI and Cantonments are
grown at the rate of 20%, but villages in MDDA area are having high amount of growth rate
i.e., 59% of growth rate. Villages surrounded by Dehradun city have grown with high growth
rate due to land availability for residential, industrial, offices and education institutions.

Table 4 : Population Growth Rate 1981 to 2011

Growth Rate
MDDA Dehradun M Corp Census Towns Other Villages
1981-91 30.07 27.88 35.05 21.43
1991-01 48.59 57.69 31.47 41.84
2001-11 35.60 34.72 20.97 51.20
Source: Census of India 2011

Table 5 : Zone wise population 1981 to 2011

Area in Proportionate Population
Zone No
Sq.km 1981 1991 2001 2011
1 9.23 98764 135435 158384 163287
2 37.32 40363 68329 79936 140906
3 45.13 45607 60717 104159 157085
4 48.32 13555 19047 32055 47673
5 45.91 40487 47985 74115 96466
6 27.80 46010 53386 111188 158465
7 33.42 27307 40500 56301 84327
8 53.58 16213 21487 34314 42956
9 59.31 26024 33537 40981 46432
Total 360.02 354334 480423 691433 937597
Source: Census of India 2011

Zonal Development Plan- Zone 4 Draft Report

Table 6: Population Density in MDDA Master Plan area

Area Area in Sq.km Population 2011 Density
Dehradun Municipal Corp 31.08 574840 18495
MDDA Master Plan Area 360.02 937597 2604
MDDA- Excluding Municipal Corp 328.94 362757 1103
Source: Census of India 2011

While calculating the density zone wise, zone 1 having high density followed by zone-6
because these two zones having municipal area and zone 4, 8, 9 having low density due forest
and hilly areas.

Table 7 : Zone wise Population Density

Zone No Area in Sq.km Population Density persons/Sq.km
1 9.23 163287 17691
2 37.32 140906 3776
3 45.13 157085 3481
4 48.32 47673 987
5 45.91 96466 2101
6 27.80 158465 5700
7 33.42 84327 2523
8 53.58 42956 802
9 59.31 46432 783
Total 360.02 937597 2604
Source: Census of India 2011 and Master Plan

2.4 Profile of Zone-4

2.4.1 Population
Zone-4 is one of the less dense zones out of 9 zones. It is outskirts of the main city, having
Raipur Town and as well as some of the Municipal wards of Dehradun Municipal
Corporation. Zone-4 comprising of 37 villages, Raipur Census Town and 2 wards of
Dehradun Municipal Corporation with an area of 48.32 Sq. km, which is derived based on
superimposing of ward map on MDDA Master Plan Zones.

Below table shows the ward names and population details:

Table 8 : Zone-4 population according to wards
Population-2011 Literacy-2011 Work_Force-2011
Sl.No Ward No Ward Name POP_2001

1 3 Jakhan 2180 2001 1730 3731 1662 1314 2976 966 309 1275

2 28 Adhoiwala North 6754 3858 3754 7612 3163 2867 6030 2009 783 2792

TOTAL 8934 5859 5484 11343 4825 4181 9006 2975 1092 4067

Zonal Development Plan- Zone 4 Draft Report

Population of Zone-4
Sl. Population-2011 Literacy-2011 Work_Force-2011
Village/City POP_2001
No M F T M F T M F T
1 Amwala Karanpur 10 7 4 11 7 3 10 3 0 3
2 Amwala Manjhala 296 222 226 448 195 184 379 98 24 122
3 Amwala Tarala 2232 3365 3011 6376 2836 2319 5155 1702 487 2189
4 Amwala Uparla 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 Asthal 245 143 108 251 120 68 188 71 6 77
6 Bagradhauran 124 72 70 142 54 44 98 36 36 72
7 Bajhet 237 135 125 260 121 85 206 79 6 85
8 Bandawali 222 161 148 309 137 97 234 85 5 90
9 Banvtha 232 140 112 252 100 59 159 72 62 134
10 Bhaiswargaon 279 172 161 333 121 86 207 76 13 89
11 Bhandariwala 38 15 20 35 14 18 32 8 1 9
12 Danda Dhoran 243 320 318 638 252 222 474 176 28 204
13 Danda Khudanewala 480 298 293 591 252 240 492 122 30 152
14 Danda Lakhaur 609 864 761 1625 688 562 1250 434 99 533
15 Danda Nooriwala 27 176 327 503 153 296 449 81 15 96
16 Gujrami 45 24 24 48 22 18 40 14 1 15
17 Gujrara Mansingh 418 446 414 860 401 353 754 206 52 258
18 Haryawala 190 95 90 185 78 68 146 51 8 59
19 Jagatkhana 7 8 5 13 6 4 10 3 1 4
20 Kalagaon 122 79 76 155 63 60 123 44 9 53
21 Kheri Mansingh 347 197 184 381 170 125 295 110 5 115
22 Kirsali 1772 1158 1436 2594 779 980 1759 449 361 810
23 Kulhan Karanpur 117 90 74 164 77 58 135 44 6 50
24 Kulhan Mansingh 169 162 71 233 151 55 206 51 7 58
25 Mangaluwala 363 635 610 1245 485 387 872 323 67 390
26 Marautha 93 69 68 137 54 44 98 37 3 40
27 Nanur Khera 1355 1269 1129 2398 986 790 1776 621 169 790
28 Pustari 94 62 49 111 45 25 70 27 3 30
29 Hatwalgaon 21 17 9 26 17 8 25 5 1 6
30 Reniwala 143 102 96 198 19 31 50 49 53 102
31 Sarkhet 324 77 64 141 58 34 92 48 27 75
32 Saundhauwali Mansingh 343 210 203 413 187 172 359 92 17 109
33 Seraki 371 226 194 420 183 122 305 114 30 144
34 Sunderwala 3430 2239 1861 4100 1888 1415 3303 1152 127 1279
35 Thewa 598 429 372 801 341 249 590 239 138 377
36 Tibbanala Pani 10 7 7 14 7 6 13 4 2 6
37 Timilimansingh 40 20 28 48 13 13 26 13 0 13
38 Raipur (CT) 7476 5106 4764 9870 4363 3775 8138 2481 518 2999
TOTAL 23122 18817 17512 36329 15443 13075 28518 9220 2417 11637
GRAND TOTAL 32056 24676 22996 47672 20268 17256 37524 12195 3509 15704
Profile Sex Ratio 932 Literacy Rate 79% Work Force 33%
Source: Census of India 2011 and 2001

2.4.2 Sex Ratio

Zone-4 sex ratio is 932, which is almost similar to Master Plan area. Male population is high
due to its commercial and business activity attracts male population for employment.
Zonal Development Plan- Zone 4 Draft Report

2.4.3 Density
The density of Zone-4 is 987 persons per sq.km, which is very less because this zone having
more than half percentage of forest areas or hilly areas.
2.4.4 Literacy Rate
Literacy rate for zone-4 is 79% which is greater than Master plan area. Work force
participation rate for this zone is also similar to Master Plan area i.e., 33%.

2.4.5 Population projection (Zone-4):

Master plan population projections have been done using Arithmetic Mean method and
Geometric Mean method and finally Projections using geometric mean method was
considered suitable for master plan of MDDA; hence for further land use and infrastructure
Projections population projected in Geometric Method has been used for total master plan are
population projections.
While projecting the zone wise population projections, growth rate calculations made with
analysis of previous decade‟s growth trend as well the present land use analysis. The total
projected population of 2025 of individual zones is matched with Master plan projections. In
this scenario, zone-1 is having least population growth and whereas zone 3 shows highest
population growth rate.

Zonal Development Plan- Zone 4 Draft Report

Below table illustrates the zone wise population growth rate-

Table 9 : Table shows population projections of MDDA Master plan zones

1981- 1991- 2001- Proj
Zone Remarks
1991 2001 2011 GR
Reached Saturation and no vacant land for
1 37.13 16.94 3.1 5%
further development
Medium growth rate due to area covered forest
2 69.29 16.99 76.27 45%
High growth rate due accessibility and vacant
3 33.13 71.55 50.81 72%
Medium growth rate due to this zone covered
4 40.51 68.29 48.73 35%
Forest areas
Medium growth rate due to this zone covered
5 18.52 54.46 30.16 45%
Forest areas and rivers
Medium growth rate due covered FRI and
6 16.03 108.27 42.52 30%
defense areas
High growth rate due accessibility and vacant
7 48.31 39.01 49.78 60%
Medium growth rate due to covered with Hilly
8 32.53 59.70 25.18 30%
areas, agriculture lands and forest areas
Medium growth rate due to this zone covered
9 28.87 22.19 13.30 30%
forest areas and rivers
35.90 37.92 38.20 31% As per Master plan
r Plan

Based on the above population growth for each individual zone, below table explains the
projected population for all zones.

Table 10 : Projected Population of all zones

Proportionate Population
Zone No Area in Sq.km
2011 2021 2025 2031
1 9.23 163287 171451 174880 180024
2 37.32 140906 204313 241090 296255
3 45.13 157085 270186 348000 464720
4 48.32 47673 64360 73370 86886
5 45.91 96466 139875 165053 202819
6 27.80 158465 206005 230725 267806
7 33.42 84327 134924 167306 215878
8 53.58 42956 55843 62544 72596
9 59.31 46432 60361 67605 78470
Total 360.02 937597 1307319 1530572 1865453

Zonal Development Plan- Zone 4 Draft Report

Zone-4 area is having mostly agriculture lands and forest areas. Master plan proposals also
not made full area development proposals due to the zone having eco-sensitive areas. So
considering these factors, the population growth rate is for this zone based on the trend, zone
functions and land availability. 35% growth rate is expected basis of natural growth and
additional proposed residential development. Below is the expected 2025 population for

Figure 4 : Growth rate trend in Zone-4

Population Growth Rate Zone- 4

40.00 40.51 35.00

1991 2001 2011 2021 2031

Zonal Development Plan- Zone 4 Draft Report


Infrastructure is the term used for the basic services and facilities which are integral part of
urban development. It is the backbone of any settlement. So the quality of infrastructure is a
good indicator of quality of life of people. It has also got a strong relation with the growth
and development of the region.
Physical infrastructure is very important for growth and development of a city. Some of the
major aspects that are covered under this are water supply system, drainage and sewerage

3.1 Water Supply

Affordable, abundant and clean water is essential for human well-being. There are clear
linkages between access to potable water and health, nutrition levels and subsequently
education achievement, labor productivity and economic growth.
Zone-4 is falling under outskirts of the city area. Main sustainable source of water for this
zone is ground water which meets almost 100% of supply.
Due to the intermixing of urban and rural area into Municipal Corporation, it created
imbalance of water supply status as the criteria for urban water supply for Dehradun was 200
LPCD whereas in the adjoining rural areas, the criteria was only 40 LPCD and 70 LPCD
depending upon the status of the water supply either through public stand posts or through
private house connections.

3.2 Sewerage and Sanitation

Sewerage system was introduced in Dehradun city in 1921, which mainly consisted of
surface drains, water flush latrine and short length intercepting sewers. Since, then it has been
extended to various parts of the town. There are no sewerage and sanitation facilities in the
zone. This zone covered mainly with septic tanks and soak pit systems. The collected sewage
is used for sewage farming or discharged directly to Rispana or Bindal Rivers.
Due to development in economic and social status of inhabitants and rapid increase in
population of the town in last five years, the public demand for health sanitary condition has
been gathering mass attention for the last few years. The construction of new sewerage
systems and STP are therefore an urgent need of today.
The treatment of sewerage is essential to check the decay in the environment as well as to
provide hygienic conditions for the population. Besides the sewerage from households, the
Zonal Development Plan- Zone 4 Draft Report

waste from industries also needs attention. The sewerage is estimated at the rate of 80% of
the water supply in any area.

3.3 Drainage
Figure 5 : Map showing the drains location in Zone-4

Major portion of the city is having open drainage, where the sides of the roads and planned
drainage facilities in some parts of the city. There is no drainage facility in the surrounding
villages of the Dehradun city which comes under the planning area.
Although the natural topography of the city helps in gravity drainage, there are pockets of
water logging; besides, natural drainage courses require rehabilitation, as they are choked
with disposed solid waste and encroached upon, particularly by the urban poor.
Due to hilly terrain, Dehradun City has a natural drainage pattern with sufficient gradients to
drain off storm water easily in to the two main natural drainage channels passing north to
south i.e. Bindal River and Rispana River.
Zone-4 has surrounded by these two rivers. This zone drainage is fully depends on these
rivers only. Due to high density in this zone, roads become very narrow, disturbing the water
flow. Some of the areas, sewage lines merging the drainage resulted the pollution of rivers.

Zonal Development Plan- Zone 4 Draft Report

3.4 Solid Waste Management

Municipal solid waste (MSW), also called urban solid waste, is a waste type that includes
predominantly household waste (domestic waste) with sometimes, addition of commercial
wastes collected by a municipality within a given area. Recent study shows that composition
of waste by Dehradun.

Existing solid waste collection system mainly comprises of (i) collection from the doorstep
by means of hand-carts/cycle-rickshaw and (ii) collection through community
bins/containers. Municipal Corporation sweepers and sanitary workers engaged by the
Mohalla Swachhata Samities sweep solid wastes from the streets. They accumulate the
collected waste into small heaps and subsequently loaded manually or mechanically on to the
solid waste transportation vehicles for onward transportation to the disposal site.
The existing solid waste disposal site is located at Dateda Lakhond on Sahashradhara Road
and at a distance of about 7 km from the town. The site (area approx. 4 ha) is being used for
last 3 years. DNN has identified 15 acres of land at Selaqui, located at a distance of about 22
km from the city for future solid waste disposal.
3.5 Social Infrastructure:
Development of Social Infrastructure facilities play an important role in the community
development and are expected to provide a cohesive living condition for the population in
Zone 4 area. Social Infrastructure facilities are essential to satisfy the immediate requirement
of inhabitants and provide community needs such as education, health facilities etc.
considering the development of the town. Social Infrastructure facilities include Education,
Public Health, Recreational, Market and Other facilities.

Social Infrastructure facilities support many welfare activities especially for the urban poor
and economically weaker sections. Therefore strengthening this function so as to provide
satisfactory level of services becomes top priority for the municipal authority.

Zonal Development Plan- Zone 4 Draft Report


Dehradun is state capital and hub of many national level institutions and centre for trade and
commerce of surrounding region. Being the gateway to the Himalayan region of the State,
Dehradun attracts large number of tourists on their onward journeys to different hill
destinations as well city level tourist spots. Thus, a large volume of traffic is generated/
attracted from/to the city. Dehradun is well connected by rail, road and air.

4.1 Road Network

Dehradun city has basically radial pattern originating from city core (i.e. Clock tower).
Rajpur road, Haridwar road, Saharanpur road and Chakrata road are forming the major travel
corridors which originate from the city core. NH-72 passes through the city connecting
Rishikesh and Haridwar in the east to Himachal Pradesh in the western side. NH-72A
connects the city with Saharanpur in the S-W and Roorkee in the south. Other important
roads in the city are Kaulagarh road, Raipur road, and Sahastradhara road, Kanwli Road, New
Cantonment Road, Subhash Road and East Canal Road.

Figure 6 : Map showing the Transportation network in Zone-4

Zonal Development Plan- Zone 4 Draft Report

The traffic carrying capacities are low due to limited widths, intense land use and

Table 11 : Existing roads by category wise

National Major
Category Length in km Highway district roads
0% 4%
National Highway 1 streets

Major district roads 9.50

Residential streets 56.30 73%

Lanes 178.50
Total 245.30 Road Category - Zone 4
Source: Existing Master Plan and ZDP- 2015

Total roads by category wise in Zone-4 are divided into National Highway, Major district
roads, Residential streets and Lanes. 73% portion of the roads is small lanes, 23% of the
roads are residential streets, 4% covers major district roads and 0% is under National

Table 12 : Existing roads by surface wise

Category Length in km 0%

Bitumen/Tar 101.20 15%
Cement Concrete 107.30
Mud 36.80 44%

Total 245.30 Road Surface - Zone 4
Source: Existing Land use map-2015

Zone-4 roads are almost covered with bituminous topped (BT). At present the total length of
roads in Zone-4 is about 245.3 km of which 41% of roads are bituminous topped (BT), 44%
of roads are cement concrete roads, 15% of roads are mud roads and 0% are WBM roads.

4.2 Public Transport System:

Uttarakhand Transport Corporation has a fleet of 430 buses in Dehradun for intra-city and
inter-city travels. UTC buses mainly serve long distance as well as medium distance inter-city
trips from ISBT and few from near Railway Station. Private Buses also make long and
medium distance intercity trips from different parts of the city. Presently they operate from
Zonal Development Plan- Zone 4 Draft Report

Parade Ground, near Clock Tower. Long distance private buses do not have any authorized
off- Street parking or terminals. So they are seen to occupy the carriageway of roads causing
problems to traffic movements.

In addition to this, more than 300 tourist buses also come to the city daily during the peak
tourist season. About 300 City Buses operate all around the city on 15 routes.

Mini buses and Tempos / Vikrams are permitted on fixed routes and fixed fare basis (fixed by
RTO) for intra- city trips within the city, while auto rickshaws are permitted within 25 km of
radius in the city without any fixed rate. Mini buses and tempos do not have proper terminal
facilities or amenities for passengers.

4.2.1 Bus Terminals

Uttarakhand Transport Corporation (UTC) has bus terminal and Inter State Bus Terminal
(ISBT) located on Saharanpur-Haridwar Road junction and another one at near the Railway
Station. Apart from UTC terminals, a private bus terminal for medium and long distance
buses is also operating from Parade Grounds. There are about 800-850 bus schedules that
originate daily from these terminals. These terminals are inadequate to handle the bus traffic
and over the years, the terminals had witnessed growth in buses as well as passenger traffic
resulting in congestion and inefficient operation. In addition, about 300 tourist buses also
come to the City daily during the peak tourist season.

4.2.2 Goods Terminals:

Dehradun City is an important centre of trade and a transshipment node for goods exported to
the hill areas of the State. The trade in the City has followed two main channels; one between
the valley and the plains and, the other between valley and hills. Lime is the main export of
the Dehradun District. Being a major transportation head, the exchange of agricultural and
industrial products in the region is controlled by the City.

The major wholesale and retail markets are located in the centre of the city. The major
commercial activities take place along Saharanpur Road, Chakrata Road, Haridwar Road and
Rajpur Road. The commercial activities have developed in a ribbon form along the roads
resulting in various traffic and transportation problems. Ashlay Hall, Gandhi Road and Pipal
Mandi are among other important commercial areas.

As Dehradun has commercial and industrial importance though the city lacks any planned
transport terminal due to which trucks are parked along the roads. Therefore, the loading and
Zonal Development Plan- Zone 4 Draft Report

unloading activities and transportation of goods in trucks and handcarts often create traffic
jams. A Transport Nagar has been planned along Saharanpur Road near the New Bypass
Road Junction with provision for truck terminal.

4.2.3 Rail Network:

Dehradun is the last station for Northern railways in this region. Planning area covers around
20 Km of broad gauge lines which connect Dehraun city to Haridwar, Udham Singh Nagar,
Ram Nagar and Haldwani etc. cities of the state. According to MDDA survey, per day around
15000 passengers travel through the train and around 1/3rd of the goods transportation are
done through goods trains from Dehradun city.

4.2.4 Air Network

The only airport of the state capital is located 26 Km from the City at Jolly Grant. This
airport connects the city to all metropolitan cities i.e. Bangalore, New Delhi, Mumbai and
Chennai and also to other major cities like Jammu, Ranchi, Coimbatore, Ahmedabad etc. in
India through air services.

Zonal Development Plan- Zone 4 Draft Report


Existing land use map has prepared based on satellite image and ground survey. Digitized all
buildings, roads, railway lines, water bodies, culverts, bridges, high/low tension lines
drainage lines, layouts, parks, playgrounds, wetlands, etc. on geo-referenced satellite image
and same updated with ground survey details such as usage of building, landmarks, heritage
buildings, road widths, road material, condition of buildings, vacant lands.

5.1 Land Use Structure

The term Land use means the function of a given area of land. Categories of land use include
residential, commercial, industrial, public and semi-public, recreational, transport and
communication, forest, agricultural use and water bodies. Land use coverage depends upon
the population density, functional domination of the settlement, special development thrust,
location of the settlement in a regional setting and workforce composition.

5.2 Land use pattern- Master Plan 2025 and Zone-4

The quality of urban life and functional efficiency of a city is dependent on proper disposition
of activities, inter-relationship it establishes between the work centers, living areas,
community facilities and recreational areas. In order to conduct a systematic analysis of the
problems regarding disposition of various activities expressed as land use, analysis has been
done for various zones.
Table 13 : Existing Land use as per 2025 Master Plan and Zone-4
S.no Land Use Urban area Rural area Total Area in
Area(Ha) % Area(Ha) % Area(Ha) % Ha.
1 Residential 2989.30 30.82 1082.50 4.11 4071.80 11.30 998.15 20.66
2 Commercial 298.52 3.08 42.91 0.16 341.43 0.95 26.19 0.54
3 Industrial 40.50 0.42 142.94 0.54 183.44 0.51 3.67 0.08
4 Public & Semi public 723.73 7.46 124.59 0.47 848.32 2.36 119.42 2.47
5 Recreation 448.12 4.62 1236 4.69 1684.12 4.67 2.14 0.04
6 Traffic and Transport 425.18 4.38 396.78 1.51 821.96 2.28 100.73 2.08
7 Agriculture 571.76 5.90 9722.89 36.91 10294.65 28.56 506.75 10.49
Special Area(Forests
8 781.76 8.06 12774.30 48.49 13556.01 37.62 2480.91 51.34
and Hills)
9 Undefined land uses 3058.82 31.54 3058.82 8.49 308.49 6.38
Water Bodies &
10 360.58 3.72 818.67 3.11 1179.25 3.27 285.75 5.91
TOTAL 9698.27 100 26341.5 100 36039.8 100 4832.2 100
Source: Master Plan 2025 and ZDP

Zonal Development Plan- Zone 4 Draft Report

Master Plan – Urban Area

Water Bodies &

Undefined land



Public & Semi

Special public
Area(Forests and Traffic and 7%
Agriculture Recreation
Hills) Transport
6% 5%
8% 4%
Master Plan - Urban Areas

Master Plan- Rural area

Residential Commercial Industrial

Water Bodies & 4% 0% 1% Public & Semi
Courses public
3% 0% Recreation
Traffic and

Area(Forests and Agriculture
Hills) 37%

Master Plan - Rural Areas

Zonal Development Plan- Zone 4 Draft Report

Total Master Plan Area

Residential Commercial
Water Bodies &
11% 1%
Courses Industrial
Undefined land 3% 1%
uses Public & Semi
8% public

Special Traffic and

Area(Forests and Transport
Hills) Agriculture 2%
38% 29%

Master Plan

Zone-4 Existing Land Use

Water Bodies &

Undefined land 6% Industrial
uses 0%

21% Public & Semi
Special Area(Forests Traffic and
and Hills) Transport
51% 2%


Zonal Development Plan- Zone 4 Draft Report

The above pie-charts shows the land use distribution for whole MDDA Master Plan Region
and in specifically with Rural and urban land uses. Land use segregation of rural and urban
area is considered separately for comparing and analyzing each zone on the basis of major
portion coming under urban or rural areas.

According to different characteristics of rural and urban areas, much area difference in
different types of land use can be seen. In urban areas major part of land is occupied by
Residential with 31% and undefined land uses with 31.54% of Urban area whereas in rural
areas major use of land comes under Hills and forest with 48 % and Agriculture land use with
37% of rural area.

Combination of both the areas gives a different overall picture of the Master Plan region so
the analysis is being done considering the local characteristics of a particular zone.

5.3 Zone-4 Existing Land use

The land use categories in the zonal development plans are adopted from the approved
Master Plan for Dehradun, and they include broadly residential, commercial, industrial,
public and semipublic places, parks and play grounds, traffic & transportation areas, hills and
forests, water bodies, open spaces, agriculture and others. In this zone, major part of the area
is under residential use where as in other zones Commercial and Public and semi-public use
is predominant.

Figure 7 : Map showing the Existing Land use

Zonal Development Plan- Zone 4 Draft Report

The quality of urban life and functional efficiency of a city is dependent on proper disposition
of activities, inter-relationship it establishes between the work centers, living areas,
community facilities and recreational areas. In order to conduct a systematic analysis of the
problems regarding disposition of various activities expressed as land use, analysis has been
done for various zones.

5.3.1 Distribution of Existing Land use scenario 2015

The predominant use across the zone is residential. For a comfortable living environment, a
time tested use composition as evolved in the UDPFI guidelines is desirable. For otherwise,
though the impact by way of psychological stress and strains may be invisible, overtime, it
will affect physical and mental health of a human being and more so of those occupied in
economic activities like commercial, services, industrial, institutional and the like. For stress
relief and relaxation, recreational options, parks and playgrounds do play the crucial role.

As discussed previous, this zone is the rather more intensively developed high density area
forming the core of the city where from the city grew over decades.

In order to arrive at a rationale for future spatial structure and Land use pattern, it is necessary
to study the existing Land use to identifying the existing spatial structure. The existing
developed area is substantially low in comparison to the planning area.

The land use planning for Zone-4 is based on the optimum land required for development to
support economic and population growth. Sustainable land use principles are adopted and the
objectives of the Master Plan are translated onto the land use plan that will chart the future
growth for this zone. Overall, the main land use of this zone is forests and hills with 51.34%
and residential with 20.66% of the total land and agriculture of 10.49%.

Residential: As mentioned in the above table it is clear that about 20.66% of total area is
under Residential area by which we can determine that most of the area in zone 1 is under
residential area and which is concluded as a grown urban center.
Residential Land use occupies 998.15 Hectares of area, which covers slum areas, apartments,
residential colonies, Layout Areas and Plotted residential areas. Open spaces category are
vacant plots and will be developed as residential purpose only.
Commercial: Commercial Land use occupies 26.19 Hectares constitutes 0.54 % of zone
area. Commercial zone is mostly along the National Highway, Raipur road, Saharanpur road,
Chakrata road and Gandhi road. Most of the district commercial centers are formed in central
part of this zone and maximum percentage of market area (bazars) exists alongside of road.
Zonal Development Plan- Zone 4 Draft Report

Due to high percentage of commercial centers present in this zone, it can be called as
commercial hub for entire region.

Industries: There are no industries existences in this zone. Industrial Land use occupies 3.67
Hectares which constitutes 0.08 % of zone area with only two small scale industries are
located in this zone.

Public and semi-public: One of the important categories of land uses in this zone is Public
& semi Public and it excludes the education category. Public & Semi-public Land use
occupies 119.42 Hectares, which constitutes 2.47% of zone area in which Historical includes
religious places like Temple, Ashram, Dharmashala and Dharbar.
Major educational centers such as Institutes and colleges at regional importance are located in
this zone.

Traffic and Transportation: Transportation Land use occupies 100.73 Ha which constitutes
2.08% of zone area which is indicated in 3 subcategories.
1. Bus terminals/Parking Places
2. Existing Roads
3. Rail line/Railway Premises
Transport (Roads) is one of the important components, which comes under major land use

Roads are occupying major share in transportation & communication land use followed by
railway line/railway premises and Bus terminals/parking.
With 2.08% land under the use of traffic & transportation, the zone provides easy
accessibility with in the zones as this is zone is abutting by two major roads- Saharanpur road
and National Highway. The connectivity of the zone with other major centers such as Raipur
in the east, Chakrata and Kaonli in the west are good.
Recreation: In this category, separate land use details calculated for open spaces, parks and
playgrounds. Open spaces (vacant plots) between buildings are merged into open spaces
category. Vacant plots in planned residential zones also considered in open spaces

Core part of zone has some beautiful parks for recreation purpose of pilgrims and local
residents. Recreation Land use occupies 2.14 Hectares which constitutes 0.04% of zone area.
The Major developed Parks in this zone are Gandhi Park, pavilion ground, parade ground etc.

Zonal Development Plan- Zone 4 Draft Report

Water Bodies: In this zone two rivers are flowing namely Rispana River and Bindal River.
The amount of land use under this category occupies 285.75 Hectares which constitutes
5.91% of the land in this zone.
Undefined Land uses: Vacant lands which are not into any specific zone are considered into
undefined land uses. This area is about 308.49 Hectares comprising of 6.38%.

Special area (Forest & Hills): In this zone, Forest and Hill areas are covered. This area is
about 2480.91 Hectares comprising of 51.34%.

Agriculture: Agriculture land use occupies 506.75 Hectares which constitutes 10.49%.

5.4 Proposed Land use-Master Plan (2025) Vs ZDP-4

In the Master Plan 2025, the area under residential use zone has been enhanced to cover
about 11% to 25%, taking into consideration the developmental potential in the future based
on the trend in the past and present. In doing so, the uses in developed as „mixed‟ with more
than one use built over or expanded over basically original residential uses have been stream
lined to the commercial units inserted in the residential units. The Master Plan recommended
1.7% of the zone area under commercial use, 6.1% of the zone area under Public and semi-
public use, 2.8% under Transportation and 1.3% for Recreation.

In this proposed land use structure Public and semi-public use having major weightage. Being
a capital city and hub for national level institutions, this land use plays key role in future

Table 14 : Proposed Land use as per Master Plan 2025 & ZDP Zone-4
Sl.no Land use component
Area (Ha) Percentage Area (Ha) Percentage
1 Residential 8887.07 24.68 832.40 17.23
2 Commercial 638.93 1.77 25.23 0.52
3 Industrial 310.47 0.86 1.13 0.02
4 Public & Semi public 2229.19 6.19 127.77 2.64
5 Recreation 470.58 1.31 32.07 0.66
6 Traffic and Transport 1027.53 2.85 122.84 2.54
7 Agriculture 9589.42 26.64 3389.39 70.14
8 Special Area 12849.05 35.69 301.38 6.24
TOTAL 36002.24 100 4832.21 100

Zonal Development Plan- Zone 4 Draft Report

Master Plan 2025

25% Commercial
Area(Forests, Hills &
Water bodies)
36% Industrial

Public & Semi public


Traffic and
MDDA Master Plan -Proposed Land Use 3%

ZDP - Proposed

Special Commercial Industrial

Area(Forests, Hills 0% 0%
& Water bodies)
6% Residential Public & Semi
17% public

Traffic and


MDDA - Proposed Land Use

Zonal Development Plan- Zone 4 Draft Report

5.5 Proposed Land Use as per Master Plan 2025 Vs ZDP-4

A) Residential Use:
In the Master Plan-2025 about 8887 Ha (24.68%)
has been proposed for residential use, where as in
ZDP-4 of the complete Zone area of 4832.21 Ha,
Residential area comprises of 832.4 Ha (17.23%).

B) Commercial use:
In the Master Plan-2025 about 638.93 Ha (1.77%)
has been proposed for commercial use, Where as
in ZDP-4 of the complete Zone area of 4832.21
Ha, Commercial area comprises of 25.23 Ha

C) Industrial Use:

In the Master Plan-2025 about 310.47 Ha (0.86%)

has been proposed for Industrial use, Where as in
ZDP-4 of the complete Zone area of 4832.21 Ha,
Industrial area comprises of 1.13 Ha (0.02%).

Zonal Development Plan- Zone 4 Draft Report

D) Public And semi Public use:

In the Master Plan-2025 about 2229.19 Ha
(6.19%) has been proposed for this use. Where as
in ZDP-4 of the complete Zone area of 4832.21
Ha, Public and semi-public area comprises of
127.77 Ha (2.64%).

E) Recreation Use:

In the Master Plan-2025 about 470.58 ha (1.31%)

has been proposed for this use. Where as in ZDP-4
of the complete Zone area of 4832.21 Ha,
Recreation area comprises of 32.07 Ha (0.66%).

F) Traffic and Transportation Use:

In the Master Plan-2025 about 1027.53 ha (2.85%)

has been proposed for this use. Where as in ZDP-4
of the complete Zone area of 4832.21 Ha, Traffic
and Transportation area comprises of 122.84 Ha

Zonal Development Plan- Zone 4 Draft Report

G) Agriculture Use:

In the Master Plan-2025 about 9589.42 ha

(26.64%) has been proposed for this use. Where as
in ZDP-4 of the complete Zone area of 4832.21
Ha, Agricultural area comprises of 3389.39 Ha

H) Special Use:

In the Master Plan-2025 about 12849.05 ha

(35.69%) has been proposed for this use. Where as
in ZDP-4 of the complete Zone area of 4832.21
Ha, Special area comprises of 301.38 Ha (6.24%).

Features of proposed Master Plan:

With a view to translate all the planning policies into development strategies, the Zonal
Development Plan focuses on the following salient features.

(i) A land use plan showing the Zonal Plan level uses.

(ii) The plan indicates subdivision of entire urban area under into sectors / sub zones for the
purpose of development. Each sector / sub zone contains multiple land use categories.

(iii) The zone plan would be further subdivided into various residential pockets containing
neighborhood level recreational and community facilities.

(v) As per Master Plan-2025, the identification of mixed uses area shall be done by the local
body as per Mixed Use Regulations. The mixed use would be permissible on streets/stretches
already notified by the competent authority. The mixed use areas will be shown in the local
area plans.

Zonal Development Plan- Zone 4 Draft Report

5.6 Proposed Land uses under ZDP (Zone 4)

While detailing out the Master Plan area pertaining to Zone 4, the land use is explained with
the help of categories used under Zonal Development Plan as per UDPFI Guidelines.

Table 15 : Zone-4 Proposed Land use as per ZDP

Category Sub-categories Area
Primary Residential Zone 758.16 91.08
Residential Mixed Residential Zone 3.32 0.40
Unplanned/Informal Residential Zone 70.93 8.52
Sub Total 832.40 100.00
Commercial General Commercial 25.23 100.00
Sub Total 25.23 100.00
Industrial Service & light Industry 1.13 100.00
Sub Total 1.13 100.00
Public & Semi-public Public & Semi-public 127.77 100.00
Sub Total 127.77 100.00
Parks & Gardens(Public Open Space) 20.80 64.86
Recreation Multipurpose Open space (Maidan),
11.27 35.14
Sub Total 32.07 100.00
Transportation &
Roads 122.84 100.00
Sub Total 122.84 100.00
Agriculture 910.81 26.87
Forest 1781.47 52.56
Village settlement 9.02 0.27
Water Bodies 688.1 20.30
Sub Total 3389.39 100.00
Special Area Cantonment Areas 301.38 100.00
Sub Total 301.38 100.00
Grand Total 4832.20
Source: Proposed Land use map-ZDP

Zonal Development Plan- Zone 4 Draft Report

Figure 8 : Map showing the proposed land use

A) Residential Use:

Mixed Unplanne As per Zone-4 Proposed landuse, total 832.4 Ha

Residenti d/Informa
al Zone l area has been proposed for Residential use, in
0% Residenti
al Zone
which Primary Residential area comprises of

Primary 758.16 Ha (91.08%), Mixed Residential area

ial Zone
comprises of 3.32 Ha (0.4%) and
Unplanned/Informal Residential area comprises
of 70.93 Ha (8.52%).
Residential Area

Zonal Development Plan- Zone 4 Draft Report

B) Commercial use:

As per Zone-4 Proposed landuse, total 25.23

Ha (100%) area has been proposed for
General Commercial use, which is for General
cial, commercial area landuse.

Commercial Area

C) Industrial use:

As per Zone-4 Proposed landuse, total 1.13

Ha (100%) area has been proposed for

Service &
Commercial use, which is for Service &
light light Industry landuse.

Industrial Area

D) Public And semi Public use:

As per Zone-4 Proposed landuse, total

127.77 Ha (100%) area has been proposed
for Public & Semi-public use.
Public &

Public & Semi-public

Zonal Development Plan- Zone 4 Draft Report

E) Recreation Use:

Multipurp As per Zone-4 Proposed landuse, total

ose Open Parks &
space 32.07 Ha area has been proposed for
Recreation (Public Recreation use, in which Parks & Gardens
35% Open
Space) area comprises of 20.80 Ha (64.86%) and
Multipurpose Open space & Recreation
area comprises of 11.27 Ha (35.14%).

Recreation Area

F) Traffic and Communication:

As per Zone-4 Proposed landuse, total

122.84 Ha (100%) area has been proposed
for Traffic and Communication use, which
100% is for Roads landuse.

Transportation &
Communication Area

G) Agriculture Use:

Water Agricultu As per Zone-4 Proposed landuse, total

Village Bodies re
settlement 27% 3389.39 Ha area has been proposed for
Agricultural use, in which Agriculture area
comprises of 910.81 Ha (26.87%), Forest
Forest area comprises of 1781.47 Ha (52.56%),
Village Settlement area comprises of 9.02
Ha (0.27%) and water bodies area

Agricultural Area comprises of 688.1 Ha (20.3%).

Zonal Development Plan- Zone 4 Draft Report

H) Special Area

As per Zone-4 Proposed landuse, total

301.38 Ha (100%) area has been proposed
for Special landuse, which is for

Cantonm Cantonment area landuse.


Cantonment Area

Figure 9 : Map showing the road widening proposals

Zonal Development Plan- Zone 4 Draft Report

Figure 10 : Map showing the Traffic Junction Improved & Proposed

Detailed Traffic Junctions:

Zonal Development Plan- Zone 4 Draft Report

Below table shows the proposals on widening roads and new roads proposed in this zone.

Table 16 : Zone-4 Road Widening Proposals

Zone 4: proposed Road – Widening from Existing Road Units in Meter
Road Prop
N From Along To
Along Nala Pani Chowk,Rishi
Sahastradhara Touch Wood
1 Nagar, Appolo International 3786 33
Road School
2 Along Sahastradhara 8702 33
Theva Maldevta Maldevi
3 Along Kesar Wala 4043 30
Road Temple
Sahastradhara Bus Stand
4 Along Song River Bridge 4363 30
Road Raipur
Bus Stand Along Maharana Pratap Sports Towards
5 3275 30
Raipur College Barasi Village
Along Bala Sundari Temple,
Kishanpur Canal
6 National Institute Of The Ajanta Hotel 3256 24
Visually Handicapped
Theva Maldevta
7 Along Rajakiya Inter College Theva vil3lage 1302 24
Tapovan Ashram
8 Along Doordharsan, Nalapani Nalapani Road 1829 24
Tibiten Colony
9 Along Usha Residential Colony Kirsali 669 18
Shasthradara Shasthradara
10 Along Amwala Tarala 1439 12
Road Road
11 Other internal ZDP Roads 4541 12
12 Other internal ZDP Roads 28565 9
Zone 4: New Proposed Roads
Road Name/ Details Prop
No From To (in
(in mts)
1 Saundhon wali Amwala Karanpur 1161 30
2 Shasthradara Road Bandari Walamaichak 1690 30
Kulhan Mansingh
3 Asthal Village 4270 30
4 Danda Nooriwala Aamwala Karanpur 927 24
5 Danda Nooriwala Danda Lakhaund 1563 18
Drona's College of Management & Tech
6 Shasthradara Road 1030 18
7 Delhi Public School Sahastradhara Road 1181 12
8 Gujra Mee 149 12
9 Other Internal Proposed Roads 8532 12
Zonal Development Plan- Zone 4 Draft Report

Source: Proposed Land use map Zone-4

5.7 Deviations
It is observed that below are the deviations found while preparing the ZDP existing land use
maps when compare with approved Master Plan-2025. Below table shows the deviations on
land uses.

Table 17 : Table shows the land use deviations

Differences - Master Plan & ZDP
ZDP Proposal –and Recommended
Slno Master plan _2025 ZDP
9m with Change of alignment base
Z4-A1 18m Prop Road
on Existing Road
30m width road alignment Changed
Z4-A2 30m Prop Road based on input Given by
MDDA(PMU Jolly Grant Road)

Differences - MDDA Feedback & ZDP

Slno Master plan _2025 ZDP Road Remarks
Z4-B1 30m Proposed Road 12m Proposed Road Alignment Changed
Z4-B2 18m Proposed Road 18m Proposed Road Alignment Changed
Z4-B3 24m Proposed Road 18m Proposed Road Alignment Changed

Road Deviations
Slno Master plan _2025 ZDP 2015 Remarks
Z4-C1 24m Road 9m Road Alignment Changed

Slno Master Plan 2013 ELU 2015 ZDP 2015
Open space,
Z4-E1 Agriculture Public & Semi Public
Residential, Defense
Z4-E2 Agriculture Open space, Forest Public & Semi Public
Z4-E3 Agriculture Open space, Forest Public & Semi Public

Landuse Deviations in Forest

Slno Master plan _2025 ELU 2015 ZDP 2015
Z4-F1 Forest Residential Forest
Z4-F2 Forest Residential Forest
Z4-F3 Forest Residential Forest

Zonal Development Plan- Zone 4 Draft Report


6.1 Land Use Zoning Regulations

The Master plan consists of the land use plan as well as the regulation as contained in this
chapter. At the draft notification stage, the procedural aspects and the minor components such
as the size of drawings and the number of copies of plan to be submitted etc. are omitted. The
main provisions of the regulation are explained in a way that can be easily understood by the
common man.
It is basic essential to control the constructed building and related activities under proposed
different land-use to execute as per the embedded objectives in the Master Plan for the future
development of Dehradun. The provision of different land use zone in Dehradun Master Plan
has been done keeping in view it‟s unique spatial position, expectations and desires of the
running and future population. Only described use will be established in the reserved zone for
different land use under Land use zone regulation. Essentially green area and a healthy mix of
land use has been proposed along with provision of relevant use of residential, commercial,
official, industrial and tourism related use.
The number of proposals made under each section in the report has not been totally converted
into space requirement as the land parcel requirement of all this proposals may not become
discernable on the map. The land use zones and different uses on each zone are included in
the guidelines for implementation. Many of the important proposals particularly relating to
residential services have been cost estimated and investment programme has been worked
6.2 Suggestive Development Regulations
For the directed development in present city structure and future pattern total Master Plan
area has been divided in eight main land zone where as for important use same zone has been
subdivided and regional authorities has been formed keeping in view the permissible-main,
relevant and restricted use. The permission for building construction in proposed land use in
Master Plan on 24 meter or wider road will be allowed only after leaving aside 4.5 meter or
forward set back, whichever is more .More over even on different routes where multi-level
market patterns are there and the permission of mixed commercial and residential building‟s
row are concerned, the provision of leaving aside 4.5 meter open area or least essential
forward set back whichever is more will be mandatory. After ensuring this only compound
wall of any building can be made.

Zonal Development Plan- Zone 4 Draft Report

6.3 Land use Zone Categories

1. Residential Zone
2. Commercial Zone (Retail and Wholesale)
3. Manufacturing Zone
4. Public and Semipublic Zone.
5. Entertainment Zone.
6. Transportation and Communication Zone (Roads, Railways, Airports and Bus Depots
and Truck Terminals)
7. Agriculture Zone
8. Special area Zone (Tourist, Tea garden and Forests)
9. Others (Cantonment area and water Bodies).

Along with above described provision in different zone regulation land uses have been
classified in generally permitted use (with relevant use) and those uses which are allowed
after the permission of the authority only. After the permission of authority, different uses
will be considered under zonal regulation on the basis of optimum use on minimum land after
fulfilling the parameters means there won‟t be any provision for relaxation. Hence, under
zone regulation construction and development activities will be allowed according to the
permissible described land use only.
Different described activities proposed under different land uses in the Master Plan has been
classified in, “permissible”, “permissible after acceptance of authority board”, “restricted”.
Below said landuse class and their described provisions have been prepared on the basis of
UDPFI guidelines.

6.3.1 Residential

Residential area- (Primarily Residential Area, Mixed Residential Area,

Unplanned/Unorganized Residential Area). As this zone is merged with hilly area in the
North, it is low density zone with low building activities.
Permissible use
Residential building – Single housing having max 12 m ht with slopping roof, as it has low
density below 175-225 person/hec due to hilly terrain in this Zone. Guest house, farm house,
hostel, Aanganwadi (child care centre), Middle School, religious compound, ashram,
charitable trust building, cultural building ,inn, community centre, toilet, park.

Zonal Development Plan- Zone 4 Draft Report

In residential building professional office will be in maximum 20 square meter floor area
(such as doctor‟s clinic, architect, chartered accountant, technical services advisor or land
lord‟s own office etc.) Professional office in residential building will be in maximum 100
square meter or 25 percent of FAR whichever is less and should be on 12 meter wide road in
plain area and on 7.5 meter wide road in mountainous area.
Retail shops (maximum in 50 square meter floor area), bakeries and confectionaries, medical
clinic and dispensaries, Nursing home up to 20 beds or health centre, yoga centre, health
clinic, pathology collection centre.
Educational building (up to inter college), library, research centre.
Inspection building , hotel, commercial institute, club, technical training centre, exhibition,
art gallery, should be on minimum on 18 meter wide road and in maximum 1500 square
meter land area or permissible land coverage FAR in residential area whichever is less .
Weekly market, hawkers/vendors/thela market, nursery, police chowki, taxi stand, tricycle
auto stand, bus stop, community services and utilities related building ( except services and
storage yards) fire brigades, water supply, electricity ,sewer management , telephone, ATM,
post office etc. infrastructural facilities and corresponding building.
Impact fee will be 5 percent of the land use change fees of the plot area and imposed on
Guest House, petrol-diesel filling station, commercial complex/multy-storeyed commercial
building, Hotel with minimum plot area 1500 Sq.m.

Permissible after acceptance of authority /board

Reception house, restaurant, auditorium, night house, petrol-diesel filling station, motor
vehicle repairing workshop/ garage, in house industries (as per annexure-1) LPG gas agency;

On 18 meter wide road ,land piece having 24 meter frontage and more than 1500 square
meter hotel, mall, lodge, physiotherapy centre, gymnasium / exercise work shop, yoga centre,
primary clinic, bank, cinema hall, up to the limit as per considered land coverage or FAR or
permissible land coverage in residential area or FAR whichever is less.

The market of retail things ,printing press, repair shop of house hold instruments, local
bodies, state and central govt. and public sector offices, bus stand , sewage treatment plant /
drainage, water treatment plant , cemeteries. Corresponding utilization for residential use
which is essential for the development of the area and is equivalent to any of the above use.

Zonal Development Plan- Zone 4 Draft Report

Restricted use
The Building height in these zones is restricted to 12 mts as it is a hilly area. Harmful, Heavy,
big and largely extended industries ware housing, godown of perishable items, inflammable
items, harmful objects, godown pertaining to turnkey yard, bus trucks repairing related

Slaughter house, dairy farm, mini dairy, hatcheries, animal husbandries, solid waste disposal
sites, whole sale market/mandi.

Sports training center, stadium, shooting range, zoo, botanical garden, birds sanctuary, picnic
spot; conference center, addiction eradication center, jail, child improvement home , hospital
of infectious and mental disease, office and site of paramilitary force ,court, police line,
forensic science laboratory , mortuary, post mortem house, crematorium, and other uses
which is not equivalent to above described use.

6.3.2 Commercial use

Commercial uses will be classified under ,”permissible”, “permissible after acceptance of

authority”, “restricted” such as retail market area ,commercial center, whole sale trade and
storage, use in mandi area etc.

Permissible use
Retail shop, bakery and confectionaries, shopping center mall, multiplexes, local shopping
center, weekly market, hawkers, vendors, thela market, whole sale trade/mandi and retails
shops are allowed along the road side with 20m depth from right of way or upto
Single/Amalgamated Plot depth abutting the Master Plan roads.

In cases where portion of such Single/Amalgamated plot is falling outside the earmarked
commercial zone but forms an integral part of a commercial building proposal, such non-
commercial areas can be considered for commercial use after approval from Authority Board
and payment of impact fee.

Commercial office , offices, bank and financial institution , trade and commerce center,
cinema hall, theatre, indoor stadium, auditorium, banquet hall, restaurant, hotel, guest house,
residential building, group housing, boarding house, hostel; Information technology building,
college, nursing home, medical clinic, diagnostic center, pathology lab, research / training
center; Reception house, night house, library, religious site, art gallery, exhibition site,
printing press, stock exchange, museum, police station, post office, bus stop, taxi stand,
Zonal Development Plan- Zone 4 Draft Report

parking site, multi-level parking, park and open area, playground, recreation center, Post
office, center/state/local bodies‟ and public undertaking offices, telephone exchange, gas
booking agencies, porting and down loading and uploading sites, weighing sites, cold storage.
Fire brigade, water supply, electricity supply sewer management, telephone, ATM,
infrastructural facilities and corresponding building; Filling and service station, godown and
storage house/service center/garage/workshop.

Permissible after acceptance of authority /board

Polytechnic and higher technological institute, pollution less odor less light industries, ware
housing, storage, godown of perishable items and inflammable substances, storage house,
yard of coal, wood and timber, bus and truck depot, junk yards, railway yards, station,
athletics, stadium, religious building and hospital, water treatment plant and construction
related to public utilities. All those uses which is essential for the area development and is
according to the commercial use but not equivalent to above described use.

Restricted use
Heavy, harmful, polluting, industries with odor, extractive industries etc.; Poultry farm,
animal husbandry, animal slaughter house, sewage treatment , dumping site, agricultural use,
sand- gravel- stone quarrying activities, zoo, botanical garden, bird sanctuary, picnic spot;
Game training center, court, addiction eradication center, jail, child improvement home,
infectious disease hospital/research laboratory; Office of paramilitary force, forensic science
laboratory and all other activities which are not equivalent to the above described use.

6.3.3 Industrial area

Different uses will be classified in ,”permissible”, ”Permissible after acceptance of

authority/board”, “restricted” under industrial use such as small and service industries, other
industries and special industrial region, institutes in information technology etc.

Permissible use
Industrial building, all the industries and information technology building / sites under
permissible class, work related to public utilities, filing and service stations, parking , porting
downloading and uploading sites, storage house, imperishable goods, nonflammable item‟s
storage/depot, storage site and its corresponding use , cold storage, ice industries, gas
godown, bus depot and work shop, cinema hall, park, health center, restaurant. Impact fee on
Cinema hall, hotel, convention center, commercial center, academic institution.

Zonal Development Plan- Zone 4 Draft Report

Permissible after acceptance of authority/board

Except godown of fast perishable goods and inflammable substance, harmful industries, junk
yards; Electricity centers, taxi stand, transport city/ truck depot, helipad, gas storage, sewage
treatment plant, sewage farm, oil and LPG refilling plant, service station, workshop/garage;
Govt. /semi govt./ private business/ commercial offices, bank and financial institutions, hotel,
convention center, refreshment house; Stadium, playground, religious building, dairy farm,
sand, gravel, stone excavation related work, cemeteries, hospital;

Under industrial site residential building of essential worker/watchman, recreation center,

commercial center, academic institution and all other activities which is permissible and not
equivalent to above described activities.

6.3.4 Public and semi-public areas

In public and semi-public land use zone (PS) govt. / semi govt. /public office, Govt. land
(whose use is not defined) academic and research, health and medication, social cultural and
religious utilities and services, crematory sites, cemeteries, and other such related use are
considered and allowed.

Permissible use
Government office, center, state, local and semi Govt., public undertaking offices, essential
use for government offices; Middle Schools, college, universities and special academic
institution, information technology building/site, research and development center/institute,
library; hospital, nursing home / health center, medical store, clinic; social and cultural
institution, social and welfare center, religious building/site, building related to public use,
community center, habitat Centre, convention Centre, community center, reception house;
inn, museum, art gallery, exhibition Centre, urban art, hawkers thela market; police station/
post, police line, jail, addiction eradication center, child/women improvement house, court,
fire brigade, and the related and subsidiary uses; Defense related site , bus /rail traveller
terminal memorial, radio, radio wireless station , telecommunication Centre, telephone
Centre, post office filling and service station; mortuary, post mortem house (dead body
dissection house),cremation site/cemetery, solid waste dumping site (marked places in the
Master Plan);

Zonal Development Plan- Zone 4 Draft Report

Permissible after acceptance of authority/board

In the site for the maintenance of public/semi-public activities, residential flats for essential
workers and staffs, building and plots; special clinic, nursery school, polytechnic, cultural and
religious site;

Commercial center, professional office (such as doctor, lawyer, architect, chartered

accountant, office of technical services advisor), hotel and restaurant, guest house, hostel
Welfare center, ampi-theatre/open air theatre, playground, entertainment club, LPG gas
godown, gas filling depot Bank, post and telegraph office, water supply center, electricity
supply center, sewage treatment work, service station, railway station/yard, bus/truck depot,
helipad, storage/godown, animal slaughting house and other public utility building/site Solid
waste dumping site (marked at other places in the Master plan) The uses corresponding to
public and semipublic use which is essential for the development of the area and is
equivalent to any of the above described use.

Restricted use
Heavy and large and harmful industries, junk yard, whole sale trade market, servicing and
repair workshop, agricultural production‟s processing and its sale related work, milk and
poultry farm and all other activities which is not equivalent to above described use.

6.3.5 Entertainment use

Under the entertainment use zone (P) playground/stadium/sports complex, park/garden/open

public area, and in multipurpose open area below described use/activities are allowed.

Permissible use
Local park, city park, playground, children park, botanical garden, zoo, aquarium, bird
sanctuary, picnic spot, multipurpose special park, water park, amusement park, golf course,
swimming pool, special entertainment and academic park, gymnasium, skating ring,
planetarium, club, indoor stadium, outdoor stadium, shooting range, sports training centre,
rope way terminal, library, public utilities and services such as police post, fire post, health
centers for players/ worker.

Permissible after acceptance of authority/board

In the site building according to main permissible activities, subsidiary infrastructure and the
residence for the worker, staff and watchman for maintenance of entertainment related

Zonal Development Plan- Zone 4 Draft Report

activities. Scooter / taxi parking, center for temporary commercial purpose such as trade fair,
theatre, circus and other exhibition center. Public meeting hall, restaurant, Caravan Park,
sports stadium, open air theatre. Other corresponding uses which is according to
entertainment use and is essential for the development of the area and is equivalent to any of
the above described use.

Restricted use
Any other construction in open area, which is not corresponding to the entertainment
purpose. All other activities which is not equivalent to the above described entertainment use.

6.3.6 Transport and communication use

Under transport and communication use road, rail, airport/ strip/helipad, bus depot ropeways
, bus and truck terminal, transmission and communication services will be classified into ,
“permissible”, “permissible after acceptance of authority/board”, “restricted”.

Permissible use:
Road transport terminal (bus terminal and depot), goods terminal, rope way (along with
terminal), parking area, necessary open area for circulation of vehicles, railway station,
railway yard, ware housing, godown, airport/air strip/ helipad and corresponding
establishment /building. Truck terminal, motor garage, workshop, filling and service station,
denting and repairing shop and related services such as night house, boarding house,
restaurant, booking office , construction related to transmission and communication, high
tension line, wireless center, radio and television center, microwave station, weather station
and related offices.

Permissible after acceptance of authority /board

Driving school, tourism agency office, retail shops, inn, motels, primary health centre and
other use and activities which is relevant for transport and communication and residence of
essential worker/ watchman for maintenance of corresponding services. Other subsidiary use
to transport and communication which is essential for the development of the area and is
equivalent to any of the above described use.

Zonal Development Plan- Zone 4 Draft Report

Restricted use
All other activities under transport and communication which is not equivalent to the any of
the above described use.

6.3.7Agriculture and green zone

Under the agriculture and green zone use cultivable area, orchard – garden, forest covered,
poultry and dairy farm, rural population, brick kiln, quarry region, water body, river/drainage,
and below said use will be classified under , “permissible”, “permissible after acceptance of
authority / board”, “ Restricted”.

Permissible use:
Single residential building inside habitation area boundary mentioned in the revenue records
and daily use shops. Farm house and related buildings, agriculture, gardening, orchard,
nursery, open picnic spot, wild life park/reserved forest, forest area, social forestry, dairy and
poultry farm, animal husbandry , in house industries, storage , refining and selling center,
buildings related to public utilities and services, veterinary hospital. Impact fee on Eco-
Resort, Motel.

Permissible after acceptance of authority /board

Agro-industries, brick kiln, sewage treatment work, electricity supply center, sand, gravel,
and stone related excavation work, polluting and harmful industries and their subsidiary
service industries; Govt. school, library, religious building; Slaughter house, repairing and
servicing center, saw machine; Milk freezing center, pasteurization plant, food park
(processing of produced objects, packing) grain mandi, fruit mandi, Hospital for infectious
and mental diseases; Shooting range, zoo/zoo-logical park, botanical garden ,amusement
park, vocational training center, cold storage, ware housing, godown, storage of explosive
and inflammable material; Filling and service station, bus depot and work shop; Eco resort,
motel, golf course, sanatorium;

All other use which is according to agriculture and green zone use, is essential for the
development of the area, and is equivalent to any of the above described use.

Restricted Use:
Residential building heavy and harmful industries except agriculture and related use and
those activities which is of objectionable and all other activities under agricultural use which
is not equivalent to all of the above described permissible use.

Zonal Development Plan- Zone 4 Draft Report

6.3.8 Special Zone

a) Tourism Zone
According to the specialties‟ of the hypothesized planning area in the Master Plan, special
marked area under different use zone can be classified as conservation area, legacies, area of
scenic importance. Building /sites of historical, legacy and archeological importance and
natural sites of visual and scenic importance needs to be conserved maximum possible
without any disturbance. At the same time, encouragement of tourism activities in this region
needs to be kept in mind.

Permissible use
Tourist residence, Cottages, lodges, rest house, camping, hamlet huts, youth hostel, motel,
hotel, mall, multiplexes, shopping area , spa, urban art, craft art center, tourist village, sell
and exhibition site, planetarium, aquarium, community building, cultural building, park,
playground, science and adventure park, amusement park, museum, golf club, club house,
gymnasium, skating ring, boating club, theatre, tracking institute, art gallery, yoga and health
center, bank, primary health center, taxi stand, bus depot, rope way, parking, music center,
tourist office, transport booking center, travelling agency‟s office, artificial water body.
Impact fees on Hotel, Mall and Multiplexes.

Permissible after acceptance of authority/board:

Radio broadcasting center, television studio and sound recording and dubbing studio, filling
studio, water and electricity distributing office, information technology related building ,
telephone center, post and wireless house, police check post. The uses according to the
tourism which is essential for the development of the area and is equivalent to any of the
above described use.

Restricted Use:
All other use under tourism use which is not equivalent to the above described permissible

b) Tea Garden:
Permissible Use:
Tea garden, garden, nursery, gardening, afforestation.

Zonal Development Plan- Zone 4 Draft Report

Permissible after acceptance of authority/board:

Tea processing building, maximum land coverage 250square meter along with height of
pitched roof up to 12.5 meter. Other corresponding uses which is essential for the
development of the area and is equivalent to any of the above described use.

Restricted Use:
All such activities under tea garden use which is not equivalent to any of the above described
permissible use.

c) Forest
Permissible Use:
Retaining wall, breast wall, Plantation, nursery, social forestry, park, garden, Green buffer
along patches of forest for permitting passive activity.

Permissible after acceptance of authority/board:

Development work related to land conservation, area for tourism development , charming
sites, wild life sanctuary, picnic spot, camping site, development of scenic sites temporary
building material, shelters for tourist made up by light weight building material, huts,
construction of refreshment house, construction of footpath and roads, electricity, water
supply , sewer, line or pipe laying for telephone.

Before taking the permission of the above said work no objection from forest department will
be mandatory.

Restricted Use:
All other activities under the forest which is not equivalent to any of the above described use.

6.3.9 Other Zones

In cantonment and water bodies use are permitted in the zone.

a) Cantonment:
Permissible Uses/Activities
Cantonment area precincts it is necessary to obtain specific clearance from cantonment board,
after consultation be cantonment committee before undertaking certain kinds of development
and re development as specified in zoning regulation, or issued as specific guidelines. The
Regulations allow special exemption from land use controls in the interest of cantonment.

Zonal Development Plan- Zone 4 Draft Report

Restricted Use:
All the developmental activities are prohibited in this zone.

b) Water Bodies
Water bodies Zone generally indicates all existing water rivers, lakes, tanks and kuntas as
indicated in the topographical sheets published by the Survey of India, the State Irrigation
Department or revenue or other competent authorities. The boundary of the water bodies
relate to the Full Tank Level as indicated in relevant maps, covering both perennial and non-
perennial parts when such distinction exists. In Water Body zone no constructions is
permitted in the water-spread and the buffer belt of minimum 30 meter around the FTL and
maintain the 5 m green area of either side of the Major river/stream/canals and 3 m Green are
of either side of minor river/stream/canals for permitting passive activity. The only exception
is fishing, boating, and picnics along the banks. The only construction allowed is open to sky
jetties for boating, platforms for fishing and rain shelters and snack bars each not exceeding
10 sqm in area not exceeding four in numbers around one water body.


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