What Is A Job Interview?: (Wawancara Pekerjaan)

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What is a Job Interview?

( Wawancara Pekerjaan )
A job interview is a conversation which occurs between a potential employer and
a job applicant ( Pelamar kerja ). During the job interview, the employer hopes to
determine whether or not the applicant is suitable for the job, while the applicant tries to
learn more about the position while also impressing the employer.
As a general rule, a job interview is an important part of the process of applying for
a job, and it may range in formality from a casual conversation to a series of serious
discussions with an assortment of people working within the company.

Job interviews have more to do with chemistry and likability than determining
qualifications. When you sit down for an interview, your potential new employer has
already seen your resume; now you have to bring that piece of paper to life by
showcasing your personality, selling your talents, and highlighting your

Steps you can take to prepare for a Job Interview

1. Research ( Riset )

Research the company’s background. Find out who its major competitors are and
what the position entails. Interviewers commonly ask applicants what they know about
the company, and with a little preparation you can answer confidently.

2. Practice ( Latihan )

Practice answering common behavioral and role-playing interview questions.

Research the types of questions typically asked of people applying for the same type
of job you are, and rehearse answering them at home. For example, if you're applying
for a managerial role, you might be asked how you've resolved a conflict between

3. Dress Well ( Berpakaian dengan baik )

Dress appropriately and wear clothing that both fits well and is comfortable. Wear a
suit in an interview in a business office. For less conservative environments, slacks
and a nice shirt work well for both men and women, or women can wear a skirt and
blouse or a dress. A safe rule is to dress to fit into the setting, not stand out in it.
4. Be Punctual and Prepared ( Tepat waktu dan Siap)

Arrive to your interview location early. Never keep an interviewer waiting for you to
show up. Find out the exact location of the interview ahead of time so there are no
surprises. Call ahead to confirm the directions and get a description of the building, if
necessary. Use online mapping software to get directions even if you have a GPS.
Bring several copies of your resume, and any documentation you need, or notes you
want to refer to.

5. Wait Actively

If you have to wait for the interview after you arrive at the location, strike up a
conversation with the receptionist about the company, look over your resume, or go
over answers to potential interview questions while you wait.

6. First Impression ( Kesan Pertama )

Greet your interviewer with confidence. Provide a firm handshake, make good eye
contact, and give a pleasant smile. Let the interviewer know you are pleased to have
the opportunity for the interview, but don't get carried away with small talk.

7. Don't Stress ( Jangan Stres )

Stay calm and remind yourself of your skills, qualities and value. Find out what this
potential employer is all about, share what you can offer, and gauge if the company is
worthy of your time and commitment.

8. Introduce Yourself Professionally ( Perkenalkan diri secara profesional )

Don’t share personal information such as marital status, whether you have children, or
what your age is when asked to introduce yourself. Provide a brief synopsis about
what you have done professionally and what led you to apply for the job in question.

9. Answer Questions Fully ( Jawab pertanyaan dengan lengkap )

Answer all questions completely and with poise. Answer the question asked; don't go
off on tangents. Listen carefully to what is being asked and confirm the question, if
necessary. Pause briefly before answering to avoid saying something unintentionally.
Use positive language and be mindful of your tone.

10. Stay Positive ( Tetap Positif )

Refrain from drawing attention to qualities that may turn potential employers off if
asked what your weaknesses are. If you were fired from your last job or quit, and are
asked why you left, answer tactfully, highlighting any positive aspects, and then go on
to explain what you are looking for in your next employer. Be prepared to ask the
interviewer a few questions for your own information and to show interest.

Sample of Job Interview between An Interviewer ( Yang mewawancarai And An

Interviewee ( Yang di wawancarai / pelamar kerja )

Interviewer: Welcome to ABC Controls, David. I am Tom.

Interviewee: Hello, it's nice to meet you.
Interviewer: Nice to meet you too, how are you doing today?
Interviewee: I am doing well, and yourself?
Interviewer: Great, thanks. I hope we didn't keep you waiting for long?
Interviewee: No, I had the chance to talk to one of your engineers while waiting.
Interviewer: That's good. David, shall we start?
Interviewee: Yeah, sure.
Interviewer: First of all, let me introduce myself. I am the manager of our engineering
department here and we have an open position, so we have been interviewing
applicants to fill the position as quickly as possible.
Interviewee: Yes sir, I read about the position on your website, and I think I am a good
Interviewer: We currently have several ongoing projects and the team is working hard.
We are hoping to keep busy for a long time.
Interviewee: What are the essential qualifications required for the position?
Interviewer: This is an entry-level engineering position, we do provide a lot of training
here. But we do require that you have at least a bachelors degree in computer
engineering. Previous experience in the field is a plus.
Interviewee: What kind of experience would you count as a work in the field?
Interviewer: Even though we provide training, it would be great if you had some hands-
on programming experience, knowledge of database systems or skills on developing
Interviewee: My final school project was actually developing a mobile application, so I
am fairly competent in developing mobile and web applications.
Interviewer: That's good to hear, which school did you graduate from?
Interviewee: I was a student at DEF University, and I graduated with a bachelor degree
in computer science. I worked as a computer lab tutor in school for about 2 years.
Guiding students through their projects helped me get experience in several
programming languages.
Interviewer: What are you looking for in a job?
Interviewee: The job should definitely help me grow in my career. I will be happy to
learn and grow as I work in a passionate company like yours.
Interviewer: You are right. There is plenty of room for advancement in our company.
What are your strengths? Why should I hire you?
Interviewee: I am a diligent person and a fast learner. I am very eager to learn. My
friends also find me very easy to work with.
Interviewer: Very well. Now, do you mind working overtime?
Interviewee: No, I do not.
Interviewer: Because, sometimes we get overwhelmed with heavy workload.
Interviewee: I understand that's the nature of the job. When I was going to school, I
took quite a few courses each semester while working at least twenty hours every week.
And, I handled that situation very well.
Interviewer: Do you have any questions for me?
Interviewee: No, I think I have a pretty good understanding of the requirements. I
believe that I can handle it with ease, and the fact that you provide all the training
sounds excellent. I hope to have the opportunity to work for you.
Interviewer: David, It is nice to meet you. I can tell that you are a good candidate.
Expect to hear from us within a week or so about the job.
Interviewee: Nice meeting you too. Thank you for your time.
Interviewer: Thank you for coming.

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