Numbers and Dates Lesson and Exercises Fun Activities Games Grammar Drills 77093

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There are two types of numbers 

: Ordinal numbers and cardinal numbers.

Cardinal numbers are used as determiners . They represent a precise
quantity. Ordinal numbers give an idea of order, they allow us to classify
or give a rank ( the first , the second, the third……….)

Cardinal numbers. They are used to count : one cat , three dogs…
One 12 twelve 30 thirty
Two 13 thirteen 31 thirty-one
3 three 14 fourteen 32 thirty- two
4 four 15 fifteen 40 forty
5 five 16 sixteen 50 fifty
6 six 17 seventeen 60 sixty
7 seven 18 eighteen 70 seventy
8 eight 19 nineteen 80 eighty
9 nine 20 twenty 90 ninety
10 ten 21 twenty-one
11 eleven 20 twenty -two

Exercise 1 : Write the numbers in letters


100 a/one hundred 101 a/one hundred and one

110 a/one hundred and ten 200 two hundred
295 two hundred and ninety- five

 Hundred never takes an S and is always followed by AND
 He has got two hundred and twenty- five stamps.

1000 a/one thousand 1,100 a/one thousand, one hundred

2000 two thousand 3,450 three thousand, four
hundred and fifty
4,564 three thousand , five hundred and sixty- four
“Thousand” never takes an S in the plural when it ‘s an adjective

Exercise 2: Write in letters


Ordinal numbers We usually add THE and TH to the cardinal number to

form ordinal numbers , but there are lots of exceptions which you will have
to learn!!

1st the first 11th the eleventh 21st the twenty-first

2nd the second 12th the twelfth 22nd the twenty-second
3rd the third 13th the thirteenth 30th the thirtieth
4th the fourth 14th the fourteenth 33rd the thirty –third
5th the fifth 15th the fifteenth 45th the forty- fifth
6th the sixth 16th the sixteenth 56th the fifty- sixth
7th the seventh 17th the seventeenth 60th the sixtieth
8th the eighth 18th the eighteenth 70th the seventieth
9th the ninth 19th the nineteenth 99th the ninety –ninth
10th the tenth 20th the twentieth 100th the hundredth

Exercise 3 :Match each ordinal number with the correct word

1st   the seventeenth
2nd   the first
3rd   the eleventh
11th   the twenty- seventh
27th   the eighty- eighth
14th   the fourteenth
88th   the third
17th   the second
Exercise 4 : Write in letters
2nd --------------------------------------------6th --------------------------------------
11th ------------------------------------------- 15 th -------------------------------------
18th --------------------------------------------1 st --------------------------------------
23rd -------------------------------------------56th -------------------------------------
77th -------------------------------------------95 th ------------------------------------
Exercise 5: Find the mystery word after answering the questions . Write
the corresponding letter in the grid
1. What’s the second letter of the word ANIMAL?
2. What’s the first letter of the word UNIVERSITY?
3. What’s the third letter of the word GAME?
4. What’s the first letter of the word BEAUTIFUL?
5. What’s the fifth letter of the word GARDEN?
6. What’s the eighth letter of the word NOVEMBER?

What’s the mystery word?--------------------------------------



First let’s revise some vocabulary! Be careful, these words all start with
capital letters!!

Exercise 6: Give the days of the week

F-------------- S---------------S-----------------

Exercise 7. Give the months of the year


In English we write: “Thursday 7th November 2013” and we say:

Thursday, the seventh of November 2013
“Monday 2nd September 2013” Monday, the second of September
To answer the question: When were you born?
We say: I was born ON the Twenty- second of July…
We use ON before the date
As for the YEARS:
The years before 2000 are said in groups of two numbers
1789 : 17 89 seventeen eighty- nine
1956: 19 56 nineteen fifty-six
From 2000 to 2010 we use usual numbers
2001 two thousand and one
2002 two thousand and two
but from 2010 on we can hear both possibilities:
2010 two thousand and ten or twenty ten
The 2012 London Olympic games the Twenty twelve Olympic games

Exercise 8
Write the following years in figures
1. nineteen ninety-eight--------------------------------------------------------
2. eighteen sixty-two ----------------------------------------------------------
3. seventeen eighty-two---------------------------------------------------------
4. fifteen fifteen--------------------------------------------------------------
5. nineteen seventy- two--------------------------------------------------------

Exercise 9
Write the years in letters
1. 1945-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2. 1824------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3. 1789------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4. 1615------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5. 1997------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6. 2003-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Exercise 10
How would you read these dates?
1. Thursday 7th April 2008
2. Monday 12th June 1986
3. Wednesday 1st August 2001
4. Sunday 8th January 2012
Exercise 11
Now do the crossword puzzle

3. Americans celebrate Independence Day on the ------------of July
5. A lot of people celebrate this on the thirty-first of October----------------
6. The result of the following operation: 4X4=--------------------
7. Mr Obama is the ----------------black American president
9. Half of forty-----------------------------
10. English is the --------------------- most spoken language after Chinese.


1. The number of countries in Great Britain------------

2. A lot of people celebrate it on the twenty- fifth of December-------------
4. Fifty plus fifty: a ---------------------
7. The number of States in the USA
8. Americans celebrate this on the fourth Thursday of November

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