Rural Job Scam in Orissa

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Rural Job Scam

Survey Report on Implementation of NREGA in Orissa

Parshuram Rai

Centre for Environment and Food Security

New Delhi

Content Page

Executive Summary

Chapter- I

Chapter- II

Chapter- III

Chapter- IV

Chapter- V

Chapter- VI

List of Surveyed villages
Executive Summary
You may have heard about the loopholes and irregularities in implementation of
the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA), the biggest anti-
poverty scheme in the history of India. The State of Orissa, however, does not
have any loopholes or irregularities in the implementation of this high-profile rural
job scheme.In a random survey conducted in 100 villages of Orissa’s 6 districts,
we found only blackholes and serious irregularities as the only regular thing in all
these villages. Our calculations suggest that about 75 per cent of the NREGA
funds spent in Orissa have been siphoned and pocketed by the government
officials and this loot has been very participatory and organised.

This survey was conducted during May-June 2007 by Delhi-based Centre for
Environment and Food Security (CEFS) to assess and evaluate the performance
of National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS) in the state of
Orissa. The survey was carried out in 100 villages spread over six districts of
KBK (Kalahandi-Bolangir-Koraput) region, namely; Bolangir, Nuapada,
Kalahandi, Koraput, Nabarangpur and Rayagada.

The findings of CEFS survey are shocking, scandalous and outrageous. The
Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme in Orissa has been virtually hijacked by
officials responsible for the implementation of this scheme. Our survey findings
have revealed that there is participatory loot, plunder and pillage in Orissa’s rural
job scheme. There is open loot of taxpayers’ money, there is plunder of poors’
right to guaranteed wage employment for 100 days and there is pillage of every
single norm of democratic governance and administrative accountability.

It is shocking to note that we could not find a single case where entries in the job
cards are correct and match with the actual number of workdays physically
verified with the villagers. Out of the 100 sample villages covered for this survey,
18 villages have not received any job card, 37 villages have not received any job
under NREGS even after 16 months of launch of the scheme, 11 villages have
received neither job cards nor any job, Job cards of 23 villages were lying with
VLWs (Village Level Worker) and JEs (Junior Engineer) for more than 6-8
months against the will of card holders.

In 25 villages, only half, one third or partial wage payments were made. In 20
villages, we found scandalous difference in the number of workdays recorded in
the job cards and the number of actual workdays given to the workers. There are
3 villages where no wage payments have been made even after 4-8 months of
the works done. We found 6 villages in Kashipur block of Rayagada district
where NREGS work was being done without any job cards being issued to the

As per the NREGA Implementation Status Report for the Financial Year 2006-7
(, the total number of job cards issued in
Orissa was 2593194. Orissa was able to provide 7.99 crore persondays of
employment to 13,94,169 households spread over 19 districts of the state.In
other words, 13,94,169 families have got an average of 57 days of wage
employment. This includes 3.93 crore persondays of employment provided to
Adivasis (STs) and 1.89 crore persondays of employment provided to Dalits
(SCs). Orissa also claims that 1,54,118/ families in the state completed 100 days
of wage employment during 2006-7.But, our experience in 100 villages of Orissa
suggests that all these claims are bogus and manufactured only in official
records in order to siphon NREGS funds.

Our back of the envelop calculations suggest that less than 2 crore persondays
of employment has been provided on the ground and more than 6 crore
persondays of employment has been provided only in the pages of false job
cards and fabricated muster rolls.We could not find a single family in the 100
sample villages who had actually got 100 days of wage employment. We found
very few families who had got 40- 60 days of wage employment. The rest of the
families,if at all they have got any employment, it is mostly between 5 to 21
days.However, online job cards of most of these households have false and
fabricated job and wage entries for 108 days,104 days,102 days,100 days,96
days,90 days,84 days,72 days,65 days,60 days, 52 days and so on. This is the
way Orissa Government has “successfully” spent Rs.733/ crore and provided
about 8 crore persondays of employment.

Our back of the envelop calculations suggest that out of Rs 733 crore spent in
Orissa during 2006-7, more than 500 crore has been siphoned and pocketed by
the government officials of executing agencies.In other words, less than 25 per
cent of the NREGS funds have reached the targeted population and more than
75 per cent have been eaten up by sarkari babus. There are thousands of
villages in Orissa where more than 80-90 percent of NREGS funds have been
misappropriated by the executing officials.

According to the Government of Orissa, each of the needy households in 19

districts of the state was given on an average 57 days of wage employment
under NREGA during 2006-7. Our calculations suggest that only about 5 days of
average employment has been given to the needy families in the 19 districts of
Orissa where NREGA was implemented during 2006-7. How have we arrived at
the figure of 5 days of average employment? It is very simple.

First, as per the Government data, about 26 lakh households were issued job
cards and only about half of them demanded jobs. It is a manufactured lie of
“Chomskyian” variety. Our survey in 100 villages of Orissa revealed that more
than one third needy households have not received job cards and over 90 per
cent families in rural areas of Orissa are desperate for wage employment. To put
it differently, there were about 39 lakh needy households in these 19 districts and
all of them were in desperate need of wage employment.Therefore, if the total of
799 lakh persondays of employment is divided among 39 lakh needy
households, the average days of employment per household comes to 20 days.

Second, out of the total of 799 lakh persondays of employment given in the
official records, only about 25 per cent has actually been given to the people, the
remaining 75 per cent persondays of employment has been given only on fake
muster roll registers, false job cards and forged official documents. Therefore, the
actual average employment per needy household in 19 districts of Orissa comes
not to 57 days or 20 days, but only 5 days.To put this in perspective, the NREGA
promises 100 days of wage employment to every needy household, the
Government of Orissa (with highest per capita allocation of NREGA funds in the
country) has delivered on an average only 5 days of employment to every needy
family. A terrific accomplishment in the 60th year of India’s Independence!

In the 100 villages of six sample districts where we carried out this survey, we did
not come across a single family who has availed 100 days of wage employment.
But, see their great performance in the official job records. All these sample
districts claim that they have provided 100 days of employment to thousands and
thousands of families. On the official records, cumulative number of households
which have completed 100 days of employment is 10572 in Bolangir district,
9074 in Kalahandi, 13893 in Koraput, 7581 in Nabarangpur, 11292 in Nuapada
and 8357 households in Rayagada district. So, the modus operandi of this great
job robbery in Orissa is very simple and clear.

It is impossible to believe that this kind of open loot can be organized without
active connivance of the entire state machinery.The NREGS has various inbuilt
vigilance and monitoring mechanisms and it is not possible to perpetrate such an
open loot of NREGS funds unless it is participatory and organized.

The Current level of hunger, poverty and deprivation in Orissa’s KBK region is as
deep, demeaning and dehumanising as ever despite the so- called successful
implementation of the NREGS with the highest per capita allocation of funds
anywhere in the country. The Rural Employment Scheme has made virtually zero
impact on the livelihood security of Orissa’s rural poor.There is no let up in the
level of distress migration of Adivasis and Dalits from Orissa’s KBK reason in
search of livelihood in other parts of the country. The current level of distress
migration in the districts of Bolangir, Nuapada, Nabarangpur and Kalahandi is as
high as ever.

On Human Development Index, many of the Sub-Saharan villages would fare

better than most of the KBK villages. Hunger and abject poverty are widespread
in all the 100 villages of KBK region we visited. Large number of children in these
villages are suffering from severe malnutrition. Hunger and abject poverty are
apparent and writ large on the hollowed cheeks, sunken eyes and distended
bellies of the children.
Social Audit looks like a fraud on the rural poor of Orissa. There has been no
Social Audit whatsoever in any of the 100 villages visited by us. There is zero
accountability and total absence of transparency in the administration of
NREGS.Out of 100 villages visited, we could not find a single Panchayat office
open.There was lockout on all the Panchayat Bhawan’s we visited. The villagers
told us that these offices open only once or twice in a month.

It is distressing to note that in the implementation of the Rural Employment

Guarantee Scheme, we found complete subvertion of the grassroots democracy.
Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) have been completely sidelined in the
implementation of NREGS. Sarpanches are asked by VLWs to sign on blank
cheques and VLWs (Village Level Worker) decide everything. In most of the
Panchayats, VLWs do not share a single information about the NREGS works in
the Panchayat with any of the elected representatives of Gram Panchayat. It is a
mockery of grassroots democracy.

Muster rolls are more secret a document in Orissa than the nuclear secrets of the
country. We could not meet a single person in these 100 villages who had ever
seen muster rolls of the NREGS works in his village. Muster rolls are always kept
in the homes of VLWs and villagers who work in NREGS projects are made to
sign on blank muster rolls.

In Orissa, Indian citizens and NGOs do need BDO’s permission to see muster
rolls of NREGS and they do need District Collector’s permission to go to the
Block office or meet BDO.The BDO of Nandapur Block (Koraput district) has
instructed all the VLWs of the block not to show muster rolls of NREGS works to
anyone without his permission. Since we had found massive financial bungling in
many villages of Nandapur Block, we wanted to verify the muster rolls and job
cards of concerned Panchayats which were lying with the respective VLWs. But,
when we approached the VLW of Raisingh Gram Panchayat, Nagesh
Choudhary, he gave us in writing that he needed BDO’s permission to show
muster rolls to any body.

When we approached the BDO of Nandapur (Jyoti Ranjan Mishra) the next day,
he bluntly refused to show any muster rolls to us unless we did get permission for
the same from District Collector or some higher authority of Govt of India. When
we contacted Secretary, Panchayati Raj, Orissa Govt (Rabindra Nath Dash) and
requested his intervention in the matter, he told us that he would immediately ask
the concerned BDO to show muster rolls to us. To our utter shock and disbelief,
within half-an-hour we received a call from the Personal Staff of Panchayati Raj
Secretary asking us whether we did have permission of the District Collector or
any higher authority for meeting the concerned BDO.

When we asked as why did we need District Collector’s permission, he told us as

how dare we go to the BDO’s office without District Collector’s permission. He
asked us in stern voice to return back from the Block office and not to visit any
village in the Block. We also got three telephone calls from APD (Additional
Project Director, DRDA-Koraput) asking us not to visit any village of Nandapur
block. We had also sought intervention from the offices of District Collector
(Koraput), Chief Secretary and Chief Minister of Orissa. Despite all these efforts,
we did not succeed in seeing the muster rolls.

This experience in Nandapur block was highly demeaning and disgusting. The
whole administrative machinery was pressed into service to cover up the
financial bunglings in the block. If this could happen to a research team coming
from Delhi, one shudders to imagine what could happen to a poor and illiterate
Adivasi or Dalit of Orissa.The sense of fear of bureaucracy among Orissa’s
Adivasis and Dalits is not only frightening and sickening but also reminiscient of
the British era’s reign of terror unleashed by imperial bureaucracy.

The way Orissa Government is implementing the rural job scheme, this scheme
looks like a cruel joke on the hungry and poor Adivasis and Dalits of the state.
Brazenness and callousness of Orissa officials involved in the implementation of
this scheme is outrageous and unparallel anywhere in India. Activists and NGOs
spreading awareness about the NREGS among rural poor of the state are
threatened with dire consequences and many have been terrorized into silence
by BDOs and other executing officials.The government officials have been
behaving worse than any mafia or terror syndicate.When CEFS sent some
activists of Orissa to carry out field trial of CDT in some villages of Khariar
block(Nuapada district) during July 2007, many villagers refused to tell them as
how many days of actual employment was given to them, because the BDO and
other officials had threatened villagers to send them to jail if they told any one
about their actual days of NREGS employment.

In Tentulikhunti block of Nabarangpur district, the BDO and other officials have
threatened NGOs and activists with dire consequences if they point out
irregularities in NREGS. Some local activists who accompanied the CEFS
research team during survey in Tentulikhunti block in last week of May are being
threatened by the government officials and contractors who have
misappropriated NREGS funds.One day in the middle of night in July,some drunk
goons knocked at the door of one of the activists and warned him of dire

We wonder whether there is rule of law or proverbial Jungle Raj in the state of
Orissa? Are government officials in Orissa public servants and governed by the
constitution of India or members of a terror syndicate governed by the rule book
of a mafia? Is this the kind of rule of law founding fathers of Indian Constitution
had envisioned? Can someone explain to the hungry Adivasis and Dalits of
Orissa, who live in constant fear of sarkari mafia, the meaning of 60 years of
India’s Independence? Can the Prime Minister of India and Chief Minister of
Orissa explain to the starving and mango kernel eating Adivasis of Panasguda,
Gottiguda and Bilamal (Kasipur block, Rayagada district) as how many more
years they would have to wait for wage employment under NREGA? If these
starvation hot-spots have not got any wage employment under NREGA, where
has Rs 733 crore been spent in Orissa?

The major part of the NREGS fund has been sucked by bureaucratic blackholes.
Only leakages and crumbs have reached the rural poor of Orissa. This scheme
has become less of Employment Guarantee Scheme for the hungry and poor
villagers and more of a money spinning machine and Income Guarantee Scheme
for Orissa’s sarkari babus. Orissa’s officials and agencies executing National
Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) passed by Indian Parliament are
guilty of contempt of Parliament. Every single rule and norm governing this
scheme is being observed only in violation in the state of Orissa.The Orissa
government will have to take the full responsibility for contempt of Parliament and
contempt of Constitution, because NREGA is not another welfare scheme but
part of statute book.
Chapter- I

Kalahandi is widely known as the hunger capital of India. It is only logical to give
top priority to this district in terms of fund allocation, implementation and
monitoring of the rural employment guarantee scheme. However, implementation
of this high-profile rural job scheme in Kalahandi has created new records of
corruption and financial bungling in India.The total number of job cards issued in
Kalahandi is 190092. The district was allocated Rs 111 crore to implement
NREGA in the district during 2006-7. As per official records, this district spent
Rs.72 crore and provided a total of 61.76 lakh persondays of employment to
121517 households in the district. In other words, each of the 121517 families
has been given on an average 50 days of wage employment. The total number of
households which completed 100 days of employment in the district is 9074
during the year. This is a terrific achievement. However, our survey in 18 villages
of the district revealed a different story.The ground reality in the villages of
Kalahandi is absolutely dismal.

Palsipada is a small dusty village in Talbelgaon Panchayat of Bhawanipatna

block, Kalahandi district. Located at a distance of hardly 5 kilometers from
Bhawanipatna, district headquarters of Kalahandi, every household of the village
is cursed to live a life of chronic hunger and abject poverty. On human
development index, this village would fare worse than many of Sub-Saharan
villages.Distended bellies, sunken eyes and hollowed cheeks of children are so

Palsipada is a predominantly Adivasi village. Most of the households are virtually

landless and eke out a living by odd daily wages. This village would definitely fall
in the category of poorest villages of the country. This village should have the
first charge on the jobs provided under National Rural Employment Guarantee
Scheme (NREGS).

Most households of this village have received job cards and jobs too.Under
NREGS, three road work projects were implemented around this village during
June-July-August 2006 and January 2007. Formation of Road from Palsipada to
Thuapadar Road was done during June 2006. Formation of Road from Khaing to
Khajurpada was done during July-August 2006 and formation of road from
Khaing to Uperbelgaon was undertaken during January 2007. Many of the
households in Palsipada have been given more than 100 days of wage
employment and paid wages at the rate of Rs. 55 per day. But there is a small
problem. Most of these jobs have been given only in the online pages of job
cards and forged muser roll registers, not on the ground.
Rupa Majhi (job card no-OR-10-001-031-008/14364) actually worked for 21 days
on these road works and was paid only Rs.600.But,on his job card it is written
that he had worked for 336 days.When we verified the work and payment details
of Rupa Majhi on the NREGS website(, we found a third
version of work and payment details.According to the entries on the NREGA
website, Rupa Majhi was given 102 days of wage employment and paid
Rs.6310/.So, out of this Rs.6310, only Rs. 600 actually came in the hands of
Rupa Majhi. The remaining Rs. 5710/ which is more than 90 percent of the total
wage payment made in the name of Rupa Majhi has been pocketed by officials
involved in the implementation of this rural employment scheme.

Sukla Majhi(job card no-OR-10-001-031-008/14278), another poor Adivasi of

Palsipada had actually worked for 21 days on road works and received Rs. 600
as wages for the same.But, in his job card it was written that he had been given
126 days of wage employment. When we verified the work and payment details
of Rupa Majhi on the NREGA website, we found another version of work and
payment details. According to the entries on the NREGA website, Sukla Majhi
was given 104 days of employment and paid Rs.5720/ for the same at the rate of
Rs. 55 per day.So, in the case of Sukla Majhi, Rs. 5120/ has gone straight into
the pockets of the VLW(Village Level Worker) of Talbelgaon Panchayat.

In the name of Janakea Majhi (job card no-OR-10-001-031-008/14379), NREGS

website shows 108 days of employment and Rs.5940/ as the amount paid for the
same. But actually, Janakea Majhi had worked for only 15 days and was paid Rs.
450/ as wages. So in this case, officials have pocketed more than 92 per cent of
the wage money and the target beneficiary has received less than 8 percent.

Chandra Majhi (job card no-OR-10-001-031-008/14360) of Palsipada has not

received any employment under rural employment guarantee scheme.But in his
job card (hard copy) there is entry of 126 days of wage employment. On the
NREGS website, 108 days of employment and Rs. 5940/ as wages have been
shown in the name of Chandra Majhi.In this case, 100 per cent of the wages
have been pocketed by the government officials executing this scheme.

Employment and payment entries in the job card posted on the NREGA website
show that Gautia Majhi (job card no-OR-10-001-031-008/14255) was given 108
days of wage employment and paid an amount of Rs. 5940/ as wages for the
same.However, Gautia Majhi had actually worked for 40 days and received only
Rs. 600/ as wages.In this case, there is a double robbery. First, for 40 days work
the total wages would be Rs.2200/ at the rate of Rs. 55 per day but he had been
paid only Rs. 600/. Second, officials have eaten up about 90% of the wages
withdrawn in his name.

Job and payment details given in the online job card of Durjyadhan Mund (job
card no-OR-10-001-031-008/14291) show that his family has been given 108
days of employment and paid Rs. 5940/ as wages. But, actually his family got 21
days’ employment and only Rs. 650/ as wages for this work.So, Durjyadhan
Mund too has been robbed twice by the government officers.

Job and payment details given in the online job card of Jagat Majhi (job card no-
OR-10-001-031-008/14288) show that his family has been given 108 days’
employment and paid Rs. 5940/ as wages. But, actually his family got only 15
days’ employment and Rs. 700/ as wages for this work.In this case, Rs.5240/ has
been directly pocketed by officials.

These are the job details of only a few households of Palsipada. Many more
families of this poor village have been robbed of their right to employment in the
similar fashion. We have found 18 more families of this village whose online job
cards show job entries of 108, 96 and 72 days, but actually hardly any household
has received more than 15-20 days’ job in this village. Our calculations suggest
that approximately 90 per cent of the NREGS funds spent in Palsipada have
been siphoned off by government officials implementing the rural job scheme.
Moreover, more than half of the families of this deprived village have not received
any job under rural employment scheme despite facing chronic hunger and
abject poverty.

Pokhari Ghat is another village of Kalahandi district where rural employment

scheme has been implemented, but more than 95 per cent of the allocated fund
has been pocketed by executing officials. Located in Chancher Panchayat,
Bhawanipatna Block of Kalahandi, this dirt poor village has about 100
households, 60 Gond Adivasis and 40 Dalits. Abject poverty and chronic hunger
are self-evident in this village.On human development index, this village would
definitely fall at the bottom.

Only half of the households of Pokhari Ghat village have received job cards.In
this village, two works have been done under NREGS during 2006-7; first, New
Tank at Pokhari Ghat with estimated cost of Rs 3 lakh and second, Formation of
Road from Talpipli to Upperpipli with estimated cost of Rs 4 lakh. In Pokhari
Ghat, every single document related to rural job scheme is forged and
fabricated.Not a single job card entry about given jobs and paid wage amounts
did match with actual work days and wage payments when we physically verified
with card holders. Moreover, even the job details written in actual job cards are
totally different from the job and payment details written in online job cards.
Villagers were stunned when we told them that according to the entries in their
job cards they had worked for over 2-3 months.

Chabi Majhi is a Gond Adivasi of Pokhari Ghat village and his family has not
received any work under rural employment scheme.But, job and payment details
given in the online job card of Chabi Majhi (job card no-OR-10-001-005-
011/16703) show that his family has been given 108 days of employment and
paid Rs. 5940/ as wages.So, the entire wage amount of Rs 5940/ withdrawn in
the name of Chabi Majhi has been eaten up by government officials.
Beda Majhi is another Gond Adivasi of Pokhari Ghat and even his family has not
received any work under national rural employment guarantee scheme.But, job
and payment details given in the online job card of Beda Majhi (job card no-OR-
10-001-005-011/16838) show that his family has been given 102 days of
employment and paid Rs. 5610/ as wages.In this case too, 100 per cent of the
wage money has been pocketed by executing officials.

Sitapati Pujhari (job card no-OR-10-001-005-011/16843) too has not done any
work under NREGS. But, job and payment details given in his online job card
show that he has been given 72 days of employment and paid Rs. 3960/ as
wages.In this case too, entire wage money has been eaten up by officials.

Job and payment details given in the online job card of Arkhita Pujhari (job card
no-OR-10-001-005-011/16910) show that his family has been given 108 days of
employment and paid Rs. 5940/ as wages. But, actually his family got just 8
days’ employment and Rs. 500/ as wages for this work. About 92 per cent of the
wage amount withdrawn in the name of Arkhita Pujhari has been siphoned off.

Job and payment details given in the online job card of Eilama Naik (job card no-
OR-10-001-005-011/16799) show that his family has been given 108 days’
employment and paid Rs. 5940/ as wages. But, actually his family got 20 days’
employment and Rs. 500/ as wages for this work. Thus, Eilama Naik has been
fleeced twice. First, for 20 days’ work the total wages would be Rs.1100/ at the
rate of Rs. 55 per day but he has been paid only Rs. 600/. Second, officials have
eaten up about 90% of the wages withdrawn in his name.

Budu Naik (job card no-OR-10-001-005-011/16869) is another poor Adivasi of

Pokhari Ghat village whose right to employment has been hijacked by
implementing authorities.His family actually worked for 10 days and received
Rs.500/ as wages. But, job and payment entries made in his online job card
show that his family has worked for 108 days and received Rs 5940/ as wages
for the NREGS work. In this case too, about 90 per cent of the wage amount has
been siphoned off.

The family of Idai Pujari (ST) has actually worked for 8 days and received
Rs.400/ as wages. But, entries in his online job card (job card no-OR-10-001-
005-011/16696) suggest that his family got 36 days’ work and Rs 1980/ as
wages.So, 80 per cent of the wage amount in this case has been siphoned off.

These are only a few examples of open loot in Pokhari Ghat village.No family in
this village has actually received more than 15-20 days of work or more than Rs
500/-600/ as wages.But, employment and payment entries made in online job
cards of another 26 households of Pokhari Ghat show that they have been given
employment for more than 2-3 months. 12 more job cards have work entries of
108 days each, 3 cards have work entries of 102 days each and 4 cards have
work entries of 96 days each.
Online job cards of Pokhari Ghat village show that Rajib Naik (J.C.N.16639),Kala
Bati Bewa (J.C.N.16640), Bhagwan Harijan (J.C.N.16643), Bhagat Pujari
(J.C.N.16648), Alakh Naik (J.C.N.16657), Sisu Majhi (J.C.N.16667), Chinu
Harijan (J.C.N.16670), Jugaswar Tandi (J.C.N.16695), Dama Pujari
(J.C.N.16705), Bhala Naik (J.C.N.16863), Netra Pujari (J.C.N.16902) and Shyam
Pujari (J.C.N.16903) have got 108 days of employment each and received wage
payment of Rs 5940/ each.

Online job cards of Jagatram Pujari (J.C.N.16846), Ghasiram Beshra

(J.C.N.16906), Sambaru Pujhari (J.C.N.16914) and Ghasi Majhi (J.C.N.17002)
show that each of them has received 102 days of employment under NREGS
and wage payment of Rs 5610/ each.Online job cards of Amar Bewa(J.C.N.
16637), Radhika Dai (J.C.N.16651),Rajib Majhi (J.C.N.16656) and Tamakhia
Naik (J.C.N.16665) show that each of these card holders got 96 days of job and
Rs 5280/ as wage payment.All these job and wage entries are bogus.

The scale of financial bungling committed in rural job schemes of Pokhari Ghat
village is shocking and unparallel.Our calculations suggest that approximately 95
per cent of the NREGA funds spent in this village have been pocketed by
government officials implementing the rural job scheme.

The stories of Palsipada and Pokhari Ghat villages in Kalahandi district are not
isolated cases of corruption and financial bungling, this is the story of over 90 per
cent of Orissa villages where rural job scheme has been implemented. Shall we
still call it corruption and financial bungling or open and participatory loot by
Sarkari Babus? Is this kind of embezzlement of NREGS funds possible without
active connivance of the entire state machinery? Will the political and judicial
institutions of the largest democracy of the world ever be able to catch up with
these sarkari croocks and bring them to justice? Will the poor and hungry
Adivasis and Dalits of Orissa ever be able to recover back this siphoned NREGS
wage money from the sarkari mafia? And most importantly, will the tax payers
and citizens of this country remain mute spectators to this sarkari loot in the
name of poor and hungry people of rural India? Only time will answer these

Sekerguda in Chancher Panchayat of Bhawanipatna Block is another poor

village of Kalahandi where rural employment scheme has been hijacked by
implementing authorities.This village has 45 households, 35 Adivasis and 10
Dalits. Deprivation, hunger and abject poverty are the common destiny of all the
families of Sekerguda. During April 2006, Improvement of RD Road from
Sekerguda to Benegaon was undertaken under NREGS. Online job cards of
Sekerguda village suggest that many households have been given jobs in Road
Improvement for over 2-3 months during 2006.The physical verification with
these villagers told us a different story.
The family of Jala Naik has not got any job so far under rural employment
guarantee scheme.But, employment and payment details given in the online job
card of this household (OR-10-001-005-013/16774) show that 72 days of
employment and Rs.3960/ as wages were given to this family. Similarly, the
family of Kartik Majhi actually did not get any work under this scheme. However,
his online job card (OR-10-001-005-013/16761) shows that he has been given 72
days of work and paid an amount of Rs 3960/ as wages. So, 100 per cent of the
wage money withdrawn in the names of Jala Naik and Kartik Majhi has been
pocketed by executing officials.

The online job card of Sunamali Naik (OR-10-001-005-013/16874) shows that his
family was given 96 days of employment in the Road Improvement and Rs 5280/
as wages for this work. But, actually this household was given only 10 days of
employment and Rs 500 as wages. So, more than 90 per cent of the wage
money withdrawn in the name of this family has gone straight into the pockets of
officials. Sisu Naik (OR-10-001-005-013/37863) actually did not get any work
under this scheme, but his online job card shows that he was given 48 days of
work and an amount of Rs 2640/ as wages for the same.

Samru Majhi (OR-10-001-005-013/37854) actually got 8 days of work and Rs

400/ as wages.But, entries in his online job card suggest that he was given 48
days of employment and Rs 2640/ as wages. The online job card of Prabesh
Naik (OR-10-001-005-013/16847) shows that his family was given 48 days of
employment and Rs 2640/ as wages.But, actually his family has not got even a
single day’s work under NREGS so far. Similarly, Damu Majhi of Sekerguda
village has not got any work under this scheme.But, entries in his online job card
(OR-10-001-005-013/37866) suggest that he has been given 48 days of work
and Rs 2640/ as wages.Ichhu Majhi (OR-10-001-005-013/16774), another poor
Adivasi of Sekerguda village did not get any work under rural job scheme. But,
his online job card has work entry of 24 days and wage entry of Rs 1320/.

These are details of only a few households of Sekerguda who have been robbed
of their right to employment by implementing authorities.The remaining
households too have been fleeced in the same way.Only a few households of
this village were given 8-10 days of work and majority of the families did not get
any work under this scheme.However, online job cards of this village show that
every job card holder of this village was given employment in Road Improvement

The online job cards of Sekereguda show that Susan Bewa (J.C.N.16810),
Narun Majhi (J.C.N.16817) and Ajit Ku. Pradhan (J.C.N.16837) have been given
96 days of employment each and every one paid Rs 5280/ as wages for the
same. The online job cards of Raibaru Majhi (J.C.N.16727), Santosh Naik
(J.C.N.16766), Radu Bewa (J.C.N.16781), Dilip Pradhan (J.C.N.16800), Pradip
Naik (J.C.N.16822), Chinu Naik (J.C.N.16827), Lalji Majhi (J.C.N.16849),
Kalanda Majhi (J.C.N.16855),Naran Naik (J.C.N.16867) and Tetengudha Majhi
(J.C.N.16887) show that each has been given 72 days of work and paid an
amount of Rs 3960/ as wages.The remaining online job cards of Sekerguda too
have job entries like 48 days,24 days or 12 days.

The employment and payment details given in the online job cards of
Sekereguda village and physical verification with the villagers suggest a
phenomenal financial bungling in this village. Our calculations suggest that more
than 95 per cent of NREGS funds spent in this village have been pocketed by
government officials.We were told by the villagers that after the work, VLW had
taken away and kept all the job cards of the village with him for over 3
months.Most of the job cards of this village are still lying with VLW. Every single
job document and entry on them is forged and fabricated. It is impossible for any
VLW to do this kind of bungling without connivance with Block and District
authorities. It is really a participatory loot.

Chancher village of Chancher Panchayat is another poor village of Kalahandi

district where NREGS has become money-spinning machine for sarkari babus.
This village has 65 households of poor Adivasis and Dalits.We were told by the
villagers that very few households have been given job cards and even fewer
families have got some work under rural job scheme.Only a few households of
Chancher village have been actually given 2-3 weeks of employment However,
verification of online job cards of Chancher village show that most of the
households in this village have been given more than 2-3 months of wage
employment in 4 Road Formation works implemented under NREGS.

Villagers had confirmed of working only on one road formation work. But, online
job cards of Chancher village show that people from this village have worked in
four different road formation works,namely-1. Formation of Road from Bhulia to
Upper Pipli,2. Formation of Road from Chancher to Gudang,3. Formation of
Road from Chancher to Tikrapada and,4.Formation of Road from Talpipli to
Upper Pipli. Our calculations suggest that there has been massive financial
bungling and open loot of NREGS funds in this village.

The family of Chuta Majhi (ST) has actually got no work under the rural
employment scheme. But, the job card he showed us had work entry of 72 days.
When we verified the online job card of this family (OR-10-001-005-004/16989),
we were shocked to see that this card has fake work entry of 108 days and
payment entry of Rs.5940/. The online job card shows that four members of the
family-Chuta Majhi, Ghasi, Indra and Rupadei were given employment in Road
Formation from Talpipli to Upperpipli and Road Formation from Chancher to
Tikrapada during July 2006 and December 2006. 100 per cent of the wage
money paid in the name of this family has been pocketed by implementing

The online job card of Jaga Majhi(OR-10-001-005-004/17085) shows that four

members of his family-Adhabari, Biswanath, Jaga Majhi and Saibani have been
given 48 days of wage employment during January 2007 in Road Formation from
Chancher to Gudang.The hard copy of the job card that Jaga Majhi showed us
had no work or payment entry at all.In fact, this family has got no work at all
under NREGS. Interestingly, Jaga Majhi is father of the current Sarpanch of
Chancher Panchayat and he was waving the job card in his hand and shouting
that his family had not received any work under this scheme.The wage amount of
Rs 2640/ shown in the online job card of Jaga Majhi has been completely eaten
up by the executing officials.

The family of Budera Majhi (ST) is one of the few fortunate families of Chancher
village who have got some work under rural job scheme.This family actually got
21 days of work.However, the online job card of this household (OR-10-001-005-
004/16873) shows that this family was given 108 days of employment and paid
an amount of Rs 5940/ as wages for the same.So, this too is a case of massive
fraud by officials.

We were told by the villagers that very few households of the village had got 2-3
weeks of work and the rest did not receive any work at all.But, online job cards of
the village show fake job entries of 108 days in another 13 job cards,102 days
entry in 3 job cards, 96 days entry in 3 cards,84 days entry in 3 cards, 72 days
entry in 9 cards and many more cards of Chancher village have 60 days and 48
days of job entries and corresponding wage payments at the rate of Rs 55 per

The online job cards of Laxmana Majhi (16793), Sandra Majhi (16818), Rupa
Majhi (16831), Bale Majhi (16862), Lacchu Majhi (16864), Dalimi Majhi (16884),
Butula Majhi (16888), Gasha Majhi (16898), Pujhari Majhi (16938), Chakra Majhi
(17004), Bhagawan Suna (17036) and Manika Majhi (17085) show that each one
of them have been given 108 days of wage employment and paid an amount of
Rs 5940/ as wages.

The online job cards of Bananga Majhi (16809),Kani Bewa (16857) and Mangi
Majhi (16899) show that each of these households were given 102 days of
employment and paid Rs.5610/ as wages. The online job cards of Danake Majhi
(16762), Suna Majhi (16934) and Radharani Suna (16942) have bogus work
entries of 96 days and payment entries of Rs 5280/ each. There are fabricated
work entries of 72 days and payment entries of Rs.3960/ in the online job cards
of Gangu Majhi (16820), Dashi Majhi (16839), Rai Majhi(16907),Siya Harijan
(16941), Sandhu Majhi (16960), Kandara Bhoi (16964), Surendra Majhi (16971)
and Jaya Majhi (16991) of Chancher village.

The employment and payment entries in Chancher’s online job cards and
physical verification of the actual jobs given in this village suggest that more than
95 per cent of the NREGS funds spent in this village have been eaten up by
officials implementing this scheme. The main supply of the NREGS funds in this
village has gone into the pockets of executing officers and only leakages and
crumbs have reached hungry and poor Adivasis of Chancher.This is proverbial
open loot. The delivery of this high-profile anti-poverty scheme in Chancher
Panchayat has touched newer depths of corruption in the history of Independent
India.It is impossible for a VLW to commit this kind of financial fraud without
active connivance with Block and District level officials.

CEFS research team visited five villages of Duarsuni Panchayat, located in

Bhawanipatna Block of Kalahandi district. We visited Kutanpadar, Atang Guda,
Banipada, Gosanimunda and Duarsuni on 24th May 2007.Since all the job cards
of these five villages were lying with the VLW, there was no documentary source
of information available in these villages about NREGS works, and therefore, in
the absence of Job card numbers we could speak to the villagers about NREGS
works in the villages only in general terms.

We found very few people in these villages who had actually got some work
under rural job scheme. However, when we verified the online job cards of
Duarsuni Panchayat, most of the online job cards of the visited villages had more
than 2-3 months of fake job entries and corresponding wage payments.Out of a
total 853 households of Duarsuni Panchayat who have been given job cards,147
job cards show job entries of 100 and more days.During 2006-7, Duarsuni Gram
Panchayat was given Rs 19.91 lakh under NREGS.Our calculations suggest that
more than Rs 15 lakh of the allocated funds to this Panchayat have been
pocketed by government officials.

Atang Guda is an Adivasi dominant village of Duarsuni Panchayat. This village

has 90 households, 70 Adivasis and 20 Dalits.We were told by the villagers that
out of the total 90 households, only half had received job cards.People in the
village knew and confirmed that some NREGS work had been executed in their
village.But, none of the 20 persons we spoke to had got any work under rural
employment scheme. Many villagers complained that they were denied work
when they had gone to work site asking for the job. Two ladies had got 4 days of
work each. But, we were told by the villagers that some households of the village
had got 2-3 weeks of job in road work.

The online job cards of Atang Guda village give a totally different picture about
the NREGS works around this village.Entries in the online job cards of Atang
Guda village suggest that people in this village have been given jobs in 5
different road projects. The road projects executed under NREGS include;

1. Formation of Road from RD Road to Bengaon via Kutanpadar,

2. Formation of Road from RD Road to Durduri,
3. Improvement of Road from PWD Road to Dakibundel via Bundelguda,
4. Formation of Road from PWD Road to Dakibundel via Bandelguda and,
5. Formation of Road from Sirliguda to Musiguda.
The online job cards of Atang Guda show that 13 households of this village had
got 100 and more days of work. The online job card of Ganga Naik (OR-10-001-
009-001/15238) shows that his family was given 108 days of employment and
paid Rs 5940/ as wages.Similarly, online job cards of Rukchand Goud (15238),
Narendra Hans (15308), Ghenu Goud (15314), Hemanta Goud (15323),
Baikuntha Sabar (15380), Durbal Rout (15405), Mandhara Goud (15468),
Rukdhar Goud (15499), Iswar Hans (15526), Nurutan Goud (15846),Balabhadra
Naik (15850) and Bada Majhi (15861) show 100 and more days of work entries
and corresponding payments to each of these households. All these entries are
false and fabricated because no household in this village has got more than 2-3
weeks of work.

The online job cards of Sashidhar Gopal (15255), Kalaka Goud (15260), Nakula
Sa (15287), Kamala Kanta Patra (15303), Panka Sabar (15306),Suresh Chandra
Patra (15434), Madana Patra (15518) and Ghana Sahu (15546) have more than
90 days of fake work entries and corresponding wage payments.Many more job
cards have work entries of over 2 months.

Our calculations suggest that there has been massive financial bungling in the
NREGS works in Atang Guda village. Another Adivasi-Dalit village where most of
the households live a life of chronic hunger and abject poverty has been robbed
of its right to work and executing officials have pocketed the funds that were
given by India’s tax payers for these deprived citizens of the country. Is NREGS
employment guarantee scheme for the rural poor of India or Income Guarantee
Scheme for Sarkari Babus?

Kutan Padar is another deprived Adivasi-Dalit village of Duarsuni Panchayat

where most of the NREGS funds have been pocketed by executing officials.Out
of 45 households in the village, 42 are Adivasis and 3 Dalits. Most of the
households have got job cards but all of them are lying with VLW. Under
NREGS, Formation of Road from RD Road to Bengaon via Kutan Padar was
executed in 2006 and some villagers had got hardly 2-3 weeks of employment on
this project. However, when we verified the online job cards of Kutan Padar
village, the job entries in 29 job cards of the village show that these households
have been given more than 2-3 months of work and corresponding wage

Employment and payment details given in the online job cards of Rabi Majhi
(OR-10-001-009-009/16018), Kalia Majhi (16060) and Shambha Majhi (16080)
show that each of these families has been given 108 days of employment and
paid an amount of Rs.5940/ as wages. The online job card of Site Bewa (16107)
shows 102 days of job entry.All these entries are bogus and wages withdrawn in
the names of these poor Adivasis have been eaten up by Sarkari Babus.

The online job cards of Abhiram Behera (15971), Balbhadra Kand (15989),
Budru Majhi (16001), Kirtan Majhi (16013), Madana Majhi (16030), Ghasi Majhi
(16032), Satra Majhi (16044), Lochana Naik (16047), Koli Majhi (16053), Mami
Majhi (16057), Duryodhan Bandhichor (16067), Markand Majhi (16070),
Jagabandhu Majhi (16100), Kala Majhi (16103), Mangalu Majhi (16113), Sukru
Majhi (16118), Miniketan Gahir (16123), Gurubari Majhi (16131) and Laxman
Naik (16133) show 96 days of job entry and wage payment of Rs 5280/ to each
of these families. Every single entry is fake.

The online job cards of Loknath Kand (15993), Gobardhan Majhi (15997), Suna
Majhi (16074) and Kishan Majhi (16128) show 72 days of job entry and an
amount of Rs 3960/ as wage payment to each family.There is 84 days of job
entry and wage entry of Rs 4620/ in the job card of Gopinath Gahir (15998).Our
calculations suggest that there has been open loot and massive financial
bungling in the rural employment scheme of Kutan Padar village.

Duarsuni village of Duarsuni Panchayat has about 70 households, most of them

Adivasis and Dalits. All the job cards of this village are lying with the VLW.There
was no way for us to collect information about individual households of the village
in the absence of job cards. So, we could gather NREGS related information only
in general terms. We were told by the villagers that two NREGS projects had
been implemented in the village during 2006 and most of the job card holders in
the village had got 2-3 weeks work under NREGS. They had also received their
wages at the rate of Rs.50 per day.The villagers complained that many of them
were denied job and instead 4 tractors were engaged for 4 days in the tank
renovation work. The verification of online job cards of Duarsuni village suggest a
massive fraud in the NREGS works in this village.

The online job cards of Duarsuni suggest that people from this village have
worked on 3 different projects, not only two as told by villagers.The NREGS
projects of this village include,
1. Renovation of Duarsuni Sagar Tank,
2. Formation of Road from Duarsuni to Gaintia Pada and,
3. Formation of Road from Gunchipadar to Sambhunagar Pada.The close
scrutiny of online job cards suggests very serious irregularities and massive
financial fraud in this village.

The online job card of Purna Majhi (OR-10-001-009-005/16497) shows that his
family was given 108 days of employment and paid an amount of Rs.10874/ as
wages.This job card shows that Kapura, the wife of Purna Majhi, has been paid
Rs 2372/ for 12 days of work, daily wage of about Rs 200/ per day. Buti, another
member of the household too has been paid Rs 2372/ for 12 days of work on
Formation of Road from Duarsuni to Gaintia Pada.This is a kuchha Road work
and involves only unskilled earth work.This does not need any skilled labour.So,
it is pure fraud because wage rate for unskilled work is only Rs 55/ per day.About
14 online job cards of Duarsuni show similar fake and fabricated payment entries
at the rate of Rs 200/ per day.
The job card of Chhabi Bag (16494) has job entry of 108 days and payment entry
of Rs.9972/.In this case too, there is payment entry of Rs.2004/ for 12 days of
work.There are 14 online job cards of Duarsuni which show work entries of more
than 2-3 months and wage payment at the rate of Rs 170-200 per day.The job
card of Chandra Bag (16575) has 96 days of work entry and wage entry of
Rs.9006.The online job cards of Sundar Sunani (15808), Baru Majhi (16058),
Chitra Rana (16273), Purandar Majhi (16290), Mohan Patra (16407), Parkhita
Rana (16447), Chitru Majhi (16453), Santosh Majhi (16489), Kailash Majhi
(16569), Chandra Bag (16575), Rajindra Rana (16587) and Sajana Naik, all have
job entries of more than 2-3 months.All these entries are fake. Our calculations
suggest that there is massive financial bungling in Duarsuni village too.

We had also visited Gosanimunda village of Duarsuni Panchayat and we were

told by the villagers that none of them had got job card or any work under
NREGS.But, this small village with 25 households has many online job cards
which have job and payment entries in them.Chaitu Majhi (OR-10-001-009-
007/15782) has 60 days of work entry and payment entry of Rs 3300/. Similarly,
online job card of Kesar Mahakhud (15731) shows 36 days of job entry, Bisnu
Bag (15699) has 24 days of entry, Kuni Majhi (15686) has 18 days of entry and
Ketaki Majhi has 12 days of work entry in his job card. These are all false and
fabricated entries.

Though we had visited only 5 villages of Duarsuni Panchayat, verification of

online job cards of other villages of this Panchayat too show a similar trend of
fake entries in the job cards. The online job cards of Jamuna Nagar village show
as if many households in the village have been given work for 108 days and 96
days. Similarly, online job cards of Masiguda village, Sankariguda village,
Sirliguda village and Sukanabhata village suggest as if large number of
households in these villages have been given more than 2-3 months of NREGS

There has been an organized and open loot of NREGS funds in Duarsuni Gram
Panchayat, because this scale of fraud is not possible without active connivance
of Block and District authorities. In fact, the pattern of fake and forged entries in
all these villages makes us wonder if these officials have been systematically
trained to commit these frauds.There is a definite method in this fraud and the
entire state machinery seems to be party to the hijacking of Orissa’s rural job
scheme. Will the Nation remain a mute spectator to this open and participatory
loot of rural job scheme in Orissa?

Sukaram Munda is a poor Adivasi from Sukunabhata village of Santpur

Panchayat, Narala Block in Kalahandi district of Orissa.His family can not afford
two square meals a day and lives in abject poverty and chronic hunger.Sukaram
Munda has sent his son Nalin to Raipur to eke out a living by coolie work.Bare
survival in the village is very difficult.The National Rural Employment Guarantee
Scheme (NREGS) was launched precisely to help this kind of poor families.
The online job cards of this village suggest that three projects under NREGS
have been already implemented in this village during 2006-7.The online job card
of Sukaram Munda (OR-10-003-020-010/29203) shows that his family has been
given 104 days of employment and paid an amount of Rs.5720/ as wage for the
work on Renovation of Suknabahat Khajuri Kata. But, actually Sukaram Munda’s
family has not received even a single day’s work under rural job scheme. 100 per
cent of the wage amount shown in the name of this poor Adivasi has gone into
the pockets of government officials.

Madhaba Munda is another poor Adivasi of Sukunabhata village who has been
robbed of his right to work by implementing authorities. His online job card
(29203) has 78 days of work entry and wage entry of Rs 4290/, but his family has
not got any work under NREGS. Richek Parabhoi (29264) too has not received
any work under this scheme, but there is 78 days of work entry and payment
entry of Rs.4290/ in his online job card.The online job card of Raghunath
Parabhoi (29266) shows 52 days of job entry and wage entry of Rs. 2860/, but
actually he has not availed any NREGS job so far.Our calculations suggest that
there has been open loot of NREGS funds in Sukunabhata village.

The online job card of Fatu Parabhoi (29212) shows that he has got 91 days of
employment and was paid Rs 5005/ as wages.But, actually Fatu Parabhoi had
worked for only 20 days and received Rs 1000/ as wages. Shyam Parabhoi
(29257) had got only 8 days of work, but his online job card shows 78 days of job
entry and payment entry of Rs 4290/.Satya Goud (29237) had got only 2 days of
employment, but his job card shows 52 days of job entry and Rs 2860/ as wage

Haldhar Majhi (29215) had worked for only 4 days but his job card shows 52
days of job entry and corresponding payment entry. Purnami Bewa (29238) had
got only 4 days of work, but her job card has 52 days of job entry. Purun Majhi
(29239) had worked for only 6 days but his job card has 52 days of job entry.
Rama Majhi had got only 4 days of work, but his job card has entry for 26 days.

Only one household in Sukunabhata village had actually got 20 days of work, the
rest had hardly availed 5-8 days of job. But, verification of online job cards of this
village suggests that 31 job cards have job entries between 104 days and 52
days. Villagers had told us only about one NREGS project in the village. But,
online job cards suggest that 3 different NREGS projects have been executed in
the village, 1. Construction of C.C.Road at Gumapadar, 2. Renovation of
Suknabahat Khajuri Kata and, 3. Formation with CD from Ghugurbahali to
Sukuna Bhata. There has been proverbial open loot in this village. Our
calculations suggest that more than 95 per cent of the NREGS funds spent in
Sukunabhata village have been pocketed by sarkari babus.
Badachiching is another village of Santpur Panchayat where most of the
employment and payments have been given only on papers and very little has
reached villagers. Most households of this poor village have got job cards but all
the cards are lying with VLW.Villagers had told us about one road formation work
where some households of the village had got 8-10 days of wage employment.
Some people in the village have not received their wages fot that work till now.
But, online job cards of this village suggest that 39 households had got
employment between 104 days and 39 days and every one has been already
paid. Two different NREGS works have been executed in this village,
1. Improvement of Road from Badachiching to Gumapadar, and 2. Formation of
Road from Pajibahali to Nadikhandi.

Bhusanda Durga (OR-10-003-020-001/28913) and Kamal Bag (28940) both have

104 days of job entry and payment entry of Rs 5720/ in their online job cards.
The job cards of Chutu Bag (28920), Bhuja Durga (28924), Dusha Durga (28922)
and Markanda Gahir (28973) have job entry of 91 days and wage entry of Rs
5005/ each. The online job cards of Sadananda Bag (28920), Padman Suna
(28972), Shyamlal Bag (28980), Budu Suna (28990) and Jagman Suna (28991)
show job entry of 78 days each and corresponding wage payments.

As per entries in the job cards of Suka Durga (28912), Panbudu Bag (28933),
Durjyan Bag (28934), Goura Bag (28939), Bhagarathi Benua (28942), Khyama
Jal (28950), Basu Suna (28956), Dhanabal Bag (28964), Gambhir Bag (28965),
Chabira Bag (28967), Sardhakar Bag (28969), Arjun Durga (28981) and Faguna
Karuan (28984), each has been given 65 days of employment and paid Rs 3575/
as wages.

The employment and payment entries in the job cards of Pankaj Tal (28931),
Bhima Bag (28941), Sundra Bag (28945), Parsu Karuan (28947), Narsingh Bag
(28948), Niran Suna (28960), Kadam Karuan (28968), Ramlal Bag (28975) and
Archu Karuan (28985) show that each of them had got 52 days of employment
and paid Rs 2860/ as wages for the NREGS work.

The job cards of Nrupati Goud (28926), Jaharlal Bag (28928), Markanda Jal
(28930), Susila Durga (28932), Chintamani Karuan (28955), Sibram Bhoi
(28957), Thakura Jal (28971) and Barik Bhoi (28995) have job entries of 39 days
each and payment entries of Rs 2145/.

Every single job and payment entry in the job cards of Badachiching village is
fake and fabricated. Our close scrutiny of the online job cards of this village
suggests that executing officials have eaten up more than Rs 1,45,000/ from this
village alone. Hardly 2-3 per cent of the allocated NREGS funds for Badachiching
village have reached the targeted population.

Sapadohani in Baddharpur Panchayat is another poor village of Orissa where

rural job scheme has brought windfall in the homes of government officials.
Located in Narala Block of Kalahadi district, this village had executed one
NREGS work in May-June 2006. With estimated budget of Rs 4 lakh, Formation
of CD Road from Shapdahain to Pajidahain (1180 meter) gave 40 days of
employment to 38 households of this viilage, as per official claims.

But, villagers told us that about 30 households of the village had got hardly 8-15
days of job in this road formation work. There are 8 families who had got no work
at all but their job cards show job entries of 40 days and wage payment of Rs
2200/ each. Our calculations suggest that there has been a lot of financial
bungling in this village too and more than 80 per cent of the funds have been
pocketed by government officials.

The job card of Trinath Dora (OR-10-003-001-010/1227) has job entry of 40 days
and wage entry of Rs 2200/. But actually, family of Trinath Dora has not got any
work under rural job scheme. Similarly, Tabira Dora (1187) has done no NREGS
work so far, but his job card shows 40 days of job entry and Rs 2200/ as wages.
No one in the family of Tankadhar Sahu (1194) has ever got any work under this
scheme, but his job card shows 40 days of employment and Rs 2200/ as wage
payment. Trilochan Sahu (1186) has got no work under this scheme, but his job
card has 14 days of job entry. Kesari Sahu (1188) had got no job under NREGS,
but his job card too has 14 days of job entry.

Budu Harijan (1214) had actually got only 12 days of employment in the road
formation work, but his job card suggests that he was given 40 days of work and
paid Rs 2200/ as wages. Tunu Majhi (1230) had got only 14 days of work but his
job card has work entry for 40 days. Padman Majhi (1191) had worked for only 5
days but his job card has 40 days of job entry. Padman Majhi is even aware
about over- entry in his job card, but finds helpless and does not know who and
where to lodge complain against this. He says that VLW Shukru Latur had taken
away all the job cards of the village after NREGS work and kept them at his
home for many months.

We had physically verified 45 job cards of Sapadohani and took individual

testimonies of majority of card holders. Out of 45 job cards examined, 43 had
fake and fabricated job entries. Job entries in only two cards did match with the
actual workdays availed by the card holders. These villagers were very agitated
after learning about these fake entries in their job cards but expressed utter
helplessness as if they have lost all the faith in the institutions of governance.

The loss of faith in the institutions of governance is a much more serious threat
for the democratic polity of this country than corruption and financial bungling in
the delivery of welfare schemes as such. This sense of cynicism is providing
breeding ground for naxalites, no wonder that this menace is spreading fast in
the neighbouring districts of Kalahandi.
Albula is another poor village of Orissa where rural job scheme has been
implemented less as Employment Guarantee Scheme for the rural poor and
more as the Income Guarantee Scheme for Sarkari Babus living in towns and
cities. Located in Ghantmal Panchayat of Narala Block in Kalahandi district, this
deprived village too is victim of the great job robbery in Orissa. Two NREGS
projects have been implemented in this small village; 1. Renovation of Khajuri
Sagar at Keshpala and, 2. Formation of Road from PWD Road to Alabula. We
were told by the villagers that only half of the households out of total 30 in this
village had received job cards but most of the households had got 8-15 days of
wage employment.

The verification of online job cards suggests that there has been heavy financial
bungling in this village. Out of the total 21 online job cards of Albula, 1 card has
73 days of job entry, 4 cards show 60 days of job entry, 3 cards show 52 days of
job entry, 1 card has 47 days of job entry, 1 card has 42 days entry, 1 has 34
days entry, 2 cards have 26 days of job entries and 2 cards show 21 days of job
entries. Only few cards have 13 days of job entry. All the job cards showing more
than 20 days of job entries are false and fabricated.

The online job card of Jayanta Goud (OR-10-003-007-002/19146) shows job

entry of 73 days and wage payment of Rs. 4015/. The job cards of Pankaj Bag
(19136), Arun Goud (19146), Gurekha Naik (19149) and Trilochan Goud show
60 days of job entries and wage entries of Rs 3300/ each. The employment
entries in the job cards of Dayanidhi Goud (19150), Mahadeb Harijan (19155)
and Narafala Tandi suggest that each of them has been given 52 days of job and
paid Rs 2860/ as wages. But, villagers told us that no household in Albula had
got more than 15 days of employment. Our calculations suggest that more than
80 per cent of the NREGS funds spent in this village have been siphoned off.

Kucheijore village of Baddharpur Panchayat has also implemented one road

formation work under NREGS. Located in the Narala Block of Kalahandi district,
this village with more than 115 households has got very little wage employment
under this much-hyped rural job scheme. Out of 115 households in the village,
hardly 40 households did get 10-12 days of employment under this scheme. But,
online job cards of 15 households show job entries between 25 and 39 days.

Nala Goud (OR-10-003. 001-005/1312) had actually worked for only 10 days but
his job card has 32 days of employment entry. The online job card of Debarchan
Goud (1316) shows 39 days of job entry and that of Linga Sabar (1339) has 25
days of work entry. Upini Majhi (1315), Dambaru Sabar (1349), Satrughan Majhi
(1352), Maheswar Gahir (1359), Satrughan Goud (1360), Krutibash Majhi (1366)
and Arjun Goud have job entries of 26 days each. Dambaru Majhi (1358) and
Jaharlal Sabar both have 35 days of work entries in their online job cards.
Banabas Sabar (1363) has 34 days of job entry in his online job card. All these
job entries and wage entries are false and fabricated. Our calculations suggest
that government officials have eaten up a lot of wage money from this village too.
The entire Murka village of Talnagi Panchayat in Orissa is witness to double
robbery in the wage employment offered under the rural job scheme. Located in
Thuamul Rampur Block of Kalahandi District, Murka’s abject poverty and chronic
hunger are apparent to any visitor. There is hardly any household in this
predominantly Adivasi village which could afford two square meals a day. Most of
these Adivasis are virtually landless and survive on odd daily wages.

Murka got one road construction project under NREGS. The work on
Construction of Road from Talnagi to Murka started in May 2006 and continued
till February 2007. Most households of this village did get wage employment for
one to three weeks in the road construction work. But, they did not get their
wages till April 2007. In May 2007, they were paid but only one-third or one fourth
of their due wages, that too after some instruction from higher authorities.

Lela Jhodia (OR-10-007-015-008/15606) is a poor Adivasi of Murka and had

actually worked for 13 days on the road construction work under NREGS. At the
rate of Rs 55/ per day as the daily wage under this scheme, Lela Jhodia should
have been paid Rs 715/ as the due wages for 13 days of work. But, he has
received only Rs 300 as wages. Moreover, the online job card of Lela Jhodia
shows that he has been paid Rs 1400/ as wages and he availed 16 days of wage

Lela Jhodia has been fleeced twice by government officials. First, instead of
paying Rs 715/ as due wages for 13 days of job, government officials paid him
only Rs 300/. Second, as per the entries in his online job card, the wage amount
of Rs 1400/ has been withdrawn in his name and there is 16 days of job entry in
his online job card. This is not an isolated case of Lela Jhodia. Every villager of
Murka who worked on road construction project under NREGS has been robbed
in the same manner.

Saheb Jhodia (ST) actually worked for 15 days on NREGS project, but he has
been paid only Rs 300/ as wages. His online job card (15610) has payment entry
of Rs 700/. Lelen Bewa has been paid only Rs 300/ for 12 days of job and her
online job card (15626) shows payment entry of Rs. 750/. Baga Jhodia (ST) has
been paid only Rs 400/ for 16 days of work and his online job card has job entry
of 22 days and payment entry of Rs. 1210/. Ghenu Jani (ST) worked for only 1
day and got Rs 50/ for the same. But, his online job card (15576) shows 8 days
of job entry and Rs 650/ as wage payment. Budu Jani (ST) worked for 10 days
and received only Rs 300/ as wages. But, his online job card (15608) has
payment entry of Rs. 700/.

Bhagaban jhodia is another poor Adivasi of Murka who has been cheated by
government officials. He has actually worked for 23 days on the road
construction project under NREGS, but received only Rs 400/ as wages. His
online job card (15609) shows only 8 days of job entry and Rs 700/ as wage
payment. Hiramani Jhodia (ST) had worked for 10 days and received Rs 300/ for
the same. But, his online job card (15628) has payment entry of Rs. 750/. Pati
Jhodia (ST) worked for 13 days and got only Rs 400/ as wages. His online job
card (15602) shows that he has been paid Rs 1300/.

Dambarudhara Jhodia (ST) had actually got 9 days of job and was paid only Rs
300/. His online job card (15586) shows that he had got 16 days of job and paid
Rs 1400/ for the same. Dubarjoya Gouda (15595) had actually worked only for 6
days and got Rs 300/as wages. But, his online job card shows that he worked for
16 days and was paid an amount of Rs 1400/ as wages. Raghu Gouda (15624)
had worked for 12 days and was paid Rs 300/ as wages. His job card has 16
days of job entry and wage entry of Rs. 1500/. Padu Jhodia (ST) had got 15 days
of job and wage payment of only Rs 300/, while his online job card (15578) has
payment entry of Rs 1300/.

Basudev Bisoi (15618) had actually worked for 22 days and at the rate of Rs 55/
per day, he should have got Rs 1210/ as wages. Instead he has been paid only
Rs 400/. Moreover, his online job card shows that he has been paid Rs 1400/.
Milaku Sahu (15613) had worked for only 1 day and got Rs 50/ for the same. But,
his online job card has job entry of 8 days and payment entry of Rs 700/. Meta
Sahu (15612) had actually worked for 20 days and he should have got Rs 1100/
as wages for this work. He has been paid only Rs. 400/. Moreover, his online job
card has job entry of 30 days and payment entry of Rs. 2130/. It is literally double

Kunja Jhodia (ST) had worked for 10 days and got Rs 300/ as wages. His online
job card (15600) shows that he has been paid Rs 1400/. Sukru Jani (15583)
actually worked for 15 days and got Rs 400/as wages. His online job card has
payment entry of Rs1300/. Railu Jani (15584) had actually got 20 days of job, for
which he should have got Rs 1100/. But, government officials have paid him only
Rs 300/. Moreover, his online job card shows that he has been paid Rs 1400/ for
16 days of work.

Every single entry in the online job cards of Murka village is bogus and the way
government officials have cheated these poor villagers, not even most croocked
and rapacious contractors would have ever done anywhere. Our calculations
suggest that about 80 per cent of the wage money of Murka village has been
eaten up by executing officials.

Talnagi is another village of Talnagi Panchayat where government officials have

hijacked rural job scheme and poor villagers find utterly helpless and remain
mute spectators to this daylight job robbery. During 2006-7, people of this poor
village of Kalahandi have been given NREGS jobs in two road projects; 1.
Construction of Road from Talnagi to Dyke, and 2. Construction of Road from
Talnagi to Murka. But, only 20-30 per cent of the due wage amounts have been
paid and that too after one year of the work.
Kajalu Harijan (OR-10-007-015-012/12365) is a poor Dalit of Talnagi village. He
had actually got 15 days of job in road construction for which he should have
been paid Rs 825/ as wages. But, he has been paid only Rs 300/. That is not the
only loot Kajalu Harijan has faced. The employment and payment entries in his
online job card show that he had been given 39 days of employment and paid an
amount of Rs 2145/ as wages. So, Kajalu Harijan has been fleeced twice by
sarkari babus.

Surendra Harijan (12395) actually worked for 31 days on the NREGS project for
which he should have got Rs. 1705/ as wages. But, he has been paid only Rs.
600/. His online job card has employment entry of 22 days and wage entry of
Rs1420/. Kumar Harijan (12337) had actually worked for 15 days but he has
been paid only Rs. 300/ as wages. His online job card has job entry of 40 days
and payment entry of Rs 2750/. So, out of Rs 2750/ withdrawn in the name of
Kumar Harijan, Rs 2450/ (89 per cent of the wage money) has been pocketed by
government officials.

Padan Harijan (12406) had worked for 25 days for which he should have got Rs
1375/ as wages, but he has been paid only Rs 300/. Similarly, Nabin Bag
(12366) too worked for 25 days but he has been paid only Rs 300/ as wages. His
online job card has payment entry of Rs 825/ for 15 days of job. Kanda Jhodia
(15360) had worked for 20 days for which he should have been paid an amount
of Rs 1100/ as wages, but he got only Rs 200/. Singa Majhi (15332) had got 22
days of job but he has received only Rs 400/ as wages.

Keshab Harijan (12339) had actually worked for 19 days but received only Rs
400/ as wages. His online job card shows that he had worked for 46 days and
was paid Rs 3060/ as wages. Government officials have robbed this poor Dalit
twice. First, 19 days’ wage amount would be Rs 1045/ but he has been paid only
Rs 400/. Second, payment records made in his online job card show that he has
been paid Rs. 3060/ as wages, but actually he has been paid only Rs 400/. This
is double robbery. Punia Harijan (12381) had worked for 14 days but got only Rs.
300/ as wages. His online job card has job entry of 22 days and payment entry of
Rs. 1520/.

Sindhika Majhi (12359) had actually worked for 10 days but was paid only Rs.
200/ for this work. His online job card shows that he was given 41 days of
employment and paid Rs 2255/ as wages. This clealy shows that about 91 per
cent of the wage amount withdrawn in the name of Sindhika Majhi has been
pocketed by government officials. Sankara Naik (12405) had actually worked for
28 days but received only Rs. 300/ as wages. His online job card has payment
entry of Rs. 1420/. Our calculations suggest that there has been massive
financial bungling in Talnagi village and about 80 per cent of the NREGS wage
money of this village has been eaten up by sarkari babus.
The stories of Palsipada, Pokhari Ghat, Sekerguda, Chancher, Kutanpadar,
Atang Guda, Banipada, Gosanimunda, Duarsuni, Sukunabhata, Badachiching,
Sapadohani, Albula, Kucheijore, Murka and Talnagi villages of Kalahandi district
are only tip of the ice-berg. These stories have revealed only scratch on the
surface. The rot is much deeper and begs emergency operation. Otherwise, the
cancer of corruption will shortly cripple and kill this high-profile rural job scheme.
Adivasis and Dalits may have the first charge on the resources of India in the
speeches of politicians, but on the ground, Sarkari Babus have the first and
foremost charge on the resources of the country. It is more so in the case of
Orissa. The sarkari babus have become main beneficiaries of the national rural
job scheme and only left-overs are reaching the targeted population. NREGS in
Orissa has become less of an employment guarantee scheme for the poor and
more of a corruption guarantee scheme for bureaucracy.

Findings during Field Trial of Corruption Detection Tool (CDT) in Kalahandi

CEFS has also prepared a list of about 5000 villages from 19 NREGA districts of
Orissa. Along with this Survey Report, we are releasing names of 2461 villages
from 5 NREGA districts of Orissa, namely- Koraput, Kalahandi, Nuapada,
Mayurbhanj and Gajapati. The names of villages from remaining 14 NREGA
districts will be released within one month. On every alternate day, CEFS will
release names of villages from one NREGA district of Orissa till all the 19
NREGA districts are completed. This list of villages has been prepared by using
Corruption Detection Tool (CDT) devised by CEFS. We have devised this
research tool of CDT based on our first hand experience in 100 villages of Orissa
and secondary reports/inputs on the implementation of NREGS in 19 districts of
Orissa. We also carried out Field Trial of CDT in many villages of Orissa.
However, we do not claim that CDT has detected every village where financial
bungling has been committed. Financial bungling has been committed in almost
every village of Orissa where NREGA has been implemented. Our only claim is
that there has been open loot and massive financial bungling of NREGA funds in
more than 95 per cent of the villages selected by CDT. The names of villages
selected by CDT can be downloaded from our website:

We also carried out field trial of the Corruption Detection Tool (CDT) in 2 villages
(only selected job cards) of Kesinga block, Kalahandi during July 2007. The field
trial results from these 2 villages are on expected lines. We conducted field trial
in Kanabira and Pujiguda villages of Gaigaon Gram Panchayat.

We tested 18 job cards of Kanabira village during field trial. Tanu Sabar (13102)
had actually got no work under NREGS, but his official job records have fake job
entry for 102 days. Similarly, Durjya Sabar (13179) had done no work at all, but
his online job card has bogus job entry for 100 days. Indra Sabar (25066) had
actually got only 13 days of work but he has fake job entry for 109 days. Lucha
Sabar (13156) too had worked for only 13 days but has bogus job entry for 102
days. Bhasa Sabar (13097) had worked for 40 days but has job entry for 102
days. Hari Sabar had got 60 days of work but has fake job entry for 100 days. Ajit
Sabar had worked for 26 days but has fake entry for 101 days. Chudamani Sabar
had worked for 40 days but has job entry for 103 days.

Gangari Sabar (13159) had worked for only 20 days but has fake job entry for
104 days. Madhu Sabar had worked for 26 days but has job entry for 100 days.
Sribascha Sabar too had worked for 26 days but has fake entry for 110 days.
Jagmohan Sabar had worked for 26 days but has job entry for 100 days. Gautam
Sabar had got 30 days of work but has job entry for 103 days. Padmanabha
Sabar had worked for 40 days but has job entry for 109 days. Jalasai Harijan
(25001) and Lachinder Sabar (25049) both had worked for 20 days each, but
they have fake job entries for 107 days and 101 days respectively. Jari Sunani
had worked for 40 days but has bogus job entry for 100 days. It is clear that
executing officials have siphoned and eaten up significant amount of wage
money from this village.

We tested 10 job cards of Pujiguda village and found massive financial bungling.
Daitari Sabar (12872) from this village had got no work under NREGS. However,
the official job records have fake job entry for 109 days in his name. Sana Goud
(24798) too had got no work but has fabricated job entry for 106 days. Bada
Goud (12929) had got only 13 days of work but has fake job entry for 101 days.
Hiranya Sabar had worked for 60 days but has job entry for 101 days. Rupadhar
Sabar had actually got only 20 days of work but has job entry for 104 days.
Sasya Sabar had worked for 39 days but has job entry for 102 days. Gopal
Sabar had worked for 80 days but has job entry for 106 days. Jukhyesthi Sabar
had got 60 days of work but has job entry for 111 days. Danbuda Jani had
worked for only 30 days but has fake entry for 111 days. Jambu sabar had
worked for 26 days only but has fake job entry for 107 days. This kind of open
loot of NREGS funds is not possible without active connivance of block and
district officials.
Koraput district of Orissa was allocated Rs 57 crore to implement NREGS in the
district during 2006-7. As per official records, Koraput was able to spend Rs. 53
crore and provided a total of 55. 65 lakh persondays of employment to 81513
households in the district. In other words, each of 81513 families have been
given an average of 67 days of wage employment The cumulative number of
households which completed 100 days of employment in the district is 13893
during the year. An awesome performance on all parameters. But, all these
achievements have been made only in the official records and not in the villages
of Koraput district.

Out of 21 villages surveyed in Koraput district, we could not find a single family
which had actually got 100 days of employment. Most of the households who got
wage employment under this scheme have actually received it between 5-20
days. However, as per official records, thousands of households in hundreds of
villages in Koraput district have availed 100 and more days of wage employment
during 2006-7. How has Koraput achieved this feat?

Chuchukana is a very poor Adivasi village in Pipalpadar Panchayat of Laxmipur

block, Koraput district. The poverty level of this village could be guaged from the
fact that most families of this village still survive by eating mango kernel for the
better part of the rainy season. We found bags of dry mango- kernel stored by
many households of this village. As per the official records, villagers of
chuchukana were given wage employment in 4 NREGA projects; 1. Construction
of all weather road at Chuchukana, 2. Completion of incomplete F/C at
Piskadang, 3. Construction of D/W & F/C at Ramijhola, and 4. Construction of
road from Ramijhola to Musipali. The online job cards of Chuchukana show that
many households of this village have been given 100 and more days of wage
employment. The physical verification with villagers told us a different story.

Mangulu Praska is a poor Adivasi of Chuchukana. His online job card (OR-11-
004-011-003/3615) has job entry for 108 days and wage entry of Rs 5940/.
However, the family of Mangulu Praska has actually worked for only 17 days and
received Rs 850/ as wages. So, Rs 5090/ of tax payers’ money spent in the
name of poor Mangulu Praska has been siphoned off and eaten up by
government officials. This is not an isolated case in Chuchukana village. Most
families of this village have been cheated in the same manner.

34 online job cards of this village have more than 100 days of job entries, 13
online job cards have 96 days of job entries, 9 cards have 84 days of job entries,
5 cards have 72 days of entries and 7 cards have 60 days of job entries. All
these entries are false and fabricated, because we had found only one family
which had got 74 days of employment and another which had got 40 days of
work. The rest of the households had got wage employment between 20 and 30

The family of Pandu Praska had actually got 25 days of wage employment and
Rs 1250/ as wages. But, his online job card (3637) has job entry for 108 days
and wage entry of Rs 5940/. So, Rs 4690/ has been siphoned off in the name of
this family. Kandu Praska had got 25 days of job and Rs 1350/ as wages.
However, the job card he showed us had job entry for 120 days and his online
job card (3616) has job entry for 108 days and payment entry of Rs 5940/. In this
case, at least Rs 4590/ has been siphoned off by sarkari babus.

Nisthu Praska (3636) had got 28 days of work and Rs 1400 as wages, but his
online job card has work entry for 108 days and wage entry of Rs 5940/. The
sarkari babus have eaten up Rs 4540/ from the wage money withdrawn in the
name of Nisthu Praska. Kiya Kaleka’s family has got 74 days of work but his
online job card has job entry for 108 days and corresponding wage payment.
Dumuri Praska (3630) had worked for 28 days and received Rs 1450/ as wages.
However, his online job card shows work entry for 108 days and wage entry of
Rs 5940. Rs 4490/ has been siphoned off in this case. Mali Praska (3527) had
actually got 30 days of wage employment and Rs 1500 as wages. But, his online
job card shows 108 days of employment and Rs 5940/ as wages. In this case, Rs
4440/ has been pocketed by government officials executing this scheme.

The family of Reli Praska (3595) had actually worked for 27 days and received
Rs 1350/ as wages, but the job card he showed us had work entry for 132 days.
Jaga Praska (3610) had worked for only 30 days and received Rs 1500/ as
wages. But, the job card he showed us had job entry for 132 days. His online job
card has job entry for 108 days and wage entry of 5940. So, Rs 4440/ has been
siphoned off in the name of this poor Adivasi. These are names of only a few
households of Chuchukaka which have been used by government officials to
siphon off NREGS funds.

Somburu Praska (3442), Kito Praska (3486), Hira Kulasika (3495), Poro Praska
(3501), Bingu Hikoka (3515), Kesa Mondinga (3523), Jogi Kulasika (3525), Shiri
Praska (3535), Jolo Mani Mandinga (3561), Gopi Praska (3582), Radhab Praska
(3586), Salila Praska (3587), Jhadia Praska (3617), Dangari Praska (3630), Laba
Kulasika (3634), Sana Nachika (3635), Sama Kulasika (3639), Bari Maninga
(3640), Amburu Mandinga (3653), Shivarao praska (3654), Giriya Praska (3655),
Dani Praska (3656), Shipu Praska (3661) and Jitiya Praska- all have fake job
entries for 108 days and wage entries of Rs 5940/ in their online job cards.

There are 13 online job cards of Chuchukana which have false job entries for 96
days. The online job cards of Soma Mandinga (3471), Sodaram Sarka (3490),
Jalla Praska (3496), Rasu Praska (3497), Satara Praska (3521), Bechana
Praska (3526), Bhagi Praska (3614), Nitia Praska (3631), Bhima Kulasika (3633),
Hari Praska (3638), Ghenu Praska (3641), Pardeshi Praska (3657) and Andru
Mandinga (3662) show job entries for 96 days and wage entries of Rs 5280/
each. So, it is clear that more than 70-80 per cent of the wage amounts
withdrawn in the name of these poor Adivasis have been siphoned off and eaten
up by sarkari babus.

Musipalli is another village of Pipalpadar Panchayat where NREGS has brought

windfall for government officials. Adivasis of this village too are so poor that they
survive only by eating mango- kernel during rainy season. Under NREGS, one
road construction work from Musipalli to Ramijhola was implemented during last
year. Most families of this small village had got 1-3 weeks of wage employment
in this project. However, verification of the online job cards of this village shows
job entries for 108 days in 20 job cards, 1 card has 111 days of job entry, 1 card
has 105 days of job entry, 1 card has 99 days of work entry, 3 job cards have 96
days of job entries and 3 cards have 72 days of job entries. All these entries are
false and fabricated. There has been massive financial bungling in the
implementation of NREGS in Musipalli.

Pilku Kulasika is a very poor Adivasi of Musipalli. He had got only 2 days of wage
employment and Rs 100 as wages. However, his online job card (OR-11-004-
011-009/3327) has job entry for 108 days and wage entry of Rs 5940/. So, over
98 per cent of the wages shown in his name have gone into the pockets of
government officials. Malia Kulasika (3313) had actually worked for only 6 days
and received Rs 300/ as wages. But, his online job card has job entry for 108
days and payment entry of Rs 5940/. In this case, about 95 per cent of the wage
money has been siphoned off and pocketed by sarkari babus. Similarly, Balaji
Kulasika (3339) had got only 5 days of work and Rs 250/ as wages for the same.
The job card he showed us had job entry for 96 days. But, his online job card has
108 days of employment entry and wage entry of Rs 5940/. About 96% of the
NREGS money spent in the name of this poor Adivasi has been actually
pocketed by government officials. Most families of this village have been robbed
of their 100 days of guaranteed employment in the same fashion.

Das Kulasika (3321) had actually got 17 days of work and received Rs 650/ as
wages for the NREGS work in road construction. However, his online job card
has work entry for 105 days and wage entry of Rs 5775/. Therefore, about 90%
of the wage money shown in the name of Das Kulasika has been siphoned off.
Jhudungu Kulasika (3314) had worked for 20 days and was paid Rs 1000/ as
wages. The job card that was shown to us had work entry for 96 days. However,
his online job card shows job entry for 108 days and wage entry of Rs 5940/. So,
there are two versions of official records. None of them is true. More than 80% of
the wages shown in the name of Jhudungu Kulasika have been eaten up by
NREGS bureaucracy. Similarly, Shili Kulasika (3345), who is now dead, had
worked for 21 days and was paid Rs 1000/ as wages. Hard copy of his job card
had job entry for 72 days. But, his online job card has job entry for 108 days and
wage entry of Rs 5940/. In this case too, 80% of the wage money has been
siphoned off.
Dalji Kulasika (3333) had worked for 20 days and received Rs 1000/ as wages.
The job card that he showed us had job entry for 96 days. However, his online
job card has work entry for 108 days and payment entry of Rs 5940/. So, over
80% of NREGS fund spent in the name of Dalji Kulasika has been pocketed by
sarkari babus. Dora Kulasika (3332) had worked for 27 days and received Rs
1350/ as wages. Hard copy of his job card has job entry for 98 days. But, his
online job card shows job entry for 108 days and wage entry of Rs 5940/.
Therefore, about 75% of the wage money spent in the name of Dora Kulasika
has been siphoned off.

There are many more online job cards of Musipalli which have fake job entries for
more than 100 days. The online job card of Abhi Kulasika (3322) has job entry for
111 days and wage entry of Rs 6105/. The online job cards of Jarabi Kulasika
(3315), Palsu Kulasika (3318), Kasai Kulasika (3319), Phala Kulasika (3325),
Lada Kulasika (3329), Sima Kulasika (3331), Luku Kulasika (3335), Kadu
Kulasika (3336), Dasari Mandinga (3340), Palu Kulasika (3342), Dhabulu
Kulasika (3343), Eshwar Kolaka (3590) and Rali Praska (3592) have fake job
entries for 108 days and wage entries of Rs 5940/ each. There are many more
online job cards of this village which have fake job entries for 99 days, 96 days
and 72 days.

It is very clear that there has been open loot and massive financial bungling in
this village. Our calculations suggest that approximately 80- 90% of the NREGS
funds spent on the wage employment of Musipalli and Chuchukana villages of
Pipalpadar Panchayat have been siphoned off and pocketed by government
officials executing the rural job scheme. This is the way Koraput district has spent
Rs 53 crore on NREGS, given an average of 67 days of wage employment to
81513 households and provided 100 and more days of employment to 13896
families. Even God can not make NREGS work with this kind of callous and
croocked bureaucracy. The least Orissa Government can do is to order
immediate dismissal of all the officials involved in this kind of financial bungling
and their number is in thousands.

Mangarel is another poor village of Orissa where NREGS has been implemented
less as employment guarantee scheme for the poor and more as income
guarantee scheme for sarkari babus. Located in Raising Panchayat of Nandapur
block, Koraput district, this is a predominantly Adivasi village. As per the official
records, people from this village have been given wage employment in two
works; 1. Construction of road with Ghatcutting at Debasandhaguda, and, 2.
Ghatcutting at Debasandhaguda.

Bhagu Khemendu, a poor dalit from Mangarel village, had actually got only 6
days of wage employment and Rs 300/ as wages under NREGS during 2006-7.
But, his job card has job entry for 58 days. His online job card (OR-11-005-021-
009/2360) shows job entry for 51 days and wage entry of Rs 2805. So, about
90% of the wages shown in the name of Bhagu Khemendu have been siphoned
off and pocketed by government officials. Minibudi Khilo (2335) had got only 8
days of employment and Rs 400/as wages. His online job card has job entry for
35 days and wage entry of Rs 1925/. About 80% of the wages shown in the
name of Minibudi Khilo have been eaten up by sarkari babus.

Balaram Sisa (2397) had worked for only 5 days and got Rs 250/ as wages for
this NREGS job. But, his online job card has job entry for 33 days and wage
entry of Rs 1815/. So, about 88 % of the NREGS fund spent in the name of
Balaram Sisa has been siphoned off. Hari Sisa (2401) had got 20 days of
NREGS work and Rs 1000/ as wages. But, his online job card has job entry of 50
days and wage entry of Rs 2750/. In this case, Rs 1750/ has been siphoned in
the name of Hari Sisa. These are only a few examples of misappropriation of
NREGS funds in Mangarel. Most of the families of Mangarel have been cheated
in the same manner. Villagers had told us that they had got NREGS work for 5-
20 days. But, there are fake job entries between 39-95 days in 37 online job
cards of Mangarel. There has been massive financial bungling in this village.

The online job card of Jayaram Majhi (2378) has job entry for 95 days and wage
entry of Rs 5225/. Sanu Sisa (2396) has 74 days’ job entry, Samara Sisa (2336)
has 73 days’ job entry, Dhanapati Sisa (2322) has 76 days’ job entry and Ghasi
Pujari (2296) has 85 days of job entry in his online job card. Dasa Sisa (2295)
has 58 days of job entry, Shida Pujari (2298) has 42 days of job entry, Lalita Sisa
(2303) has 48 days, Dambu Sisa (2305) has 61 days of job entry, Sanu Pujari
(2309) has 39 days, Ghasi Pujari (2311) has 56, Kumulu Sisa (2318) has 48
days, Manguli Sisa (2323) has 40, Adu Sisa (2325) has 47, Sanu Sisa (2326)
has 38, Dhana Muduli (2327) has 41, Guru Sisa (2329) has 60 days, Raghu Sisa
(2330) has 43, Guru Sisa (2334) 45 days and Gopi Sisa (2339) has 46 days of
fake job entry in his online job card.

The online job card of Dhana Sisa (2344) shows 69 days of job entry, Mana Sisa
(2345) has 51 days of job entry, Antu Sisa (2347) has 49 days, Purna Pangi
(2353) has 45, Budu Khara (2354) has 45, Jaya Khemendu (2362) has 56,
Samara Khemendu (2363) has 44 days, Chandra Pangi (2373) has 68,
Gobardhan Majhi (2376) has 52 days, Kamulu Majhi (2380) has 40 days,
Bhaktaram Majhi (2390) has 47, Narsingh Sisa (2399) has 45 and Ghenu Sisa
(2400) has 49 days of forged job entry. Samara Majhi (2383), Rama Khara
(2369) and Dhana Khara (2368)- each has job entry for 39 days. Our calculations
suggest that major share of NREGS funds spent in Mangarel have been
pocketed by government officials and only a small proportion has reached the
targeted population of this poor village.

There has been misappropriation of NREGS money in Chiliput village of Raising

Panchayat too. Most households of this poor village had got wage employment in
the construction of all weather concrete cement road at Chiliput during 2006. We
checked 31 job cards in this village. When we verified the job entries in the cards
with villagers, we found that most of the job cards had recorded almost double
number of workdays compared to the actual job days availed by villagers. Most
households had worked for 5-7 days, but their job cards have job entries for 14-
15 days.

Chitan Badanaik (OR-11-005-021-001/1767) had actually got 6 days of NREGS

work in the road construction at Chiliput. But, his job card has job entry for 12
days. Kamalulochan Patia (1742) had worked for 6 days but his card has job
entry for 10 days. Basadev Golari (1725) had worked for 7 days but his card
shows 10 days’ job entry. Rambabu Khilo (1759) had availed only 6 days of
wage employment but his job card has job entry for 12 days. Erana Khilo (1758)
has job entry for 25 days, but he had actually got only 10 days of work in the road
construction. So, there has been some misappropriation of NREGS money in this
small village too.

Kakada village of Raising Panchayat has been victim of daylight robbery by

sarkari babus. Two NREGS works were executed in this village during 2006-7; 1.
Construction of protection wall at Kakada, and 2. Ghatcutting at Kakada RD road
to Khudasing. When we visited this village, there was not a single job card
available in the village. All the job cards were lying with VLW. In the absence of
job cards, it was not possible to record individual testimonies of the households.
We were told by the villagers that most of them had worked in the NREGS
projects, but they had received only half of their due wages. The online job cards
of this village show that everyone had been already paid his full wages at the rate
of Rs 55/ per day. So, half of the NREGS wages given in the name of these poor
villagers have been openly pocketed by the government officials.

Raising village of Raising Panchayat has also seen similar loot by the
government officials. People from this village had worked in two NREGS
projects; 1. Construction of protection wall at Kakada, and 2. Ghatcutting from
Raising to Rudhicuan. The job cards of this village too were lying with VLW.
Villagers told us that most of them had worked in NREGS projects, but they were
paid only half of their due wages. Their online job cards show that all of them had
received their full wages at the rate of Rs 55/ per day. So, atleast half of the
NREGS funds spent in Raising village have been eaten up by sarkari babus.

It is interesting to note here that when we approached the VLW of Raising

Panchayat and requested him to show us the job cards and muster rolls of the
above villages, he refused to show us any document and gave us in writing that
he could not show these documents to anyone without permission of the BDO.
When we approached the BDO of Nandpur block, he bluntly refused to show us
any document unless we got permission for the same from the District Collector.
We also approached the offices of District Collector (Koraput), Commissioner
cum Secretary, Department of Panchayati Raj, Orissa, Chief Secretary and Chief
Minister of Orissa. Despite all these efforts, we were not able to see the muster
rolls and job cards of Raising Panchayat where NREGS funds have been openly
siphoned off and misappropriated by the government officials. Instead, we were
told by the officials to immediately get out of Nandpur block and not to visit any
village in the block. The whole administrative machinery was pressed into service
to hide the open and participatory loot of NREGS funds in Nandpur block. We
came across a literal Jungle Raj in Orissa.

Khilua is another village of Orissa where government officials’ greed has been
given primacy over poor villagers’ need for work. Located in the Hikimput
Panchayat of Nandapur Block, Koraput district, this village is very poor and many
young boys of the village have gone out in search of labour work in Andhra
Pradesh and Chattisgarh. Kamal Lochan Sisa, village labour leader (VLL) told us
that the VLW (Nageshwara Khara) had demanded Rs 15,000/ from him saying
that the Junior Engineer would not allot NREGS work to this village unless he
was given this money. The VLL finally paid Rs 15,000/ from his pocket, thinking
that he would be able to recover back this money from the cuts and commissions
he would get from this work, as he used to do in the food for work programmes in
the past. But, all the cuts and commissions of NREGS work have been
apparently pocketed by the VLW and other officials and the VLL has lost Rs.

We checked 31 job cards of the village but all of them were blank and there was
no job entry in them. However, villagers told us very clearly that most of them
had got 10-12 days of employment and wages for only 8-9 days. When we
checked online job cards of Khilua, we found 30 job cards with job entries
between 26-81 days. Moreover, there are many job cards where wage entries
show payment at the rate of Rs 100-220 per day. These are apparently forged
entries made in order to siphone off NREGS funds. While villagers had told us
that they had worked in only one road work- construction of metalling road from
PWD road to Khilua, the online job cards of Khilua show two NREGS works, 1.
Construction of metalling road from PWD road to Khilua, and 2. Construction of
road from PWD road to Bilaput.

The online job card of Dasamanth Sisa (OR-11-005-009-007/13574) has job

entry for 81 days and wage entry of Rs 4455/. Laichan Khila (13615) has job
entry for 54 days and wage entry of Rs 2970/. The online job card of Guru
Dumari (13589) shows that he was given 53 days of employment. His wage
entries show that he was paid at the rate of Rs 55 for 40 days’ work at Khilua
road and at the rate of Rs 100 for 13 days’ work at Bilaput road. The online job
card of Hariram Dumari (13594) shows that he had got wage employment for 41
days. His wage entries show that he was paid at the rate of Rs 55 for 28 day’
work at Khilua road and at the rate of Rs 215/ per day for 13 days’ work at
Bilaput road. In case Hariram Dumari was a skilled worker, he would not have
worked in the unskilled job at the wage rate of Rs 55 per day. If he was unskilled
worker, then he can not be paid at the rate more than Rs 55/ per day. So, the
wage entries are obviously forged.
As per online job cards of Khilua, Krushna Sisa (13575) had worked for 46 days,
Trilochana Sisa (13570) had worked for 40 days, Dhanapati Malik (13642) has
40 days of job entry, Bhakta Malik (14274) has job entry for 40 days and Hari
Petia (14305) too has job entry for 40 days. The online job cards of Parshuram
Pangi (14557), Sadan Pangi (14654), Daya Pangi (14660), Prahlad Kurtali
(14781), Surendra Kurtali (14787), Ratnakar Kurtali (14794), Pitambar Kurtali
(14800), Arjun Kurtali (14807), Mati Kurtali (14812), Narsingha Kurtali (14818),
Sukra Kurtali (14831) and Udhaba Khemundu (14981) show that each of them
has got wage employment for 40 days and Rs 2200/ as wages. Six job cards
have job entries for 26 days each. All these entries are forged, because we were
told by the villagers that they had got only 10-12 days of NREGS work. Our
calculations suggest that there has been heavy financial bungling in the NREGS
works in Khilua.

Bisiput is another village of Orissa where about 80-90% amount of the NREGS
wages has been siphoned off and pocketed by the government officials. Located
in the Hikimput Panchayat of Nandapur block, Koraput district, Bisiput had got
two NREGS works during 2006-7; 1. Ghatcutting at Badaliguda to Bhaluguda via
Bisipur, and 2. Construction of road from PWD road to Bisipur. Out of total 80
households in this village, 63 are Adivasi. Only half of the households in Bisiput
have got job cards. Some families of the village had got wage employment under
NREGS, but hardly for 1-2 weeks. However, 19 online job cards of this poor
village show forged job entries between 38-114 days.

Kartika Khila (OR-11-005-009-003-/13159) is a poor Adivasi of Bisiput and he

had actually got only 7 days of wage employment under NREGS and Rs 350/ as
wages. But, his online job card shows forged job entry for 90 days and wage
entry for Rs 5968/. So, about 95% of the wage amount shown in the name of
Kartika Khila has been siphoned off and eaten up by sarkari babus. The family of
Kama Khila (13157) had actually availed only 12 days of NREGS work and
received Rs 600/ as wages. But, his online job card has fake job entry for 90
days and wage entry of Rs 5764/. In this case, about 90% of the wage money
has been siphoned off and misappropriated by executing officials.

Mana Khila (13165), a poor Adivasi of Bisiput, is a victim of double robbery by

the government officials. First, he had actually worked for 14 days but was paid
only Rs 200/ as wages, whereas he should have got Rs 770/. So, he was robbed
of Rs 570/ in this manner. Second, his online job card has fabricated job entry for
90 days and wage entry of Rs 5555/. Therefore, out of this wage amount of Rs
5555/ shown in his name, he has been given only Rs 200/ and remaining Rs
5355/ has been pocketed by government officials. More than 96% of the NREGS
fund spent in the name of Mana Khila has been siphoned off and eaten up by
sarkari babus.

Puruba Khila (13153) had got just 7 days of wage employment and Rs 350/ as
wages. His online job card has false job entry for 76 days and wage entry of Rs
4586/. About 93% of NREGS wages spent in the name of Puruba Khila has
actually gone in the pockets of sarkari babus. Gangadhar Gamel (13563) too has
been fleeced twice by implementing authorities. He had actually worked for 9
days but received only Rs 250/ as wages, while his due wage amount would be
Rs 495/. Moreover, his online job card has fake job entry for 14 days and wage
entry of Rs 770/. These are only a few examples of open loot of NREGS funds in
Bisiput village. Most households who had worked under NREGS have been
robbed in the same manner. While no one in the village had got more than two
weeks of wage employment, 16 online job cards of Bisiput have forged job
entries for 52-114 days and corresponding wage entries.

The online job card of Madan Khila (13161) has forged job entry for 114 days
and wage entry of Rs 7695/. Hari Khila (13152) has fake job entry for 102 days
and wage entry of Rs 6117/. Das Khila (13155) has false job entry for 90 days
and wage entry of Rs 4896/. Gangadhar Khila (13156) has job entry for 90 days
and wage entry of Rs 5662/. Lalita Khila (13154) has job entry of 52 days and
wage entry of Rs 3063/. Sitaram Khila (13158) has job entry for 76 days and
wage entry of Rs 4586/, Ghanu Khila (13160) too has job entry for 76 days and
wage entry of Rs 4994/ and Dhania Khila (13162) has work entry for 64 days and
wage entry of Rs 4436/.

Sukru Khila (13163) has fake job entry for 78 days and payment entry of Rs
6172/, Urdav Khila (13496) has got 76 days of job entry and wage entry of Rs
4852/, Chandru Khila (13497) has job entry for 52 days and wage entry of Rs
3776/ and Loknath Khila (13499) has job entry for 76 days and Rs 4140/ as
wages. The online job cards of Vaktaram Khila (13507), Bingu Khila (13502) and
Narayan Khila (13521) have fake job entries for 38 days each and wage entries
of Rs 2090/ each. Many more online job cards of Bisiput have forged job entries.
It is clear that about 90% of the NREGS funds spent on the wage employment of
Bisiput have been siphoned off and misappropriated by government officials
implementing the rural job scheme.

Hanjarpentha village of Bheja Panchayat in Nandapur Block has also seen

double loot of NREGS funds by implementing authorities. This predominantly
Adivasi village of Koraput district had implemented one project under rural job
scheme. The construction of road from PWD road to Hanjarpentha was
undertaken under NREGS during September 2006. We were told by the villagers
that they had got hardly 5-7 days of wage employment in the road contruction
and received only half amount of their due wages. Since all the job cards of this
village were lying with the VLW for previous 6 months, it was not possible for us
to record individual testimonies of the workers. But, we were told by the villagers
that no one in the village had got more than 1 week of employment. However,
online job cards of this village show job entries for 22 days in 31 job cards, 7 job
cards have job entries for 23 days and 1 card has job entry for 33 days. All these
entries have been forged and fabricated in order to siphone off NREGS funds.
Goura Kankaria (OR-11-005-004-006-/8464) has fake job entry for 33 days and
wage entry of Rs 1815/. The online job cards of Raghu Badanaik (8498), Dhana
Sisa (8501), Samnath Golori (8504), Budu Badanaik (8509), Rama Badanaik
(8511), Ghasi Hantal (8517) and Dhanapati Sisa (8519) show fake job entries of
23 days and wage entries of Rs 1265/ each. The online job cards of Bandhu
Khilo, Samara Pujari, Nanda Khilo, Madhu Pangi, Dhana Hantal, Budu Pangi,
Tumnath Khara, Labakusa Khara, Lakinath Hantal, Jagabandhu Kankalia,
Raghunath Khilo, Ghanu Khara, Dambaru Hantal, Samanth Hantal, Jaya Hantal,
Basudeb Guntha, Daitari Hantal, Mana Hantal, Budu Pangi, Aitu Sisa, Ghasi
Sisa, Budu Sisa, Panigrahi Badanaik, Ramachandra Badanaik, Laikhan Duma,
Arjun Khilo, Sukura Pangi, Dambu Badanaik, Adu Akhilo, Sukura Hantal and
Damuru Hantal have fake job entries for 22 days and wage entries of Rs 1210

All these poor Adivasis have been fleeced twice by the government officials.
First, they were paid only half of their due wages. Second, by making false job
entries and wage entries in their online job cards, officials have withdrawn wage
amounts 5-10 times more than the actual wages paid to these helpless villagers.
A lot of NREGS money has been siphoned off in this village too.

Bheja village of Bheja Panchayat, Nandapur Block, has seen an unusual fraud in
the implementation of the rural job scheme. Most households in this poor village
of Koraput district have received job cards but none of them has got any wage
employment under the NREGS. However, we were shocked to find that many
online job cards of this village have forged job entries and wage entries. 16
online job cards of Bheja have fake job entries for 11-50 days. It is a cruel irony
that while many poor people from this village have migrated to various cities and
towns out of Orissa in search of labour work, the government officials have given
wage employment to these deprived villagers only on the official records in order
to siphone off NREGS funds.

The online job card of Rama Lulur (OR-11-005-004-003-/8731) has job entry for
50 days and wage entry of Rs 3025/. Madhab Khemendu (8713) has job entry for
37 days and wage entry of Rs 2035/. Dhanurjaya Matam (8717) has 34 days of
work entry and wage entry of Rs 1870/. Dahana Khara (8718) has 32 days of job
entry, Kamallochan Matam has 29 days of job entry, Sitaram Khilo (2721) has job
entry for 35 days, Gobardhan Khara (8729) has 30 days of job entry and
Sukudeb Matam (8730) has 33 days of work entry in his online job card.

Dambaru Matam (8744) has fake job entry for 35 days, Ramachandra Khilo
(8750) has 34 days of false entry, Balaram Matam (8759) has job entry for 36
days, Nandan Matam (8760) has 30 days of entry in his card, Gangadhar Muduli
(8712) has 11 days of job entry, Ramachandra Khara (8762) has job entry for 33
days and Ghasi Lulur (8781) has false job entry for 30 days and wage entry of Rs
1650 / in his online job card. So, by recording forged job and wage entries in the
name of the poor villagers of Bheja, the government officials have siphoned off
and pocketed more than Rs 25, 000/ of the NREGS funds.
Findings during Field Trial of Corruption Detection Tool (CDT) in Koraput

Besides 19 villages of Nandpur Block (Koraput) where we had carried out Survey
in the last week of May 2007, we carried out field trial of the Corruption Detection
Tool (CDT) in 6 villages (only selected job cards) of the same block during July
2007. The field trial results from these 6 villages are on expected lines.

We tested 3 job cards of Parajabadapada village under Parajabadapada Gram

Panchayat. Sadu Matam (2779) had actually got only 16 days of work, but he
has job entry for 104 days. Balu Badnaik (2785) had worked for 18 days, but his
online job card shows job entry for 111 days. Bhagat Ram (2796) had got 21
days of work, but there is job entry for 100 days in his official records.

We have tested 28 job cards of Dangabir village under Parajabadapada

Panchayat. Ramaswami Gunjia (2620) had actually worked for 45 days, but he
has job entry for 109 days. Ramdas Gunjia (2621) had worked for 45 days but he
has job entry for 100 days. Damodar Pangi had worked for only 30 days but he
has job entry for 109 days. Ramakrushna Gunjia and Sundarai Gungia both had
worked for 45 days each, but they have job entries for 100 days each. Bandhu
Gunjia had got only 10 days of work but he has job entry for 100 days. Jagatrai
Gunjia had worked for 30 days but he has job entry for 112 days. Raju Hantal
had worked for 36 days but he has job entry for 106 days. Samu Khilo had
worked for 47 days but he has job entry for 109 days. Rajana Khilo worked for 32
days but he has job entry for 117 days.

Pusia Pangi had worked for only 19 days but he has job entry for 102 days.
Arjuna Khemundu had worked for 58 days but he has job entry for 108 days.
Jagarao Gunjia had worked for 45 days but he has job entry for 100 days. Ghasi
Gunjia had worked for 40 days but he has job entry for 100 days. Chuchayi
Gunjia had worked for 45 days but he had job entry for 112 days. Balaram Gunjia
had worked for 48 days but he has job entry for 100 days. Natha Gunjia had
worked for 45 days but he has job entry for 111 days. Dasarath Gunjia had
worked for 45 days but he has job entry for 100 days. Genu Gunjia had worked
for 33 days but he has job entry for 111 days. Ramdas Gunjia (2697) had worked
for 45 days but he has job entry for 102 days.

Dhana Hantal had worked for 33 days but he has job entry for 107 days.
Khageshwar Gunjia had worked for 45 days but he has job entry for 113 days.
Khemdas Gunjia had worked for 45 days but he has job entry for 110 days.
Dhana Pangi (2715) had got only 3 days of work but he has job entry for 107
days. Andharu Khemundu (2716) had worked for only 10 days but he has job
entry for 106 days. Ramana Hantal had worked for 37 days but he has job entry
for 116 days. Sitaram Gunjia had worked for 48 days but he has job entry for 112
days. Ramachandra Gunjia (2731) had worked for 45 days but he has job entry
for 106 days. It is clear that there has been heavy financial bungling of NREGS
funds in Dangabir village.
We also carried out field trial of CDT in Sabun village of Bilaput Panchayat.
Ghasi Khara (10738) had worked for 40 days but his online job records have job
entry for 100 days. Mangala Matam had worked for 38 days but he has job entry
for 102 days. Sukara Khilo had worked for 40 days but he has job entry for 102
days. Bijaya Pangi had got 34 days of work but has job entry for 102 days. Sanu
Pujari, Jayasen Khara and Sukra Khilo had worked for 40 days each, but they
have job entries of 102 days each. Ramachandra Khilo had worked for 38 days
but he has job entry for 102 days. Tumnath Khara had got 40 days of work but
has job entry for 100 days. Ghasiram Matam had worked for 38 days but has job
entry for 100 days. The executing officials have pocketed a lot of wage money
from Sabun village.

We tested 5 job cards of Attub village under Kulabir Panchayat. Kartika

Khemundu (7740) and Bhimana Khemundu (7747) from Attub had got no wage
employment under NREGS. However, they have bogus job entries for 110 days
and 111 days respectively. Similarly, Bhadra Sukuri (7762) and Sitaram Sukuri
(7768) had got no work at all under this scheme, but both have fake job entries
for 110 days each in their official records. Gobardhan Gatan (7766) had got only
8 days of work but has job entry for 106 days. There has been open loot of
NREGS funds in this village.

We also tested 8 job cards of Talaguda village under Kulabir Panchayat and
found massive financial bungling. Bhibisen Dumuta (7627) and Ramchandra
Dumuta (7628) had got no wage employment under the rural job scheme during
2006-7. However, their official job records have fake job entries for 107 days and
106 days respectively. Balaram Dumuta (7605) had got only 12. 5 days of work
but has fake job entry for 100 days. Sitaram Khemundu (7623) had got 25. 5
days of work but has bogus job entry for 106 days. Arjun Khilo (7636) had got
only 14. 5 days of work but has fake job entry for 112 days. Sanu Khemundu
(7637) had worked for 18. 5 days but has job entry for 107 days. Labakusa Golori
had got only 6 days of work but his official records have fake job entry for 100
days. Ramachandra Golori (7643) had got 12. 5 days of work but his online job
records have bogus job entry for 103 days. It is clear that the government
officials have literally looted the NREGS funds of Kulabir Panchayat.

During field trial of CDT, we tested 5 job cards of Padwa village under Padwa
Gram Panchayat and found that 100 per cent of the wage amount shown in
official records has been siphoned and pocketed by sarkari babus. The online job
card of Haribandhu Semiliya (15666) has job entry for 100 days and wage entry
of Rs 5500/. However, Haribandhu Semiliya had worked for only 4 days and he
had received no wage at all. Similarly, Jagatram Semiliya (15729), Hari Semiliya
(15735) and Dhanu Semiliya (15743) had worked for only 6 days each and
received no wage at all. However, their official job records have job entries for
100 days each and wage entries of Rs 5500/ each. Guru Semiliya (15752) too
had got only 6 days of work and no wage payment. His online job card has job
entry for 108 days and wage entry of Rs 5940/. There has been open loot of
NREGS funds in this village.

It is impossible for a VLW or Junior Engineer to commit this kind of cent per cent
loot without active connivance of the block and district officials. We have
sufficient reasons to believe that the entire government machinery is involved in
this crime and there is a very well organized sarkari mafia behind this rural job
scam. We can now very well understand as why the BDO of Nandapur block has
instructed all VLWs of the block not to show muster roll registers to any one. If
people had access to muster roll registers in Nandapur block, the BDO and all
his VLWs would have already been sent behind the bars and lost their jobs.
Nabarangpur district of Orissa was allocated Rs 46 crore to implement NREGS in
the district during 2006-7. The official records show that this district was able to
spend Rs. 44 crore and provided a total of 49. 85 lakh persondays of
employment to 79118 households in the district. In other words, each of the
79118 families has been given on an average 63 days of wage employment. The
total number of households which completed 100 days of employment in the
district is 7581 during the year. A wonderful performance by all parameters.
However, this great performance of the NREGS is limited to the official records
only, the ground reality in the villages of Nabarangpur is absolutely different and

Out of the 15 villages surveyed in Nabarangpur district, we could not find a single
family which had actually got 100 days of employment. Most of the households
which got wage employment under this scheme had actually received it between
2-20 days. However, as per official records, thousands of households in
hundreds of villages in Nabarangpur district have availed 100 and more days of
wage employment during 2006-7. The modus operandi of this “great
performance” is usual, by making forged and fabricated job and wage entries in
the job cards and muster roll registers of the illiterate and poor villagers, most of
them Adivasis and Dalits facing chronic hunger and abject poverty.

Kanheimunda is a very poor village of Nabarangpur district. Located in

Lamtaguda Panchayat of Tentulikhunti block, this village has about 400
households, most of them Adivasis. This poor village had got one NREGS project
during 2006-7. Under this project, the Soil Conservation Department of the
district carried out Cashew Plantation Ist year Operation from July 2006 to
January 2007. 70- 80 households of the village got wage employment in cashew
plantation for 2-15 days and more than 50 households in the village were denied
any work in this project. However, the official records of this project show that
more than 60 families of Kanheimunda were given wage employment between
26 -104 days. Actually, we did not find a single family in this village which had got
more than 15 days of work in this NREGS project. As per our findings, there has
been open loot of NREGS funds in this village. The Soil Conservation Officer and
his colleagues have siphoned off and eaten up about 95 % of the wage money of
this project.

Lakshmana Amanatya had actually worked for only 2 days, but the job card he
showed us had job entry for 48 days. His online job card (OR-30-010-004/21790)
has job entry for 26 days and wage entry of Rs 1430. Madhu Amanatya (18806)
had got only 3 days of job, but his online job card has job entry for 48 days and
wage entry of Rs 2640/. Gobinda Gouda (18796) had actually worked for only 6
days and received Rs 300 as wages, but his online job card has job entry for 104
days and wage entry of Rs 5720/. So, about 95 % of the wages shown in the
name of Gobinda Gouda have been misappropriated by the Soil Conservation
Officer. The family of Baraja Chalana (18848) had worked for 10 days and
received Rs 500/ as wages. However, the online job card of this household has
job entry for 104 days and wage entry of Rs 5720/. About 92 % of the wage
amount withdrawn in the name of this household has been pocketed by the Soil
Conservation Officer.

Narahari Amanatya (18874) had worked for only 1 day and got Rs 50 as wage.
His online job card has job entry for 48 days and wage entry of 2640/. About 98%
of the wage money withdrawn in the name of Narhari Amanatya has gone into
the pockets of the Soil Conservation Officer. Balarama Pujari (18788) had got 11
days of work, but his online job card has job entry for 52 days and wage entry of
Rs 2860/. Damu Amanatya (18935) had worked for only 7 days and received Rs
350/ as wages, but his online job records show that he had worked for 78 days
and received Rs 4290/ as wages. About 92% of the NREGS wages spent in the
name of this poor Adivasi have been eaten up by the Soil Conservation Officer.
Mangalu Amanatya (18835) had actually worked for 11 days but his online job
card has job entry for 52 days and wage entry of Rs 2860/.

Harihar Amanatya (18931) had got only 8 days of wage employment in the
cashew plantation project and received Rs 400 as wages, but his online job
records show that he had worked for 91 days and got Rs 5005/ as wages.
Therefore, about 92% of the wages shown in the name of Harihar Amanatya
have been siphoned off by the executing official. Loba Amanatya (18967) had
worked for only 11 days but his official records have job entry for 78 days and
wage entry of Rs 4290/. Kanhei Amanatya (18973) had got 9 days of work under
NREGS, but his online job card has job entry for 26 days. Kamalu Amanatya
(18787) worked for 7 days but his official record has job entry for 35 days.
Urhaba Amanatya (18876) had got only 6 days of work but his job card has entry
for 39 days. Raja Nayaka (18762) worked for just 5 days but his official record
has entry for 40 days. Samaru Pujari (18875) had got 12 days of work but his
online job card has 26 days of job entry and the job card he showed us has job
entry for 39 days.

Lachamana Pujari (18813) had actually got 6 days of work in the cashew
plantation, but his online job card has 65 days of job entry and wage entry of Rs
3575/. More than 90% of the wage money shown in his name has been siphoned
off. Hari Gouda (18862) had got 14 days of work but his online job card has job
entry for 48 days and wage entry of corresponding amount. Dambaru Amanatya
(18800) had got wage employment for only 5 days but his online job record has
job entry for 61 days and wage entry of Rs 3355/. More than 92% of the wages
shown in his name have been pocketed by the Soil Conservation Officer.
Harishchandra Nayaka (18925) had got just 5 days of NREGS work, but his
online job card has job entry for 73 days and wage entry of Rs 4015/. In this
case, the executing officer has pocketed about 94% of the wages.

Hara Gouda (18772) had got 11 days of work in the cashew plantation project,
but his official record has job entry for 48 days and wage entry of Rs 2640/. Guru
Amanatya (18807) had worked for 14 days but his official record has job entry for
48 days. Sadana Pujari (18867) had got only 6 days of work, but his online job
card has job entry for 52 days and wage entry of Rs 2860/. Sada Bisoi (18984)
had got only 8 days of work but his online job record has job entry for 69 days
and wage entry of Rs 3795/. About 88% of the wages shown in this case have
been misappropriated by the executing officer.

Purana Chalana (18902) had got 15 days of wage employment under NREGS,
but his online job card has job entry for 78 days and wage entry for Rs 4290/.
Basadeba Gouda (18847) had worked for 15 days but his job card has entry for
48 days. Bhanumati Nayaka (18926) had got only 7 days of work but his online
job card has job entry for 52 days and wage entry of Rs 2860/. Hari Chalana
(18846) had worked for 15 days but his online job record has job entry for 48
days and wage entry of Rs 2640/. Karna Chalana (18750) had got only 3 days of
work in the cashew plantation project and received Rs 150/ as wages, but his
online job card has job entry for 48 days and wage entry for Rs 2640/. About
93% of the NREGS wages spent in the name of Karna Chalana have been
siphoned off and misappropriated by the Soil Conservation Officer of

Every single entry in the online job cards of Kanheimunda village is forged and
fabricated. While we could not find a single family in this village which had got
more than 15 days of wage employment in the cashew plantation project, there
are 57 online job cards of this village which have job entries between 39-104
days. There are 9 online job cards with 104 days of job entry and wage entry of
Rs 5720/ each. The online job cards of Dinu Soura (18760), Ghana Jani (18779),
Dhana Muduli (18819), Jagata Muduli (18825), Habina Soura (18858),
Purusatama Soura (18759), Gobinda Gouda (18796) and Baraja Chalana
(18848)- each has job entry of 104 days and wage entry of Rs 5720/. Purna
Chalana (18902) and Narihar Amanatya (18931) both have job entries of 104
days each.

There are 9 online job cards of Kanheimunda which have job entries of 78 days
each. The online job cards of Gupta Soura (19019), Padalam Muduli (19022),
Mangalu Gouda (19015), Jaga Muduli (19010), Sada Naik (18992), Balaram
Muduli (18975), Laba Amanatya (18967), Keshab Chalana (18954) and Damu
Amanatya (18935) have job entries of 78 days each and wage entry of Rs 4290.
Hari Chandra Nayak has job entry of 73 days, Jagadish Jhadia has entry for 65
days, Kamal Lochan Soura has entry for 65 days and Sada Bisoi has 69 days of
job entry. Chakra Muduli, Samanatha Amanatya, Bhaga Muduli and Dambaru
Amanatya- each has job entry for 61 days.
The online job cards of Trilochana Amanatya, Balaram Pujari, Mangalu
Amanatya, Sadana Pujari and Murli Soura have job entries for 52 days each and
corresponding wage entries. Hara Goudani, Dhanurjaya Muduli, Madhu
Amanatya, Guru Amanatya, Narana Muduli, Hari Chalana, Basadeba Gouda,
Raghu Jani, Hari Gouda and Narhari Amanatya- each has job entry for 48 days.
There are 10 job cards with 39 days of job entries. Kamalu Amanatya, Urhaba
Amanatya, Laxmana Amanatya, Sadana Soura, Keshab Muduli, Nidhana
Chalana, Linga Amanatya, Krushna Pradhani and Damu Amanatya- each has 39
days of job entry and wage entry of Rs 2145/. All these entries have been forged
in order to siphone off wage money allocated under NREGS. Our survey findings
suggest that there has been open loot of NREGS funds allocated for cashew
plantation project in Kanheimunda village. More than 90% of the allocated fund
has been siphoned off and pocketed by the Soil Conservation Officer of
Nabarangpur district.

Parajabarangapadar in Parajabarangapadar Panchayat of Tentulikhunti Block is

another village of Nabarangapur District where larger share of the NREGS cake
has been eaten up by sarkari babus and only left-overs have reached the
targeted population. With more than 400 households, about half population of
this village comprises of very poor Dalits (SCs). Most Dalits of this village are
landless and survive by odd daily wages. There is no let up in the distress
migration from this poor village. Many youngsters of this village have gone out of
Orissa in search for labour work. Most Dalit families of this village live in abject
poverty and chronic hunger. Despite their desperation for labour work, most
households of this village were either denied any NREGS work or got it only for a
few days and received the daily wages at the rate of Rs 40/ only.

CEFS survey findings of Parajabarangapadar village suggest that the

government officials have violated every single norm that governs the rural
employment guarantee scheme. There has been open loot and financial bungling
in the implementation of NREGS in this poor village. The construction of check
dam at Kadamjhola was carried out under NREGS during July- December 2006.
Some households of the village were given wage employment in this project, but
only for a few days. Most of the job card holders have not received any work
under NREGS.

The job card of Sambaru Muduli (21387) has job entry for 24 days and wage
entry of Rs 1320/. But actually, Sambaru Muduli has not received any wage
employment under NREGS during 2006-7. Bhikhari Bisoi (21436) had actually
got only 4 days of work and Rs 160/ as wages, but his online job card has job
entry for 35 days and wage entry of Rs 1265/. So, Rs 1105 / has been siphoned
off in the name of Bhikhari Bisoi. Dasa Muduli (21450) had actually got 10 days
of wage employment in the construction of check dam at Kadamjhola and
received Rs 400/ as wages. However, his online job card has job entry for 75
days and wage entry of Rs 4125/. So, more than 90% of the wages shown in the
name of Dasa Muduli have been siphoned off and pocketed by the government

Bali Santa (21385) had got 11 days of NREGS employment and Rs 440/ as
wages. His online job card shows fake job entry for 50 days and wage entry of
Rs 2750/. Therefore, about 85% of the wage money in this case has been
siphoned off. Dasarath Harijan (21406) had worked for only 2 days, but his job
card has job entry for 7 days. Junesh Harijan (21464) had got 13 days of work in
the construction of check dam, but his online job card has fake job entry for 44
days and wage entry of Rs 2420/.

Saroj Kumar Takari (21470) had actually worked for only half day and received
Rs 20 as wage, but his online job card has job entry for 19 days and wage entry
of Rs 1285/. So, about 98% of the wages withdrawn in the name of Saroj Kumar
Takari have been siphoned off and eaten up by the government officials. Ghana
Suna (21356) had actually worked for only 3 days and got Rs 120/ as wages. His
online job card has job entry for 20 days and wage entry of Rs 1100/. In this
case, about 90% of the wage money has been pocketed by sarkari babus.

Joyasinga Majhi (21421) had got 7 days of wage employment under NREGS and
received Rs 280/ as wages, but his online job card has fake job entry for 51 days
and wage entry of Rs 2805/. In this case, 90% of the wage amount has been
misappropriated by the government officials. Khagapati Harijan (21311) had
worked for one and half days and got Rs 60/ as wages. His online job card has
false job entry for 12 days and wage entry of Rs 660/. In this case too, about
90% of the wages have been pocketed by sarkari babus.

Kumar Suna (21399) had actually got only 3 days of wage employment and Rs
120/ as wages. His online job card has job entry for 31 days and wage entry of
Rs 1705/. So, about 95% of the NREGS wages withdrawn in the name of Kumar
Suna have been siphoned off and eaten up by the executing officials. Kunu
Harijan (21467) had got only 2 days of work under this scheme and received Rs
80 as wages/. His online job card has fake job entry for 17 days and wage entry
of Rs 935/. So, more than 90% of the wages shown in the name of this poor Dalit
have actually gone into the pockets of sarkari babus. Hajari Harijan (21342) too
had got only 2 days of work and Rs 80 as wages. His online job card has 14 days
of job entry and wage entry of Rs 770/. In this case too, about 90% of the wage
money has been siphoned off and misappropriated by the government officials.

Sundara Harijan (21314) had actually worked for 4 days and received Rs 160/ as
wages. However, his job card has fake job entry for 19 days and wage entry of
Rs 1045. Daupadi Suna (21409) had got only 2 days of work and Rs 80 as
wages. Her online job card has job entry for 21 days and wage entry of Rs 1155/.
So, about 94% of the wages shown in the name of Daupadi Suna have been
siphoned off and eaten up by the executing officials. Johana Hial (21479) had
formally demanded 8 days of employment in the construction of check dam, but
he was given only 3 days of wage employment and Rs 120/ as wages. However,
his online job card has job entry for 18 days and wage entry of Rs 1260/. Once
again, about 90% of the wages have been siphoned off and pocketed by sarkari

Padma Harijan (213120) is a divorcee Dalit woman of Parajabarangapadar. She

is landless, lives alone and has to survive by herself. She went to the
construction site of the check dam at Kadamjhola for 5-6 days demanding work,
but she was not given NREGS job even for a single day. However, her online job
card has false job entry for 6 days and wage entry of Rs 330/. Jaganath Harijan
is a very poor and landless Dalit of this villag, but he does not have even BPL
card. He went to the Secretary of Gram Panchayat for 8 times requesting him to
issue job card, but he has not got any job card so far.

The executing officials of Parajabarangapadar Gram Panchayat have violated

every single norm governing the implementation of NREGS. The rural
employment scheme for the hungry and poor Dalits of Parajabarangapadar
village is nothing more than a cruel joke on their demeaning deprivation. This
high-profile anti-poverty scheme has made virtually zero impact on the livelihood
security of these poor Dalits and there is no let up in the distress migration from
the village.

Manchagam village under Manchagam Panchayat, Tentulikhunti Block,

Nabarangpur District, implemented two NREGS projects during 2006. The
construction of road from Manchagam to Bangalguda was carried out in October-
November 2006, and metalling of road from Beheraguda to Alchiaguda was
undertaken during August-September 2006 under NREGS. We were told by the
villagers who had worked in these projects that most of them had got 8-12 days
of wage employment under the NREGS. No household in the village had got
more than 15 days of work in these projects. However, 59 online job cards of
Manchagam village have job entries between 24-72 days. Our investigation has
revealed that executing officials have siphoned off a lot of wage money of this
village through usual method of over-entries of workdays in the job cards of poor
and illiterate villagers.

The online job cards of Chakra Santa (17074) and Sadana Santa (16870) show
job entries of 72 days and wage entries of Rs 3960/ each. Pitabasha Harijan
(16717) has 68 days of job entry and wage entry of Rs 3740/. Agadhu Santa
(16985) has job entry for 64 days and wage entry of Rs 3520/. Tila Santa (17092)
and Laxman Das (17177) both have job entries of 58 days in their online job
cards. Pitambar Gouda (17069) has job entry for 56 days and wage entry of Rs
3080/. Jema Pujari (16687), Damu Santa (16777), Siba Soura (16821), Utama
Gouda (16887), Bhima Gouda (16809), Sikanu Santa (16788), Budu Bindhanai
(16999), Jaganath Gouda (17012), Gara Gouda (17013), Khairu Gouda (17017)
and Budei Gouda (17040) – each has job entry of 49 days and wage entry of Rs
2695/ in their online job cards. All these entries are false and fabricated.
Padlama Nag (16776), Gobindachandra Bagh (16778), Chaitana Harijan
(16800), Nanda Santa (16816), Dasarathi Nayak (16825), Gobardhana Gouda
(16885), Samanath Gouda (16900), Nanda Sanda (16917), Damadar Harijan
(16994), Dibakar Harijan (16995), Ratan Gouda (16998), Chandra Gouda
(17104), Taila Harijan (17107) and Chingadu Gouda (17110)- all have job entries
of 47 days and wage entries of Rs 2585/ in their online job cards. Mukunda
Gouda (16888) and Dhanurjaya Das (16914) both have job entries of 38 days
and wage entries of Rs 2090/. The online job cards of Puranchandra Gouda
(16713), Daitari Gouda (16802), Kamalu Muduli (16804), Thakadhar Gouda
(16831), Nara Gouda (16837), Bhima Gouda (16891) and Jadu Muduli (16892)
have job entries of 29 days and wage entries of Rs 1595/ each.

Ulalasi Bagh (16718), SadanaPaika (16719), KamalaPaika (16722), Lokinath

Gouda (16779), Puratama Harijan (16791), Abhimanu Das (16810) and Krusa
Santa – each has job entry of 28 days and wage entry of Rs 1540/ in their online
job cards. These are all false and fabricated entries, because no household of
this village had got more than 15 days of wage employment under the NREGS
during 2006. There are many more online job cards of Manchagam which have
forged job entries. So, it is clear that the implementing authorities have siphoned
off a lot of NREGS funds of this village too.
Rayagada district of Orissa was allocated Rs 41 crore to implement NREGS in
the district during 2006-7. As per official records, this district spent Rs. 37 crore
and provided a total of 41. 59 lakh persondays of employment to 70423
households in the district. In other words, each of the 70423 families has been
given on an average 60 days of wage employment. The total number of
households which completed 100 days of employment in the district is 8357
during the year. A great performance by all standards. However, our survey in 30
villages of Kasipur Block of the district has revealed that all these tall claims are
limited to official records only. The ground reality in the villages of Rayagada is
absolutely different and dismal. The modus operandi of this great performance is
usual, by making forged and fabricated job and wage entries in the job cards and
muster roll registers of the illiterate and poor villagers, most of them Adivasis and
Dalits living a life of semi-starvation and abject poverty.

Jodambo under Adajore Gram Panchayat, Kasipur Block, is a very poor village
of Rayagada district. Most of the villagers here live a life of abject poverty and
semi- starvation. Many households of this village have been given job cards. This
village had got one project under NREGS during 2006; Ghat cutting of road from
Jodambo to Adatakiri carried out in October 2006. Many families of this village
were given wage employment in this project. The online job cards of this village
suggest that most card holders had worked for 25 days and received Rs 1000/ as
wages. The ground reality is totally different.

Hadi Goud (22488) had worked for only 5 days and was paid Rs 100/ as wages,
at the rate of Rs 20/ per day. However, his online job card has job entry for 25
days and wage entry of Rs 1000/. In this case, 90% of the wage amount has
been misappropriated by the executing officials. Parshu Goud (22532) had
worked for 8 days only and received Rs 200/ as wages, at the rate of Rs 25/per
day. However, his online job card has fake job entry for 50 days and wage entry
of Rs 2000/. So, 90% of the wages shown in the name of Parshu Goud have
been siphoned off and eaten up by sarkari babus.

Ganga Majhi (22428) had actually got only 5 days of work in this project and
received Rs 120/ as wages, at the rate of Rs 24/ per day. However, the online job
card of Ganga Majhi has fake job entry for 25 days and wage entry of Rs 1000/.
So, 88% of the wages shown in the name of Ganga Majhi have been siphoned
off and pocketed by the government officials. Masku Majhi (22518) too had
worked for only 5 days and was paid Rs 120/ as wages. But, his online job card
has false job entry for 25 days and wage entry of Rs 1000/. In this case too, 88%
of the wages recorded in the online job card have been misappropriated by
sarkari babus.
The wife of Saheba Gouda (22509) worked for 4 days and got Rs 160/ as wages,
at the rate of Rs 40 per day. But, his online job card has job entry for 25 days and
wage entry of Rs 1000/. In this case, 84% of the wage money has been siphoned
off. Laba Gouda (22430) had worked for 8 days and was paid Rs 200/ as wages,
at the rate of Rs 25 per day. His online job card has job entry for 25 days and
wage entry of Rs 1000/. So, 80% of the wages paid in the name of Laba Gouda
have been eaten up by executing officials. Chita Goud (22483) is a walking
skeleton, living a life of semi-starvation and suffering from serious ailments due
to chronic hunger. He had also worked for 8 days in Ghat cutting project during
October 2006. He was paid Rs 200/ as wages in March 2007 (after 5 months of
work), at the rate of Rs 25 per day. His online job card has forged job entry for 25
days and wage entry of Rs 1000/. So, 80% of the wages paid to this starving
family have been actually misappropriated by sarkari babus. Is there anybody

Vidyadhar Goud (22472) had worked for 7 days and received Rs 120/ as wages.
His online job card has job entry for 25 days and wage entry of Rs 1120/. So, out
of Rs 1120/ shown as wages, only Rs 120/ has reached in the hands of
Vidyadhar Goud, remaining Rs 1000/ has gone into the pockets of executing
officials. Meta Majhi (22497) had got only 7 days of work and was paid Rs 300/as
wages. His online job card has job entry for 25 days and wage entry of Rs 1000/.

Ramsingh Majhi (22441) had worked for 18 days, but he has received only Rs
300/ as wages. His online job card has job entry for 25 days and wage entry of
Rs 1000/. So, 70% of the wage money withdrawn in the name of Ramsingh Majhi
has been misappropriated by the executing officials. Shakru Majhi (22426) had
also worked for 18 days, but received only Rs 250/ as wages. His online job card
has fake job entry for 25 days and wage entry of Rs 1000/. In this case, 75% of
the wage money has been siphoned off. Dhanpul Majhi (22431) too had worked
for 18 days and was paid Rs 240/as wages. His online job card has job entry for
13 days and wage entry of Rs 520/. There are many more online job cards of this
village with fake job entries for 25 days and 50 days.

The online job cards of Buduka Majhi (22424), Bhaga Gouda (22438) and
Rajamani Nayak show job entries for 50 days and wage entries of Rs 2000/
each. Padmalochan Gouda had worked for 9 days but he has not received any
payment. Padmawati Gouda had worked for 8 days and got only Rs 120/ as
wages. Gharmani had worked for 7 days but received only Rs 160/ as wages.

All entries in the online job cards of Jodambo are forged and fabricated. There
has been open loot of NREGS funds in Jodambo. The government officials have
siphoned off and pocketed about 80-90% of the wage amount spent under this
NREGS project. The work was done in October 2006 and wage payments were
made in March 2007, 5 months after the work. Most workers have been paid
wages at the rate of Rs 20-25 per day. Is there any authority or institution in the
largest democracy of the world which can ensure justice to these poor and
hungry citizens of India? What is the meaning of Platinum Jubilee of India’s
Independence for these hapless villagers living and dying in “ Jungle Raj”?

Adajore village in Adajore Gram Panchayat executed one NREGS project during
November-December 2006; Ghat cutting of road from Tikiratunish to Kalahandi
Boarder. Many families of this village were given wage employment in this
project. However, most online job cards of this village have fake job and wage
entries. A lot of wage money has been apparently siphoned off by the executing

Upendra Nayak (22328) had actually worked for 13 days and received Rs 500/
as wages. However, his online job card has fake job entry for 30 days and wage
entry of Rs 1497/. About two-third of the wage amount paid in the name of
Upendra Nayak has been siphoned off and pocketed by the government officials.
Abildhar Nayak (22304) had got only 8 days of work and was paid Rs 320/ as
wages. But, his online job card has false job entry for 30 days and wage entry of
Rs 1497/. So, about 80% of the wage money shown against Abildhar Nayak has
been siphoned off and pocketed by sarkari babus.

Gobind Chandra Nayak (22271) had worked for only 6 days and received Rs
300/ as wages for the same. His online job records show job entry for 30 days
and wage entry of Rs 1497/. About 80% of the wages shown in the name of
Gobind Chandra Nayak have been siphoned off and misappropriated by the
executing officials. Hasamani Nayak (22248) had worked for 14 days and
received Rs 560/ as wages. His online job card has job entry for 30 days and
wage entry of Rs 1497/. In this case, about 60% of the wages have been
siphoned off.

Debraj Nayak (22389) had worked for 21 days and received Rs 740/ as wages.
But, his online job card has job entry for 30 days and wage entry of Rs 1497/.
About half of the wage money shown in the name of Debraj Nayak has been
siphoned off. Abhiram Nayak (22315) had got 20 days of wage employment and
received Rs 800/ as wages. However, his online job card has job entry for 30
days and wage entry of Rs 1497/. So, Rs 679/ has been siphoned off in this

No household of Adajore village had received more than Rs 800/ as wages. But,
there are many more online job cards with wage entry of Rs 1497/. The online
job cards of Shukru Nayak (22278), Phaguram Bag (22305), Asedhara Nayak
(22312), Surumani Nayak (22321) and Surendra Nayak (22325) have fake wage
entries of Rs 1497/ each. Therefore, it is clear that a lot of NREGS fund of
Adajore village has been misappropriated by executing officials.

Some families of Tikaratunis village of Adajore Panchayat had also worked in a

Ghat cutting project executed under NREGS, but all of them received their wages
only at the rate of Rs 40/per day. Sukru Majhi had worked for 20 days and he
received Rs 800 as wages, at the rate of Rs 40/ per day. Most probably, these
workers have been paid on measurement basis.

Barangpas is another village of Adajore Panchayat where we found very serious

irregularities in the implementation of the rural job scheme. Nobody in this village
has got any job card. However, many households of the village had got wage
employment in Ghat cutting from Barangpas to Sarisobada carried out under the
NREGS during October-November 2006. The family of Lab Nayak had got 50
days of work, but he has received only Rs 1400/ as wages. Duriya Majhi too had
worked for 50 days and got Rs 1400/ as wages. Jambawati Nayak had worked
for 24 days, but got only Rs 350/ as wages. The family of Padmawati Nayak had
worked for 47 days and received Rs 1150/ as wages. Nowa Dei Majhi had
worked for 65 days and received Rs 1650/ as wages. These villagers are under
the impression that the remaining amount of the wages would be paid to them
once the money arrives in the Gram Panchayat. In the absence of official version
of the story, it is not possible for us to say anything more about this village. All
the online job cards of Barangpas are blank.

We were unable to reach 3 villages of Adajore Gram Panchayat because there is

no motorable approach road to these villages. However, we were informed by the
people of Adajore village that workers of these three villages (1. Julkaguda, 2.
Adiguda and 3. Simliguda) had been paid at the rate of Rs 32 per day for the
Ghat cutting work done under NREGS. We came to know that estimated cost of
this project was Rs 3 lakh and this was executed by Block Panchayat. The work
was done during December 2006, but wage payments were made in April 2007
by Junior Engineer (Mr Sahoo) at the rate of Rs 32/ per day.

Podabandha is a very poor village of Rayagada district. Many families of

Podabandha village in Maikanch Gram Panchayat (Kasipur Block) had got wage
employment in Ghat cutting at Podabandha carried out in February 2007 under
the rural job scheme. No household in the village had got more than 16 days of
work in this project. Villagers had told us that after the completion of the work the
VLW had asked them to sign on blank muster rolls. The VLW sent the blank
muster rolls register thrice, but the workers refused to sign every time unless the
workdays were filled up on the same. After three rounds of fight with these
villagers, the VLW finally got their signatures on filled up muster roll register
where actual days of employment were already written. The workers felt very
happy and proud that they had successfully thwarted the VLW’s nefarious
designs to siphon NREGS money by taking their signatures on blank muster

In our note books, we had also written that this village was a success story of
NREGS and no irregularity was found in Podabandha. After the completion of the
field survey in 100 villages of Orissa, when we were addressing a Press
Conference in Bhubaneshwar on 6th June, one journalist asked us if there was a
single village out of the list of 100 villages surveyed by us which had successful
and satisfactory implementation of the NREGS. We immediately told the
journalist that Podabandha village in Kasipur Block of Rayagada district was a
success story and we did not find any irregularity there.

We were absolutely wrong. The verification of online job cards of Podabandha

has now revealed that the VLW had succeeded in siphoning off NREGS money
and the muster roll register where workers had signed was fake and duplicate.
Most online job cards of this small village have fake job entries for 32 days and
wage entries of Rs 1508/, while no one in the village had job entry of more than
16 days in the muster roll register. The wage payments were made in April 2007.

Punia Jhodia (19277) is a very poor Adivasi of Podabandha and he had worked
for 16 days in the Ghat cutting project carried out in November-December 2006.
He had received Rs 752/ as wages for this NREGS work. However, his online job
card has fake job entry for 32 days and wage entry of Rs 1508/. So, half of the
wage amount withdrawn in the name of this poor Adivasi has gone into the
pockets of the VLW and his colleagues. Sridhar Jhodia (19285) too had got 16
days of wage employment and was paid Rs 752/ as wages. But, his online job
card has false job entry for 32 days and wage entry of Rs 1508/.

Chabi Jhodia (19241) had worked for 16 days and received Rs 752/ as wages.
His online job card has fake job entry for 32 days and wage entry of Rs 1508/.
Chaitanya (19239) and Sankar Jhodia (19263) both had worked for 16 days and
received Rs 752/ as wages. However, their online job cards have false job
entries for 32 days and wage entries of Rs 1508/ each. Half of the wage amounts
shown in the official records of these workers have gone into the pockets of the
VLW and his colleagues. 13 online job cards of Podabandha village have job
entries for 32 days and wage entries of Rs 1508/, whereas actually no household
in this village had got more than 16 days of work and Rs 752/ as wages. Now, it
is clear that there has been financial bungling in the NREGS work of
Podabandha too. Our single success story of survey and only ray of hope has
now been eliminated and eclipsed, thanks to ingenuous sarkari babus of Orissa.

Khurigam in Kasipur Gram Panchayat (Kasipur Block) is another village of

Rayagada district where executing officials have converted rural job scheme into
income guarantee scheme for themselves. This village implemented one NREGS
project during 2006-7; Ghat cutting from Khurigam to Routaghati. This project
started in June 2006 and continued till March 2007. Many families of the village
got wage employment in this project. However, most of the workers have
received either partial/nominal payments or no payments at all.

Krishna Chandra Naik (31027) had worked for 15 days during September 2006,
but he has not received any wage so far. However, his online job card has wage
entry of Rs 660/. Sukru Nayaka (16102) too had worked for 15 days during
August 2006, but he has not received any wage payment so far. Gopal Nayaka
(16038) had actually worked for one month during September-October 2006, but
he has not received any wages so far. Butuka Jhodia (16168) too worked for one
month, but he received only Rs 200/ as wages.

Purundar Naik (31059) did not work at all in this project, but his online job card
has job entry for 12 days and wage entry of Rs 660/. Ram Chandra Jhodia
(31071) had actually worked for 15 days, but he has received only Rs 50/ as
wages for that work. Sana Mana Jhodia (31074) had worked for 1 month but
received only Rs 500/ as wages. Pakulu Jhodia (16062) had got 4 days of work
and he was given only 6 kg of rice as wages. His online job card has fake job
entry for 24 days and wage entry of Rs 1320/. Mangatia Jhodia (31081) had
worked for 1 month but received only Rs 700/ as wages.

Pita Jhodia (31066) had worked for 23 days but received only Rs 500/ as wages.
Purushotam Jhodia (16183) had worked for 25 days, but he has been paid only
Rs 400/ as wages. Arjuna Jhodia (31044) actually worked for 41 days but he has
received only Rs 600/ as wages. Dinu Jhodia (31048) had got wage employment
for one month but was paid only Rs 200/ as wages. Duria Jhodia (16203) had
worked for 25 days but got only Rs 100/ as wages. Kedu Jhodia (16113) had
worked for 15 days but received only Rs 100/ as wages. Khetra Mohan Naik
(31073) had worked for 15 days but received only Rs 400/ as wages.

Danguru Jhodia (16196) had worked for 25 days but received only Rs 500/ as
wages. Bhagirathi Naik (31077) had worked for 30 days but got only Rs 500/ as
wages. Vishwanath Naik (31088) had worked for 40 days but has been paid only
Rs 1000/ as wages. Purandar Naik (16333) had got 43 days of wage
employment in the Ghat cutting work, but he has been paid only Rs 1000/ as
wages for that work. The executing officials have apparently misappropriated a
lot of NREGS money from Khurigam village.

Dumel is a predominantly Adivasi village under Rengacoloy Gram Panchayat of

Kasipur Block. Most households of this poor village have got job cards. Many
families of Dumel got wage employment in a Ghat cutting work executed under
NREGS during November 2006-February 2007. However, we did not find a
single job entry in the job cards of this village. Even the online job cards of Dumel
are absolutely blank. Our investigation has revealed that the VLW of
Rengacolony Gram Panchayat has done massive financial bungling and
misappropriated a lot of NREGS funds. Not a single worker of this poor village
has been paid full wages. Every household which has got wage employment
under NREGS has been paid less than half of the due wage amount.

Sitaram Nayak (1578) is a very poor Dalit of Dumel village. His family had got 50
days of wage employment under NREGS in December 2006. He should have
been paid a wage amount of Rs 2750/ at the rate of Rs 55/ per day. However,
Sitaram Nayak has been paid only Rs 1400/ as wages. Therefore, about half
wage amount of this poor Dalit has been misappropriated by the VLW. The family
of Kamalochan Nayak (1618) too had worked for 50 days but received only Rs
1200 as wages. More than half wage amount of Kamalochan Nayak has been
siphoned off. The family of Birushu Majhi (1608) had worked for 54 days, but
they have been paid only Rs 1500/. The total wage amount of Birushu Majhi
would be Rs 2970/. In this case too, about half of the wage money has been
misappropriated by the VLW.

Janaki Nayak (1552) had worked for 45 days and received only Rs 700/ as
wages. The total wage amount for 45 days would be Rs 2475/. So, about 70% of
Janaki Majhi’s wages have been pocketed by the VLW. The family of
Kumbhakaran Nayak (1620) had got 50 days of work under NREGS, but they
have been paid only 1200/ as wages. The total wage amount for 50 days would
be Rs 2750/. Therefore, more than half wages of Kumbhakaran Nayak have
been misappropriated by the executing official. The family of Bachi Majhi (1615)
had worked for 55 days but received only Rs 1200/ as wages, whereas the due
amount would be Rs 3025/. In this case, more than 60% of the wages have been
eaten up by the VLW.

Almost every household of Dumel which had worked in the Ghat cutting project
has been paid less than half of the due wages. Raghu Majhi (1562) had worked
for 45 days but received only Rs 1200/ as wages. The families of Mangalu
(1554), Mali Majhi (1617), Nand Goud (1565) and Duryodhana Nayaka (1622)
had worked for 45 days each, but have been paid only Rs 1200/ each. The due
wage amount for 45 days at the rate of Rs 55/ per day would be Rs 2475/. So,
more than half wages of all these four poor families have been pocketed by the
VLW of Rengacolony Gram Panchayat. The family of Suresh Nayak (1627) had
worked for 50 days and received Rs 1500/ as wages, whereas the due wages for
50 days would be Rs Rs 2750/. So, it is clear that major share of NREGS funds
spent in the name of poor Adivasis and Dalits of Dumel village has actually been
siphoned off and pocketed by the VLW.

Phatamunda is another village of Rengacolony Gram Panchayat where the VLW

has siphoned significant amount of the NREGS funds. The story of Phatamunda
is much similar to that of Dumel. Phatamunda had executed one road formation
project under NREGS during December 2006-January 2007. However, there is
no job related entry in the job cards of Phatamunda. The online job cards are
absolutely blank. Most households had worked for 18-20 days but they have
been paid only Rs 500/ as wages. The due wage amount for 20 days would be
Rs 1100/ and that for 18 days would be Rs 990/. So, only about half of the wages
have reached the targeted beneficiaries and the remaining half has apparently
gone into the pockets of the VLW and his colleagues.

Tumeshwar Nayak (1306) is a very poor Dalit of Phatamunda village and had
worked for 20 days in the road formation project, but received only Rs 500/ as
wages. So, this poor Dalit has received less than half of his due wages. Kanesti
Nayak (1289) too is a poor Dalit and had worked for 20 days and was paid only
Rs 500/ as wages. Jagatrao Nayak (1276)is a very poor Adivasi and had worked
for 20 days and received only Rs 500/ as wages. Abina Nayak (1311) and
Sudarshan Nayak both had worked for 20 days each and they have been paid
Rs 500/ each. So, both have been paid less than half of their due wages.
Somnath Nayak (1329) and Nilami Nayak (1214) both have worked for 20 days
each and received Rs 500/ each as wages. More than half of their due wages
have been siphoned off.

Tabila Nayak (1314), Dasha Jhodiya (1224), Pitambar Jhodia (1323), Jimi Jhodia
(1293), Boli Majhi (1260), Salai Majhi (1243), Pandu Majhi (1280), Naba Jhodia
(1312), Lakshman Jhodia (1251), Sudar Jhodia, Gunja Jhodia (1258), Dama
Jhodia (1261), Tumbeshwar Jhodia (1286), Bibe Jhodia (1227), Tisujani Jhodia
(1244), Heeramani Jhodia (1318), Lachhamani Majhi (1254) and Shankar Jhodia
(1267)- all had worked for 18 days and were paid Rs 500/ each as wages, only
about half of their due wages.

When we approached the VLW of Rengacolony Gram Panchayat to see and

verify the muster rolls of Phatamunda and Dumel, we were shocked to find that
he had maintained multiple sets of muster roll registers and none of them were
official muster rolls. All the labour entries and payment entries were shown only
on ordinary registers and he did not show us a single genuine and official
document. In fact, he khew very little about the NREGS works, most of the
information was being provided by his brother and brother in law. Villagers had
told us that the VLW had engaged his younger brother and brother in law to do
most of his work. The wage payments in Dumel village were also made by his
brothers at 10 pm in the night in absence of any members of the Gram
Panchayat. The family members of the VLW were actually talking as if they were
the ones who had been doing all NREGS related works instead of the VLW.

When we asked the VLW as why had the workers of Dumel village been paid
only partial wages, he said that villagers were liers. The VLW told us that all the
workers of Dumel had been paid their full wages at the rate of Rs 55 per day and
they had worked only for 20-22 days and not for 45-50 days. The VLW was
telling us a patent lie. We visited Dumel village for a second time accompanied
by the current Sarpanch of Rengacolony Gram Panchayat, newly appointed
Rojgar sevak of the Panchayat and ex President of the Block Panchayat Samiti
of Kasipur. In the presence of all these people, the workers of Dumel gave
personal testimonies about their actual workdays and all these people agreed
and signed on a piece of paper that villagers were absolutely correct.

The VLW’s clarification about the irregularity in wage payments of Phatamunda

village was most bizzare. He told us that he had already paid not only full wages
but almost 70-80% more than their due wages. He told us that the wage
payments in Phatamunda village had been done on the measurement basis and
as per the measurements of the Juniour Engineer the total due wages would be
Rs 54, 000, whereas workers of Phatamunda had already been paid about Rs 1
lakh. The VLW told us that workers of Phatamunda were very lazy and the Junior
Engineer had asked him to go and request the workers of Phatamunda to work
without wages for some days so that the extra wage payment of Rs 46, 000/
should be recovered and adjusted. In other words, as per the version of the VLW,
the workers of Phatamunda should not have been paid more than Rs 12-15 per
day, because on the measurement basis they had not worked for more than Rs
15 per day. The VLW of Rengacolony Gram Panchayat has effectively set a new
wage rate in NREGS, Rs 12-15/ per day. Is it what has been promised under
NREGA? The Government of Orissa owes an explanation to the nation.

We had also visited Panasguda (Kasipur Gram Panchayat), Gottigudda

(Kasipur Gram Panchayat) and Bilamal (Tikari Gram Panchayat) in Kasipur
Block. Many starvation deaths were reported from these three villages during
2001 and the Chief Minister had personally visited these village to offer relief.
Most households in these villages are still living a life of semi-starvation and
chronic hunger. For better part of the rainy season they still have to make a
choice between starvation or eating mango kernel. Panasgudda and Gottigudda
have not received even job cards. Some households have been given job cards
in Bilamal but even those households have got only 2-3 days of work under
NREGS. The family in Bilamal which had lost 4 members to starvation in 2001
has not received job card as yet. Where has Orissa Government spent Rs 733/
crore of NREGS funds? These hungry Adivasis of Orissa deserve at least an
answer in the Platinum Jubille year of India’s Independence. Will these poor
Adivasis and Dalits ever get freedom from hunger?
The total number of job cards issued in the district of Nuapada is 80187.
Nuapada was allocated Rs 30. 93 crore to implement NREGS in the district
during 2006-7. As per official records, this district spent Rs. 26. 74 crore and
provided a total of 31. 55 lakh persondays of employment to 45796 households
in the district. In other words, each of the 45796 families has been given on an
average 69 days of wage employment. To put it differently, more than half of the
job card holding familes in Nuapada district have been given on an average 69
days of wage employment during 2006-7. The total number of households which
completed 100 days of employment in the district is 11292 during the year. In
other words, every fourth NREGS beneficiary family of Nuapada district has
availed 100 days of wage employment. This is a terrific achievement. However,
our survey in 11 villages of Khariar Block of the district revealed a different story.
The ground reality in the villages of Nuapada is absolutely dismal. The modus
operandi of this terrific achievement is usual, by making fake and fabricated job
and wage entries in the job cards and muster roll registers.

Saradhapur village of Nuapada district is a live definition of hunger, distress

migration and abject poverty. Located in Saradhapur Gram Panchayat of Khariar
Block, this village is literally living on the edge. With population of about 1500
(Adivasis and Dalits), this village is still waiting for the rural job scheme to arrive.
More than half population of this village is always out in search of daily wages in
Andhra Pradesh Chhattisgarh, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Gujarat. Those who
are left behind in the village do survive by selling fuel-wood collected from the
forest located at the distance of 7 kms. One adult person can not earn more than
Rs 15-20 per day, because Khariar market where they sell the wood is located at
the distance of 10 kms from the village. It is very difficult to rear any cattle in the
village because there is no drinking water available. The PDS rice was given to
the villagers after a gap of four months.

Most of the villagers who have migrated to other states are engaged in bone -
breaking works like brick making and rickshaw pulling. After a few months of
work they either fall sick or get exhausted and return back to their village empty
handed. Pustam Sabar, aged 25, was working with other 3 family members in a
brick kiln in Andhra Pradesh. He was unable to survive the hazards of the brick
kiln and he died in May 2007. After his death at the brick kiln, the contractor gave
Rs 2000/ to his family members for the last rites of Pustam Sabar, no other
compensation or anything else. Basi Khai (SC), aged 50, was working with four
members of her family in a bick kiln in Andhra Pradesh. She worked there for 7
months. But, she has now returned back to home and is bed-ridden, because
she is now suffering from some terminal illness. The family has returned empty
handed. Most of these families are given Rs 2000-3000/ as advance wages by
contractors, but they do not get any cash while returning home after continuous
work of 6-8 months. When asked as to why did they go and work in other states if
they did not get any cash while returning home, they said, “ what do we do here?
At least we do get two meals a day while working in the brick kilns. If we do not
go there, we will starve to death in the village. So, we go and work in these
hazardous occupations just to survive for 6-8 months of the year. ”

Saradhapur has about 150 households, most of them Adivasis and Dalits. Most
households of the village were given job cards in June 2006. When we visited
this village on 23rd May, large number of villagers came out on their own and
started narrating their tells of deprivation and destitution. We were told by the
villagers that they had not got any work under NREGS and they were
desperately waiting for this scheme to arrive in the village. Since we were told by
the villagers that they had not got any wage employment under rural job scheme,
we had nothing to investigate about NREGS in the village and we stayed in the
village for couple hours just to understand the scale and dimensions of
deprivation in the village. However, we have been shocked to find that there are
49 online job cards of Saradhapur village with job and wage entries. Moreover,
we were told that there were only 150 households in the village, but we have
found 213 online job cards in the name of this village. We now suspect that there
are ghost job cards in Saradhapur village and significant amount of wage money
has been siphoned in their names.

The online NREGS job records of Saradhapur village suggest that 49 households
had been given wage employment between 87-9 days in improvement of road
from Saradhapur to Kotamal carried out during August 2006 to February 2007.
The online job card of Gaya Tandi (15305) has job entry for 87 days and wage
entry of Rs 6470/. Tulasiram Tandi (15316) has job entry for 42 days and wage
entry of Rs 2310/. Supate Sabar (15517) has job entry for 50 days and wage
entry of Rs 2930/, Tahasil Jagat (15546) has job entry of 48 days and wage entry
of Rs 2640/, Kaikei Sabar (15553) has job entry for 53 days and wage entry of
Rs 4895/ and Lalit Mohan Sabar (15557) has job entry for 54 days and wage
entry of Rs 2970/.

The online job card of Bimbadhar Sabar (15559) shows job entry for 56 days and
wage entry of Rs 3920/, Nehru Bibhar (27365) has job entry for 42 days and
wage entry of Rs 3690/ and Sagar Sabar (27369) has job entry for 40 days and
wage entry of Rs 2200/. Ganga Bibhar ( (27371) has job entry for 30 days and
wage entry of Rs 2490/, Gurubaru Sabar (15516) has job entry for 31 days and
wage entry of Rs 1769, Dasaratha Sabar (15429) has job entry for 36 days and
wage entry of Rs 1980 and Redhar Bibbar (15406) has job entry for 37 days and
wage entry of Rs 2875/. Prem Chand Sabar (15271) has job entry for 18 days,
Bhagatram Tandi (15304) for 12 days, Jaganath Tandi (15303) for 12 days,
Nageshwar Sabar (15309) for 24 days and Tikaram Sabar (15319) has job entry
for 16 days.
Bhagatram Sabar (15355), Dibakar Sabar (15379), Narayan Sabar (15456),
Jayaram Tandi (15459), Bhaskar Tandi (15460), Ramdas Sabar (15488), Dasru
Sabar (15535), Janadei Sabar (27355), Belbewa Sabar (27360), Budu Sabar
(27367), Jadaba Sabar (27389) and Budha Sabar (27399)- each has job entry for
12 days and wage entry of Rs 660/.

The online job cards of Madhu Bibbar (15331), Ratan Sunani (15413), Kartik
Bibbar, Nabaghana Sabar (15457, Gaya Bag (15491), Sakachan Bibbar (15518)
and Chakra Tandi (15545) have job entry for 18 days and wage entry of Rs 990/
each. Padmanabha Sabar (15414), Sombaru Sabar (15437), Premananda Sabar
(15485), Krustan Sabar (15522), Pitam Raut (15547), Mini Bag (15561) and
Jashoda Sabar (27363)- each has job entry for 24 days and wage entry of Rs
1320/. Nabe Sabar (15426), Tularam Sabar (15448), Kashi Sabar (15458) and
Bhubaneswar Sabar (15466) have job entry for 15 days and wage entry of Rs
825/ each. Netra Tandi (15520) has job entry for 9 days and wage entry of Rs

All these job entries and wage entries in the online job cards of Saradhapur
village are fake and fabricated, because we were told by the villagers that no
household of the village had got any wage employment under NREGS. So, the
entire wage amount shown in these 49 job cards has been siphoned off and
pocketed by the executing officials.

Kotamal under Ranimunada Panchayat (Khariar Block) is another village of

Nuapada district where wage employment under NREGS has been given only on
official records, not on the ground. We were told by villagers that Kotamal has
about 300 households and more than one third population of the village works as
daily wagers in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra and
Gujarat. They resort to distress migration for sheer survival. We were told by the
villagers that some families of the village had received job cards in February
2006, but no one had got any wage employment under NREGS. However, it is
shocking to note that Kotamal has 62 online job cards with fake job and wage
entries. Moreover, the total number of online job cards of this village is 299,
whereas we were told by the villagers that only some of the total 300 households
of Kotamal have been given job cards.

It is interesting to note here that 62 households of this village too have been
given wage employment in the same road construction (construction of road from
Kotamal to Saradhapur) where 49 households of Saradhapur village were given
employment under NREGS, as per online job records of these villages. So, in
official records, 49 families from Saradhapur village and 62 families from Kotamal
village were given wage employment in construction of road from Kotalmal to
Saradhapur. But, we were told by villagers of Saradhapur and Kotamal both that
they had not received any wage employment under rural job scheme. Therefore,
all these job and wage entries recorded in the online job cards of both these
villages have apparently been done in order to siphone and misappropriate
NREGS funds.

There are 62 online job cards of Kotamal village which have fake job entries
between 1-43 days. The online job card of Jita Majhi (20520) shows job entry for
43 days and wage entry of Rs 2365/. Prasanna Sabar (20483) has job entry for
35 days and wage entry of Rs 1925/, Bhengaraj Sabar (20484) has 31 days of
job entry and Rs 1705/, Dharmu Bhoi (20644) has job entry for 30 days and
wage entry of Rs 1650/, Bansidhar Duria (20812) has job entry for 33 days and
wage entry of Rs 1815/. The online job cards of Chintamani Bisi (1210) and
Purna Chandra Sabar (20619) have job entry for 22 days and wage entry of Rs

The online job cards of Pitambar Sabar, Girdhari Sabar (20400), Lingraj Sabar
(20401), Lachman Sabar (20395), Tularam Sabar (20405), Baldeb Sabar
(20411), Juge Sabar (20417), Benu Sabar (20417), Bighna Sabar (20440),
Durjyadhan Thela (20443)Lachman Sabar (20444), Mule Sabar (20458),
Jayasan Thela (20461), Sasidhar Sabar (40462), Chakra Sabar (20463),
Bhagban Sabar (20464), Kapur Sabar (20466) and Sabetri Sabar (20467) have
job entries between 21-1 days.

Harsha Sabar (20469), Nirakar Sabar (20473), Sanyasi Sabar (20475),

Dambarudhar Sabar (20476), Ketaki Sabar (20504), Digambar Sabar (20507),
Bailochan Pod (20512), Keshaba Pod (20513), Rabi Sabar (20559), Mayadhar
Sabar (20563), Bikram Sabar (20573), Purna Sabar (20575), Sanat Sabar
(20576), Rajin Sabar (20578), Parshuram Sabar (20579), Rupadhar Podh
(20586), Purnachandra Sabar (20619), Jharpodh Sabar (20620), Tirtha Sabar
(20622), Dambaru Sabar (20626), Jagal Sabar (20702), Upendra Sabar (20735),
Chandrasekhar Sabar (20737), Sugre Sabar (20738) and Cheru Sabar (20741)
have job entries between 1-18 days.

The online job cards of Kshetra Sabar (20778), Mahendra Bishi (20786),
Rajendra Duria (20802), Gundhar Sabar (20827), Tikeram Sabar (27568), Bhoka
Sabar (27569), Uma Sabar, Akshya Sabar (27572), Radhamohan Suna (27574),
Bhaira Sabar (27575), Dhansa Sabar (27576), Madhava Naik (27577) and
Gobardhan Sabar (27578) have job entries between 1-14 days. Since no
household in Kotamal has received any job under NREGS, all these job entries
are fake and fabricated and have been done in order to misappropriate funds.
So, it is clear that executing officials have siphoned significant amount of NREGS
funds by forging job related documents of Kotamal village.

Ranimunda under Ranimunda Panchayat (Khariar Block) is another village of

Nuapada district where the government officials have converted rural
employment guarantee scheme into income guarantee scheme for themselves.
Ranimunda is a very poor village and there is very high level of distress migration
in this village. We were told by the villagers that this village has about 300
households but only 20 families have been given job cards. Since all the job
cards of the village were lying with the Panchayat Secretary, it was not possible
for us to record individual testimonies. However, large number of villagers came
out to meet us. They told us that every social wefare scheme meant for poor
Adivasis and Dalits of the village is fraught with massive corruption.

The PDS ration is given once in 4-6 months, but the Panchayat Secretary makes
bogus entries of ration offtake even for the months when no ration has been
given. The brother of Panchayat Secretary has collected Rs 400-500 from many
poor villagers giving false promise of providing them Old Age Pension and
Widow Pension. The Panchayat Secretary (Madhav Hati) has collected Rs 500
from Harishankar Putel, aged 65, promising him Old Age Pension. Varja Bisi,
aged 70, has given Rs 150 to the Secretary hoping that he would be given Old
Age Pension. The brother of Secretary (Parame Hati) has collected Rs 200 from
Belmati Bisi promising her widow pension. He has collected Rs 400 from
Pakhane too promising him Old Age Pension. Many more villagers have been
exploited by the Panchayat officials in similar manner.

We were told by the villagers that some families had got 10-15 days of wage
employment in road improvement work from Ranimunda Gahirpada to
Dumermunda (estimated budget Rs. 4, 18, 000), but nobody had received any
wage payment for NREGS work. The work was done during Jan-Feb 2007.
When we checked the online job cards of Ranimunda village, there is no mention
of this work in these cards. However, we found 66 online job cards of Ranimunda
which show job and wage entries for a totally different work- metalling of
Ranimunda to Sardhapur Road in September-October 2006. Moreover, there are
374 online job cards of Ranimunda village, whereas villagers had told us that
only 20 families out of total 300 households had got job cards. Therefore, it is
clear that not only Panchayat officials have got job cards in the name of all the
households of the village, but there is possibility of many ghost job cards too in
the village.

Is it possible that 66 families of the village have been given wage employment
under NREGS and no one in the village knows anything about it? It is almost
impossible. It is apparently a case of ghost work and fake job entries in order to
misappropriate NREGS funds. There are 66 online job cards of Ranimunda
village with fake job entries between 72-5 days for the metalling of Ranimunda to
Sardhapur Road during Sept-Oct 2006. The online job card of Bajanath Hial
(19512) shows that 4 members of the family have been given employment for a
total of 72 days and paid an amount of Rs 3960/ as wages. The online job card of
Mohangiri Hial (19395) too shows that 4 members of the family were given a total
of 62 days of wage employment under NREGS and were paid Rs 3630/as
wages. The online job card of Abhimanyu Sunani (19405) suggests that 3
members of the family were given a total of 45 days of work and were paid Rs
2475/ as wages.
The online job card of Kurupati Duria (19410) suggests that 4 members of the
family have been given a total of 56 days of work under NREGS and received Rs
3052/ as wages. The online job card of Thandu Hial shows that 3 members of the
household have availed a total of 41 days of employment and have been paid Rs
2255/ as wages. The online job card of Rabichan Mangaraj (19509) suggests
that 5 members of the family had worked for a total of 55 days and were paid Rs
3025/ as wages. Hiradhar Mangaraj (19669) has job entry for 40 days and wage
entry of Rs 2200/. The online job card of Rupadhar Hial (19718) shows that 4
members of the family have got wage employment for 58 days and Rs 3190/ as

Kusa Hial (19738) has 42 days of job entry and wage entry of Rs 2310/. The
online job card of Damru Hial (19791) suggests that 3 members of the family
were given a total of 43 days of work and Rs 2310/ as wages. Dhaniram Sunani
(19794) has job entry of 42 days and wage entry of Rs 2310/ for 3 members of
the family. Artha Sunani (19903) has job entry of 49 days and wage entry of Rs
2640/ for 5 members of the family. Balmat Hial (19916) has job entry for 48 days
and wage entry of Rs 2640/. Dhaniram Hial (19409) has job entry for 39 days,
Lalkar Duria (19414) for 29 days, Thulru Sunani (19472) for 31 days, Jagat Hial
(19559) for 36 days, Rohit Sunani (19624) for 32 days, Daya Hial (19671) for 21
days and Badala Bibhar (19677) has job entry for for 32 days. Benudhar Bag
(19678), Cheru Jagat (19680), Mrutyunjaya Deep (19699), Bira Mangaraj,
Kalasingh Jagat (19904) and Harsh Mangraj (27515)- each has job entry for 24
days and wage entry of Rs 1320/.

The online job card of Dasru Duria (19719) has job entry for 33 days, Agin Tandi
(19731) has job entry for 27 days, Murli Sunani (19789) for 36 days, Indra Sunani
(19978) for 29 days, Digbal Jagat (26049) for 32 days, Jaldhar Hial (26051) for
27 days, Sundar Jagat (26052) for 33 days and Kondi Jagat (27516) has job
entry for 36 days. Upendra Hial (19399), Gaurang Hial (19404), Puran Sunani
(19406), Sadhu Sunani (19410), Mangalu Mangaraj (19499), Laikhan Jagat
(19514), Leban Duria (19515), Tripura Jagat (19784), Jamin Sunani (19828),
Rukse Hial, Sahadeb Hial (19854), Manoj Hial (19874), Sabu Bag (19883),
Nagarhi Sunani (19931), Chaitanya Hial (19952), Bholanath Hial (26030),
Jugeswar Hial (26032), Kokil Hial (26035), Setbali Mangaraj (26046), Ghasiram
Bag (26054), Suka Sunani (27444), Kusha Hial (27445), Sadu Jagat (27446),
Pabitra Mangaraj (27447), Dhaniram Sunani (27448), Malia Sunani (27449) and
Shibratu (27517) have job entries between 4-16 days.

All these entries are fake and fabricated because nobody from Ranimunda
village has got any work in this road project. The entire wage money withdrawn in
the name of these 66 households of Ranimunda has been siphoned and
misappropriated by the executing officials. Is it financial bungling or open and
participatory loot by sarkari mafia of Orissa?
Dabari village under Dabari Panchayat (Khariar Block) had also got some
NREGS projects. We were told by the villagers that some of them had worked in
the metalling of road from Dabri to Bhairajpur during june 2006, but they did not
get any payment. Many villagers had also worked in a tank renovation work in
December 2006, but they did not get any payment. Since all the job cards of the
village were lying with VLW, it was not possible for us to record individual
testimonies. Purna Tandi and his wife had worked for 20 days in the tank
renovation project during December 2006, but they did not get their wages.
Diasar Tandi told us that he along with 6 other villagers had worked for 20 days
on the road project, but none of them have received their wages. We were also
informed by the villagers that they get PDS rice only once in 5-6 months.

Bhaludungari village of Dabari Panchayat had also got some projects under
NREGS. The metalling of road from Dabari to Bhairajpur was carried out in June
2006 and construction of CC road at Bhaludungari Basti Road Phase II is going
on. The wife of Gabru Majhi had worked for 12 days in January 2007, but she
has not received her wages. There are 10-12 women who worked in the CC road
project, but they have not receved their wages. These women were given the
task of sprinkling water on the CC road. They were being paid only half of the
wages, because the task was considered easier. Therefore, all these women
refused to accept it and told the executing officials that they would take only full
wages. Some of the women who had worked in the CC road project and have not
been paid include, Madhuri Majhi, Surekha Majhi, Rudani Majhi and Urmila

Findings during Field Trial of Corruption Detection Tool (CDT) in Nuapada

Besides 11 villages of Khariar Block (Nuapada) where we had carried out Survey
in the last week of May 2007, we carried out field trial of the Corruption Detection
Tool (CDT) in 6 villages (only selected job cards) of the same block during July
2007. The field trial results from these 7 villages are no less shocking.

We tested 3 job cards of Khasbahal village under Khasbahal Panchayat.

Murlidhar Sabar (6970) had actually got only 45 days of wage employment, but
his online job card has job entry for 107 days. Rohit Sabar (6285) had got 66
days of work under NREGS, but his online job card has 102 days’ job entry.
Durjayadhan (6781) too had got 66 days of employment during 2006-7, but his
online job card has job entry for 107 days.

We tested 6 job cards of Chandel village under Khasbahal Panchayat. Jayaram

Dandasena (7251) had worked for 84 days, but his online job card has job entry
for 108 days. Gangadhar Naik (7219) had got only 21 days of work, but his online
job card has job entry for 105 days. Chabilal Goud (7090) had worked for 42
days, but his online job card has job entry for 108 days. Patuari Dandasena
(7226) had worked for 84 days, but he has job entry for 108 days. Phulsingh
Dandasena (7082) had worked for only 42 days, but he has job entry for 110
days. Tainchu Parabhoi (7223) had got only 42 days of work, but his online job
card has job entry for 108 days.

We have tested 7 job cards of Bahalpadar village (Khasbahal Panchayat) during

field trial of CDT. Abhiram Bhoi (6680) had actually got only 30 days of
employment, but his online job card has job entry for 106 days. The online job
card of Ganesh Thela (6817) has job entry for 108 days, however, he had
worked for only 42 days. Bairagi Punji (6857) has job entry for 101 days, but he
had actually worked for only 4 days. Manjula Thela (6813) and Makunda Bhoi
(6821) both had worked for 60 days each, however, their online job cards have
job entries for 106 days each. Chatranga Thela (6833) had got 63 days of work
under NREGS, but his online job card has job entry for 105 days. Chinu Nag
(6807) had actually worked for only 24 days, but his online job card has job entry
for 103 days.

We tested 4 job cards from Duajhar Gram Panchayat during field trial. Jaidhar
Majhi (12226) from Samserpadar village had got only 8 days of work, but official
records have job entry for 102 days. Giridhari Majhi (12513) and Chitman Majhi
(12568) from Khamatrai village have job entries of 102 days and 100 days
respectively. However, none of them had actually got any work under the rural
job scheme. Gajman Majhi (26698) from Khamatrai village had got only 30 days
of work, but his online job card shows job entry for 102 days.

We have tested 3 job cards from Kirkita Gram Panchayat too. Kunja Rout (4030)
and Kendu Majhi (4004) from Junapani village of Kirkita Panchayat had actually
got only 14 days of work each. However, official records of both show job entry
for 108 days each. Rupsingh Majhi (3596) from Kirkita village had worked for
only 33 days, but his online job records show job entry for 100 days. There has
been open loot of NREGS funds in all these villages.
The total number of job cards issued in the district of Bolangir is 162162. Bolangir
was allocated Rs 46. 70 crore to implement NREGS in the district during 2006-7.
As per official records, this district spent Rs. 42. 47 crore and provided a total of
49. 15 lakh persondays of employment to 80092 households in the district. In
other words, each of the 80092 families has been given on an average 61 days
of wage employment. To put it differently, about half of the job card holding
familes in Bolangir district have been given on an average 61 days of wage
employment during 2006-7. The total number of households which completed
100 days of employment in the district is 10572 during the year. This is no mean
achievement. However, our survey in 11 villages of Turekela Block of the district
gave us a totally different picture of the NREGS implementation. The reality in
the villages of Bolangir is not so encouraging.

We had surveyed 10 villages of Turekela Block in Bolangir district. The surveyed

villages include Hial (Hial GP), Kuibahal (Kuibahal GP), Chatuanka, kurli and
Beherensilet from Chatuanka GP, Bandhanpali, Kasamal, Jamutjhola,
Dhamandanga and Kandhabahal from Dhamandanga GP. All these villages have
a very high level of distress migration. Most of these villagers live a life of semi-
starvation and abject poverty. We were told by villagers that job cards had been
issued in all the ten villages, but there was no NREGS work in 8 of the villages.

Hial was the first village visited by us. It is a tribal dominant village. Villagers told
us that most of them had received job cards in June 2006, but there was no
wage employment given under NREGS in the village. Since we were doing an
evaluation and assessment of the NREGS, there was nothing more to investigate
in the village, because villagers told us clearly that they had not got any work
under this scheme. However, we are shocked to note that out of 171 online job
cards of Hial village, 86 of them have job entries between 34-102 days. The
online job records of Hial suggest that 86 families of the village were given wage
employment in improvement of Balasutrakata at Hial during April-June 2006. All
these job entries are apparently fake and fabricated and a lot of NREGS money
has been siphoned in the name of these poor villagers.

The online job card of Muni Majhi (24378) has fake job entry for 102 days and
wage entry of Rs 5610/. The online job cards of Hemasagar Gaenta (25225),
Kismata Sahu (17630), Bhanu Chandra Sahu (17618), Phaganu Bag (17570),
Satya Majhi (17555), Lokanatha Majhi (17552), Nare Majhi (17535), Keshaba
Majhi (17532) and Tekachanda Putel have job entries for 80 days and wage
entries of Rs 4792 each. Rukuni Putel (24468), Muni Putel (24476), Bhim Ganeta
(25217), Nipesh Majhi (17539), Gunia Putel (17553), Ganesh Putel (17558),
Mohana Majhi (17595) and Haresha Majhi (17529)- each has job entry for 79
days and wage entry of Rs 4737/.

The online job cards of Purohita Majhi (17475), Rasika Majhi (17485) and
Dambaru Majhi (17501) have job entries for 78 days and wage entries of Rs
4682/ each. Bhujabala Majhi (25221) and Metu Sahu (17619) both have job
entries for 74 days each and corresponding wage entries. Rabiram Bhue (17552)
has job entry for 73 days, Tanka Majhi (17464) for 46 days, Tila Gainta (17466)
for 40 days, Dhaneswar Majhi (17472) for 57 days, Subha Majhi (17487) and
Kaibala Majhi (17491) both for 34 days each, Kapurchan Majhi (17493) and
Kirtan Majhi (17494) both for 40 days each, Gurubaru Majhi (17460) for 39 days,
Nrupa Majhi (17423) for 34 days and Sumitra Majhi (17432) has job entry for 38

Radha Majhi (17429), Iswar Gainta (17436), Indara Majhi (17438), Gangananda
Gainta (17439), Phaganu Sipka (17417), Dhamansingh Majhi (17421) and Gunia
Putel (17459)- each has job entry for 40 days. Sukru Majhi (17413) has job entry
for 39 days, Hira Tandi (17447) and Sija Majhi (17453) both for 34 days each,
Kusala Majhi (17455) for 31 days and Dambaru Gainta (17445) has job entry for
71 days. All these job entries are apparently fake and fabricated. There are
another 40 online job cards of Hial with similar job and wage entries. So, it is
clear that significant amount of NREGS fund has been siphoned in the name of
these poor villagers.

Kuibahal was the second village of Bolangir visited by us. The story of Kuibahal
is similar to Hial. We were told by the villagers that they had got job cards but no
wage employment under the rural job scheme. When we checked the online job
records of this village, we found 208 online job cards and many of them have job
entries for more than 2-3 months. It is shocking to note that 18 online job cards of
Kuibahal have job entries for more than 100 days.

The online job records of Kuibahal suggest that two NREGS projects were
executed in the village during April-June 2006; (1)TKl-Improvement of Tank at
Khaliamunda at Kuibahal in May -June 2006, and (2) Construction of Tank at
Hatpada at Kuibahal in May-June 2006. The online job card of Bamana Tandi
(16412) has job entry for 103 days and wage entry of Rs 5665/. Baishnaba
Mahananda (16451) has job entry for 100 days and wage entry of Rs 5500/.
Arkura Hans (16467), Diga Kumbhar (16471), Tinagalu Tandi (16478), Krushna
Lahak (16593), Arjuna Lahak (16632), Pabitra Tandi (16736) and Arnasara
Dharua (16737)- each has job entry for 102 days and wage entry of Rs 5610/.
Rudra Sipka (16747), Satrughana Bag (16614) and Sobhakara Bag (16506)
have job entries for 101 days and wage entries of Rs 5555/ each.

Banchha Lahak (16518), Dhusa Sagria (16592) and Sahadeba Lahak have job
entries for 105 days and wage entries of Rs 5775/ each. Ratnakar Mahananda
(16622) has job entry for 104 days and wage entry of Rs 5720/. There are
dozens of online job cards with job and wage entries.

In Jamutjhula village, villagers told us that they had received only job cards and
no work under NREGS. However, we have found that out of 354 online job cards
of this village, many have job and wage entries. The official records suggest that
large number of villagers were given wage employment in Jamutjhula to
Bandhanpali road with CD works in May-June 2006. There are 3 online job cards
of Jamutjhula with job entries for more than 100 days. Jita Rana (9071) has job
entry for 105 days, Bishnu Rana (9083) has entry for 104 days and Manohara
Rana (9132) has job entry for 102 days. There are many more job cards with job
entries for more than 2-3 months. It is clear that executing officials have siphoned
off a lot of wage money from this village too.

We were told by people in Kandhabahal village that they had not received any
wage employment under rural job scheme and about half of the villagers had
migrated out of Orisaa in search of wage work. However, we have found that out
of 190 online job cards of this village, many have job entries for over 1-2 months.
The official job records of this village suggest that large number of villagers were
given wage employment in two NREGS projects; (1)Improvement of Janimunda
Tank at Kandhabahal in May-June 2006, and (2)Jamutjhula to Bandhanpali road
with CD works in May- June 2006.

The online job card of Tankadhar Nag (10347) has job entry for 50 days.
Gupteswar Jani (10359) and Tara Jani (10363) both have job entry for 40 days
each. Gopal Bag (10350) has job entry for 48 days, Dhanasingh Bag (10366) for
37 days, Santosh Panika (10374) for 54 days, Anirudh Parabhue (10391) for 72
days, Tularam Jani (10399) for 37 days, Parmeshwar Parabhue (10401) for 46
days and Krushna Hans (10415) has job entry for 51 days. Large number of
online job cards of Kandhabahal have similar job entries, whereas villagers had
categorically denied working in any NREGS project. If villagers were correct, then
there has been a lot of financial bungling in this village too.

Beherensilet village had executed two NREGS projects during 2006-7 ; 1.

renovation of Runibandh Tank at Beherensilet during April-June 2006, 2.
improvement of road from Bhimagadi to Naik Pada at Beherensilet in June- July
2006. We were told by the villagers that many of them had got wage employment
in these projects. Since all the job cards of the village were lying with the VLW,
we decided againt recording individual testimonies. However, villagers told us
that they had worked for 20-30 days in these projects. We also met the new
Sarpach but she did not know anything about these works.

There are 268 online job cards of Beherensilet. Large number of job cards have
job entries for more than 2-3 months. There are 14 online job cards with job
entries for 102 days, 1 card has job entry for 103 days and 1 has entry for 100
days. Lalit Sindur, Panchu Nial, Rushi Naik, Ganapata Bag, Duryodhana Majhi,
Jala Majhi, Haladhara Nial, Kandarpa Majhi, Ratana Majhi, Jugase Majhi, Bada
Nag, Suka Bag, Lalita Dharua and Ganda Chinagun- all have job entries for 102
days. Alekha Putel has job entry for 103 days and Jayakrushna Majhi for 100
days. If villagers are correct, then there has been massive financial bungling in
this village.

Bandhanpali village had implemented one NREGS project last year;

improvement of Gocharmunda Tank at Bandhanpali during May-June 2006. We
were informed by the villagers that they had worked in this project for 10- 20
days. However, many of the 142 online job cards of this village have job entries
between 30-63 days. Uttam Kaur (24180) has job entry for 44 days, Indra Majhi
(9576) for 33 days, Kirti Kaur (9578) for 35 days, Kabi Majhi (9594) for 63 days
and Banamali Kunar has job entry for 44 days. There are many more job cards
with similar job entries. Since all the job cards of this village were lying with the
VLW, we could not take individual testimonies. Therefore, it is difficult for us to
make any definitive comment about this village. However, if villagers were
correct, then there is definitely financial bungling in this village too.
List of Surveyed villages

1. Village: Hila 2. Bandhanpali:
Gram Panchayat: Hial GP: Dhamandanga
Block: Turekela Block: Turekela
3. Village: Kuibahal 4. Kasamal
Gram Panchayt: Kuibahal GP: Dhamandanga
Block: Turekela Block: Turekela
5. Village: Chatuanka 6. Jamurjhola
GP: Chatuanka GP: Dhamandanga
Block: Turekela Block: Turekela
7. Village: Kurli 8. Dhamandanga
GP: Chatuanka GP: Dhamandanga
Block: Turekela Block: Turekela
9. Village: Beherensilet 10 Kandhbahal
GP: Chatuanka . GP: Dhamandanga
Block: Turekela Block: Turekela

11. Village: Sardhapur 12 Khamtarai
GP: Sardhapur . GP: Duajhar
Block: Khariar Block: Khariar
13. Ranimunda 14 Village: Dabri
GP: Ranimunda . GP: Dabri
Block: Khariar Block: Khariar
15. Kampany Gumma 16 Bhainrajpur
GP: Ranimunda . GP: Dabri
Block: Khariar Block: Khariar

17. Village: Palma 18 Kudal Dungri

GP: Ranimunda . GP: Dabri
Block: Khariar Block: Khariar
19. Kantamal 20 Bhaludungir
GP: Ranimunda . GP: Dabri
Block: Khariar Block: Khariar
21. Mahulkot
GP: Ranimunda
Block: Khariar

22. Tengna Bahali 23 Duarsuni
GP: Chancer . GP: Duarsuni
Block: Bhawani Patna Bhawanipatna
24. Dhanrabhatta 25 Village: Palsipada
GP: Chancher . GP: Talbelgaon
Bhawanipatna Bhawanipatna
26. Pokharighat 27 Kucheijore
GP: Chancher . GP: Baddharpur
Bhawanipatna Block: Narla
28. Sikerguda 29 Sapdohani
GP: Chancher . GP: Buddharpur
Bhawanipatna Block: Narla
30. Chancher 31 Village: Suknabhatta
GP: Chancher . GP: Santapur
Bhawanipatna Narla
32. Kutenpadar 33 Alabula
GP: Duarsuni . GP: Ghatmal
Bhawanipatna Block: Narla

34. Atangaguda 35 Village: Murka

GP: Duarsuni . GP- Talnagi
Bhawanipatna Block-Thuamulrampur
36. Ghosanimunda 37 Village: Talnagi
GP: Duarsuni . GP- Talnagi
Bhawanipatna Block-Thuamulrampur
38. Village: Khilua 39 Village: Bispur
GP: Hikimput . GP: Hikimput
Block: Nandapur Nandpur
40. Niladharput 41 Village: Sarbaput
GP: Hikimput . GP:Hikimput
Block: Nandapur Block: Nandapur
42. Bilaput 43 Patrapandi
GP: Hikimput . GP:Hikimput
Block: Nandapur Block: Nandapur
44. Village: Satsemali 45 Hantiput
GP: Thuba . GP: Bheja
Block: Nandapur Nandapur
46. Raisingh 47 Village: Bheja
GP: Raisingh . GP: Bheja
Nandapur Nandapur
48. Kokhada 49 Taintar
GP: Raisingh . GP: Bheja
Block: Nandapur Nandapur
50. Village: Mangarel 51 Village: Khadaput
GP:Raisingh . GP: Balda
Block: Nandapur Nandapur

52. Village: Katerba 53 Kantasaru

GP:Raisingh . GP: Balda
Block: Nandapur Nandapur
54. Chiliput 55 Village: Musipali
GP:Raisingh . GP: Pipalpadar
Block: Nandapur Block-Laxmipur
56. Village: Hanjar Pentha 57 Village-Ramijhola
GP: Bheja . GP: Pipalpadar
Block: Nandapur Block-Laxmipur
58. Village: Kharaguda
Block: Nandapur

59. Village: Kanheimunda 60 ParjaBarangpadar
GP: Lamtaguda . GP: Goudadeopali
Block-Tentulikhunti Block- Tentulikhunti
61. Lakiguda 62 Paik Barangpadar
GP: Lamtaguda . GP: Goudadeopali
Block-Tentulikhunti Block- Tentulikhunti
63. Lamtaguda 64 Pujariguda
GP: Lamtaguda . GP: Pujariguda
Block-Tentulikhunti Block- Tentulikhunti
65. Village: Manchagaon 66 Daniguda
GP: Manchagaon . GP: Pujariguda
Block- Tentulikhunti Block- Tentulikhunti
67. Kenduguda 68 Bijapadar
GP: Manchagaon . GP: Tentulikhunti
Block- Tentulikhunti Block- Tentulikhunti

69. Parajadeopali 70 Tabhapadar

GP: Goudadeopali . GP; Tentulikhunti
Block- Tentulikhunti Block- Tentulikhunti
71. Goudadeopali 72 Village: Merakani
GP: Goudadeopali . GP: Tentulikhunti
Block- Tentulikhunti Nabarangpur
73. Chapdapas 74 Village: Khandiguda
GP: Goudadeopali . GP: Tentulikhunti
Block- Tentulikhunti Nabarangpur

75. Village: Khurigaon 76 Badamaribhatta (Gopalsahi)
GP: Kashipur . Gorakhpur GP
Block- Kashipur Kashipur
77. Village:Maligaon 78 Village: Limada
GP-Kashipur . Gorakhpur GP
Kashipur Kashipur
79. Champajodi 80 Village: Gotiguda
GP: Renga . GP: Kashipur
81. Village: Dumel 82 Village: Jhariguma
GP: Renga . GP- Taljhiri
Block-Kashipur Kashipur
83. Village: Perepa 84 Village: Ladakhaman
GP: Siripai . GP- Sunger
Block-Kashipur Kashipur
85. Badamaribhatta 86 Village: Ada Takri
GP: Gorakhpur . GP- Sunger
Block-Kashipur Kashipur

87. Village: Siriguda 88 Village: Adajore

Kashipur . GP: Adajore
Block- Kashipur
89. Kumbharsila 90 Village: Tikra Tunesh
GP-Kashipur . GP: Adajore
Block-Kashipur Block- Kashipur
91. Village: Podabandha 92 Village: Julkaguda
GP: Maikanch . GP: Adajore
Kashipur Block- Kashipur
93. Village: Renga 94 Village: Musatakri
GP: Renga . GP: Adajore
Kashipur Block- Kashipur
95. Villages: Telengiri 96 Village: Barangpas
GP: Renga . GP: Adajore
Kashipur Block- Kashipur
97. Village: Phatamunda 98 Village: KrisaKebedi
GP; Renga GP: Adajore
Kashipur Block- Kashipur
99. Village: Mahulkona 10 Village: Jodamba
GP: Renga 0. GP: Adajore
Kashipur Block- Kashipur
101 Village: Charjodi 10 Village: Panashguda
. GP; Renga 2. GP: Kashipur
Kashipur Kashipur
103 Gorakhpur villages 10 Village: Bilamal
. Gorakhpur GP 4. GP: Tikri
Kashipur Block- Kashipur

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