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TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION FRONT SHEET Totaloages: 19 AzSPU MAJOR PROJECTS PIPING MATERIALS SPECIFICATION CLASS D03D I | 4 or Faroe rasmasta Commas [2 og} | a aS G3—|-10'Sep 06 | sued IDC 36] ke] 3 Resp] ‘G26 July 04 | Approved For Constacten | -CoBIE | TReIAB [JP] Ta mo i—[ of Mar 02"| Approved For Constueton | GuB/eue | KECK | JP[-AU Fa Sue DI 26 Nov 01 | Revised For Design Guoreue | iKBWCK [JP] A Fa] Se 1DS_[- 28 Ju'0t | Revised For Design oe [aie KB FH [ site] Dz_[ 0S May oT | Tesues REDIClass 2 ‘Gus —| Ke Tks FH [Se Di 20 Feb 01 | esuod AFD a mT Fa swe ‘AI | 20°00 00-[ issued IDC SKB. a ae Tasal [appa —| rapa — Rares ee] ee ea Dec eis | Doetas | can Rep | Daren | Pare | een This is a common Document and incorporates Engineering Technical Practice updates Kellogg Brown & Root ‘AzSPU MAJOR PROJECTS, This Document is owned By Piping Materials | Category Code_| Description ‘rea Cove {G0222z_| Common Document Document Type | SPE | Specification ‘System Number | 00 | Genera Life Cycle D rational Through Life Document — Tare | Serer aa This documents copyright and shall notbe | coves | _amcae | om | “ae” | SOS" |, Reproduced without permission of AzsPU| BR | CDZZZZ | PI} SPE] 0036 ca Ligier Projects Descrnton [Pipe | PIPE ASME B36.19M SMES PE ‘SCH 405 DUPLEX SS ASTM A700 UNS 831803 NACE MA-o1-75 |PiPE asMecoorousMisce | 1 SoH {0S DUPLEX SS ASTM A720. | ONS SaieoarnACENBOTTS | PPE ASME REO AOU WELDED | 1 | {oom fAD Be Scr tos DUPLEX | |SSagtanarao uns sor60s Nacenmonns zs 5 0 PIPE ASME eromweroeD | 1 | 100% RAD BE SCH zoDUPLexss | | | ASTM A700 UNS 631803 NACE MRon7s PIPE ASME 896 10M WELDED |too%: RAD BE SCH 20 DUPLEX | ASTIMATSO UNS 631803 NACE ot FITTINGS |piENIP BOE XTOESINLGSCH | 1 360 DUPLEX SS ASTM A790 UNS | | 331803 /NACE MA-O175, ASME BI6.9SSDUPLEXASTM | + 'ABTS GA UNS S318031NACE. MB‘01-75 TO MATCH PIPE | |BeNos |PIPE BND 45 DEG 5-0 RAD 10. | TANGENTS BE SS DUPLEX ASTM ‘8790 GRUNS S31803 TOMATCH | PIPE |pipe exo o0eGs0RADIO | 1 | [TANGENTS Be SS DUPLEXASTH | AIGOGRUNSS3i803 TOMATCH || Pipe | pipe |ND 30 DEG 5.0 RAD 1D 1 | |TaNGeNTs B88 DURLEXASTH | ‘A790 GR UNS S3iees TOMATEH | (fre setae 30" 1-90" aya aweea 1. CERTIFIED MATERIALS TEST REPORT E_BSeN-t0204 22 T Description Plugs LG SWAGELOX MER STO MNT [i Swncetoeive es bebe ASTM Al62GR FONIUNS S5re09 NACE MAD To [pts Hex wo asMe B16. yer SS Px ASTM ATES Sm P31 [tENS'Sovooonace neconrs FLANGES utt¥t |FLG THO REO AF ASME B16.5 CL. |900 8S DUPLEX asTM Ate2 GR | 51 (UNS 831803) / NACE +24" /FLG WN AF ASME 816.5 CL 300 |SSDUPLEX ASTM ate2 GA 51 (UNS 831803) / NAGE TO MATCH [PIPE FLG BLIND AF ASME 816.5 CL 300 ‘SS DUPLEX ASTM A162 GR FSi |(UNS sa1803) /NACE CERTIFIED | MATERIALS TEST REPORT [FLGWNAF ASME 816.47 SERA ‘CL. 00 SS DUPLEX ASTM A182 GA FS! (UNS $3180) NACE TO | MATCH PIPE 30" FLG BLIND AF ASME 816.47 SER ACL 300 Ss DUPLEX ASTM Atez GA F51 (UNS $31803) /NACE | CERTIFIED MATERIALS TEST FEPORT [ORIFICE FLANGES FLG WN ORF AF ASME 816.36 CL | 200 1/2 IN THO TAPS Ss DUPLEX |ASTM A182 GA F51 (UNS 591809) NACE TO MATCH PIPE | BLINDS, SPACERS & SPEC. BLINDS’ |ss buptex pL asta az4o UNS 531803 / NACE MR.O1-75 BLNK_ FIG 8 ASME B16.5 AF CL 300 AS PER ENG STD (0107) BLNKISPCA RF CL 300 AS PER. Jena sto (or07) Ss DUPLEX PL. 'ASTM A240 UNS 831803 / NACE |wRovrs ao tae eae 14-30" nd 8 BS-EN-10204: 3.18, 1 | | 3 ‘This specification shall be read in conjuntion with the Piping Materials Narrative & Piping Valve Narratve, Doc. No's BR-COZ2Z2-PI-SPE-0060 & 0061 Certification Leger ‘Sarvces: Glycol (TEG), Fuel Gas, Prooess AC Ligue, Process Two Phase, Process HC Vapour, Produced Water ‘Wald to Spec: BR-CDZZZZ:MT-SPE-001 Pressure Testo BR-CDZZ22-P1.SPE-0063 Inspection: ‘8R-CD2227-MT-SPE-001 a 2 oma oom TENCE —| Frama ERG }-Pressure (BARG) 1.8 iL. 493 | 457 | 42 T [temperature (c) [4 [36 [0 100] 190 | 200 L gine AER t PaingWaioral Tass foes Shah Deniz Fraceino. {Sou | DosD cenan [Rev] / | App | Mindicates changes since revision C3 & ie loa |IKB | Document No: BR-CDZZZz-PI-SPE-0026 is ime Foe 2 aT a ra Descrp |NTEGRAL VALVES i'-8" |FLANGEOLET RF GENERALLYTO | 1 4 | ve-2" [posts(nF x NPT, L) MSS-SP-97 CL 300 85 DPLX i ae 7 ‘ASTM A182 GRFS1(UNS | we sat [DBOG25(RF x AF, L) S31803/NACE MR-OT-75TO | w-2" \DOOSTSIRE x AF, L) MATCH PIPE | | [DFOS25(RF x RF, L) vet-s" | WELDOLET Mss $P-97 Ss DPLX | [ASTM A182 GRFS1(UNS Seeeuetarieeate ‘S31803)NACEMRLO1-75 10 | Ye-2" | SBOS25(AF xAF, L) | | MATCH PIPE | We'-2" | SCOSTSIRF XRF. L) [ELaOLET FLGD AF GENERALLY | 1 ‘TOMSS-SP-97 CL 300 95 DPLX ASTM A182 GRFS1(UNS | | } | |S31803)NACE MALDN-75 TO | "MATCH PIPE ; | j 14'-2" |REINFORECED NIPOFLANGERF | 1 | 46 | (GENERALLY TO MSS-SP-07 CL | | 300 SS DPLX ASTM A182 | |GRFSI(UNS s91803) NACE | |MR-01-75 TO MATCH PIPE GASKETS, | | | +24" \GSKT SPRLWND ASME BI620. | & | \ASME 816.5 CL 300 TP316 SS | [wo GPH FLA Te3t6 Ss INR. | FING TP316 SS OTR ANG | i i ao |GSKT SPRL WNO ASME BI620 | E | | ASME B16.47 CL 300 SER A ‘Teate SS W/OG GPH FLA Tra16 SSINA FING TPST6 SS OTR ANG ; | |BS-EN-10208122 i | | ‘ounce J 4 \ \ | y-90° STUD BLT Wi2 HY HEX NUT COMBINED (IMP SIZE X METRIC. | i LG) ALLY.ASTM A199 B7/AI94 24 | \GLVacrRFGD TOISO 1461 || BALL VALVES 2-6 | BA03tS1 (AF, FB,L.F) je | ar-24" —anoatse (FB, 6.7) | 2-24" | Baoaasa (AF, FB, GT, MS) |oaTe vawves | | "= 8" | GA03052 (RF, H, SW) | 10-28" | @ang0sa (AF.6.SW) 2-8 as08082(RF, HB) 1o'-24" |@Booosere. 6. Exp) | ze | ros0se (FH, 10) t0"-24" | TC09059 (RF, G, TC) | BUTTERFLY VALVES er | | ose |er02089 (AF, 6) ar-24" —|9F09189 (AF Long Pane) je] | GLOBE VALVES | | weet |@Los052 (AF, H) Ja} | wei favososs mr) le | | | CHECK VALVES | 220 |exooes ae oF Jo | | e198 |exoats (RF, Pst be) a | L | | 1 Slest —-ROCEP Ppa NaTaT CaS Projet ASS FPO 'snan Deniz | OID Gan | Notes 7 a4 ‘Description os ee) | ast | \ | 251 fea Project No. ‘100-004 | Location” Baku’ TRev Bate By App | indicatos changes since revision C3 c#— 30-0cr-2008 JG KB $3 17AN-2007 JG KB Document No: BA-CDZ22z-PI-SPE-0026 ce | iswuLz008 |e IkB | Page 3 a Pa TST SaraTER HEADER Branch Header level so ee 20" se! tet a oe Be Wow WWW ow Ww OW Ww ow Ww wR, Re Wow ow ow ow Ww Ww WoW Ww Ww RR At Wie WW awh WE Wee WwiteWe aWaaWi Eine A Nw wow Wow ow Ww WwW WwW Ww oR Ro RF cz wow wow wow Wow WwW AoA F ae wow ow Wow ow Ww R RoR F * wow wow WoW R RoR T e Ween ty te te en y e Wo oR R R R R OR T 10° ROR R R Ro R T 1 RoR R ROR F a Rausing 1 Bee Rennie ft 6 RoR oR T 8 RoR T mo |rR A F oe | Ror ae Tee, Beene. Piping Wateral Cass rolect DiShah Deniz Proiect No. ‘00-00% Do3D | Location” Baku TRev [Bate ‘By | Aap | indicates changes since revision C3 GH /500cT-2008 5g kB 163 | irwaN-2007 | JG_—| KB | Document No: 8A-C02z22-PI-SPE-006 C2 |s5sUL2008 | Ble kB. Page 4 a ae rae Beats wT = See ae ewe yx ew | : ge | ke af Noy wow wow wow wy | ie z | ‘ é } Fee a : Secs 1 i bal x | ar Aaa Fa Raa Cae [Foc A&SEoemnome | | Project no, T0001 Do3D Ceesion®” a [Rev | Date ‘By | Anp | Aindicalas changes since revision C3 oa | 30-Oct-2008 |G [KB | ARES? 18 NIRS | occunent i: eF-cozzzz 9. sPeo0g6 ee tutte eK Boe eT sara Teach Bach Heaser Tovar @ ae oor te tee 2 Bs ax | bee at coc c gt Ne} oo. eo ec ec uu ec eres oe trcre ¢ er tet ae eal « | & ie | Fanged Boos | ie hea z a | x a a Piping Materar Cass | Brojct FFOIShan Deniz | | Protect No. 100-00" DosD | Coeston” Bara | ‘Fev Date TBY [gp | Binccates changes sic rovson |G" |S06er-2000 5G RE | 163 | ¥zuaN-g007 [JG | KB. Document No: 8A-C02222-F1-SPE.0026 Ge |iesunaoed Bie | RB Page 6 aT Sara eee eee we ee Niw | oF & £ £ € £ — EF EF e) EEE fs if z x == ares a Se octane |Fei, SE bosD cere ae [Rev | Date y By Aindicates changes since revision C3 [Bicrame (2 1 | Tae ag [ERE |oxumentnn srenzzzzn1sPc%e Om Be LIB Hips? aT Fe EC sara Teaver Bch Heacer OEE 20" et zoz>ae SRSggrRgIIeeNg tes Tevet se at “Threaded Redung Flange] ca Piping Material Class — | Project, FFD/Shah Deniz | Project No. 100-001 i DO3D Location” Baku I [Bev [Date non 18% | ABD | Alndicatos changes since revision G3 [gs | 90-0cr2008 JG [KB | 1S3 | A7MAN-2007 © |JG_—| IKB_| Document No: BR-CDZZZZ-PI-SPE-0026 cz |reyu-2008 | Bie | ke Page 8 eT as Sea wer 7 ance poe ee = s u a t coe t 6 € c ¢ 8 coc & ° co & 6 8 e ¢ € ¢ é ¢ € 6 6 ¢ 6 & & fe é € & e ¢ & é ¢é e é é Can OCR mo. Piping Materal Cass | Project F/Shan Deniz | Proiet No. 0000" | DosD | Eocaton Baka | Fev [Date By | Ano | Aincicates changes since raven C8 [os | 80-6cr-2008 (5G KS | }€3 | ¥zwaW-2007 | 5G | KB | Document No: BR-COZ22z-PI-SPE-0026 fee |igait2oo | ae | ks. Pa “Fa a STS tance egie=e= Covel Ee aie eT e E E mow [E_Gezantie Reduce 1 [Bott sizes aia and arger tobe one bat dla longer for bot tensioning device, cw plastic end protector for exposed ends. 2 Only tobe used for full bore appteations or where indicated on P& | Ds. |the Brann chart, 20 All materials shall be sultable for sour service, and in accordance with NACE MRO17S / ISO 15156 31_| Piston Type check vaives to be used for horizontal in ine instalation only. 383 |For dota of binds spacers.spectacte blinds & drip rings see Doc. No, BA-COD22ZZ-PY-SPE-0070, 34 |For Pl connections only 36 | Only to be used where through conduit gate valve design cannot be accomodated in the layout 48 Flanged Elpolets to be used for tarmowell connections only, sizes avaliable are as showm om the branch charts. 48. Reinforced Nipotianges to be used for thermowell connections ony, sizes avaiable are as shown on the branch charts. 47 _|Material Test Reports or BS EN 10208 21 or Equivalent acceptable. 57 |For vaive appiicaton see relevant Project Valve Selection Philosophy. 351 The valve seats seal in both directions when closed and can be opened with pressure n ether direction. The seals are |br-

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