Chromatic Harmony
Chromatic Harmony
Chromatic Harmony
Required Texts:
Scoggin, Nancy. Barrons AP music theory. Hauppage, NY: Barrons Educational Series,
Required Materials:
2” Binder
Staff Paper (This can be either bought in notebook form or printed off of the Internet.
Make sure you always have at least two blank sheets for each class.)
Sharpened Pencils (Please do not use pen in this class.)
Berkowitz, Sol, et al. A New Approach to Sight Singing, 5th edition. New York: W. W.
Norton, 2010.
Turek, Ralph. The Elements of Music: Concepts and Applications, Vols. 1 & 2, 2nd
edition. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1995.
Turek, Ralph. Analytical Anthology of Music, 2nd edition. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1992.
Ottman, Robert W. and Nancy Rogers. Music for Sight Singing, 8th edition. Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc, 2001.
Kostka, Stefan and Dorothy Payne. Tonal Harmony, 6th edition. New York: McGraw-
Hill: 2009
Online Resources
This website contains previously administered AP exams. This can give you a
general idea of what to expect when taking the AP exam.
9/6 Review of basic pitch notation: clefs, ledger lines, grand staff, octave
designation, half steps and whole steps, intervals, chromatic alterations,
enharmonic equivalents, accidentals.
10/25 Review of form (simple binary, rounded binary, ternary, theme and
variation, strophic), Chord symbols and figured bass: using traditional
eighteenth-century nomenclature to identify and analyze chords,
realization of Roman numeral progressions.
Harmonic Dictation: outer voices
Grading Policy:
Knowledge: 40% (Tests, quizzes, classwork, homework)
Skills: 40% (Composition Projects)
Attendance/Participation: 20%
**Assignments should be handed in on the scheduled due date. Late assignments will
result in a loss of up to 10 points per day missing.
Student Expectations
Come Prepared: Please come to class on time and ready to work every day. Make sure
that you have all of your required materials and any assignments for the day. Take a
moment before each class to prepare yourself for learning and creating music with your
Open Mindedness: Learning about music theory and analysis takes work, but, with the
right attitude, anyone can do it! I hope that you will accept the challenges before you with a
positive attitude and learn from both success and failure.
Ask Questions: This class may move along quickly for some students who have less
experience in music theory. Please feel free to ask questions at ANY TIME. I am here to
HELP YOU . I will be available before and after school for any student who would like extra
Show Respect: Show respect to me, your peers, and yourself at all times. Together we will
create great music together, but it starts from a point of respect and honesty. Do your best
and support your classmates with what they do.
No food or drinks in class. This is the department’s policy, no exceptions. Bottled
water is permitted.
Please silence/ turn off cell phones during class.
Please avoid distracting others during class (holding conversations during class,
“noodling”, etc.). If you are disrespectful, you will be asked to leave the class.
Please respect the instruments, computers, and equipment.