Histrionic Personality Disorder: Effects of HPD

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Treatment of HPD

 Medication does little to affect

the personality disorder, but
may helpful with symptoms
such as depression
 Psychotherapy - self Effects of HPD:
-development through HISTRIONIC
resolution of conflict.
 Chaotic home
 Dynamic therapy - to
externalize patient’s inner environments PERSONALITY
emotions in treatment of  Problems at work resulting

histrionic PD.
Interpretation of pathological
in job loss DISORDER
 Poor self-esteem
relationships may evoke –
Intense feelings of anxiety,  Lack of social support
which have to be handled  Feelings of worthlessness
respectfully without humiliating  Substance abuse
the patients.
 Suicidal tendencies
 Impulsive behavior

Histrionic personality disorder can
Symptoms of HPD improve with psychotherapy and
“PRAISE ME” sometimes medications. If left
untreated, it can cause conflict in
people’s personal life and prevent
 Provocative (or Seductive)
them from reaching their potential
behavior in their work life.
 Relationships are
considered more intimate
than they actually are Treatment of HPD
Histrionic Personality
 Attention-seeking
 Influenced easily A Health care provider can diagnose
this disease by looking the following
Histrionic personality disorder is  Speech (style) wants to
a condition in which people act impress; lack detail
 Behavior
in a very emotional and dramatic  Emotional liability;  History
way that draws attention to shallowness  Overall appearance
themselves.  Make-up; physical  Psychology evaluation
appearance is used to
Those who have been draw attention to self Like other personality disorders,
histrionic personality disorder is
diagnosed with HPD are  Exaggerated emotions;
diagnosed based on a psychological
normally very charming, theatrical evaluation and the history and
intelligent, and friendly although severity of the symptoms.
they can also be very
manipulative and overly

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