Critique Paper Rubric

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Name: _________________________________________

Criteria Exemplary (10 Effective (8 Minimal (6 Unsatisfactory (4 Obtained
points) points) points) points) Score
 In depth and well-  Content is  Content is  Content is not
organized content adequately minimally organized
 Clearly states the organized and organized  No main
main impression and comprehensive  Vaguely states impression is
properly supports it with  Clearly states the the main given, and details
Content of
50% observation main impression impression are very scarce
 Excellent review although it lacks and many  Poor review
some important important
details in the body details are not
 Adequate review present
 Basic review
 Ideas are presented  Ideas are  Ideas are  Ideas are vague
logically presented presented  Doesn’t have
 Claims are balanced; unreasonably illogically claims
pointed weaknesses and  Claims are not  Claims are  Random, no
recognizes strong points balanced; pointed based on mere evidence of
 Order of paragraph weaknesses based opinion paragraph
contributes to an on insensible  Ineffective or structure. Illogical
effective argument, reason. inconsistent organization of
Coherence 30% reinforces content,  Order follows paragraph ideas
unified and coherent, position, shows order, not
paper flows smoothly clear plan, but not fully
perfected developed

 Presents opinion base on  Presents opinion  Presents  Does not present

facts without enough opinion opinion.
 Ideas are convincing supporting details without  Ideas are illogical
 Raises legitimate,  Ideas are well supporting and insensible
contrary view in an constructed details  Dos does not have
20% appropriate manner  Claims are not  Ideas are citations
 Cites specific sources to cited properly vague and
support claims confusing
 Applies the principle of  Minimal
writing effective review citations
and critiques

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