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Hadec: Hadoop-Based Live Ddos Detection Framework: Research Open Access

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Hameed and Ali EURASIP Journal on Information Security (2018) 2018:11

EURASIP Journal on
Information Security

R ES EA R CH Open Access

HADEC: Hadoop-based live DDoS

detection framework
Sufian Hameed* and Usman Ali

Distributed denial of service (DDoS) flooding attacks are one of the main methods to destroy the availability of critical
online services today. These DDoS attacks cannot be prevented ahead of time, and once in place, they overwhelm
the victim with huge volume of traffic and render it incapable of performing normal communication or crashes it
completely. Any delays in detecting the flooding attacks completely halts the network services. With the rapid
increase of DDoS volume and frequency, the new generation of DDoS detection mechanisms are needed to deal with
huge attack volume in reasonable and affordable response time.
In this paper, we propose HADEC, a Hadoop-based live DDoS detection framework to tackle efficient analysis of
flooding attacks by harnessing MapReduce and HDFS. We implemented a counter-based DDoS detection algorithm
for four major flooding attacks (TCP-SYN, HTTP GET, UDP, and ICMP) in MapReduce, consisting of map and reduce
functions. We deployed a testbed to evaluate the performance of HADEC framework for live DDoS detection on
low-end commodity hardware. Based on the experiment, we showed that HADEC is capable of processing and
detecting DDoS attacks in near to real time.
Keywords: DDoS, Flooding attacks, DDoS detection, Hadoop

1 Introduction of 2010, a hacktivist group called Anonymous orchestrated

DDoS flooding attacks are one of the biggest threats major DDoS flooding attacks and brought down the Mas-
faced by the critical IT infrastructure, from the simplest tercard, PostFinance, and Visa websites [9]. Most recently,
enterprise network to complex corporate networks. DDoS online banking sites of nine major US banks (i.e., Bank
attacks are here since the very advent of computer net- of America, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, U.S. Bancorp, PNC,
works, and they are not going anywhere anytime soon. Capital One, Fifth Third Bank, BB&T, and HSBC) have
The first DDoS attack incident [17] was reported in 1999 been continuously the targets of powerful DDoS flooding
by the Computer Incident Advisory Capability (CIAC). attack series [17]. The legacy of DDoS continue to grow
Since then, most of the DoS attacks are distributed in in sophistication and volume with recent attacks breaking
nature and they continue to grow in frequency, sophisti- the barrier of hundreds of Gbps [41].
cation, and bandwidth. The main aim of these attacks is On 21 October 2016, IoT devices (such as printers,
to overload the victim’s machine and make his services cameras, home routers, and baby monitors) were used to
unavailable, leading to revenue losses. generate DDoS attack involving malicious DNS lookup
Over the years, DDoS has hit major companies and requests from tens of millions of IP addresses [1]. This
Internet infrastructures, incurring significant loss in rev- attack, at that time, was considered largest of its kind
enues. Yahoo! experienced one of the first major DDoS in the history with an unprecedented rate of 1.2 Tbps.
flooding attacks that made their services offline for about The main target of the attack was the servers of DYN
2 h [14]. In October 2002, 9 of the 13 domain name system Inc., a company that controls much of the Internet’s DNS
(DNS) root servers were shut down for an hour because infrastructure [25]. This attack was carried out multiple
of a DDoS flooding attack [10]. During the fourth quarter times which rendered major Internet platforms and ser-
vices unavailable to large swaths of users in Europe and
*Correspondence: [email protected] North America for several hours throughout the day.
IT Security Labs, National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences
(NUCES), Karachi, Pakistan

© The Author(s). 2018 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the
Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.

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Hameed and Ali EURASIP Journal on Information Security (2018) 2018:11 Page 2 of 19

Study of recent attacks reveals that with little effort, networked systems. The real motivation behind this study
next generation attack tools would be able to enact DDoS is to check the efficacy of scalable defenses against DDoS
attacks that are thousand times stronger than the ones we flooding attacks using new distributed architectures that
see today [33]. One of the major concerns is that perform- can run on low cost commodity hardware. This will help
ing DDoS attack is extremely simple with websites known small and medium organizations and financial institutes
as Booters or Stressers that offer DDoS as a service. These to protect their infrastructure with in-house low-cost
booters provide cheap services, and the costs to perform solutions. HADEC comprises of two main components, a
a series of attacks is typically just a few dollars [36]. capturing server and a detection server. Live DDoS starts
Recently, GitHub was hit by 1.35 Tbps of traffic all at once with the capturing of live network traffic handled by the
[2]. It was the most powerful attack in the history of DDoS, capturing server. The capturing server then processes the
and the alarming fact is that no botnet was required to captured traffic to generate log file and transfer them to
achieve such high traffic volume. The attackers spoofed the detection server for further processing. The detec-
GitHub’s IP addresses and took control of its memcached tion server manages a Hadoop cluster, and on the receipt
(a distributed memory system known for high perfor- of the log file(s), it starts MapReduce-based DDoS detec-
mance and demand) instances. The memcached systems tion jobs on the cluster nodes. The proposed framework
then return 50 times the data of the requests back to the implements a counter-based algorithm to detect four
victim. GitHub called Akamai Prolexic for DDoS miti- major DDoS flooding attacks1 (TCP-SYN, UDP, ICMP,
gation service, and the assault dropped off after 8 min. and HTTP GET). These algorithms execute as a reducer
GitHub was lucky enough to afford robust DDoS miti- job on the Hadoop detection cluster.
gation services, but for small to medium enterprises and An early version of this work appeared as a short paper
financial institutions, there is a need for new low cost [21] and also as a technical report at arXiv [23]. In this
DDoS defense mechanisms and architectures that can be paper, we provide a more detailed illustration of differ-
easily deployed on commodity hardware. ent HADEC components. We have added significant new
The explosive increase in the volume of Internet traf- results (approx. 50% new) with different attack volumes,
fic and sophistication of DDoS attacks have posed serious i.e., 80–20 (80% attack traffic and 20% legitimate traffic)
challenges on how to analyze the DDoS attacks in a scal- and 60–40 (60% attack traffic and 40% legitimate traf-
able and accurate manner. For example, two of the most fic). 80–20 traffic volume is used to emulate flooding
popular open-source intrusion detection systems (IDS), behavior where attack traffic surpasses the legitimate one,
Snort [35] and Bro [32], maintain per-flow state to detect whereas 60–40 traffic volume is used to emulate low vol-
anomalies. The Internet traffic doubles every year, and ume attacks where legitimate and attack traffic volume is
due to that monitoring, large amount of traffic in real-time relatively close. We also performed system benchmarks to
anomaly detection with conventional IDS has become a show the overall CPU and memory utilized by HADEC
bottleneck. Existing solutions require a lot of resource and during different phases of data capturing, transfer, and
do not add any value to limited resource environment. attack detection. These system benchmarks are impor-
Therefore, we need new solutions that can detect DDoS tant to evaluate how well the proposed solution works
attack efficiently in near to real time. on low-end commodity hardware under different stress
In [27], Lee et al. have proposed a DDoS detection conditions.
method based on Hadoop [3]. They have used a Hadoop- We deploy a testbed for HADEC on commodity hard-
based packet processor [26] and devised a MapReduce [7]- ware (low-end desktop machine comprising of core i5
based detection algorithm against the HTTP GET flood- CPU), which consists of a capturing server, detection
ing attack. They employ a counter-based DDoS detection server, and a cluster of ten physical machines, each con-
algorithm in MapReduce that counts the total traffic vol- nected via a Gigabit LAN. We evaluate HADEC frame-
ume or the number of web page requests for picking out work for live DDoS detection by varying the attack volume
attackers from the clients. For experiments, they used and cluster nodes. HADEC is capable of analyzing 20 GB
multiple Hadoop nodes (max. 10) in parallel to show of log file, generated from 300 GBs of attack traffic, in
the performance gains for DDoS detection. Unfortunately, approx. 8.35 mins on a cluster of 10 nodes. For small log
their proposed framework, in its current form, can only be files representing 1.8 Gbps, the overall detection time is
used for offline batch processing of huge volume of traces. approximately 21 s. Our system benchmark evaluations
The problem to develop a real time defense system for live show that during the packet capture phase, the CPU usage
analysis still needs to be tackled. is 50% on average, whereas the CPU usage remained low
In this paper, we propose HADEC, a Hadoop-based with an average of 15% during the log transfer phase. The
live DDoS detection framework. HADEC is a novel capturing phase remains low on memory usage with a
destination-based DDoS defense mechanism that lever- constant at around 1000 MBs (12–13%), while the trans-
ages Hadoop to detect live DDoS flooding attacks in wired fer phase consumes on average 7600 MBs (94%). The

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Hameed and Ali EURASIP Journal on Information Security (2018) 2018:11 Page 3 of 19

benchmarks on Hadoop’s NameNode show reduction in – Network-based : With network-based approach, the
CPU usage with the increase in cluster size and paral- detection and response are deployed at the
lelism. intermediate networks (i.e., routers). The rationale
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 behind this approach is to filter the attack traffic at
describes the state of the art. Section 3 describes the the intermediate networks and as close to source as
HADEC framework design. In Section 4, we discuss possible [30, 31]. Network-based DDoS defenses
the testbed deployment. Section 5 demonstrates the incur high storage and processing overhead at the
performance of the proposed framework. Comparison routers, and accurate attack detection is also difficult
with existing work and optimization recommendation for due to lack of sufficient aggregated traffic destined for
HADEC deployment is discussed in Section 6. Finally, we the victims.
conclude the paper in Section 7. – Hybrid (Distributed ): In hybrid approach, there is
coordination among different network components
2 Related work along the attack path and detection and response
Since the inception of DDoS flooding attacks, several mechanisms are deployed at various locations.
defense mechanisms have been proposed to date in the Destination hosts and intermediate networks usually
literature [41]. This section highlights the DDoS flood- deploy detection mechanisms, and response usually
ing attacks, followed by a discussion on the application occurs at the sources and the upstream routers near
of Hadoop to combat network anomalies, Botnet- and the sources [39, 40]. Hybrid approach is more robust
DDoS-related attacks. against DDoS attacks, but due to distributed nature,
The DDoS flooding attacks can be categorized into it requires more resources at various levels (e.g.,
two types based on the protocol level that is targeted: destination, source, and network) to tackle DDoS
network/transport-level attacks (UDP flood, ICMP attacks. The complexity and overhead because of the
flood, DNS flood, TCP SYN flood, etc.) and application- coordination and communication among distributed
level attacks (HTTP GET/POST request). The defense components is also a limiting factor in smooth
mechanisms against network or transport-level DDoS deployment of hybrid-based DDoS defenses. Recent
flooding attacks roughly falls into four categories: advents in software defined networking (SDN) bring
source-based, destination-based, network-based, and us new approaches to deal with DDoS attacks in a
hybrid (distributed), and the defense mechanisms against collaborative manner. SDN controllers lying in
application-level DDoS flooding attacks have two main different autonomous systems (AS) can securely
categories: destination-based and hybrid (distributed). communicate and transfer attack information with
Since the application traffic is not accessible at the layer each other. This enables efficient notification along
2 and layer 3, there is no network-based defense mech- the path of an ongoing attack and effective filtering of
anism for the application-level DDoS. Following is the trafic near the source of attack, thus saving valuable
summary of features and limitations for the DDoS defense time and network resources [22, 24].
Analysis of logs and network flows for anomaly detec-
– Source-based : In source-based defense mechanism, tion has been a problem in the information security for
the detection and response are deployed at the source decades. New big data technologies, such as Hadoop,
hosts in an attempt to mitigate the attack before it has attracted the interest of the security community for
wastes lots of resources [28, 29]. Accuracy is a major its promised ability to analyze and correlate security-
concern in this approach as it is difficult to related heterogeneous data efficiently and at unprece-
differentiate legitimate and DDoS attack traffic at the dented scale and speeds [15]. In the rest of the section,
sources with low volume of the traffic. Further, there we review some recent techniques (other than [27] , dis-
is low motivation for deployment at the source ISP cussed in Section 1) where Hadoop-based frameworks
due to added cost for community service. are used to build affordable infrastructures for security
– Destination-based : In this case the detection and applications.
response mechanisms are deployed at the destination BotCloud [19] propose a scalable P2P detection mech-
hosts. Access to the aggregate traffic near the anism based on MapReduce and combination of host
destination hosts makes the detection of DDoS attack and network approaches [20]. First, they generate large
easier and cheaper, with high accuracy, than other dataset of Netflow data [16] on an individual operator.
mechanisms [34, 37, 38]. On the downside, Next, they applied a PageRank algorithm on the Netflow
destination-based mechanisms cannot preempt a traces to differentiate the dependency of hosts connected
response to the attack before it reaches the victim in P2P fashion for the detection of botnets. They moved
and wastes resources on the paths to the victim. the PageRank algorithm to MapReduce, and the PageRank

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Hameed and Ali EURASIP Journal on Information Security (2018) 2018:11 Page 4 of 19

algorithm executes on data nodes of Hadoop cluster for the detection server. Log transfer is handled through web
efficient execution. services. In the following subsections, we have explained
Temporal and spatial traffic structures are essential for the functionalities for each of the phase/component in
anomaly detectors to accurately drive the statistics from detail.
network traffic. Hadoop divides the data into multiple
same size blocks and distributes them in a cluster of 3.1 Traffic capturing and log generation
data nodes to be processed independently. This could Live DDoS detection starts with the capturing of network
introduce a difficulty in analysis of network traffic where traffic. HADEC provides a web interface through which
related packets may be spread across different block, thus the admin can tune the capturing server with desired
dislocating traffic structures. Hashdoop [18] resolves this parameters. These parameters are file size, number of files
potential weakness by using hash function to divide traffic to be captured before initializing the detection phase, and
into blocks that preserve the spatial and temporal traffic the path to save the captured file. Once the admin is done
structures. In this way, Hashdoop conserves all the advan- with the configurations, the Traffic Handler sends the
tages of the MapReduce model for accurate and efficient property file to the Echo Class (a java utility to generate
anomaly detection of network traffic. logs) and starts the capturing of live network traffic (see
Fig. 2).
3 Hadoop DDoS detection framework HADEC use the Tshark library [13] to capture live net-
This section gives insights about the working of our pro- work traffic. Tshark is an open source library capable of
posed framework. The framework is fully automated, capturing huge amount of traffic. Under default settings,
which captures the log, transfers them to the Hadoop Tshark library runs through command line and outputs
detection cluster, and starts the detection automati- the result on console. To log the traffic for later use,
cally. The Hadoop-based live DDoS detection framework we developed a java-based utility (Echo Class) to create
(HADEC) comprise of four major phases (see Fig. 1). By a pipeline with Tshark and read all the output packets
using this approach, we are able to detect DDoS flooding from Tshark. We have also tuned Tshark to output only
attack in close to real time. the relevant information required during detection phase.
This includes information of timestamps, source IP, dst IP,
1. Network traffic capturing and log generation. packet protocol, and brief packet header information. The
2. Log transfer.
3. DDoS detection.
4. Result notification.

Each of the abovementioned phases is implemented as

separate components that communicate with each other
to perform their assigned task. Traffic capturing and log
generation are handled at the capturing server, whereas
DDoS detection and result notification are performed by

Fig. 1 Different phases of HADEC Fig. 2 Network traffic capturing and log generation component

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Hameed and Ali EURASIP Journal on Information Security (2018) 2018:11 Page 5 of 19

following are the snippets for TCP (SYN), HTTP, UDP, Fig. 3). The capturing server has two network interfaces,
and ICMP packets that are logged in the file. one for incoming traffic and one to communicate with the
detection server.
Since the detection server mainly works as a NameN-
17956 45.406170 ->
ode, i.e., the centerpiece of the Hadoop cluster and HDFS
TCP 119 [TCP Retransmission] 0 > 480 [SYN]
(Hadoop distributed file system), it has to transfer the log
Seq=0 Win=10000 Len=43 MSS=1452 SACK_PERM=1
file(s) from local storage to HDFS. On successful trans-
TSval=422940867 TSecr=0 WS=32
fer of log file into HDFS, the detection server sends a
positive acknowledgement to the capturing server and
both the servers delete that specific file from their local
46737 2641.808087 ->
storage to maintain healthy storage capacity. Before start-
HTTP 653 GET /posts/17076163/ivc/dddc?
ing the DDoS detection process, the detection server
_=1432840178190 HTTP/1.1
will wait for the final acknowledgment from the cap-
turing server. This acknowledgement validates that the
desired number of files of a particular size (set via param-
139875 138.04015 ->
eters by admin) has been transferred to HDFS before
UDP 50 Src port: 55348 Dst port: http
the execution of MapReduce-based DDoS detection algo-
rithm. There is no particular restriction on the mini-
mum file count before the detection starts; it could be
229883 2658.8827 ->
set to one.
ICMP 42 Echo (ping) request id=0x0001,
seq=11157/38187, ttl=63 (reply in 229884)
3.3 Detection phase
As discussed above, the Traffic Handler sends the prop- The Apache Hadoop consists of two core components,
erty file to the Echo Class with the desired set of param- i.e., HDFS (storage part) and MapReduce (processing
eters (file size, file count for detection, and storage path part). Hadoop’s central management node also known as
on the capturing server) set by the admin. Echo Class uses NameNode splits the data into same size large blocks and
these parameters to generate a log file, at the specified distributes them among the cluster nodes (data nodes).
location, when it reads the required amount of data from Hadoop MapReduce transfers packaged code for nodes to
Tshark. Once the log file is generated, the Echo Class also process in parallel, the data each node is responsible to
notifies the Traffic Handler (see Fig. 2). process.
In HADEC, the detection server mainly serves as
3.2 Log transfer phase the Hadoop’s NameNode, which is the centerpiece
After the log file is generated, the Traffic Handler will of the Hadoop DDoS detection cluster. On success-
notify the detection server and also share the file infor- ful transfer of log file(s), the detection server splits
mation (file name, file path, server name, etc.) with it via the file into same size blocks and starts MapReduce
a webservice. The detection server will initiate a Secure DDoS detection jobs on cluster nodes (see Fig. 4). We
Copy or SCP protocol [12] (with pre-configured cre- have discussed MapReduce job analyzer and counter-
dentials) with the capturing server and transfer the log based DDoS detection algorithm in Section 3.5. Once
file from the capturing server (using the already shared the detection task is finished, the results are saved
name/path information) into its local file system (see into HDFS.

Fig. 3 Log transfer phase

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Hameed and Ali EURASIP Journal on Information Security (2018) 2018:11 Page 6 of 19

Fig. 4 DDoS detection on Hadoop cluster

3.4 Result notification detection server. Figure 5 presents a holistic illustration of

Once the execution of all the MapReduce tasks is finished, HADEC framework.
Hadoop will save the results in HDFS. The detection
server will then parse the result file from HDFS and send 3.5 MapReduce job and DDoS detection
the information about the attackers back to the admin- A MapReduce program is composed of a map task that
istrator via the capturing server. Once the results are performs filtering and sorting and a reduce task that per-
notified, both the input and output folders from HDFS forms a summary operation. Here, we have explained how
will be deleted for better memory management by the HADEC has implemented detection of DDoS flooding

Fig. 5 HADEC: Hadoop-based DDoS setection framework

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Hameed and Ali EURASIP Journal on Information Security (2018) 2018:11 Page 7 of 19

attacks (UDP, HTTP GET, ICMP, and TCP-SYN) as a generates an output in the form of pairs (key, value). The
MapReduce task on Hadoop cluster using counter-based pseudocode for mapper function is as follows.
%UDP detection mapper function
3.5.1 HADEC mapper job function Map is
After starting MapReduce task, the first task is a map- input: integer i, a network packet
per task which takes input from HDFS as a block. In begin function
our case, the block will represent a file in text for- filter packet with QUIC/UDP type
mat and the input for each iteration of mapper func- if packet does not contain information
tion will be a single line from the file. Any single line then
in the file contains only brief information of a network ignore that packet
packet captured through Tshark (see Section 3.1). The else
term network packet used in the rest of this section produce one output record(sourceIP,packet)
represents a single line content of the file read as a end if
mapper input. end function
Mapper job takes pair of data as input and returns a list For ICMP-, TCP-SYN-, and HTTP-GET-based flooding
of pairs (key, value). Mapper output type may differ from attacks, the mapper function will search for SYN, ICMP,
mapper’s input type; in our case, the input of mapper is and HTTP-GET packet type information respectively.
pair of any number i and the network packet. The output
is a list of pair (key, value) with key as the source IP address 3.5.2 HADEC reducer job and counter-based algorithm
and value as a network packet. Mapper job also use hash- Once the mapper tasks are completed, the reducer will
ing for combining all the logs of data on the basis of source start operating on the list of key/value pairs (i.e., IP/packet
IP address, so that it becomes easier for reducer to analyze pairs) produced by the mapper functions. The reducers
the attack traffic. are assigned a group with unique key; it means that all the
After all the mapper have finished their jobs, the data or packets with unique key (unique source IP in our case)
worker nodes perform a shuffle step. During shuffling, the will be assigned to one reducer. We can configure Hadoop
nodes redistribute the data based on the output keys, such to run reducer jobs on varying number of data nodes. For
that all data belonging to one key are located on the same efficiency and performance, it is very important to iden-
worker node (see Fig. 6). tify the correct number of reducers required for finalizing
In HADEC, for analysis and detection of UDP flooding the analysis job. HADEC runs counter-based algorithm
attack, the mapper task filters out the packets having UDP to detect DDoS flooding attacks on reducer nodes. The
information. In particular, the mapper function will search reducer function takes input in key/value pair (source IP,
packets having QUIC / UDP information. QUIC stands packet of type X) and produces a single key/value pair
for Quick UDP Internet connection. For the packet that (source IP, no. of packets of type X) output after counting
contains the desired information, the mapper function the number instance (see Fig. 6).

Fig. 6 Mapper and reducer operations

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Hameed and Ali EURASIP Journal on Information Security (2018) 2018:11 Page 8 of 19

Counter-based algorithm is the simplest, yet very effec- a Gigabit LAN). HADEC testbed is shown in Fig. 7. For
tive algorithm to analyze the DDoS flooding attacks by evaluations, we have only focused on UDP flooding attack
monitoring the traffic volumes for source IP addresses. due to its tendency to reach high volume from limited
The algorithm counts all the incoming packets, of a par- number of hosts. Any given measurement or datapoint in
ticular type (UDP, ICMP, HTTP ...etc.), associated with the result graphs is an average of five readings. We would
a unique IP address in a unit time. If the traffic volume also like to add that for all the evaluations, we have used
or count for source IP exceeds the pre-defined thresh- only a single reducer, different variations were tried but
old, that particular IP will be declared as an attacker. there was no performance gains.
The pseudocode for reducer function using counter-based
algorithm for UDP attack is as follows. 5 Performance evaluation
We have considered different factors for the performance
/*%Reducer function for UDP attack evaluation of our proposed framework. The overall per-
detection*/ formance of HADEC depends on:
function Reduce is
– The time taken for capturing and transferring the log
input: <source IP, UDP Packets>
begin function
– The number of attackers and attack volume.
count :=count # of packets for source IP
– The execution time of DDoS detection algorithm on
if(count is greater than THRESHOLD)
the Hadoop cluster.
begin if
– The system benchmarks (CPU and memory usage).
/*This IP declares to be the Attacker IP*/
produce one output <source IP, #of Packets> For our evaluations, we varied different parameters like
end if log file size, Hadoop cluster size, attack volume, Hadoop
else splits or block size, and threshold for counter-based algo-
Ignore (do nothing) rithm, and measured their impact on the performance of
end function HADEC. The admin can change these parameters on the
fly in the configuration settings to adjust any errors or
4 HADEC testbed bias present in the results. These parameters are briefly
In this section, we have discussed the testbed deployment described as follows.
of HADEC and how we have evaluated the performance – File size : We evaluate the performance of our
of the proposed framework with different experiments. framework with different sizes of log files. We
HADEC performs two main tasks, (a) capturing and consider log file size of 10 MB, 50 MB, 100 MB,
transfer of network traffic and (b) detection of DDoS 200 MB, 400 MB, 600 MB, 800 MB, and 1 GB and
flooding attacks. For capturing the traffic, we use a sin- evaluate how well the framework performs with
gle node capturing server to capture, process, and send varying log size.
the network traffic to detection server. For DDoS detec- – Cluster size : Hadoop distributes the processing
tion, we deploy a single node detection server (also acts among the available cluster nodes (datanodes). This
as NameNode of Hadoop cluster) and a Hadoop detec- means that increase in the cluster size will effect
tion cluster consisting of ten nodes. Each node in our detection phase performance. We used varying
testbed (one capturing server, one detection server, and cluster size between 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 datanodes to
ten Hadoop data nodes) consists of 2.60 GHz Intel core observe the performance enhancement.
i5 CPU, 8 GB RAM, 500 GB HDD, and 1 Gbps Ethernet – Attack volume : For our evaluations, we used two
card. All the nodes in HADEC used Ubuntu 14.04 and are with different attack volumes, i.e., 80–20 (80% attack
connected over a Gigabit LAN. We have used Hadoop ver- traffic and 20% legitimate traffic) and 60–40 (60%
sion 2.6.0 for our cluster and YARN [4] to handle all the attack traffic and 40% legitimate traffic). 80–20 traffic
JobTracker and TaskTracker functionality. volume is used to emulate flooding behavior where
There are several attack generation tools that are avail- attack traffic surpasses the legitimate one, whereas
able online, such as LOIC [6], Scapy [11], Mausezahn 60–40 traffic volume is used to emulate low volume
[8], Iperf [5], etc. For our testbed evaluations, we have attacks where legitimate and attack traffic volume is
mainly used Mausezahn, because of its ability to generate relatively close.
huge amount of traffic with random IPs to emulate dif- – Block size : Hadoop’s NameNode splits the log file
ferent number of attackers. We deployed three dedicated data into same size large blocks and distributes them
attacker nodes along with couple of legitimate users to among the cluster nodes (data nodes). We evaluated
flood the victim machine (capturing server) with a traffic HADEC with different block sizes since they directly
volume of up till 913 Mbps (practically highest possible for influence the degree of parallelism.

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Hameed and Ali EURASIP Journal on Information Security (2018) 2018:11 Page 9 of 19

Fig. 7 HADEC testbed

– Threshold : This marks the cutoff frequency after live analysis of DDoS flooding attack, but on the other
which any particular IP is marked as attacker. We hand, both the operations compete for resources.
have used two threshold values of 500 and 1000 Figure 8 shows the capturing and transfer time taken by
packets per second for our evaluations. the capturing server for log files of different sizes. The cap-
turing time is almost linear to the increase in file size. It
5.1 Traffic capturing and file transfer takes approximately 2 s to log a file of 10 MB and extends
The capturing server works on two major tasks simulta- to 142 s for 1 GB file. File transfer takes 14 s to transfer
neously. First, it captures huge amount of network traffic 10 MB file and approx. 35 s for 1GB file. This shows a clear
(913 Mbps in our testbed) and transforms it into log improvement in throughput with the increase in file size.
file(s). Second, it transfers the log file(s) to the detection Here, it is also interesting to note that the transfer opera-
server for further processing. This simultaneous execu- tion has to compete for bandwidth, and during peak time,
tion of capture and transfer operations are important for more than 90% of the bandwidth is being consumed by the

Fig. 8 Capture and transfer time of a log file (file size is in MBs and time is in seconds)

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attack traffic. We already discussed above that all the eval- mapper and reducer operation frequency and time. In
uation results are an average of five readings. However, we short, with the increase in file size, the detection time
rounded the average to whole number in Fig. 8. This is increases and it will also increase the detection rate or the
because the unit of evaluation is in seconds and we had number of attackers IPs, which is a plus point.
clear difference in results for different parameters. For all Increase in cluster size hardly affects the detection time
the remaining results, we kept the value till two decimal for files less than 400 MB in size; on the contrary, in some
places because at time it is hard to observe any difference cases, it might increase a little due to added management
between different experimental settings. cost. Hadoop enables parallelism by splitting the files into
different blocks of specified size. Files smaller than the
5.2 Number of attackers and attack volume Hadoop block size are not split over multiple nodes for
HADEC use counter-based algorithm to detect attackers. execution. Therefore, the overall detection time remains
This means that during the DDoS flooding attack, any the same over different cluster node.
particular attacker has to cross certain volume thresh- Starting from the file size of 400 MB, the detection time
old to be detected. It is imperative to study the number improves with the increase of cluster size. For bigger files
of attackers one file can capture in it. Table 1 presents like 800 MB and 1000 MB, Hadoop works more efficiently.
the relationship between the size of log file with the total We can see that the detection time reduces around 27 to
number of attackers and the aggregate traffic volume. 37 s for 800 and 1000 MB files respectively, when the clus-
According to Table 1, the capturing server has to analyze ter size is increased from 2 to 10 nodes. This is because
approx. 0.24 GBs of network traffic to generate a log file of with 1000 MB file, there are nine blocks, and with the
10 MB and it could represent 100 plus attackers that cross increase in cluster size, Hadoop will assign the task to
the flooding frequency threshold of 500–1000 packet. By different nodes in parallel.
increasing the log file size, the capability to capture accu- We have evaluated our detection phase on the basis of
rate information related to attackers also increases. There two different attack volumes: (1) 60–40 attack volume and
is a trade-off between the log file size and overall detec- (2) 80–20 attack volume. The main difference between
tion rate; therefore, the admin will have to adjust the these two volumes is that in 80% attack volume, the total
framework parameters that will best fit in different attack time for detection slightly increases due to increase in
scenarios. the number of reducer operations. In 80% attack volume,
the number of unique IPs is more than 60% attack vol-
5.3 DDoS detection on Hadoop cluster ume which slightly increases (couple of seconds only) the
In this section, we evaluate the performance of DDoS reducer time for 80% attack volume file size. Again, this
detection on the Hadoop cluster. For our evaluations, difference is only visible for larger log files.
we used different sizes of the log files (10, 50, 100, 200, Figure 10 shows the detection time on Hadoop clus-
400, 600, 800, and 1000 MBs), different threshold values ter with a threshold value of 1000. In this experiment,
(500 and 1000) for counter-based detection algorithm, and we only change the threshold value and all the remain-
attack volume of 80–20 and 60–40. For all the evaluations ing settings are similar to the Fig. 9. With the increase in
in this section, we used fix Hadoop data block of 128 MB. threshold value, the total number of inputs for reducers
Figure 9 shows the detection time on Hadoop clus- also increases and this will increase the reducer time. This
ter with 500 threshold. With the increase in file size, the is the reason why majority of the results shown in Fig. 10
number of attack traffic also increases, which affects the has couple of second higher detection time as compared
to the results in Fig. 9.

Table 1 Relationship of log file size with no. of attackers and 5.4 Effect of different block sizes
traffic volume Figure 11 show the effect of varying block sizes on the
File size (MB) No. of attackers Traffic vol.
detection time for 1 GB file. In this experiment, we use fix
threshold of 500, 80–20 attack volume, and three different
10 100 0.24 GB
blocks of size 32, 64, and 128 MB. For 1 GB file the block
50 500 0.67 GB size of 128 MB gives the maximum performance gains in
100 1500 1.67 GB terms of detection time with the increase in cluster nodes.
200 2000 3.23 GB With smaller block size, there are more splits, resulting
400 4000 5.91 GB in multiple tasks being schedule on a mapper and adds
management overhead.
600 6000 9.14 GB
The effect of cluster size is prominent on large files. This
800 8000 12.37 GB
is because with large files, Hadoop can effectively split
1000 10,000 15.83 GB the files in multiple blocks and distribute on the available

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Hameed and Ali EURASIP Journal on Information Security (2018) 2018:11 Page 11 of 19

Fig. 9 Detection time at Hadoop cluster with 500 threshold (detection time is measured in seconds and cluster size varies from 2 to 10 nodes). a
80–20 attack volume .b 60–40 attack volume

cluster nodes. Figure 12a and 12b show the effect of dif- the blocks and its result. Thus, it will take more time to
ferent block size and cluster node on the detection time manage each task. For larger block size, there is only one
for 10 GB and 20 GB respectively, with a fix threshold map task to process the whole large block. On a 10 GB
of 500 and 80–20 attack volume. One hundred twenty- file with a block size of 128 MB, Hadoop finished the
eight megabyte block size gives the most efficient results; detection task in approx. 7.5 min with a cluster size of 2
this is because when the number of blocks increases, the nodes. The detection time goes down to approx 4.5 mins
resource manager in Hadoop needs to manage each of when the cluster size is increased to 10 nodes. For 20 GB

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Hameed and Ali EURASIP Journal on Information Security (2018) 2018:11 Page 12 of 19

Fig. 10 Detection time at Hadoop cluster with 1000 threshold (detection time is measured in seconds and cluster size varies from 2 to 10 nodes). a
80–20 attack volume .b 60–40 attack volume

file with a block size of 128 MB, the time to finish the 5.5 Overall framework performance
detection task is 14.6 min and 8.3 mins on a cluster of 2 Figures 13 and 14 show the overall performance of our
and 10 nodes respectively. If we approximate the numbers proposed framework to detect the DDoS attacks. These
in Table 1, HADEC can effectively resolve 100K attack- numbers present the total time required for capturing,
ers for an aggregate traffic volume of 159 GBs with 10 GB processing, transferring, and detection with different file
of log file in just 4.5 min. These numbers are doubled for sizes. For the experiments in Fig. 13a, we have used 80–
20 GB. 20 attack volume, 128 MB block size, and 500 threshold.

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Hameed and Ali EURASIP Journal on Information Security (2018) 2018:11 Page 13 of 19

Fig. 11 Detection time with different block sizes on 1 GB file (detection time is measured in seconds and cluster size varies from 2 to 10 nodes)

For the experiments in Fig. 14a, we have only changed without any external influence. Each phase shows a dif-
the threshold to 1000. The experiments in Fig. 13b and ferent CPU and memory usage pattern (see Table 2 for
Fig. 14b used 60–40 attack volume with 500 and 1000 average usage). However, we observed that varying the
threshold respectively. experimental parameters like file size made no clear dif-
In Fig. 13a, we can observe that with the increase in ference on CPU and memory usage within each phase
the file size, the overall overhead of capturing and trans- (capturing, transfer, and detection). Thus, plotting CPU
ferring phase increases. A 10 MB file takes approx. 16 s and memory usage for all the different file sizes results
(42%) in capturing/transferring phase and 21 s in detec- in overlapping plots that are illegible, confusing, and hard
tion phase. The best case of 1 GB file (10 node cluster) to analyze. The following sections discuss average system
takes 178 s (77%) in capturing/transferring phase and just benchmarks during each phase of the proposed frame-
50 s in detection phase. On the whole, it takes some- work.
where between 4.3 and 3.82 min to analyze 1 GB of log
file that can resolve 10K attackers and generated from 5.6.1 Capture phase benchmarks
an aggregate attack volume of 15.83 GBs. The variation The CPU measurement results show that there is no clear
of threshold and attack volume in Fig. 14a, Fig. 13b, and difference of varying file size on the CPU usage. The CPU
Fig. 14b slightly effects the overall detection time with usage largely remains between the range of 20 to 80% with
couple of seconds. an average of 50%.
The memory usage remained constant at around
5.6 System benchmarks 1000 MB mark which is approximately 12–13% of the
In this section, we evaluated the system benchmarks (CPU available memory.
and memory usage) for the capturing, transferring, and The length of the experiments depends on the size of the
detection phases in HADEC and log the readings every file being captured. Once the required size is achieved, the
second. For the experiments, we used fix Hadoop block capturing process stops and the CPU and memory usage
of 128 MB, threshold of 500, and varied file sizes (10, smooths out within couple of seconds.
50, 100, 200, 400, 600, 800, and 1000 MB) with different
number of cluster nodes. For the benchmark evaluations, 5.6.2 Transfer phase benchmarks
we ran all the phases (capturing, transfer, and detection) During the file transfer, the CPU usage is much lower
in isolation to capture the performance of each phase than the capturing phase. The CPU usage mainly remains

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Hameed and Ali EURASIP Journal on Information Security (2018) 2018:11 Page 14 of 19

Fig. 12 Effect of block size on huge files (detection time is measured in minutes and cluster size varies from 2 to 10 nodes). a 10 GB file. b 20 GB file

between the range of 10 to 25% with an average of 15%. The memory usage remained the same in overall detec-
When it comes to memory usage, the transfer phase con- tion phase, and on average, the memory usage remained
sumes an average of 7600 MBs which is approximately between 85 and 95%. The CPU usage on average remained
94% of the available memory. below 40%. In NameNode, we observed that with the
The length of the experiments depends on the size of increase in cluster size, the CPU usage decreases. Further,
the file being transferred to the detection server. Once the we also observed that when parallelism occurs in Hadoop
file is completely transferred, the CPU and memory usage due to bigger file size, the NameNode CPU usage become
smooths out within couple of seconds. lower.

5.6.3 Detection phase benchmarks at the Hadoop 6 Comparison with existing work and
NameNode optimization recommendations
For the benchmarks at the detection phase, we varied This papers uses destination-based approach due to easy
the number of Hadoop cluster nodes for different file and cheaper DDoS detection with high accuracy. We
sizes and observed the CPU and memory usage at the leverage Hadoop to solve the scalability issue to detect
NameNode. multiple attacks from a huge volume of traffic by parallel

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Hameed and Ali EURASIP Journal on Information Security (2018) 2018:11 Page 15 of 19

Fig. 13 Total time to detect DDoS attack in HADEC with 500 threshold (detection time is measured in seconds and cluster size varies from 2 to 10
nodes). a 80–20 attack volume and 500 threshold. b 60–40 attack volume and 500 threshold

data processing. Traditional computational architectures Initially, Lee and Lee [27] proposed to use Hadoop for
mainly deploy single host-based approaches and enhance DDoS detection in a position paper. However, they only
memory efficiency or customize process complexity. performed offline analysis on the traffic logs and their

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Hameed and Ali EURASIP Journal on Information Security (2018) 2018:11 Page 16 of 19

Fig. 14 Total time to detect DDoS attack in HADEC with 1000 threshold (detection time is measured in seconds and cluster size varies from 2 to 10
nodes). a 80–20 attack volume and 1000 threshold. b 60–40 attack volume and 1000 threshold

framework was also discussed like a blackbox. We cov- The primary motivation behind this work was to
ered all the design and implementation aspects and thor- present a framework based on distributed architecture
oughly evaluated live network to measure the efficacy that can handle high volume flooding attacks using low-
of using Hadoop against DDoS. This is the first effort end commodity hardware. This will ease the burden
that prototyped a complete framework against flood- on small/medium enterprises and financial institute to
ing DDoS using Hadoop, and we extensively evaluated deploy in-house cheap defenses and essentially save huge
it as well. costs incurred from the third party DDoS mitigation

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Hameed and Ali EURASIP Journal on Information Security (2018) 2018:11 Page 17 of 19

Table 2 System benchmarks (average CPU and memory usage) recording devices to capture and mirror network traffic)
during capture, transfer, and detection phases
instead of a desktop system to capture and transfer the
Phase CPU usage % Memory usage (%) logs to detection server. A network tap with traffic mir-
Capture phase 50 13 roring capacity of 40–60 Gbps would range between 3000
Transfer phase 15 94 and 4000 $ (from different vendors like Gigamon, Data-
Detection phase at NameNode 40 90
Com, Dualcom, etc.), and it would help transfer the log
files representing 60 Gbps (60 Gb or 7.5 GBs will generate
a log of approx. 550 MBs) of attack to the detection server
in just matter of seconds and the attack logs can be fur-
service providers. The testbed of our framework is divided ther analyzed at the detection server within a minute. This
into capturing and detection (Hadoop) server. This is a cost effective (under 4K–6K $) solution would serve the
design choice to deploy HADEC on low-end machines defense needs of medium enterprises and financial insti-
(just core i5 with 8 GB ram) for real efficacy. For eval- tutions and help them save subscription cost to third party
uations, we used desktop machines (core i5) with low DDoS Mitigation services like Akamai Prolexic. Thus, a
computational power. Unlike [27], we extensively evalu- more effective and cost efficient deployment would be to
ated our frame by varying different parameters like log file use only couple of cluster nodes and configure a Network
size, attack volume, Hadoop cluster size, Hadoop splits or Tap as per traffic requirement for packet capturing and
block size, and threshold for counter-based algorithm, and processing.
measured their impact on the performance of HADEC
(like execution time and system benchmarks). These eval- 7 Conclusions
uation gave us insights on the strength and bottlenecks of In this paper, we present HADEC, a scalable Hadoop-
the proposed framework and using this information sys- based live DDoS detection framework that is capable of
tem admin can customize their deployment strategy for analyzing DDoS attacks in affordable time. HADEC cap-
optimal results. tures live network traffic, processess it to log relevant
Based on the results presented in this paper, we can information in brief form, and uses MapReduce and HDFS
conclude that HADEC is capable of analyzing high vol- to run detection algorithm for DDoS flooding attacks.
ume of DDoS flooding attacks in scalable manner. Several HADEC solves the scalability, memory inefficiency, and
gigabytes of attack traffic can be analyzed in couple of process complexity issues of conventional solution by uti-
minutes (from capturing to detecting). This also involves lizing parallel data processing promised by Hadoop. The
the bootstrapping time, i.e., initially when traffic was being evaluation results showed that HADEC would need less
captured the detection was idle. For an ongoing attack, than 5 min to process (from capturing to detecting) 1 GB
both phases (capturing and detection) will be executing of log file, generated from approx. 15.83 GBs of live net-
simultaneously and detection would be more effective. By work traffic. With small log file, the overall detection time
using small size for log file, the overall detection time can can be further reduced to couple of seconds.
be reduced to couple of seconds (30–40 s). But small log Based on the system benchmarks, we conclude that
files also have an inherent limitation to the number of packet capturing is more CPU intensive as compared to
attacker’s they can track. There is no single recommended log transfer phase. On the other hand, data log transfer
setting; the admin will have to tweak the framework con- consumes way more memory than the data capture phase.
figuration that best match their requirement. We also Further, the increase in cluster size and parallelism ease
noticed that with smaller files, Hadoop does not pro- out the CPU usage at the Hadoop NameNode. We have
vide parallelism. This means that if any admin configures observed that capturing of live network traffic incurs the
HADEC to work on small files of under 400 MB, there will real performance overhead for HADEC in terms of time.
be no point in setting up multiple node cluster. A single In worse case, the capturing phase consumes 77% of the
or two node clusters of Hadoop will do the job within few overall detection time. As a future work, HADEC frame-
minutes (2–3) with the hardware settings we used in our work may allow potential optimizations to improve the
testbed. capturing efficiency.
In our evaluations of HADEC, capturing and transfer-
ring phase showed the performance overhead and major- Endnote
ity of the framework time was spent in these phases. This 1
There is no silver bullet when it comes to DDoS
problem could be easily resolved by using reasonable to
defense. There are other forms of sophisticated DDoS
high-end server optimized for traffic operations, instead
of mid-level core i5 desktop that are used in our testbed. attacks in the wild like reflected attacks, drive by attacks,
A better approach, for banks and financial institutions, resource attacks, flash-crowds, etc. However, this paper
would be to deploy a network tap (custom monitoring and focus on designing and developing a Hadoop-based live

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Hameed and Ali EURASIP Journal on Information Security (2018) 2018:11 Page 18 of 19

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Authors’ information S Palazzo, A Pont, and C Scoglio. NETWORKING 2011, volume 6640 of
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