DHA Assessment and Exam Exemption Policy: Definitions / Key Terms

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DHA Assessment and Exam Exemption Policy

Definitions / Key Terms:

CBT: Computer Based Testing.
DHA: Dubai Health Authority.
DHCA: Dubai Health Care Authority.
HAAD: Health Authority Abu Dhabi.
HRD: Health Regulation Department.
MOH: Ministry of Health and Prevention.
PSV: Primary Source Verification.
PQR: Professional qualification requirements.
HP: Healthcare professional.
Appeal: Is a process of requesting a formal change to an official decision.
Applicant: Is a healthcare professional who applies to obtain DHA license.
Assessment Exemption: Is the process where applicants are not required to be assessed when applying
to obtain DHA license according to the criteria listed in this policy.
Assessment Panel: A group of Subject matter experts brought together to assess the applicant
Authorities: refer to Ministry of Health and Prevention, Health Authority Abu Dhabi and Dubai Health
Care Authority.
Credentialing: Is the process of reviewing the applicant’s documents to evaluate their eligibility for the
applied title.
Eligibility letter: a proof document given to healthcare professionals who are qualified (or who are
approved) to search for work opportunities in the emirate of Dubai.
Subject Matter Experts: are highly experienced healthcare professionals.
1- Purpose:
1.1 This policy shall apply to all healthcare professionals (HP) seeking license to practice or upgrading
their professional license.
1.2 To ensure consistency and integrity of the assessment process.
1.3 To certify competent HP who are eligible to be exempted from DHA assessment required for
2- Scope of application
2.1 The policy provides the process and criteria for professionals applying to obtain DHA license to
practice in the emirates of Dubai. The policy explains the responsibilities that shall be taken from
both the applicant and DHA to complete the process of exam assessment. And it also lists the
criteria of exempting eligible HP.
3- Applicable To:
3.1 All HP practicing in private and government health facilities in the emirate of Dubai, excluding those
practicing in Dubai Healthcare City, and health facilities under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of

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DHA Assessment and Exam Exemption Policy

Health and Prevention.
4- Responsibilities
4.1 Health Regulation Department
5- Operational Resources:
5.1 Online licensing system
5.2 Financial resources
5.3 Computer Based Testing agency
6- Policy:

6.1 Assessment
6-1.1 HP are required to pass DHA assessment in order to obtain the license to practice in the
emirates of Dubai.
6-1.2 The applicant must fulfil the PQR criteria, pass credentialing, pay for primary source
verification (PSV) and book for assessment.
6-1.3 The mode of assessment shall depend on the HP title, which can be either Computer Based
Testing (CBT) or Oral assessment.
6-1.4 Applicants shall consider the following:
a. All assessments are conducted in English language and no translator will be allowed to
attend the assessment.
b. The applicant is granted a total of three (3) attempts for the same specialty across all
c. The applicant can reapply for the next attempt with no restricted duration.
d. After the third attempt, the applicant is allowed to reapply for assessment provided
additional recognized specialty certificate as per the PQR
e. After the third attempt, the applicant is not allowed to apply for a lower or equivalent title.
f. The assessment passing result is valid for five (5) years.
g. The eligibility letter is valid for one (1) year. In case the letter is expired, the applicant must
apply again to obtain it. Eligibility letter maybe issued if the applicant is fulfilling the PQR
6.2 Assessment exemption
Certain specific categories are eligible to be exempted from assessment, this include:

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DHA Assessment and Exam Exemption Policy

UAE nationals who meet the PQR requirements are exempted from assessment when
applying for:
UAE Nationals
 New professional license
 New professional license after fulfilling the criteria for a gap of practice.
 Add/ upgrade professional title

Applicants with Ministry of Health and Prevention (MOH) , Health Authority Abu
Dhabi (HAAD) or Dubai Healthcare City Authority (DHCA) license applying for DHA
license must meet the following criteria to be exempted from DHA assessment:
 Fulfill PQR criteria
Licensure  Hold valid MOH/HAAD/ DHCA license or expired /canceled license within 6
Recognition months (for Governmental employees the last date of service will be
among considered as the cancellation date)
Authorities  Good standing letter not older than six (6) months from the concerned
 Apply for the same or a lower licensing title (in the same specialty)
Note: For more information regarding the above processes, refer to the
Professional Licensing Policy.

Exam Titles mentioned in the attachments under “Exam Equivalency Criteria” are exempted
Equivalency based on providing specific certificate, examination results or registration and fulfilling
criteria the PQR criteria.

Note: HRD director may exempt some expert HP from DHA assessment.
7- Procedure/Steps:
7.1 Computer Based Testing (CBT)

Applicant Professional Registration Unit staff

Eligibility ID Confirm receiving the Eligibility Identity Provide Eligibility ID, which will be
Document (ID) by submitting the page (after activated within five (5) working days

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DHA Assessment and Exam Exemption Policy

two working days from PSV payment)
A period of three (3) months is given
Booking Book the assessment
to book the assessment date
Finalize assessment payment -
Present a valid passport with matching details
Attending as given in the licensing registration as an
assessment identification method (Original Emirates ID
card can be presented in UAE centers)
Results will be provided within two
(2) working day via the online system

Pass: Issue eligibility letter

Result Fail: Send notification to the applicant
announcemen -
t Note: HRD will not share detail
information regarding the assessment
results, which include; exam score,
cut score, percentage of passing or
any further details
HRD will review the application. In
Inability of
case of approval, the eligibility ID
attend the Provide justification to be reviewed by HRD
validity will be extended for one (1)
Issue will be raised to DHA
Contact HRD Information Technology (IT)
eligibility ID
Expired Request HRD to reject the application, and
Reject the application upon request
eligibility ID reapply
Reschedule Reschedule through CBT website -

-Five (5) days prior to the assessment,

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DHA Assessment and Exam Exemption Policy

additional charges will be requested.
-Less than five (5) days prior the assessment,
the applicant is required to repay the full
testing fees
Fill and submit the appeal form (refer to the
attachment) within one (1) month after
Appeal against receiving the results Appeal feedback will be provided to
assessment Note: In case of failing for the third (3) the applicants within one (1) month
result attempt, the applicant is not permitted to from the date of appeal
appeal to attend a fourth assessment for the
same specialty.

7.2 Oral assessment

Applicant Professional Registration Unit staff
Select and book an assessment date
within a period of three (3) months
Booking -
(after two working days from PSV
Payment Finalize assessment payment -
Arrange - 1. Select the assessment panel members
panel from government sector, private sector
or from other health authorities, based
on the applicant profile and specialty (a
minimum of two (2) /three (3) subject
matter experts)
2. Confirm that all assessment panel
members have positive PSV results
3. Verify through Clinical Governance
Office that the assessment panel do not
have a history of serious disciplinary
action (suspension or revocation) or a

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DHA Assessment and Exam Exemption Policy

pending investigation for a legal
professional misconduct
4. Ensure that the assessment panel is
complying with the “Conflict of Interest
and assessment protocol agreement”
form (refer to the attachment)
In case the applicant fail to attend the
- assessment, the application will be
Results will be provided within five (5)
working day via the online system
Pass: Issue eligibility letter
Fail: Send notification to the applicant
1) HRD will not share detail information
regarding the assessment results,
Result which include; exam score, cut score,
announcemen - percentage of passing or any further
t details
2) Assessment panel might downgrade
the applicant title from consultant to
specialist. In such case, the applicant
have the option to reapply for either
specialist title and be exempted from
assessment or choose consultant title
and undergo the assessment
Reschedule -Five (5) days prior to the assessment, Reschedule as per the request
no additional charges will be
-Less than five (5) days prior the
assessment, the applicant is required
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 It is allowed ONLY to access and keep this document with who issued, who is responsible and to whom it is applicable.
 Information security code:  Public  Confidential  Secured

DHA Assessment and Exam Exemption Policy

to repay the full testing fees
Fill and submit the appeal form (refer
to the attachment) within one (1)
month after receiving the results
Appeal against Appeal feedback will be provided to the
assessment applicants within one (1) month from the
Note: In case of failing for the third (3)
result date of appeal
attempt, the applicant is not permitted
to appeal to attend a fourth
assessment for the same specialty.
8- Deployment of DHA Assessment and Exam Exemption Policy
 Announcement
On Job Training
9- Risks of DHA Assessment and Exam Exemption Policy
9.1 Not evaluating the CBT assessment content, may result in inaccurate assessment of the HP.
9.2 Interference of the assessment panel with the credentialing may result in misunderstanding that
may lead to assessment cancellation or dely.
9.3 Human error may result in uploading incorrect assessment result.
9.4 Human error may result in mistakenly assessing exempted HP.
10- Audit, Improvement & Development of DHA Assessment and Exam Exemption Policy
10.1 Internal audit for compliance with the document content
10.2 Corrective actions for non-conformities with the document content
11- Measures of DHA Assessment and Exam Exemption Policy
11.1 N/A
12- Records of DHA Assessment and Exam Exemption Policy
12.1 Dubai Health Authority website

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DHA Assessment and Exam Exemption Policy

13- Annexes of DHA Assessment and Exam Exemption Policy
13.1 References
13.1.1 Healthcare Professional Qualification Requirements 2014- version 2
13.2 Attachments
13.2.1 Exam Equivalency Criteria
A. Consultant physician
Applicants demonstrating a valid examination pass record of the Authorities’
recognized international examinations (shown below) will be exempted from all
components of assessment as defined by the PQR; providing that these exams
certification are not older than five years.

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Country Equivalency Assessment

Australia  Fellowship of the Royal College/ Colleges Certification

 Specialization Certificate of the RCPS or

 Electronic copy is controlled  Certification
under by the
document control CollegeHard
procedure. of copy
Family Physicians
is uncontrolled Canada
& under (CFPC)of beholder.
 It is allowed ONLY
Ireland to access  Certificate
and keep this of Satisfactory
document with who completion
issued, who is of training
responsible and to(CSCST)
whom it is applicable.
 Information security code:  Public  Confidential  Secured
New  Fellowship of the Royal College/ Colleges Certification

DHA Assessment and Exam Exemption Policy
 Certificate of completion of specialist training (CCST) or
UKbelow shall be fulfilled:
 Certificate of completion of Training (CCT) or
a. Valid board certification status
 Certificate of completion of training (CCT) in general practice
Valid licenseofAmerican
b.USA Board2 of
not less than Medical
years Specialty
duration from Certification
the most recent country of practice
c. Good standing certification
 Bewijis van attesting not in
inschrijving lesseen
two years of the most recent practice
(Certificate of (an
additional online
Netherland licensing status
recognition And may be conducted by theof
Registration/certificate Authorities)
entry in the Specialist
d. Proof of the clinical privilege
Register that willin be
as mentioned thegranted
PQR) from the sponsoring facility that are licensed
 Bevis of
by either of Ministry forHealth,
tilladelsetil at betegne
Health Authority- sig somspeciallaege(Certificate
Abu Dhabi or Dubai Health Authority.
Note: Consultantconcerning
Physicians the
withtitle of Specialistfrom
qualifications -Issued
onebyofAuthority of health
the six country services
specific competent
authorities recognized above, who or have also held Consultant post in a country other than those
listed above,andTilladelsetil at anvende
whose competent betegnelsen
authority alment
is recognized by thepraktiserende
Authorities’, forlæge
more than 2
years. /Speciallæge i almenmedicin (certificate of specific training for general
medical practice)
 Sérfræðileyfi (Certificate of specialist in medicine- issued by The

Directorate of Health) or
 An Almennt heimilislækningaleyfi (Evrópulækningaleyfi) (certificate of

specific training for general practice)

 Certificat de médicin spécialiste issued by the Ministre de la Santé
publique or
 Diplôme de formation spécifique en médicine genérale
 Bijzondere Beroepstitel van geneesheer specialist/Titre professionnel
particuier de médecin spécialiste awarded by the Minister bevoegdvoor
Volksgezoondheid/Ministre de la Santé Publique (Formal evidence of
having qualified as a medical specialist issued by Minister of Public
Health)) or
 Bijzondereberoepstitel van huisarts/Titre professional particulier de

médecin généraliste (certificate of specific training for general medical

 Bevis om specialistkompetens som läkare (certificate of the right to use
the title of specialist) issued by the Socialstyrelsen (National Board of
Health and Welfare of Sweden) or
 Bevis om kompetens som allmänpraktiserande läkare (Europaläkare)
Code DHA/HRD/PO-03 Issue Nu: 1 Issue Date: 00/00/0000
(certificate of specific Effective Date:: 00/00/0000
training for generalRevision Date:: 00/00/0000
practice) issued byPagethe
Nu:9 / 31
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 Information security code:  Public  Confidential  Secured

DHA Assessment and Exam Exemption Policy

B. Specialist physician
Applicants demonstrating valid examination pass record of the Authorities’ recognized
international examinations (shown below) will be exempted from all components of
assessment as defined by the PQR; providing that these exams certification are not
older than five years.
Country Equivalency Assessment

Australia  Fellowship of the Royal College/ Colleges Certification

 Specialization Certificate of the RCPS or

 Certification by the College of Family Physicians Canada (CFPC)
Ireland  Certificate of Satisfactory completion of training (CSCST)
New  Fellowship of the Royal College/ Colleges Certification
 Certificate of completion of specialist training (CCST) or
UK  Certificate of completion of Training (CCT) or
 Certificate of completion of training (CCT) in general practice
USA  American Board of Medical Specialty Certification

 Bewijis van inschrijving in een Specialistenregister (Certificate of

Netherland recognition And Registration/certificate of entry in the Specialist
Register as mentioned in the PQR)
 Bevis for tilladelsetil at betegne sig somspeciallaege(Certificate
concerning the title of Specialist -Issued by Authority of health
services (Sundhedsstyrelsen) or
 Tilladelsetil at anvende betegnelsen alment praktiserende
læge /Speciallæge i almenmedicin (certificate of specific
training for general medical practice)
 Sérfræðileyfi (Certificate of specialist in medicine- issued by The
Directorate of Health) or
 An Almennt heimilislækningaleyfi (Evrópulækningaleyfi)
(certificate of specific training for general practice)
 Certificat de médicin spécialiste issued by the Ministre de la Santé
Luxembourg publique or
 Diplôme de formation spécifique en médicine genérale
Belgium  Bijzondere Beroepstitel van geneesheer specialist/Titre

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DHA Assessment and Exam Exemption Policy

professionnel particuier de médecin spécialiste awarded by the
Minister bevoegdvoor Volksgezoondheid/Ministre de la Santé
Publique (Formal evidence of having qualified as a medical
specialist issued by Minister of Public Health)) or
 Bijzondereberoepstitel van huisarts/Titre professional particulier
de médecin généraliste (certificate of specific training for general
medical practice)
 Bevis om specialistkompetens som läkare (certificate of the right
to use the title of specialist) issued by the Socialstyrelsen
(National Board of Health and Welfare of Sweden) or
Sweden  Bevis om kompetens som allmänpraktiserande läkare
(Europaläkare) (certificate of specific training for general practice)
issued by the Socialstyrelsen (National Board of Health and
Welfare of Sweden)
 Diplôme de médecin spécialiste/Diplom als Facharzt/ Diploma di
medico specialista (specialist qualification) issued by the Swiss
Federal Department of Home Affairs (FDHA) or
 Certificate of specific training for general medical practice issued
Switzerland by the Swiss Federal Department of Home Affairs (FDHA) And a
document from the Federal Department of Home Affairs (FDHA)
confirming that the training leading to the award of your GP
certificate meets the standards detailed in Article 28 of Directive
 Certificat d'études spécialisées de médecine (CES) (Certificate of
Specialised Studies in Medicine issued by French University with
full license issued by Conseil National de l’ordre des médecins) or
 Diplôme d'études spécialisées (DES) /Diplôme d'études
spécialisées complémentaires qualifiant de médecine (DESC -
diploma of complementary specialised studies) issued by French
University with full license issued by Conseil National de l’ordre
des médecins) or
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DHA Assessment and Exam Exemption Policy

 Diplôme d'études spécialisées de medicine générale (qualification
in general medicine)with full license issued by Conseil National de
l’ordre des médecins)
*UAE nationals are not required to have a Specialist license
 Spesialistgodkjenning issued by the Den Norske Legeforening
(Medical Association of Norway) or Norwegian Directorate of
Health or
Norway  Bevis for kompetanse som allmennpraktiserende
lege/Godkjenning som allmennpraktiserende lege (certificate of
specific training for general medical practice) issued by
Norwegian Registration Authority for Health Personnel (SAK)
 Erikoislääkarin tutkinto/ Special läkarexamen (Certificate of
degree of specialist in medicine awarded by a Finnish University)
 Todistus yleislääketieteen erityiskoulutuksesta/Bevis om särskild
allmänläkarutbildning (Certificate of specific training for general
medical practice)
 Facharztdiplom (Diploma of medical specialist) issued by
ÖsterreichischeArztekammer with registration as Specialist or
Austria  An ArztfürAllgemeinmedizin (Diploma of general medicine)with
registration as Specialist
*UAE nationals are not required to have Specialist registration
 Fachärztliche Anerkennung/Urkunde(Certificate of medical
specialist issued by State’s Chamber of Physicians (Arztekammer))
with title as Oberarzt or
Germany  A Zeugnis über die spezifische Ausbildung in der
Allgemeinmedizin (certificate of specialist training in general
*UAE nationals are not required to have Oberarzt title

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DHA Assessment and Exam Exemption Policy

C. General practitioner
Applicants demonstrating valid examination1 pass record of the Authorities’
recognized international examinations (shown below) will be exempted from all
components of assessment as defined by the PQR2
Country Equivalency Assessment Abbreviation

Australia  Both parts of the Australian Medical Council AMC

Examination ( MCQ and Clinical examination)or
 Graduates of Medical Courses in Australia
accredited by the Australian Medical Council
Canada  Licentiate of the Medical Council of Canada LMCC
Ireland  Pre-Registration Examination System both parts (PRES)
( MCQ & OSCE) or GMCIe
 Graduates of Medical Courses in Ireland
accredited by the Irish Medical Council or
 Proof of passing both parts of the PRES with a
valid General registration
New  New Zealand Registration Examination or (NZREX)
Zealand  Graduates of Medical Courses in New Zealand
accredited by the New Zealand Medical Council
UK  Professional and Linguistic Assessment Board test (PLAB I and II )
(PLAB I and II ) for non UK graduates and valid
registration with the GMC or
 Graduates of Medical Courses in UK accredited
by the General Medical Council (UK Graduates
USA  United States Medical Licensing Examination Part (USMLE) Part III

D. Consultant dentist
Applicants demonstrating a valid examination pass record of the Authorities’
recognized international examinations (shown below) will be exempt from all

The validity of the exam is 5 years if it is not mentioned in the certificate.
Applicants with examination results older than 5 years but holding a valid registration from regulatory authorities of mentioned countries will be exempted
from all components of assessment.
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 Information security code:  Public  Confidential  Secured

DHA Assessment and Exam Exemption Policy

components of assessment as defined by the PQR; providing that these exams
certification are not older than five years.
Country Equivalency Assessment

Australia Fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

Canada Evidence of passing the national dental specialist examination (NDSE).
Ireland Certificate of Completion of Specialist Training (CCST), (Orthodontics
or Oral Surgery) and inclusion in the Irish Dental Council Specialist
New Fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons
UK Certificate of Completion of Specialist Training (C.C.S.T.) and inclusion
in the UK Dental Council Specialist Register
USA American Board of Dental Specialties (only boards approved by the
American Dental Association are acceptable)

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 Electronic copy is controlled under document control procedure. Hard copy is uncontrolled & under responsibility of beholder.
 It is allowed ONLY to access and keep this document with who issued, who is responsible and to whom it is applicable.
 Information security code:  Public  Confidential  Secured

DHA Assessment and Exam Exemption Policy

E. Specialist dentist
Applicants demonstrating valid examination pass record of the Authorities’ recognized
international examinations (shown below) will be exempted from all components of
assessment as defined by the PQR; providing that these exams certification are not
older than five years.
Country Equivalency Assessment

Australia Fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

Canada Canada: evidence of passing the national dental specialist

examination (NDSE).
Ireland Certificate of Completion of Specialist Training (CCST),
(Orthodontics or Oral Surgery) and inclusion in the Irish Dental
Council Specialist Register
New Zealand Fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

UK Certificate of Completion of Specialist Training (C.C.S.T.) and

inclusion in the UK Dental Council Specialist Register
USA American Board of Dental Specialties (only boards approved by the
American Dental Association are acceptable)
Note: Must have a valid board certification status

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 Electronic copy is controlled under document control procedure. Hard copy is uncontrolled & under responsibility of beholder.
 It is allowed ONLY to access and keep this document with who issued, who is responsible and to whom it is applicable.
 Information security code:  Public  Confidential  Secured

DHA Assessment and Exam Exemption Policy

F. General dentist
Applicants demonstrating a valid examination pass record of the Authorities’
recognized international examinations (shown below) will be exempted from all
components of assessment as defined by the PQR, providing that these exams
certification are not older than five years.
Country Equivalency Assessment

Australia Documented evidence of passing all parts (written and clinical) of

the Australian Dental Council examination or
Registration with the Australian Dental Board for graduates of
accredited dental programs in Australia
Canada Documented evidence of passing all parts of the National Dental
Examining Board of Canada examination
Ireland Documented evidence of passing all parts of the Irish Dental Council
Examination ( I and II) or
Registration with the Irish Dental Council for graduates of accredited
dental programs in Ireland
New Zealand Documented evidence of passing all parts of New Zealand Dental
Registration Exam (NZDREX) or
Registration with the NZ Dental Board for graduates of accredited
dental programs in NZ
UK Documented evidence of passing all parts of the Overseas
Registration Exam (ORE) for non UK graduates, this shall not be
older than 5 years or
Registration with the UK General Dental Council for graduates of
accredited dental programs in UK
USA Successful completion of the National Board Dental Examination
part I and II plus the clinical component of the examination
administrated by Academic testing agency

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DHA Assessment and Exam Exemption Policy

G. Dental Hygienist
Applicants demonstrating a valid registration /examination pass record of the
Authorities’ recognized international examinations (shown below) will be exempted
from all components of assessment as defined by the PQR, providing that these
exams certification are not older than five years.
Country Equivalency Assessment

Australia Documented evidence of passing all parts (written and clinical) of

the Australian Dental Council and award of the Australian Council
Certificate (Dental Hygienist) or
Registration with the Australian Dental Board for graduates of
accredited dental programs in Australia
Canada Documented evidence of passing all parts of the Canadian National
Dental Hygiene certification exam (NDHCE)
Ireland Documented evidence of passing all parts of the Irish Dental
Council Examination or
Registration with the Irish Dental Council as Dental Hygienist
New Zealand Documented evidence of passing all parts of New Zealand Dental
Council hygienist Registration Exam (NZDREX) written and clinical
Registration with the NZ Dental Council as Dental Hygienist
South Africa Registration with South African Health Professions Council (HPCSA)
as Dental Hygienist
UK Registration with the UK General Dental Council as Dental Hygienist
USA Documented evidence of passing both the written National Board
Dental Hygiene examination (NBDHE) and the clinical state or
regional board examination

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 Information security code:  Public  Confidential  Secured

DHA Assessment and Exam Exemption Policy

H. Dietitians
Applicants demonstrating a valid registration /examination pass record of the
Authorities’ recognized international examinations (shown below) will be exempted
from all components of assessment as defined by the PQR; providing that these exams
certification are not older than five years.
Country Equivalency Registration

Australia Dietetic Association of Australia as APD (Accredited

Practicing Dietician )
Canada The Canadian Dietetic Registration Examination (CDRE)
Ireland Registration with CORU
New Zealand New Zealand Dietitian’s Board
South Africa South African Health Professional Council (HPCSA)
UK Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC)
USA CDR (Commission on Dietetic Registration) of the
American Dietetic Association

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 It is allowed ONLY to access and keep this document with who issued, who is responsible and to whom it is applicable.
 Information security code:  Public  Confidential  Secured

DHA Assessment and Exam Exemption Policy

I. Medical Imaging technologist
Applicants demonstrating a valid registration /examination pass record of the
Authorities’ recognized international examinations (shown below) will be exempted
from all components of assessment as defined by the PQR; providing that these exams
certification are not older than five years.
Country Equivalency Registration

Australia Registration with the Medical Radiation Practice Board

or Professional membership
Canada Documented evidence of passing the Canadian
Association Medical Radiation Technologists (CAMRT)
certification examination
Ireland Registration with CORU
New Zealand Documented evidence of passing the Registration
Examination Assessment (REA) path to registration or
Registration with the New Zealand Medical Radiation
Technologists Board
South Africa South African Health Professional Council (HPCSA) as a
UK Graduates of UK accredited programs with Registration
with Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC)
USA The American Registry of Radiological Technologists

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 Electronic copy is controlled under document control procedure. Hard copy is uncontrolled & under responsibility of beholder.
 It is allowed ONLY to access and keep this document with who issued, who is responsible and to whom it is applicable.
 Information security code:  Public  Confidential  Secured

DHA Assessment and Exam Exemption Policy

J. Medical lab technologist
Applicants demonstrating a valid registration /examination pass record of the
Authorities’ recognized international examinations (shown below) will be exempted
from all components of assessment as defined by the PQR; providing that these exams
certification are not older than five years.
Country Equivalency Registration

Australia Australian Institute of Medical Scientist (AIMS) as

Medical Lab Scientist
Canada Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science
Ireland Graduates of Ireland accredited programs with
registration with Academy of Laboratory Science
New Zealand New Zealand Medical Laboratory Science Board as
Medical Lab Scientist
South Africa South African Health Professional Council (HPCSA) as a
UK Registration with Health and Care Professions Council
(HCPC) as Biomedical Scientist
USA The American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP)

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 It is allowed ONLY to access and keep this document with who issued, who is responsible and to whom it is applicable.
 Information security code:  Public  Confidential  Secured

DHA Assessment and Exam Exemption Policy

K. Nuclear medicine technologist
Applicants demonstrating a valid registration /examination pass record of the
Authorities’ recognized international examinations (shown below) will be exempted
from all components of assessment as defined by the PQR; providing that these exams
certification are not older than five years.
Country Equivalency Assessment

Australia Registration with the Medical Radiation Practice Board

of Australia (AHPRA)
Canada Documented evidence of passing the Canadian
Association Medical Radiation Technologists (CAMRT)
certification examination
Ireland Registration with CORU
New Zealand Documented evidence of passing the Registration
Examination Assessment (REA) path to registration or
Registration with the New Zealand Medical Radiation
Technologists Board
UK Graduates of a UK accredited Radiology programme and
registration in the UK Healthcare Professions Council
South Africa Registration with South African Health Professions
Council (HPCSA)
USA Certification by the American Registry of Radiologic
Technologist (ARRT) or
Certification by the Nuclear Medicine Technology
Certification Board (NMTCB)

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DHA Assessment and Exam Exemption Policy

L. Registered nurses and midwives
Applicants who are licensed within the countries (shown below) will be exempted
from the Registered Nurse or Registered Midwife components of the Authorities’
competency based assessment (Examination) as defined by the Professional
Qualification Requirement (PQR); providing that these exams certification are not
older than five years.
New Zealand
South Africa
United Kingdom
Note: Must be Valid and in-good standing registration from the issuing country at the
time of application with clear disciplinary record

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DHA Assessment and Exam Exemption Policy

M.Pharmacist and clinical pharmacist
Applicants demonstrating a valid registration /examination pass record of the
Authorities’ recognized international examinations (shown below) will be exempted
from all components of assessment as defined by the PQR; providing that these exams
certification are not older than five years.
Country Equivalency Registration
Australia The Australian Pharmacy Board
Registration of any board member under National
Association of Pharmacy Regulatory Authorities (NAPRA)
Ireland Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland
New Zealand The Pharmacy council of NZ
UK The General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC)
Registration of any board member under National
Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP)

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 It is allowed ONLY to access and keep this document with who issued, who is responsible and to whom it is applicable.
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DHA Assessment and Exam Exemption Policy

N. Physiotherapist
Applicants demonstrating a valid registration /examination pass record of the
Authorities’ recognized international examinations (shown below) will be exempted
from all components of assessment as defined by the PQR; providing that these exams
certification are not older than five years.
Country Equivalency Registration

Australia Australian Physiotherapy Board

Canada Registration of any board member under the Canadian
Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators
Ireland Graduates of Ireland accredited programs with
Registration from Irish Society of Chartered
New Zealand The Physiotherapy Board of New Zealand
South Africa South African Health Professional Council (HPCSA)
UK Graduates of UK accredited programs with Registration
with Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC)
USA Passing the national physical therapy examination ( NPTE)

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 It is allowed ONLY to access and keep this document with who issued, who is responsible and to whom it is applicable.
 Information security code:  Public  Confidential  Secured

DHA Assessment and Exam Exemption Policy

O. Radiotherapist (radiation therapist)
Applicants demonstrating a valid registration /examination pass record of the
Authorities’ recognized international examinations (shown below) will be exempted
from all components of assessment as defined by the PQR; providing that these exams
certification are not older than five years.
Country Equivalency Assessment

Australia Registration with the Medical Radiation Practice Board of

Canada Documented evidence of passing the Canadian
Association Medical Radiation Technologists (CAMRT)
certification examination
Ireland Registration with CORU

New Zealand Documented evidence of passing the Registration

Examination Assessment (REA) path to registration or
Registration with the New Zealand Medical Radiation
Technologists Board
UK Graduated of a UK accredited Radiology program and
registration in the UK Healthcare Professions Council
South Africa Registration with South African Health Professions
Council (HPCSA)
USA Certification by the American Registry of Radiologic
Technologist (ARRT)

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 It is allowed ONLY to access and keep this document with who issued, who is responsible and to whom it is applicable.
 Information security code:  Public  Confidential  Secured

DHA Assessment and Exam Exemption Policy

P. Sonographer
Applicants demonstrating a valid registration /examination pass record of the
Authorities’ recognized international examinations (shown below) will be exempted
from all components of assessment as defined by the PQR; providing that these exams
certification are not older than five years.
Country Equivalency Registration

Australia Australasian Sonographer Accreditation Registry

Canada Sonography Canada
Ireland Registration with CORU
New Zealand Documented evidence of passing the Registration
Examination Assessment (REA) path to registration or
Registration with the New Zealand Medical Radiation
Technologists Board
South Africa South African Health Professional Council (HPCSA) as a
United Kingdom Graduates of UK accredited programs with
Registration with Health and Care Professions Council
USA The American Registry for Diagnostic Medical
Sonography (ARDMS) or The American Registry of
Radiologic Technologists ( ARRT)

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DHA Assessment and Exam Exemption Policy

13.2.2 Conflict of interest and assessment protocol agreement
This form is applicable for oral assessment only
Conflict of Interest and Confidentiality Agreement

We the undersigned declare that we have no actual or potential conflict of interest; this includes
both financial and other interests that could compromise our performance of our official duties or
the standing of the Dubai Health Authority (DHA) Health Regulation Department.

We further verify that the content of all material and information associated with our role as the
assessment panel member with the DHA Health Regulation Department will remain confidential; this
includes the process for examination setting and marking.

Notifications for rescheduling assessments

We shall notify the HRD assessment team in case of requesting to reschedule the assessment five (5)
days prior of the assessment.

Guidelines for conducting assessment

We agree on committing to the guidelines for conducting the assessment (referred in the next page)

Assessment Panel

Name: ------------------------------------------------------ Name: ------------------------------------------------------

staff number : -------------------------------------------- staff number : --------------------------------------------

Signature : ------------------------------------------------- Signature : -------------------------------------------------

Name: ------------------------------------------------------ Name: ------------------------------------------------------

staff number :-------------------------------------------- staff number : --------------------------------------------

Signature : ------------------------------------------------- Signature : -------------------------------------------------

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DHA Assessment and Exam Exemption Policy

Assessment panel guidelines for conducting oral assessment

1. Arrive early at the venue and begin the oral assessment on time in the presence of all
members of the assessment panel, starting with a brief introduction.
2. Communicate with the candidate in a respectful manner
3. Mobile phones are not to be used during the assessment.
4. Questions should be applicable for the chosen title.
5. A minimum of five (5) questions are to be asked (clinical knowledge, best practice, up-to-
date healthcare knowledge, patient centric skills, case management)
6. Questions should be divided among the assessment panel members
7. Irrelevant questions, making personal comments, interfering with the other panel
members during the assessment and directing the candidate answer by using an
introductory question or a leading question should be avoided.
8. The assessment result shall not be communicated verbally with the applicant
9. The final score sheet of the assessment form should be signed after filling the name and
staff number.
10. HRD shall have the final decision regarding the assessment panel recommendation.

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DHA Assessment and Exam Exemption Policy

13.2.3 Appeal form

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DHA Assessment and Exam Exemption Policy

Revision History

.S Summary *Amend Type Page .Issue No Issue Date

* Amend Type: Add – Modify – Cancel

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DHA Assessment and Exam Exemption Policy

Prepared By Designation Signature

Khawla Binfahad Senior Administrative officer - Health
Regulation Department
Principal administrative officer - Health
Amal Al Salman
Regulation Department

Reviewed By Designation Signature

Salam Swaid Administrative Officer- Health Regulation

Verified By Designation Signature

Aisha Al Maamari Head of Professional Registration Unit- Health
Regulation Department

Approved By Designation Signature

Dr. Marwan Al Mulla Acting Director- Health Regulation Department

Chairman of Medical Chairman of Medical Practice Committee

Practice Committee

Authorized By Designation Signature

His Excellency Humaid Al
Chairman of Board and Director General

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