Smart Camera Network Localization Using A 3D Target
Smart Camera Network Localization Using A 3D Target
Camera y (x,y)
designed and created a small target with 288 feature points
(u,v) v
Frame (CCF) x
set across 6 differently angled grids. We have also designed
z and implemented a simple and efficient detection algorithm.
Detection of our target (in a 640x480 image) begins by
stepping to find a green pixel. Then: find all contiguous
Image Coordinate
Coordinate Frame (WCF)
Frame (ICF)
green pixels on the row; from the line’s midpoint, find all
z contiguous green pixels on the column; consider this vertical
Figure 1. Projection of 3D points to 2D pixel points line to be the vertical diameter of the sphere atop the target;
Figure 2. Detecting the 3D localization target’s feature points
use the midpoint as a starting reference for finding all grid- Figure 6 shows the change in the estimate of the z-axis
side edges of the colored areas beside each grid. These orientation at each hop. This error is consistently higher than
edges define target-relative horizontal and vertical lines that error in other orientation estimates, and may be due to the
bound a grid and define scan line length and orientation for fact that in our setup the z-coordinate value of target
finding edge fits to all sides of squares in the grid. positions was much greater than the other two.
Intersecting edge fits gives corners of squares, which are the
feature points of the target, shown in Figure 2. Our results 4.3 Message Passing
are generated with the target upright for ground truth Message passing in our solution consists only of determining
measurement purposes, but the detection algorithm does not simultaneous target detections between pairs of cameras, and
require it to be so. We have also verified detection functions
well under various lighting conditions. Figures 3 and 4: Accuracy of single camera localizations
4.1 Single Camera Localization
Our algorithm’s accuracy is dependent upon the accuracy of
the projection matrix estimation by individual cameras upon
observing the target. This is because each camera computes
and passes to at least one neighbor a transformation between
two target coordinate frames it has localized to. Any error in
these localizations is propagated through the network via the
passed transformations.
Figures 3 and 4 demonstrate the accuracy of single camera
localizations using our indoor localization target. Figure 3
shows the position error of a single camera’s localization as
the target is placed successively further from the camera.
Position error is defined as the percentage of the Euclidean
error of the camera position estimation to the camera-to-
target distance. Percentage of frame area occupied by point
matches means the percentage of the area, in square pixels,
of the bounding box around all target feature points to the
total image area. The graph shows that the localization error
when the target is close to the camera is the same at
subsequent target positions–thus the decreasing percentage.
This suggests that the error is likely from an inaccuracy in
manual measurement, because it is consistent. Figure 4
shows that estimated orientation angles fluctuate less than
0.3 of a degree over the same configuration.
4.2 Network Localization
Figure 5 shows the position error of cameras realigned to the
network’s global coordinate frame. Due to the propagation
of single camera errors in transformations passed to
neighbors, the error increases at each hop away from the
camera chosen as origin of the global coordinate frame.
Figures 5 and 6: Accuracy of network localization takes the next step of a full-featured 3D target that not only
resolves scale, but also reduces both message passing and
This material is based upon work supported by the National
Science Foundation under Grant No. CNS-0722063. Any
opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations
expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not
necessarily reflect the views of the National Science
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