Whitepaper 10 Qualities of Great Consultants
Whitepaper 10 Qualities of Great Consultants
Whitepaper 10 Qualities of Great Consultants
Great Consultants
Hiring is not an easy task. Any Hiring Manager will tell you that. We would like to visit a few characteristics that every ‘great’
It involves scrutinizing the talent to the max. You are looking consultant should possess. These have been curated
for a person who not only fits into the job role defined with the with the help of real-time consultants who have gone
responsibilities, but you need someone who can get acclima- above and beyond their job calling and have gained the
tized to the company’s work culture as well. A good consultant esteemed position of becoming great in their roles.
is not easy to acquire. We know this because we are in the
staffing solutions business and it is our job to understand what
makes a consultant stick.
1. Being resourceful
A consultant might not have all the answers for you. But he/she will surely know where to find them. When the time comes,
a good consultant is ready to bring in reinforcements. No one is perfect but a great consultant finds a way of making things
when all the other resources have failed. Implementing software isn’t an easy task, however a great consultant with a ‘can
do’ attitude can find a way to design a process or create a solution that will go a long way with your organization.
2. Being passionate
A lot of people might say that they are passionate about their jobs but when the time comes, their passion dries up. A
great consultant gets into the job-driven by passion. He/she will exude the ‘out of the box’ attitude, alluring positive aura
for understanding and resolving a client’s issue. It is easy to identify if someone is faking their drive to help clients as their
passive, careless demeanor gets reflected in their work. A passionate consultant will be invested in providing solutions for
your enterprise and not just with the 30,000 ft view but beyond that.
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10 Qualities of Great Consultants
3. Being pragmatic
A great consultant doesn’t go by the book always. They tend to think outside
An experienced consultant
the box. They boil down the solutions to the practical level to analyze how this
will rely mostly on the best
can affect all, they veer if needed, the resolution in everyone’s favor avoiding
practices and methodologies to
any collateral damage. With CRM being a scalable application, they under-
apply the software solutions to
stand that a change in a specific code can, let’s say help Sharon in Service
ensure the best outcome for the
Delivery with getting the data quicker.
client. This pragmatic approach
is what sets them apart.
4. Being inquisitive
In this case, curiosity doesn’t kill the cat. A great consultant is known by asking the right questions. Even difficult ones
scrapping out the inconsistencies and moving towards the main causes. He/she does a deep dive into the client’s
requirement and tries to come up with a workable solution. Being inquisitive may harbor feelings of annoyance on the
client’s part, but one has to remember it’s for the greater good. A great consultant looks at the problem from every angle
to find a cohesive practical solution. Their yearning to learn more might come in handy, as a cynical mind can come up
with the most outrageous, yet practical questions. And with CRM being a forever changing niche, it is imperative that a
consultant asks as many questions tactfully and politely to get to the crux of the matter and transform your business.
5. Being resilient
Not every day is perfect. On some days you are the statue and on other days you are the pigeon. A great consultant
doesn’t evade when trouble starts brewing, he/she picks himself up and restarts working on the solution. He/she under-
stands that some problems may get resolved quickly and for others, it may take time. And that solution may come after a
few failed attempts. What distinguishes great consultants is the ability to rework with the same zest, motivate the team and
keeping helping the client with the solution. Under such circumstances, a great consultant is also defined by the amount of
patience he/she possesses. Being accountable and resilient are perhaps two of the outstanding qualities that make them
stand out.
A great consultant needs to be able to express his/her ideas clearly, either orally or in writing in any of the interactions
between the client or a colleague. He/she needs to avoid using technical jargons in front of individuals who come from
a non-technical background. Explaining difficult topics or stages of Salesforce or Dynamics 365 implementation should
be done in an understandable manner. In terms of delivering a training session, imparting information, discussing best
methodologies, product capabilities, software challenges, sending out emails, memos, a great consultant ensures that the
message is delivered in a clear, concise and professional manner.
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10 Qualities of Great Consultants
Communication is the key. And being a good listener is half the battle won. A great consultant does listen to respond but
to act. He/she delves deep into the requirements of the client, understands the nature of the business and churns out an
actionable solution. Every implementation of Dynamics 365 or Salesforce CRM is different depending on the client’s need.
It is up to a great consultant to be able to listen to those requests and put them into practice. Consultants need to ask
many questions in order to get a clear picture of a client’s requirements but also, should be able to actively listen to the
feedback they receive for building the best solution. A consultant needs to be in the know-how of the client’s business, is
sensitive towards their business parameters and the current scenarios; he/she will be able to impress upon them that he/
she can make a difference. Every team is made up of different people with different communication styles, so listening skills
become paramount as each of those styles come into play.
We get to create first impressions only once. A great consultant must en-
sure that he/she works as a cohesive team member with the same goal
in mind. During the implementation of the CRM software, he/she has to It’s a given that everyone has their set
work closely with the team members to meet the client’s requirements. targets and metrics, but a responsible
In a team, as we know, each member is responsible for meeting their consultant will create a healthy work
own deadlines, communicating efficiently, and building on each other’s environment wherein the goals are met
strengths. As a consultant, it becomes easy to solely focus on one’s own collectively, and the client’s require-
role and the responsibilities that come along with it. However, a great ments are fulfilled on time.
consultant will ensure that he/she works in unison with the team working
towards the same objective.
It is also vital for the consultant to build a rapport with the client, and therefore his/her soft skills are of prime importance.
How he/she connects with people from different backgrounds is extremely important. Every client comes from a different
background, track record, professional mannerisms. A great consultant will understand these kinds of differences and will
be mindful in their behavior with the clients. As a great consultant advances in the consulting assignment, he/she needs to
subtly highlight his/her knowledge, expertise and past experience in a similar field without being rude or arrogant.
9. Being compliant
A consultant when hired by a reputed company cannot be expected to be treated differently. He/she will fall under
the umbrella of the company’s policies and procedures. Depending on the duration of the CRM project- a long term
or a short one, a consultant cannot simply start being aggressive or bossy. A great consultant understands that it is
mandatory for anyone to adhere to the organization’s policies. This could very well cover the premise of dress code,
etiquette, personal hygiene and so on. He/she is careful not to tarnish the image of the company they have been hired for
under any circumstances. A great consultant does not endorse any unfair means to get the work completed and tries to
maintain a healthy and positive work environment throughout.
A consultant’s work schedule is filled with deadlines. And at times he/she may have to depend on the team for
meeting those deadlines. In such scenarios, it becomes important to keep the morale of the team high and
continuously motivate them. Being flexible is an important criterion and a great consultant is aware of that. Such
consultants are accommodating and easily adapt to a new work culture, a new set of colleagues. Their precedence over
excellent soft skills along with their technical acumen helps them get adjusted to the new environment.
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10 Qualities of Great Consultants
They are aware that the technical world keeps on evolving and they need to
keep up with the changes. The client’s requirements will change as well, as
per the new technological advances. A great consultant doesn’t slack but
rolls with the punches. Changes can occur at any point in a project, from
The client’s requirements will
scheduling needs to updated business requirements to new project team
change as well, as per the new
members. A great consultant needs to be able to adjust quickly to these
technological advances. A great
changes in order to keep a project on track.
consultant doesn’t slack but rolls
with the punches.
A great consultant isn’t limited by these features alone. As a business owner,
when you want to hire a consultant to get your Salesforce or Dynamics 365
CRM in place, you need to be mindful of these traits. You need consultants
who can work collaboratively with the existing team members and help you
navigate your way around each phase of the Salesforce or Dynamics 365
CRM implementation and harness the power of these new tools to usher
you into the world business intelligence, seamlessly.
• https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/top-10-characteristics-successful-consultant-cindy-streitenberger/
• https://www.bizjournals.com/bizjournals/how-to/growth-strategies/2015/07/3-qualities-to-look-for-when-hiring-a-
• http://www.consultingfact.com/blog/the-key-attributes-of-a-good-consultant/
Achieve more with AhaApps
Of course, no one is perfect, and the perfect consultant might
exist in a parallel universe. But what you might get with our We have spent quite a num-
help, is someone with as many features mentioned above. ber of years in research and
We have spent quite a number of years in research and exploration in the fields of Salesforce
exploration in the fields of Salesforce and Dynamics 365 and that is and Dynamics 365 and that is why we
why we understand the need for specialized talent in the CRM domain. understand the need for specialized tal-
We follow a basic principle when it comes to hiring the right consult- ent in the CRM domain. We follow a ba-
ant. If it’s not good enough for us, we do not want it for you either. We sic principle when it comes to hiring the
believe in honesty and transparency in all our interactions. We want right consultant. If it’s not good enough
to create a better business environment for you. AhaApps knows the for us, we do not want it for you either.
magnanimous impact a right hire can have on the business and that is
why we put an enormous effort to curate a list of skilled talents for you.
There is a reason why we take pride in our selection of talent. As industry experts, we believe in delivering world-class
staffing solutions for our clients. With skilled, experienced, carefully scrutinized consultants available at all times, we
strive to source the right fit for your next project. If your business needs a consultant with Salesforce or Dynamics 365
skill set, chances are we have a consultant that will fit the bill. AhaApps maintains an enduring reputation for hiring only
unsurpassed consultants in the industry.
Our consultants harbor a fact-based approach in solution building. They listen, examine and understand your strategy
and culture, to implement what is fit for your business. They do not believe in reinventing the wheel but find out innovative
solutions for any challenges in your ecosystem. Before they get the elbow grease, they do they homework diligently, so that
they are prepared for any unforeseen challenges which might threaten your business framework.
AhaApps wants to find the best talent, build successful teams, and generate value for your shareholders through
excellence in specialized talent search. We know that as business owners, you may be handling the challenges of globaliza-
tion, risk management, regulatory scrutiny. All organizations are seeking consultants to drive transformation and success,
with sustenance in strategy, diverse sensitivity and the personality to motivate. Unlike most Salesforce and Dynamics 365
resource acquisition providers, we develop long-term working partnerships with our clients to guarantee full knowledge
and understanding of their requirements.
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Contact us today for Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics 365 staffing solutions.
+1 804-544-1123