Project Management Services - Nycproject Deliverables Raci Matrix (Updated 07/14/14)

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DoITT | Project Management Services - NYCProject Deliverables RACI Matrix (updated 07/14/14) <-- Functional Teams -->

Business Owner/Stakeholder
RACI Definition Links

User Experience Design

Enterprise Architecture
Solution Architecture
Project Management

Production Support
Business Analysis

Quality Assurance
HTML Production


IT Security
ID (A)gile, Deliverable Name Format responsible-accountable-consulted-and-kept-informed/


1 A Product Backlog Excel Template A R C

2 A Burndown Chart Excel Template R C C C C C C C C C C C
3 B Risk & Issues Report Excel Template R C C C C C C C C C C I
4 B Status Report / Key Decisions Excel Template R C C C C C C C C C C A
5 A Project Framework Excel Template R C C C C C C C C C I A
6 A Release Plan / Sprint Plan Excel Template R C C C C C C C C C I A
7 B Program Roadmap Visio Template R C I I I I I I C C I A
8 B Project Charter Word Template R C C C C C C C C C C A
9 H Project Schedule / Work Plan Project Plan Template R C C C C C C C C C A
10 B IT Security Accreditation Word Template R C I C C A R, C Depends on the engagement. If hosting app, Business Owner is R
11 B Discovery Plan Word Template A R C
12 H Detailed Requirements Excel Template / Caliber Tool I R I I I I I I I I A
13 A User Story Acceptance Criteria Word Template I R C I C I I A
14 A User Stories Word Template / Caliber Tool I R C I C I I A
15 B Data Dictionary Excel Template I R C I C I I I A
16 B User Interface Flows Visio Template I I R I I I I I A
17 B Annotated Wireframes HTML Prototype or Visio I I R I I I I I A
18 H Use Cases Word Template I R C I C I I A
19 B GUI Design - Functional Specifications Word Template I I R I I I I I I I I
20 B GUI Design - Look & Feel Designs Photoshop Template I I R I I I I I A
21 B Error & Message Inventory Excel Template I R C I I I I I I A
22 B Content Inventory HTML Prototype or Word I R C I I I I I A
23 B Bill of Materials Excel Template I C I A C C C R
24 B Technical Design Word Template I R I I C C C Includes Application and Data Architecture
25 B Test Plan - Unit & Development Integration Test Plan Excel Template A R I
26 B Test Plan - QA Integration & System Test Plan Word Template A A R
27 B Test Plan - Performance Test Plan Word Template A I R
28 B Test Plan - UAT Plan Word Template A C C C C C I I R This depends on the project, but often Business creates scripts
29 B Test Plan - Go-Live Validation Test Plan Word Template A C I R I
30 B Test Plan - Operational Readiness Test Plan Excel Template R I I A
31 B Test Plan - Infrastructure Readiness Test Plan Excel Template R I C C A
32 B Test Scripts - Unit & Development Integration Test Scripts Excel Template A R I
33 B Test Scripts - QA Integration & System Test Scripts Quality Center Tool A C I R
34 B Test Scripts - Performance Test Scripts Quality Center Tool and LR A I R I
35 B Test Scripts - UAT Scripts Word Template A C C C C C I I R This depends on the project, but often Business creates scripts
36 B Test Scripts - Go-Live Validation Test Scripts Word Template A C I R I
37 B Test Scripts - Operational Readiness Test Scripts Excel Template R I I A
38 B Test Scripts - Infrastructure Readiness Test Scripts Excel Template R I C C
39 B Test Scripts - Service Desk Scripts Word Template C C C C C C I R C R s/b prod Support. "R" depends on engagement and res availability
System Artifacts - Development Tasks & Owners Mix (HTML, Powerpoint,
40 B I R A
(application code and documentation, configuration files, integration guide?) Excel, etc.)
41 B System Artifacts - Logical and Physical Data Model Data Modelling Tool I R I A I C C I
42 B System Artifacts - Application Scan Results (?) Quality Center Tool I R I I A I
43 B Run Book Word Template I R I A I
44 A Sprint Demo Front End Code Demo I I I I I R C I I I A
45 B Front End Production - User Interface Behavior HTML / CSS / JS I I R I I A I I I
46 B Front End Production - Presentation Layer Files/ HTML HTML / CSS / JS A R A I
47 B Migration Plan Word Template I I R A
48 B Migration Plan - Initial Roll-Back/Contingency Plan Mix (Powerpoint, Excel, etc.) I C I R C A
49 B Migration Plan - Deployment & Backout Approach Powerpoint Template I I C I R I I A Backout has a large Infrastructure component.
50 B Release Notes - all new code versions, especially Production Word or Plain Text I I R I I A
51 H Test Progress & Defect Report - Unit & Development Integration Word Template I I I R I I A
52 H Test Progress & Defect Report - QA Integration Test Quality Cetner Tool I I I R A
53 H Test Progress & Defect Report - System Test Quality Cetner Tool I I R I A
54 H Test Progress & Defect Report - Browser Test Qualty Center Tool I I R A
55 H Test Progress & Defect Report - Performance Test Word Template I I R I A
56 H Test Progress & Defect Report - User Acceptance Test Excel Template A C I I R
57 H Test Progress & Defect Report - Operational Readiness Word Template R I I A
58 H Test Progress & Defect Report - Infrastructure Readiness Word Template R I C I A
59 B Test Report - Summary of all testing efforts and open defects Excel Template A C I R I
60 B Deployment Scorecard/Go/No Go Checklist Excel Template A I C R Not always created for every project.
61 B Client Survey Survey Gizmo / Email R C
62 B Project Review / Lessons Learned Excel R C C C C C C C C C C C
Deliverable Definition -
Deliverable Name
as per

The Product Backlog is the requirements (both functional and non-functional) for a system. It includes a prioritized list of Product Backlog Items (which may or may not have
Product Backlog corresponding high level estimates). Product Backlog Items can be expressed as User Stories (units of work small enough to be completed by the team in a single Sprint iteration)
and/or Epics (sets of multiple User Stories).

The Burn Down Chart is the graphical representation of remaining work left versus remaining time in a sprint. It includes an "ideal line" based on initial estimates and an "actual line"
Bundown Chart
based on hours burned by the team. The goal of the Burn Down Chart is to predict the likelihood of a timely completion.

The Risks & Issues Report describes all risks and issues for a project, including the current status, level of impact, and resolution or mitigation strategy for each risk or issue at any
Risk & Issues Report
given time during the project.

The Status Report provides a snapshot of the project's overall health on a regular basis. It includes all key accomplishments, issue resolutions, key decisions, critical issues
Status Report / Key Decisions
requiring escalation, and action items for a given time period.

The Project Framework outlines the skeletal structure of the project delivery. It includes the major phases (Exploration, Foundation, Construction, and Deployment) as well as the
Project Framework
total number and duration of sprints included within the Construction phase. When specific requirements are loaded into the Project Framework, it evolves into the Release Plan

The Release Plan provides a high level overview of what will be delivered and when. It includes an outline of all releases, the estimated date for each release, the sprints to be
Release Plan / Sprint Plan
included in each release, and the User Stories to be included in each sprint.

The Program Roadmap outlines the high-level plan to accomplish a strategic goal through delivery of a series of projects. The Roadmap includes major milestones and
Program Roadmap
corresponding target dates.

The Project Charter formally defines and authorizes a project. The Project Charter includes the business need, project scope, stakeholders, team organization, communication plan,
Project Charter
risks and assumptions, and other factors that impact the project.

The Project Schedule outlines the major phases of the project delivery and the individual steps (activities, deliverables, role assignments, durations, and dependencies) within each
Project Schedule / Work Plan

The IT Security Accreditation document describes the logical and physical architecture of the system, data classification and private data handling, data flow diagram, and all the
IT Security Accreditation
information about a project from a security perspective.

The Discovery Plan identifies all potential sources of requirements in order to eliminate gaps. It includes a list of all tasks planned and executed during requirements elicitation
Discovery Plan
(interviews, workshops, focus groups/surveys, reviewed documents, analyzed applications, shadowing/observations) along with corresponding time estimates.

The Requirements record all of the system features, functionality, and constraints within the boundaries of the project scope. They include a traceability matrix using hierarchy
Detailed Requirements and/or numerical references. The details of the Requirements are sufficient to allow design, development, and testing teams to commence their activities and include a description
of all sources from which the requirements were elicited and when (e.g., interviews, documents reviewed, etc.).

Story Acceptance Criteria are the requirements that need to be met for a User Story to be considered "complete". The Acceptance Criteria for a single User Story may include
User Story Acceptance Criteria
multiple scenarios; each scenario includes the pre-conditions, user action, and expected outcomes.

User Stories

The Data Dictionary defines the data elements that users will enter and/or view on the user interface and specifies validation rules, allowed values, default values, and encryption for
Data Dictionary all data elements. The Data Dictionary may include data elements that are not explicitly displayed on the user interface but used in the functionality of the interface (e.g., a
calculated due date based on the date of a prior event).

The User Interaction (UI) Flows describe the screen-by-screen interaction between users and the application. The complete map is a comprehensive model of every screen, every
User Interface Flows
user decision point, and every possible user action and result (including errors and confirmations).

The Wireframes describe the functional elements, groupings, and hierarchy within each individual screen of the application (but not the aesthetic design). They are organized
Annotated Wireframes
modularly and include corresponding annotations to describe related functional behavior or other critical information.

The Use Cases document the complete universe of users' intended interactions with the application or the application's interactions with other system components. The Use Cases
Use Cases
include every alternative flow or edge case and describe the scenarios for each message that can display.

The Graphic User Interface (GUI) Design describes the aesthetic look and feel of the application design. The GUI Design is organized modularly and includes guidelines for the
GUI Design
underlying layout grid, font treatment, color palettes, and graphical treatment of specific elements and content relationships.

The Error & Message (ERM) Inventory describes the content that automatically displays due to the users' interaction with the system and the corresponding scenarios that cause
Error & Message Inventory
them to display (e.g., submission error, confirmation, etc.).

The Content Inventory describes all text communication presented in the user interface of the application. It is organized by item and includes all static (e.g., page titles, field labels,
Content Inventory
instructional text, help text, etc.) as well as dynamically rendered text.

The Bill of Materials (BOM) is a comprehensive description of each particular environment. It is used to request each environment - Dev, Test, Staging, Production - and is
Bill of Materials populated with the as-built environment details and infrastructure runbook information once environments are built. BOMs can contain server, database, storage, network, firewall,
and other technical details.

The Technical Design document describes how the sofware is built and why it is built in a certain way. It includes system architecture, system components and configuration, unit
Technical Design
testing, integration details, exception handling, and build scripts.

The User Acceptance Test (UAT) Plan documents the testing that will be performed by users who will be utilizing the application. The document includes each scenario to be tested
UAT Test Plan
along with instructions regarding how to complete the scenario, the desired outcome of the scenario, and the actual test results.

The Test Plan describes the overall strategy for the QA Integration, System, Performance, and Go-Live Validation Testing phases. For each testing phase it includes success
Test Plan criteria, risks and issues, functionality/scope to be tested, iteration and cycle strategy, entry and exit criteria between test phases, SLAs, resources, timeline, metrics, and toolsets

The Test Scripts describe the exact step-by-step instructions for each test phase: Integration, System, Performance, and Go-Live Validation. The Test Scripts describe what actions
Test Scripts
the user takes with the application and what are the expected responses.

The Defect Report is delivered together with the Test Progress Report and includes the current list of defects at any given point during the project. Every defect is described with an
Test Progress & Defect Report ID, brief desription, assigned Severity and Priority, and other information.
The Test Progress Report includes the test progress data at the end of a testing pass.

The Test Report summarizes the results of Integration, System, Performance, User Acceptance, Operational Readiness, and Infrastructure Readiness testing. It includes the final
Test Report
Test Progress Report and Defect Report as well as the final version of the Test Scripts.

System Artifacts The System Artifacts include the application code, configuration files, automated test scripts, build scripts, code documentation, and integration guide, if applicable.

Run Book The Runbook describes all the operational steps, procedures, and troubleshooting techniques related to the system being deployed in a production environment.

The Sprint Demo occurs at the end of a sprint and demonstrates all completed User Stories to the business for feedback and review. It includes the final user experience design as
Sprint Demo
well as functioning and fully-tested code for all User Stories completed within the sprint.

The front-end production is the coding of the structure, style, and behavior of the application's user interface layer (i.e. the "presentation" layer). The code is organized modularly
Front End Production
and includes the HTML, CSS, Javascript, and other files (but not the final content).

The Migration Plan describes step-by-step instructions to deploy all the system/application components, including database scripts and configurations, from one environment to the
Migration Plan
other environment.

Release Notes The Release Notes document describes all the changes or enhancements made to the system in a production release.

Deployment Scorecard

Client Survey The Client Survey rates the success of the project and effectiveness of the project development and management from the client's perspective.

The Project Review document summarizes project measurements and feedback from the team to inform any process improvements to be enacted in a future endeavor. It includes
Project Review / Lessons Learned
Lessons Learned, Project Metrics, and the Project Team Survey.
Version History

Version Description of Changes

RACI spreadsheet format created and seeded with list of deliverables from NYCProject

v2 Revisions made w.r.t. Analysis & Design deliverables

Author Date

Natalie Friedl 4/10/2014

Nina Ong 7/14/2014

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