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Interrupt Exercise

The document discusses a program for motor control using an Atmega32 microcontroller. It includes function definitions and uses interrupts to blink LEDs on PortC when an external interrupt is triggered on PortD pin 2. The program uses a while loop that shifts the PortC value left when no interrupt is active.

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Interrupt Exercise

The document discusses a program for motor control using an Atmega32 microcontroller. It includes function definitions and uses interrupts to blink LEDs on PortC when an external interrupt is triggered on PortD pin 2. The program uses a while loop that shifts the PortC value left when no interrupt is active.

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* Gccmotor_control.c
* Created: 30/11/2020 3PM
* Include files are initially declared for the functions used in the
various modules in the program
* Use proteus simulation software to analyze the program and write your own
observations. Use your own actuations connected to PortC with pull up resistors
* Atmega32 microcontroller used in this exercise.

# define F_CPU 1000000UL

#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <util/delay.h>

// calls, includes defined names for all of the SFRs on the Microcontroller
// contains two functions for causing the program to wait for certain periods of
// _delay_ms(xxx) (milliseconds). Note delay can also be in microseconds _delay_us

int i, temp;

//Interrupt Service Routine Function//

_delay_ms(50); // Software debouncing

temp=PORTC; // Save current value on


// This for loop blink LEDs on PortC 5 times//

for(i = 0; i<5; i++)

_delay_ms(5000); // Wait 5 seconds
_delay_ms(5000); // Wait 5 seconds

PORTC=temp; // Restore old value to


int main(void)

DDRC=0xff; // PortC is configured as an

output and lower nibble pins made high
DDRD = DDRD & ~(1<<2); // Enable portD pd2 as input for
external interrupt INT0
PORTD=0b11111111; // Set Port pins high as

GICR=1<<INT0; // Enable INT0

MCUCR=(1<<ISC01)|(1<<ISC00); // Trigger INT0 on rising edge

sei(); // Enable Global Interrupt

/* while is executed so long as the interrupt signal is not enabled
It is for you to find out the type of outcome the program will bring.
it is worth noting that interrupt flag is enabled for any external interrupt
to be serviced.
You can have other interrupt functions but highest interrupt is INT0.
Note of interrupt vector table usage.


if(PORTC>= 0x80)
PORTC= PORTC << 1; // Shift to the left

_delay_ms(5000); // Wait 5 seconds


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