Level 4 Workbook

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New Terms
chord inversions arrangement of the notes of a chord in which
the root is not the lowest note
cantabile in a singing style
simile continue in the same way; similar

Writing Triad Inversions

The C major triad is shown below in root position, first inversion and second inversion.

root position first inversion second inversion

• In root position, the root is the lowest note.

• In first inversion, the 3rd of the triad is the lowest note.
• In second inversion, the 5th of the triad is the lowest note.

Write the first and second inversions for the root position triads below.

1st inversion 2nd inversion 1st inversion 2nd inversion


Add the missing time signature.

Write in the counting.

L 4 – p. 1
Interval Review

Intervals between notes have quality as well as a number. In a major scale, the intervals
between the tonic and other scale degrees are either Major or Perfect.

• Intervals of a 4th, 5th and 8th (octave) are Perfect.

• Intervals of a 2nd, 3rd, 6th, and 7th are Major.

In example below, major and perfect intervals are built on the first note of a C
major scale.

Major Major Perfect Perfect Major Major Perfect

2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th (octave)

Identify the following intervals. Give both the number and quality of each.

Major ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________

3rd ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____

Writing Sharps in Key Signature Order

List all seven sharps in key signature order using letter names.

____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____

(Hint: Father Christmas Gave Dad An Electric Blanket)

Copy the sharp key signature in the blank measures.

L 4 – p. 2
Scale Review

Add accidentals to complete the scales below. Remember that there are half steps
between scale degree 3 – 4 and 7 – 8.
F major

G major

D major

Bb major


___ primary triads a. spirited

___ half cadence b. sweet, gentle

___ authentic cadence c. the fifth note (degree) of a scale or key

___ plagal cadence d. a phrase using V (or V7) as the final chord

___ tonic e. press the soft pedal

___ subdominant f. the first note (degree) of a scale or key

___ dominant g. V - I

___ dolce h. IV - I

___ sequence i. release the soft pedal

___ una corda j. the fourth note (degree) of a scale or key

___ tre corde k. a melodic pattern repeated at a higher or lower pitch

___ spiritoso l. the tonic, subdominant, and dominant triads

L 4 – p. 3

New Terms
ternary form three-part form (ABA)
presto very fast
subito suddenly

Order of Sharps
Write all seven sharps in key signature order.

Writing Minor Intervals

In a major key: 2nds, 3rds, 6ths and 7ths are major in quality (M) when built on the tonic.

M2 M3 M6 M7

To write a minor interval, lower the top note of a major interval by ½ step.
(Indicate major intervals with a capital M, and minor intervals with a lower case m.)

M2 m2 M3 m3 M6 m6 M7 m7

Write major and minor intervals above the given notes.

(Use the scale of G major to write the top note of the major intervals.)

M2 m2 M3 m3 M6 m6 M7 m7

L 4 – p. 4
Scales and Primary Triads
• Add accidentals to complete the scales below.
• Write tonic (I), subdominant (IV) and dominant (V) triads above the appropriate
notes of the scale.
• Label them with Roman numerals.

F major

G major

D major

Bb major

Binary Form and Ternary Form

Binary: two-part form (AB). In most pieces each of the sections is repeated (AABB).
Look for double repeat marks, as in the example below.

Ternary: three part form (ABA). In some pieces, the second A is written out while in
others, a D.C. al Fine marking is used. The example below is an ABA form (ternary),
because the A section is played again.

L 4 – p. 5
Score Analysis

1. Identify the key and mode (major or minor) of the music. ______________
2. What does the tempo marking Allegretto mean? ________________________________
3. What is a Minuet? ____________________________________________________________
4. Name the root of the circled broken triad in measure 4. _____
5. Identify the boxed interval in measure 9 by size and quality (M,m,P) __________ .
6. The piece is written in which form? (check one) ___ binary ___ ternary



L 4 – p. 6

New Terms
supertonic the second note (degree) of a scale or key
mediant the third note (degree) of a scale or key
Triad Inversions
submediant the sixth note (degree) of a scale or key
leading tone the seventh note (degree) of a scale or key


A phrase ending with a V or V7 chord is a(n) _________________________ cadence.

A phrase ending with the chords V to I is a(n) _________________________cadence.
A phrase ending with the chords IV to I is a(n) ________________________cadence.

Scales and Primary Triads

1. In a major scale, half steps are found between scale degrees

(fill in the blanks) - and ____ - ____
2. Add accidentals to complete the A major scale.
3. Write primary triads above the appropriate notes.
4. Add Roman numerals below the primary triads.

Write in the counting.

Add the missing time signature.

L 4 – p. 7

___ simile a. the first note of a scale or key

___ presto b. the second note of a scale or key

___ binary form c. the third note of a scale or key

___ tonic d. the fourth note of a scale or key

___ leading tone e. the fifth note of a scale or key

___ mediant f. the sixth note of a scale or key

___ subdominant g. the seventh note of a scale or key

___ supertonic h. continue in the same manner; similar

___ dominant i. in a singing style

___ submediant j. suddenly

___ cantabile k. A B A form

___ ternary form l. A B (AABB) form

___ subito m. very fast

Writing Major and Minor Thirds

The distance between the first and third notes of a major scale forms a major third. If
you lower the third by a half step, it becomes a minor third.

Add accidentals to form a D major scale. Then write major and minor thirds above the
given notes.

L 4 – p. 8
Triad Inversions

Write a triad in all 3 positions as shown in the example:

C major G major D major

Score Analysis

1. Circle and label an example of the following notes in the musical example below:
supertonic (ST), mediant (MED), submediant (SMED), leading tone (LT)

2. The music ends with:

___a half cadence ___ an authentic cadence ___a plagal cadence

3. The term, cresc. (crescendo) in measure 6 means _____________________

4. The form of the piece is: ___ binary ___ ternary

L 4 – p. 9

New Terms
sixteenth notes a division of the quarter note into
four equal parts
triplet three notes in the time of two notes of
the same value
common time ( C ) four quarter notes per measure (4/4 time)

1. Fill in the blanks for the following time signatures.

There are ____ beats in each measure. A ___________ note gets one beat.

There are ____ beats in each measure. A ___________ note gets one beat.

Scales and Primary Triads

1. In a major scale, half steps are found between scale degrees
(fill in the blanks) - and ____ - ____
2. Add accidentals to complete the Eb major scale.
3. Write primary triads above the appropriate notes.
4. Add Roman numerals below the primary triads.

Writing Major and Minor Thirds

Add accidentals to form an A major scale. Then write major and minor thirds above the
given notes.

L 4 – p. 10
Sixteenth Notes

Four 16th notes get the same time as one quarter note.

A single 16th note looks like this. A sixteenth rest looks like this.

The example below illustrates various combinations of 16th notes with other note
values. A traditional counting system is shown which subdivides the beat into 4 parts.


Write in the counting.



A triplet consists of three notes in the time of two notes of the same value.

In 3/4 meter, the beat is normally divided into two equal 8th notes as shown in
measure 2. The triplets in the first measure subdivide the beat into three equal
8th notes. (Triplets are indicated by the small number 3 under the 8th notes of
beats 2 and 3.)

Write in the counting for the example below.

L 4 – p. 11

___ ternary form a. a little

___ binary form b. the second note of a scale or key

___ presto c. the third note of a scale or key

___ poco d. very, much

___ leading tone e. a closing section

___ mediant f. the sixth note of a scale or key

___ molto g. the seventh note of a scale or key

___ supertonic h. continue in the same manner; similar

___ coda i. in a singing style

___ submediant j. suddenly

___ cantabile k. A B A form

___ simile l. A B (AABB) form

___ subito m. very fast

Fill in the Blanks

1. With 16th notes, the beat is divided into ____ parts.

2. Name the tonic note in the key of A major. _____

3. Name the dominant note in the key of D major. _____

4. Name the subdominant note in the key of G major. _____

5. Common time (C) is another way to write ___________.

6. The relative minor of C major is ______.

7. The relative major of d minor is ______.

8. Raise the 7th step of a natural minor scale to form a _______________________

minor scale.

L 4 – p. 12

New Terms
imitation the immediate restatement of a melody or
motive in another voice
leggiero lightly
loco play as written;
a reminder that the 8va sign has ended

Write the Eb major and c minor scales using whole notes.
• C minor is the relative minor of Eb major, so the same notes are flatted.
• Raise the 7th step of the natural minor scale to form the harmonic minor.

Eb major

c natural minor

c harmonic minor

Writing Major and Minor Thirds

Write a G major scale in the staff below, followed by major and minor thirds beginning
on G.

scale major 3rd minor 3rd

L 4 – p. 13
Order of Sharps
Write all seven sharps in key signature order.

Writing Flats in Key Signature Order

List all seven flats in key signature order using letter names.

____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____

(Hint: Blanket Exploded And Dad Got Cold Feet)

Copy the flat key signature in the blank measures.


Write in the counting for the following rhythm.

Add one note to complete each measure.

Score Analysis

L 4 – p. 14
Round Dance

1. What is the final measure of this piece? ____

2. What is the form of the piece? __________________
3. What is the meaning of the tempo marking? ___________
4. Identify the root of the circled broken triad in measure 9. _____
5. This chord is:
___ a tonic chord ____a dominant chord___ a subdominant chord
5. Locate and circle a broken triad whose root is A.
6. Measures 1 – 2 and 5 – 6 are examples of imitation. The bass clef notes
imitate the treble clef notes.

Find 2 other examples of imitation. Measures ____ - ____ and ____ - ____.

L 4 – p. 15

New Terms
syncopation the shifting of an accent to a weak beat,
or weaker part of a beat
morendo softly fading away; dying

maestoso majestic

Key Signatures

Write all seven flats in key signature order.

Write all seven sharps in key signature order.


Add one note to complete each measure.

L 4 – p. 16
1. Write each scale in whole notes.

D major

Bb major

Eb major

A major

2. Name the relative minor for each major key.

D major: ____ minor

Bb major: ____ minor

Eb major: ____ minor

A major: ____ minor

Primary Triads

Write the primary triads for each key. The key signature is given.
Hint: In a minor key, primary triads are based on the harmonic minor scale – remember to
raise the 7th scale degree (the leading tone).

L 4 – p. 17
Writing Major and Minor Thirds

Write each interval above the given notes.

Triad Inversions
Write each triad in 3 positions: root, 1st inversion and 2nd inversion

G major C major F major


___ cantabile a. lightly

___ simile b. suddenly

___ syncopation c. softly fading away: dying

___ imitation d. majestic

___ morendo e. in a singing style

___ leggiero f. very fast

___ subito g. continue in the same way

___ maestoso h. the second note (degree) of a scale or key

___ mediant i. the third note (degree) of a scale or key

___ submediant j. the sixth note (degree) of a scale or key

___ supertonic k. the immediate restatement of a melody or motive in

another voice.
___ loco l. the shifting of an accent to a weak beat, or weaker part
of a beat
___ presto m. play as written; a reminder that the 8va sign has

L 4 – p. 18

New Terms and Signs

arpeggiated chord a chord preceded by a wavy line, indicating that
it should be played one note at a time from
bottom to top; a rolled chord

espressivo play with feeling, expressively

Primary Triads
Write the primary triads for each minor key.

Key Signatures

Write all seven flats in key signature order.

Write all seven sharps in key signature order.

L 4 – p. 19
Write each scale using whole notes.

Eb major

c natural minor

c harmonic minor

Bb major

g natural minor

g harmonic minor

Writing Major and Minor Thirds

Write each third above the given note.

L 4 – p. 20
Score Analysis
Answer the questions about the musical example.



1. The music is written in the key of ____.

2. The form of this piece is: ___ binary ___ ternary

3. The interval between the two bass clef notes in measure 15 is: ___________

4. Compare bars 1–4 with bars 5–8. The phrases are: __ parallel __contrasting

5. Circle and label an example of each of the following:

a mediant note a submediant note a supertonic note

L 4 – p. 21

New Terms and Signs

D.S. al fine go back to the sign and play to the Fine (end)

(the sign)

Key Signatures

Write all seven flats in key signature order.

Write all seven sharps in key signature order.

Memorize the number of flats and sharps for the keys listed in the chart below.

1 flat 2 flats 3 flats 1 sharp 2 sharps 3 sharps

F major Bb major Eb major G major D major A major

d minor g minor c minor e minor b minor f# minor

L 4 – p. 22
Write each scale using whole notes.

G Major

e natural minor

e harmonic minor

c natural minor

c harmonic minor

g natural minor

g harmonic minor

Write in the counting.

L 4 – p. 23
Perfect 5ths

A Perfect 5th is formed between the 1st and 5th notes of major and minor scales.
Write an Eb major scale followed by a Perfect 5th using Eb as the lower note.

What is the 5th note of the D major scale? ______

What is the 5th note of the G major scale? ______
What is the 5th note of the A major scale? ______

___ espressivo a. lightly

___ simile b. suddenly

___ syncopation c. softly fading away: dying

___ imitation d. go back to the sign, and play to the Fine

___ morendo e. in a singing style

___ leggiero f. very fast

___ subito g. continue in the same way

___ maestoso h. the second note (degree) of a scale or key

___ mediant i. the third note (degree) of a scale or key

___ submediant j. the sixth note (degree) of a scale or key

___ supertonic k. the immediate restatement of a melody or motive in

another voice.
___ loco l. the shifting of an accent to a weak beat, or weaker part
of a beat
___ presto m. play as written; a reminder that the 8va sign has
___ D. S. al Fine n. play with feeling, expressively

___ cantabile o. majestic

L 4 – p. 24
Key Signatures

Write all seven flats in key signature order.

Write all seven sharps in key signature order.

Fill in the missing keys from the chart.

1 flat 2 flats 3 flats 1 sharp 2 sharps 3 sharps

___ major ___ major ___ major ___ major ___ major ___ major

___ minor ___ minor ___ minor ___ minor ___ minor ___ minor


L 4 – p. 25
Write in the counting.

Add the missing time

Key Signature Identification

Name the major and minor keys for each key signature.

___ major ___ major ___ major ___ major ___ major ___ major
___ minor ___ minor ___ minor ___ minor ___ minor ___ minor

Cadence Matching

___ Authentic cadence a. I – V

___ Plagal cadence b. V – I

___ Half cadence c. IV - I

Triad Inversions

Write each triad in 3 positions (root, 1st inversion and 2nd inversion)

G major D major F major

L 4 – p. 26
Primary Triads

Write the primary triads. The key signature is given.

Eb major A major Bb major


Major Scales

Use whole notes to write each scale.

F major

Bb major

Eb major

G major

D major

A major

L 4 – p. 27
Minor Scales
Write the following scales using whole notes.

c harmonic minor

e harmonic minor

g harmonic minor

Writing Key Signatures

1. Write the correct number of flats or sharps in key signature order.
2. Fill in the name of the relative minor for each key signature.

D major F major G major Eb major A major Bb major

___ minor ___ minor ___ minor ___ minor ___ minor ___ minor

Key Signature Identification

Name the major and minor keys for each key signature.

___ major ___ major ___ major ___ major ___ major ___ major
___ minor ___ minor ___ minor ___ minor ___ minor ___ minor

L 4 – p. 28
1. Fill in the missing time signature.

2. Match each rhythm with the correct time signature.


Score Analysis

Answer the questions about the musical example, Gigue, by Telemann.

1. Name the root of the boxed broken triad in measure 1. _____
2. Name the root of the boxed broken triad in measure 3. _____
3. Name the interval between the circled notes in measure 4. Give both the number
and the quality (Major,minor or Perfect)___________________
4. Name the interval between the circled notes in measure 5. Give both the number
and the quality (Major,minor or Perfect)___________________
5. Compare the phrases in measures 1 – 4 and 5 – 8. Are the phrases parallel or
are they contrasting? ___ parallel ___contrasting
6. The form of the example is: ____ binary ____ ternary

L 4 – p. 29


L 4 – p. 30
Key Signatures
1. Fill in the missing keys from the chart.

1 flat 2 flats 3 flats 1 sharp 2 sharps 3 sharps

___ major ___ major ___ major ___ major ___ major ___ major

___ minor ___ minor ___ minor ___ minor ___ minor ___ minor

2. Write all seven flats in key signature order.

3. Write all seven sharps in key signature order.

4. Name the major and minor keys for each key signature.

___ major ___ major ___ major ___ major ___ major ___ major
___ minor ___ minor ___ minor ___ minor ___ minor ___ minor

L 4 – p. 31
Primary Triads

Write the primary triads. For the d and a minor scales, use the harmonic form.

D major d minor a minor

I IV V i iv V i iv V


Write in the counting for the example below.

Cadence Identification
1. Write the Roman numeral (I, IV, V) under each chord.
2. Fill in the name of each cadence.

______________ cadence ______________ cadence ______________ cadence

Write each scale using whole notes.

D Major

F Major

L 4 – p. 32
Bb Major

A Major




___ cantabile a. lightly

___ simile b. suddenly

___ syncopation c. softly fading away: dying

___ imitation d. majestic

___ morendo e. in a singing style

___ leggiero f. very fast

___ subito g. continue in the same way

___ maestoso h. the second note (degree) of a scale or key

___ mediant i. the sixth note (degree) of a scale or key

___ submediant j. the third note (degree) of a scale or key

___ supertonic k. the immediate restatement of a melody or motive in

another voice.
___ loco l. the shifting of an accent to a weak beat, or weaker part
of a beat
___ presto m. play as written; a reminder that the 8va sign has

L 4 – p. 33
Primary Triads
Write the primary triads. Remember to use the harmonic form of the d minor scale.

d minor Eb major G major

i iv V I IV V I IV V

Write each scale using whole notes.

Eb Major

c natural minor

e natural minor

g natural minor

c harmonic minor

e harmonic minor

A Major

L 4 – p. 34
Fill in the missing time signature.

Writing Key Signatures

1. Write the correct number of flats or sharps in key signature order.

2. Fill in the name of the relative minor for each key signature.

D major F major G major Eb major A major Bb major

___ minor ___ minor ___ minor ___ minor ___ minor ___ minor









Triad Inversions
Write each triad in 3 positions (root, 1st inversion and 2nd inversion)

C major F major D major

L 4 – p. 35
Key Signature Identification

Name the major and minor keys for each key signature.

___ major ___ major ___ major ___ major ___ major ___ major
___ minor ___ minor ___ minor ___ minor ___ minor ___ minor

Score Analysis

Answer the questions about the musical example on the next page.

1. The example is written in the key of ___ major.

2. The relative minor of this key is ___ minor.

3. The treble clef melody in measures 1, 2 and 3 is an example of:

___ imitation ___ repetition ___ sequence

4. The cadence in measure 4 is: (check the bass line to answer this question)

___ a half cadence ___ a plagal cadence ___ an authentic cadence

5. A Hornpipe is a lively dance. Which tempo marking would be most appropriate?

___ spiritoso ___ maestoso ___ andantino

6. The rhythm of the treble clef melody in measure 1 is repeated in most of the

following measures. This is called : ___ a sequence ___ repetition ___ a motive

7. The music is written in _______________________ form.

L 4 – p. 36
L 4 – p. 37

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