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* As a Concept
- right of people to live in freedom and dignity, free from poverty and
despair (General Assembly resolution 66/290)

- term has been used by thinkers who have sought to shift the discourse on
security away from its traditional state-centered orientation to the
protection and advancement of individuals within societies (Macfarlane &
Khong, 2006)
- traditional concept of security focuses on territorial integrity or protection
of one’s territory from external aggressors/invaders/threats. - was first brought to the attention of the World by the 1994 UNDP Human
Development Report that cited 7 major areas of concern of threats to
- centered primarily on the individual or community. human security:
- this notion grows from the assumption that there are needs, problems, 1.) Economic security – assurance of basic income
and issues that are common to all of mankind no matter what part of the 2.) Food Security - Access to food
world they live in (e.g. poverty; the spread of communicable 3.) Health Security – Access to health care and protection from diseases
diseases; environmental degradation; the loss of faith in institutions; 4.) Environment security – Protection from hazards/ disasters
population pressures; and economic crisis) ( Oludimu, 2014) 5.) Personal Security – Freedom from threats by groups or individuals
6.) Community security – Freedom from harmful community practices
*As an Approach or Strategy or Tool 7.) Political Security - Enjoyment of human rights, and freedom from
- an approach to assist Member States (UN) in identifying and addressing political oppression
widespread and cross-cutting challenges to the survival, livelihood and
dignity of their people
- calls for people-centered, comprehensive, context- specific and
prevention-oriented responses that strengthen the protection and
empowerment of all people and all communities
- Governments retain the primary role and responsibility for ensuring
the survival, livelihood and dignity of their citizens. Human security
requires greater collaboration and partnership among governments,
international and regional organizations and civil society.
2. Support for victims/witnesses of trafficking in human beings in the PH
5 Fundamental Principles of Human Security - To reduce the incidences of human trafficking, the programme addressed
1. People Centered - considers the broad range of conditions that threaten the root causes and ensured that gaps in the return and reintegration of
the survival, livelihood and dignity of people and their communities, victims and those at risk were addressed through a comprehensive package,
particularly those who are most vulnerable. combining efforts to restore psychosocial rehabilitation of victims with
2. Comprehensive - addresses the full range of human insecurities by vocational training and access to justice for better reintegration of those
drawing together all the actors necessary to respond to a challenge most vulnerable.
3 ) Context Specific – No “one size fits all” solution.
4.) Prevention Oriented - promotes the development of early warning Duration: July 2005 – December 2007
mechanisms that help to mitigate the impact of current threats and, where Budget: US$250,800
possible, prevent the occurrence of future challenges. Implementing Agencies: UNDC ( Office on drugs
5.) Empowering people and their communities to articulate and respond to and crime,) DSWD
their needs and those of others is crucial. (Partnership/consultation with the
civil society and/or private sector)

Application in the Philippines

1. Inter-agency programme to nurture peace, security and decent work
through local development in conflict areas of the Philippines (Bondoc
- The programme utilized the human security approach to integrate several
components including improvements in agriculture and fisheries; skills and
entrepreneurship; institutional coordination and coherence; disaster risk
management; and improved health care, especially for women and children.
-Together these interventions strengthened collaborative actions that were
comprehensive, inclusive and sustainable, resulting in greater trust and
confidence between local authorities and vulnerable poor communities in
the Bondoc Peninsula.
Duration: March 2010 – February 2013
Budget: US$2,563,395
Implementing Agencies: ILO, FAO
GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP percent worldwide.
6.) The target of halving the proportion of people who lack access to
Millenium Development Goals (200) improved sources of water was
- In September 2000, building upon a decade of major UN conferences and also met.
summits, world leaders came together at the UN Headquarters in New York
to adopt the United Nations Millennium Declaration. Sustainable development (2015-2030)
- The Declaration committed nations to a new global partnership to reduce - 25 September 2015: countries adopted a set of goals to end
extreme poverty, and set out a series of eight time- bound targets - with a poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all as part
deadline of 2015 - that have become known as the Millennium of a new sustainable development agenda.
Development Goals (MDGs). - applies to all countries, promotes peaceful and inclusive societies,
creates better jobs and tackles the environmental challenges, particularly
climate change.
- Each goal has specific targets to be achieved over the next 15 years.

The final MDG Report found that the 15-year effort has produced the most
successful anti-poverty movement in history:
1.) Since 1990, the number of people living in extreme poverty has declined
by more than half.
2.) The proportion of undernourished people in the developing regions has
fallen by almost half.
3.) The primary school enrolment rate in the developing regions has reached
91 percent, and many more girls are now in school compared to 15 years
4.) Remarkable gains have also been made in the fight against HIV/AIDS,
malaria and tuberculosis.
5.) The under-five mortality rate has declined by more than half, and
maternal mortality is down 45
Philippine Development Plan (2017-2022) Ambisyon Natin 2040
- is the first medium- term plan to be anchored on the Socioeconomic Michelle Bachelet, in her speech in front of the UN General Assembly in
Agenda and is geared towards the AmBisyon Natin 2040 which articulates 2016,: much has been done in achieving sustainable development but there
the Filipino people’s collective vision of a MATATAG, MAGINHAWA, AT still much that remains to be done, but we now have a new vital force that
PANATAG NA BUHAY PARA SA LAHAT. can help us – global citizenship.
- It also takes into account the country’s international commitments such as
the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. - a sense of belonging to a broader community and common humanity. It
emphasizes political, economic, social and cultural interdependency and
interconnectedness between the local, the national and the global
(UNESCO, 2015).
- is about the shared human experience. It acknowledges and celebrates
that, wherever we come from and wherever we live, we are here together.
Our well-being and success are ultimately interdependent. We have more to
learn from one another than to fear about our future (Rinne, 2017).

Global citizen: someone who is aware of and understands the wider world –
and their place in it.
- they take an active role in their community and work with others to make
our planet more peaceful, sustainable and fairer. (OXFAM)

- It is a way of living that recognizes our world is an increasingly complex

Elements of Sustainable Development web of connections and interdependencies. One in which our choices and
actions may have repercussions for people and communities locally,
nationally or internationally (IDEAS).

- Being a global citizen does not mean that you have to give up the other
citizenship identities you already have, e.g. your country citizenship, your
allegiance to your local community, religious, or ethnic group.
- Being a global citizen just means that you have another layer of identity
(with the planet as a whole) added on to who you are. And if you take that
identity seriously, there are a new set of rights and responsibilities that
come with it. ( The Global Citizen’s Initiative, 2015)
Global Citizenship
Levels of Citizenship 8.) Global citizens have the responsibility to adopt lifestyles and values that
reflect our commitment
to building a sustainable planet and demonstrate respect for the world’s
cultural diversity.

Responsibilities of a global citizen (Ronald Israel, CO-Founder and Director,

The Global Citizens’ Initiative)
1.) Responsibility to understand global issues
2.) Responsibility to respect the principle of cultural diversity:
3.) Responsibility to understand one’s own perspective and the perspectives
of others on global issues

4.) Responsibility to understand the ways in which the peoples and

countries of the world are inter-
connected and inter-dependent.

5.) Responsibility to make connections and build relationships with people

from other countries and
6.) Responsibility to advocate for greater international cooperation with
other nations
7.) Responsibility for advocating for the implementation of international
agreements, conventions,
treaties related to global issues

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