Interface Description Reach Tables InstantPayments V1.4

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Interface description for

Reach distribution for

Instant Payments

Author: equensWorldline
Document date: 16 March 2020
Classification: Open
Version: 1.4

Version history
Version no. Version date Status Edited by Most important edit(s)
1.0 30 Jan 2017 Final equensWorldline Initial version
Pieter Slits
1.1 3 Feb 2017 Final equensWorldline Included in chapter 2 that normal SEPA
Pieter Slits processing reach is not included the reach files
for SCT inst reach.
1.2 10 Jan 2018 Final equensWorldline The tag ProductName was replaced by
Pieter Slits ServiceType and LocalInstrument and for
LocalInstrument we have use the enumeration as
specified by ISO for the Dutch specific schemes.
1.3 10 Feb 2020 Final equensWorldline Section 3.3 was added to explain the usage of
Pieter Slits BIC formats.
Section 3.1 was updated to show the Local
Instruments as representation of the scheme.
And it was added that a reach entry might occur
multiple times when the BIC is reachable via
multiple CSM.
In section 3.4 with element 2.5 CSM the
description for the BICorBEI and for the
PreferredIndicator were changed.
1.4 16 Mar 2020 Final equensWorldline In some places the rocs.002.002.01 was changed
Pieter Slits to rocs.002.002.02, because that is the current
version. There was still reference to the previous
version. Changes were made in chapter 1 and
chapter 2.

Copyright © equensWorldline SE and/or its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.

equensWorldline is an expert leader in e-payment services and a registered trademark of Worldline.

Confidential information owned by equensWorldline, to be used by the recipient only. This document, or any
part of it, may not be reproduced, copied, circulated and/or distributed nor quoted without prior written
approval from equensWorldline. After approval, any copy or reproduction will include the following:
acknowledgement of the source, reference and date of the publication, and all notices set out on this page.


1 Introduction ................................................................................ 4
1.1 Relation between reach and availability .................................................... 4
1.2 Using an API ......................................................................................... 4

2 Distribution procedures ................................................................. 5

2.1 Timelines ............................................................................................. 5
2.2 File naming conventions ......................................................................... 5

3 Format specification ..................................................................... 6

3.1 Logical structure of the reach table .......................................................... 6
3.2 Explanation of the format description ....................................................... 6
3.3 BIC formats .......................................................................................... 6
3.4 Description of the format ....................................................................... 7

Interface description for Reach distribution for Instant Payments | Final | Version 1.4 | 16 March 2020 | Page 3 of 8
© equensWorldline

1 Introduction
This document describes the reach files that equensWorldline will distribute to the banks that
participate in the Instant Payments service of equensWorldline. The reach that equensWorldline
provides will consist of the list of banks that are directly connected to the equensWorldline service
and also the banks of the CSMs that are connected to equensWorldline.

For the distribution of reach equensWorldline uses the rocs.002.002.02 format as specified by
EACHA (European Automated Clearing House Association).
This document will describe the format of the files to support the XSD file (rocs.002.002.02.xsd)
that will be distributed together with this description.

Furthermore this document will provide information on how equensWorldline will use optional
elements in the format and how equensWorldline will fill in certain elements.
In chapter 2 the timelines of distribution of the reach files are described.

1.1 Relation between reach and availability

In distributing the reach tables equensWorldline communicates which banks can be reached for
instant payments via the processing system of equensWorldline. Reach is distributed once per week
for a full week. A party might be reachable, but temporary unavailable. Therefore the processing
system of equensWorldline keeps track of the availability of connected parties, and will send
broadcast messages when parties become unavailable or available.

When a new participant (reach entry) joins the service, then this party will be listed in the new
reach table with a validity from date and time on the Monday that the party is joining. The
participant might request equensWorldline to start at a later day than the Monday. The time on
which the validity of the reach entry start is by default 00:00:00 CET. On that first day this party
will start the processing with the status “unavailable”. The participant will have to send to
equensWorldline a Sign-On message to become active. equensWorldline will send to all other
participants a broadcast that this new participant is available from that time on.

The participant will have to send a Sign-On message for each of its BICs and equensWorldline will
send broadcast messages for each individual BIC.

1.2 Using an API

Reach and availability can also be requested from equensWorldline with a web service call. As a
response to that web service call equensWorldline will provide the current status for reach and
availability for all instant payments schemes. The interface format for that API will be different from
the rocs.002.002.02 format and it will be communicated in a separate document.

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© equensWorldline

2 Distribution procedures
This document describes the format of the reach for SCT instant payments. The reach for normal
SCT processing and for SDD processing will not be included in the reach files in format
rocs.002.002.02. They will stay separated in the old reach files (currently rocs.001.001.06).

2.1 Timelines
The distribution of the reach tables follows a weekly cycle:
1. On Tuesday before 14:00H (CET/CEST) equensWorldline communicates to the other
connected CSMs in Europe which parties can be reached at equensWorldline. In this way
equensWorldline offers other banks reach to its community banks.
2. On Tuesday ultimately 14:00 equensWorldline receives the community reach from the
other CSMs.
3. equensWorldline builds a Reach Table joining its own community with the reach from the
other CSMs and distributes that Reach Table to the community banks on Wednesday before
14:00H (CET/CEST).
4. On the Monday of the following week the Reach Table is activated at the equensWorldline
5. On Tuesday the cycle starts again.

2.2 File naming conventions

The reach tables that equensWorldline distributes to its community banks has the format

Files that equensWorldline will distribute to the banks will have the following file name:


<sender> will be the router address as used by equensWorldline for its Reach and Routing

<receiver> will be the router address provided by equensWorldline to the receiving bank

<reference> will be a string to make the file name unique over time

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© equensWorldline

3 Format specification

3.1 Logical structure of the reach table

The “physical file” is the file physically sent to the receiving party. It includes always exactly one
“logical file” which will be formatted as follows:
 one header record (group header; <GrpHdr>)
 one or more detailed records containing the reach information (reach entries; <RchEntry>)

One reach entry will specify one reachable party for one product. Product in this respect represents
a scheme (Local Instrument = INST or INSTTC01 or INSTNT01). If the party is reachable for
multiple products (schemes), then this is represented by multiple reach entries.
If a party is reachable via multiple CSM, then there will be multiple occurrences of the reach entry
BIC and Local Instrument. In that case the BICorBEI of the CSM will be different.

3.2 Explanation of the format description

The table in the next section that describes the format does contain 5 columns:

Index Numbering of the element for reference purposes

Mult The multiplicity of the element, i.e. how often it can occur within its parent element

Element The tag exactly as it occurs in the XML file. (be aware of capitals and lower case).
The number of “+” in front of the element name specifies the depth level in the

ISO Y: if this is an element already defined in the ISO 20022 repository,

N: otherwise

Explanation describes the business meaning of the data element, but sometimes also contains
usage rules for the element

3.3 BIC formats

A BIC in the PSP of a reach entry can be presented in 3 ways. These 3 have slightly different
BIC11 This is a BIC consisting of 11 characters where the last 3 characters represent the
branch office and are not equal to “XXX”.
A PSP with BIC11 means that this specific bank branch can be reached.

BIC8 This is the BIC consisting of 8 characters providing the main identification of a bank.
A PSP with BIC8 means that all branches of this bank can be reached, so this
means the BIC8 and also all the BIC11 that start with these 8 characters of the

BIC8 + XXX This is a BIC consisting of 11 characters where the last 3 characters are equal to
This means that the main branch of the bank can be reached. In a payment this

Interface description for Reach distribution for Instant Payments | Final | Version 1.4 | 16 March 2020 | Page 6 of 8
© equensWorldline

main branch can be specified as BIC8 (example ABCDNL2A) or a BIC8 + XXX

(example ABCDNL2AXXX).

3.4 Description of the format

Index Mult Element ISO Explanation
1.0 [1..1] + GrpHdr N Header
1.1 [1..1] ++ MsgId Y Contains a unique identification for the message from the sender
Type: Max35Text
1.2 [1..1] ++ CreDtTm Y Creation Date & Time for this file
Type: ISODateTime
1.3 [1..1] ++ PtyId N Party Identification
This identifies equensWorldline as sender of the reach table
equensWorldline will always use the BICOrBEI choice
Type: PartyIdentification1Choice
1.3.1 {Or +++ BICOrBEI Y BIC if equensWorldline
[1..1] Type: AnyBICIdentifier
(See ISO for Definition of subelements)
1.3.2 Or +++ PrtryId Y Proprietary identification for CSM
[1..1] Type: GenericIdentification1
(See ISO for definition of sub elements)
1.3.3 Or +++ NmAndAdr Y Name and address for CSM
[1..1] Type: NameAndAddress2
} (See ISO for definition of sub elements)

1.4 [1..1] ++ FullTable N Kind of table identification

1 (for true) to indicate a full version of the reach table
0 (for false) to indicate a delta reach table.
Type: xs:boolean
equensWorldline will always provide a full reach table
1.5 [1..1] ++ FileValidityDate Y Validity date and time for the table
Date, for the whole table, to enter into force
Type: ISODateTime
In principle the date will always be on a Monday and the time
will be 00:00:00 CET.
2.0 [1..n] + RchEntry N Reach Entry is present for every combination of participant and
product that can be reached through equensWorldline.
Multiple occurrences of one participant can occur, but then the
validity period does not overlap, and other attributes differ.
Type: ReachEntry
2.1 [1..1] ++ Status N Status of this reach entry
Usage rule: When value in <GrpHdr><FullTable> is true, then
only the value 'existing' is allowed.
When value is false then only the values 'new', 'changed’ or
'deleted' are allowed.
Type: Max16Text
equensWorldline will always fill the element with ’existing’.
2.2 [1..1] ++ Validity N Period of validity for this reach entry.
Type: DateTimePeriod
2.2.1 [1..1] +++ FrDtTm Y Validity from date & time
This element informs about the date for a Reach Entry to start to
be reachable via equensWorldline. The Default time is at start of
day (00:00:00 CET)
Type: ISODateTime
2.2.2 [1..1] +++ ToDtTm Y Validity to date & time
This element informs about the last date in which a Reach Entry
is reachable via equensWorldline. Default end is at the end of
the day (23:59:59 CET)
Type: ISODateTime
2.3 [1..1] ++ PSP N Identification of the participant (Payment Service Provider)
This is a final destination for SCT inst transactions. This is the
creditor agent.
Type: FinancialInstitutionIdentification

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© equensWorldline

2.3.1 [1..1] +++ BIC Y PSP’s BIC

Type: AnyBICIdentifier
2.3.2 [1..1] +++ NmAndAdr N PSP’s name and address
Type: LongNameAndAddress2 [1..1] ++++ Name N Type: Max140Text [0..1] ++++ Address Y Type: LongPostalAddress1Choice
(See ISO for definition of sub elements)
In the file distribution of equensWorldline this element will not
be included.
2.4 [1..1] ++ Product N Type: ProductIdentifier
2.4.1 [1..1] +++ SvcTp N The Service Type of the scheme.
Type: Max16Text
Only the values ‘SCT’ or ‘SDD’ or ‘INST’ are allowed.
2.4.2 [1..0] +++ LclInstrm The Local Instrument of the scheme.
Type: Max16Text
Only the values “CORE” or “B2B” or “INST” or “INSTTC01” or
“INSTNT01” are allowed. For Service Type “SCT” the Local
Instrument is not present.
2.5 [0..1] ++ CSM N Identifies the CSM that provides this reach.
Type: CSMIdentifier
2.5.1 [1..1] +++ PtyId N Type: PartyIdentification1Choice
equensWorldline will always use sub element BICOrBEI {Or ++++ BICOrBEI Y BIC of the CSM
[1..1] Type: AnyBICIdentifier
For equensWorldline IP CSM this will be INNDNL2U.
For TIPS it will be TIPSITRR.
For EBA it will be EBAPFRPP. Or ++++ PrtryId Y Proprietary identification for CSM
[1..1] Type: GenericIdentification1
(See ISO for definition of sub elements) Or ++++ NmAndAdr Y Name and address for CSM
[1..1]} Type: NameAndAddress2
(See ISO for definition of sub elements)
2.5.2 [1..1] +++ PreferredIndicator N Contains 1 = true or 0 = false
When CSM is equensWorldline, then equensWorldline will use
the value 1. Otherwise the value will be 0.
Type: xs:boolean
2.8 [0..1] ++ SupportedAOS N A list of (to be determined) Additional Optional Services
supported by (this route to) the participant.
Type: AOSList
equensWorldline expects not to use this element.
2.8.1 [1..n] +++ AOSId N Identifies an AOS. Requires unique IDs for AOSs, at least within
the CSM.
Type: xs:decimal
2.9 [0..1] ++ PriceIndicator N Indicates a price or price mark-up on the reach to this
Type: PriceIndication
equensWorldline expects to not use this element.
2.9.1 [1..1] +++ Amount Y Fee per transaction
Type: CurrencyAndAmount

Mandatory Attribute: Ccy Type: CurrencyCode

Interface description for Reach distribution for Instant Payments | Final | Version 1.4 | 16 March 2020 | Page 8 of 8
© equensWorldline

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