This document contains multiple choice questions about HTML elements, tags, and attributes. It tests knowledge of topics like common page elements (<header>, <footer>, <nav>), text formatting (<b>, <i>, <strong>), lists (<ul>, <ol>), images (<img>), links (<a>), and forms (<input>, <select>, <textarea>). The questions cover a wide range of fundamental HTML concepts.
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Revision 1 'HTML' Question
This document contains multiple choice questions about HTML elements, tags, and attributes. It tests knowledge of topics like common page elements (<header>, <footer>, <nav>), text formatting (<b>, <i>, <strong>), lists (<ul>, <ol>), images (<img>), links (<a>), and forms (<input>, <select>, <textarea>). The questions cover a wide range of fundamental HTML concepts.
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Question 1: <a href="url" <textinput type="text">
target="new"> <input type="textfield">
What does HTML stand <a href="url" new> for? Question 6: Question 17: Question 11: Hyperlinks and Text Choose the correct HTML What is the correct HTML Markup Language element to define Which of these elements for making a drop-down important text are all <table> elements? list? Home Tool Markup <i> <table><tr><td> <input type="list"> Language <strong> <table><head><tfoot> <input type="dropdown"> <b> <table><tr><tt> <select> Hyper Text Markup <important> <thead><body><tr> <list> Language Question 18: Question 7: Question 12: Question 2: What is the correct HTML Choose the correct HTML Inline elements are for making a text area? Who is making the Web element to define normally displayed <input type="textbox"> standards? emphasized text without starting a new <textarea> The World Wide Web <em> line. <input type="textarea"> Consortium <i> False Microsoft <italic> True Question 19: Mozilla Google Question 8: Question 13: What is the correct HTML for inserting an image? Question 3: What is the correct HTML How can you make a <img href="image.gif" for creating a hyperlink? numbered list? alt="MyImage"> Choose the correct HTML <a <ul> <img src="image.gif" element for the largest href="http://www.w3scho <ol> alt="MyImage"> heading:">W3Schools</a> <dl> <img <h1> <a>http://www.w3schools <list> alt="MyImage">image.gif< <heading> .com</a> /img> <head> <a Question 14: <image src="image.gif" <h6> name="http://www.w3sc alt="MyImage">"> How can you make a Question 4: m</a> bulleted list? Question 20: <a <ol> What is the correct HTML url="http://www.w3schoo <dl> What is the correct HTML element for inserting a">< <ul> for inserting a background line break? /a> <list> image? <br> <background <break> Question 9: Question 15: img="background.gif"> <lb> <body Which character is used to What is the correct HTML bg="background.gif"> Question 5: indicate an end tag? for making a checkbox? <body style="background- <input type="check"> image:url(background.gif) What is the correct HTML / <checkbox> "> for adding a background < <input color? * type="checkbox"> Question 21: <body style="background- ^ <check> color:yellow;"> An <iframe> is used to <background>yellow</bac Question 10: Question 16: display a web page within kground> a web page. How can you open a link What is the correct HTML False <body bg="yellow"> in a new tab/browser for making a text input True window? field? There is no such thing as <a href="url" <textfield> an <iframe> target="_blank"> <input type="text"> <bottom> Style attributes <meter> <section> HTML elements <measure> <footer> Question 22: Question 28: Question 33: Question 38: HTML comments start with <!-- and end with --> In HTML, you can embed Graphics defined by SVG is Which HTML element False SVG elements directly into in which format? defines navigation links? True an HTML page. HTML True XML <nav> Question 23: False CSS Block elements are <navigate> normally displayed Question 29: Question 34: without starting a new <navigation> line. What is the correct HTML The HTML <canvas> False element for playing video element is used to: Question 39: True files? <movie> draw graphics In HTML, what does the Question 24: <media> <aside> element define? Which HTML element <video> create draggable elements defines the title of a Content aside from the document? Question 30: display database records page content <head> <title> What is the correct HTML manipulate data in MySQL The ASCII character-set; to <meta> element for playing audio send information between files? Question 35: computers on the Internet Question 25: <sound> <audio> In HTML, which attribute A navigation list to be Which HTML attribute <mp3> is used to specify that an shown at the left side of specifies an alternate text input field must be filled the page for an image, if the image Question 31: out? cannot be displayed? Question 40: title The HTML global attribute, formvalidate alt "contenteditable" is used Which HTML element is src to: validate used to specify a header longdesc for a document or Update content from the required section? Question 26: server <head> placeholder <section> Which doctype is correct Specifies a context menu <top> for HTML5? for an element. The menu Question 36: <header> <!DOCTYPE HTML5> appears when a user right- clicks on the element Which input type defines <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC a slider control? "-//W3C//DTD HTML Return the position of the 5.0//EN" first found occurrence of range " content inside a string controls tml5/strict.dtd"> slider Specify whether the search <!DOCTYPE content of an element Question 37: html> Correct answer should be editable or not Which HTML element is Question 27: used to display a scalar Question 32: measurement within a Which HTML element is In HTML, onblur and range? used to specify a footer onfocus are: for a document or <range> section? Event attributes <gauge>