Legal Ethics Lawyer and The Legal Profession
Legal Ethics Lawyer and The Legal Profession
Legal Ethics Lawyer and The Legal Profession
Let all courts, through the Office of the Court In view of the foregoing, the Court finds
Administrator, as well as the Integrated Bar respondent unfit to continue as a member
of the Philippines and the Office of the Bar of the bar.
Confidant, be notified of this Resolution, and
be it duly recorded in the personal file of As an officer of the court, it is a lawyer’s
respondent Atty. Luna B. Avance. duty to uphold the dignity and authority of
the court. The highest form of respect for
A copy of the September 29, 2009 Resolution judicial authority is shown by a lawyer’s
was sent to respondent’s address of record at obedience to court orders and processes.
26-B Korea Ave., Ph. 4, Greenheights Subd.,
Nangka, Marikina City by registered mail.
The same was delivered by Postman
Legal ETHICS MIDTERM January 28, 2019 CASES 16 | P a g e