Basic Electrical Characteristics and Application Designs of Low-I Photocouplers

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Photocoupler Application Notes

Basic Electrical
Characteristics and
Application Designs of
Low-IF Photocouplers

This application note discusses the electrical characteristics of low-IF photocouplers as well as
the considerations for application designs to obtain the best characteristics from these

©2019 1 2019-05-17
Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
Photocoupler Application Notes

Table of Contents
1. Candidates of photocouplers to be used ......................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Types of low-IF transistor-output photocouplers ................................................................................... 4

2. Designing an interface circuit using a transistor-output photocoupler....................................................... 6

2.1 Setting the forward current (IF)............................................................................................................... 8
2.2 Setting the value of the IF-limiting resistor (RIN) .................................................................................. 9
2.3 Setting the value of the pull-up resistor (RL) ....................................................................................... 13
2.4 Estimating turn-on and turn-off times obtained with the selected pull-up resistor (RL) ............... 19
2.5 Considerations for obtaining the best performance from low-IF photocouplers ............................. 24

3. Terms ................................................................................................................................................................. 28

RESTRICTIONS ON PRODUCT USE ........................................................................................................................ 31

©2019 2 2019-05-17
Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
Photocoupler Application Notes

1. Candidates of photocouplers to be used

Typically, photocouplers consist of a light-emitting device optically coupled with a light-
detecting device via a transparent galvanic insulator. They are commonly used to transfer
electrical signals between two circuits with different ground potentials by means of light.
Photocouplers have been commonly used because they help solve an impedance mismatch
problem, increase the electrical isolation between input and output, suppress induced
electromotive force, and simplify noise blocking. Use of photocouplers is also expanding to
applications requiring a reduction in board mounting areas and an improvement in
reliability to eliminate the need for maintenance.
Designers of industrial electronic systems sometimes face various issues concerning
transmission lines. For example, if an offset voltage occurs because of a ground loop,
unwanted ground loop current flows through different systems and can potentially damage
them. To avoid this problem, system designers often use photocouplers to transfer electric
signals across short distances.
There is growing demand for reducing the power consumption of electronic devices. In
line with this trend, there is market demand for general-purpose transistor-output
photocouplers with low input forward current (IF) to realize low-power control. To meet
this demand, Toshiba is expanding its portfolio of transistor-output photocouplers that are
used to transfer data signals between two isolated circuits.
There are several considerations to take into account in order to obtain the best
performance from these photocouplers. This application note describes the electrical
characteristics of Toshiba’s low-IF transistor-output photocouplers as well as considerations
for creating system designs.

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Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
Photocoupler Application Notes

1.1 Types of low-IF transistor-output photocouplers

Figure 1.1 shows three typical photocouplers: the TLP185 general-purpose transistor-
output photocoupler in the SO6 small, thin package, the TLP183 low-IF transistor-output
photocoupler, and the TLP2301 that is a high-speed version of the TLP183.

Figure 1.1 Overview for representative products of TLP185, TLP183, TLP2301

Current transfer ratio (CTR) is defined as the ratio of the collector current (IC) from the
output transistor to the forward current (IF) applied to the input LED, i.e., IC/IF, expressed
as a percentage. CTR varies with the test conditions for IF. The CTR values of general-
purpose photocouplers are specified at an IF of 5 mA and a VCE of 5 V whereas the CTR
values of low-IF photocouplers are specified at an IF of 1 mA or 0.5 mA.

Low-IF transistor-output photocouplers:

TLP185 : CTR = 50%-600% at IF = 5 mA
TLP183 : CTR = 50%-600% at IF = 0.5 mA
TLP2301 : CTR = 50%-600% at IF = 1 mA

Figure 1.2 compares the dependence of CTR on IF of the general-purpose TLP185 and
the low-IF TLP183.

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Photocoupler Application Notes

VCE = 5 V

Normalized CTR IC/IF[%]


100% Ta=25°C



Ta=110°C TLP185

0.5 5
0.1 1 10 100

Figure 1.2 IF dependency for CTR on representative products of TLP185, TLP183

As shown in Figure 1.2, the CTR curves of the TLP183 and TLP185 have a marked
difference in the low-IF region. Their CTR values change as follows over the IF range
between 5 mA and 0.5 mA:
IF = 5 mA → IF = 0.5 mA
TLP185: The CTR value decreases roughly by half.
TLP183: The CTR value decreases by only a few percentage points.
The TLP183 exhibits a very low reduction in CTR in the low-IF region. This is because the
TLP183 incorporates a high-output, long-life LED of a new generation. The TLP2301 also
incorporates a high-output, long-life LED and therefore exhibits an IF-CTR curve similar to
that of the TLP183. Such CTR characteristics of the TLP183 and TLP2301 help reduce the
input current (IF) and improve the performance of system designs.

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Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
Photocoupler Application Notes

2. Designing an interface circuit using a transistor-output photocoupler

In Figure 2.1, a 4-pin photocoupler interfaces between two logic ICs. This section discusses
how to select RIN and RL to ensure that “on” and “off” signals are transferred properly across
the photocoupler. First of all, you should tentatively decide on the input current (IF). Then,
calculate the minimum collector current that is drawn at the saturation voltage of the output
transistor in order to determine the pull-up resistor value (RL).

Example of design specifications

Operating temperature Topr: 0 to 70°C
Data transmission rate: 5 kbit/s RIN

Supply voltage: VCC = 5 V ± 5%

Operating life: 10 years (88,000 hours)
System working duty: 50%

Figure 2.1 Interface circuit between TTLs

using a 4pin transistor coupler

Let’s select a photocoupler first.

Here, we will consider three choices: the general-purpose TLP185(SE, the low-IF TLP183,
and the TLP2301 that is an IC-output variant of the TLP183. Table 2.1 shows major electrical
characteristics of these photocouplers necessary for circuit design.

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Photocoupler Application Notes

Table 2.1 (1) Main specifications on TLP185(SE

Characteristics Symbol Test conditions (Ta = 25°C) Min Typ Max Unit

Input forward voltage VF IF = 10 mA 1.1 1.25 1.4 V

Collector-emitter breakdown
V (BR) CEO IC = 0.5 mA 80   V
Emitter-collector breakdown
V (BR) ECO IE = 0.1 mA 7   V
IF = 0 mA, VCE = 48 V  0.01 0.08 µA
Dark current IDARK
IF = 0 mA, VCE = 48 V, Ta = 85°C  2 50 µA
Blank 50  600
IF = 5 mA
Current transfer ratio CTR (IC/IF) Rank GB 100  600 %
VCE = 5 V
Rank GR 100  300
Collector-emitter saturation
VCE (sat) IF = 8 mA, IC = 2.4 mA   0.3 V

Table 2.1 (2) Main specifications on TLP183

Characteristics Symbol Test conditions (Ta = 25°C) Min Typ Max Unit

Input forward voltage VF IF = 10 mA 1.1 1.25 1.4 V

Collector-emitter breakdown
V (BR) CEO IC = 0.5 mA 80   V
Emitter-collector breakdown
V (BR) ECO IE = 0.1 mA 7   V
IF = 0 mA, VCE = 48 V  0.01 0.08 µA
Dark current IDARK
IF = 0 mA, VCE = 48 V, Ta = 85°C  2 50 µA
Blank 50  600
IF = 0.5 mA
Current transfer ratio CTR (IC/IF) Rank GB 100  600 %
VCE = 5 V
Rank GR 100  300
Collector-emitter saturation
VCE (sat) IF = 8 mA, IC = 2.4 mA   0.3 V

Table 2.1 (3) Main specifications on TLP2301

Characteristics Symbol Test conditions (Ta = 25°C) Min Typ Max Unit

Input forward voltage VF IF = 10 mA 1.1 1.25 1.4 V

Collector-emitter breakdown
V (BR) CEO IC = 0.1 mA 40   V
Emitter-collector breakdown
V (BR) ECO IE = 0.1 mA 7   V
IF = 0 mA, VCE = 40 V  0.01 0.08 µA
Dark current IDARK
IF = 0 mA, VCE = 40 V, Ta = 85°C  2 50 µA

IF = 1 mA Blank 50  600
Current transfer ratio CTR (IC/IF) %
VCE = 5 V Rank GB 100  600
Collector-emitter saturation
VCE (sat) IF = 8 mA, IC = 2.4 mA   0.3 V

©2019 7 2019-05-17
Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
Photocoupler Application Notes

2.1 Setting the forward current (IF)

First of all, you need to set the LED drive current (IF) tentatively.
(1) In the case of the TLP185
The maximum IF value must be lower than the maximum output low-level sink current (IOL)
of the logic IC connected to the input of the TLP185. Suppose that the IOL value of a typical
logic IC is 8 mA. Then, IF must be equal to or less than 8 mA to satisfy IF ≤ IOL. Figure 2.2
shows that the maximum permissible IF value is 50 mA. However, IF should be minimized
since IF affects the degradation of the current transfer ratio (CTR) due to aging. Figure 2.3
shows the light output degradation of the LED incorporated in the TLP185(SE. Suppose that
the service life required for the TLP185(SE is 10 years (i.e., roughly 88,000 hours, which
translates to 44,000 hours if the LED is active 50% of the time). So, CTR will decrease by
roughly 30% (Dt = 0.7) over the period of the service life. In the TLP185 data sheet, CTR is
specified at an IF of 5 mA. Let’s adopt this value for now. Then, the initial IF value should be
at least 5 mA / 0.7 = 7.2 mA. Therefore, let’s tentatively set IF to 8mA which is same value
as the IOL of the preceding logic IC.

Figure 2.2 Allowable forward current – Figure 2.3 Example of LED light power
Ambient temperature (TLP185(SE ) degradation curve(*)
* The graph shows a typical LED light output degradation curve. When designing a circuit incorporating photocoupler
components including the TLP185(SE, consult reliability data individually

(2) In the case of the TLP183

In the TLP183 data sheet, the current transfer ratio and turn-on and turn-off times are
specified not only at IF = 5 mA but also at IF = 0.5 mA. Figure 2.4 shows the light output
degradation of the LED incorporated in the TLP183 and TLP2301 due to aging. The lower the
IF value, the lower the CTR degradation. Suppose, however, that the service life required for
the TLP183 is 10 years (i.e., roughly 88,000 hours, which translates to 44,000 hours if the LED
is active 50% of the time). So, CTR will decrease by roughly 15% (Dt = 0.85) over the period
of the service life. In the TLP183 data sheet, CTR is specified at an IF of 0.5 mA. Let’s adopt
this value for now. Then, the initial IF value should be at least 0.5 mA / 0.85 = 0.6 mA.
Therefore, let’s set IF to 1 mA tentatively, allowing for some margin.

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Photocoupler Application Notes

(3) In the case of the TLP2301

In the TLP2301 data sheet, the current transfer ratio and propagation delay times are
specified at a low IF value of 1 mA. As is the case with the TLP183, it is necessary to take 15%
degradation in CTR into consideration. However, increasing current affects propagation delay
times. The TLP2301 is a high-speed variant of the TLP183; its propagation delay times are
specified at an IF of 1 mA. It is therefore beneficial to set IF at or close to 1 mA. Here, let's set
design parameters tentatively so that IF will be 1 mA under the worst-case conditions
considering two conflicting factors.

Figure 2.4 Example of LED light power degradation curve(*)

* The graph shows a typical LED light output degradation curve. When designing a circuit incorporating photocoupler
components including the TLP183 and TLP2301, consult reliability data individually

2.2 Setting the value of the IF-limiting resistor (RIN)

IF(typ.) is expressed as:
VCC −VF(typ.) −VOL
IF(typ.) = RIN(typ.)

(1) In the case of the TLP185

The data sheet (Figure 2.5) shows that VF (typ.) is:
VF (typ.) = 1.25 V (IF = 10 mA)
Hence, RIN is calculated as:
R IN =

= 419 Ω
Therefore, let’s select a resistor with a value of 430 Ω ± 5% for RIN.

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Photocoupler Application Notes
IF (min) and IF (max) are calculated as shown below.
VCC is 5 V ± 5%. The data sheet also shows the minimum and maximum VF values.
VCC (min) = 5 V - 5% = 4.75 V, VCC (max) = 5 V + 5% = 5.25 V
VF (min) = 1.1 V, VF (max) = 1.4 V


Figure 2.5 Specification on TLP185(SE excerpted from data sheet

VCC(min.) −VF(max.) −VOL

IF(min.) =


= 6.5 mA

VCC(max.) −VF(min.) −VOL

IF(max.) = RIN(min.)


= 9.2 mA

(2) In the case of the TLP183

The data sheet (Figure 2.6) shows that VF (typ.) is:
VF (typ.) = 1.25 V (IF = 10 mA)
Here, let’s estimate VF (typ.) at an IF of 1 mA.
Figure 2.7 shows that VF decreases by roughly 0.1 V when IF = 1 mA.


Figure 2.6 Specification on TLP183 excerpted from data sheet

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Figure 2.7 IF - VF characteristics on TLP183 excerpted from data sheet

R IN =

= 3.45 kΩ
Therefore, let’s select a resistor with a value of 3.3 kΩ ± 5% for RIN.

IF (min) and IF (max) are calculated as shown below.

VCC is 5 V ± 5%. From the data sheet values and IF - VF curves (Figure 2.7), the minimum
and maximum VF values are as follows:
VCC (min) = 5 V - 5% = 4.75 V, VCC (max) = 5 V + 5% = 5.25 V
VF (min) = 1.0 V, VF (max) = 1.3 V

VCC(min.) −VF(max.) −VOL

IF(min.) =


= 0.88 mA

VCC(max.) −VF(min.) −VOL

IF(max.) = RIN(min.)


= 1.23 mA

©2019 11 2019-05-17
Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
Photocoupler Application Notes

(3) In the case of the TLP2301

The data sheet (Figure 2.8) shows that VF (typ.) is:
VF (typ.) = 1.25 V (IF = 10 mA)
Here, let’s estimate VF (typ.) at an IF of 1 mA.
Figure 2.9 shows that VF decreases by roughly 0.1 V when IF = 1 mA.

(Ta= 25℃)

Figure 2.8 Specification on TLP2301 excerpted from data sheet

Figure 2.9 IF - VF characteristics on TLP2301 excerpted from data sheet

R IN =

= 3.45 kΩ
Therefore, let’s select a resistor with a value of 3.3 kΩ ± 5% for RIN.

IF (min) and IF (max) are calculated as shown below.

VCC is 5 V ± 5%. From the data sheet values and IF - VF curves (Figure 2.9), the minimum
and maximum VF values are as follows.
VCC (min) =5 V - 5% = 4.75 V, VCC (max) = 5 V + 5% = 5.25 V
VF (min) = 1.0 V, VF (max) = 1.3 V

©2019 12 2019-05-17
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Photocoupler Application Notes
VCC(min.) −VF(max.) −VOL
IF(min.) =


= 0.88 mA

VCC(max.) −VF(min.) −VOL

IF(max.) = RIN(min.)


= 1.23 mA

2.3 Setting the value of the pull-up resistor (RL)

Choose a pull-up resistor (RL) so that the collector current will not exceed the specified IC under
the worst-case condition.
Let the worst-case IC value be minIC. Then, minIC is calculated as follows:
VCC(max.) −VIL
RL ≥

minIC = IC (min) × Dt × DIF × DVCE × DTa × α

VIL : Maximum low-level input voltage of the device driven by a photocoupler (or low-
level output voltage required)
Dt : Rate of degradation in IC after an elapse of a certain time
DIF : Rate of change in IC at the IF setpoint corresponding to the data sheet-specified
DVCE: Rate of change in IC under VCE (sat) conditions
DTa : Rate of change in IC in the operating temperature range
α : Design margin
Read performance curves in the data sheet to obtain these values.

(1) In the case of the TLP185

IC(min): Here, let's use the TLP185(SE of rank GB. The minimum current transfer ratio of rank
GB is specified as 100% at IF = 5 mA and VCE = 5 V. Thus, IC(min) is calculated as 5 mA x 100%
= 5 mA.

Dt: The decrease in IC due to aging greatly depends on the degradation of the LED light output.
Figure 2.10 shows an example of the light output degradation of the LED incorporated in the
TLP185(SE. Suppose that the service life required for the TLP185(SE is 44,000 hours (i.e., 50%
of an expected service life of 10 years or roughly 88,000 hours, assuming that the LED is active
50% of the time), and its light output is calculated as 80%. Allowing some design margin, let's
assume that CTR will decrease by 30% and substitute 0.7 for Dt.

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Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
Photocoupler Application Notes

Figure 2.10 Example of LED light power degradation curve(*)

* The graph shows a typical LED light output degradation curve. When designing a circuit incorporating photocoupler
components including the TLP185(SE, consult reliability data individually

DIF: The rate of change in IC at the IF setpoint corresponding to the data sheet-specified
conditions can be calculated from the IC-IF curves of the TLP185(SE. Here, we have assumed
that IF = 8 mA. From Figure 2.11, IC can be read as 9.5 mA at IF= 5 mA and as 16 mA at IF = 8
mA. Hence, DIF is calculated as 16 mA / 9.5 mA ≈ 1.7.

Figure 2.11 IC - IF characteristics on Figure 2.12 IC - Ta characteristics on

TLP185(SE excerpted from data sheet TLP185(SE excerpted from data sheet

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Photocoupler Application Notes

DVCE: A rate of change in IC under VCE (sat) (≈ 0.4 V) condition can be calculated from the IC-IF
curves shown in Figure 2.11. When IF = 8 mA, IC can be read as 16 mA at VCE = 5V and 6.5 mA
at VCE = 0.4 V. Hence, the rate of change in IC (DVCE) can be calculated as 6.5 mA / 16 mA ≈ 0.4.

DTa: The rate of change in IC over the Topr range can be calculated from the IC-Ta curves shown
in Figure 2.12. Read the curve for IF = 10 mA that is close to our condition of IF = 8 mA. Since
IC is the lowest at 70°C, we get IC = 20 mA at Ta = 25°C and IC = 16 mA at Ta = 70°C. Hence,
the rate of change in IC (DTa) is calculated as 16 mA / 20mA ≈ 0.8.

α: Here, let's assume a design margin of 20%. Hence, α = 0.8.

Hence, minIC can be calculated as follows:

minIC = IC (min) × Dt × DIF × DVCE × DTa × α
minIC = 5 mA × 0.7 × 1.7 × 0.4 × 0.8 × 0.8
minIC =1.5 mA
VCC(max.) −VIL
RL ≥

RL ≥

R L ≥ 3.1kΩ

Increasing the RL value provides a greater margin, but at the expense of an increase in the
turn-off time (tOFF). So, let's use a 4.7-kΩ resistor here, roughly 1.5 times as large as the
above calculation result.

(2) In the case of the TLP183

IC(min): Here, let's use the TLP183 of rank GB. The minimum current transfer ratio of rank GB
is specified as 100% at IF = 0.5 mA and VCE = 5 V. Thus, IC(min) is calculated as 0.5 mA x 100%
= 0.5 mA.

Dt: The decrease in IC due to aging greatly depends on the degradation of the LED light output.
Figure 2.13 shows an example of the light output degradation of the LED incorporated in the
TLP183 and TLP2301. Suppose that the service life required for the TLP183 is 44,000 hours (i.e.,
50% of an expected service life of 10 years or roughly 88,000 hours, assuming that the LED is
active 50% of the time). So, CTR will decrease by roughly 10% (Dt = 0.9) over the period of the
service life. Allowing some design margin, let's assume that CTR will decrease by 15% and
substitute 0.85 for Dt.

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Photocoupler Application Notes

Figure 2.13 Example of LED light power degradation curve(*)

* The graph shows a typical LED light output degradation curve. When designing a circuit incorporating photocoupler
components including the TLP183 and TLP2301, consult reliability data individually.

DIF: The rate of change in IC at the IF setpoint corresponding to the data sheet-specified
conditions can be calculated from the IC-IF curves of the TLP183. Here, we have assumed that
IF = 1 mA. From Figure 2.14, IC can be read as 0.95 mA at IF = 0.5 mA and as 2 mA at IF = 1
mA. Hence, DIF is calculated as 2 mA / 0.95 mA ≈ 2.1.

Figure 2.14 IC - IF characteristics on Figure 2.15 IC - Ta characteristics on

TLP183 excerpted from data sheet TLP183 excerpted from data sheet

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DVCE: A rate of change in IC under VCE (sat) (≈ 0.4 V) condition can be calculated from the IC-IF
curves shown in Figure 2.14. When IF = 1 mA, IC can be read as 2 mA at VCE =5V and 1.9 mA
at VCE = 0.4 V. Hence, the rate of change in IC (DVCE) can be calculated as 1.9 mA / 2 mA ≈ 0.95.

DTa: The rate of change in IC over the Topr range can be calculated from the IC-Ta curves shown
in Figure 2.15. Read the curve for IF =1 mA. Since IC is the lowest at 0°C, we get IC = 2 mA at
Ta = 25°C and IC = 1.8 mA at Ta = 0°C. Hence, the rate of change in IC (DTa) is calculated as
1.8 mA / 2 mA ≈ 0.9.

α: Here, let's assume a design margin of 20%. Hence, α = 0.8.

Hence, minIC can be calculated as follows:

minIC = IC (min) × Dt × DIF × DVCE × DTa × α
minIC = 0.5 mA × 0.85 × 2.1 × 0.95 × 0.9 × 0.8
minIC = 0.61 mA
VCC(max.) −VIL
RL ≥

RL ≥

R L ≥ 7.6kΩ

Increasing the RL value provides a greater margin, but at the expense of an increase in the
turn-off time (tOFF). So, let's use a 10-kΩ resistor here.

(3) In the case of the TLP2301

IC(min): Here, let's use the TLP2301 of rank GB. The minimum current transfer ratio of rank GB
is specified as 100% at IF = 1 mA and VCE = 5 V. Thus, IC(min) is calculated as 1 mA x 100% = 1

Dt: The decrease in IC due to aging greatly depends on the degradation of the LED light output.
Figure 2.13 shows an example of the light output degradation of the LED incorporated in the
TLP2301. Suppose that the service life required for the TLP2301 is 44,000 hours (i.e., 50% of
an expected service life of 10 years or roughly 88,000 hours, assuming that the LED is active
50% of the time), and its light output is calculated as 90%. Allowing some design margin, let's
assume that CTR will decrease by 15% and substitute 0.85 for Dt.

DIF: The rate of change in IC at the IF setpoint corresponding to the data sheet-specified
conditions can be calculated from the IC-IF curves of the TLP2301. Here, we have assumed that
IF = 1 mA; hence, DIF = 1. When IF = 3 mA, from Figure 2.16, we get IC = 1.8 mA at IF = 1 mA
and IC = 6.2 mA at IF = 3 mA. Hence, DIF is calculated as 6.2 mA / 1.8 mA ≈ 3.4.

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Photocoupler Application Notes

Figure 2.16 IC - IF characteristics on Figure 2.17 IC - Ta characteristics on

TLP2301 excerpted from data sheet TLP2301 excerpted from data sheet

DVCE: A rate of change in IC under VCE (sat) (≈ 0.4 V) condition can be calculated from the IC-IF
curve shown in Figure 2.16. When IF = 1 mA, IC can be read as 1.8 mA at VCE =5V and 1.7 mA
at VCE = 0.4 V. The rate of change in IC (DVCE) can be calculated as 1.7 mA / 1.8 mA ≈ 0.95.

DTa: The rate of change in IC over the Topr range can be calculated from the IC-Ta curves shown
in Figure 2.17. Read the curve for IF =1 mA. Since IC is the lowest at 0°C, we get IC = 1.8 mA
at Ta = 25°C and IC = 1.6 mA at Ta = 0°C. Hence, the rate of change in IC (DTa) is calculated as
1.6 mA / 1.8 mA ≈ 0.88.

α: Here, let's assume a design margin of 20%. Hence, α = 0.8.

Hence, minIC can be calculated as follows:

minIC = IC (min) × Dt × DIF × DVCE × DTa × α
minIC = 1 mA × 0.9 × 1 × 0.95 × 0.88 × 0.8
minIC = 0.6 mA
VCC(max.) −VIL
RL ≥ minIC

RL ≥

R L ≥ 7.8kΩ

Increasing the RL value provides a greater margin, but at the expense of an increase in the
propagation delay time (tpLH). So, let's use a 10-kΩ resistor here.

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Photocoupler Application Notes

2.4 Estimating turn-on and turn-off times obtained with the selected pull-up
resistor (RL)
To achieve a signal transfer rate of 5 kbits/s, the VCC = 5 V IF
IF = 5 mA RL
sum of the turn-on and turn-off times must satisfy VOUT 5V
td tS
the following equation: tr tf

T = tON + tOFF ≤ 200 μs tON =td + tr

tOFF =ts + tf

Switching times are affected by various factors, IF=16mA, VCC=5V,
including the current transfer ratio (CTR), load
resistance (RL), and the ambient temperature (Ta).
First of all, let’s check the relationship between
switching times and CTR. Figure 2.18 shows that

tOFF (= ts + tf) tends to increase with CTR. This is ts

because photocouplers with a high CTR tend to

incorporate a phototransistor with a high hFE. It is

therefore advisable to use photocouplers with a low
CTR if your design has any switching time
constraints. Different photocouplers have different
switching times. For example, Figure 2.18 shows
that there is a roughly 10-μs difference in tOFF
among photocouplers with a CTR of roughly 200%. 1
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
It is necessary to take account of tOFF variations
変換効率 CTR
Current transfer (%)
ratio CTR (%)
among different photocouplers as well as the effects
of Ta, RL, and other factors. Figure 2.18 Example for
switching time vs. CTR
(1) In the case of the TLP185
From the switching time-RL curves shown in Figure 2.20, toff can be read as roughly 75 μs
at RL = 4.7 kΩ and IF = 16 mA. The switching time-IF curves of Figure 2.21 also show that:
toff ≈ 70μs at RL = 4.7 kΩ and IF = 8 mA

Figure 2.19 gives the switching time-Ta curves of the TPL185(SE with a CTR of roughly
200%. It shows that the switching time increases by roughly 30% when the ambient
temperature (Ta) rises from 25°C to 70°C. Taking a temperature rise into account, T should
be considered to be T= 70 μs x 1.3 ≈ 90 μs. In addition, CTR varies between 100% and 600%.
Assuming that there is a twofold variation in T over this CTR range, T becomes roughly 180
μs at the maximum.
When creating an actual design, be sure to take these effects into consideration, referring to
a data sheet. Although the TLP185(SE satisfies the switching time requirement of 200 μs, it
is necessary to examine whether there is a sufficient margin.

©2019 19 2019-05-17
Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
Photocoupler Application Notes

Figure 2.19 Switching time - Ta characteristics Figure 2.20 Switching time - RL characteristics
on TLP185(SE excerpted from data sheet on TLP185(SE excerpted from data sheet
Switching time

Input forward current

Figure 2.21 Switching time - IF characteristics

on TLP185(SE

©2019 20 2019-05-17
Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
Photocoupler Application Notes

(2) In the case of the TLP183

From the switching time-RL curves shown in Figure 2.23, toff can be read as roughly 90 μs
at RL = 10 kΩ and IF = 1.6 mA. The switching time-IF curves of Figure 2.24 also show that:
toff ≈ 90 μs at RL = 10 kΩ and IF = 1 mA

Figure 2.22 gives the switching time-Ta curves of the TPL183 with a CTR of roughly 200%.
It shows that the switching time increases by roughly 30% when the ambient temperature
(Ta) rises from 25°C to 70°C. Taking a temperature rise into account, T should be considered
to be T= 90 μs x 1.3 ≈ 120 μs. In addition, CTR varies between 100% and 600%. Assuming
that there is a twofold variation in T over this CTR range, T becomes roughly 240 μs at the
When creating an actual design, be sure to take these effects into consideration, referring
to a data sheet. The above estimation indicates that the TLP183 is unlikely to satisfy the
switching time requirement of 200 μs. Therefore, we need to take countermeasures to reduce
the switching time.

©2019 21 2019-05-17
Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
Photocoupler Application Notes

Figure 2.22 Switching time - Ta characteristics Figure 2.23 Switching time - RL characteristics
on TLP183 excerpted from data sheet on TLP183 excerpted from data sheet
Switching time

Input forward current

Figure 2.24 Switching time - IF characteristics

on TLP183

The switching time can be reduced by reducing RL as indicated by the switching time-RL
curves of Figure 2.23. It is also necessary to search for conditions that satisfy the relationship
between RL and IF discussed in (1), “In the case of the TLP185,” of Section 2.3, “Setting the
value of the pull-up resistor (RL)”
There are two options to reduce the RL value:
1. Increasing the setting of IF from 1 mA to 2 mA and thereby changing RL from 10 kΩ to
4.7 kΩ
2. Changing the CTR rank of the TLP183 (IF = 0.5 mA, VCE = 5 V) from GB (100% to 600%)
to BL (200 to 600%) and thereby changing RL from 10 kΩ to 4.7 kΩ

©2019 22 2019-05-17
Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
Photocoupler Application Notes
Then, we can assume that T = 50 μs x 1.3 ≈ 65 μs. With a twofold variation in T over the
CTR range, T ≈ 130 μs, which satisfies the switching time requirement of 200 μs.

(3) In the case of the TLP2301

The TLP2301 guarantees that its propagation delay is 30 μs at the maximum.

Table 2.2 TLP2301 tpHL, tpLH specification (excerpted from data sheet*)
(Ta= 25℃)

* For test circuits, see the data sheets of respective photocouplers.

Figure 2.25 tpHL, tpLH - Ta characteristics on TLP2301

Since the maximum propagation delay is specified at IF = 1 mA, RL = 10 kΩ and VCC = 5 V,

which are same as the selected values, we need to check its dependency on Ta under these
conditions. The propagation delay time of the TLP2301 is the longest at Ta = 70°C.
By reading the propagation delay time curves, we get tpLH = 16 μs at Ta = 25°C and tpLH = 20
μs at Ta = 70°C. Hence, DTa is calculated as 20 μs / 16 μs ≈ 1.25.
By reading the propagation delay time curves, we also get tpHL = 8 μs at Ta = 25°C and tpHL
= 9 μs at Ta = 70°C. Hence, DTa is calculated as 9 μs / 8 μs ≈ 1.13.
T = 30 x 1.25 + 30 x 1.13 ≈ 72 μs ≤ 100 μs
Therefore, we can achieve a 5-kbps data transfer rate with a switching time of 200 μs, even
when the temperature characteristics are taken into consideration. Furthermore, because T ≤
100 μs, 10-kbps data transfer may be possible.

©2019 23 2019-05-17
Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
Photocoupler Application Notes

2.5 Considerations for obtaining the best performance from low-IF photocouplers
The TLP185 is a photocoupler with general-purpose performance. To ensure reliable transfer
of “on” and “off” signals, it is necessary to drive the TLP185 with an IF of 10 to ten-plus
milliamperes. In contrast, the TLP183 and TLP2301 are designed to operate at a low IF of 1
mA or so.
General-purpose transistor-output photocouplers usually have significant variations in
propagation delay times and thus provide no guarantee for maximum switching times in the
saturated state. It is therefore necessary to estimate switching times based on typical values,
taking the effects of a current transfer ratio, temperature, and a pull-up resistor value into
consideration. On the other hand, the TLP2301 is designed to provide faster propagation delay
times (especially transistor turn-off time) and less delay time variations, thereby guaranteeing
maximum propagation delay times. The TLP2301 guarantees a maximum propagation delay
time of 30 μs irrespective of the CTR rank, making it easier to adjust its delay times by means
of design because, unlike transistor-output photocouplers, it is unnecessary to take the effect
of a current transfer ratio on switching times into account.

Table 2.3(1) General use Tr coupler TLP185(SE propagation delay time(Ta=25℃) (excerpted
from data sheet*)


Table 2.3(2) 20kbps IC coupler TLP2301 propagation delay time(Ta=25℃) (excerpted from
data sheet*)

* For test circuits, see the data sheets of respective photocouplers.

However, in order to obtain the best performance from the low-IF TLP183 and TLP2301,
appropriate forward current (IF) and pull-up resistor (RL) values should be selected.

Table 2.4 summarizes the parameters discussed in the previous subsections.

©2019 24 2019-05-17
Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
Photocoupler Application Notes

Table 2.4 Design information sumarry for example of interface circuit using Tr coupler

Type TLP185(SE TLP183 TLP2301

IF=8mA IF=1mA IF=1mA IF=2mA IF=1mA
Setting RL=4.7kΩ RL=10kΩ RL=4.7kΩ RL=4.7kΩ RL=10kΩ
conditions CTR:rank GB CTR:rank GB CTR:rank BL CTR:rank GB CTR:rank GB
Response T≈around T≈around T≈around T≈around T≈around
performance 180μs 240μs 130μs 130μs 75μs
(rank GB:100 to 600%、 rank BL:200 to 600%)

(1) In the example of the TLP183 discussed in Section 2.4,

T was calculated to be roughly 130 μs at IF = 2 mA, RL = 4.7 kΩ, and VCC = 5 V, i.e., the same
conditions for the RL of the TLP185(SE. However, if the TLP183 is used under the same IF
condition as for the TLP185(SE (= 8mA), T is estimated to be roughly 160 μs from Figure 2.27.
This does not differ much from the performance of the TLP185(SE. Under this IF condition, the
TLP183 does not exhibit its advantage.
Table 2.4 also indicates that, even at low IF, the switching time of the TLP183 differs greatly
between the following two combinations. Therefore, careful consideration is necessary.
 Combination with IF = 1 mA, RL = 10 kΩ, VCC = 5 V, CTR: GB rank
 Combination with IF = 1 mA, RL = 4.7 kΩ, VCC = 5 V, CTR: BL rank, or
IF = 2 mA, RL = 4.7 kΩ, VCC = 5 V, CTR: GB rank

(2) In the case of the TLP2301,

T (= tOFF+tON) was calculated to be roughly 75 μs at IF = 1 mA, RL = 10 kΩ, and VCC = 5 V
in Subsections 2.1 to 2.4. Now, let’s see how the switching time changes if it is used under the
same conditions as for the TLP185(SE, i.e., at IF = 8 mA, RL = 4.7 kΩ, and VCC = 5 V. This can
be considered from the following two viewpoints.

©2019 25 2019-05-17
Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
Photocoupler Application Notes

Switching time

Input forward current

Figure 2.26 Switching time - IF characteristics

on TLP2301
Switching time

Switching time

Input forward current Input forward current

Figure 2.27 Switching time - IF characteristics Figure 2.28 Switching time - IF characteristics
on TLP185(SE on TLP183

1. RL: 10 kΩ ⇔ 4.7 kΩ
Figures 2.26 to 2.28 indicate that the switching time of the TLP2301 does not exhibit as much
dependence on RL as those of the TLP185(SE and TLP183.
2. IF: 1 mA ⇔ 8 mA
Figure 2.26 indicates that, in the case of the TLP2301, tOFF (tpLH) and tON (tpHL) become
increasingly asymmetrical as IF increases. At a low IF of around 1 mA, tOFF (tpLH) and tON (tpHL)
are almost equal. Therefore, care should be taken as to the symmetry of turn-on and turn-off

©2019 26 2019-05-17
Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
Photocoupler Application Notes

(3) Figure 2.29 compares the switching waveforms of the TLP2301 and TLP185(SE. It indicates
that there is a difference in the VO rise time when they turn off.

IF =


15μs TLP185

Figure 2.29 Switching waveform comparison between TLP185 and TLP2301

Conditions :IF = 1mA, RL = 10kΩ, Ta = 25˚C. CTR TLP2301 = 250%, TLP185 = 100% @ IF= 1 mA
tpLH measuring point:IF = 0.5 mA, VO= 2 V

©2019 27 2019-05-17
Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
Photocoupler Application Notes
3. Terms
(General terms)

Term Symbol Description

Maximum value that must not be exceeded even for an instant

Absolute Maximum Rating
during operation
Isolating voltage between input and output under the specified
Isolation Voltage BVS
Capacitance (Input to Output),
CS Electrostatic capacitance between the input and output pins
Total Capacitance (Input to Output)
Capacitance (Input), CT Electrostatic capacitance between the anode and cathode pins
Input Capacitance Ct of the LED
Forward Current, Rated current that can flow continuously in the forward direction of
Input Forward Current the LED
Pulse Forward Current, Rated current that can flow momentarily in the forward direction of
Input Forward Current (Pulsed) the LED
Rated current that can flow momentarily in the forward direction of
Peak Transient Forward Current IFPT
the LED
Reverse Voltage, Rated reverse voltage that can be applied across the LED’s
Input Reverse Voltage cathode and anode
Reverse Current, Leakage current flowing in the reverse direction of the LED (from
Input Reverse Current cathode to anode)
Forward Voltage, Voltage drop across the anode and cathode pins of the LED under
Input Forward Voltage the specified forward-current condition
LED Power Dissipation,
PD Rated power that can be dissipated in the LED
Input Power Dissipation
Total rated power that can be dissipated in both the input and
Total Power Dissipation PT
output devices
Resistance between the input and output pins at the specified
Isolation Resistance RS
Junction Temperature Tj Permissible temperature of the junction of the photodetector or LED
Ambient temperature range in which the device can operate without
Operating Temperature Topr
loss of functionality
Rated temperature at which the device pins can be soldered without
Lead Soldering Temperature Tsol
loss of functionality
Ambient temperature range in which the device can be stored
Storage Temperature Tstg
without operation
Shortest distance along the surface of insulation between the path
Creepage Distance of
two conductive parts (input and output)
Shortest distance through air between the path of two conductive
Clearance(Clearance Distance)
parts (input and output)
Distance through insulation. Shortest thickness through internal
Internal Isolation Thickness,
insulation between the path of two conductive parts (input and
Insulation Thickness

©2019 28 2019-05-17
Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
Photocoupler Application Notes

(Transistor output)

Term Symbol Description

Collector Current IC Rated current allowed to flow to collector

Current Transfer Ratio Ratio of output current, IC, to input current, IF: IC/IF × 100 (unit: %)
Collector Dark Current, ICEO
Leakage current flowing between collector and emitter
Dark Current IDARK
Leakage current flowing between collector and emitter when Low
OFF-state Collector Current IC(off)
voltage is applied to input
Current Gain Factor hFE hFE for phototransistor
Photo-current generated by the specified input current, IF, in the
Base Photo-Current IPB
phototransistor base block
Collector Power Dissipation PC Rated power that can be dissipated in collector
Time required for the output waveform to change from 100% (0%)
Turn-On Time to 10% (90%) when the input is turned off and back on under the
specified conditions
Time required for the output waveform to change from 0% (100%)
Turn-Off Time to 90% (10%) when the input is turned on and back off under the
specified conditions
Time required for the output waveform to change from 0% (100%)
Storage Time tS to 10% (90%) when input is turned on and back off under the
specified conditions
Fall Time tf Time required for the output waveform to change from 90% to 10%
Rise Time tr Time required for the output waveform to change from 10% to 90%
Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage between collector and emitter under the specified saturation
Voltage conditions
Collector-Base Breakdown Voltage V(BR)CBO Breakdown voltage between collector and base when emitter is open

Collector-Emitter Breakdown Breakdown voltage between collector and emitter (when base is
Voltage open)
Emitter-Base Breakdown Voltage V(BR)EBO Breakdown voltage between emitter and base when collector is open
Emitter-Collector Breakdown Breakdown voltage between emitter and collector (when base is
Voltage open)
Collector-Base Voltage VCBO Rated voltage that can be applied across collector and base
Collector-Emitter Voltage VCEO Rated voltage that can be applied across collector and emitter
Emitter-Base Voltage VEBO Rated voltage that can be applied across emitter and base
Emitter-Collector Voltage VECO Rated voltage which can be applied across emitter and collector
Capacitance (Collector to Emitter),
CCE Electrostatic capacitance between the collector and emitter pins
Collector-Emitter Capacitance

©2019 29 2019-05-17
Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
Photocoupler Application Notes

Revision history

Version Date Page reference Details

Rev. 1.0 2019-05-17 - Created

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Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
Photocoupler Application Notes
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