Aquamarine Product Catalogue 2020 1 60

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SHIPCAREBayer-Wood Technologies Limited

unlocking the genius of nature

Aquamarine Chemicals
Aquamarine Chemicals is the marine division of
Bayer-Wood Technologies Ltd, a group of British
chemical companies. Since 1992.
Our focus is supplying the most environmental
products with an ongoing research and development
to protect our lives, environment and our oceans.

Contact Details for Sales or Technical Services

Aquamarine Chemicals
A division of Bayer-wood Technologies Limited
2 Duddage Manor Business Park
Twyning, Glos, GL20 6BY
Tel: 01684 290077
Fax: 01684 290608
Email: [email protected]

Copyright © 2020 Aquamarine Chemicals - Bayer-Wood Technologies Ltd.

Boiler Water & Condensate Treatments page
Alkalinity Controller ...................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Boiler Coagulant ........................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Boiling Out Compound – New Boilers ........................................................................................................................................ 3
BWT Organic 3 – One-shot Boiler Treatment ............................................................................................................................. 4
BWT Organic 4 – Oxygen Scavenger ........................................................................................................................................... 4
Condensate Controller .................................................................................................................................................................. 5
Hardness / Phosphate Controller ................................................................................................................................................ 6
Liquid Boiler Water Treatment Extra .......................................................................................................................................... 7
Sulphite Oxygen Controller .......................................................................................................................................................... 8

Engine Water & Evaporator Treatments page

Aluminium Corrosion Controller XLI ......................................................................................................................................... 12
Antifreeze + Test Meter .............................................................................................................................................................. 13
Aquamarine CW25B Chilled Water System Treatment ........................................................................................................... 13
Biological Growth Controller (Enclosed Cooling Systems) ..................................................................................................... 14
Diesel Engine Cooling Water Inline Cleaner ............................................................................................................................. 14
Corrosion Controller 30 Concentrate ......................................................................................................................................... 15
Corrosion Controller CWT (CC10) ................................................................................................................................................ 16
Evaporator Scale Controller ....................................................................................................................................................... 17
Marisol CW - Approved Cooling Water Scale and Corrosion Inhibitor .................................................................................. 18

Cleaning Products page

ACC Plus - In Service Cleaning for Air Coolers ......................................................................................................................... 20
Air Cooler Cleaner / ACC ............................................................................................................................................................. 20
Aquawash - General Purpose Degreaser & Ultrasonic Cleaning Fluid .................................................................................. 21
Carbon Remover - Combined Air Cooler Cleaner.................................................................................................................... 22
De-scaling Liquid ....................................................................................................................................................................... 24
De-scaling Powder ..................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Diesel Engine Cooling Water Inline Cleaner ............................................................................................................................ 27
Electrical Cleaner - Fast Dry ...................................................................................................................................................... 28
Fishguard Degreaser - fishing vessels .................................................................................................................................... 28
G.P. Degreaser............................................................................................................................................................................. 29
Natural Zest Cleaner.................................................................................................................................................................... 31
Oil Spill Dispersant - Approved Type II & III OSD High Performance ..................................................................................... 31
Quat-San 350 - Reefer / Cargo Hold Cleaner, Sanitiser & De-Odoriser ................................................................................ 32
QuickBreak - Solvent Engine Room / Bilge Degreaser .......................................................................................................... 32
Rust Remover & Purifier Disc Cleaner ...................................................................................................................................... 33
Tank Cleaner H.D. ....................................................................................................................................................................... 34

Maintenance Products page

Aqua-Potable Water Red Rust Treatment ............................................................................................................................... 36
H.D. Cement Descaler ................................................................................................................................................................. 36
Liquid Antifoulant for Seawater Systems ................................................................................................................................ 37
Sediment Remover - for Ballast Tanks .................................................................................................................................... 37
Slip Coat ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 38

Tank Cleaning Products plus IMO page

Aquamarine Aquawash (IMO) .................................................................................................................................................. 40
Buffer Clean (IMO) ...................................................................................................................................................................... 40
Caustic Free Alkaline Cleaner (IMO) ........................................................................................................................................... 41
Natural Zest (IMO) ....................................................................................................................................................................... 41
Neutral HCF (IMO) ....................................................................................................................................................................... 42
Rust and Rust Streak Remover (IMO) ....................................................................................................................................... 42

Tel: 01684 290077 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

Tank Cleaning Products plus IMO page
Slip Coat ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 43
Strong Alkaline Cleaner (IMO) .................................................................................................................................................. 44
Tank Cleaner H.D. (IMO) ............................................................................................................................................................. 44

Fuel Treatment Products page

Aquabac 80 - Fuel MBC Treatment ........................................................................................................................................... 46
Aquaburn Fuel Enhancer ........................................................................................................................................................... 46
Aquamarine Distillate Fuel Improver ....................................................................................................................................... 48
Emulsion Breaker ....................................................................................................................................................................... 48
Fuel Combustion Improver........................................................................................................................................................ 49
Fuel Sludge Control .................................................................................................................................................................... 50
Fuel Soot Remover Powder ........................................................................................................................................................ 51
Fuel Vanadium Controller .......................................................................................................................................................... 52
Low Sulphur Diesel Fuel & Gas Oil - Lubricity Improver ......................................................................................................... 53
Soot Remover Liquid.................................................................................................................................................................. 54

Toilets, Pipes, Sinks, Drains, Showers, STP page

Aqua-Antifoam - Vacuum Toilets ............................................................................................................................................. 56
Aqua-DPC Drain Pipe Cleaner Sachets ..................................................................................................................................... 57
Aqua-floc 1003a - Flocculant..................................................................................................................................................... 58
Aquamarine Bilge Buster .......................................................................................................................................................... 59
Bio-Brick - for grease traps ....................................................................................................................................................... 60
Bio-Card - waste odour control ................................................................................................................................................. 61
Bio-vac Enzyme System Cleaner .............................................................................................................................................. 62
Enzyme Effluent Treatment Powder ........................................................................................................................................ 63
Enzyme Descaling Sachets for the descaling of uric scale .................................................................................................... 64
Enzyme Toilet Cleaner................................................................................................................................................................ 65
Enzyme Grease Trap and Galley Waste Degrader................................................................................................................... 66
Multi Surface Cleaner - 750ml Trigger Spray Bottle (Packed 12 x 750ml) ............................................................................ 67
Power Flower - for showers ...................................................................................................................................................... 68
Shower Head Cleaner Plus ........................................................................................................................................................ 69
Total Enzyme Drain Unblocker .................................................................................................................................................. 70

Housekeeping - Galley, Washrooms and Cabins page

Aquawash ................................................................................................................................................................................... 72
Graffitti / Rubber Boot Mark / Fender Mark Remover............................................................................................................ 73
Heavy Duty Foodsafe Galley Floor & Tile Cleaner ................................................................................................................... 73
Ice Machine Cleaner.................................................................................................................................................................... 74
Kettle & Calorifier Scale Remover Sachets .............................................................................................................................. 74
Natural Zest Cabin Spray ........................................................................................................................................................... 75
Multi-surface Cleaner................................................................................................................................................................. 75
Shipsan Spray Sterilant ............................................................................................................................................................. 76
Stainless Steel Wipes ................................................................................................................................................................. 76
Shower Head Cleaner Plus ........................................................................................................................................................ 77
Warm Oven / Combi Oven Spray Cleaner ................................................................................................................................ 78

Rust Converters & Primers – all in one rust /metal treatments page
Aqua-steel Rust Converter & Primer (all in one) .................................................................................................................... 80
Aqua-steel (Export Grade) ........................................................................................................................................................ 80
Aquatan Environmental Rust Treatment ................................................................................................................................. 82

Test Kits, Metering Systems & MBC page

Chemical Test Kits....................................................................................................................................................................... 84
Chemical Metering Systems ...................................................................................................................................................... 87

Copyright © 2020 Aquamarine Chemicals - Bayer-Wood Technologies Ltd.

R.O. PLANT products page
R.O. Citric Cleaner (Plant conditioner) ..................................................................................................................................... 92
R.O. HIGH pH Cleaner / Sanitiser ............................................................................................................................................... 92
R.O. LOW pH Cleaner / Sanitiser ................................................................................................................................................ 93
R.O. Membrane Biocide ............................................................................................................................................................. 93
R.O. Polysperse 676 - Anti-scalant ........................................................................................................................................... 94

Ballast Tanks & Seawater Systems page

Ballast Tank Corrosion Inhibitor................................................................................................................................................ 96
Liquid Antifoulant for Seawater Systems ................................................................................................................................ 97
Liquid Ballast Water De-Chlorinator ........................................................................................................................................ 97
Powder Ballast Tank De-Chlorinator ........................................................................................................................................ 98
Sediment Remover - for Ballast Tanks .................................................................................................................................... 98

Potable Drinking Water Treatment page

Red Rust Treatment - for treatment of “Red Rust” in Potable water systems ................................................................. 100
Potable Water/Drinking Water Chlorination Tablets ........................................................................................................... 100
Shipsan - for Super-chlorination (spray method) ................................................................................................................ 101

Hygiene Products page

Alcohol Gel Hand Sterilant ...................................................................................................................................................... 104
Aqua Hand Cleaner Plus - long life formula, tough for oil and grime removal ................................................................ 104
Handsan Foaming Hand Sanitiser ........................................................................................................................................... 105
Hand Re-conditioning and Barrier Cream .............................................................................................................................. 105
Hand Sanitiser Dispenser - touch-free .................................................................................................................................. 106
Hand Sanitiser Dispenser Stand ............................................................................................................................................. 106
Liquid Skin Cleanser (500 ml) .................................................................................................................................................. 107
Shipsan Spray Sterilant ............................................................................................................................................................ 107
Signage for Alcohol Gel & Reconditioning Cream Dispensers ............................................................................................. 108

Spill Equipment & Sorbents page

Oil Cushions ................................................................................................................................................................................ 110
Oil Only Booms .......................................................................................................................................................................... 110
Oil Only Curtain Booms ............................................................................................................................................................. 110
Oil Only Drain Booms ................................................................................................................................................................ 110
Oil Only Drum Tops .................................................................................................................................................................... 110
Oil Only Pads ............................................................................................................................................................................... 111
Oil Only Pom Poms ..................................................................................................................................................................... 111
Oil Only Rolls ............................................................................................................................................................................... 111
Oil Socks ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 111
Marine SOPEP Spill Kits .............................................................................................................................................................. 112
Rip One Oil Only Pads ................................................................................................................................................................. 112
Tubular knitted Oil Socks ........................................................................................................................................................... 112

Chlorination & De-chlorination Products page

Liquid Ballast Water De-Chlorinator ....................................................................................................................................... 114
Powder Ballast Tank De-Chlorinator ....................................................................................................................................... 114
Potable Water/Drinking Water Chlorination Tablets ............................................................................................................ 114
Chlorine Neutraliser ................................................................................................................................................................... 115
Sewage Plant Dechlorinator Powder ....................................................................................................................................... 115
Shipsan - for Super-chlorination (spray method) ................................................................................................................ 116
Slow Release Chlorine Tablets (Effluent Treatment).............................................................................................................. 117

MARPOL Annex V page

Marpol MEPC 63 V Amendment ............................................................................................................................................... 118

Tel: 01684 290077 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

Boiler Water & Condensate
Boiler Water & Condensate
Alkalinity Controller
Boiler Coagulant
Boiling Out Compound
BWT Organic 3
BWT Organic 4
Condensate Controller
Hardness / Phosphate Controller
Liquid Boiler Water Treatment Extra
Sulphite Oxygen Controller

Copyright © 2020 Aquamarine Chemicals - Bayer-Wood Technologies Ltd. 1

Alkalinity Controller
Boiler Water & Condensate

ALKALINITY CONTROLLER is a concentrated alkaline USING THE TABLE: Select the section corresponding to the
treatment for pH control in boilers. pressure of the boiler to be treated and read across the

table to obtain the level of treatment required.

How does it work?
ALKALINITY CONTROLLER should be used as part of a Normally: 0.18 litre/tonne of ALKALINITY CONTROLLER
coordinated treatment programme in conjunction with will raise PAlkalinity by 100 p.p.m. Proper treatment
other AQUAMARINE B.W.T. products. should normally give a pH between 9.5 and 11. These are
recommended limits for levels of treatment. They are not
ALKALINITY CONTROLLER provides the alkaline conditions
intended to replace either shipping company instructions or
that allows HARDNESS/PHOSPHATE CONTROL to operate
boiler manufacturer’s policy.
effectively. This is done by neutralising any acidic conditions
and maintaining alkalinity within optimum limits. Summary: ALKALINITY CONTROLLER is a part of a
The product is suitable for use with all boiler pressures. coordinated programme of Boiler Water Treatment yielding
the basic alkalinity upon which successful boiler water
Results of use treatment depends.
ALKALINITY CONTROLLER helps to keep magnesium and
calcium salts in suspension
and helps in maintaining efficiency and reducing NSN J100-6810-99-513-9403
maintenance. Product Ref. ALKC

Dosing and Sampling

• For optimum results dose directly into the boiler via the
bypass pot feeder installed in the boiler water feed line.
• A representative sample of boiler water must be taken at
regular intervals (daily or every 3 days), at a frequency
adequate for the type of boiler. The sample should be
taken immediately following blow down and should be
analysed immediately.
• Follow the AQUAMARINE test kit instructions and record
the results on the log sheets provided by AQUAMARINE.
These should be returned monthly for review by
• The results indicate the level of P Alkalinity in the boiler.
Use the dosage chart below to adjust the levels of
treatment required.

p-alkalinity test result in p.p.m. (CaCO3) Standard Initial Dose
Pressure Range Range millilitres/
Group Boilers 0-60 60-90 90-100 100-110 110-120 120-150 150+ P.Alkalinty Tonne
0-17.5 Bar Satisfactory Blow
1 180 90 60 100-150 225
0258 Psi No Dose Down
17.5-31 Bar Satisfactory Blow
2 180 90 60 100-150 225
258-455 Psi No Dose Down
32-42 Bar Satisfactory Blow
3 150 65 50 100-130 200
455-618 Psi No Dose Down
42-60 Bar Satisfactory Blow
4 135 65 90-120 180
618-880 Psi No Dose Down

2 Tel: 01684 290077 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

Boiler Coagulant Boiling-Out

Boiler Water & Condensate

AQUAMARINE BOILER COAGULANT is a liquid sludge Compound
conditioner designed to prevent the formation of small
New Boilers

amounts of solid and sticky deposits in boilers such as oil
deposits. BOILING OUT COMPOUND is a powder chemical product used
How does it work? to protect new metals in any type of boiler. It is primarily
used for steel boilers when they are new or when a boiler
BOILER COAGULANT is a physical dispersant product. It has been re-tubed. It is recommended to use approximately
prevents the formation of large particles in liquid. 4-5kg per tonne. It should be added in solution to the boiler
• It functions by keeping solids as small particles water and the temperature elevated to maximum for a
minimum of 5 hours.
• Prevents agglomerations from forming
The boiler should then be drained and flushed and
• Keeps boilers clean
subsequently chemically dosed with the Aquamarine
• Keeps sludge dispersed for efficient blow-down Liquid Boiler Water Treatment according to the product
BOILER COAGULANT is primarily used in conjunction with information supplied.
removed by the blow down as usual.
Pack Size 25kg
In addition BOILER COAGULANT can help to remove small Product Ref. BOC
amounts of oil contamination if it arises, by blow down. Oil
contamination must of course be stopped if it has arisen.
Results of use
BOILER COAGULANT prevents the formation of adherent
deposits and sludges in boilers and thereby reduces clean-
Dosing Instructions
Normal dosage is 20ml daily/tonne of boiler water capacity.
Typically this equates to 0.1-0.3 litres/day. This is the
recommended initial dose.
BOILER COAGULANT should be dosed directly to the boiler via
the bypass pot feeder installed in the boiler feed water line.

25 Litres
Product Ref. BC

Copyright © 2020 Aquamarine Chemicals - Bayer-Wood Technologies Ltd. 3

BWT Organic 3 BWT Organic 4
Boiler Water & Condensate

One-shot Boiler Oxygen Scavenger


Description BWT Organic 4 is an environmentally safe oxygen scavenger
BWT Organic 3 is a liquid blend of neutralised organic acids, based on neutralised organic acids and volatile amines.
corrosion scale and sludge conditioners. It removes oxygen from feed-water as well as forming an
The product is designed for use in low or medium pressure organic iron compound on steel surfaces. It will also protect
boilers. copper surfaces.
Polymer technology protects against scale, alkalinity is BWT Organic 4 can be used in low and medium pressure
added to prevent corrosion and an organic compound is systems.
formed throughout the boiler to protect against corrosion. Directions for Use
Continuous dosing using a dosing pump is recommended. BWT Organic 4 should be dosed to give a pH of 9.0-10.0 in
It is also recommended to be used in conjunction with BWT the condensate returns.
Organic 4 which acts as an effective filming treatment on If hot-well temperatures are maintained above 80°C
condensate lines. a condensate pH range of 9.0-9.5 should be sought, if
BWT Organic 3 and BWT Organic 4 should not be mixed, so temperatures are lower than this then condensate returns
two separate dosing systems should be used. should be maintained at a pH between 9.5-10.
Directions for Use Dose Rate
The boiler water should meet the following conditions An initial dose rate of 0.2 Litre/m3 of boiler water should
be used.
p-Alkalinity 150-200 ppm CaCO3
This can be increased to 0.7 Litre/m3 for systems showing
Chloride 100 ppm max. for medium pressure boilers signs of corrosion for a few days.
Chloride 300 ppm max. for low pressure boilers BWT Organic 4 should be dosed continuously via a metering
pH 10.5 to 11.0 pump directly into the feed system or the exhaust gas
economiser circulating pump discharge. BWT Organic 4
Conductivity 400-1000 micro Siemens/cm
MUST NEVER BE SLUG DOSED to a running system via a hot-
Initial Dose 0.5 litre/metric tonne of boiler water, then well or by-pass feeder.
re-check dose to maintain pH and Alkalinity levels. 0.2 litres
should be dosed/day to maintain treatment levels when
combined with regular blow down. Product Ref. (Organic 4)
Pack Size 25 Litre

Product Ref. (Organic 3)

4 Tel: 01684 290077 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]


Boiler Water & Condensate


Aquamarine Condensate Controller is a liquid volatile amine
product used as a neutralising agent in condensate and feed
water systems of all pressures.
How does it work?
Condensate Controller is an alkaline amine which acts as
a neutralising agent which combats acid contamination in
condensate and feed water systems. This is most commonly
caused by the presence of dissolved carbon dioxide.
Condensate Controller neutralises these products and
maintains a protective film in the system. The product is
recycled as a result of its volatility which causes it to carry
over with the steam.
Dosing Instructions
Condensate Controller is best dosed using a metering pump
or flow meter. The best dosing points are the condensate
pump discharge, hot well or condensate return tank
(feed line must be at least 1 metre below surface), or the
deaerator storage tank.
• Dosing levels are set to maintain a pH between 8.5-9.2
Take a representative sample of condensate and test it for
pH. If the pH is in the target range add a dose of 0.75 litres/
day of Condensate Controller. Dosing is based on a system
of 10-12m3. If the pH is below this level increase the dose to
1.0 litre/day for 3 days and retest the pH. If the pH is above
the target range decrease the dose to 0.5 litres/day for 3
days and retest the pH. It is important that regular testing is
carried out to ensure levels of treatment are correct.
Condensate Samples should always be taken from the
drains cooler or condenser.
Cool the sample and test immediately.

Pack Size 25 Litres

NSN J150 9140-99-581-5784
Product Ref. CDC

Copyright © 2020 Aquamarine Chemicals - Bayer-Wood Technologies Ltd. 5

Hardness / Phosphate
Boiler Water & Condensate


Uses Dose
• This product is a liquid product used for hardness A representative sample of boiler water must be regularly
reduction and phosphate control in boiler water systems obtained and tested for phosphate levels. The use of impure
• Eliminates calcium scale problems feed water will influence phosphate demand.

• Phosphate levels are optimised The liquid should be applied at a ratio of 1 part to 20 parts
water and then fed into the boiler system by a by-pass
• Hardness salt forms are easily removed by blow down feeder.
• Can be used in all boiler water systems
This product is formulated to give an optimum phosphate NSN J150 6850-99-834-9159
level. This ensures correct hardness levels at all times. Product Ref. HPC



Phosphate Test Initial

0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-80 80-100
p.p.m dose

Water Tube Boiler 0.65 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 No dose No dose Blowdown

Double Primary 0.45 0.4 0.3 0.2 No dose Blowdown

Pressure Boiler
0.65 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 No dose No dose Blowdown

Exhaust Gas
0.35 0.2 No dose Blowdown
Distilled Water

Economiser shore
0.55 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 No dose No dose Blowdown

Boiler Pressure
Satisfactory Satisfactory High Too high
40-60 Ltr/cm2 0.37 0.27 0.17
No dose No dose No dose Blowdown
(570-854 psi)
Boiler Pressure
High High High Too high
60-68 Ltr/cm2 0.37 0.27 0.1
No dose No dose No dose Blowdown
(854-966 psi)

These are recommended limits for levels of treatment. They are not intended to replace either shipping company
instruction or boiler manufacturer’s policy.

6 Tel: 01684 290077 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

Liquid Boiler Water

Boiler Water & Condensate

Treatment Extra
pH, corrosion, scale and

Key parameters are PAlkalinity, Chloride and Sulphite
sludge controller for • Above 200 p.p.m. no dose is required but above 300
boiler water PAlkalinity p.p.m. blow down should be implemented
Description • Sulphite should be kept at 30-50 p.p.m or according to
manufacturer’s guide-lines
Aquamarine Boiler Water Treatment is a combined
concentrate liquid alkaline product that inhibits corrosion, • Chloride content should be controlled below a level of
controls alkalinity, controls hardness and oxygen. It is 200 p.p.m. (Above 200 - Blow-Down)
easy to use, non-hazardous and effective. It functions by Please ensure that all the test reagents are within the date
neutralising acid conditions, precipitating salts, sludge on the bottle before using.
conditioning and oxygen scavenging. For additional Oxygen
Feedwater Temperatures - Some typical issues
Scavenger please see separate product details.
Temperature of the hotwell is too low. (The temperature
should be kept between 70° - 80°C to reduce the oxygen
Boiler water additive for low/medium pressure boilers (up content):
to 250psi).
• Return condensate lines and make up line are fitted
Application above the water level. (Tubes to be length under the
Aquamarine Boiler Water Treatment is fed into the water water level to avoid oxygen intake) Hotwell covers open!
feed line by means of a continuous feed dosing pump. (steam cushion left)
Initial dose: 2.4 litres of Boiler Water Treatment/tonne in the • Temperature of hotwell is above the 90°C. (Temperature
boiler water system. must be kept maximum 90°C to avoid cavitation)
• Feed pump should be placed on the same level as the
hotwell or one deck lower to avoid vapour formation in
the pump
Aquamarine BWT test kit is available for accurate system
checking. Pack Size 25 Ltr. (see under Test Kits)
Please download a boiler water log sheet from Logs should be
submitted monthly for analysis and a report will be sent NSN J150 6850-99-834-9159
out by the end of the month in which they are received. Product Ref. LBWTE

P. Alkalinity p.p.m. CaC03 0 50 100 150 200 225 300

Above 300 Blow-down
Litres/tonnes Dose BWT 2.4 1.8 1.2 0.6 0 0 0

Visit: for log sheet downloads.

Email your log sheets to us monthly at: [email protected]

Copyright © 2020 Aquamarine Chemicals - Bayer-Wood Technologies Ltd. 7

Sulphite Oxygen
Boiler Water

Water &&Condensate

SULPHITE OXYGEN CONTROLLER is a liquid sodium sulphite Results of use


product used for oxygen scavenging in low and medium The interior of the boiler is protected from oxygen corrosion
pressure boilers.

attack. However please note that extra solids are produced

How does it work? in the process so additional blow-down will be required.
SULPHITE OXYGEN CONTROLLER reacts rapidly with dissolved Dosing and Sampling
oxygen in the boiler to form inert sodium sulphate. this A reserve of 30-50ppm sulphite (Aalborg recommend
prevents damage caused by oxygen pitting (deep and local) 30-60ppm) should be maintained in the boiler. SULPHITE
and corrosion in the boiler. OXYGEN CONTROLLER should be dosed continuously to the
Oxygen Scavenger is a concentrated convenient to use liquid boiler by means of a metering pump into the feed line
oxygen scavenger recommended for the complete removal after the recirculation line. Continuous dosing can also be
of oxygen from deaerator heaters, feedwater storage areas, achieved by dosing into the hotwell to a point as close to the
feedwater lines, condensate return lines, boiler internals feed water pump suction as possible, although efficiency
and closed recirculating water systems. is adversely affected by low hotwell temperatures. A daily
The product is dosed to give a reservoir level of sodium analysis sample should be taken after blow-down, cooled
sulphite in the boiler. If the reserve drops below a minimum and tested immediately. Always take samples from the
level then oxygen corrosion will occur. It is therefore same location.
essential to maintain a level at all times. The product is used A representative sample of boiler water must be obtained,
as part of a boiler water treatment programme. at an interval set by experience in operation of the boiler,
usually every 3-5 days. The sample should be taken after
the regular blow down and analysed immediately.
The target usage is 30-50ppm of sulphite. The product
should be applied separately to CONDENSATE CONTROLLER
and should not be mixed with any alkaline treatment.



Oxygen content (mg/1)


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Temperature °C

8 Tel: 01684 290077 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

Boiler Water & Condensate
18 p.p.m of Oxygen Scavenger are required for each p.p.m
of dissolved oxygen, plus a slight excess residual for testing

Dose per M3 feed = (18 x p.p.m Oxygen) + (_________65_________)

Boiler concentration factor

This formula will give 30 p.p.m sulphite as Na2So3

Where Feed temp = 80°C then p.p.m Oxygen = 2.9 p.p.m
Feeding Handling
Oxygen Scavenger liquid may be fed directly from the Avoid direct contact with skin and eyes to prevent mild
chemical container or diluted with clean condensate in irritation. In case of accidental contact, flush area with
a chemical mix tank. It is compatible with most boiler water, and seek medical attention. Product should not be
chemical additives except filming amines. Minimum ingested. Please refer to Material Safety Data Sheets for
agitation is suggested to prevent premature activation detailed handling and storage information.
of the oxygen scavenger with oxygen (air) captured by Summary
mechanical action at the solution interface. Covered mix
tanks or floating plastic plugs are desirable. It may be dosed SULPHITE OXYGEN CONTROLLER is a catalysed sulphite
in conjunction with Liquid Boiler Water Treatment PLEASE oxygen scavenger used as part of a boiler water treatment
TAKE SPECIAL NOTE: DO NOT ADD NEAT LIQUID BOILER WATER programme in low or medium pressure boilers.
Typically the neat sulphite Oxygen Scavenger should be
added to pre-dilute Liquid Boiler Water Treatment in a Pack Size - 25 litre Drum.
mixing tank. A typical mix would be for a 100 litres of NSN J150-6810-99-378-4863
pre-mixed treatment: 75 litres water, 25 litres Liquid Boiler Product Ref. SOC
Water Treatment and 3 litres of Sulphite Oxygen Scavenger.
Oxygen Scavenger is controlled by maintaining a fixed
sulphite excess of not less than 30 p.p.m in boilers or 3
p.p.m in feedwater lines, as detectable sulphite using a
reagent dropper method or standard titration technique.
Aalborg recommendation is 30-60 p.p.m. (for example).
Please check specific manufacturer’s instructions as they
may vary.

Copyright © 2020 Aquamarine Chemicals - Bayer-Wood Technologies Ltd. 9

Boiler Water & Condensate

10 Tel: 01684 290077 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

Engine Water & Evaporator
Engine Water & Evaporator
Aluminium Corrosion Controller XLI
Antifreeze + Test Meter
Aquamarine CW25B Chilled Water Plant Treatment
Biological Growth Controller (Enclosed Cooling Systems)
Diesel Engine Cooling Water Inline Cleaner
Corrosion Controller 30 Concentrate
Corrosion Controller CWT (CC10)
Evaporator Scale Controller
Marisol CW - Approved Cooling Water Scale and Corrosion Inhibitor

Copyright © 2020 Aquamarine Chemicals - Bayer-Wood Technologies Ltd. 11

Aluminium Corrosion
Controller XLI
(extended life inhibitor) • If Aluminium Corrosion Controller XLI is <5% (True Conc.)
URGENT action is required immediately top up the
system – Corrosion will occur at this level
A biostable synthetic corrosion inhibitor that gives high
• If between 5% & 6%(True Conc.) top up the system to
levels of corrosion protection to water systems and posesses
bring it above 6%.
extremely good scale inhibition.
• If between 6% & 7%(True Conc.) no action is required.
Aquamarine Aluminium corrosion Controller gives long life
corrosion protection to a very wide range of engine metals • If between 7.5% & 10%,(True Conc.) the concentration is
Engine Water & Evaporator

including aluminium, iron and copper. above the level required and no harm will occur to the
Compatible with glycols for protection against freezing it is

recommended to change every 5 years or 30000 hours in

marine applications. Available in 20 and 1000 litre (IBC) containers.
Recommended dilution rate is 5-10% with a minimum of 5% NSN J100 6850-99-666-5296
or as per engine manufacturer’s recommendations. Product Ref. ACCXLI
• The correct dosage should be checked using the
Aquamarine Coolant Refractometer. Visit:
• The engine manufacturer’s recommendations for water for log sheet downloads.
quality should always be followed. Email your log sheets to us monthly at:
[email protected]
• Chloride levels should normally be kept below 50ppm.
Aquamarine Aluminium Corrosion Controller has been
approved by most major engine manufacturers.
Quick dosing Guide

Refractometer Reading True Concentration

(°Brix)% %
1.5 4.05
1.7 4.59
1.9 5.13
2.0 5.40
2.2 5.95 Aluminium Corrosion Controller Test Meter
2.4 6.49
2.6 7.03
3.0 8.11
4.0 10.8

CHEMICAL DOSAGE: To raise the true concentration by 1% add

10 Litres of Aluminium Corrosion Controller XLI per tonne of
water (OR water and coolant mix) in the system.

12 Tel: 01684 290077 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

Antifreeze Aquamarine CW25B
+ Test Meter Chilled Water System
Description Treatment
Aquamarine Universal Anti-freeze is an Ethylene Glycol Description
based anti-freeze, which contains inhibitors to protect
Aquamarine CW25B contains sodium nitrite and a copper
radiators and engines, including aluminium engines,
corrosion inhibitor. It is a very effective corrosion inhibitor
against rust and corrosion.
for modern air conditioning chilled water systems, and hot
The anti-freeze should be left in cooling systems throughout water heating boilers. It is compatible with alcohol and
the year and will thus give all year round corrosion glycol anti-freeze.

Engine Water & Evaporator

Aquamarine CW25B is a complete, easily applied, single
Aquamarine Universal Anti-freeze contains no methanol solution treatment which provides economical waterside

and has a low flammability. It is biodegradable and does protection for mixed metal systems containing copper,
not present an environmental problem. brass and ferrous based metals.
Note: Whilst ethylene glycol is biodegradable it is TOXIC to A biocide is incorporated in the formulation to prevent
animal and human metabolisms. bacterial contamination.
Uses Specification
• Ethylene Glycol based anti-freeze Physical State Pale Yellow Liquid
• Conforms to requirements of British Standard BS 6580: SG 1.190
• Contains no methanol
5 litre Aquamarine CW25B per cubic metre water in system.
• Contains effective inhibitor to give all year round
protection against rust and corrosion Feeding
• Suitable for all commonly available commercial engine AQUAMARINE CW25B is usually added to closed systems by
cooling systems including aluminium engines. utilising a pot feeder, or by a manually operated chemical
injection pump.
Testing and Control
A 25% solution (1 part anti-freeze to 3 parts water) will
remain fluid down to –14°C. In severe winter conditions, A simple test procedure is available for control of
increase to a 33% solution (1 part anti-freeze to 2 parts AQUAMARINE CW25B recommended normal concentration
water) to give protection down to –17°C. level is 800 – 1200 p.p.m of Nitrite.
NB: Antifreeze used in engine & most applications should Handling
be changed annually to give optimum protection Aquamarine CW25B is alkaline and contact with skin, eyes
and clothing should be avoided. In case of contact flush
with water.
Please refer to material safety data sheet for detailed
handling/storage instructions.
Anti-freeze Aquamarine CW25B treatments are shipped in 25 litre non
Test Meter returnable drums.

Pack Size 20 litres NSN J150 6850-99-724-4377

NSN J100 6850-99-797-2246 Product Ref. ATM Product Ref. CW25B

Copyright © 2020 Aquamarine Chemicals - Bayer-Wood Technologies Ltd. 13

Biological Growth Diesel Engine Cooling
Controller Water Inline Cleaner
Cooling water treatment Description
– enclosed cooling water Aquamarine Diesel Engine Cooling Water Inline Cleaner is
systems designed to remove rusting, magnesium and calcium scale
deposits and to clean and degrease oily residues from
Description cooling water systems.
Aquamarine Biological Growth Controller for preventing Uses/Benefits
and controlling marine growth in cooling systems. It also
protects against electrolytic and acid corrosion by film • Suitable for standard diesel engine applications, gaskets
Engine Water & Evaporator

formation. Fully biodegradable and non-oil based it does and fittings.

not accumulate in the environment. Application

Aquamarine Biological Growth Controller is also effective Aquamarine Diesel Engine Cooling Water Inline Cleaner
against bacteria and algae in oil and contaminated water. should be used at 5 – 10% dilution depending on severity
Uses of scale and or rust and circulated for 1 – 3 hours, until the
system is clean. Flush the system before re-dosing with any
• Ballast tank cleaning chemical treatment.
• Algae, shellfish and micro-organism controller Please consult Aquamarine for further information and
• Trim tank cleaning technical or chemical advice.
• Closed circuit cooling system cleaning It is not recommended to use whilst the vessel is in service.
• Suitable in systems operating up to 130°C
• Fuel and lube oil decontamination Pack Size 25 Litres
NSN J100 6850-99-873-4452
Product Ref. CWIC
In water systems dosage should be varied between 1 litre/
tonne of water in a mildly contaminated, closed circuit
system and up to 10 litres/tonne for severe contamination.
In the absence of the availability of Aquabac 80 this product
may be used at 6 p.p.m. in the water phase of fuel oil before
Pack Size 25 litres
For specific Fuel Oil Treatment use Aquabac 80 MBC
treatment.(see fuel treatments)
A very strong broad-spectrum product for fuel, water or
lube oil microbiological contamination.

25 litre Drum
NSN J150 6840-99-433-2417
Product Ref. BGC

14 Tel: 01684 290077 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

Corrosion Controller
30 Concentrate
Liquid Engine cooling Uses
water corrosion and • Internal combustion engine and compressor cooling
scale inhibitor systems

Aquamarine Corrosion Controller is an easy to use • Heat pump water systems

concentrated liquid that inhibits electrolytic corrosion, • Re-circulating cooling water systems
navigational corrosion and controls scale and sludge. It is
• Hot water heating systems
also compatible with a wide range of hoses, gaskets and

Engine Water & Evaporator

seals. • Suitable for jacket water used in evaporator feed heaters
Aquamarine Corrosion Controller passivates metal surfaces • Chilled water systems

and combines with sludges, scale and rust deposits to allow • Hot chilled water systems
their gradual removal. It is suitable for low, medium and
high speed engines. • Ice melting water systems
To clean out a cooling water system which has been • Compatible with Ethylene Glycol used as antifreeze.
treated previously with another chemical or has oil or scale Aquamarine Corrosion Controller should be fed directly by
contamination use the Diesel engine cooling water Inline the bypass pot feeder to the main circulating line or into the
Cleaner (listed under Water Treatments). cooling water expansion tank.
For oil only contamination use the Aquawash in circulation (For systems using totally de-ionised water raise nitrite
at a dilution of 0.5 and 7 litres per tonne of cooling water levels to 1700 p.p.m. as corrosion is more likely.)
dependant on degree of contamination. Circulate for 1-2
Try to keep Nitrites within the parameters described.
hours, empty and then flush with clean water.
Low Nitrite levels will give rise to an unprotected system
and ultimately corrosion problems.

25 Litre Pack Size

NSN J100 6850-99-239-2381
Product Ref. CC30

Control is based on nitrite concentration and additions should be made after

representative sampling. Aquamarine test kit is supplied for accurate checking.
Nitrite Target = 1500 p.p.m

Nitrite p.p.m 0 500 1000 1500

Chlorides should be less than 50 p.p.m

PH should be between 8.3 and 10

Litres / 1000 litres make up / Dose 3.3 2.2 1.1 0

Log sheets should be returned to Aquamarine on a monthly basis for analysis by email or fax.
A report will be sent back to you.
Visit: for log sheet downloads.
Email your log sheets to us monthly at: [email protected]

Copyright © 2020 Aquamarine Chemicals - Bayer-Wood Technologies Ltd. 15

Corrosion Controller
CWT (CC10)
Liquid Engine cooling Aquamarine Corrosion Controller should be fed directly by
water corrosion and the bypass pot feeder to the main circulating line or into the
cooling water expansion tank, a dosing pump is available
scale inhibitor for this.
Description (For systems using totally de-ionised water raise nitrite
Aquamarine Corrosion Controller is an easy to use liquid that levels to 1700 p.p.m. as corrosion is more likely.)
inhibits electrolytic corrosion, cavitational corrosion and Control is based on nitrite concentration and additions
controls scale and sludge. It is also compatible with a wide
Engine Water & Evaporator

should be made after representative sampling. Aquamarine

range of hoses, gaskets and seals. test kit is available for accurate checking.
Aquamarine Corrosion Controller passivates metal surfaces

Note: Log sheets should be returned to Aquamarine by fax

and combines with sludges, scale and rust deposits to allow e.mail or post on a monthly basis for analysis – address
their gradual removal. details at front of brochure. Log sheets are supplied free of
Uses charge. A full report will be forwarded back by return with
any comments or recommendations.
• Internal combustion engine and compressor cooling
• Heat pump water systems. Product Ref. CWT10
• Recirculating cooling water systems.
• Hot water heating systems.
• Suitable for jacket water used in evaporator feed
• Chilled water systems.
• Hot chilled water systems.
• Ice melting water systems.
• Compatible with Ethylene Glycol used as antifreeze.

Target = 1500 p.p.m. NITRITE

Nitrite p.p.m. 0 500 1000 1500

Ltrs/1000 Ltrs make up 12.5 8.3 4.2 0

pH Between 8.3 and 10

Nitrite 1500 p.p.m.

Chloride Less than 50 p.p.m.

Total Hardness CaCO3 Less than 100 p.p.m.

Visit: for log sheet downloads.

Email your log sheets to us monthly at: [email protected]

16 Tel: 01684 290077 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

Evaporator Scale
Uses Setting the Flow Rate
• This product is used for scale and foaming control in The treatment is added to the dosage tank and mixed with
marine all temperature range evaporators and heat water.
exchangers, and for scale and sludge control in boiler For example: With the 0.25 litres of Evaporator Scale
water systems Controller add sufficient water to make up 50 litres of liquid.
• Removes existing scale by in-service cleaning Flow rate calculation:
• Prevents scale formation Flow rate = 50 litres = 35ml/min setting

Engine Water & Evaporator

• Low foam properties reduce evaporator foaming 24 x 60

• Low toxicity This will then last 24 hours.
Typical Uses N.B. The brine density should not exceed a density of
• To prevent scale and foam formation in marine 1.038 (g/cm3). The scaling potential increases rapidly over
evaporators this level. An increase in the amount of Evaporator Scale
Controller used will assist in retaining potential scale
• To control the formation of scale deposits in heat forming salts in suspension.
exchangers and boilers
For example: If the density rises to 1.050 the dosage should
• For scale removal use Aquamarine Descaling Liquid be 0.06 litres/tonne of water produced.
When used for treating marine evaporators, the product Pack Size 25 Litres
should be dosed continuously into the sea water feed line NSN J150 6850-99-149-8932
where all of the treatment will enter the evaporator. Since Product Ref. ESC
Evaporator Scale Controller is highly concentrated it should
be pre-mixed with cool distillate in a separate dosing tank
and dosed via a flow meter or metering pump.
The recommended daily dose rate is dependent on brine
density (S.G.) which should be checked daily with a
hydrometer and is normally as indicated below.
The standard dosage, applicable to most systems, is 0.01
litres of Evaporator Scale Controller per tonne of distillate
produced. This is based on the production capacity of the
evaporator. In a standard 25 metric tonne/day evaporator
use 25 x 0.010 = 0.25ltrs Evaporator Scale Controller/day.

Copyright © 2020 Aquamarine Chemicals - Bayer-Wood Technologies Ltd. 17

Marisol® CW
Cooling Water Scale and
Corrosion Inhibitor
MARISIOL CW is a liquid compound, based on nitrite/borate Initial Dose
products, improved with active agents, which together Dose an untreated system with 6 litres MARISOL CW per m3
protect iron and metal against corrosion, scale and deposits. of cooling water to reach a minimum level of 1000 p.p.m
MARISOL CW contains no chromates. It can be mixed with and 9 litres for a medium level of 1500ppm.
ordinary anti-freeze (glycol) or water containing similar If tests show too low a concentration (C), an additional
cooling water additives. It is not sensitive to moderate over- dosage of (q) litre/m3 should be made to reach the medium
Engine Water & Evaporator

dosing. Recommended limits should be considered along level of 1500 p.p.m: q = 9 – (0.006 x C)
with engine manufacturers instructions.

MARISIOL CW is developed for use in diesel engines and

main and auxiliary cooling water systems, not containing Test figure show 800 p.p.m Nitrite in a 15m3 cooling water
aluminium; MARISOL CW should preferably be used together system.
with evaporated or deionised water with hardness as close q = 9 – (0.006 x 800) = 4.2 litres/m3 = 4.2 x 15 = 63 litres to
to zero as possible. be added.
This type of water is chemically clean and forms less Dosage should be performed by a dosing pump or manually
deposits. However, it is also more corrosive and contains in the header tank for 20-30 minutes, providing that at least
more oxygen and needs careful chemical treatment. part of the water is circulating through.
Ordinary tap water would be avoided but could possibly
be accepted if no other water is available. The hardness
must not exceed 10ppm and the pH shall be such that Pack Size: 25 litres
treated water does not exceed pH 10. MARISOL CW has NSN J150 6850-99-192-5292
been approved according to the international engine Product Ref. MCW
manufacturers commonly accepted FW method,
(Forschungs Vereinigung Verbrennungskraftmashine),
Frankfurt. Individual approval is given by New Sulzer Diesel,
MAN/B&W, Wärzilä Diesel, etc.
Dose Rate

PH 8.5 – 10.0

Nitrite Concentration 1000–2000ppm

Visit: for log sheet downloads.

Email your log sheets to us monthly at: [email protected]

18 Tel: 01684 290077 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

Cleaning Products
ACC Plus - In Service Cleaning for Air Coolers

Cleaning Products
Air Cooler Cleaner / ACC
Aquawash - General Purpose Degreaser & Ultrasonic Cleaning Fluid
Carbon Remover - Combined Air Cooler Cleaner
De-scaling Liquid
De-scaling Powder
Diesel Engine Cooling Water Inline Cleaner
Electrical Cleaner - Fast Dry
Fishguard Degreaser - fishing vessels
G.P. Degreaser
Natural Zest Cleaner
Oil Spill Dispersant - Approved Type II & III OSD High Performance
Quat-San 350 - Reefer / Cargo Hold Cleaner, Sanitiser & De-Odoriser
QuickBreak - Solvent Engine Room / Bilge Degreaser
Rust Remover & Purifier Disc Cleaner
Tank Cleaner H.D.

Copyright © 2020 Aquamarine Chemicals - Bayer-Wood Technologies Ltd. 19

ACC Plus
In Service Cleaning Engine/Gearbox Cleaning: Foam onto area to be cleaned,
for Air Coolers allow 5 minutes contact time and rinse off. Use of steam at
this stage will improve results.
Ink Removal: Use neat with brush or swab. May be diluted
A powerful micro fluid, specifically developed for the and rinsed with water depending on application
removal of heavy grease, tar and grime from machinery,
floors, walls and many other hard surfaces including
engines and gearboxes. Extensively used as a solvent 25 Ltrs.
replacement for ink removal. Also suitable for pressure Product Ref. ACCP
washing all vehicles, equipment and industrial plant
machinery. Being a combination of quality solvents and
powerful surfactants ACC Plus offers the benefits of a
solvent product with the health and safety considerations Air Cooler Cleaner
of detergents. Its unique properties remove encrusted salt (ACC)
from bodywork and painted surfaces whilst also eliminating
any tar spots, insects and bird lime leaving the surface clean Description
and streak free. Air Cooler Cleaner is a solvent based product used for
Uses/Benefits cleaning diesel engine air coolers.

• Effective at high dilution Efficient and economical the product has been formulated
to remove carbon deposits and oil and grease deposits.
Cleaning Products

• Easily removes grease, oil dirt and grime Ideal for in service cleaning the product helps to maintain
• Does not contain ingredients which accelerate metal air cooler efficiency.
corrosion In service cleaning
• Safe on glass, rubber and plastic surfaces A solution of 2 parts fresh water to one part Air Cooler
• Ideal for hot or cold presssure wash machines Cleaner should be injected into the air cooler followed by a
solution of fresh water to flush out the chemical residues.
• Effective in hard and soft waters The solution should be used freshly made up.
• Contains odourless safety solvent Immersion
• Effective against bird lime Air Cooler Cleaner can be used to clean by flooding the
Application cooler in a bath. After allowing to soak for 2 hours drain off
Air Coolers: A solution of one part ACC Plus should be and flush with water. When in water solution the product is
injected into the Air Cooler followed by a solution of fresh non flammable, non explosive and has no flash point.
water to flush out the chemical residues. The solution Aquamarine offers a range of injection systems designed
should be freshly made up. for ease of operation. Air Cooler Cleaner can also be used for
Plant/Machinery: Use at up to 1 to 200 parts in water via carbon removal from machinery parts.
a pressure washer system. Work from bottom to top of
equipment under low pressure. Allow a few minutes contact 25 litre pack size
time and then remove with high pressure jet again working Product Ref. ACC
from bottom to top.
Hand Washing: Pre-dilute 1:50 in water and apply liberally
all over surface to be cleaned. Allow a few minutes contact
time, then rinse well. Use neat on any stubborn deposits.

20 Tel: 01684 290077 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

Excellent multi-function Dose Rates
water-based degreaser 1. It may be used neat or diluted by up to 50 parts of water,
for all cleaning tasks according to the amount and type soil to be removed

Description 2. Direct injection method into tank washing machines

Dose rate: 0.5 - 5 litres per tonne wash water (0.05 -
Aquamarine Aquawash is a top quality general purpose 0.5%)
cleaning and degreasing agent.
3. Recirculation method. Dose rate: 0.5 - 7 litres per tonne
Originally developed in Scandinavia this unique wash water (0.05 - 0.7%)
combination of surface-active agents, sequestrants and
alkaline builders is formulated for performance and 4. Spot Cleaning. Hand sprayed neat or diluted up to 1 - 5
economy and designed to reduce the need for mechanical parts water and left for about 20 - 30 minutes before
agitation, it is able to rapidly lift dirt, grime and oil from washing off with water
painted surfaces. 5. For removing final coal dust residues, spray on neat,
It offers complete safety to the environment and persons leave for 10 - 20 minutes and then pressure wash with
handling it, being non-toxic, non-caustic, free from solvents fresh or sea water.
and completely biodegradable. It is a non-flammable, 6. Ultrasonic tank cleaning. 50ml : 50 ltrs water (increase
water based cleaner, safe to use on all materials and can be as required).
used in non-ventilated areas. The use of advanced wetting
7. Overalls - Washing machine 40°C 200:1 - effectively
agents gives it exceptional solvency power on dirt and oily
removes oil.
matters and it splits after cleaning, releasing the oil phase

Cleaning Products
for reclamation.
• All types of cleaning and degreasing - contains an
• Very effective for the removal of coal dust residues
• Tank coating materials, lacquered or painted surfaces,
light materials, plastics and textiles
• Excellent for ultrasonic tanks and immersion soak tanks
• Designed to be used offshore
• Removal of oil, sludge, carbon deposits, greases, general
dirt and grime
• Cleaner for Engine Room
• Cleaner for cargo tank (after mineral, animal, vegetable
and fish oils)
• Cleaner for decks, toilets, bulkhead and galley
• Cleaner for soiled materials, such as covers, mats, rugs, Pack Size 5 Litre, 25 Litre
overalls, etc NSN J200 7930-99-873-9343
• Cleaner for hulls, painted surfaces and glass fibre boats Product Ref. AW
• Very suitable for pressure washing at around 200:1
• IMO approved
• Ideal pre-clean prior to using Aquasteel Rust Remover

Copyright © 2020 Aquamarine Chemicals - Bayer-Wood Technologies Ltd. 21

Carbon Remover
Combined air cooler Dosage/User Instructions
cleaner Soak method: The items to be cleaned are dipped into the
solvent; a wire basket can be used for small components.
For removal of light deposits or oil, a dilution of up to 1:2 in
Aquamarine Carbon Remover combined Air Cooler Cleaner fresh water may be used. Light deposits will be removed
is a carbonaceous residue cleaner and for in service cleaning in 1 hour, whereas heavily oxidised deposits may need
of air handling systems for turbo charged diesel engines. overnight soaking. After the components have been
CARBON REMOVING removed from the soaking bath, remaining solvent is easily
removed with water.
Due to a very low evaporation rate, no precautions are
• Non-corrosive, safe on all light metals, including necessary to prevent loss of liquid, but adequate ventilation
aluminium is recommended.
• Quickly dissolves deposits containing carbon, resins or Circulation: Where in-situ cleaning is required, the chemical
varnishes can be used neat and circulated through the unit in
• Simple and economical to use by soaking or circulation question. Time required for this process will again depend
method on extent of fouling and may take up to 20 hours.
• Eliminates need for hard scraping 1. Before circulation with the cleaner blow compressed air
or steam through the system to begin with.
• Can be recycled for future use
2. to remove as much as possible of the residual oil.
Cleaning Products

• Non flammable
3. Connect up the end of the oil system to a pump, fill the
• Low toxicity
system with the cleaner and circulate.
• Low evaporation rate
4. Continue circulating through the system for 4 to 24
• No phenols or chlorinated compounds hours. Cleaning process will depend on the type of
Application deposits involved.
• Removal of carbon type deposits from burner tips, fuel 5. Heating the cleaner will enhance the effectiveness, but
injectors and all components fouled by carbon, resin or temperature should not exceed 60°C.
varnishes 6. When cleaning is completed, drain out the cleaning
• Cleaning oil side of fuel and lube-oil heaters, oil coolers solution and flush the system with a petroleum solvent
etc such as gas oil or kerosene.
• Removal of carbon based deposits from fuel and lube oil
filters 25 litre pack size
• Direct engine parts such as pistons, piston rings, valve Product Ref. CRCACC
spring, valve cages

22 Tel: 01684 290077 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

AIR COOLER CLEANER Product can be applied by injection, immersion or
Uses/Benefits circulation. For immersion and circulation, cleaning time is
reduced considerably by heating the chemical to maximum
• Fouling of air coolers is reduced thus heat transfer and 50°C. If the air coolers are very dirty it may be advisable to
engine efficiency is improved use Aquamarine Aquawash to thoroughly clean the system
• Fire hazards from the build up of grease and residues are before commencing the injection treatment.
minimised Immersion method: The dismantled parts to be cleaned are
• Down time and expense of periodic dismantling of the laid in a tank specially designed for the purpose and been
air handling system for cleaning is eliminated filled with the cleaning chemical. Movement is achieved by
means of compressed air. Cleaning time is estimated to take
• Scavenging efficiency is improved by the reduction of from 5 - 12 hours.
deposit build-up around scavenging ports
Circulation method: The equipment to be cleaned like fuel
• Water displacing surfactants incorporated in the oil pre-heater, oil cooler etc is connected to a pump and
chemical form a mono molecular film throughout the air a tank by means of tubes. Depending on the degree of
handling system, which protects the metals and reduces fouling, the cleaner is circulated through the equipment for
the adherence of airborne contaminants 5 - 15 hours.
Application Injection method: By means of a special injection system
• In service cleaning of diesel engine air coolers and a mixture of the chemical and fresh water in a ratio of 1:2
scavenge trunk systems (observe the mixture ratio exactly) is injected into the air
channel between the turbo blower and the air cooler. This is

Cleaning Products
• For use in soak baths, immersion cleaning systems
followed by a second injection of fresh water only.
• Light carbon removal from machinery parts
Dosage/User Instructions
25 Ltrs - NSN J150 6850-99-562-6222
Aquamarine Carbon Remover combined Air Cooler Cleaner Product Ref. ACC
is suitable for all types of diesel engine. The cleaner/fresh
water mixture has no flash point and cylinder lubrication is
not impaired.
The following table shows our recommendation for initial
dosage per air cooler. This is based on one injection every
24 hours. This can be varied based on performance of the
pressure drops across the air coolers.


Concentrate Cleaner/Water mixture

5000 – 10000 H.P. 1.0 litre 3.0 litre

10000 – 25000 H.P. 1.5 litres 4.5 litres

Over 25000 H.P. 2.0 litres 6.0 litres

Copyright © 2020 Aquamarine Chemicals - Bayer-Wood Technologies Ltd. 23

De-scaling Liquid De-scaling Powder
A Heavy duty liquid acid Scale and rust remover,
descaler acidic powder
Aquamarine Descaling Liquid is an easy to use acid compound WITH THIS PRODUCT.
for removing water scale and iron dioxide deposits. It is Description
inhibited to protect metal surfaces. It works by attacking the Aquamarine Descaling Powder is a dry acid cleaner
alkaline earth deposits that can be formed on metal surfaces. formulated to remove water and rust scale deposits.
CAUTION: It must not be used on zinc, aluminium, stainless Uses/Benefits
steel, galvanized materials or cast iron.
• Powder product - safe and easy handling and storage
• Fast and effective scale remover
For the removal of scale from:
• Inhibitors protect normal constructional metals
• Boilers
• Contains anti-foam agent
• Condensers
• Colour indicator shows solution strength
• Evaporators
• Removal of water scale from boilers
• Heat exchangers
• Descaling of diesel engine cooling systems
• Cooling and pipe systems
• Removal of water scale and rust from condensers,
Cleaning Products

• For the descaling of mussel and crustacean growth in evaporators, calorifiers & heat exchangers.
seawater systems and hulls
Dosage/User Instructions
- For large systems or components the most effective
A preliminary test should be carried out on samples descaling is accomplished by circulation.
of the scale or deposit to be cleaned to select the best
concentration and conditions. Aquamarine Descaling - In the case of small components, the soak method in an
Liquid is normally used cold but more effective results are immersion bath can be used.
achieved if the solution is raised to 40°C. Most effective - If the equipment to be cleaned is contaminated by oil,
descaling is achieved by circulation. (Do not heat to over grease or sludge, then pre-cleaning with Aquamarine
40°C as this could lead to liberation of chlorine gas and live Aquawash is necessary. For heavy deposits of carbon
steam heating will cause an increase in solution level for residues use Aquamarine Tank Cleaner H.D.
which an allowance should be made.
- Aquamarine Descaling Powder should normally be
If the surfaces are oily use Aquawash or Natural Zest at mixed with fresh water to form a solution between 2.5
1-1.5% solution for degreasing. Initially thorough rinsing and 10%, depending on the extent of scaling. At this
with water should be carried out. Aquamarine Descaling optimum strength, the solution will be a pink colour. It
Liquid is diluted between 1:4 and 1:9 with water. will change colour to orange when 85% of the acid has
Adequate ventilation is essential during cleaning. The been neutralised, and to colourless when all the acid has
cleaning operation can take up to 24 hours depending been neutralised.Whenever possible, the solution should
on the thickness and type of deposit. After cleaning the be heated to 60°C.
Aquamarine Descaling Liquid solutions should be drained
off and the surfaces thoroughly rinsed before neutralising
with Aquamarine Aquawash in a 2% solution.

25 litres
Product Ref. DL

24 Tel: 01684 290077 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

- Calcium sulphates and heavy iron oxides may need 8. As the cleaner crystals dissolve, start the circulation
stronger acid solutions. The strength of the acid can be pump and take a sample of the solution for later
sufficiently enhanced by adding 1 part sodium chloride colour comparison. The circulation flow rate should be
(common salt) to 20 parts of Descaling Powder. If salt maintained at 30cm/second for between 4 and 8 hours.
is not available an acceptable alternative is to dissolve 9. Apply head (steam) to maintain the cleaning solution at
Descaling Powder in sea water. After use of Descaling 60°C.
Powder, a neutralising solution of sodium carbonate in
fresh water should be circulated for 2.4 hours or until an 10. If needed, add fresh water until the solution level in the
acceptable pH value is obtained around pH 7. This will steam drum is 10cm over the tube sheet. Do not cover
neutralise any remaining acidity and passivate steel the tube sheet by more than this amount initially if live
surfaces. steam heating is used, as this may raise the water level
considerably during the cleaning process. The solution
Descaling Powder should not be used on aluminium, zinc, level should be maintained at 3/4 of the upper gauge
tin or galvanised surfaces for which a special grade cleaner glass throughout the operation.
should be used.
11. Check the solution colour periodically against the
Descaling of boilers sample taken when cleaning began. Colour changes
Recirculating cleaning: The most efficient cleaning method towards orange and yellow indicate neutralisation of the
is to use a recirculation system, heating the cleaning solution. In this case add sufficient Descaling Powder to
solution to 60°C throughout the operation. Live steam restore the solution to its original colour. Such additions
heating will cause an increase in solution level for which should not be carried out more than twice during the
allowance must be made. cleaning operation.

Cleaning Products
1. Open the superheater and boiler drum vents to prevent 12. If, after two cleaner additions, the solution still becomes
gas build-up during the cleaning process. completely neutralised, it should be drained off. The
2. Connect a non-collapsible hose from the suction side of a operation should then be started with fresh solution.
portable pump to the water-drum blow down flange. This will usually only occur when very severe deposits
are present.
3. Connect a steam supply hose to the water-wall header or
to the water-drum blow down flange opposite the pump 13. When the solution retains its colour for 1 hour, the
suction connection. cleaning operation may be considered complete and the
solution drained off.
4. Connect a mixing tank to the circulation suction line
between the pump and water-drum blow down flange, 14. Thoroughly flush the boiler with clean, fresh water. An
or arrange to gravity feed the solution directly into the alkaline neutraliser should be added to the final rinse
boiler. to remove any remaining acidity and passivate steel
surfaces. For this purpose use a solution of sodium
5. Connect the delivery side of the pump to the auxiliary carbonate and circulate for 2 to 4 hours or until an
feed line so that the circulating solution will flow into the acceptable pH value is obtained (minimum pH=7).
boiler through the economiser to the steam drum, then
via the boiler tubes to the water-drum and out through 15. Remove the circulation system and heating equipment.
the blow down flange connection. Refill the boiler with distilled water, test and add the
appropriate water treatment chemicals before returning
6. Arrange to check the circulating acid solution for colour the boiler to service.
and temperature during the cleaning process.
7. When all connections are secure, half fill the boiler
with fresh water. Slowly add the calculated amount of
Descaling Powder to the mixing tank to make up the 5%
- 10% solution in water heated to 60°C.

Copyright © 2020 Aquamarine Chemicals - Bayer-Wood Technologies Ltd. 25

Descaling of diesel engine cooling system, condensers, 10. Thoroughly flush the heat exchanger with fresh water.
evaporators, calorifiers, heat exchangers Add an alkaline neutralising agent to the final rinse
Recirculation cleaning: Generally the most efficient method to remove any remaining acidity and passivate steel
is to use a recirculation system, using 5% - 10% solution surfaces. For this purpose use a solution of sodium
heated to 60°C for the duration of the cleaning operation. carbonate and circulate until an acceptable pH value is
The process will need sufficient cleaning solution to fill the obtained (minimum pH = 7).
water side of the heat exchanger plus up to 50 litres for the 11. After rinsing, remove the circulation system, remove
circulation system. the temporary valves, replace the cleaning plugs and
1. Isolate the heat exchanger from the water circuit and reconnect the heat exchanger to the normal water
drain. supply.

2. Fit suitable valves in place for the heat exchanger Soak cleaning: If a recirculation system cannot be arranged,
cleaning plugs and drain off any remaining water. If the following hot soak method will produce an acceptable
cleaning plugs are not fitted, use the water inlet and cleaning method.
outlet connections. 1. Isolate the heat exchanger from the water circuit and
3. Connect the discharge side of an acid proof portable drain.
pump to the lower heat exchanger connection and the 2. Remove both cleaning plugs. If cleaning plugs are not
suction side of the pump to the bottom outlet of a 200 fitted, use water inlet and outlet connections. Replace
litre open top drum. the lowest plug with a valve to which a steam hose
4. Complete the circuit by connecting the upper heat should be connected, the upper valve must be vented to
Cleaning Products

exchanger connection to the top of the drum. atmosphere.

5. Arrange an immersion heater in the drum with sufficient 3. Using fresh water at 60°C, mix sufficient cleaner at 5%
capacity to maintain the solution at 60°C throughout the solution to fill the heat exchanger three quarters full.
operation. Take a sample for later colour comparison, and then
carefully pour the solution into the heat exchanger
6. When the connections are secure add the appropriate through the top valve.
amount of fresh water to the drum and slowly add the
Descaling Powder. When dissolved, start the circulation 4. Use live steam to maintain solution temperature at 60°C.
pump and heating system. Check the solution regularly by comparing with the
original taken before cleaning started.
7. Take a sample of the solution for colour comparison later.
5. If the cleaner solution turns orange or yellow, add more
8. Maintain the heat and circulation for between 4 and 6 Descaling Powder at the rate of 25g for every litre of
hours, checking the solution colour and temperature solution to restore the solution to its original colour.
regularly. If the solution changes from red-brown to This solution enhancement should not be carried out
orange or yellow, indicating acid neutralisation, add more than twice. If after two additions, the acid is still
sufficient Descaling Powder to the solution to return it neutralised, the solution should be drained off and the
to its original colour (usually 25g per litre of solution). process started again with fresh solution. This will only
This solution enhancement should not be carried out be necessary when dealing with very severe deposits.
more than twice. If after two additions, the acid is still
neutralised, the solution should be drained off and 6. When the solution retains its red colour for at least one
the process started again with fresh solution. This will hour, the cleaning process may be considered complete
usually only be necessary when dealing with very severe and the solution drained off.
9. When the cleaning solution retains its red colour for
1 hour, the cleaning operation may be considered
complete and the solution drained off.

26 Tel: 01684 290077 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

Diesel Engine Cooling
7. The heat exchanger must now be thoroughly flushed
Water Inline Cleaner
with fresh water. If possible, add an alkaline neutralising Description
agent to the final rinse to remove any remaining
Aquamarine Diesel Engine Cooling Water Inline Cleaner is
acidity and passivate steel surfaces. For this purpose,
designed to remove rusting, magnesium and calcium scale
use a solution of sodium carbonate. Connect the
deposits and to clean and degrease oily residues from
hose delivering the rinsing solution to the upper heat
cooling water systems.
exchanger valve and remove the steam supply from the
lower valve. The water discharging from the lower valve Uses/Benefits
may be drained into the bilges. • Suitable for standard diesel engine applications, gaskets
8. After rinsing, remove the temporary valves, replace the and fittings.
cleaning plugs and reconnect the heat exchanger to the Application
normal water supply.
Aquamarine Diesel Engine Cooling Water Inline Cleaner
Dosage Rates should be used at 5 – 10% dilution depending on severity
Aquamarine Descaling Powder should be used at a of scale and or rust and circulated for 1 – 3 hours, until the
maximum of 10% solution. Stronger acid solution may system is clean. Flush the system before re-dosing with any
be prepared by using 10% solution containing a mixture chemical treatment.
of 20 parts Descaling Powder and 1 part sodium chloride Please consult Aquamarine for further information and
(common salt). technical or chemical advice.
Safety Notes: It is not recommended to use whilst the vessel is in service.

Cleaning Products
Please note that hydrogen can be produced during this
chemical cleaning process.
Pack Size 25 Litres
• It is important to check ventilation arrangements to NSN J100 6850-99-873-4452
ensure they are unobstructed during chemical cleaning. Product Ref. DEIC
• Boiler ventilation terminals should be fitted during
cleaning; the boiler should be tested for the presence of
• The boiler should be emptied and refilled with fresh
water, to purge it of gases, before opening the steam
drum door.

20 kg
NSN J150 6850-99-889-8309
Product Ref. DP

Copyright © 2020 Aquamarine Chemicals - Bayer-Wood Technologies Ltd. 27

Fast Dry Electrical Fishguard
Cleaner For fishing vessels
Description Description
Aquamarine Fast Dry Electrical Cleaner is a solvent that FISHGUARD is a high performance very concentrate fish
effectively and quickly dissolves grease, tar, wax and oil process hygiene chemical.
from electrical equipment on contact. It dries in seconds and
FISHGUARD will deal with degreasing of the fish oil, it will
leaves no residue.
clean, sanitise, sterilise and de-odourise contaminated
Uses surfaces and decks.
• Removal of oil, grease and carbonaceous deposits from FISHGUARD is very concentrate and extremely effective as a
electrical equipment, electrical motors and mechanical “one product” treatment.
• Suitable for engines, electrical motors, generators,
FISHGUARD can be used:-
switches, contractors, winches, coils and mechanical
equipment • at 1% by hand, spray or pressure wash
• Non toxic Avoid contact with skin and follow full Health and Safety
Data Sheet Instructions as provided.
• Non corrosive
• Flash point of greater than 110°C Complies with Montreal
Protocol 4 x 5 Ltrs or 25 Litres
Product Ref. FG
Cleaning Products

Aquamarine Fast Dry Electrical Cleaner should be applied
undiluted to electrical equipment by soaking, dipping,
brushing or wiping with a clean lint-free cloth, or spraying
with a hand spray. Adequate ventilation is recommended
and excessive over use of the solvent should be avoided.
Pack Size 25 litres or 4 x 5 Litres
Please request a free spray dispenser for easy application.

25 Ltrs
NSN J200 6850-99-365-6022
Product Ref. FDEC

4 x 5 Ltrs
NSN J200 6850-99-690-7748
Product Ref. FDEC

28 Tel: 01684 290077 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

G.P. Degreaser
G.P. DEGREASER is a heavy duty emulsifying solvent based Dose the required amount of solution through the steam
degreaser. drum manhole. Re-secure steam drum manhole cover, vent
How does it work? air valve on steam drum.

G.P. DEGREASER contains emulsifiers, surface-active Boiler can now be fired for about 4 minutes then shut down
chemicals and petroleum solvents. These three cleaning for 10-20 minutes. Keep repeating this process until the
actions give the product a very wide range of applications. solution has reached a temperature of 50-60°C. Repeat
The solvent gives quick penetration, the surfactants attack this operation for 12-18 hours keeping the solution at the
stubborn grime, the emulsifiers give effective cleaning of optimum temperature which will promote agitation and
mineral based oils and petroleum based chemicals. G.P. circulation of liquid to give better cleaning efficiency.
DEGREASER is also rapid rinsing with water. Drain down boiler by opening all drain valves and removing
Use/Benefits: manhole covers. Use a high pressure hose to flush drums,
tubes and headers starting at the top. After flushing boilers,
• G.P. DEGREASER can be used for cargo tank cleaning of secure and refill.
mineral oils and petroleum based chemicals. It can be
used for cleaning oil coolers, fuel oil pre-heaters, lube oil Degreasing Marine Diesel Engine Cooling Water Systems
heat exchangers. When diesel engine cooling water systems become
• G.P. DEGREASER can be used for cleaning and degreasing contaminated with oil and grease, the system should be
of cooling water systems prior to descaling. cleaned to remove oily deposits as they can interfere with
the cooling water corrosion treatment.
• G.P. DEGREASER can be used for degreasing double
In Service Cleaning

Cleaning Products
bottom tanks and bilges.
• G.P. DEGREASER is ideally suited for engine room and This method may be undertaken with engine running at
machinery cleaning. It can also be used to soak clean normal speed.
parts. Take 0.25 litre cooling water sample for future comparison
• G.P. DEGREASER can be used for cleaning and degreasing and allow it to stand in a clear glass container.
boilers. Calculate the amount of G.P. DEGREASER required for a
Directions for Use solution of 0.7% i.e. 7 litres per 1000 litres in cooling water
system. Drain off similar amount of cooling water from
G.P. DEGREASER can be used undiluted for local cleaning engine if necessary. Slowly and intermittently, add the
operations by brushing, hand spray, immersion or soaking. cleaner to the cooling system via either the expansion or
Simply apply undiluted over the soiled area and allow a return tank.
contact time of up to 30 minutes before rinsing with water.
After 5 hours, take 0.25 litres of cooling water sample, this
For soaking dilute G.P. DEGREASER up to 10 times with water should be allowed to stand in a clear glass container until
for light soiling, or use neat for heavy soiling. any oil has risen to the top. By comparing the thickness of
For spraying apply neat, scrubbing will assist the cleaning this oil level with that of the first sample, the progress of
operation. the cleaning operation can be gauged. A sample should be
take every 5-6 hours to monitor cleaning process.
Cleaning/Degreasing of Boilers
The cleaner should be left in the engine for a few days until
Find the source of contamination and rectify this problem a convenient port is reached.
before starting the cleaning operation.
Drain off the complete engine cooling system and
The degree of oil contamination will determine the required thoroughly flush with clean water prior to re-filling with
solution strength. Between 2-10% of G.P. DEGREASER in water of the required quality, to which an appropriate
water is suggested. For heavy contamination, up to 20% anti-corrosion treatment should be added, such as
solution may be required, e.g. 1% solution is 10 litres per CORROSION CONTROLLER C.W.T.
1000 litres water.

Copyright © 2020 Aquamarine Chemicals - Bayer-Wood Technologies Ltd. 29

Out of Service Cleaning
This method may be used when engine is stopped. Connect a high pressure fresh water supply to the upper
Take a 0.25 litre sample of cooling water for future heat exchanger connection and rinse until the water runs
comparison and allow it to stand in a clear glass container. clean from the lower connection.

Drain the cooling system and flush out with water. Then When rinsing is complete disconnect the high pressure
refill the system. water supply and thoroughly drain and dry the heat
Calculate the amount of cleaner required for a solution
strength of 2% i.e. 20 litres per 1000 litres of cooling water. Cargo Tank Cleaning After Mineral Oils
Drain off similar amount of cooling water from engine if Direct injection into tank washing machines is
necessary. Add G.P. DEGREASER. recommended. A dose rate of between 0.1-2.0% i.e. 1 litre
Circulate the solution through the system and heat until the to 20 litres per tonne wash water. Best results are obtained
water reaches a temperature of about 60°C. when water is heated to a temperature between 65-80°C
and not less than 50°C. Slops should be constantly stripped
Continue circulation of the solution through the system for a from the tank and transferred to a holding tank or pumped
minimum of 5 hours. ashore to slop tanks.
Take sample of cleaning solution and compare with Recirculation method of cleaning using tank washing
sample taken at the beginning to ascertain that cleaning is machines is recommended at a strength of 0.5-3.0% mixed
completed. in tank about to be cleaned. Best results are obtained when
When cleaning is complete, drain off the cooling water water is heated to a temperature between 65-80°C and not
system and thoroughly flush with clean water, prior to less than 50°C. Dose rate and results will vary depending on
re-filling and adding an anti-corrosion treatment, such as amount of contamination and number of tanks cleaned with
Cleaning Products

CORROSION CONTROLLER C.W.T. or Aquamarine XLI this solution. After cleaning slop water should be pumped
ashore or to ship’s slop tanks.
Cleaning of the Oil Side of Lube Oil Heat Exchangers
For spot cleaning G.P. DEGREASER can be sprayed neat
Cleaning is best done by the recirculating method using a over tank surfaces to be cleaned and left for at least 30
heated 20% solution of G.P. DEGREASER. minutes and up to 2 hours if time allows. Wash down tank
Isolate the oil supply and disconnect the heat exchanger oil walls using tank washing machines or high pressure hoses.
inlet and outlet and drain off any oil remaining. Best results are achieved with hot water at a temperature
Connect the discharge side of a portable pump to the lower between 65-80°C. Keep stripping tank slops and transfer to
heat exchanger connection and the suction side of the holding/slop tank.
pump to the bottom outlet of a 200 litre drum.
Complete the circuit by connecting the upper connection to Product Ref. GPD
the top of the drum.
Add the required solution to the drum and arrange an
immersion heater or live stream within the drum to raise
the temperature of the cleaner to 65-75°C and maintain the
level throughout the cleaning operation.
If it is not possible to heat the operation will need to be
Use the pump to maintain circulation for 12-15 hours.
When the cleaning is completed disconnect the lower heat
exchanger and drain out cleaner.

30 Tel: 01684 290077 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

Natural Zest Cleaner Oil Spill Dispersant
Marine heavy duty Approved Type II / III
cleaner OSD High Performance
Description A high performance, low toxicity oil spill dispersant
Aquamarine Natural Zest Cleaner is the environmental developed to meet the requirements of Warren Spring
answer to effective cleaning. Manufactured from natural Laboratory Specification LR 448(OP). Superdispersant 25
ingredients, it is environmental and safe. Biodegradable, is approved as a Type 2 and Type 3 dispersant under Test
it is extremely efficient in use and readily water rinseable. Qualification CSR 4600/8902798
The natural pleasant citrus odour is an added bonus. It also Superdispersant 25 has been tested by the Fisheries
forms self-splitting emulsions for ease of disposal. Laboratory of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and
Uses Food and was found to be of low toxicity to crangon (brown
shrimp) and patella vulgata (common limpet). This makes
• Removal of heavy industrial contaminants Superdispersant 25 suitable for use at sea, on beaches and
• Engine degreasing rocky shores.
• Hard surface cleaning of decks, bulkheads and paintwork Due to the low toxicity of Superdispersant 25 it has been
awarded license MAFF/FEPA 53/98
• May be used with Ultrasonic Cleaning Tanks and Cleaning
Machines • Does not contain hydrocarbon solvents
• Suitable for Oily Water Separators • Completely biodegradable in the marine environment
• Suitable for synthetic materials, rubber and cured • Ministry approved product

Cleaning Products
lacquers • Low toxicity
• Particularly suitable for cleaning aluminium where a Application
neutral pH is required.
Rate of application should be 1 part to 20 - 30 parts of oil,
• IMO Approved & Certified although this will depend on many factors, which include,
Application type of oil, viscosity, degree of weathering, ambient
temperature and prevailing conditions.
Aquamarine Natural Zest Cleaner is suitable for application
by spray, brush, cloth or immersion. It can be used neat or In general, the oil should be treated quickly, as weathering
diluted 1:5 with water depending on the degree of soiling. increases the viscosity of the oil and this necessitates a
subsequent increase in dispersant requirement.
Aquamarine Natural Zest Cleaner is effective for cleaning
oil, grease, grime, animal and vegetable fats. For cleaning Type II: (water dilutable) Concentrate. Premix at a ratio
interior surfaces or lighter grime, dilution can be increased of 1 part to 10 parts of sea water and spray onto the slick
up to 1:40 in water. using surface breaker boards or other enhanced agitation
techniques to give greater mixing of the dispersant/oil
For Ultrasonic baths use at 5-25% solution at 45-70°C for emulsion.
10-15 minutes. Replace ultrasonic solution regularly. Rinse
off all components after cleaning with water. Type III: (undiluted mode) Ready to Use. Use neat with
appropriate spraying equipment from aircraft or vessels
CAUTION! The Product should not be used on Asphalt onto the slick. In all circumstances the Type 3 mode is the
surfaces, also avoid zinc, galvanised metals preferred method being more efficient in breaking down oil.
and magnesium alloys.
We can supply as Type II pre-diluted if required.

25 Ltrs - NSN J200 6850-99-727-6144

Product Ref. NZC Available in 25, 205 and 1000 litre containers
5 Ltrs - NSN J200 6850-99-783-3948 Product Ref. OSD II/III
Product Ref. NZC

Copyright © 2020 Aquamarine Chemicals - Bayer-Wood Technologies Ltd. 31

Quat-San 350 Quickbreak
Reefer/Cargo Vessel General oil and grease remover for use with oily water
Cleaner, Sanitizer & separators (This is a solvent based product - Use Natural
Zest for a fast splitting water based product)
Aquamarine Quickbreak is a fast separating cleaner that
QAC based liquid detergent sanitizer for cleaning and leaves less than 15 p.p.m. oil in the water after splitting
sanitising food contact surfaces and for use as a terminal working in conjunction with oily water separators in
rinse sanitizer. The product will eliminate most known types compliance with current IMO regulations (Marpol 73/78 Annex
of bacterial growth, fungi, slime, moulds and virus. I) (Marpol Annex V). The composition meets the requirements
The product will de-odorise cargo holds and food storage of not being harmful to the environment and may be
areas. discharged into the sea when used to clean cargo holds and
external surfaces on ships in conjunction with the regulations.
(For a sanitiser-only product against bacteria, infection,
moulds and biofilm use Shipsan Spray Sanitizer available in Uses
500ml spray bottles or in bulk packs.) • Compatible with all types of oily/water separators and
Dosage Instructions coalescers
Manual Use: By brush or cloth use at 1% (10ml per litre) in • General engine room degreasing
hand hot water. 45-50°C. • Cargo Tank Cleaning
Pressure Washer: 0.25% - 0.5% (2.5ml/ltr – 5ml/ltr) at • Low Toxicity
Cleaning Products

60-70°C. • Non Corrosive

For all applications a minimum of 15-minute contact time • Hydrophobic
should be allowed. Application
Always rinse down after use with fresh water. Aquamarine Quickbreak can be applied by brushing or
soaking. It should not be sprayed, nor should contamination
Product Ref. Q5350 or washing with other cleaners be allowed. Either of these
events can drastically reduce the effectiveness of the
splitting process.
At least 30 minutes should be allowed between the use of
Aquamarine Quickbreak and the operation of the separator.
The most common source of contamination is from air side
turbocharger washings containing air cooler cleaner type
products. It is suggested that the cleaner and washings are
prevented from entering the bilge by collecting them from
the drain of the air side of the turbocharger.
Quickbreak can be used for cargo tank cleaning of mineral
oils and petroleum based chemicals. It is used also for
cleaning and degreasing of grease soiled surfaces such as:
1. Oil side of fuel and lube oil heat exchangers
2. Boilers
3. Engine cooling water systems

Pack Size 25 Litres

NSN J150-6850-99-212-8487 Product Ref. QB

32 Tel: 01684 290077 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

Rust Remover &
Purifier Disc Cleaner
A liquid, acid based Separators can be cleaned by:
rust remover and surface • Removing the separator disc stack and soaking in a
brightener solution of Rust Remover/Disc Cleaner. Circulating or
agitating the solution and heating will enhance the
• IMO approved for tank washings. cleaning.
• For environmental and long term treatments use • Removing the separator discs and dismantling the stack,
Aquamarine “Aquatan” or Aquamarine “Aquasteel” then soaking the discs in a neat solution. Discs can be
Description sprayed if a soaking tank is not available. In some cases
scrubbing the discs may be required.
Aquamarine Rust Remover is a liquid blend of surfactants
and emulsifying agents in a specially inhibited inorganic • In-situ cleaning of separators. This product may be used
acid-based solvent. Aquamarine Rust Remover/Disc Cleaner on some types of separators, however Aquawash is
removes the heavy tenacious deposits which collect in recommended as a better solution for most disc cleaning
fuel and lube oil centrifugal separators. It is extremely applications except where particular scaling problems
effective at removing these deposits without the necessity occur where THIS product will give better performance.
of dismounting the disc stacks. It also removes rust, cleans Rust Streak Removal.
and passivates ferrous surfaces and removes stains from • For rust removal the surfaces to be treated should be
stainless steel, brass and copper. free from loose materials, flaking paint, dirt or oil.
Uses Aquamarine Rust Remover should be diluted with water.

Cleaning Products
Always add acid to water never the opposite - this
• Rust Removing
rule can be applied to all acids. The dilution should
• Passivating be between 1:2 and 1:10 depending on the severity of
• Metal surface brightener including aluminium the staining. The solution can be applied by brushing,
spraying or immersion. After 20 - 40 minutes the
• Disc cleaning without dismantling disc stacks residues should be rinsed off thoroughly with clean
• For pickling iron and steel surfaces after a welding repair water.
• Removes heavy tenacious deposits from steel or ferrous • For use with aluminium use a solution between 10 - 25%
metal parts and rinse after about 30mins. For best performance on
aluminium use Natural Zest Degreaser for degreasing as
• Cleans down to metal surfaces
it has a neutral pH.
• Leaves no film or residue
• For stainless Steel Disc Cleaning (never use on copper,
• Improves efficiency of centrifuge installation brass or bronze parts), dilute to 4 - 10 parts water, and
Application immerse from 1 - 3 hours depending on the severity
of the job concerned. Cleaning will be accelerated with
Disc Cleaning: Use Aquawash for disc cleaning in Ultrasonic elevated temperatures up to 60°C and agitation. After
Tank applications. cleaning rinse thoroughly with clean water.
Aquamarine Purifier Disc Cleaner can be used for cleaning
all types of separators and separator discs. It is suitable for
cleaning of disassembled unit parts. Pack Size 25 ltrs
NSN J200 6850-99-488-7581
Product Ref. RRPDC

Copyright © 2020 Aquamarine Chemicals - Bayer-Wood Technologies Ltd. 33

Tank Cleaner H.D
Heavy duty concentrated
solvent emulsion cleaner
– suitable for many
common cleaning tasks
Aquamarine Tank Cleaner is especially suited for cleaning
residues from mineral oil cargoes. Aquamarine Tank Cleaner
can be used neat or diluted at elevated temperatures 65-
8O°C, and is especially effective where mechanical agitation
is limited. This is particularly relevant in cleaning areas such
as bilges and double bottom tanks.
The dispersant solvents will rapidly penetrate oil residues,
breaking them up and freeing them from surfaces.
Detergent wetting agents lower liquid surface tension and
increase the efficiency of emulsification.
• Cleaning residues from bilges, double bottom tanks, fuel
oil bunker tanks at sea
Cleaning Products

• Cleaning and gas freeing of crude and refined mineral oil

cargo tanks at sea
• Cleaning oil side of fuel and oil heat exchangers
• Degreasing the engine cooling system
• Upgrading of tanks from BLACK oil to WHITE oil or GRAIN
• General oil and grime cleaning
• May be diluted with kerosene or diesel oil
• Compatible with tank washing machines
• IMO Approved
Aquamarine Tank Cleaner can be used neat by hand, spray
or brush application. Direct injection cleaning will require
strengths between 0.1% -2% with either fresh or salt water,
for cleaning by recirculation use @ between 0.5% and 3%.
Aquamarine Tank Cleaner is compatible with most common
metals, epoxy, polyurethane and zinc silicate coatings.

Available 25, 205 litre

Product Ref. TCHD

34 Tel: 01684 290077 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

Maintenance Products
Aqua-Potable Water Red Rust Treatment
H.D. Cement Descaler
Liquid Antifoulant for Seawater Systems
Sediment Remover - for Ballast Tanks
Slip Coat

Maintenance Products

Copyright © 2020 Aquamarine Chemicals - Bayer-Wood Technologies Ltd. 35

Aqua-Potable Water H.D Cement Descaler
Red Rust Treatment Description
(P.W.T) H.D. Cement Descaler is a special ship product which has
been successful for use in keeping cement storage facilities
Solves the Red Rust and handling equipment including decks and cargo areas
problems associated with free of cement build-up. The application is also beneficial
drinking water on ships for lorries carrying cement cargo.
Description/Uses/Benefits Directions for use
• Aqua-Potable Water Treatment (PWT) will improve The product is a strong mineral acid cement remover which
water quality and have no deleterious effects on taste or should be used with care. Aquamarine H.D. Cement Descaler
colour of water should be used neat for very stubborn cement, however
we recommend using the product diluted between 1:4 and
• Treatable problems occurring in potable water include 1:9 with water initially to see if the product is effective. The
scale formation, iron oxide precipitation, foam product should be left in contact for a period adequate to
generation and corrosion allow break down of the cement to occur.
• PWT is a potable water anti-scale product that is After applying the product the surface cleaned should be
suitable for both hard and soft water and for hot and rinsed thoroughly with water. The product being an acid
cold systems. PWT is based on an inorganic phosphate will attack metal surfaces and should always be used as
product that is USDA approved for use in potable water sparingly as possible.
systems and will not cause any environmental or health
problems It is absolutely essential that the safety precautions
marked on the drum label are followed. This is because this
• PWT is efficient and effective and will give complete particular product is far more aggressive than the products
protection required in the modern potable water system. normally used on board ship. I.E. full chemical eye goggles
PWT is cost-effective and will give the best anti-scale should be worn. Chemical resistant gloves should be used
inhibition available and suitable impervious footwear and overalls should be
Dosage worn.
The product should be used at a rate of 50ml / tonne of For full SAFETY DATA follow the information given on the
water, which should give adequate protection. It should be Product Safety Data Sheet.
dosed by means of a chemical pump.
Maintenance Products

The treatment is proportioned in relationship to the quality Product Ref. HDCD

and quantity of water to be treated by means of a dispenser
or chemical pump. Ask for details.
Pack Size: PWT is packed in 25 litre polydrums

NSN J700 6850-99-180-3598

Product Ref. PWRRT

36 Tel: 01684 290077 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

Liquid Antifoulant for Sediment Remover
Seawater Systems Dispersant for sludge and
Liquid Anti-Foulant for sea and fresh water cooling systems silt in ballast tanks
–a non biocide approach to mollusc and sea growth control. Description
Description Aquamarine Sediment Remover is a non hazardous product
Liquid Antifoulant has been developed to deal with the that prevents settling of silt and removes sludge at low
recent biological changes in coastal waters primarily rates of dosage. It saves valuable cargo space which can
evolving because of the substantial reduction in seawater be wasted as heavy ballast deposits. Sediment Remover
pollution. It is for the treatment of: eliminates the need for time consuming and expensive steel
• Mussels replacement which is often necessary to remove the ballast
mud/sediment deposits which is will solidify over a period
• Biological Growth of stagnation.
• Micro Organisms Ideally it should be used as a preventative measure as a
This is achieved by preventing the adherence of mollusc build up of heavy deposits can only be removed by physical
larvae to ship surfaces because of a build-up of a layer of means. If a vessel is trading regularly into ports where
liquid anti-foul ant in the sea water system. sludge is unavoidable then the vessel should be treated
regularly with Aquamarine Sediment Remover after being
The treatment is best used from a clean system and existing thoroughly cleaned out i.e. after dry-docking. However, it
growth will be unlikely to be removed except by physical is quite easy to treat sediment build-up in the early stages.
removal or descaling (using Aquamarine Descaling Liquid). I.E. For the removal of less than 4 tonnes sediment/sludge.
Dosing Uses
Always inject the product below the water level. Dose at 6 • Ballast tank sediment removal
ppm for one hour per day. Dosing is not necessary in deep
sea. • Open cooling water system cleaning
In port when practicable dose the condenser with a solution • Desludging engine cooling systems
of 200ppm and allow to stand for 24 hours. • Desludging the sea water side of heat exchangers
Pack Size 25 Litres Aquamarine Sediment Remover should be added at a

Maintenance Products
NSN J150 6840-99-988-8249 rate of 1 litre/10m3 of water. Agitation should then be
Product Ref. LASS implemented as fully as possible while pumping out.

Product Ref. SR

Copyright © 2020 Aquamarine Chemicals - Bayer-Wood Technologies Ltd. 37

Slip Coat
New generation Directions For Use
intermediate coating Before applying Slip Coat make sure the surface is
against staining, thoroughly cleaned. When the surface is dry Slip Coat is
applied directly from the drum as a ready to use mixture.
contamination and Spray the liquid on the cargo hold surfaces by use of
corrosion on cargo holds suitable low-pressure spraying equipment.
Discover the difference As soon as the surface appears wet, a proper film is created.
• Eco-friendly There is no need to apply more than necessary. Allow the
• Biodegradable film to dry completely before loading the cargo. Depending
on the air temperature and humidity, this will take between
• Excellent protection 1 - 2 hours.
• Wear resistant To remove Slip Coat from the cargo holds, use a 10 %
• Reduced cleaning time solution of IMO approved Aquawash. Spray the solution on
the surface and let soak for 20 - 30 minutes, then rinse off
• Easy to apply
with plenty of water.
Coverage / Film Thickness
Slip Coat is a wear resistant water based liquid product
1 litre of Slip Coat will cover 15 - 20 per m2.
especially formulated to leave a thin, temporary film on
The coating is supplied ready for use – do not dilute.
cargo hold surfaces. The film provides a barrier between
the cargo and the cargo hold surfaces making the cleaning Properties
operation after unloading quicker and easier with an Article number 14303 / 16303
excellent cleaning result.
pH 9
Density 1,01 g/cm3
• New generation water based coating
Flashpoint > 100 °C
• Wear resistant
Physical state Liquid
• High environmental sustainability
Maintenance Products

• Reduced cleaning time

All our supplied chemicals are IMO approved & comply
• Easy to apply and easy to remove with the Marpol MEPC 63/23/add. 1, Annex 24 resolution
• Non staining – does not contain any silicones, solvents MEPC.219(63) – Annex V – 2012 guidelines adopted March
or phosphates 2012.
• Safe to use on all surfaces For detailed information on safety and health, please refer
to the Material Safety Data Sheet MSDS and/or product label.
• Will not contaminate exposed cargo
Product Ref. SC
Slip Coat is applied to cargo holds to prevent cargoes like
cement powder, coal/pet coke, fertilizers, grains, salt/
sulphur or iron ores to stick and/ or stain the cargo holds.
Resulting in savings: reduced cleaning time, shorter turn-
around times and reduced cleaning product consumption.

38 Tel: 01684 290077 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

Tank Cleaning Products
plus IMO
Aquamarine Aquawash (IMO)
Buffer Clean (IMO)
Caustic Free Alkaline Cleaner (IMO)
Natural Zest (IMO)
Neutral HCF (IMO)
Rust and Rust Streak Remover (IMO)
Slip Coat
Strong Alkaline Cleaner (IMO)
Tank Cleaner H.D. (IMO)
Tank Cleaning Products
plus IMO

For product selection advice please call Aquamarine Chemicals

on 01684 290077 or email [email protected]

Copyright © 2020 Aquamarine Chemicals - Bayer-Wood Technologies Ltd. 39

Aquamarine Buffer Clean (IMO)
Aquawash T1080A A gentle cleaner for removing traces of lead and iron stains
(IMO) from zinc silicate coated tank surfaces.
Usage Instructions
Suitable for the removal of fatty acids, fish oils and other
drying or semi-drying oil deposits. Cleaning agent for zinc-silicate coated tank surfaces
Usage Instructions 1. Suitable for the removal of traces of lead and iron stains
from zinc silicate coated tank surfaces after transport of
Tank Recirculation Method
leaded gasoline.
Aquamarine Aquawash is added to a mixing tank containing
2. Suitable for the removal of traces of chloride and
a fresh water quantity of 1% of the capacity of the tank to
be cleaned. Using a cleaning solution of 0.2-2% heated to
60-80˚C,wash the tanks by circulation for 2-6 hours, after 3. Safe buffered pH of 5.5 for application on zinc-silicate
which the solution can be recycled to the mixing tank for coated tank surfaces.
reuse. 4. Gives a good cleaning result with a reduced cleaning
One solution can normally be used to wash several tanks. time.
After circulation rinse thoroughly with water. Application
Direct Injection Method The ordinary cleaning method with a synthetic soap takes
Inject 1-2 litres of Aquamarine Aquawash per 100 litres of a lot of time and is insufficient. A mild complexing acid
wash water directly into the tank washing system. Heat to solution in combination with synthetic soap gives a much
60-80˚C. After cleaning rinse thoroughly with water. better cleaning result.
Aquamarine Buffer Clean is used as a final cleaning
procedure when leaded gasoline must be removed or when
Product Ref. TC01
the tank has to be completely chloride or sulphide free, e.g.
for shipping pure chemicals.
Directions of use
After the normal cleaning depending on the nature of the
last cargo and subsequent rinsing with water, the cleaning
with Aquamarine Buffer Clean can start. Never dilute with
river or seawater. Fill a tank for 1/100 part with water and
add 5% Aquamarine Buffer Clean at maximum. The solution
is heated by means of heating coils in the tanks. The tanks
are washed with a loading pump, after which the used
solution is recycled to the mixing tank. Usually, one solution
is used to wash 2 - 3 tanks.
Aquamarine Buffer Clean is circulated with a limited contact
time of 30 - 45 minutes before rinsing at a temperature not
to exceed 45°C.
Tank Cleaning Products

Of essential importance for passing the chloride test is a

final rinse with chloride free, if possible hot, water.
plus IMO

If necessary, repeat this cleaning procedure.

Product Ref. TC02

40 Tel: 01684 290077 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

Caustic-Free Alkaline Natural Zest T1335A
Cleaner (IMO) (IMO)
Suitable for the removal of fatty acids, fish oils and other Suitable for the removal of mineral oils and greases,
drying or semi-drying oil deposits. lubricants, asphalt, coal tar, fatty acids, fish oils and other
Usage Instructions drying or semi-drying oil deposits.

Tank Recirculation Method Usage Instructions

Aquamarine Caustic-Free Alkaline Cleaner is added to a Prewash

mixing tank containing a fresh water quantity of 1% of the First before using Aquamarine Natural Zest it is necessary to
capacity of the tank to be cleaned. Using a cleaning solution prewash tanks with hot or cold water as appropriate.
of 0.1-1% heated to 60-80˚C, wash the tanks by circulation Tank Recirculation Method
for 2-6 hours, after which the solution can be recycled to the
mixing tank for reuse. Aquamarine Natural Zest is added to a mixing tank
containing a fresh water quantity of 1% of the capacity of
One solution can normally be used to wash several tanks. the tank to be cleaned. Using a cleaning solution of 0.2-1%
After circulation rinse thoroughly with water. heated to 20-80˚C depending on the cargo, wash the tanks
Direct Injection Method by circulation for 2-6 hours, after which the solution can be
Inject 0.5- 1 litre of Aquamarine Caustic-Free Alkaline recycled to the mixing tank for reuse.
Cleaner per 100 litres of wash water directly into the tank One solution can normally be used to wash several tanks.
washing system. Heat to 60-80˚C. After cleaning rinse After circulation rinse thoroughly with water.
thoroughly with water.
Direct Injection Method
Inject 0.1-0.2 litres of Aquamarine Natural Zest per 100 litres
Product Ref. TC03 of wash water directly into the tank washing system. Heat
to 20-80˚C. After cleaning rinse thoroughly with fresh warm

Product Ref. TC05

Tank Cleaning Products

plus IMO

Copyright © 2020 Aquamarine Chemicals - Bayer-Wood Technologies Ltd. 41

Neutral HCF (IMO) Rust and Rust Streak
A neutral degreaser for the removal of vegetable, animal Remover (IMO)
oils and fats from zinc silicate coated or aluminium tanks.
Usage instructions
First before using Aquamarine Neutral HCF it is necessary to
prewash tanks with hot water at 50˚C.
Tank Recirculation Method
Aquamarine Neutral HCF is circulated in a 1-2% solution
heated to 20-60˚C depending on the cargo 2-6 hours.
One solution can normally be used to wash several tanks.
After circulation rinse thoroughly with fresh water.
• Acidic liquid product for the cleaning of aluminium,
Product Ref. TC04 copper and removal of rust stains on paint work.
• It may be used for the removal of lime staining in tank
cleaning operations
• Cleans and brightens aluminium and copper.
• Removes rust stains without risk to paintwork.
• Safe on most common metals.
Usage Instructions for tank cleaning applications
If lime scale stains are present after completion of tank
cleaning operations, inject 0.5 litres Aquamarine Rust
Remover per 100 litres washing water directly into the
automatic washing system for approx. 20 minutes. The
recommended temperature is 75°C - 85°C.

Product Ref. TC06

For Rust Converter treatment use Aquasteel® see page 78.

Tank Cleaning Products
plus IMO

42 Tel: 01684 290077 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

Slip Coat
New generation Directions For Use
intermediate coating Before applying Slip Coat make sure the surface is
against staining, thoroughly cleaned. When the surface is dry Slip Coat is
applied directly from the drum as a ready to use mixture.
contamination and Spray the liquid on the cargo hold surfaces by use of
corrosion on cargo holds suitable low-pressure spraying equipment.
Discover the difference As soon as the surface appears wet, a proper film is created.
• Eco-friendly There is no need to apply more than necessary. Allow the
• Biodegradable film to dry completely before loading the cargo. Depending
on the air temperature and humidity, this will take between
• Excellent protection 1 - 2 hours.
• Wear resistant To remove Slip Coat from the cargo holds, use a 10 %
• Reduced cleaning time solution of IMO approved Aquawash. Spray the solution on
the surface and let soak for 20 - 30 minutes, then rinse off
• Easy to apply
with plenty of water.
Coverage / Film Thickness
Slip Coat is a wear resistant water based liquid product
1 litre of Slip Coat will cover 15 - 20 per m2.
especially formulated to leave a thin, temporary film on
The coating is supplied ready for use – do not dilute.
cargo hold surfaces. The film provides a barrier between
the cargo and the cargo hold surfaces making the cleaning Properties
operation after unloading quicker and easier with an Article number 14303 / 16303
excellent cleaning result.
pH 9
Density 1,01 g/cm3
• New generation water based coating
Flashpoint > 100 °C
• Wear resistant
Physical state Liquid
• High environmental sustainability
• Reduced cleaning time
All our supplied chemicals are IMO approved & comply
• Easy to apply and easy to remove with the Marpol MEPC 63/23/add. 1, Annex 24 resolution
• Non staining – does not contain any silicones, solvents MEPC.219(63) – Annex V – 2012 guidelines adopted March
or phosphates 2012.
• Safe to use on all surfaces For detailed information on safety and health, please refer
to the Material Safety Data Sheet MSDS and/or product label.
• Will not contaminate exposed cargo
Product Ref. SC
Slip Coat is applied to cargo holds to prevent cargoes like
Tank Cleaning Products

cement powder, coal/pet coke, fertilizers, grains, salt/

sulphur or iron ores to stick and/ or stain the cargo holds.
plus IMO

Resulting in savings: reduced cleaning time, shorter turn-

around times and reduced cleaning product consumption.

Copyright © 2020 Aquamarine Chemicals - Bayer-Wood Technologies Ltd. 43

Strong Alkaline Tank Cleaner HD (IMO)
Cleaner T1108A (IMO) Heavy duty concentrated
Suitable for the removal of fatty acids, fish oils and other solvent emulsion cleaner
drying or semi-drying oil deposits. Usage Instructions
Usage Instructions Tank Recirculation Method
Tank Recirculation Method Use a solution of 0.5-3% wash water mixed in the tank to be
Aquamarine Strong Alkaline Cleaner is added to a mixing cleaned, 5-30 litres of Tank Cleaner HD per tonne of wash
tank containing a fresh water quantity of 1% of the capacity water. The washing solution should be heated to 60˚C.
of the tank to be cleaned. Using a cleaning solution of After cleaning the solution should be pumped ashore or to
0.1-1% heated to 60-80˚C,wash the tanks by circulation for the ship slop tanks.
2-6 hours, after which the solution can be recycled to the
mixing tank for reuse. Direct Injection Method
One solution can normally be used to wash several tanks, Inject 0.1-0.2 litres of Tank Cleaner HD per 100 litres of tank
after circulation rinse thoroughly with water. wash water directly into the tank washing system. Allow a
cleaning time of 2-6 hours. After cleaning rinse with water.
Direct Injection Method
Other Applications
Inject 0.5- 1 litre of Aquamarine Strong Alkaline Cleaner
per 100 litres of wash water directly into the tank washing Aquamarine Tank Cleaner can be used neat by hand, spray
system. Heat to 60-80˚C. or brush application.
After cleaning rinse thoroughly with water. Aquamarine Tank Cleaner is compatible with most common
metals, epoxy, polyurethane and zinc silicate coatings.

Product Ref. TC07

Product Ref. TC08
Tank Cleaning Products
plus IMO

44 Tel: 01684 290077 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

Fuel Treatment Products
Fuel Treatment Products
Aquabac 80 - Fuel MBC Treatment
Aquaburn Fuel Enhancer
Aquamarine Distillate Fuel Improver
Emulsion Breaker
Fuel Combustion Improver
Fuel Sludge Controller
Fuel Soot Remover Powder
Fuel Vanadium Controller
Low Sulphur Diesel Fuel & Gas Oil - Lubricity Improver
Soot Remover Liquid

For product selection advice please call Aquamarine Chemicals

on 01684 290077 or email [email protected]

Copyright © 2020 Aquamarine Chemicals - Bayer-Wood Technologies Ltd. 45

Aquabac 80 Fuel Aquaburn®
MBC Treatment Fuel Enhancer
Fuel Treatment Products

Aquabac 80 is a low toxicity treatment developed for use Key benefits of using Aquaburn®
primarily in fuel storage systems and fuel tank. • Dissolves water in fuel permanently
How does it work? • Improves engine performance
Aquabac 80 contains a combination of different activity • Reduces fuel consumption
broad-spectrum treatments. These have an immediate
effect on both bacteria and fungi. • Permanently dissolves water in carbon, bio & marine
Aquabac 80 is effective in water, oil and at the interface
between oil and water. The microorganisms including • Reduces maintenance costs
sulphate-reducing bacteria are killed by exposure to the • Enhanced engine performance
treatment and MBC 80 can be used as a preventative
measure or as a shock treatment. It also contains good • Reduces harmful emmissions
anti-corrosive properties. • Greater fuel efficiency
Results of use • Cleans filters & injectors
Aquabac 80 prevents the corrosion and blockages caused by • A solution for new low sulphur fuel problems
high levels of microorganisms in fuel, water or lube oils. Aquaburn® prevents
Aquabac 80 is biodegradable at environmental dilutions. • Rusting and corrosion of components
Dosing Instructions • Governor/Metering component failure
Diesel fuels/heating oils 0.05 - 0.20 l/1000 l diesel/heating • Sticky metering components (both pump and nozzle)
oil continuously (50 - 200 p.p.m) (prophylactic treatment)
• Injection component wear and seizure
Diesel fuels/heating oils 0.20 - 0.50 l/1000 l diesel/heating
oil (200 - 500 p.p.m) (decontamination of contaminated • Bacterial fungus and ‘diesel bug’
diesel fuel/heating oil) Why you need Aquaburn®
Diesel fuels/heating oils 0.5 - 1.0 l/1000 l diesel/heating oil Diesel fuel attracts water and moisture from the moment
(500 - 1000 p.p.m) (shock dosing) it leaves the refinery. Contamination occurs during the
Summary delivery process, when transferring the fuel from tanker to
storage tanks and through condensation. In marine there is
A very strong broad-spectrum treatment for fuel, water or always additional water ingress in fuel storage.
lube oil contamination.
Water in the diesel fuel tank will inhibit engine performance
Please request dosing instructions for other applications. and cause it to run as if being starved of fuel. It will also
Fuel MBC Testing cause rapid wear and oxidize engine components resulting
Regular ongoing testing can be done on-board using RBS in injection damage, pitting, corrosion, engine in-efficiency
and SRB (Aerobic/Yeast and Fungi and Sulphite Reducing and ultimately, seizure.
Bacteria). About Aquaburn®
This can be determined using a 24 hour dipslide test and the Aquaburn® is a non biocide fuel additive that is proven to
Aquamarine Portable Dipslide Incubator. improve engine performance, reduce emissions and engine
wear, and reduce fuel consumption, from between 5 and
25 LTR
NSN J150-6840-99-889-8504 MARINE specific
Product Ref. AB80 Water in fuel causes problems, especially with Marine
Diesel as it will rapidly wear and oxidize steel components.

46 Tel: 01684 290077 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

Because of the environment water is prevalent in Marine Dosage Details: Aquaburn® will absorb at least its own
fuel not only through the natural process of attracting water volume in water. Run the tank down to a minimum

Fuel Treatment Products

while being transferred and transported but also through acceptable level. Physically drain off (where possible)
condensation and water ingress. AQUABURN® is the only any separated water. Add Aquaburn® equivalent to the
additive that dissolves any water in fuel tanks including sea amount of remaining water – if unsure add 0.2% of the
water and bonds it to the fuel to be burned in the normal total tank volume. Then recharge the storage tank with
manner resulting in enhanced engine performance, less fresh fuel to ensure the Aquaburn® is well mixed. Sample
emissions and a reduction in fuel consumption. should be clear and bright – if not further treatment may
AQUABURN® prevents bacterial growth, no more diesel be necessary. If water is an ongoing problem, then, 0.05%
bugs. at each refuelling is recommended. Individual vehicle
tanks may be treated at 250ml per 50 Litres of fuel prior to
AQUABURN® reduces maintenance costs. refuelling.
AQUABURN® Gives you enhanced fuel performance & fuel With the addition of the United States and Canada ECA
savings. (Emission Control Area) on August 1, 2012, bunker buyers
AQUABURN® Reduces harmful emissions with greater fuel and ship operators must be aware of issues and challenges
efficiency. that may arise when purchasing, handling and burning
lower sulfur fuel that is mandated in designated areas. At
Water in fuel will lead to the formation of Bacteria and least two different sulfur limits now exist. In certain zones,
Fungus to grow. Known as ‘Diesel Bug’ it is a major problem IMO regulations require fuels with 1.0% or less sulfur content
in fuel tanks and systems. It is caused by water attracting in geographic regions designated as ECA’s. Additionally,
Micro Bugs that will thrive on the water surface and live off in an increasing number of ports, 0.1% sulfur content
the bio matter in the fuel. must be used while at berth. To meet these requirements,
Before AQUABURN® was developed, this would have to be bunker suppliers will have different alternatives available
treated by biocides that add to the harmful emissions when depending on what feed-stocks are available locally. These
being burned through. AQUABURN® is a Bio Static and does low sulfur fuel oils may be comprised of specially refined
not contain Biocides. It permanently dissolves water in fuel residual oil, ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel oil designed for
so there is nowhere for the micro bugs to exist. motor vehicles and trains, and biodiesel. Refinery produced
AQUABURN® has already been called the Ultimate Diesel ultra-low sulfur fuel may have sulfur content as low as
Fuel treatment and is considered by our many customers to 0.0015%. Biodiesel naturally contains nearly zero sulfur
be an essential part of any marine vessel’s inventory. content.

AQUABURN® is the only diesel fuel treatment that Dissolves For more specific regulatory information, see IMO
water in diesel fuel permanently. Once mixed with the RESOLUTION MEPC.176(58). Each low sulfur alternative
diesel fuel in your tank, AQUABURN® continues working presents potential operating challenges, such as
thus preventing any further water contamination including compatibility, lubricity and biological contamination.
accidental or storm ingress in your diesel fuel! Unlike other These fuel differences must be understood, as they may
traditional additives that separates the water that has to have a significant impact on engine performance and
be drained off and disposed of as contaminated water, wear. Fortunately, each challenge can be mitigated by its
AQUABURN® dissolves the water and renders it as usable initial identification, and then designing a solution with
fuel, AQUABURN® is the only diesel fuel treatment that does Aquamarine’s fuel treatment products and services. Your
this. It doesnt get rid of water in Diesel Fuel; it uses it! Aquamarine account executive should be your first resource
in assuring you the right services and products to minimize
Low Sulfur Regulatory Solutions - IMO RESOLUTION any operating problems caused by low sulfur fuels.
MEPC.176(58) Each low sulfur alternative presents potential
operating challenges, such as compatibility, lubricity and For more information on this and other fuel management
biological contamination. regulations and on the use of our products, please contact
Aquamarine on 01684 290077.

Product Ref. AFE

Copyright © 2020 Aquamarine Chemicals - Bayer-Wood Technologies Ltd. 47

Aquamarine Distillate Emulsion Breaker
Fuel Improver
Fuel Treatment Products

EMULSION BREAKER rapidly breaks emulsions of water in

Aquamarine Distillate Fuel Improver is designed to improve oil in all grades of fuel. It aids water removal in the settling
several properties of modern distillate fuels. tank and fuel centrifuges.

It controls the formation of sludge and inhibits corrosion How does it work
whilst simultaneously improving lubricity. EMULSION BREAKER lowers the surface tension between
This helps to reduce problems created by filter clogging, the oil and water phases in an emulsion. It is completely
sticking injectors and corrosive attack on fuel system insoluble in water and remains in the fuel oil phase. It also
components. disperses sludges and any heavy particles into the fuel oil.

Features Results of use

• Improves the lubricity of low sulphur diesel fuels EMULSION BREAKER improves centrifugal separation of
fines, it helps prevent sludge formation and stabilises fuel
• Improves storage stability of fuels viscosity. The fuel filters and lines will be cleaner with less
• Fights corrosion inclination towards blockage.
• Helps to prevent fuel injector fouling The main purpose of EMULSION BREAKER is however to
rapidly split water in oil emulsions.
Dosing Instructions
Dosing Instructions
Dose Aquamarine Distillate Fuel Improver into the feed
lines. Product may be added to storage or blending tanks EMULSION BREAKER is dosed to the bunker tank prior or
with adequate mixing. during bunkering. Dosing is based on water content using
test results. If none are available an initial dose of 1:4000
Add the product at between 1 litre per 4 tonnes of fuel. should be used.
For lubricity use 1 litre per 10 tonnes of fuel to stabilise and Water % Vol 0.5 - 1.0 1.0 - 2.00 >2.0
improve distillate colour.
Dose Rate 1:4000 1:2000 1:1000

Pack Size 25 Ltr. Summary

Product Ref. DFI25 EMULSION BREAKER is an aid to the physical removal of
water from all grades of fuel.

Product Ref. EB

48 Tel: 01684 290077 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

Fuel Combustion

Fuel Treatment Products

FUEL COMBUSTION IMPROVER is a catalytic combustion Dosing Instructions
improver which permits the burning of lower cost residual FUEL COMBUSTION IMPROVER should be fed via a metering
fuel oils. pump into the suction side of the booster pump. As a
How does it work? second option it can be added to the settling tank.
The catalytic properties of FUEL COMBUSTION IMPROVER Ideally dosage rates should be determined from fuel
allow heavy fuel particles to be successfully consumed analysis tests. Alternatively as a general guide a dose of
during the act of combustion. Ignition temperature is 1:4000 should be applied.
lowered and combustion improved. In addition physical For a regular maintenance programme a dose of 1 litre per
agents decrease or prevent sludge formation and 25 tonnes is recommended.
separate emulsified water. The catalytic properties of FUEL
COMBUSTION IMPROVER also help to prevent the formation Summary
of acidic gases, which typically create sulphuric acid A catalytic combustion treatment which effects combustion
corrosion in the cooler parts of the boiler or engine. These to give more successful burning of low grade heavy fuels. It
include cylinder liners, valve stems, exhaust trunking and also has some physical properties.
funnel uptakes.
Results of use
Engine and exhaust components are kept cleaner with less Product Ref. FCI
maintenance and cleaning required. Less carbon and soot is
emitted thereby reducing smoke.
The fuel system has less clogging and better fuel flow,
giving better combustion. Acid corrosion is reduced in the
cold end of the engine.
Fuel tanks and pipes are left clean and free of sludge.

CCR % 12 14 16 18 20

DOSE 1:4000 1:3000 1:2500 1:2000 1:1000

CCR % = Conradson Carbon Residue

Copyright © 2020 Aquamarine Chemicals - Bayer-Wood Technologies Ltd. 49

Fuel Sludge Control
Fuel Treatment Products

FUEL SLUDGE CONTROL is a pre-combustion treatment used

to physically adjust fuel oils.
How does it work? Secondary Use
FUEL SLUDGE CONTROL helps to improve and clean up fuel FUEL SLUDGE CONTROL can also be used as a cleaner for oil
oil this prevents feed problems and also improves the preheaters, burner tips, fuel filters and other components of
combustion properties of the fuel oil. the fuel system.
FUEL SLUDGE CONTROL operates in several different Summary
beneficial ways. Firstly it helps to prevent the formation of
Precombustion bunker treatment to overcome problems
sludge, and it also disperses existing sludge. Secondly it
with poor quality fuel oil by physically modifying the fuel
breaks water in oil emulsions and gives superior separation
of water impurities and sediments from the fuel oil.
Centrifuges then work more effectively to remove water
and sediment contaminants. Thirdly FUEL SLUDGE CONTROL PACK SIZE 25 LTR
contains a corrosion inhibitor which leaves a thin coating Product Ref. FSC
of water repellent film, whilst simultaneously neutralising
acid attack.
Results of use
Fuel oil bunker lines remain cleaner and filter blockages are
reduced. All system components remain cleaner. Down time
of engines and boilers is reduced due to better running.
Combustion improves because a cleaner burn is achieved.
Fuel system components and tanks have reduced corrosion
and longer lives.
Dosing Instructions
FUEL SLUDGE CONTROL can be dosed to the bunker tank,
introduced to the settling tank or dosed into the transfer
line from storage.
Ideally dosage rates should be determined from fuel
analysis tests. If test results are not available an initial dose
of 1:3000 is recommended.

ASTM SPOT 1 2 3 4 5

SHF % <0.5 0.5 0.1 0.2 >0.5

DOSE NIL 1:3000 1:1500 1:500 1:200

SHF = Sediment by Hot Filtration

ASTM SPOT = Modified Spot Compatibility Test

50 Tel: 01684 290077 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

Fuel Soot Remover

Fuel Treatment Products

FUEL SOOT REMOVER is a powder product. It reduces soot
and slag deposits. Summary
How does it work? FUEL SOOT REMOVER is a powder product that prevents soot
FUEL SOOT REMOVER is a catalytically modifying product that deposits by adjusting ignition temperature. SOOT REMOVER
reduces the normal ignition temperature of soot from 600°C LIQUID is also available (See Product SRL).
to 300°C. This means that carbonaceous deposits are more
easily ignited and the resultant ash is easily removed from PACK SIZE 25KG KEG
engine exhaust systems. Product Ref. FSRP
Results of use
FUEL SOOT REMOVER yields greater fuel efficiency by
preventing the build up of soot on heat exchangers. It also
reduces acid formation which can cause cold end corrosion
in heat exchangers, superheaters and exhausts.
Dosing Instructions
FUEL SOOT REMOVER should be introduced to the exhaust
system upstream of the area to be treated.

Fuel oil Diesel fuel

Boiler Rating Steam evaporation Boiler dose Diesel dose
consumption consumption

HP kw tonnes/hour tonnes/day kg/day tonnes/day kg/day

200 150 3 7 1.0 10 1.5

400 300 6 15 2.0 20 3.0

600 450 9 22 3.0 30 3.5

800 600 12 30 3.5 40 4.0

1000 750 15 37 4.0 50 4.5

1500 1100 23 55 4.5

2000 1500 31 74 5.0

3000 2200 46 111 5.5

4000 3000 62 148 6.5

Copyright © 2020 Aquamarine Chemicals - Bayer-Wood Technologies Ltd. 51

Fuel Vanadium
Fuel Treatment Products

FUEL VANADIUM CONTROLLER modifies fuel ash raising Dosing Instructions

melting and sinter temperatures. The non sticking particles FUEL VANADIUM CONTROLLER should be dosed into the
produced are then emitted in the exhaust gases. service tank or via a chemical feed pump into the suction
How does it work? side of the booster pump.
FUEL VANADIUM CONTROLLER is a physically modifying Ideally dosing should be set according to fuel analysis.
product that forms an ash on burning that combines with If not available initially dose at a rate of 1:4000 or more
the vanadium and sodium ash from the fuel oil resulting in depending on the severity of the problem.
a complex ash that has a higher melting temperature than Summary
is normally maintained in the engine. The complex ash is
consequently unable to attach to the surfaces and is either FUEL VANADIUM CONTROLLER physically adjusts the potential
emitted or loosely attached to turbocharger and exhaust deposits of corrosion causing sodium and vanadium ash by
surfaces. raising their melting point. thereby allowing the potentially
damaging deposits to be exhausted.
In addition FUEL VANADIUM CONTROLLER helps to prevent
the catalytic effect on fuel sulphur of vanadium which
increases the formation of the undesirable sulphur trioxide PACK SIZE 25 LTR
and decreases the formation of sulphur dioxide. In this way Product Ref. FVC
FUEL VANADIUM CONTROLLER yields a reduction in acidic
Results of use
FUEL VANADIUM CONTROLLER reduces high temperature
corrosion on exhaust valve seats and turbocharger
components. Valve seating is improved as impacted ash is
reduced. Valve and seat lives are extended. Turbocharger
and exhaust system fouling is reduced. Problems caused by
sodium and vanadium contamination are reduced.

Dose rate Vanadium p.p.m

Sodium p.p.m 50 100 150 200 300 >400

25 1:4000 1:5000 1:3500 1:2500 1:1500 1:1000

35 1:2500 1:5000 1:3500 1:2500 1:1500 1:1000

50 1:2500 1:4000 1:3000 1:2500 1:1500 1:1000

65 1:2000 1:2500 1:2500 1:2500 1:1500 1:1000

75 1:2000 1:2500 1:2000 1:2500 1:1500 1:1000

85 1:1500 1:2500 1:1500 1:2500 1:1500 1:1000

100 1:1500 1:2500 1:1500 1:2500 1:1500 1:1000

52 Tel: 01684 290077 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

Low Sulphur Diesel
Fuel & Gas Oil -

Fuel Treatment Products

Lubricity Improver
Aquamarine Lubricity Improver is designed to act as a
lubricity additive for use in low sulphur diesel fuels and
gas oil.
• Improves the lubricity of low sulphur diesel fuels
• Protects your engine from wear
• Can be used in all types of fuels
Dose Aquamarine Lubricity Improver directly into the
transfer pump suction to ensure proper mixing. Product
may be added to storage or blending tanks with adequate
Add the product at between 0.01-0.02% to the fuel.

Pack Size 25 Ltr

Product Ref. LSLI25

Copyright © 2020 Aquamarine Chemicals - Bayer-Wood Technologies Ltd. 53

Soot Remover Liquid
Fuel Treatment Products

(Powder also available -

Product FSRP)
Aquamarine Soot Remover is a blend of metal nitrates and Dosage
catalysts in liquid form, formulated to inhibit the build-up The recommended dosage will vary between 5 - 20 litres
of fire-side deposits and reduce existing deposits. per system depending upon the heating surface area.
Uses/Benefits Following the injection of Aquamarine Soot Remover, 5
• Easy to use liquid litres of fresh water should be injected via the dosing pot
• Effective soot removal from exhaust gas economiser in order to keep the injection nozzle clean. If the nozzle
becomes blocked cleaning should be effected by immersing
• Aids/maintains economiser efficiency the nozzle in hot water.
• Minimise exhaust gas particulate matter The frequency of Soot Remover addition will depend on the
• For on-load removal and prevention of fire-side deposits nature and severity of the problem, varying from daily for
in exhaust gas systems severe deposition, to weekly as a maintenance dosage.
• Vaporises quickly and is distributed throughout the It is not necessary to ease the system loading or interfere in
exhaust gas system impregnating deposits such as soot, any way with normal operations when using Aquamarine
bonded vanadium or sulphatic compounds Soot Remover.
• Modifies deposits chemically and physically allowing
them to be easily removed by soot blowing or manual Pack Size 25 Litres
cleaning NSN J350-6850-99-993-0796
• Existing deposits may be loosened and disintegrate after Product Ref. SRL
a few weeks of treatment
• Will maintain the condition of clean exhaust gas systems
• Ideally suited for ballast and other tank protection
during ship lay-up periods.
Aquamarine Soot Remover should be applied to the hottest
part of the exhaust gas system. Application is via a pressure
pot and injection lance operated with compressed air at 50
- 100 p.s.i.. Injection should be as near to the turbocharger
outlet as possible.

54 Tel: 01684 290077 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

Toilets, Pipes, Sinks, Drains,
Showers, STP
Toilets, Pipes, Sinks, Drains,
Showers, STP
Aqua-Antifoam - Vacuum Toilets
Aqua-DPC Drain Pipe Cleaner Sachets
Aqua-floc 1003a - Flocculant
Aquamarine Bilge Buster
Bio-Brick - for grease traps
Bio-Card - waste odour control
Bio-vac Enzyme System Cleaner
Enzyme Effluent Treatment Powder
Enzyme Descaling Sachets for the descaling of uric scale
Enzyme Toilet Cleaner
Enzyme Grease Trap and Galley Waste Degrader
Multi Surface Cleaner - 750ml Trigger Spray Bottle
Power Flower - for showers
Shower Head Cleaner Plus
Total Enzyme Drain Unblocker

Copyright © 2020 Aquamarine Chemicals - Bayer-Wood Technologies Ltd. 55

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