BSC (H) Mathematics P VIII Module XV N 1145
BSC (H) Mathematics P VIII Module XV N 1145
BSC (H) Mathematics P VIII Module XV N 1145
Eighth Paper
(Module - XV)
Full Marks : 50
Group - A
(Marks : 25)
Section - I
Answer any two questions.
2 2
1. (a) Prove that E 1 1 .
2 4
(b) The absolute error in the common logarithm of an approximate number is less than half the relative
error of the number. — Justify or rectify it. 6+4
2. (a) Find the second-order divided difference of sin x for the arguments , , .
6 4 2
(b) Define confluent divided difference f x0 , x0 of the function f (x). Show that the first-order divided
difference f x0 , x1 of the function f (x) is independent of its arguments x0, x1 if and only if f (x)
is a linear polynomial of x. 4+(2+4)
3. (a) Write down Lagrange’s linear interpolation polynomial for interpolating f (x) at the distinct points
x0 and x1.
(b) Establish a polynomial interpolation formula with at least three terms (without error term) for h (x)
for the given set of n + 1 equally spaced nodes x0, x1, x2, ......, xn (x0 < x1 < x2 < ...... < xn) to be
used for a point near to the node xn. 2+8
4. Obtain the composite form of Simpson’s rule. Why composite form is used? State with reason whether
Simpson’s rule is an open type or a closed type formula. 6+2+2
Please Turn Over
P(III)-Mathematics-H-8(Mod.-XV) (2)
5. (a) Explain the principle of numerical differentiation.
(b) If the value of the integral
cx9 dx is exact when it is computed by simple trapezoidal rule,
find the value of c. Does this contradict that trapezoidal rule has the degree of precession one?
Justify. 4+4+2
Section - II
Answer any one question.
6. Describe regula-falsi method to determine approximately a real simple root of an equation f (x) = 0.
Why does the method call “linear interpolation method”? 3+2
7. Describe Gauss’s elimination method with partial pivoting to find the approximate roots of a simultaneous
system of 4 linear equations in 4 unknowns. How does Gauss’s elimination method with partial pivoting
decide whether the system has unique solution or not? Is there any role of partial pivoting to guard
round off error during the elimination process? Justify. 3+1+1
8. (a) Explain the method of fixed point iteration for approximating a simple real root of an equation of
the form x = (x), where (x) and (x) are continuous on an interval about .
(b) Derive a sufficient condition of convergence of the above method.
(c) Find also the order of convergence of the above method if () 0. 2+2+1
dy y2
9. Given 1 , where y(2) = 2. Compute y(2.2) by Euler’s method, correct to four decimal places,
dx x
taking h = 0.05. 5
Group - B
(Marks : 25)
Section - I
Answer any one question.
10. (a) What do you understand by a source and an object program? What is the role of compiler in
connecting these programs? 2+2+2
(b) Find the value of x by 2’s complement method : 2×3
( x)8 (10101) 2 (2 B )16
(c) If (101011)2 = (53)r , then find the value of r. 2×2
(d) What is the difference between if-else and switch case in C? 2×2
What is the difference between Do-loop and Implied Do-loop in FORTRAN? 2×2
(3) P(III)-Mathematics-H-8(Mod.-XV)
11. (a) Write an algorithm to compute the sum of the first n terms of the divergent series :
1 1 1
1 3 1 3 1 3 ......
4 4 4
(b) Write a program in FORTRAN 77/90 or C to read two square matrices A and B of order 3. Hence
write a program to find A + B. 10+(6+4)
12. (a) Draw a flowchart for the evaluation of the polynomial f ( x) ax3 bx 2 cx d for x = 0 to 1
increasing in steps 0.1 and for given value of a, b, c, and d.
(b) Write a C or FORTRAN program for finding kth smallest number of a given list of n distinct real
numbers. 10+10
2 1
13. (a) Write a C or FORTRAN program to evaluate
sin 1 x tan 1 x dx by Simpson’s
rule with
z x