Bahria University Islamabad

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Bahria University Islamabad

Project Report

Department of Management

Submitted By: Bahrians

Group members: Shakeel Zafar

Muzamil Ahmed

Submitted to: Sir Saad K. Bashir


All the praises are for the almighty,

Allah who bestowed us with the ability
and potential to complete this Project.
We also pay our gratitude to the
Almighty for enabling us to complete
this Project Report within due course
of time.

We also pay my gratitude to our

beloved Teacher Mr. Saad K. Bashir
Department of management Sciences,
Bahria University Islamabad for his
constant encouragement and inspiring
us his guidance with his wisdom
through out the whole semester.
Table of content

• Mission Statement
• Form of Business
• Market Research
• Marketing process

• SWOT/PEST Analysis
• Analyzing the marketing
• Responding to the marketing
• Core customer value
• Features of product(196)
• Product life-cycle strategies(220)
• Product development process
• Marketing channels
Market Research
Productions of Fresh Milk Production and Consumption Up
to 2008 – 09:

Annual Production Annual Consumption

(million liters) (million liters)

2008-09 35495.25 36361.25

2009-10 37669.75 38188.92

Projections of UHT Milk Production and Consumption up to

2008– 09:

Annual Production Annual Consumption


(million liters) (million liters)

2008-09 648.43 353.71

2009-10 753.89 372.05

Top ten buffalo milk producers in 2007[27] Country Production
(tonnes) Note India 59,210,000 Unofficial/Semi-official/mirror
data Pakistan 20,372,000 official figure People's Republic of
China 2,900,000 FAO estimate Egypt 2,300,000 Nepal
958,603 official figure Iran 241,500 FAO estimate Myanmar
220,462 official figure Italy 200,000 FAO estimate Vietnam
32,000 Turkey 30,375 official figure World 86,574,539
Mission statement

To provide quality products to customers

and explore new markets to
promote/expand sales of the company
through good governance and promote a
sound and dynamic team, so as to achieve
optimum prices of products of the
company for sustainable and equitable
growth and prosperity of the company.
An open market driven, innovative &
dynamic Milk Production & Distribution
Sector which is internationally Integrated,
Globally Competitive.

Form of Business

Our company is private limited under the section 2(28) of the companies ordinance. One
of the major advantage of private limited company is double taxation is exempted on it.
Our members are limited (four members).
Marketing Process

Understand the Design a

marketplace & customer-driven
customer needs marketing
& wants strategy

Capture value Integrated

from marketing
customers in program &
return superior value

Build profitable
relationships &
create customer
Understand the market place &
customer needs and & wants

Need is the basic thing in human life. It is

a state of felt deprivation. In this era
everyone needs milk for health and milk
is the basic need of human. Want is
something which taken by human need as
shaped by culture and individual
personality. Everyone wants pure &
healthy milk (proteins & fats) milk for his
health. Demand relate to the price of the
product or a human want that are backed
by buying power. Our company is
providing such type of milk which a
customer is demanding and can pay for
that e.g. tetra pack milk, cream, Butter

Marketing Strategy

Consisting of leading marketing

professionals of the industry, who are
graduates of top business schools of
Pakistan, the Marketing Department
ensures that from product need
identification to product development,
launch and post-launch, all strategic
decisions are made based on authentic
information and research.
Integrated Marketing
Once the brand will introduce the
organization want to add more product
lines to it. Therefore they conduct
another marketing research to find out
the success of Aqua Pure. The
researchers will start off with secondary
data that will available, to uncover the
level of complexity involved in such a
decision and the magnitude of success.

Build Profitable relationship

“Customer is the reason for our existence
as a business”

Allowing the formation of individualized

relationships with customers with the aim
of improving customer satisfaction &
maximizing profits; identifying the most
profitable customers and providing them
the highest level services. There are
following core customer values:

1. Leadership
2. Innovation
3. Quality & continuous improvements
4.Open communications
5. Individual growth and development
6. Enthusiastic pursuit of profit
7. Ethics and integrity
8. Ethics and integrity

Product Life Cycle (PLC)

After going through the introduction stage, now
our company is at the Growth stage. As we have
many rivals in the field of production of milk,
which have made their name in this field. As our
company is new in this field, so it is at the growth
stage. We also are trying to take Aqua Pure at
the maturity level.
4p’s of Marketing Mix

•Aqua Pure Milk
•Aqua Pure milk is EFL’s standardized
and homogenized pure UHT (Ultra
heat treated) milk with 3.5 % fat and
8.9 % solid non-fats.
•It is available in easy-to-open, 6-
Layered Tetra Pak Brick Aseptic red
packaging and comes with a 3
months shelf life.

Placement & distribution

• In order to succeed, you should ALWAYS
capitalize on your STRENGHTS and
• Aqua pure Foods did exactly that.

• Have launched in major cities of

• It reflects the company’s intention to
become a big player in the industry,
both on national and international level.
• Aqua Pure Limited has its own
distribution network.

Promotion & Advertising

• Aqua Pure’s launch was, perhaps one of

the most aggressive as far as processed
liquid milk (PLM) is concerned, with TV
Cs, print ads, radio commercials,
billboards and activities including direct
consumer and shop branding activities.
• Media mix for Aqua Pure milk includes
TV, print, ourdoor advertisement,


• Aqua pure is pursuing the

competitive pricing strategy for its
• In competitive pricing the price of
the product is determined
considering the price of major
competitors like Nestle, Haleeb etc.

Price comparison

Siz Aqua Nestle Halee Halee

e Milkpac Milkpak b b
(ml) k Dairy
100 55 65 63 60
500 33 39 38 36
250 17 20 19 18

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